The worst part of three weeks to flatten the curve is the first two years.

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I read and liked your article earlier today.

"During Coronamania, many people have validated and internalized others’ Covid fear level, because doing so is seen as "empathetic" and "nice." Some have told me they’re deliberately accommodating others’ fear. Others may be doing so reflexively. I‘m reminded of the Woody Allen movie, Zelig, in which the title character pathologically takes on the personalities of those around him in order to fit in and gain acceptance."

This sounds an awful lot like sociopathy to me.

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The thing I'm wondering about right now is why a certain large group of people bought right into the covid fear narrative hook, line and sinker right from the beginning, and why the rest of us did not and had a healthy degree of skepticism early on. What differentiates us from them? Very curious thing about humans.

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The thing is, as I have posted elsewhere on here, I *was* really sceptical. The problem is the well-poisoners did such a fantastic job, for a long time, I was like "pandemics happen".

Example of well poisoners at the start of the "pandemic" (it's really a pseudo-pandemic):

- It's just the flu, bro

- Covid doesn't exist, it's a hoax

- OMFG it's the 5G!

It was only until I heard someone credible talk about this - Dr. Mike Yeadon - that I finally understood a credible explanation. For me personally, I knew it was all BS when I accidentally watched BBC News before the football and their Covid stats said "deaths after 28 days of receiving a positive test for any reason". WTF?

Yep, that sounds like fucking bullshit to me. I don't pay any attention to the MSM but the alternative media was really crap at detecting what was actually going on, they got 100% distracted by the lab-leak theory.

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I'm generally a skeptic, and was especially skeptical of any funny business during the election year. We'd just seen the BS Russia hoax drag on for a gobsmacking four years! They (everyone who didn't vote for Trump, and absolutely China) were so desperate to get rid of Bad Orange Man, this perfectly timed panic-inducing virus instantly smelled like an all-too-convenient BS, and as Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a crisis go to waste." They didn't.

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The minute the Dems turned Covid into “Trump’s fault” and “Trump is racist for closing borders” I knew this was bs. We either have a serious cause for concern and if so we would do whatever it takes or we play politics. Them playing politics was very revealing to me

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Integrity. The tolerance is different for everybody but usually it requires a shock to the system to break free from the cradle to the grave brainwashing.

Me it was 9/11. For others JFK, Waco, Swine Flu etc.

Perhaps with a big enough shock everybody would be able to break free, or at least most people. It's wise to remember that we too were brainwashed at some point.

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When JFK was assassinated in 1963, I was 14 and remember it very well. When Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby two days later, that's when I began to wonder about things with the government. That was followed by the murders of RFK and MLK. It all seemed extremely strange and suspicious, even to a 14 year old who didn't yet know very much. I've basically had a good level of skepticism since then, although more so in recent years.

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I started laughing in Feb 2020 when Neil Ferguson "predicted" millions of deaths. Then I was laughing at my over-educated co-workers with their masks, hand goop, dividers, etc.

But I'm not laughing anymore. I'm in Massachusetts, and my sociopathic employer could revoke my exemption anytime. My horrible governor could do another lockdown. Will I have to retire and move wife and kids? I'm pumping $$ into big legal challenges to the criminal enterprise. Just keep trusting in Divine Providence.

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Yes, it's not funny when the medical system has killed almost a million people, and still counting. Early treatment would have reduced mortality to near zero, and the vaccines are causing massive deaths and illness. We still don't know the body count. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 -- and this is just for heart disease, it doesn't include neurologic, autoimmune, pancreatic injuries...

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And all the sicknesses that will pop up in the next 55 years. I suppose the government and Pfizer agreed it will so many, that they need to keep their formula secret for that long. My years are shortening, but my heart hurts for the children that get jabbed with god knows what.

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One worrisome thing is that if the vaccines damage the immune system and create autoimmune and other diseases down the road, I doubt if many of the afflicted will make the connection to the Coronavirus vaccines, which may be long in the past by the time the health problems arise. And depending on a person's overall age and health condition, these things won't all happen at once with everyone, it will be spread out over time, making it even more difficult to connect the dots. Are we connecting the dots with various vaccines that have been given in the last 30-40 years to the explosion of health issues people have today? Basically not.

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Very seldom I am afraid. And most doctors vehemently deny the damage, because in their hearts they probably realize they are partly responsible. I saw in a film how a doctor whose male patient had a very bad adverse reaction to Gardasil, stopped giving the shots to boys but continued with the girls, who get the same reactions. As long as medical people do not stand up against this, I am afraid lots of youngsters will get damaged, just like everyone now unknowingly gets into this risk. So little people do their homework!

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That's the greatest scandal of all this, it could have been easily prevented. Instead, Dr. Kory et al. are vilified and humiliated. The myth of Cassandra comes to mind.

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They're at it again in Santa Cruz CA. Today people there were ordered to wear a mask indoors everywhere, including in their own HOMES! This applies to both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Will the sheeple of Santa Cruz go along willingly or will they finally say "I've had enough".

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Ok, so I thought we had it bad in BC, Canada…IN THEIR OWN HOMES??? Seriously? That just supersedes stupidity in the highest order! Pretty soon they’ll be telling you when you can poop and wipe your ass. FFS!

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I saw a little TV clip on Santa Cruz....the sheeple there seem to be fine with it. Pretty disgusting.

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I live in Santa Cruz. Didn’t even know about the new in house mask mandate until I saw it on some national news program last night. Surprising! Doubt even the sheeple are following THAT(if they are even aware of the new mandate)! Only aware of masks back on when entering businesses. Definitely no outside requirement but I still occasionally see people walking their dogs with masks on. Unfortunately I do not see people here becoming fed up yet. I’m definitely in the minority.

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the dogs are wearing masks? ;-) hehe. i'm sure they're getting fed up as well!

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Haha! Thanks for the cheer. Tired when I wrote that. We’d have a lot of grumpy dogs around here if that becomes a thing. N95 mask requirement in my town might be the catalyst for a rebellion. Expensive and difficult to find. Most wear cloth - easier to breath. Will Canadians be given a mask stipend? The latest shocker (to me) is vaccines now for 5 yrs and up! Parents in general are thrilled. I’m waiting to hear when it will be a school requirement. Santa Cruz used to be the land of alternative lifestyle, natural health, etc. Actually it still is! Don’t you dare feed my kids sugar - only organic food, clothing, etc. But the “shots” are a whole different category. There is excitement in the air. I don’t understand. And it pains me when I see these beautiful little children masked up for school and when out and about. Ok - done whining. Obvious this is getting to me. Thanks for the chuckle, Sue. I appreciate it more than you know.

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bah! new information released in canada today by the reptile tam...cloth masks are no longer sufficient...n95 masks all the way. really? i seriously wonder how many of these govt retards have shares in 3m at this point....

stupid beyond belief.

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Good grief. They just won't stop.

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“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“

Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.

“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain."

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That's actually kind of a downer

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Spoiler alert: The entire book is a downer.

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The same doctors that tell us we are not qualified to analyze the data, despite many of us having more rigorous statistical backgrounds than them, are also the same people that think they're qualified to run the economic system, school systems, religious institutions, etc etc. You name it. I secretely wonder if we had ignored this "public health crisis", would there have been a 25% rise in overdose deaths (mostly prescription drugs by the way) in the last year? A figure that probably accounts for more years of life lost than the pandemic just due to age discrepencies...

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Yes, I get into spats on an investing site (and, apparently my first censored message in nearly a year -- still awaiting my "appeal") asking such awkward questions as "Since when is six months of data 'long term'?" or "How can they claim 100% efficacy in preventing infection when no one is ever presented with a virus challenge?" I think more likely it was some pointed questions, this time, about why strangely silent on reports or even studies of adverse events?

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You shouldn't secretly wonder if we should have ignored the "public health crisis". I'm vocally adamant that all cause death wouldn't be statistically different if we had just told sick people to stay home this whole time. Furthermore the global and more specifically the US economy wouldn't have gone into the crapper because of the idiotic response to covid. Let's not forget the unprecedented transfer of wealth that occurred during this time from poor and middle class up to the wealthy. When study after study shows that wealthy people live longer than poor people, our overlords decided to make a crap ton more poor people. A likely minimum of a hundred million people in the US alone will die possibly at least a year sooner than they should have in the coming couple decades and it will be ignored even though it's catastrophically worse than the well overstated 700,000+ covid deaths with an average age of right about life expectancy.

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Wait for it, the deaths from the injection/boost hasn't barely started. The most deadly reaction is the killing off of the immune system. That will lead to more all cause death for years after people stop playing the game.

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And the thing is, most people don't need to be told to stay home of they're sick. The actual issue is your employer recognizing your right to stay home if sick.

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Someone posted the deaths in the US a week ago from last year compared to the former year, and the total came up smaller. So the many deaths attributed to the virus were in the normal number of the deaths that could be expected, just as you say. You noticed the move of the money, and now the government has opened another side door, that under Trump had been closed. Yet more money to the very rich.

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I am expecting the excess mortality to "mysteriously" start increasing...

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Excess deaths in the U.S. have risen neatly with covid surges over the past 18 months. They have been driven primarily by covid, the correlation is clear as day: https://www.usmortality.com/

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I know, right? the average MD probably wasn't taught enough about statistics to identify a normal distribution from a hypodermic needle, much less tell you what little actual data he sees, means. Too many doctors believe their own press.

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I have never had much respect for doctors. Very few are independent thinkers. Even fewer understand the scientific method.

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the average MD is pushing lipitor and an employee, so they parrot whatever the boss pays them to say. now the independents...that's a different story. but vet them very carefully, they're all as different blades of grass. I know, because I have crazy, dumb, lazy, brilliant, craven and greedy MD friends/colleagues as a physician myself

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Do not forget that medical misfits count for the third place in causes of deaths. That will only get higher now.

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Well said, Jestre. You nailed it. Amazes me that society would be so trusting of government stooges like Ferguson and Fauci vs. private sector actuaries/statisticians/analysts like Steve Kirsch, who they discredit/censor. All of this nonsense coordinated between government, public health and MSM. They control the data and the language so they control the narrative.

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So many people (including doctors) are intimidated by the field of statistics in general, and avoid studying it. A good friend of mine chose to do his PhD in his field in the area of statistical analysis, and he always laughed that none of his advisors knew the first thing about what he was studying, he was the only expert in it! So the advisors couldn't critique his studies very well as they were so clueless about what he was doing.

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Maybe the key is less TV and Internet

Africa is only 6 percent vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared... scientists "baffled"

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story


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We haven't had a TV in 25 years, and we don't watch any movies or programs online either. If I could do one thing it would be to take away everyone's television! 😾

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Do you groom your own horse?😊

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You know, it took me a couple of minutes to figure out your reply. My comment to you was in keeping with your own observation that, "maybe the key is less TV and internet", so I'm puzzled by the dickhead response. I don't feel virtuous in not having a TV, but I can see the difference it makes in the general public. TV is not used for anything good. It's a shame you took my reply the wrong way and felt it necessary to respond in an ass* manner.

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actually no TV for 25 years sounds like paradise to me, cheers!

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a sense of humor in life helps too.

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A continent rife with every deadly pathogen makes the populace brim with superstrong T & Bcells and they also have hydroxychloroquine packets in every corner dry goods store..gee who woulda thunk it?

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As the Statistics are Unreliable goblin, I must speak 👺. The COVID-19 official data even in advanced nations are at best shaky. If you dare speak of backwards corrupt areas of the globe, well let's just say that medical care, the testing, the standards are bit more lax. The single best proof I've found of this is to look at the wild variance in per-capita statistics from various countries:


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Exactly! We could be doing as well as Africa if we stopped all this mandatory testing. I mean, college campuses? Are we crazy?

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A student at Western Ontario University was recently arrested 5 times for ‘non-conformance.’ Being unvaccinated and not wearing a mask to class. Completely non violent protest. The last time removed from class as they carried out his non protesting body by arms and legs as his classmates said nothing. Expelled and can’t go back for 5 years. An engineering student, likely smarter than the majority of his class. Welcome to Canada. Bien venue.

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Yeah, no. People really are dying from covid. All cause mortality matches covid surges: https://www.usmortality.com/

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Only if they're old, very sick or obese.

The vast, identifiable majority have been at functionally zero risk from Day 1


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Well, apparently we have a lot of old, sick, and obese people. No shocker there. But covid clearly takes greater advantage of them than most illnesses.

I don't disagree that there's been plenty of fear mongering with this thing. But it's still a very real pandemic, much worse than the flu, and throwing out the baby with the bathwater doesn't solve anything.

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By "throwing out the baby with the bathwater" do you mean, stopping all mandatory testing of people without symptoms? If not, what do you mean?

Because I can tell you what hasn't solved this: all the measures those of us here are railing about. Arguably, in fact, they have exacerbated it,creating more mental health issues, weight gain, and health problems among our youth.

Trust me, I don't want people to die. I want to protect the most vulnerable. I don't think being old, sick, or obese makes anybody's death less tragic. I'm just quite certain that by focusing on lunacy-- vaccinating and masking children, mandating healthy young employees to get vaccinated, in some countries now threatening the unvaxxed with future fines or prison time-- we are actually missing the trees for the forest. None of these measures appears to have any impact on the people most at risk for covid, although they may in the future when all of the most vulnerable people have already perished in a prior wave. Do we really want to get to THAT future?

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Imagine all the money the govts are saving on pensions, health insurance & govt benefits for oldsters who are no longer with us.

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I'm with you. All data is suspect ~ I just try to make educated inferences from relative comparisons.

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It’s worse than just the regular sunk cost fallacy. If the experts admitted they were wrong, they would also have to claim all of the extra damage and deaths over the past two years that they they caused by creating the fear.

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And possibly face mobs.

Although some people are so brainwashed with terror, they might not believe the confession and continue with their talismanic fear rituals of mask wearing and the like.

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At the beginning it would have only been political mobs.

Now they may be literal mobs.

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Not to mention wrongful death suits, disability suits, possible criminal charges.

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Another amazing article! The best lines for me…. ⭐️the last 2 years have been a bad peyote trip of public policy

⭐️we just swerved around a chipmunk in the road like it was a brachiosaurus.

I will never forget how you made us chuckle through this BS.

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I demand normal back,

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Nov 23, 2021
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Aggh, the cynicism!!

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Nov 23, 2021
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Canada is most definitely screwed. Thanks so much turdbut

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"this makes for an astounding contrast to puerto rico, where there is basically no covid, the whole pandemic was essentially over before we had any idea what covid 19 was (nov 2019 to feb 2020), and where there has never, despite all manner of hysterical governmental messaging, been anything like a hospital issue. they have been so empty that several of my friends got laid off for lack of work during a “state of emergency” over a disease that “threatened to swamp the hospitals.”"

The question I have been asking (myself, really, 'cuz I don't know who else to ask) is:

Where the HELL is somebody to challenge our governor (first, Wanda and now, Pedro) on the legality or Constitutionality of their exercising "emergency" powers when there IS no emergency??? We're 20 months past the FIRST emergency declaration, and IINM PR statutes give governors 6 months, and than an extension of 6 months, to declare states of emergency (BOTH of which are FAR longer than they ought to be - which is another question: where the HELL is somebody to move the legislature to curtail those exorbitant six-month periods??)

Is there not even ONE attorney on this friggin' island who cares about this egregious overreach? Is there not even ONE legislator who cares about the unfettered power in a tyrannous chief executive?

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Same question here Andrew. Been asking the question for a long time.

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they have.

they keep losing in court.

the PR constitution was written for a fricking military outpost. back when rexford tugwelled it all up, governor was still an appointed post.

it's "governor general" in the military sense.

their license to trample rights is outlandish.

i mean, you ever read ley 75?

it's purportedly a set of code to "protect distributors." in reality, it granted monopolies in perpetuity to a small clique of boriqua aristocrats who got fat and rich off it.

law on this island is a sad joke.

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Forgive the systemic ignorance in this comment, but then why doesn’t someone elevate it to a US federal court of appeals when they lose here? It’s not like the courts here are the final arbiter. Push the damn thing all the way to SCOTUS if necessary.

As to your other question, I haven’t read Ley 75 because I can’t find anything in English and I’m not bilingual, and trying to find a competent translation website or app is impossible.

That would also probably explain why I didn’t know that they’ve been losing in court, because I can’t watch the news here, for the same reason.

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there was a case in federal court. it was dismissed.

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Particularly excellent today. This is about the only source of c info I consume anymore. The energetic haemorrhage is just too likely on most platforms. Your posts allow me to laugh at the blood sucking pathetic fear circus clowns & carry on with ignoring the whole thing. Many thanks for the doses of sanity.

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Oh yes I’ve stumbled on this blog before I am glad to be reacquainted with it & have subscribed. Thanks!

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Great link, love the summary info, thank you!

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My response of non-complicance is now, "I'm not playing that game anymore."

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Well said Mark.

I shall be flinging your wise words far & wide.

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Something terrible is happening in Puerto Rico, and its not covid. According to the CDC mortality tracker (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm), in mid October deaths started jumping to higher levels than any other time and are at 300 excess per week.

And if it isn’t covid, then what is it? Deaths of despair? Delayed treatment?

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i have not really dug into it.

could be a lot of things.

very curious to see if it's boosters...

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Thanks for the link!

FTA: On November 17, 2021, the algorithm used to estimate excess deaths was modified to include 6 years of prior data, rather than 4, which have been used to date.

The algorithm wasn't working correctly because of the "COVID deaths", so they fixed it by adding in a couple more years ~ 😽

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Wandering around urban Puget Sound, it's only government buildings that stress covid--they're the only ones that have a lot of covid signs, hand sanitizer stations by the entrance, etc. The private schools don't post covid signs on their playgrounds. Most of the apartment buildings don't have "mask required" signs.

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How dare you talk sense!?!

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The first rule of Flight Club is: you always talk about Flight Club.

The second rule of the Flight Club is: if you want to fight you're in the wrong Club.

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Gato. I know you have lots of subscribers, but this piece of writing has to reach everyone in Puerto Rico.

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In the world, you mean !

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I agree Ingrid... I mentioned Puerto Rico because this is where I am, and Gato made a reference to it. But if you want it to go to everyone in the world, I vote yes.

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This panic attack has taken 2 years of our lives. That is way too much. Can we teach people to stop panicking? I panicked too when I saw the disaster in Europe. I have friends in Germany and family in Belgium and they just go crazy there. But I have plenty articles that keep me straight and several friends to call if things get rough. I hope you all who read this, do too!

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