Makes me mad - it seems like Tony is going to be able to back into the hedge and vanish without consequence. Dude is a stone cold killer.

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I think this paper reveals something else. Tony DREAMS of being the next Alexander Fleming, of a discovery that would save millions of lives and write his name in the record books (and Nobel prize laureate books) forever. But he's just a nebbishy little nerd of a bureaucrat, and not a great thinker.

Birx pushed the lockdowns as part of the Deep State trying to sink Trump. She never believed in it, as her own actions showed. Fauci believed he knew the right way, and that he would save millions.

Such people are worse than the Birxes of the world, since their approach is antithetical to science from within it, while Birx is antithetical from without it.

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I keep thinking we can do something to personally make his life a little harder. You know, he goes to a local gas station, tries to pump his own gas (as if he pumps his own gas) and the gas station attendant asks him for his vaccine passport and then informs him the gas station has been locked down.

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Pie in the face would be a good daily start.

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That would be awesome. Also I would love people interact with Fauci and friends like they interact in a deposition.

Fauci at Starbucks: "Can I get a cup of coffee?"

Barista: "Sure you can." (Makes no move to make the coffee.)

Fauci: "Well?"

Barista: "Well what?"

"Can I get a coffee."

"You can," they say.

"Why aren't you making it?"

"What do you mean by "making it?"

"I mean, can you make me a coffee?"


"So why aren't you making it?"

"I don't understand the question."

"You said you could make me a coffee."

"Indeed, I could."

"So why aren't you?"

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😂🤣😂🤣 I want to be in line behind him to watch that.

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Like the Gates of Hell pie in face! 😂🤣😂🤣 I could watch that all day, every day!

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Are the Gates of Hell related to the Gates of Microsoft?

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@Dave- I'd pay to see that

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Most people don't realize Fauci was actually quite negative about the vaccine, until he was for it. So not only is he flipflopping, it's his second time doing so on the same topic. Of course not a peep about this from the corporate media.

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You are correct. I hadn't heard the original, he wasn't. 🙄

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Will the real Fauci please stand up?

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I doubt Fauci is under ANY delusion about what he's doing. This man is the person that pushed AZT as a treatment for AIDs patients. AZT is a chemotherapy drug, it probably didn't save a single patient or improve any lives.

It's so frustrating. All these people have a LONG history. Fauci is just a sociopath. He doesn't care about helping anybody. The man is not incompetent, he's evil.

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You are surely right. I did not mean to say that he did not know -- he just believes he is right. Sociopath for sure. But I am persuaded by those who were there that Birx KNEW it was evil and got her jollies from that. I still find that worse. But both pretty lousy -- no argument there.

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Not only did he push AZT, but he knew Bactrim would would better for pneumocystis pneumonia, but he covered it up. Just like he knew that (H)CQ worked against SARS-1 since at least March 2020, but covered it up too, only to push "run death is near", and then later the jabs.

Blood, meet hands.

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They know exactly what they are doing -- last week a study came out confirming that paxlovid is also driving the variants.

They know this. They KNOW this.

Yet they continue to boost and give paxlovid to the MORE-ONS when they get covid...

They are purposely driving the mutations - with the end goal being to create a Marek's level deadly version of this virus

There can be zero doubt about that

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The $cience™ <-- the only variety this platinum-card-carrying psycho aka Fauci can possibly be located within 🤷

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Recall he was a religion/philosophy major undergrad before Med school, not bio or chem.

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Niiiiice! 🙄

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Let's hope his name will be on a court docket. Like a Nuremberg court document.

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Won't argue 🙂 Hopes animate dark skies as only aurorae (and occasional Steve) are able. This is especially true for the kinds not tethered to any solid grounds 😉

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Sorry, Birx is far worse. Fauci is self-deluded. Birx knew exactly what she was doing. Probably the worst participant in ensuring the Covid tragedy happened.

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Just tally up the ultimate score of intersectional badness 😂

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I believe the word you are searching for is "fanatic, but with criminal, more than political, motivation.

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He'll burn the world in search of a Nobel Prize. I'm absolutely certain of this.

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Fauci had 1 day off ,January 1 2023 ,he retired on December 31 and the incident with the Bills player on Monday Night Football January 2nd bought him back.Whatever happened with that player,I imagine because of all the real cardiac events with European Football the entire Team Vax was ready with emergency response if it happened in the NFL or any USA sport..

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He was brought back to have the government provide body guards and security for him on our dime.

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Brought back. by Obiden, correct?

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...and he should be studied like a ...virus.😁

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Like a Beagle.

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He will not vanish. He will continue to cash in. Far worse.

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Same here.

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If ONLY he would just ghost us for good already! He will probably keep breadcrumbing and hoovering us on a rolling basis, like the narcissist he is.

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How about we just empty our wallets to Pfizer and skip the ne t pandemic?

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In truth, they should just empty their wallets to us. Everyone of us, both vaccinated and unvaccinated has been touched by the vaccine, sadly.

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Excited that as U.S. taxpayers, we get to empty our wallets to Pfizer AND participate as test subjects in the next plandemic.

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I prefer a No Vax camera that will just send me a ticket,a reasonable fine is okay by me.Just put it at airports and if business wanted to put one a sports or concerts,that’s their decision.I like the camera idea because everyone uses the Red Light analogy on Team Vax.

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I dislike the very notion that I have to pay a fine/fee/tax just to live in peace and be left alone. Sounds like a protections racket.

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Have you ever found or noticed any difference whatsoever between any government (of any type anywhere) and a mob-style protection racket? I assume you have not.

I don't recall having read of any such at any point in human history, either.

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That's actually what we do pay the police, you know. Except, most of the time, we do not get what we pay for.

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When you have a kid with an impaired immune system (not deficient, just malfunctioning), you learn a lot of strange things by digging really deep into it. An impaired immune system confuses things and can THINK it’s fighting a pathogen when it’s not. Or the pathogens can mimic other pathogens to evade the immune system.

It’s almost like we shouldn’t be carpet-bombing babies immune systems with stuff they don’t need. Just saying.

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Recently I watched a Neil DeGrasse Tyson interview and it made me disappointed but not surprised to see he was "all in" on the vaccines. He also tried to explain things to the host of the show as if he were a child. One of the things he said was that "a bad system was better than no system." in terms of a strategy in dealing with a virus.

I was just amazed at that. No, oftentimes no system is better than a system. Although the system we had in place at the time in addition to natural immunity also had ivermectin and hydrochloroquine. And yet that system was rejected...

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Wow. The immune system is incredibly complex, individual, and intelligent. We are literally stripping immune systems of their intelligence - so yes, not tampering with it at all is better. A bad system attacks itself. Attacks the brain. Ask any of us with kids with PANDAS, and it’s very real and it’s very terrifying in its implications.

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My cousin’s child has this. It is horrific.

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Neil DeGrasse Tyson is also "all in" with the climate propaganda.

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Yep, he's turning out to not be as smart as advertised.

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He should stay in his lane. Perhaps on the first space thingy to Mars. He can preorder a shipping container of boosters.

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And yet the covid control-freak faction still supports deeply divisive policies requiring forced acquiescence to the permanency of recurring, compulsory injections by decrees justified with constantly shifting and contradictory criteria.

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Scary shift to nasal and possibly a respiratory inhaler,this makes the vaccine “safer “ to install in people and even a possible self-administered vaccine.These nutters final goal is creating a in home medical device that creates “vaccines “ through downloadable information.Gates has talked about this and using a skin patch.It’s a deep psychological/spiritual problem mixed with capitalism.Remember the Star Trek/Jetsons of the future?Flying cars and homes in the sky ,we get constant vaccines and bugs.

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If his vax “patches “ are like gate’s Microsoft “patches” we would be in even bigger trouble. The mind boggles.

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The public test rats need to ensure that his ideas just don't work.

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Good info - except if you dig deeper, you’ll find even your list of “legit” vaccines are mostly BS also.

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all the so called vaccines are dangerous. they invade the body with strange substances and cause an infection. if that is what you want fine with me. but not for me. if i get an infection elsewhere, well that is nature. but all these cauldron things, nope.

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"cauldron things" - Love the imagery! Thank you.,

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well, imagine ! intestines of animals, unborn babies, poisons, and some unknowns. Doesn't that sound like a medieval witch ? Probably have too much imagination, but at least at times it makes us laugh

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They (pfizer, et. al.) are satanic, so a witches brew would fit. (Considering that witches were considered satanic.)

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and in the meantime, the persons considered witches were usually healers, midwives, herbalists, concurrence for the people who called themselves doctors and who killed lots more. I remember reading how doctors took over from midwives and went from examining the dead to a mother in labor without washing hands.

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We are the witches. We heal, we soothe, we align the body with the elements and nature. We take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Witches were killed as a threat to the Catholic church - after all, we can't be self-sufficient, we need the Church to do that. Nothing to do with Satan, that is a layer of epithet added by the Church to make their propaganda work.

What Pfizer doing is exactly contrary to witchcraft. Think mad scientists, warlocks, betrayers.

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Pfauci's lab?

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What is left out is that no vaccine can ever stop respitory infection because the mucosal system and the blood systems never interact in the body. They are completely separate systems

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Right! Our body-machine is composed of thoroughly isolated parts that never interact 🤣

Shitty strategy it is, to fight BS with nuclear-grade BS.

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Feb 11, 2023
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Maybe, but even if that’s true, I don’t think ANY vaccines come close to landing on the right side of risk/benefit analysis. Western medicine has been so brainwashed by the whole “vaccines save lives” nonsense.

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I still don't think it would work for a RNA respiratory virus.

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All of them are BS

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Our whole house came down with Covid three weeks ago. INCLUDING my 92 year old overweight, pre-diabetic, high-blood-pressured, decreased kidney functioning, medically-treated dad. He had the two primary Pfizer shots early 2021 but I refused to allow him to participate after I became his power of atty when he came to live with us. For all of us in the house (5-total), it was a cold that lasted a few days longer than the ones I remember getting but with a bit less concentrated achiness, less head and chest congestion, MUCH less histamine production (sneezing, sinus irritation). Started out with a decreased sense of smell and a metallic "taste". Normal smell returned after about 10-12 days.

I did not tell dad he had Covid. He assumed a cold. Being in unknown territory with him, positive for Covid and his existing health issues, we put him on 12mg ivermectin for 5 days like the rest of us and we all also took 1200mg guaifenesin twice a day to keep mucus loose. Imagine what a medical system that is still "Covid-functioning" as if it were March 2020 would do to a 92-year-old fat man. If I had freaked and taken him to the ER, he would have been sucked up into the hospital and none of his "unvaxxed" family would have been allowed to know what is going on. I did not even tell his (native Norwegian) doctor in spite of my admiration for the man. He is still a part of the Central Baptist system and I'm sorry but I cannot trust a "medical system person" when it comes to Covid.

These new SARS-C0V-2 variants are nothing more than colds and we must acquire and build natural immune properties just like we did with the hundreds of different cold (rhinovirus) variants. I'm convinced that the spike-producing programming is standing in the way of injected humans being able to build on immunities to this man-made virus. People are killing themselves with this non-understanding of the mechanics of this tech and this blind political trust. It confounds me. When my wife and I try to explain it to my mother, we see her glaze over and we may as well be trying to explain quantum physics.

BTW... my wife is to be credited with what I seem to know. She is a genius-level pharmacist who had these people pegged from the beginning. She understands the industry and the monster it has become. I certainly married up and am thankful that she fell for me before she could come to her senses.

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When my step dad had a “flu” a few months ago, THE DOCTOR said it was best not to “test” because emotionally he would be much better able to deal with the illness if he didn’t think it was covid 🤷🏽 (this was in Mexico). I currently have a young Mexican volunteer at home (in Canada) who insists he never ever got covid, only omicron, but not covid 😅

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The only reason I test - is I'd like to get COVID so I know I've got natural immunity. Bummer to go through the RSV this year, but was hoping it was COVID so I could be done with that. THEN I would never test again.

Seems however that my prophylaxis is too effective - haven't caught it yet.

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Didn’t get the quackzine and will not get any other ones either. Saw my doctor the other day; he asked if I had any illnesses or flu recently. When I said no, he said I was doing better than most of his patients and he knows I am not jabbed nor received the flu quackzine.

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same with my docs. I am so glad I have a great medical practice.

There are still way too many doctors pushing (with raised eyebrows!!!) the vaxxes of all sorts of viruses. There is no need to debate them. Just smile and nod and get the hell out of there

Fortunately my med practice is well read and alert. You know, humans treating humans kind of set up. All of us are better off if we question and learn, then ask more questions.

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You are blessed in your medical care. I would say all of my doctors spread the narrative and they showed their disapproval when I politely declined except this year when I declined the flu vax. They were already treating patients with flu who got the flu quackzine and indicated understanding regarding my “thanks but no thanks “ response.

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how many pills are you on?? The vaccine is just 1 cog in the wheel of these legal drug pushers we call doctors. If you ae on zero, you have a good doctor, thats not just pushing pills. There are natural ways out of medical issues. These drug pushers just say take this or that, oh, that makes your legs swell, take this. Oh that causes this, take this. Soon your on 10 pills a day. Oh you feel depressed, take this, cant sleep now, take this. its a joke.

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Absolutely. Former pharm girl so I know the drill. Legal drug pushers.

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Arman Neel "Your Prescription May Be Your Problem" is an excellent book that addresses this. It's called "Prescription Cascade" - they start you on a statin because your numbers say so. When you then complain of muscle pain, they add NSAIDs. When you complain of brain fog, they add antidepressants. When your antidepressants make you anxious, they add a mood stabiliser or anti-anxiety drug. By now, your NSAIDs have given you an ulcer, so they put you on PPI's for the stomach. This robs you of essential vitamins & minerals and the whole system starts to go down. Next comes the cascades of heart drugs (because if you weren't overweight before, you likely are now). Statins are a gateway drug.

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I tell them I get my vaccines at Walgreens (not) and they leave me alone.

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I wondered if that would work.🤫

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If you had gone to Walgreen's, they'd ask who your primary is so they can notify them electronically.

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Duh. I don’t go to Walgreens for them. Or Walmart or CVS or anywhere for any vaccines. I lie 😱😱. I say that to throw the docs off the scent. Shuts them up for that visit anyhoo. I don’t go to conventional docs at all. Functional medicine doc. I had a necessary surgery recently and and had to see a preop doc. My remark worked fine. They Didn’t ask about the CoV jab

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77 yo. Never got a flu vax. When C19 transfections came out I pointed out the following to everyone who told me I was crazy for not getting the poke : "How are you ever going to get a vaccine for a coronavirus? It's one of the common cold virus's. You're going to be playing whack-a-mole with vaccines and variants and you'll never get in front of this one. I'm not signing up for Pfizer's "Booster of the Month Club" : "10% off your choice of any ten variants - variant choice depending on your location."

How well could a vaccine work on an older person with a typically waning innate immune system? Or someone who is immunocompromised for some other reason? I know! You just change the definition of "vaccine".

(insert your preferred expletive)! I tried to explain this to several people I know who are actually in the medical profession and they didn't get it! My professions have been as unrelated to medicine as you can get. And I understood this? That is frightening!

And, 3 words you never want to see or hear used in the same breath/sentence :

1. Vaccine.

2. Warp.

3. Speed.

Thank you and a "heart" to everyone here and elsewhere that also saw the gas lights flickering and had the courage to say so. I'm a survivor and can be a pretty stubborn at not complying with authority after I figure out a scam. But you all made the last three years very much easier to deal with! And you helped me stay at least as sane (and that's questionable) as I was before the pandemic. Much gratitude. Peace.

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"there is always a new one, a new strain, and it will infect you whether or not you got sick last year."

Ahh yes. More reason for us to go back to a state of endless lockdown and permanent indoor masking. We can't be too careful if it's certain that infection is always a possibility, even with the most highly tuned immune system. This is why we need a new booster and flu shot combo which was tested on 8 mice every 6 months. We need to perpetually infect ourselves to stop the infection. Fight fire with fire.

Its the only logical solution.


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Fight a match with a nuke.

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The worst thing about Fauci coming clean is it’s the beginning of the next phase.I call this Boomer Vax 2.0 as in the 1980s all the hippies became yuppies,they trading in the heroin needle for the rolled up dollar bill cocaine snorting.So here we go ,constantly spraying virus protection up our noses .That’s what they always wanted,the Dingers with their air cleaning and the Topol’s with their nasal spray.They should just do what Coke a cola’s original creator did.Put actual cocaine in the spray to get people addicted.Warp Speed to Lightning Speed.

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You have to go back further. In the 1890's Bayer used to have heroin in it. We always suspected that was what made our loony grandmother the way she was.

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The first coca cola in 1894 had 3.5g of cocaine in it! At that time, it was apparently an ingredient in a lot of things.

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Better Cocaine than rMRA or glysphosate.

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They've known these "universal" vaccines are a scam since Fauci wrote about them here: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMra1002842

more fun from Pfizer's 8-K:

"Revenue guidance for Pfizer’s COVID-19 products is as follows:

▪ Comirnaty revenues of approximately $13.5 billion, down 64% from actual 2022 results.

▪ Paxlovid revenues of approximately $8 billion, down 58% from actual 2022 results.

▪ In contrast to previous years, guidance for both products is no longer based primarily on expected deliveries under existing signed or committed supply contracts, but now also includes, among other things, anticipated sales through traditional commercial markets in the U.S. in the second half of 2023."

did you catch that French Fries Blazio and Emmy award winning Cuomo who pitched us that shots were free even tho congress fleeced us to the tune of billions to pay for them:

"..anticipated sales through traditional commercial markets in the U.S. in the second half of 2023" how fun

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I am a member of DRASTIC; I was given the DEFUSE proposal docs to leak; I gave a copy of the 'Moderna 19nt' paper to Congressional investigators 5 months before it was published; I researched and discovered the facts/evidence that led me to the conclusions below:

The virus was never a vaccine; the epitopes chosen are precisely the ones always removed from vaccines, both before and since early 2020.

The easiest example: the furin cleavage site, which was ALWAYS removed from HIV/Flu/MERS/RSV vaccines, going back decades - including those made by the NIAID's Vaccine Research Center's Barney Graham specifically - who was the person who chose to retain the FCS in the mRNA jab for Moderna. I've got a 2014 video from the GOF debates with Philip Dormitzer [later the head of Pfizer's vax development for the mRNA jab] where he unequivocally states that they would never retain the FCS in a vax. Ralph Baric was literally sitting next to him.

The same is true for the HIV epitopes in the N-terminal domain on the other side of RBD from the FCS. I went through ~60 vaccine studies/prototypes to solidify that conclusion, and dozens of studies have shown that the HIV epitopes are mediating DC-SIGN transfer of SARS-CoV-2 to the lymph nodes, and also elicit 2G12 antibodies, a classic HIV gp120 antibody. The epitopes have been inserted in a pattern that indicates knowledge of HIV vax mosaic construction, but the epitopes chosen are the opposite of most other prototypes.

I can assure you that my awareness on this topic is bleeding edge, and I expect to ultimately testify to the veracity of these conclusions. I wish SARS-CoV-2 was a failed vaccine - I really do. If it was, Fauci would've had the bad parts removed. Instead, they were retained, on purpose, for the first time ever. Those decisions were not a mistake.

I'm still working on the full compilation of evidence [~120 pages], but this article gives a summary from 6 months ago. The evidence has not been shrinking in the interim.


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While I cannot attest to being completely certain of the correctness of everything Charles wrote, it is because of my own lack of knowledge, not because I know any of the above to be wrong. Charles knows what he is talking about. A lot of ideas I expressed in the past come from his work.

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Watch Catherine A Fitts' recent interview on 'the financial coup d'etat'. Being a finance expert, and knowing how bankers operate, this seems to help fill in the big picture. It's a bit dark, but it's best to know what we're facing.

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Thank you.

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Thank you for mentioning my article about "2019 novel coronavirus vaccine" vials dated Jul 2019!

Covid-19 was possibly a firefighter-arsonist type of project that is going badly (the pandemic has not ended and will likely take many more times more lives than it did to date). Kind of like your dog that was rescuing children from Seine.

It also possibly was NOT a "firefighter-arsonist project" and was more sinister than that, as HIV inserts are difficult to explain by benevolent motives.

Its creators likely knew that any vaccine will not work and would backfire. Did they design it knowing of vaccine efforts and in expectation that a vaccine replicating the "spike protein" would be created mindlessly as a countermeasure? Was the spike designed to ensure damage to the population through vaccination?

What did Tony know in Jan 2020? The article you are describing is highly incriminating.

More questions than answers, sadly, but thank you for shedding some light on this.

Covid is a big mystery.

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The weapon was not the virus. It was fear of the virus.

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fear and whatever was in the vials.

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I agree that we don't know what is in the vials and, clearly, it is neither safe nor effective.

But they (whoever they are) used a massive fear psyop to convince people to take experimental jabs using a tech that was never used for "vaccines" before.

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100% this, a psy-op to scare the hell out of people to comply. A test run for how much freedom people would cede. We failed miserably.

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As I have commented elsewhere on this site, I was deeply suspicious of Covid and the vaccines from Day 1. Especially the vaccines. The reason was and is very simple. I spent 37 years working in preclinical (animal) pharmaceutical research and there is NO WAY IN HELL ANY drug, let alone a vaccine, can be developed, tested, and put on the market that quickly. NO WAY. Someone somewhere cut corners and/or is downright lying. Nothing in the last 2-3 years has happened to change my mind, on the contrary. It has nothing to do with anything I saw or heard on the media or online, it is my own experience working in the field at one of the top preclinical labs in the country and knowing what it takes to bring a drug or vaccine to market. And yes, the makers of said vaccines were some of our clients. To the best of my knowledge--and I do believe I was in a position to know--none of these mRNA coronavirus vaccines were in development at my facility when I left in 2017. So the testing was done elsewhere--and it sounds like much of it was done outside the US, where perhaps the requirements aren't so stringent. It also makes me rather suspicious of any NEW drug or treatment that is being marketed or will be marketed, because I am no longer in the industry and therefore don't know what kind of testing is going on from this point forward.

I think the medical profession has yet to realize the ENORMOUS harm that has been done over the last 2-3 years but there will be some kind of reckoning as people start turning away from traditional medicine and seeking alternative remedies. I recently had to have a breast biopsy and when they told me I was going to have a small metal chip implanted to mark the site for future mammograms it made me hesitate for a moment. Like, are they telling the truth about what they are putting in my body and why? I think there are a lot of people who are going to take Nancy Reagan's advice and "just say no". I am done getting vaccines UNLESS they are for "one and done" diseases and there is a clear (not exaggerated) danger to my health if I don't. And quite frankly I can't think of any of those diseases I am likely to come in contact with.

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I encourage you to say no to every single vaccine. None of them are needed and everyone of them have adverse events related to them. Read "Dissolving Illusions" for details such as the death rates for the diseases had already plummeted at the point the vaccines were rolled out. Improved hygiene, etc.

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Friend is getting a very expensive osteoporosis bi yearly injection. Prolia. I looked up the side effects. Kind of alarming. Can lead to broken femurs and other bad stuff. She took what her doc said and sure she hasn’t checked. Not covered by her insurance either. Plus a few that the other ones like Boniva caused--deterioration of jawbone, etc. That happened to my sister with Boniva.

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I've been harping on the yearly flu shot for quite some time. Flu shots administered in the US has gone from around 12 million a season to over 190 million a season in about 40 years. Try to find anything even resembling a commensurate drop in flu deaths in those same 40 years. It's just not there.

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It’s insane that the flu shot is a required vaccine for immigrants (as is the COVID vaccine at the moment and I guess for the foreseeable future). What are they worried about? That I’ll arrive in the US and get the flu? So?

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Dr Mike Yeadon, who now lives in Florida, visited the UK recently to give a lecture. He hasn't had the injection; in fact he's been warning others to steer clear since 2020. So there are ways for non-citizens to travel to and from the USA without taking the treatment. If and when the flu jab becomes mRNA, that also becomes one to avoid.

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Oh I guarantee those "immigrants" wading the Rio Grande are not met with a nurse and a needle. They walk in free as a lark and get their Biden phone, a cash card, and a free bus or plane ticket...north... but no immunizations. Why do you think we have had a recurrence of measles and mumps across America?

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Thank you for explaining this simply. Very well done. I’m passing it along.

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Also my intention

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