I love that quote "Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you."

There is a class of people that love status, money and authority. It is all-consuming to them, the end all, be all. These type of folks are drawn to politics, because you don't actually have to be competent (they are also drawn to leadership high leadership in other organizations). Once you understand that they really are all about power, you know to listen to everything they say with that bias. It's not about truth, or doing the right thing and certainly not about you. It's about perpetuating status/money/power. Hillary Clinton is a good example, she just can't let it go. The only solution in my mind is to devolve the power to lower levels (federalism). At least as you get more local, there is some chance that some of the politicos will be in it for the right reasons.

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What you say may be true about most strippers, but I KNOW for a fact that Tiffany really likes me!

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I heard a new one from my sister who is an expert because she’s married to a doctor: the unvaxxed are causing the variants. This is the latest strategy for demonizing the unvaxxed, though I haven’t heard Fauci say it out loud yet. Has anyone else?

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Kinda like that University that you paid $200k to for a useless degree "really needs and appreciates your annual pledge." And that hooker really does like you.

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I dunnoooo, that analogy kinda risks painting strippers in a negative light. They're there to entertain and actually earn their living, they don't make anybody any promises, they're not a bunch of filthy authoritarians, and they have real jobs 👯‍♀️

Plus when someone idolizes a stripper, they don't then go around trying to convince everyone else to delegate to the stripper powers they haven't even got, themselves. Statists are suckers but it's a different kind of foolish than Butters overspending at Raisins

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I got an electric car several years ago. I got it because it was fast and fun. Then people started telling me how I was helping the environment (the whole CO2 ➡️ Global warming thing). I'd always assumed that to be true but I'd also not put much thought into it nor had I modified any behaviors.

Anyway I decided to research the topic, starting from the position that humans are increasing CO2 levels which is increasing global temperatures which is dangerous. I found the opposite to be true. Humans play a role in increasing CO2 but it's not a major role. Increasing CO2 levels are not dangerous. 97% of climate scientists do not agree with the AGW theory, as Obama and Gore claimed. The exact same gaslighting, censorship and removal from society that is taking place with COVID hysteria took place and continues to take place with AGW theory. If you disagree with the party line, you are castigated in the media and if you're a scientist then (poof), your funding disappears. It's just like what happened with Dr. Duesberg when he dared to disagree with the statement that HIV is the cause of aids. He went from 7 year grants at UC Berkeley to never being funded again and being attacked by the majority of his peers. Not because he was wrong, but because that's what his peers needed to do to keep their funding.

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Our modern life is based on a lot of higher math concepts that most people haven't a clue about. As you noted, and JFK also did years ago, repeating what you hear is a lazy, easy way to try to sound smart. The fact that trials were crap, that the time factor was ignored for a reasonable vaccine development means nothing to those who have never used an x/y graph

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"almost none had any idea what they were talking about and few even tried to find out." I feel like this about Governor Murphy. Throughout the pandemic, he seems to have learned not one iota about the virus, how it spreads, who is vulnerable, etc. It's really quite a feat. One of his favorite lines is "we have crushed the virus" and yet magically the crushed virus comes back and we must crush it again. No clue about seasonality whatsoever.

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I have 2 nurse friends. I truly thought they had good common sense. But they were 100% taken in by the narrative surrounding the jab. They believed all of the lies wholeheartedly. These ladies did not believe in the flu shots and did not take them. I think it shows how powerful the fearmongering lies were. The problem, now, is that I'm not sure they will EVER admit they were fooled and could be susceptible to the effects of the jab for the rest of their lives.

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My predictions for 2022 … badcat will become baddest cat of all !!

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This was brilliant GATO! The stripper reference was a whore-ibble idea! Thank you once again.

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Ah! Word sorcerer!

Aggrievement vampires.

Affiliatory referendums.

Partisan poo flinging.

The cupidity of experts.

I must keep a list.

Also, that's no conspiracy kitty - it's a Valkitty. May we be worthy of Valhalla.

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I am so glad I awoke to the "politician" worship many years ago. It just kills me when I hear people say, "oh we are really going to change things in 2022/2024 when we vote these bastards out." Seriously? Especially for people in their 40's and older, if we can't see by now just how ineffective "voting them out" is by now, there's no hope. I proclaim it to anyone who will listen: Local, local local! Family. Friends. Community. A filthy politician (especially on the national level) not only won't change anything, they don't want to change anything. They are opportunists as El Gato mentioned. The only things they do are things that benefit themselves. Their finger is always in the wind. If the past 2 years hasn't shown us anything else, it damn sure should have shown us that! Watch as the same despots who have helped destroy our lives all of a sudden are "on our side" as the narrative shifts. Ugh.

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I humbly suggest that as many can, do get involved with local governments. City, county, state commissioners/representatives. School boards need to have more representation of parents rather than careerists looking to make a big splash in their cliques.

WE THE PEOPLE need to return to looking at filling the necessary governing roles as a duty, an honor and a service. The mindset that looks at governing roles as a paycheck, a status booster and a life-long "calling" aka ego trip has, through our lack of attention, provided for an inferior pool of candidates.

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I really like your comparison with the stripper, and I think you are right. People who believe what the government says think the government cares for them. What a hoot. If they did they would never start a war, never allow poisons to be sprayed on our fields, poisons to be injected in children (or adults), never allow doctors to perform unnecessary procedures... no need to go on

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MSM is the conspiracy

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