I hope Gato is correct and, if he isn't correct, I hope to share the same gulag with him.

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They’re gonna need a bigger gulag

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They can try...but i don't think they understand we're all going down swinging.

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They think they will be up against people like themselves, pussies and posers. They will find out that they are up against people who have a spine and are capable of doing Irishman Michael Collins' tactics on their sorry asses.

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Are they not watching what citizens of NC are capable of on their own???

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Very good point.

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Point well taken!! Who needs FEMA?

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FEMA should be renamed FEMHA: Federal Emergency Moral Hazard Agency

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Love seeing all that "toxic masculinity" on display. "FEMA? We don't need no stinkin' FEMA!" (hat tip to Mel Brooks 😂) We will rebuild our own bridges!


Unfortunately, I couldn't find the link with the pics of NC men utilizing the materials at hand to rebuild some of the smaller bridges in their area. I will take another crack at it, but need to get going before church starts.

Mrs. "the Knife"

P.S. That being said, taxpayer monies should be used to help TAXPAYERS in the event of a disaster!

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The only people who go against this bs are those who have to have a spine. And it doesn't take much. I am a self-owning puss. I have irrational fears out the wazoo, and so I recognize their BS for what it is. In the words of Peter Boyle from the movie "The Dream Team" "Don't mess with my psychosis."

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Yup. Agree.

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And shoo_ing

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Y'all don't have to worry about entertainment. I've just started taking harmonica lessons and should be pretty good by The Time Comes.

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I've been feeling a shift in the matrix - I'm sure all of us have to a degree. After all, I've found a voice on SubStack and I've bumped into many of you who have been murmuring the same thing on other SubStacks. I truly appreciate the leaders in this maturing endeavor - EGM, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Christopher Rufo - and so many others who I am not acquainted with.

Jefferson Smith said it best: "I guess this is just another lost cause, Mr. Paine. All you people don't know about lost causes. Mr. Paine does. He said once they were the only causes worth fighting for, and he fought for them once, for the only reason any man ever fights for them: Because of one plain simple rule: Love thy neighbor. And in this world today, full of hatred, a man who knows that one rule has a great trust. You know that rule, Mr. Paine. And I loved you for it just as my father did, and you know that you fight for the lost causes harder than for any others."

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I just said recently on another good Substack (here's Lil's weekly Saturday Morning Coffee from yesterday - https://lilliagajewski.substack.com/p/saturday-morning-coffee-october-12) how I wished a Mr. Smith would go to Washington, or a Job Programs Dave would suddenly have to stand in for the Prez who's on life support, would fight for US because they love us.

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It is good to fight them on the web. It is also good to fight them in the streets. Precinct committeeperson, pollwatcher, election judge; the choice is yours.

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That's where this thing is heading....the streets, no holds barred...Sad to say, as usual, you can vote yourself into the Whitmers of the World, but you have to shoot your way out...

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All I can say is, please participate in this, our last "free" election. As to the rest, I have three words: water, ammo and MREs.

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But Elon Musk was RIGHT. And his endorsement the most consequential of this election cycle.

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He also caved into Brazil's censorship demands. He isn't going to save you. He couldn't even save his own son from the trans BS.

They have virtually all radio, print, TV and internet censoring and yet Substack and Rumble held out. When they close those we will still have the peer to peer TOR and Qortal networks.

If they could not win with 99.999% censorship and they couldn't then they can not win.

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And his purchase of Twitter blew a hole in the wall that was hiding much of the deviousness & duplicity that has been going on for the last 10 years.

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You must not try to post “hateful content” very often :)

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Or even just Pointing and Laughing at them in the Grocery Store.

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A week ago there was a car traveling thru my very neighborly neighborhood which was being carelessly driven. After I allowed the car to cut in front of me at a 4 way Stop - no big deal, really - a few moments later, I see a plastic cup come flying out the driver's side window onto the street. Well, I went into orbit - in my head at least - and I followed that car trying to get a license number. The driver pulled over on a side street and I pulled up next to him and said, "Hey, first you didn't stop when you should have and then you throw a plastic cup out of the window?! Do you live in this neighborhood?" When he replied that he didn't I suggested he go back and pickup the cup.

His friend in the passenger seat piped up about how I shouldn't be telling them what to do. And then he pulled out - "That is RACIST!" At which point I said, "Don't even start with that stuff" - something I wouldn't have ever said before.

His next step was to tap on his phone and say, "I'm calling my attorney!" And I retorted, "My husband IS an attorney - so we can call that a draw!" By this time the driver was apologizing which I thanked him for. IMO - THAT was the right note for him to hit. Quite the long walk for that one line, I know, but in my book, well worth it.

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A neighbor’s 21 year old son loves to drive through our very quiet neighborhood at around 45mph with some loud exhaust (or whatever makes a car very loud). I finally had it one day because my kids were out playing (as usual) and I became scared he would hit them.

He refused to say he’d slow down, told me to get off his property (I had followed him to his house), and then told me “that JUST might happen” when I told him he may hit one of my kids.

I was so upset that day. He did not care he lived in a nice neighborhood and needed to slow down.

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51 mins ago·edited 51 mins ago

"Well, I went into orbit"

You already know I dig your style, Jules, but yeah. I've had enough.

"plastic cup*

Me and Mrs. Pi went to DC a few years back to watch a Nats game and got a room near the stadium. We met up in the lobby with friends from the suburbs. We shared the elevator with three young people, one of whom, after popping a complimentary mint into her mouth, dropped the plastic wrapper onto the elevator floor at her feet.

While they were talking (loudly and crudely, I must note) I bent down and picked up the wrapper, and looked her straight in the eye as I slipped it into my pocket. And she said, I totally swear, "Oh no you di-in't.

Our floor beeped and we walked out. Anthony said, "That was brutal!"

I hate that total lack of respect for everything and everyone.

*presents arms* You have my Torch and my Pitchfork.

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Effing Gretchen Whitmer. Lest we forget, tyrants are enabled. We packed up and split south primarily because of the significant number of Michigan residents (our former neighbors, basically) who actually believe Whitmer is doing a good job and support her. They are all communing at the altar with Doritos and the Body of Fauci. I have this visual image of "Harriz/Walz" signs lining the street in our former neighborhood.

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That mockery of the Holy Eucharist is pure evil: proof that she is an actual demon. I would pray for her conversion, but demons can't be converted...

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The whole Whitmer/Nessel/Benson cabal is a triumvirate of evil. I'd like to believe that they were installed by some dark force but having lived in the Detroit suburbs most of my life I understand how people there think. Victimization - "Detroit Against the World" t-shirts, for example - is a big part of the Michigan mentality. It's everyone else's fault that a beautiful state like Michigan is turning into a sh*thole. Third World-level roads, crumbling infrastructure, abandoned by unions and the auto industry. They were begging for this.

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That mentality has been cultivated since the so-called Great Society of LBJ, add the government/Democrat run indoctrination (school) systems, removing God from the public square and the center of our lives, rampant drug abuse and we get the dependency cancer that took over the Democrat run cities and spreads outward. Just look at the change in the country from Reagan's 1984 landslide victory in 49 states. The only state that Mondale "won" was his home state of MN, and they had to cheat to do that. The Democrat party is now full on Marxist/Socialist and the Republicans, largely RINO keeping spending us into oblivion are afraid to call out the evil of ripping arms and legs off of a baby in the womb and sucking the child's brain out with a vacuum cleaner at the 7, 8, 9 months of life and wonder why they lose elections... insanity.

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It's interesting that we're witnessing a 'Reagan Renaissance' now. America is experiencing a collective "WTF" moment.

Like everything that is being reduced to tribalist ideological lines, even Reagan's legacy in retrospect is subject to competing viewpoints. There's the McNamara/Klausner/Kengor bio-pic version that depicts Reagan as a staunch conservative and anti-communist warrior versus the version being painted by Neocon Max Boot. I despise Boot and won't read his book, but I am willing bet that he will argue somehow that Kamala Harris and the Neocons are the ideological progeny of Reagan.

Knowing how much Reagan despised Bush the Elder, I am confident that he is rolling in his grave seeing what has become of the United States and the Republican Party in the last forty years.

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100% agree. I also despise Max Boot (if that is his real name). When Dems find it necessary to try to pander for votes by calling on Reagan's legacy during debates to somehow show a connection there, there is something to the 'Reagan Renaissance', not just within the MAGA/America First movement that I would argue is the modern version of the Reagan Revolution that we all so loved.

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That story about Boot and his wife taking Chinese Communist payola sure did get memory-holed, didn't it?

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"President Reagan, do you take any responsibility for the mess that is America?"

"I do. For many years, I was a Democrat."

Of course, the legacy of men like Grover Cleveland is a good one. Wilson, not so much.

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Indeed. Reagan's catchphrase in 1980 was "Let's make America great again".

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Boot was a complete utter moron from the days when he was a raging True Conservative writing op eds in the WSJ.

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I agree on the "complete utter moron" part. It's not surprising that Boot eventually gravitated to the Kristol and Kagan/PNAC camp.

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Sounds like our old neighborhood in WA. Right before we moved to TX six months ago we found out one neighbor stopped talking to us four years ago (we were so busy we didn’t notice) because of our Trump flag. It is amazing to live where free speech is respected after 22 years in the PNW Gulag.

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I am still in that PNW Gulag and am jealous of you getting out!

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We retire soon and an exit from the PNW Gulag cannot come soon enough. Inslee in Washington has destroyed this state.

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F*ck Inslee.

Ok sorry. I feel better now. My husband and I spent the morning again debating the merits of the most beautiful place we’ve ever lived against the overpopulated, entitled, self righteous scolds that inhabit this place. The Seattle area happens to have world class level care providers for my relatively rare genetic disorder. Sort of stuck.

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Perhaps you and your husband can inject a little more rationality when you encounter one of the scolds even just by being kind in the face of their scold-i-ness. Behavior IS contagious. Best of luck in that neck of the woods and with your medical concerns.

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Welcome to Texas! We still have a lot of commies in the big cities though, and they have multiple election cheats figured out on the local level. Fortunately the governor and AG largely keep them in check.

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And yet, democrats / media, even as I write, talk about Whitmer being a very strong presidential candidate in ‘28 - I kid you not.

I feel very sorry for anyone ensconced in the Democratic Party camp but I shouldn’t, look at the damage that they have done. This is what you get from Soros, Gates, Hillary, Obama, Getty, Newsom, and their ilk. The democrat party needs to change their name to Trojan Horse.

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Exactly. I don't know how Big Gretch's record will play on a national stage - she won't have local Gannet media like the Freep and the Detroit News providing the apologia and running interference for her. I'm in the P.J. O'Rourke camp and I see it as a 'Uniparty' problem. The GOP - including the corrupt and impotent MI GOP - has its own house to clean.

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So glad to see comment referencing Newscum! Came close to having him recalled but good old Aunt Nancy saved his 🫏 ( I know there only relations was thru family marriage) but that speaks volumes to the corruption here in Calidorknia

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I call it Mexifornia

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I call it Newsom’stan.

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G-d forbid. I live in Michigan and despise the 3 Hocus Pocus sisters who’ve stolen our government. Of course I also despise the pathetic, feckless GOPers who not only let them get away with everything during the Ro but their failure was so spectacular they lost their majority (not, as I said, that they were actually doing anything with it).

The idea of that monstrous, entitled, evil woman as president is horrifying. As one of her unhappy constituents, I promise … NOBODY wants that.

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You perfectly summed up how I feel about Michigan with its evil triumverate and useless and enabling RINOS. I am happy to be a *former* resident.

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I too, would LOVE to be a former resident, but unfortunately that’s not a choice right now! If you don’t mind, may I ask where you did move to?

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Texas, but the choice was made by my husband, and because he wants to retire soon and wanted to live out here in the desert Southwest, not for the purpose of fleeing the disaster that is Michigan right now. But it's still nice to not be in that political scene.

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Trojan Jackass

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Tying a narcissistic mom to puberty blockers and an autistic child was chillingly spot on. A friend said Doritos are symbolic for the satanists. In the past, I would cut her off politely when she brought up such things, but, once again, I have to apologize to her.

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"A friend said Doritos are symbolic for the satanists."

I haven't heard that one. Nothing shocks me anymore and I would love to hear more about that. I just kept my sons from eating them as the second-to-lowest form of consumable above Twinkies.

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Me either. Can the Devil be that square that he would stoop to using a snack food in his daily rituals?? 🤓

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Talk about a demon in disguise.

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What disguise? She never fooled me. She exploited the death of a baby with a pre-existing health condition by claiming that the baby died from covid. She told people they couldn't gather with anyone outside their household for so long, and kept dangling the promise of "soon" but pulling it away again so often that a little 11-year-old boy killed himself. Her lawyer basically said that if people didn't think her restrictions were lawful, they could sue her, by which he meant that she could do whatever she wanted, and no one could stop her, and the only possible remedy was a lawsuit so expensive, time-consuming, and energy-depleting that most couldn't manage to hold out through it, and even if anyone did, the damage was already done months or even years before the final outcome.

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A Satan hire, for sure.

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They're addicted to their devices/ and mind-controlled MKUltra blue light tech...otherwise they'd have the spiritual eyes to see, if their pineal and frontal lobes weren't constantly irradiated by their phones. Some are more susceptible, especially those spiritually bereft and less healthy IMO

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To say nothing of her fake "kidnapping" attempt.

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Spot on, Tonya. Yet, we would engage in surreal conversations with people who would defend everything you described. I had a neighbor with a yard sign that read, "Thank You Governor Whitmer for Saving Us". (This was a person who would wear a mask to retrieve her mail from the mailbox adjacent to our street. I was tempted to egg and t.p. her house before we moved but in the end I thought, "screw it").

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Good on ya that you listened to the better angels of your nature. 😉

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Demon in plain view. It was obvious in 2018.

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Whitmer's a peach. She's claiming that this current video is not mocking Catholics.

Isn't she the same liar who had an "86 45" pillow behind her during one of her ads in 2020, and then claimed she didn't know what "86-ing someone" meant?

Call these liars out every chance you get.

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I read about Gretchen's applogy for the Doritos incident. Sadly, people will believe it was unIntentional.

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Even if the similarity to the religious ritual was unintential (which I am NOT granting), the total cringe and debauchery of the highly suggestive sexual imagery is inappropriate. The people decrying the "grab 'em by the p###y" line are totally okay with this.

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The old hypocrisy thing.

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Yeah I don't see how "If he won't, Big Gretch will" has ANYTHING AT ALL to do with the CHIPS Act.

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Now that's a handle!

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My Oregon friends are downtrodden as they feel the Radical Left will win. But they are living in the looney bin. I give them hope by sending pictures of my long country road filled with Trump Vance flags. The South flourishes as the Democrat run West coast continues to decline.

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Did my weekend gravel ride which includes a wealthy Nashville suburb. I saw many Trump signs and flags but not a hint of Harris/Walz. Support for Trump is there and its formidable. On top of that, the traditional DNC constituencies cannot be counted on to goose-step in unison in blind support of Kamala. However, I don’t put anything past those people.

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Hope your new pastures are greener.

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I hope you're right about leftist absurdity flailing around and gasping its last breath.

And, no doubt, our political class is just a bunch of Dim/Half/MidWhitmers, but the people funding them and Western Civilization's deliberate destruction are not. The clowns in congress are not the ringmasters of this circus. I fear that we live in an Oligarchy and we get the government and laws they decide. The disconnect between what people vote for and what they get points to conspiracy, as well. (Removes tinfoil hat.)

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Midwhitmers! Lolol

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Kleptokratic extortionistic pervocracy. The deep state has bought everyone's porn viewing data

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You just keep that shiny chapeau on if it's going to continue to give us terms like 'MidWhitmers' !!

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I'm a big fan of the Silver Sombrero.

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Me too. I've been sporting one daily for the last four and a half years.

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My TDS suffering sister is off the charts effing nuts. She truly believes roaming gangs of MAGA will be shooting people in the streets if Trump wins. Methinks that’s not exactly what she should be worried about. Truth will stalk her but she is beyond seeing.

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No alone Janet. I have a TDS sister and Brother - just about my whole family on both sides

It is so very funny and so disturbing

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My sympathies. I visited her 2 weeks ago for an overnight. I had told her I won’t discuss politics in any way nor watch it or listen to it. It all went well until Her withdrawal symptoms from no CNN all the live long day for 2 days finally cracked and complete nonsense and insults to me poured out like toxic diarrhea. I left but not before she wondered why I was so upset and handed me one of her anti anxiety pills. There is no curing this. They have guns also. Most of our immediate family is Red. Thanksgiving might be a real hoot.

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My whole family is pretty red but I have a couple lifelong dear friends that suffer from extreme TDS. I refuse to talk politics with them, both crazed and miserable. So, instead they just stopped communicating. So be it, I don’t need their crazy in my life.

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It's not that you refuse to talk politics with them.

There was a time when we could talk about these things over a beer and it wouldn't end in a knock-down drag out, or not speaking, but the rhetoric now is to the point where there is no point. Disagreement is hate to them, and any a difference in opinion is misinformation.

On twitter, I get blocked inevitibly in talking about the Covid narrative. I don't block them, I don't refuse to talk to them. But to them I am "making up facts" I am "living outside reality." In their reality masks work, one more booster will solve the issue, and if we only all went against human nature...we could get through this.

Mu guess is that you don't want to talk politics because there is no "talking about politics." Because talking about infers an exchange of ideas. What they want to do is enforce "correct thinking."

I have a friend who claims to be libertarian, and I disagree with most things he says. But I am going to listen to him. He is pretty far left, leaks out Trump related stuff. And then occasionally I will say heretical things like "No, I am not going to use the "correct" pronouns...and furthermore they can use whatever pronouns they want for me because I know they are thinking them.

What do I know though?

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"Disagreement is hate to them, and and any difference in opinion is misinformation."

Well said.

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Same. Exact same.

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I’m thinking my refusal to talk just drives her nuts. I’m sure she’s only seeing a drooling trump lover. Sad. Her mind is a thing she’s terribly wasting. . I don’t care anymore.

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it is a mental problem. We are willing to listen and share. They refuse to talk about anything that bothers them. We are living among some very abused people. what a way to be day to day. So distrustful, angry and intolerant.

Since Oblamer, we put up with their bs for years, but now there is no discussion anymore. Just yelling at us

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I love my sister. She doesn’t get enough love. But she’s intolerable. She’s a progressive automaton. When I visit she wants to show me terrible movies she loves because they are all “feminist anthems”. That’s not a feminist anthem, that’s Melissa McCarthy playing against the fat girl trope. Not deep enough to be funny.

It’s all politics of victimhood and aggrievement. I can’t speak to her because she’s so brittle and fragile she fears I might say something political or religious, though she’s happy to lecture me on my perceived moral failings. Then back off before I walk away. I practice compassion in those instances. I wore a T-shirt that quoted 2 Corinthians 5:7 on a hike. She looked like lightning would strike her dead by association. Or maybe she’d die of cringe to be with such a backwards clodhopper. (The masters degree having, self made business woman, no debt, paid off house, loving and close family having benighted clodhopper to be pitied.) I’m disabled with severe skeletal issues. A T-shirt about walking by faith on a huge, hard hike way outside my comfort zone seemed appropriate or at least an in-joke with God. She has no God.

She’s been single for nearly twenty years since her husband decided to become a eunuch “woman”. She, my sister, is adamant about trans rights, him being a real girl. I’m in the you be you but biology is real camp. She stayed with ‘her’ for years. And has been lonely and miserable ever since as her identity has ossified into humorless, self righteous harridan.

What a waste of a beautiful soul and once flexible mind. When you can no longer tolerate any hint of dissent and can no longer laugh at yourself, you are lost. I miss what she could have been.

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I just had some scary thoughts. 😱

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No more brother wars.

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The same in my family.

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She's wrong...that's what will happen if Trump "loses" to the Cabal....

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I saw Roaming Gangs of MAGA open for Whitesnake in '87.

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You win today.

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Same. My sister and BIL are off the charts TDS

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It's amazing how these people;who assume they're the betters of we, the unwashed masses; speak down to us without skipping a beat. There is absolutely nothing in Barack Obama's sanitized background that would indicate he'd naturally pick up the slang affectation "y'all", a mostly southern or rural piece of American slang. I have absolutely no problem with anyone saying "y'all" in their normal conversation if they come by it naturally, either born into it from their geographic childhood location or gradually adopting it through osmosis by having spent many years living in an area where this slang is predominant. Barry has neither of those qualifications in his background so his "Aw, shucks" demeanor is repulsive and repugnant, especially since he's speaking to supposedly "fellow" black citizens whom he obviously believes are well below him on the social scale. The reeking condescension of these elitist prigs is vile and disgusting. Maybe the vast unwashed masses can meme them back under the rocks from whence they came.

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Its a laugh how he refers to them as" the bruthas". It's like the slaves are afraid to "speak truth to power" ."yus sir Mr Obama sir.. we gon vote us some Kamala fo shore" How absolutely freaking disgusting. How do they not see it? How can they stand that condescending as*hole???

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I'd wager these men were paid to sit through his lecture.

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I think many of them do and will vote accordingly!!🤗 The Democrats have jumped the shark in regards to “the black vote”. 🤞🤞They must have some internal poll telling them the obvious… Americans who are black feel exactly as Americans who are white, “It’s the economy, Stupid!” The fact that Prince Obama is out there stumping for Kamala is the proof!! 🤭Smacks of desperation!!! Such a come-down for the crowned one…. he thinks his reign might really, really be over and he’ll have to stay in Martha’s Vineyard awash in white privilege and entitlement!!!😂🤣

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I don't think can't see it and I don't think they are buying his phony shtick anymore

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BHO is the most boring speaker. Not sure how the guys were staying awake. This “speech” in his expensive suit and boots just reinforces my belief that he’s never been a good (much less brilliant) speaker. He’s just a good reader. No teleprompter, no dazzle.

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Oh goodness that was classic

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A lot can’t

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I'm married to a while man and he has the hots for Obama. Did not think he was way, but.


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"There is absolutely nothing in Barack Obama's sanitized background that would indicate he'd naturally pick up the slang affectation "y'all", a mostly southern or rural piece of American slang."

It's pandering, obviously. Very few fall for it. I remember when the other whitest black man in America, the late-O.J. Simpson, used to launch into his faux urban patois during his post-murder acquittal public persona damage control tours in the late-90s. People didn't fall for O.J.'s act, either.

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At least BO sticks to one patronizing accent. How many ethnic subgroups did Kamala grow up in? I’ve heard her mock several. Also, I’d love to see her definition of “middle class”.

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Is he still alive?

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O.J. died in April.

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Did I hear him say “which” instead of “with “? 😂

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No, he said "witch".

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As an elitist prig, "back under the rocks whence they came." You betray your lacking the elitist prig card with from whence.

They're that insufferable as a nonstop grammar Nazi, but about everything.

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Can't wait to slip 'elitist prig' into my next cookout conversation.

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Aargh! You caught me. To use a horribly grammatically incorrect current colloquialism, my bad.😆

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When my students use "my bad," of late I've come to ask what the opposite would be. So now when a "my bad" person speaks up, a later correct or noble thing gets responded to with "your good."

You're good. Public self-abasement in Maoist fashion has cleansed your grammatical sins. Just hoping the grammar central committee never turns against me...

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Be careful. If you notice Red and blue strobes flashing outside the windows of your home, you'll know the grammar police have caught up with you.

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"they simply cannot conceive of the idea that if they just explain their ideas to you again that you won't agree with them."

This reminds me of public health agencies and hospital systems in the way they respond to "anti-vaxxers." They spend a lot of time and money on campaigns to try to convince people who don't want their products that they are wrong and stupid for not wanting them. And they also spend money on trying to "regain public trust" by telling people "You really should trust us. We're smarter than you."

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It also reminds me how when they make a bad movie or a bad TV show because they incorporate their woke garbage or woke casting into it -- and people don't like it -- it's not because the movie is bad. It's because the audience is bad.

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"This movie isn't for white males!"

Movie bombs, woke legacy IP gets cancelled.

"Racist white males caused this!"

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I'm horrible. TV is garbage.

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And their efforts to join our meme wars is comical. They are actually trying to create memes to humiliate us but all they do is make me laugh at them and their blindness. Here’s one someone on X threw at me yesterday. I responded that the reason it wasn’t funny was because humor requires some kind of truth in it and they missed the boat. 🤣 But this meme below is an example of what they are trying to do. They think memes are just a way to insult and humiliate and that’s the only way they know how to make them. No - memes are a way to laugh at truthful absurdities.


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"Memes are a way to laugh at truthful absurdities."

Yes! That's exactly right!

That's why I like listening to Andrew Klavan. I don't agree with all of his viewpoints (we know that's not necessary to appreciate someone's work), and I am not fond of The Daily Wire as a whole, but Klavan's wit is spot on when he mocks the absurdities rampant in the culture.

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What a pathetic meme. Also includes unintentional grammar and punctuation errors. What a fail on every front.

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I had a GP tell me in 2021 that I was reckless and misinformed for taking ivermectin to treat Covid (felt better within 24 hours of taking it). She went on to say “You don’t understand, I’m on message boards with ALL these professionals and doctors with MEDICAL degrees - they all concur that no evidence exists to support the use of ivermectin”. Then she went on to note in my medical record that she scolded me for taking ivermectin. The way she noted it felt like she was either memorializing it for my future social credit score or she was trying to score points with her fascist superiors. These people are both ignorant and strident - a danger to us all. I never returned to her practice.

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My doctor husband “prescribed” IVM for our whole fam. We took it for prophylaxis & treatment. Great stuff!

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I’m not a MD but doctors are actually supposed to note literally everything they say to you or you say to them in the medical record as a way to CYA. In this case if you had an adverse reaction to taking the ivermectin (which does happen albeit rarely) she would have legal evidence that she told you not to and you couldn’t sue her for not warning you. Theoretically it also allows other care providers to see what has been discussed and what other treatments or medications a patient has been on that haven’t been prescribed. However in my experience doctors almost never read a patient’s medical history so that doesn’t happen.

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Nope, not a word about economic policy, foreign policy, constitutional interpretations, or anything else that we have a right to expect from political ads. Instead, pure identity politics.

This country is full of sad little people with no minds of their own. They just want to be part of the herd, feeling safely secure, as the herd is led to the slaughterhouse.

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Just saw this quote from Thomas Sowell and it sums up the issue in a nutshell. These people are simply unable to accept that are not, in, fact, the smartest people in the room, and quite often, they are not even in the top half! Poor darlings - reality bites sometimes, doesn't it? 🤣🤣🤣

"The fundamental problem of the political Left seems to be that the real world does not fit their preconceptions. Therefore, they see the real world as what is wrong, and what needs to be changed, since apparently their preconceptions cannot be wrong."

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Sowell is a national treasure.

When he's gone, El Gato will be the Last of the Wise Guys.

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Bingo with quote

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Just spent a week with 16 leftists, all well educated and middle class. They were from all over the country. Not one of them had even heard of the Babylon Bee.

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A sure sign of a midwhit intelligence is someone who takes themselves and their ideas way to seriously. The first step towards wisdom and enlightenment is being able to laugh at yourself and your own foibles.

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From what I have seen and heard among the slice of the sociological pie you describe, yep, the Babylon Bee is something outside their ken. Sadly for them. I find the Babylon Bee pretty hilarious.

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Not to mention spot tf on! Predictive in their “news”. It’s a sad state of affairs when South Park, The Simpsons and Babylon Bee are right way more than MSM.

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Or just good at point out Naked Emperors.

"Put a Chick in it and make it Lame and Gay!"

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Distressing, very distressing

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Isn’t that crazy???🤔 Hard to imagine, but very real. If the Covid response didn’t wake people up, I’m afraid nothing will. But I am always praying and hoping that enlightenment comes and all is revealed with such ferocious brilliance and breadth that no one can deny its truth.🥹I am very much aware that I am naive in my belief this could happen in a country as currently divided as we are, but here’s hoping that a few years of prosperity, better health, better overall quality of life, and sanity will convert Americans to the common sense side of the country and governmental aisle (sans Rhinos, of course).😁

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The dam is breaking. Floodwaters of reality and sanity are washing away years of delusional narratives which were built on the flimsiest of stilts. “The brothers” are leading the way because they have been the most profoundly betrayed.

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So interesting that it took an actual flood to move us to the point where, as you say, “the dam is breaking.”

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These people have minimalized, demeaned and slandered men for decades and now they want their support? They’ve said they were for women, that we should be heard and trusted but then they undercut women to advance men who think they want to be women? The progs are so out of touch with reality that it’s ridiculous for men or women to support them. They are lost in the dark woods, babbling nonsense. Leaning in here. No more cowering from the faux overlords.

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Men who say the things that were said in the clip "I'm man-enough" would NEVER vote for Kamala. They would vote for a woman with the same ideals as Donald J. Trump. A man who is afraid of, rather than concerned with and loving... his woman, his family, his inner-circle is not a man who should be entrusted with his family or society.

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The type of man who supported Trump would never engage in such silly dialog to begin with. The dialog and images are so disjointed that it's hard to believe that it's not comedy. I was waiting for the black man to say "Yeah, I'll vote for that ho". The fat, pasty, soft-looking guy with the ill-fitting cowboy hat (real farmers wear caps) would be more believable sitting in a dark basement, eating Doritos, and playing video games. I doubt he's ever seen a carburetor, much less had one for breakfast. More like " I eat 2 boxes of donuts for breakfast".

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That's what he said: carb-o-raters. Donuts rate highly in that regard.

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Oh, cool. You speak Smugwoke. Excellent.

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Good insight.

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Paid actors in a scripted commercial


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Of course they are paid actors! That was my point.

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Thanks for this. Of course, the man sitting on the tailgate had "something off." Hats why he was immediately mocked. Now we know.

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Haha. That guy never sat on a tailgate before in his life! And BO talkin jive to the bruthus - 🤮

Free speech = silver bullets

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I was wondering if those guys were innocently shopping and got hijacked by BO and a camera crew.

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Kinda looks like it the way they’re all standing around in a circle

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Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups... So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.

Philip K. Dick

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"large groups of uniformed people."

Did you mean uninformed?

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

I suspect he did . . But don’t discount the possibility that they will send in large groups of uniformed men in a last ditch effort to retain their power.

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Police state, has been on the table for a bit now. Time to really know your local sheriff!

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Hillary sure would like to!

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

She would be flying ahead of the phalanx flapping her leathery vulture wings. “ Son, hand me my bow and arrow.,” me says.

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Those better be silver tipped arrows in the shape of a cross, double dipped in holy water, and blessed by a living saint.

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I’ll work on that. Maybe a stake when she hits ground.

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Now I understand the 'nails on a chalkboard' reaction I have to her voice. She's a ringwraith! :D

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grrr. yes. thanks.

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Shouldn't that be "hissss." Grrr sounds, kindly don't take this the wrong way, CANINE.

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El Gato is jus puttin on the dog. If Obummer Hillary and Harris can fake accents why can't da cat?

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Excellent point.

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That was a Freudian slip.

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Could be both.

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No that's misinformed or disinformed or malformed.

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