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Yes and that shouldn't affect the unshotted as we have a working immune system which will handle whatever comes along just fine. The reinfections for the shotted, who are filling up the hospitals will never be our concern or problem other than the fascist edicts resulting from that insanity.

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Wow. Really? Pretty myopic. Many of us have loved ones who had to take the shots or were duped at first. Then there's the fact that so many chronically sick people and kids will need care. Families will lose breadwinners, fertility will be crushed, this has societal ramifications even for those of us who did not inject ourselves. It should be taken off the market, not just voluntary.

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Pretty myopic, because these re-infected are throwing off new variants with each re-infection, that ultimately will turn more deadly and kill us all.

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Actually, the unvaccinated have a problem as well. It's shedding and transmission. The vaxxed are shedding & transmitting the spike protein and the nanotech items. Bad news for all. And anyone who exchanges fluids (kissing, intercourse) with a vaxxed person has that crap inside them big time (sharing fluids). Maybe soon, it will be recognized that it's the mRNA vaccines that are the real problem. Not the stupid virus !

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Is there any hard evidence for shedding and that it's an actual risk for the unvaxxed? There's lots of anecdotal claims but I've yet to see any actual hard evidence it's a real threat. Plus it's not contagious and can't cause replication, unlike the actual concept of "shedding" from those vaccinated with a live virus vaccine.

Taking in small quantities of spikes from vaxxed people likely does have some very small risk. It's comparable to taking up any other toxin in a miniscule quantity that our bodies routinely clear. We aren't turning our cells into spike factories (like the vaxxed) nor are we having viral replication (like the infected). So it's inherently self limiting.

We need to keep some perspective here or we risk ending up like those in hazmat suits paralyzed in fear of the virus. Yes, don't take an experimental novel genetic therapy for a virus with a minimal risk. But also don't live in fear of those who did based on some theoretical possibility of shedding with no hard proof.

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REad the released Pfizer trial data. Not only do they shed, even Pfizer doesn't know what they shed, but they were warned to keep apart from spouses.

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I'll take a look but we'll need to do better than some oblique reference to a document with tens of thousands of pages. Some of the comments on our side look awfully close to the hysteria coming from the covidians.

"Shedding" has historically been defined as a risk to the immunocompromised in close proximity to those who took a live virus vaccine. The concern was that they could catch the virus from the vaccinated person. The virus would then replicate in the immunocompromised individual and endanger their health.

There is no virus here and nothing is live, therefore it is not "shedding" in the classic sense. There is nothing to catch. We are talking about the potential incidental exposure to a toxic protein in miniscule quantities. If you aren't sharing bodily fluids, the risk is almost certainly zero. Even if you are, the risk is very small as the spike doesn't multiply (unlike in the vaxxed or infected). This is pretty straight-forward, our bodies have methods to clear toxins. The problem is when the toxins are increasing faster than we can clear them (e.g. when they are multiplying or continuous high level exposure), not from some miniscule incidental contact.

People just love to have something to fear I guess, the science on this isn't complicated. We have enough problems without inventing new ones.

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I think you have misunderstood. The risk from vaccinated people has nothing to do with the vaccine per se, it is because vaccinated people are 5 or 6 time more likely to be infected, and thus there is a level of infection in the vaccinated - and thus possible transmission - not present in unvaccinated. Since by now in most populations an unvaccinated person is much more likely to have multiple contacts with vaccinated people than unvaccinated, probability dictates they are at higher risk of infection from vaccinated.

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Agreed. IтАЩm dreading going through another booster shedding season. I avoid the recently vaccinated as much as I can but I have no choice at the gym where they shed like crazy.

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Is it time to get vaccinated people to wear a big badgeтАж VтАж perhaps? Recently vaxxed to proceed ringing a bell: Unclean. Unclean. ЁЯШК

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There'd be a lot of 'V 's all over, sadly.

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There are two of us тАЬMelsтАЭ here. I am of the opinion that shedding is not a big deal for those of us who do not have a vaccinated sexual partner. It is likely quite minuscule and negligible, any тАЬsheddingтАЭ affecting us unvaccinated. Maybe the gym is an exception, but no one really knows for sure.

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Good luck Mel...

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Fortunately the unvaccinated immune system is not fixated on one bit of protein so can quickly adapt. The issue is not infection - we all get infected with umpteen pathogens on a routine basis and never notice if our immune systems are working as they should. When the immune system is loaded down with CoV 2 mRNA baggage, then the infection becomes disease.

This is why unvaccinated hospitalisations and deaths are way down, not because they are nit being infected, but because they can easily neutralise the infection. Prior exposure to the whole virus probably helps too.

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Recent studies have shown that the mRNA 'vaccine' elements does change our DNA. If this is true, where are we headed ? Is this the 'TransHumanist' agenda in full effect ? And does the shedding of the mRNA jab elements deeply effect the unvaccinated as well ? I guess we'll find out ?

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Can you please share the research that shows the nanoparticles "shed"? Serious question.

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Write to Pfizer. Or real the trial documents

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Another issue is that increased transmissibility via the vaxxed is bad for everyone. We will all get exposed more and mutations happen quicker, meaning we can catch it again once it mutates enough.

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I'd be careful here. If there is such a thing as "herd immunity", there perhaps also is the inverse of that: An overall abnormally high viral load overbearing an immune system that has evolved to work fine within a crowd of a majority of people with reasonably functioning immune systems - which then is no longer the case here.

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