It’s REALLY important to appreciate that this “papers, please” issue is not just a matter of personal outrage about official overreach. It is that, but it’s SO much worse than that.

No, these “papers”, “vaccine passports”, “green passes” are something you’ve never encountered before.

What they are is the worlds first, common format, digital ID, with editable health & other fields & crucially, with “interoperable” characteristics.

This means that you & I might present our VaxPasses to the same reader, one after the other, and get completely different responses.

It might permit you to buy lunch & exclude me from the facility.

These are a CONTROL MECHANISM. Worse, a totalitarian tyrannical control mechanism, which you cannot resist.

They’ll start by making a valid VaxPass a requirement to do something you don’t care about.

Then they’ll gradually widen the number of places in which they’re required until it’s EVERYWHERE.

Now imagine you object. Say you don’t want to walk up to receive your fifth covid19 “vaccine”.

You have no choice, because a valid VaxPass is required to buy food. Or gas. Or to enter anywhere. Or to leave your house.

Do not allow VaxPass to take root in your country. It’s like a cancer, invisible at first, but relentlessly metastasising until it’s everywhere & extinguishes your life.

I see no possible way to remove VaxPass once it’s deeply embedded in a society.

30% of people will think they make them safer. Try taking VaxPass off such people. They’ll fight you.

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There is more to it also for many. We are fairly introverted and don't go out to 'events' so it was only over the holidays that we saw first hand how far this has gone. Where we are at the 'vax-pass' has become a form of status symbol - when many of the people presenting them to gain 'access' to a venue are doing so they behave as if they are showing off their new Lamborghini! (Of course the vast majority of these people could never afford a Lambo and this is the closest they will ever get to the 'VIP' pass) Their smugness is disturbing - it's like watching people lined up for a gas chamber who are laughing at those of us who did 'make the cut'.

Not sure how to turn this around - the majority of people are just too stupid.

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Ding ding ding! I actually had a friend say this to me when I told her I do not participate in QR systems. She just blurted out as she does that it felt like a VIP pass when she uses hers. I was so disturbed by this obscene reaction that I couldn’t really respond adequately. I am continually reevaluating our friendship. Not sure I can maintain it to be honest.

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I've noticed this on Linkedin. A year ago it was the thumbs-up/vaccination selfies. Now it's "look what I can do with my Vax Pass" selfies. As of now, they are the "in" crowd.

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Wonder if they will post on the 'I got covid despite my triple vax' status?

It will also be interesting to see how this 'in' crowd responds when it becomes common knowledge that those that took the vax are at much higher risks of developing cancers, heart problems, etc. Can't wait to see the thumbs up selfies of "First heart attack at 45!" Woohoo!

It is so sad to watch but this has really brought the concept of survival of the fittest within the human population to the forefront. I have a great deal of sympathy for those that are simply not equipped to understand what is going on and thus have fallen into a trap, and my heart breaks for the innocent children who are being harmed because their parents are too stupid, selfish or cowardly to protect them. I do not have any sympathy for those who are pushing this agenda because of their ideology, these are not victims but rather are the perpetrators.

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Same smugness as when everyone first got a cell phone. Made people feel cool, like they belonged. And of course, it isn’t a phone. It’s a computer.

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And eventually, there *is* going to be an "injection", medicine or procedure that the same people showing off their passes *don't* want... and it will be too late. Utter insanity.

I will continue saying no to *all* parts of this (testing, masks, passes, distancing, etc) until they literally ship me off to the camp or kill me. Unless we are all willing to make those sacrifices as well, it won't be stopped. We *must* say no to all of this. Even though the consequences may be very difficult (losing job, having to sell our car or house or whatever it takes). But, if we don't say no and all of this goes according to plan, the difficulties down the road will be much much worse in more ways than we can imagine. Sacrifice and inconvenience now on our terms is the only answer.

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Rob, I thought that, too.

But it’s occurred to me that they won’t need to imprison many people at all.

That’s because they’ll fractionate the unvaccinated population using a series of ultimata:

1. No visiting shopping complexes or get vaccinated.

2. No visiting large food supermarkets or get vaccinated.

3. No in-person shopping or get vaccinated.

4. Indefinite house arrest or get vaccinated.

5. Escalating fines or get vaccinated.

6. Internment or get vaccinated.

By the time a windowless van is idling outside your home, with a couple of flinty-eyed officials & a nurse with a pleasing expression on their face, I imagine there won’t be very many left to intimidate. They don’t want to intern anyone. But Bill wants a needle in every arm, and what Bill wants, Bill gets.

Unless & until we push back at Stage 1, moving down this pathway seems all the inevitable.

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This is what is so frightening about the situation. Do you remember the song 'Silent Running' by Mike and the Mechanics? I heard it again a few months back and found it chilling.

I'm in Canada and they are now making a big thing about Omicron and we were just informed the kids will be off for another week to help the schools prepare with additional 'safety measures' - so I read through the list of new measures just to see what other ridiculous garbage they could come up with. The one thing that got my attention was that they will be far more restrictive of who is allowed in the school other than staff and students - the list of visitors allowed specifically mentioned 'immunizers'. Interesting (and alarming!) since currently if you want to get your child vaccinated you need to book an appointment (it so far has not happened at the elementary schools).

Thank you for continuing to speak out push back. For my part I've been meeting with my elected officials. I try to 'scare' them into action by pointing out that the 40% will wake up and when they do the then combined 70% will take down whoever they think is responsible!

In the last year I have lost many friends (it is impossible to look at them the same once you see what roles they would have taken in 1939) and I am very appreciative to have met many online friends who are highly skilled critical thinkers. May all of our collective efforts to bring truth to light prevail in 2022 - Happy New Year!

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I recall that song well, I’d just never paid enough attention to it. It is creepy now.

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People are starting to get it. We have to keep pushing. No rest for the weary. Keep it up everyone!

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I am trying to think of some kind of innovation that we can create, that will act like the pamphlet publishers of the Revolutionary War. I kinda think we need to go back to mimeograph machines. People have to start banding together, ortherwise they will separate and STARVE us.

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The decisive thing is not waiting for their play but having one´s own. On the intellectual level, I am talking alternative society; on the power level, it is about creating a parallel state, starting with finance and building new systems (health, education, and church in general are patently rotten, and must be rebuilt from scratch as a matter of urgency). Band together, join forces, and have faith. We are in an undeclared war on humanity, and there is no way out but fight.

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Some people see China's social credit system and are horrified at the possibilities. Others see China's social credit system and are excited at the possibilities.

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Most see nothing.

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Some greens here in Berlin are very excited.

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...because they're really watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside.

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Spot on, as usual. As many have stated ad nauseam, this has been the end game since Day One. It was never about a virus or vaccines. It was about technocratic feudalism and societal control. Billions have been made by Big Tech, Big Pharma, corporate media, Big Data, et al. They were duly rewarded for playing their respective part.

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Soon we won't need to "present" our vax passes because they'll be embedded into our flesh and fully scannable from any direction by any government agency or rogue hacker possessing the proper equipment. Oh well, the Luddites tried to warn us. That's the price of progress!

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yes like all our dogs and cats have 'chips' now...sound familiar?

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Start with the cats and dogs, then move onto the humans, who are the cats and dogs of the future!

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well maybe we are more like rats and mice :(

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Hamsters on the wheel, Coppertop!

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i always treated my hamsters and mice nicely as a child, what happened to these arrogant tyrants?

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I have an alternative solution to this madness here, doc: https://www.EscapeTheNewNormal.com

While most people are depressed about what's going on, I'm excited about the future to escape to a parallel society.

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That looks like part of the system that is in the process of an attempt to impose on us. One class supplies the blood right? It's almost like Vampire World.

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Reminds me a bit of Theranos. All hypothetical but acting as is it already exists

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As the world's biggest optimistic skeptic, I understand where you're coming from. With that said, Lucid Motors was accused of the same. Now they're having the last laugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_TMGEnc5Cs

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Where will this new parallel city be located.

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Phase 1 will have 21 locations throughout the lower 48.

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Seriously do this. The Libertarians identified one city in New Hampshire and one in Colorado years ago. I need one in Texas.

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Done. Doing it. Stay tuned!

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I'd like to know how you are NOT going to be subject to the government...if you are in the US, you have to submit...unless they are going to be on reservations?

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And who is doing the security?

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Each town has its own security. I got trained by the Amish (I'm not kidding... the Amish are my neighbors of 20+ years... they've been peacefully left alone here for 300+ years). In fact, The Amish even got the US government to grant them a few tax exemptions - look: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4029.pdf

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Markus I do not have enough time to watch, but I like the idea. Do you have print information?

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...but doesn't presently exist

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This is exactly it. This is why covid19 even came about. It was means to get us to the VaxPass. From there, it's onto dystopian techno-feudalism. And yes, they don't care if you die. Even Noam Chomsky said that unvaccinated people should be starved for 'the greater good.'

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His view was that the unvaccinated should isolate themselves while he and his mates went about the killing.

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His mates need to come to my house. Pretty please. 😼

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Yes, this is so important. It’s nothing to do with eating at a restaurant or entering a gym. Rights are always eroded in infinitesimal steps. Look at the progress they’ve already made! It never, ever goes backwards.

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I really admire those who refused from the start - the restaurant and gym owners, for example - they saw where this was going.

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It's time more start trying out that backbone of theirs and doing the same. It seems we are at a precipice between communism and liberty. If people stay complacent, the American Liberty experience is lost.

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Right now it's straight up tyranny and totalitarianism. Pretty frightening to those of us who get it, yes.

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Coronal Mass Ejection will remove this hi-tech surveillance quite nicely, thank you.

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Happy New Year Mike.

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You are both so right. It is the most important thing to fight.

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UGH!! Get them into that digital tracking system!

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Thanks--best from chch

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I'll confess to being so naive, even in my rapidly-tarnishing golden years, as to have truly been surprised at how few of the "educated elite" actually do love their children.

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Or even have children.

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I am grateful now every moment of my life that some guardian angel made me realize just in time that I did, in fact, want a child.

There's before becoming a parent, and there's after. It's not something one can intellectually explain to someone who has not experienced it. An event so ordinary and yet so utterly sundering of everything known before it. One's pets--no matter how beloved--are not one's children. A fulfilling life can be built of many things and children aren't essential to it. But having children--if one has the innate capacity to become the parent they need--is unique amongst all other experiences.

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I agree. I am not a parent, fertility problems, and I regret not making adoption a priority. In my younger years, it seemed a crazy, expensive endeavor when we were already burdened with caring for my stepson, who is wonderful and I am thankful to have. I now realize this as a youngish grandparent in my early 50s. I wish our government more prioritized and incentivized families of all types. It is just an excuse, but some incentives might have changed my shortsighted mind. And there is certainly no shortage of children who need a good home.

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You are a parent. You have a stepson. His children don't see you as step-grandma--they see you as grandma. And a young grandma offers such an extraordinary breadth of experiences and capacities to bless those kids with. And children really, really need grandparents in their lives just as much as parents. It, too is a unique relationship and, unfortunately in our spread-out long-distance-families modern life, kids get too little of it. I am sorry for pain that you experienced and loss that you feel. That's real. But the children who love you dearly are real too.

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You are so kind! I agree, but my love and appreciation (thankfulness) for my grandchild (and another to come) has reminded me that I did “miss out” on having my own child or children. They are such a blessing. I really admire parents who “make it happen” in having larger families and or adopting. And back to our topic, I do think politicians and worse, unelected bureaucrats, that don’t have children, make & implement more shortsighted and cruel dictates like forcing these vaccines on children & teenagers. I love how Tucker Carlson champions families and lauds those that do the same!! I wish more influencers would do the same. We need strong, nuclear families to help rebuild our country.

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The older you get, the more you realize life is almost entirely accident and luck. I was mostly a moron in my younger years and somehow one of my most moronic choices ever led to my greatest blessing. It's hard not to look back in regret and wonder what might have been and feel the aching loss you express, but again--when you feel the warmth and the life force in those little bodies and understand they don't give a wrinkled fig for genetics but only care about the love flowing out of you and into every bit of themselves--you were granted something different but just as real.

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This is all the hormonal stuff. Parents’ poetry. Throw off the hormones when they creep up and take the future test, alerting you to parental pitfalls. Hug other kids that need it.

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And I missed the chance. So glad you didn't.

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I promise you, it wasn't because I was smart. I ain't kidding about guardian angels. One of 'em inserted the realization into my brain at just exactly the right moment.

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Oh my…. Hope you don’t mind reuse of “rapidly-tarnishing years.”

Just viewed a history blip from pre-WWII, highlighting how intellectuals were actually rounded up before the Jews.

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Always grateful if anything I say is taken as a bon mot...

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I live in Chicago. I LOVE spending money in Wisconsin and Indiana. I started when they implemented the soda tax, then the bottled water tax, and of course our confiscatory gasoline tax. Just another reason to keep shopping in other states. Makes no difference to me if they want to require papers.

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It should make a difference to you. Freedom is the most important thing we have in this country. In Austria and Australia they are literally locking people up in “quarantine concentration camps” and separating them from their families in the name of “science”. It doesn’t matter if these people have natural immunity (which is 27x stronger than vaccine antibodies) or not. Even if you have a covid vaccine - YOU NEED to CARE!!!! Fauci just said he wants to force everyone to take a 4th jab and require vaccine passport in order to fly or use public transportation. It will never end. We will be prisoners in our own country. We ALL MUST RiSE UP TOGETHER against these unconstitutional vaccine mandates! We need to get these covid Nazis out of office! Vote them all out now! If we don’t rise up for freedom we won’t have any freedom left! Do not sit by and watch it happen.

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The sooner these blue cities can fail completely, the better. This is why I advocate for parallel economies. Of course I care about freedom but I do not care about the freedom of Marxists and the Marxist mafia. That’s why I’m moving to shore up another state.

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Are Wisconsin and Indiana less into the nonsense?

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Yes, both. Indiana more so. Wisconsin is being overtaken by Marxists emanating from Milwaukee and Madison. I plan to get involved in politics once I am in WI. I like Senator Ron Johnson a lot.

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Yes, you NEED to CARE. Exactly. I am hoping we can get at least 15% of our population to care, organize and overthrow or disrupt the plans for the New World Order. I have a selfish friend, older than I, who just doesn't care....she's gonna live her 20 years left and doesn't give a damn for anyone who comes after her.

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That is an interesting attitude. Although I hate living in CA, now, land of the Gavinator and all his mindless edicts, I have to fight harder than people living in red states. When I go into a store without a mask, which I did at three locations today, and one yesterday, it is a crazy rebellious act, and I am ALWAYS the only one doing this. I have had to learn who my local supervisors are, to make my opinions known re mandates; I have had to leave a job that is mandating the toxic gene therapy, because i also resist their bs accommodations. The costs of my standing up for basic bodily autonomy and constitutionally protected rights are far higher, in this state. I wonder how many big talkers from red states would stand up for freedom if they were in a place where they were one of the only ones doing it. Not saying they wouldn't, but it is a pressure of both (an illegal, faux) law and of the entire local culture, going against the freedom-lover, here. That's not nothing.

Being unconcerned about "proof of" papers/passes seems unwise, naive, and frankly, irresponsible. It is like censorship--one day they will come for what YOU said. One day there will be a box your didn't check, and access will be denied. Some people are more comfortable during this hard time than others are. And I respect the desire to create parallel societies/institutions, and advocate for it in some instances (like healthcare, for sure). But there is also the idea of, don't cede ground. It is OUR country, it is OUR Constitution, the politicians are supposed to SERVE us. if we don't work with this then we are just rolling over, if we don't have a better plan/. Which, sorry but "parallel" and "move to the country, go off grid" are just not well-thought-out enough.

As several other posters say: "You can't comply your way out of tyranny."

And Imma copy this one again, because it is correct:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Martin Niemöller

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Parallel societies will run parallel for only so long. Both standing your ground and building the alternative structures are equally important. In the end, there will be the inevitable resolution, anyway, and it is absolutely essential getting ready for it. I appreciate your position.

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I am very pleased to meet you. You have my great admiration. And yes, I'm in a deep blue state, I am surrounded by compliers and people who think it is just fine. I am thinking of retiring, if and when I can (soon I hope) and joining the Resistance.

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Chicago voters deserve what they get. Honestly the vax papers are some of the least of their worries. It is a rather naive reading of my comment to think I would not be concerned about this. Of course I am concerned which is why I am leaving.

I could not give less of a crap about Marxists and their children. Let them live where vax papers are required. The rest of us will not bankroll their lifestyles.

In fact I would consider myself more rebellious than you are because I am moving. Not staying. Why are you still supporting Marxist policies with your tax dollars?

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LOL some of us don't live in the "buying a second home" bubble. Best of luck to you though!

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I’m just a corncob from Iowa. First in my family to attend college (self funded). If I can do it anyone can.

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And we cannot think that just because a state is supposedly "free" now doesn't mean it will stay that way. Most of the "free" states have been operating on "executive orders" to stop a lot of this madness. They haven't been changing laws (in a lot of cases) and these states are getting flooded by people who may be bringing some contrary beliefs with them. What this means is that all it takes is for a new power mad "leader" to come in and reverse all of the executive orders. We are fooling ourselves if we think that liberty is going to ring in these "free" states forever. Unless we start demanding it. And keep demanding it. For the rest of our lives.

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Same thing occurred to me, are these States in the process of being overrun by people who don't know how to vote and what it means.

Also DiSantis gone, what happens?

Why is Mexico free though? Is it because they don't want to stop the traffic to the border?

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Mexico is both ways, seems to me; read JimStone.is for continuous reportage.

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That is my worry.

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Move to WI or Indiana. Chicago does not care about you.

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We are completing construction on a home in WI now and also shopping for a second home in the free state of Florida.

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Lemme know if I can help y’out :)

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It is bizarre this anti-logic world we live in. For years of bioethics training, I was taught all research requires consent. All drugs cannot be coerced. Countless examples of bioethics failures, drug companies paying fines, drugs recalled. And here were are. Does not our society see that we now live in a regressive society where we now accept all the things we rejected and supposedly learned about from history. You know things are bad when you read the Declaration of Independence and realize that this fantastic document that set us on a course for freedom would now be considered conspiracy theory or terrorist. The mental health of the world is currently in a terrible state.

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Yes because the Declaration of Independence explicitly states that if a government becomes tyrannical it is the OBLIGATION of the governed to abolish it! Would not be allowed today.

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It seems bizarre only if you do not take the Sabbatean Frankists into account. The perversion is very nearly complete, which shows you who got the upper hand here.

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Not surprising. We are moving deep into the “participation passport” phase of the “new normal” rollout, where we must be conditioned to behave and obey properly in order to be granted “privileges” to access the most mundane aspects of social and civil society. Places like NYC and Chicago are the testing grounds for determining how to implement these systems and then they’ll move right on down the line across every state and city. Eventually, once everything from your front door to your phone to your refrigerator is connected to IoT and controlled remotely by the authorities, you will need a valid passport before your front door will unlock, or your refrigerator will allow you to access food, or your phone send a simple text message. If you disobey by listening to subversives like Joe Rogan or fail to show up for booster #736263-R when you’re told to, You will be locked in, starving, and unable to call anyone for help.

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You are a little behind the latest developments: It is not just IoT now but IoB, for Bodies.

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But for those who did NOT take the jab, it will be the Internet of Things. The jab is gonna prove to be complicated legally (who owns them now they are genetically modified) and the processors/hydrogel/graphene in them might be just a first test of "proof of concept"..

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You know they'd actually allow people to walk through the restaurant to get to the voting booth without ID, but make them present it with a vax card, to eat there.

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The Chicago rules are far more terrifying than they look.


TL;DR - This lasts until the city claims it's safe to stop, and the definition of fully vaccinated can be changed at any time to exclude those without boosters.

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She should just ban covid like she banned gun ownership, which clearly did wonders for the homicide rate there.

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OK, hear me out, can we say "jim crovid"? because I think it would hit even harder

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You’re right. We need to start screaming “your VAX mandate is racist, racist racist!” - which it is - all over their social media accounts. The vaccine doesn’t stop anyone from catching covid, or spreading covid. (Example recent Cornell university covid outbreak of over 1000 vaccinated students). According to the Phizer 6 month safety trial the vaccine killed or hurt MORE people than it actually saved from covid. A VAX mandate discriminates against half the country who already have natural immunity from the virus and against everyone else with a brain who refuses to take an injection with no long term safety data. Forcing people to take an experimental drug with no long term safety data is unconstitutional and also racist. Let’s give the liberals a taste of their own medicine. DO NOT COMPLY!

We need to GET these crazy, covidian liberals out of office! VOTE everyone out who is anti- freedom. Become UNGOVERNABLE! DO NOT COMPLY!


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Perfect. For Americans, perfect. Unmistakable.

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Just an aside for bird lovers:

Notice that “Jim COVID” and “Jim Crow” make a fabulous analogy/reference/comparison, because crows are members of the CORVID family of birds.


So there’s only one letter difference in the comparison. 😎

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My first thought was WHERE THE F is COOK COUNTY? The second was "WTF, OVER 5"??? This is GENOCIDE. DO NOT OBEY.

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And Mayor Lightfoot will give you a $100 VISA gift card to vaxx your 5 year old.

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Lightfoot says she's using NYC as her example. And cases there are exploding though the roof, as per Ian Miller. I guess most of her citizens won't do any of their own research to look this up.

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Not visiting Chicago can actually save your life.

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Yep, new offensive after new offensive is being launched. They're not backing down. They're not going to back down. They can't afford to back down.

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They can’t back down until after they’ve gotten all the mail-in ballots filled out … uh, counted for the 2022 election. Then things will slowly cool off until a year or so before the BIG election in 2024.

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You need to consider that covid-1984 is a World Bank project running from 2020 until 2025. I do not think there will be much cooling off since the satanists have obviously mastered the voting game, and there are other agendas to attend to.

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We need addresses.

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Zzzzzz Welcome to my world. 🇨🇦

Here in Ontario as of Jan 4 you will now need the QR code to get in anywhere.


Civic/rec/areas etc.

Gyms, casinos, concerts, banq. halls

Essentially most places indoors. I’m still allowed to shop (for now)

It’s been in place since September but the vax certification was easily photoshopped but now it’s full QR totalitarianism

Even then I’m sure we are locking down, just waiting for the 3pm news conference from our “chief doctor” 🤪🤪

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Digital tyranny . I guess not owning a cell phone isn't a valid excuse? You are REQUIRED to have a cell phone. It works together with the vax. Starting to think the Luddites had it right.

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My 87 yr old uncle had my cousin make him a QR printout. Tempting as I’m named after him but #### the system I say. I am perfectly happy cooking really good food, the gun ranges are pass free and we are waiting for enough snow to try out our cross country skis.

The scuba gear should be soaking wet right now but not allowed to get on a plane. 😕. We just flow like water around covid rules as best we can.

Most of my fellow citizens are good rule followers 😣😣😣

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But if I disobey... am I obeying the image?

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ah, but if you don't, you're denying a kitten.

categorical imperatives trump mere logic traps...

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I certainly can't deny a kitten.

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Felines deny humans and refuse to recognize their reality, so it seems kinda' fair...

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yeah, but i mean, have you ever watched humans?

you'd do it too if you could...

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Yeah but... kittens are too cute for me to resist.

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Illinois going down the toilet rapidly with California and New York. Thanks to Lori light food, gov pritzker, attorney general Kim, ms perwinkle and do many other great democrats ruining Illinois one step at a time. They are a disgrace.

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Is that why there’s been a run on toilet paper? 🤔

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