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Effing Gretchen Whitmer. Lest we forget, tyrants are enabled. We packed up and split south primarily because of the significant number of Michigan residents (our former neighbors, basically) who actually believe Whitmer is doing a good job and support her. They are all communing at the altar with Doritos and the Body of Fauci. I have this visual image of "Harriz/Walz" signs lining the street in our former neighborhood.

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That mockery of the Holy Eucharist is pure evil: proof that she is an actual demon. I would pray for her conversion, but demons can't be converted...

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The whole Whitmer/Nessel/Benson cabal is a triumvirate of evil. I'd like to believe that they were installed by some dark force but having lived in the Detroit suburbs most of my life I understand how people there think. Victimization - "Detroit Against the World" t-shirts, for example - is a big part of the Michigan mentality. It's everyone else's fault that a beautiful state like Michigan is turning into a sh*thole. Third World-level roads, crumbling infrastructure, abandoned by unions and the auto industry. They were begging for this.

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That mentality has been cultivated since the so-called Great Society of LBJ, add the government/Democrat run indoctrination (school) systems, removing God from the public square and the center of our lives, rampant drug abuse and we get the dependency cancer that took over the Democrat run cities and spreads outward. Just look at the change in the country from Reagan's 1984 landslide victory in 49 states. The only state that Mondale "won" was his home state of MN, and they had to cheat to do that. The Democrat party is now full on Marxist/Socialist and the Republicans, largely RINO keeping spending us into oblivion are afraid to call out the evil of ripping arms and legs off of a baby in the womb and sucking the child's brain out with a vacuum cleaner at the 7, 8, 9 months of life and wonder why they lose elections... insanity.

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It's interesting that we're witnessing a 'Reagan Renaissance' now. America is experiencing a collective "WTF" moment.

Like everything that is being reduced to tribalist ideological lines, even Reagan's legacy in retrospect is subject to competing viewpoints. There's the McNamara/Klausner/Kengor bio-pic version that depicts Reagan as a staunch conservative and anti-communist warrior versus the version being painted by Neocon Max Boot. I despise Boot and won't read his book, but I am willing bet that he will argue somehow that Kamala Harris and the Neocons are the ideological progeny of Reagan.

Knowing how much Reagan despised Bush the Elder, I am confident that he is rolling in his grave seeing what has become of the United States and the Republican Party in the last forty years.

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100% agree. I also despise Max Boot (if that is his real name). When Dems find it necessary to try to pander for votes by calling on Reagan's legacy during debates to somehow show a connection there, there is something to the 'Reagan Renaissance', not just within the MAGA/America First movement that I would argue is the modern version of the Reagan Revolution that we all so loved.

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That story about Boot and his wife taking Chinese Communist payola sure did get memory-holed, didn't it?

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"President Reagan, do you take any responsibility for the mess that is America?"

"I do. For many years, I was a Democrat."

Of course, the legacy of men like Grover Cleveland is a good one. Wilson, not so much.

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I think Wilson and his merry gang of progressive commies did more harm to the Republic than just about any president. Just some of what a constitutionalist should view as failures, but the progressive/big government types see as success: 1913, the year the Republic died, gave us the 16th Amendment (made a direct line from the federal leviathan to the individual with no state between them), 17th Amendment (destroyed the state legislature's representation at the federal level, ensuring that "senators" become mere 6 term congressmen with slightly different rules/responsibilities and no accountability to their state), Federal Reserve System (no commentary/clarification of this evil is needed... we are bankrupt because of it - only the money printing device has delayed the inevitable). He also gifted us the war to perpetuate all wars (which ensured us every war from WWII to present) and segregation of the military.

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Yeah, he was a disaster domestically. People also forget the sequence that followed his declaration of war on Germany: the Germans, realizing they could not overcome the Western Front with American support, put Lenin on the train to take out Kerensky's government in Russia, unleashing 75 years of Bolshevik misery on that land. So when people complain about Biden (I still think W was worse, but it's like comparing which Apple in the barrel was most rotten) being the worst President, there's really no comparison to Wilson.

Was hoping he would get canceled for the racism of his 1915 decisions with the army, but BLM failed to do us a solid there.

Putting Wilson in power is one reason I would support chipping Teddy Roosevelt off Mount Rushmore.

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Great points.

Yes, that is interesting that they didn't cancel Wilson, but then again, he was their academic/professor "smartest guy in the room" president. Kind of like his girlfriend (not literally) their eugenics queen Margeret Sanger. They don't cancel her either, even though she was the evil behind "planned" parenthood.

The Republicans have really added to the federal leviathan (Nixon and the various alphabet soups that grew life during his administration, revenues doubled under Reagan but spending went through the roof, W gave us the "Patriot" Act, endless wars, "low sulfur" diesel, bank bailouts, and kept running his mouth the weeks leading up to the election to ensure that people were sufficiently tired of him and they voted for BHO rather than McCain. My wife and I remember saying, "just shut up", "get out of the spotlight", yet he couldn't help himself or he was doing what he was told... I still think McCain had a good shot if W hadn't done the bank bailouts and his mouth running leading up to election day.

My top five worst presidents that did the most to harm the Republic: Wilson #1, LBJ #2, BHO #3, FJB #4, with W very, very close behind at #5.

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You forgot the 18th amendment, originally the Volstead Act, meant to shut down German American biergartens. This from the same President who banned the performance of works of Beethoven. His insufferable superiority, echoed in modern woke sorts, is captured in a story by the late, great Angelo Codevilla:

"I remember a classmate of mine saying, 'Why, man, can’t you let anything alone?' I said, ' I let everything alone that you can show me is not itself moving in the wrong direction, but I am not going to let those things alone that I see are going downhill.'"

Downhill, of course, being anyone making a decision a Prog does not agree with. German-American Mencken captured this sense from Wilson when he wrote that Puritanism is the sneaking suspicion that someone may be happy.

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Hold on...you also forgot about the 19th Amendment -- giving women the right to vote. When I trace back to slide of America into a country where feminization rules, this is the starting point. Women are different than men; we can agree on that. And they tend to cast their votes for the most photogenic and the con-artists who claim to care about the electorate ("I feel your pain.") Women vote using their "feelings" about candidates rather than use logic to vote for those who understand and want to protect the constitution, along with the power of laissez-faire capitalism to secure and improve our future.

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Indeed. Reagan's catchphrase in 1980 was "Let's make America great again".

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Boot was a complete utter moron from the days when he was a raging True Conservative writing op eds in the WSJ.

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I agree on the "complete utter moron" part. It's not surprising that Boot eventually gravitated to the Kristol and Kagan/PNAC camp.

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Back in my employed days, we had the WSJ and American Spectator delivered to the office so I had quite a lot of reading material alternative to the NYT which I read cover to cover too.

In my view the only worthwhile op ed columnist the WSJ had was Dorothy Rabinowitz. The rest--including Bret Stephens, now the "conservative" voice at the NYT, were the most gormless/raging fool representatives any failed political camp could hope for.

It's all very well to talk about the Uniparty now but that ought to have been recognized a good few decades ago before we blew up the rest of the world left standing after WWII.

I am so old that I can still remember moderate Republicans of common sense, though I was too young to vote for any of them, and they are extinct now.

It was Reagan who seeded the crazy wing that is the entirety of the Republican party now and it's remarkable to me that anyone concerned about the direction of the country now can look back at that entertainer with fondness.

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I haven't been back to the USA since 2016 (yes, that year. The Cubs won, and Chump won, too - it was a surprising year). And I haven't been to Detroit since the early 2000's.

So - I'm watching "Only Lovers Left Alive" with Tom Hiddleston, living in a famous derelict mansion in Detroit, and driving through the blasted streets. Can someone tell me how accurate this is? I know it's Hollywood, and I know what Detroit was like in 2005 - but I've heard it's much, much worse now.

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I've never seen the movie you're referring to so I can't comment on how Detroit is depicted. Personally, I always loved Detroit - even during the bad times - and still do. Having lived in the Detroit suburbs and working downtown most of my adult life, I always felt that its bad reputation was exaggerated.

Admittedly, Detroit still has its issues with crime and urban blight. There are places in greater Detroit that a rational person shouldn't go but that's true of pretty much every American city.

However, I can say that Detroit is no longer the post-apocalyptic disaster that it was as far back as 2005. People like Dan Gilbert and the Ilitch family have invested a lot of money in Detroit's infrastructure and many business have followed. They just completed renovation of the train station which is a thing of beauty and which I never thought would happen.

I am willing to bet that you would be pleasantly surprised if you went back. Take a virtual trip down Woodward on Google Earth, starting around the Wayne State area.

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Thank you, I will.

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Sounds like our old neighborhood in WA. Right before we moved to TX six months ago we found out one neighbor stopped talking to us four years ago (we were so busy we didn’t notice) because of our Trump flag. It is amazing to live where free speech is respected after 22 years in the PNW Gulag.

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I am still in that PNW Gulag and am jealous of you getting out!

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We retire soon and an exit from the PNW Gulag cannot come soon enough. Inslee in Washington has destroyed this state.

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F*ck Inslee.

Ok sorry. I feel better now. My husband and I spent the morning again debating the merits of the most beautiful place we’ve ever lived against the overpopulated, entitled, self righteous scolds that inhabit this place. The Seattle area happens to have world class level care providers for my relatively rare genetic disorder. Sort of stuck.

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Perhaps you and your husband can inject a little more rationality when you encounter one of the scolds even just by being kind in the face of their scold-i-ness. Behavior IS contagious. Best of luck in that neck of the woods and with your medical concerns.

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Kindness is my default. We moved here from the Carolinas. The scolds are deaf due to their self righteousness. But I’m going to confound them with kindness.

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Good on ya!

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Born and raised in western Washington. Still have family/friends. At first couldn’t afford to stay and now that plus the endless politics.

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Welcome to Texas! We still have a lot of commies in the big cities though, and they have multiple election cheats figured out on the local level. Fortunately the governor and AG largely keep them in check.

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And yet, democrats / media, even as I write, talk about Whitmer being a very strong presidential candidate in ‘28 - I kid you not.

I feel very sorry for anyone ensconced in the Democratic Party camp but I shouldn’t, look at the damage that they have done. This is what you get from Soros, Gates, Hillary, Obama, Getty, Newsom, and their ilk. The democrat party needs to change their name to Trojan Horse.

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Exactly. I don't know how Big Gretch's record will play on a national stage - she won't have local Gannet media like the Freep and the Detroit News providing the apologia and running interference for her. I'm in the P.J. O'Rourke camp and I see it as a 'Uniparty' problem. The GOP - including the corrupt and impotent MI GOP - has its own house to clean.

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So glad to see comment referencing Newscum! Came close to having him recalled but good old Aunt Nancy saved his 🫏 ( I know there only relations was thru family marriage) but that speaks volumes to the corruption here in Calidorknia

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I call it Mexifornia

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I call it Newsom’stan.

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G-d forbid. I live in Michigan and despise the 3 Hocus Pocus sisters who’ve stolen our government. Of course I also despise the pathetic, feckless GOPers who not only let them get away with everything during the Ro but their failure was so spectacular they lost their majority (not, as I said, that they were actually doing anything with it).

The idea of that monstrous, entitled, evil woman as president is horrifying. As one of her unhappy constituents, I promise … NOBODY wants that.

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You perfectly summed up how I feel about Michigan with its evil triumverate and useless and enabling RINOS. I am happy to be a *former* resident.

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I too, would LOVE to be a former resident, but unfortunately that’s not a choice right now! If you don’t mind, may I ask where you did move to?

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Texas, but the choice was made by my husband, and because he wants to retire soon and wanted to live out here in the desert Southwest, not for the purpose of fleeing the disaster that is Michigan right now. But it's still nice to not be in that political scene.

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Trojan Jackass

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Talk about a demon in disguise.

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What disguise? She never fooled me. She exploited the death of a baby with a pre-existing health condition by claiming that the baby died from covid. She told people they couldn't gather with anyone outside their household for so long, and kept dangling the promise of "soon" but pulling it away again so often that a little 11-year-old boy killed himself. Her lawyer basically said that if people didn't think her restrictions were lawful, they could sue her, by which he meant that she could do whatever she wanted, and no one could stop her, and the only possible remedy was a lawsuit so expensive, time-consuming, and energy-depleting that most couldn't manage to hold out through it, and even if anyone did, the damage was already done months or even years before the final outcome.

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A Satan hire, for sure.

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They're addicted to their devices/ and mind-controlled MKUltra blue light tech...otherwise they'd have the spiritual eyes to see, if their pineal and frontal lobes weren't constantly irradiated by their phones. Some are more susceptible, especially those spiritually bereft and less healthy IMO

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To say nothing of her fake "kidnapping" attempt.

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Spot on, Tonya. Yet, we would engage in surreal conversations with people who would defend everything you described. I had a neighbor with a yard sign that read, "Thank You Governor Whitmer for Saving Us". (This was a person who would wear a mask to retrieve her mail from the mailbox adjacent to our street. I was tempted to egg and t.p. her house before we moved but in the end I thought, "screw it").

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Good on ya that you listened to the better angels of your nature. 😉

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Demon in plain view. It was obvious in 2018.

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Whitmer's a peach. She's claiming that this current video is not mocking Catholics.

Isn't she the same liar who had an "86 45" pillow behind her during one of her ads in 2020, and then claimed she didn't know what "86-ing someone" meant?

Call these liars out every chance you get.

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I read about Gretchen's applogy for the Doritos incident. Sadly, people will believe it was unIntentional.

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Yeah I don't see how "If he won't, Big Gretch will" has ANYTHING AT ALL to do with the CHIPS Act.

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Even if the similarity to the religious ritual was unintential (which I am NOT granting), the total cringe and debauchery of the highly suggestive sexual imagery is inappropriate. The people decrying the "grab 'em by the p###y" line are totally okay with this.

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The old hypocrisy thing.

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Now that's a handle!

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My Oregon friends are downtrodden as they feel the Radical Left will win. But they are living in the looney bin. I give them hope by sending pictures of my long country road filled with Trump Vance flags. The South flourishes as the Democrat run West coast continues to decline.

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Did my weekend gravel ride which includes a wealthy Nashville suburb. I saw many Trump signs and flags but not a hint of Harris/Walz. Support for Trump is there and its formidable. On top of that, the traditional DNC constituencies cannot be counted on to goose-step in unison in blind support of Kamala. However, I don’t put anything past those people.

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Hope your new pastures are greener.

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"A friend said Doritos are symbolic for the satanists."

I haven't heard that one. Nothing shocks me anymore and I would love to hear more about that. I just kept my sons from eating them as the second-to-lowest form of consumable above Twinkies.

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Me either. Can the Devil be that square that he would stoop to using a snack food in his daily rituals?? 🤓

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