I love that quote "Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you."

There is a class of people that love status, money and authority. It is all-consuming to them, the end all, be all. These type of folks are drawn to politics, because you don't actually have to be competent (they are also drawn to leadership high leadership in other organizations). Once you understand that they really are all about power, you know to listen to everything they say with that bias. It's not about truth, or doing the right thing and certainly not about you. It's about perpetuating status/money/power. Hillary Clinton is a good example, she just can't let it go. The only solution in my mind is to devolve the power to lower levels (federalism). At least as you get more local, there is some chance that some of the politicos will be in it for the right reasons.

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The only solution in my mind is to devolve the power to lower levels (federalism).


Exactly. I get $0/year from special interests because I have no ability to help them. I want my congressman to be the same.

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Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls these elite pols “courtesans of power” which I think is a great descriptive phrase. The elites like Nancy Pelosi are the ultimate—she’s a real gutter politician from a corrupted family, the D’Alesandros of Baltimore. Both her father and brother were mayors of Balto, so try watching “The Wire” with her legacy in mind. It’s why she went all the way to California to escape local memories cuz Baltimore was pretty much destroyed by her family. She’s really good at this kind of demolition job. It’s genetic—look at CA Gov Gavin Newsom, her nephew! $12 pints of chocolate ice cream tone deafness, Newsom eating unmasked during lockdown at the French Laundry restaurant (my son the chef assured me that a meal there is easily >$500/plate).

Courtesans of power. Yup. They cultivate corruption like I cultivate roses.

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They really don’t believe that the peons are human

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Or at least, the more factions fighting for your $$ & more power, the more they damage each other & the less they damage you.

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Yea, there is no perfect solution, because that would require us all to be virtuous. I just can't see it getting any better with the current model. Way too much money floating around at the federal level. If we pushed the decision making down, maybe.. maybe, we'd see honest journalists who care about their communities and citizen politicians. Over time that system would probably get corrupt too though.

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The best way to put out a campfire is to spread out the hot coals from a central location and pour a few gallons of water on it. Why make it easy for special interests to have a one stop DC shop to sati$fy their power hungry dreams? Relocate departments outside of the Swamp or eliminate altogether. Until Christ returns and we then have a holy King who rules justly, we will continue to have to live alongside corruption.

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Yes, but the quote may need to be modified to be fair to sex workers.


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What you say may be true about most strippers, but I KNOW for a fact that Tiffany really likes me!

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Did she tell you that in the champagne room?

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I love that your name is John P. So fitting. Thanks for the smile. Hope she treats you well.

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*As a friend*, maybe she does, John. It's not preposterous unless you stereotype sex workers as secretly bitter in their work.


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I heard a new one from my sister who is an expert because she’s married to a doctor: the unvaxxed are causing the variants. This is the latest strategy for demonizing the unvaxxed, though I haven’t heard Fauci say it out loud yet. Has anyone else?

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This is an old strategy. Started at least with delta. The easy response is "what environmental pressures are naive immune systems placing on the virus that make it mutate in a direction that causes the vaccine to lose effectiveness?

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Easy question to debunk this. Why are variants emerging NOW when we have vaccines and not when everyone was unvaxxed (before vax became available?). If not being vaxxed causes variants then we should have seen a plethora last year. If the response is - well - it only happens when part of the population is unvaxxed - then the cause of variants is vaccination - not the unvaxxed.

The other question is - what would force a virus to mutate? When it encounters a pristine immune system or when it encounters a modified immune system? Using a war analogy - if the opposing army does not have shields, I can use a blunt spear. But if some of them are using shields - I need to evolve my spear into a sharper one. Cue Marek’s disease

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Great thoughts....and thanks for stimulating my brain further. Another question: what does "fully vaxxed" mean anymore anywho? One shot? (j&J) two shots? 2+ booster? Everyone who is currently ill has the last cocktail in my circle of contacts.

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You'll have to ask the question again tomorrow and the next day and the next, because they keep changing the definition in order to keep the fear quotient high.

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It means a constant IV drip

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It'll b 39 boosters and standing on one's head and wiggling ur toes 😂

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there’s a good meme about it:

what do vaxers and antivaxers have in common? none of them will ever be fully vaccinated :)

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The best I came up with sibs who got all the shots is "we're even," but urs is better 😁

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I like it!! 😂😂

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Right, eventually a spear gets developed thst can Pierce Amy shield existing

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Oh my sister just said it on FB today...and I have heard many others claim this false notion also-suggested by Biden by saying "everyone must get de shot" and local health dept. "experts" demand county employees be shotted and boosted because the "unvaxxed are spreading it"- looney tunes everywhere!

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Ur sisters like my brother who's an expert pianist cuz our dad was a piano mover 😂😂

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I played the role of “pirate” in a play I performed in way back in high school. Does that therefore make me an expert sailor?

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Never mind that Delta came from India, and Omicron from South Africa?

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Always from those undesirable countries. Seems like every disease with first world country origins always mysteriously ends up named after some animal group (mad cows disease, swine flu, avian flu)

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That is what the manchick in the video above was trying to get at we evil ones need to get the jab to stop the spread. It is what they have been saying for a year now... the the truth became too obvious to go on with that BS anymore. Now... nevermind. Global Warming!

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I'm in western Canada. We've been hearing that all along. Maybe it's spreading?

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Also Western Canada, so maybe we are hearing the same messages... But we have tended to be followers for basically every vaccinated catchphrase. It can't have started here.

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Kinda like that University that you paid $200k to for a useless degree "really needs and appreciates your annual pledge." And that hooker really does like you.

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I dunnoooo, that analogy kinda risks painting strippers in a negative light. They're there to entertain and actually earn their living, they don't make anybody any promises, they're not a bunch of filthy authoritarians, and they have real jobs 👯‍♀️

Plus when someone idolizes a stripper, they don't then go around trying to convince everyone else to delegate to the stripper powers they haven't even got, themselves. Statists are suckers but it's a different kind of foolish than Butters overspending at Raisins

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I got an electric car several years ago. I got it because it was fast and fun. Then people started telling me how I was helping the environment (the whole CO2 ➡️ Global warming thing). I'd always assumed that to be true but I'd also not put much thought into it nor had I modified any behaviors.

Anyway I decided to research the topic, starting from the position that humans are increasing CO2 levels which is increasing global temperatures which is dangerous. I found the opposite to be true. Humans play a role in increasing CO2 but it's not a major role. Increasing CO2 levels are not dangerous. 97% of climate scientists do not agree with the AGW theory, as Obama and Gore claimed. The exact same gaslighting, censorship and removal from society that is taking place with COVID hysteria took place and continues to take place with AGW theory. If you disagree with the party line, you are castigated in the media and if you're a scientist then (poof), your funding disappears. It's just like what happened with Dr. Duesberg when he dared to disagree with the statement that HIV is the cause of aids. He went from 7 year grants at UC Berkeley to never being funded again and being attacked by the majority of his peers. Not because he was wrong, but because that's what his peers needed to do to keep their funding.

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"...starting from the position that humans are increasing CO2 levels which is increasing global temperatures which is dangerous"

For every 2500 molecules of air there is one CO2 molecule. Everybody panic.

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Kudos for opening your mind. I tried with my family, on CAGW, but there's no way they're going to agree with "those people", and the rationalization is off the charts. They can dismiss any/all evidence against because it "has to help", etc. ad nauseum.

I haven't even tried with this vaccine thing, once I saw very early on that it had become exactly the same kind of issue.

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So many families like yours and mine

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Not to mention... where do you get electricity? Sigh. Low O2 voters.

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Not to mention that the very people screaming that "we" need to change our lives "for the earth" are the same people/corporations etc who *have* been destroying the earth and have no plans whatsoever to change their lives or standard of living. That's just for us. It's disgusting.

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Our modern life is based on a lot of higher math concepts that most people haven't a clue about. As you noted, and JFK also did years ago, repeating what you hear is a lazy, easy way to try to sound smart. The fact that trials were crap, that the time factor was ignored for a reasonable vaccine development means nothing to those who have never used an x/y graph

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Innumeracy is rampant, and the idiots are proud of it too. For example, one of the CDC's main arguments against veterinarian Ivermectin products is that people might overdose on it.

Sadly, they have a point, since most can't do the 5th grade math to figure it out.

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What happens if they overdose tho? Will it kill a person? If not, or not likelt, then let's ban all prescription meds because most of them will kill people on overdose without even batting an eye. In fact, lets ban bigpharma since their products kill at ten to a hundred times the rate of guns

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Making it available OTC and putting dosing instructions right on the side of the box like Tylenol or Advil would solve that problem. But it's clear they don't want ivermectin to appear safe even though, if you go to the NIH's own treatment guidelines site, they can't find a way to make it appear dangerous beyond linking to a warning about not using veterinary ivermectin. Huh. Wonder why people are doing that.

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Answer to facetious question—Gates’s malaria vaxx is about to launch. Gotta discredit the usual treatment. I think they were hoping to ban ivermectin altogether.

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I'm thinking "new coke"

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"almost none had any idea what they were talking about and few even tried to find out." I feel like this about Governor Murphy. Throughout the pandemic, he seems to have learned not one iota about the virus, how it spreads, who is vulnerable, etc. It's really quite a feat. One of his favorite lines is "we have crushed the virus" and yet magically the crushed virus comes back and we must crush it again. No clue about seasonality whatsoever.

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Murphy tweeting about a "productive call...with renowned epidemiologist @DrEricDing" in April of 2020 should have been a glaring beacon of his impending cluelessness in regards to all things covid.

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I wrote our "governor" more or less saying that politicians who don't do their own research and only rely on "experts" were lazy and dishonest. Needless to say... Crickets. lol

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Dec 29, 2021
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But even in the midst of the curfew, he made an exception for the (unmasked and shoulder-to-shoulder) BLM and antifa rioters, since the virus was too much in awe of their Civic Virtue™ to bother them.

I've often said that the reason Columbus usually avoids the worst of the state's blizzards is that they're deflected by all the hot air rising from the Statehouse and Governor's Mansion.

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I hope he goes down in 🔥 🔥. I still have a 330 number and still sometimes call my (former) reps to complain. Thank God Dewine was stripped of his power to reinstate a state of emergency.

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I have 2 nurse friends. I truly thought they had good common sense. But they were 100% taken in by the narrative surrounding the jab. They believed all of the lies wholeheartedly. These ladies did not believe in the flu shots and did not take them. I think it shows how powerful the fearmongering lies were. The problem, now, is that I'm not sure they will EVER admit they were fooled and could be susceptible to the effects of the jab for the rest of their lives.

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This, for sure....I suspect that no one who's been jabbed---especially those suffering ill effects from it---will ever be able to admit that it was a foolish mistake. And they will be angry at anyone who says it was a mistake.

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Well, you can't say "no one", as that's just incorrect. Look at Steve Kirsch, for one example. So there's at least a smidgen of hope. But yes, I think for the most part you're correct.

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But Steve has legit brains

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You hit the nail on the head. My friends got their feathers all ruffled when I tried to tell them how bad those "vaccines" are. Hrumph, Hrumph. And rolling their eyes.

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Disagree. Just wait ten to twenty years when it doesn't matter anymore and they'll admit it

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When they are all debilitated or have died?

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Precisely. The only example I can think of that may be as arrogant as nurses these days is Paul Krugman. Won a nobel prize for trade economics. Helped push free trade on everyone for years. Ignored blue collar workers that raised the alarm bells. About 20 years after all the jobs were shipped overseas, he finally admitted he was wrong about free trade. That's how I expect this to go

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Here’s a bit of hidden history for you:

Once upon a time a group of Nevada nurses started exhibiting neuro symptoms with some immune deficiencies.

Most didn’t know each other, and in due time sought medical care from local specialists. Eventually the specialists got to talking and lacking an explanation for the odd symptoms decided that it was a primarily a psychiatric issue—a social contagion. Being nurses, they’re surrounded by the sick all day, they’re forced to take care of these people so naturally, deep down they must envy the attention the sick receive.

The nurses were labeled with the diagnosis of “Hysterical Polio.”

Some years went by and a technological development brought a study to the hospital system where some of these women worked and they volunteered for the imaging study. It was an early MRI.

Lo, these women had lesions on their spinal cords and brains. They had something really wrong with them. Something not psychological at all.

The new diagnosis was called “Multiple Sclerosis.”

That is a true story, and my mom knew one of those women very well.

The vaxx machine being built will call the injured mentally ill. They’re already doing that in fact. Look at Dr. Mercola’s and Bobby Kennedy’s sites. Disgraceful what the Powerful do to “normal people.”

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Doctors, even women doctors, are still giving the diagnosis to women that, “It’s all in your head.”

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Wow! what a story. Very scary what's happening. I have read many stories about people being told they are having some kind of mental problem when they get sick from the jab. I am just so concerned that normally sane, thinking, common sense people were taken over by the deluge of fearmongering concerning covid-19. And now, they can't or won't come out from under the table. How do we get past this abominable hoax perpetrated on us when so, so many people were taken in and now find themselves in a sort of twilight zone? Unable to believe that their govts would really Do what, for them, it's beginning to look like has been done.

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My predictions for 2022 … badcat will become baddest cat of all !!

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Too late 😎

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This was brilliant GATO! The stripper reference was a whore-ibble idea! Thank you once again.

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Ah! Word sorcerer!

Aggrievement vampires.

Affiliatory referendums.

Partisan poo flinging.

The cupidity of experts.

I must keep a list.

Also, that's no conspiracy kitty - it's a Valkitty. May we be worthy of Valhalla.

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I am awaited. I hope to see most of you there.

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God, I hope so. All the other crap aside, there are glorious beings wandering these word corridors. Worthy allies.

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We find each other in times of tribulation. It's just sad that it takes that.

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Yep! And sadly separated by many seas!

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I am so glad I awoke to the "politician" worship many years ago. It just kills me when I hear people say, "oh we are really going to change things in 2022/2024 when we vote these bastards out." Seriously? Especially for people in their 40's and older, if we can't see by now just how ineffective "voting them out" is by now, there's no hope. I proclaim it to anyone who will listen: Local, local local! Family. Friends. Community. A filthy politician (especially on the national level) not only won't change anything, they don't want to change anything. They are opportunists as El Gato mentioned. The only things they do are things that benefit themselves. Their finger is always in the wind. If the past 2 years hasn't shown us anything else, it damn sure should have shown us that! Watch as the same despots who have helped destroy our lives all of a sudden are "on our side" as the narrative shifts. Ugh.

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I humbly suggest that as many can, do get involved with local governments. City, county, state commissioners/representatives. School boards need to have more representation of parents rather than careerists looking to make a big splash in their cliques.

WE THE PEOPLE need to return to looking at filling the necessary governing roles as a duty, an honor and a service. The mindset that looks at governing roles as a paycheck, a status booster and a life-long "calling" aka ego trip has, through our lack of attention, provided for an inferior pool of candidates.

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Brilliantly said. The people still have all of the power. But too many have forgotten that. I don't vote for a better politician to shovel snow from my sidewalk. I either do it myself or find someone locally who can do it for me. Simplistic? YES! It *is* that simple!

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I really like your comparison with the stripper, and I think you are right. People who believe what the government says think the government cares for them. What a hoot. If they did they would never start a war, never allow poisons to be sprayed on our fields, poisons to be injected in children (or adults), never allow doctors to perform unnecessary procedures... no need to go on

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MSM is the conspiracy

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