

1. woke

2. joke

3. joke

4. joke

5. woke

6. woke


woke, woke, joke (the last one is a comedian)

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All true. Do I win a cat?

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It's real. It is all real. Woke is made out of people! It's people!

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Gato, there should be a browser extension to funnyficate the internet. For example, the extension should change all instances of "climate change" with "manbearpig."

I feel it is so unjust and patriarchal and capitalistic that I have to do the effort to mentally change that, that I may start thinking in starting a males only political party.

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The punchline is they all sound like the typical word salad and if the second video is true I hope the sperm donor sees this and sues everyone involved and / or if he wants proves her unfit and takes the child.

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Hopefully they'll have gone the Way of Darwin within a generation. Between cutting off all reproductive organs, deciding they're not going to reproduce because climate, pairing up in non-reproductive ways, and becoming scary nompaths - they are surely doomed to an evolutionary cul-de-sac? Yes? Yes? Please, yes?

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I’ve finally realized there’s no fix for any of this, is there.

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Guesses: 2&4 jokes, others real. All 3 accounts are real. How is my woke-dar?

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No joke

Society Chokes

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I don't have the time nor inclination to attempt to distinguish the woke from the joke, however, I would ❤️❤️LUV❤️❤️ to see "Woke or Joke" as a weekly feature-- it's so meme-y. I find it helps to be reminded, peeps out there really are nutso-- but plenty remain sane-- and, along with the vitamins I take, I like me some laughs.

As for the NPR lady's word salad, I'd like to pour some vinegar on that, like 10 gallons. Normally I wouldn't care if someone's such an arrogant dope, but my tax dollars are paying her salary, and that of her minions.

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All of them are real except maybe the sperm donor video. I would think that would be illegal and men wouldnstop donating sperm.Several are from Katherine Maher.

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I thought that with IVF, there wasn't supposed to be any actual screwing? Because that sperm donor, he just got an 18 year long fucking.

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If the second video is true, that woman should be in prison. For a long time. In a cell right next to the lawyer who took her case and the judge who ruled in her favor.

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All of these statements could have originated from Kamala Harris. She is a word salad whizzzzz

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Katherine Maher. ICK

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Question: Is Katherine Maher herself an AI parody?

She’s so impeccably fluent in Woke-speak one has to wonder.

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