
1. woke

2. joke

3. joke

4. joke

5. woke

6. woke


woke, woke, joke (the last one is a comedian)

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The one about gender ID changing with the seasons -- totally crazy! We should have a contest for the craziest woke quote.

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I scored okay, but only because

a) I had already encountered some of these in the wild and

b) I was primed to expect a couple to be jokes.

Well played.

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I really believe that last one was true.

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Sadly, I did as well.

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I got all but #3 which sounded plausible!

Knowing that if you COULD sue sperm donors for child support that this would have happened decades ago, I outed her as "joke'...

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Quote #1. Is this something that Sotomayor said during the recent oral arguments in the Murthy v. Missouri case? Sure sounds like her.

In any case, that woman's mind is a howling wilderness. A shining example of the results achieved when "Diversity" is prioritized over simple competence.

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it was another katherine meyer quote


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Huh. I must be biased, or a subhuman found on the woke's "...ist" list, or something equally as awful. Apologies to the Howling Wilderness! (insert eyeroll emoji here...)


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All jokes - woke is a joke!

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Got all but one right. I vacillated on #3, but thought it sounded plausibly woke.

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All true. Do I win a cat?

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Is winning a cat really winning? Unless you like to be treated like a servant in your own home...

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I don't mind being treated as a servant by a higher species.

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Yes I had mine purring and pow it swatted me and ran away. I must try harder to please it.

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what.... ? you mean... y y you mean we are not the servants?

Boy wow I was fooled.

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All true and all jokes.

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You win a cat only if you can tear it out of the cold, dead hands of the women in the video clips…

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Why are men with cats regarded as charming but women are derided as "cat ladies?"

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LOL - maybe it's that very lack of cats that makes those men who deride our lady caretakers such assholes :)

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Continues to be strange that an unmarried middle-aged man with cats is regarded as having been too busy inventing wonderful things to have a family, or as half of a discreet tasteful householding relationship with a similar guy for forty years, while an unmarried middle-aged woman with cats is either in the world's view too ugly to fuck or is half of a lesbian partnership with both of them purported to smell like unshaved unwashed armpits.

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I think the operative word here should probably be "abnormal" rather than "strange", both to the dominant societal opinion (or maybe just the loudest, but not really dominant in terms of optimal-ness) and to those who spend their time voicing it so loudly and obnoxiously....

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I'd say there's an awful lot of people from every side no matter the topic who ought to be in prime fitness considering those heavy mirrors they drag around shouting into all the time.

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I’ll ask my two Siamese…

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Well if I put live my husband I’m getting 2-4 cats. These are all true. I’d like a tuxedo cat please. One cat might be ok with the husband. He likes cats

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I should note that it is immaterial to my own status as a cat lady that my cat has been dead for 30 years. She visits me in dreams, speaking perfect English, which I consider sufficient proof of her continued interest in being connected to me.

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Outlive *

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Why is a cat nap looked upon as a desirable thing, but a dog nap is a crime?

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If they’re all true you’re gonna need more than one.

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It's no joke that they're all woke! Gag, puke, choke!

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It's real. It is all real. Woke is made out of people! It's people!

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Soylent Trans.

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Isn't Soy-Lent what vegans call Easter?

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*golf clap*

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See my response to Rik!

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I see what you did there, Rikard!!

Well played!!

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You and Pi Guy - thanks for my LMFAO of the week. I could picture Chuck Heston screaming that tag line in Soylent Trans. Back at ya - Everybody Comes To Rick's (2024 Woke Edition of Casablanca): Mr. Ugarte screams - Rick! Help me! Rick! The letters of trans-it are fake!!!

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"You can have my pronoun when you pry it from my cold dead hands!"

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"Let my pronouns go"

"So let it be woke, so let it be done."

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*chisels up a slab of marble, steps back, admires, sheds single tear*

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"...from my cold dead hands!"

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And it eats people, instead of the other way around.

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😭 it is sad sick

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"Woke is made out of people! It's people!"

It's important thing to realize that. Neither woke nor leftism are ideologies. They are groups who use fake issues ("Gender is real; Biology is not!") as weapons to get political power.

Why is that important? Because rationally arguing with or about them will accomplish nothing. They don't really believe their lies. They don't change their minds when they are wrong.

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Soylent Woke?

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Summoning political correctnes online?


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Zombified people, though.

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Gato, there should be a browser extension to funnyficate the internet. For example, the extension should change all instances of "climate change" with "manbearpig."

I feel it is so unjust and patriarchal and capitalistic that I have to do the effort to mentally change that, that I may start thinking in starting a males only political party.

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How about an extension that can wokify any idea or conversation. "I'm going to wash the car" becomes "I'm going to destroy the earth by wasting limited resources on a symbol of white male capitalist oppression". Hours of fun! (I'm suspicious that someone has already created this and is using it on us everyday)

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The worst thing that woman did was burn the bra.Fucked up everything . Stupid bitches.

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From my cold dead boobs.

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Modern Colloquial English, I believe.

A smattering of cuss words spices up any conversation, although some participants have no taste for them.

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“Jane, you ignorant slut” comes to mind.

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I was only teasing. I laughed after I read the post.

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I, child of New England, alumna of the nation's first college for women, have more recently (i.e., in last 2 decades) been wondering if woman's suffrage was a really, really, bad mistake.

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Women aren't the problem. Brain damage is the problem.

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hilarious yes

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The punchline is they all sound like the typical word salad and if the second video is true I hope the sperm donor sees this and sues everyone involved and / or if he wants proves her unfit and takes the child.

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"They all sound like the typical word salad."

That's why James Lindsay, et al were able to write those fake academic papers and get them published in the woke journals. They studied the word salad linguistic patterns and vocabulary.

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Want to hear something funny? Pranks like that were done in the 1950s already, though only the people who read academic journals were aware of it.

Very famous over here is a fake doctoral dissertation from 1955, Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, called "Fatilarkalkyl" (Fatilary calculus). It's complete gobbledygook but it looks genuine to anyone not "in" on the many clues with local ties present in the text.

In the 1990s, we had the Sokal Affair, and the problem of postmodernist denial of reality has been with us from the 1970s at least. I have personally heard a professor of physics claim that "gravity is a social construct"; she was not amused when she was asked why she didn't step out of the window of the fourth floor of the faculty and simply changed her perception of gravity to enable her to float to the ground.

Not trying to rag on Lindsay, but he's very much a "Johnny come lately" in these matters.

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Oh geez. Married to a physicist. For 52 years.

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I was married to a Ph.D. EE for 52 years, almost 53 when he died. I worked as a tech with a bunch of physicists. They would talk about "dazzling with bulls#!t" when they wanted to influence people but didn't necessarily have the goods.

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I think it's: "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle the with bullshit". First read on some chachkies stuff at Spencer's Gifts decades ago

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Thanks. Maybe the guys I knew were just lazy saying "dazzle them with bullshit". haha

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Apr 20Edited

Lindsay is a showman too obviously admiring of his own tricks.

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It's funny, but also sad and frightening that people are that ignorant. They are capable of just about any atrocity against anyone who does not agree with them. The professor of physics really had no excuse for espousing such a stupid claim, and yet, it happened! It's shocking and disturbing.

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One my fellow students in grad school found was on "the negative correlation between IQ and penis size", which was a followup to "the negative correlation between IQ and breast size."

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I would have thought there were explicit Rules in the sperm donor contracts that would absolve the donor of any responsibility for children. What would that guy do who was the donor for dozens of kids if all the wimmenfolkx sued him for support?

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I saw that last video on facebook. It's real. I don't know if they're all real. I know the one about the 1st amendment is real.

They're probably all real, but I need confirmation. I hate admitting it but hat's just how I roll.

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and I was wrong about the last one, so I'm told. Argh! Foiled again.

But I saw it on Facebook. It must be real. ;-(

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Hopefully they'll have gone the Way of Darwin within a generation. Between cutting off all reproductive organs, deciding they're not going to reproduce because climate, pairing up in non-reproductive ways, and becoming scary nompaths - they are surely doomed to an evolutionary cul-de-sac? Yes? Yes? Please, yes?

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Please do not forget having taken the jabs--and probably many of them.

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I recently heard Andrew Brigdon quip “The boosters were an IQ test.”

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I’ve finally realized there’s no fix for any of this, is there.

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Mother Nature will fix

And she ain’t happy.

And when mama’s not happy, ain’t nobody happy. 😂

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acceptance is part of recovery 🙄 🎈

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"I'm Pi and I'm a Woke-aholic."

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YAY let's get help!!!🙄🥺😂

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That is a valid fear

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We can vote all we want. We can wear t-shirts making fun or make memes. We can fire all the teachers. Etc., etc., etc. But they are in law school, they run companies. They took over all the security agencies, intel , and media and college faculty and admin., not to mention public health. How on earth do we get out from under this?

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Step aside from the machine, stop contributing to it as to as great an extent as is feasible for you, help others of like mind to do that, even if you may conflict on other issues, and prepare for when it collapses, whether that will be a rapid-onset collapse as Jugoslavia, or a slow rotting and withering away of the old system.

It may happen in a few years, and it may happen after we're dead and gone.

Remember, in 1985 we all thought the DDR would last longer than anyone alive at the time.

In 1989 the Wall came down.

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Yes. Thank you Rikard. True.

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Rickard, I’m with you. I have grandkids in middle and high school. I’m working on keeping them non-woke. It’s an uphill battle, I won’t give up, maybe I’ll die trying.

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David wanted to build the temple; it was his son Solomon who did.

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When in the course of human events……

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Perhaps, and they took the jabs.

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A house divided against itself shall not stand.

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The fix always comes around again for everything. Unfortunately it's always the painful part of the cycle.

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Guesses: 2&4 jokes, others real. All 3 accounts are real. How is my woke-dar?

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Agree, although...I wasn't sure about 5. And I pray to god that the third account is fake.

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#5 was an article in UK paper The Independent a few weeks ago... Wish I was kidding.

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It would be a great time to be a woke lawyer lol

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I love wearing my "Get woke, go broke" tshirt everyday!

This one: t.co/JINFlcibjN

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Please go away.

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I agree with this^

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I think 2 is woke. Only 4 seems like a joke, but man it is close.

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No joke

Society Chokes

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I don't have the time nor inclination to attempt to distinguish the woke from the joke, however, I would ❤️❤️LUV❤️❤️ to see "Woke or Joke" as a weekly feature-- it's so meme-y. I find it helps to be reminded, peeps out there really are nutso-- but plenty remain sane-- and, along with the vitamins I take, I like me some laughs.

As for the NPR lady's word salad, I'd like to pour some vinegar on that, like 10 gallons. Normally I wouldn't care if someone's such an arrogant dope, but my tax dollars are paying her salary, and that of her minions.

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All of them are real except maybe the sperm donor video. I would think that would be illegal and men wouldnstop donating sperm.Several are from Katherine Maher.

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Obviously your right because the fact that the hair color is normal gave her acting away.

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Isn’t sperm donation anonymous? I don’t think you can just “get his contact info.” 1 and 6 I know are quotes from Katherine Maher.

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You can't just get the contact info per se but it's also not anonymous anymore. There's a big push to create more rights for donor-conceived people, mostly based on the premise that you should be entitled to know who your biological parents are.

Many jurisdictions have outright banned anonymous sperm donation.

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I'm quite certain that is true.

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Thanks. That one was stupefying. Now I can laugh, or at least smile...

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Anyone knows how to link only this video?

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I've seen it on Facebook. It's real though.

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I thought that with IVF, there wasn't supposed to be any actual screwing? Because that sperm donor, he just got an 18 year long fucking.

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If the second video is true, that woman should be in prison. For a long time. In a cell right next to the lawyer who took her case and the judge who ruled in her favor.

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And maybe the sperm donation place who should've had a disclaimer in their contract.

IF it's real, that is. I have my doubts.

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All of these statements could have originated from Kamala Harris. She is a word salad whizzzzz

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Katherine Maher. ICK

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Question: Is Katherine Maher herself an AI parody?

She’s so impeccably fluent in Woke-speak one has to wonder.

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She might be a fembot.

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