Not that I am concerned with A/I per se, but it's the monstrous idiots behind it that I cannot trust. Look at the mRNA substances and how far those very same "syndicated" idiots have taken them and how much farther they want to take them. To the ultimate destruction of humanity?

We know that mRNA substances have the power to kill and that using more and more of them increase the risk for life failing to continue. Or, not quite so bad, life long debilitation. So, where is the stopping point or what is the end point? I ask the very same questions of A/I and there is not one clown working with this insanity who can give you an honest answer.

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Typo alert: "orewllian" :-)

Although if you think about this from the perspective of data mining, "Orewellian" may be a useful term to add to our glossary.

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We have come full circle back to the dark ages, where a small group of elites decree what ideas are permissible for the rest of us to discuss. The tools may be different but the philosophy is the same.


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Some 'authors' are turning to AI to write novels. Some have even set a goal of writing 1000s of books a year. Intrigued (but not tempted) I gave it a go, typed in a couple of innocuous sentences, and clicked 'Write'. The AI spewed back a rape scene where the victim enjoyed it! Nope!

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I’m leaning heavily towards “twisted into a monstrous thing.”

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What does Kit-10 say about the Orange Catholic Bible and the proscription "thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind"?

(I am presuming Kit-10 is exempt as it would be the likeness of a much superior feline mind, which would be okay)

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It's been obvious over the past few years that searching the internet, for something you know to be true, is nearly impossible and the only answer is the One World Answer. (I'm guessing the Wayback Machine and lesser-known search engines will be disabled at some point.) Now it appears AI will be created to control the One World "Truth" and punishment will be forthcoming for any dissidents. Dystopia doesn't seem to adequately define what lies ahead.

What was for a short time an amazing thing to behold and use, will soon be utterly useless for those who reason and appreciate alternate views. It is time to start weaning. It sure was a quick ride - remember when it first came to be?

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A decade ago, this would’ve been a terrific premise for a blockbuster sci-fi movie. Now we’re actually caught up in it, and it’s become so flippin’ crazy you couldn’t make even half this stuff up! Yet here we are. Everyone stay calm and adopt a cat! Purr.😽

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I thought prevarication was the point! To create One Mind.

How utterly boring. Who’s even attracted to this AI stupidity?

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A couple months ago, I invented the GIGO Robot and made a meme I call:

🤖GIGO Robot Sez:

(Insert the latest NPC claim)

I call a google search a GIGO Robot.

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AI, brought to you by monstrous grifters with no soul. What could go wrong.

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I won’t be trusting “AI” for these very discussion points, will be failing any essay I get submitted that uses it too

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The broader issues have nothing to do with AI. AI is just a tool. Potentially a very powerful one, to be sure. But the core issues predate AI, computers, or even the printing press: Control of information. Those in power almost always have motives to push certain agendas. As such, the information that is revealed or suppressed is selectively filtered as needs dictate. Data may br true, false, useful or useless, present or completely unavailable. These issues probably date to the dawn of civilization. Plato discusses it in "The Republic," arguing that the State has the sole right to lie to citizen or enemy alike.

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"that’s not progress, it’s prevarication." This seems like our national (u.s.) motto for the last decades.

Really like the last piece of art.

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What may ending up saving AI is another AI that assesses the outputs and accurately detects and assesses bias and manipulation. I think it's naive to assume that AI will itself be fooled and seeded.

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I'm working on an article that hits the same general points, but I think you nail it at the end when you say that being correct is the most important thing. People used to love Google/Wiki until they got "woke" and started lying. If you have to continually double-check your AI answers to ensure it's not lying to you, you might as well cut out the AI middleman altogether.

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