How coincidentally apt considering I just used a similar argument to smack down a Covidian who made the following snide remark in response to a health care worker’s heartwrenching letter (https://lauradodsworth.substack.com/p/i-love-my-job-but-i-wont-be-jabbed) about being forced out of her job due to the mandate:

Emma: It’s akin to demanding to have sex without a condom though. The attempts at self victimisation are so unedifying.

Me: You’re right, Emma. Being raped by a condomless AIDS carrier is actually remarkably similar to being injected with an experimental gene therapy that has been statistically proven to have drastically higher chances of fatality and injury than an innocuous virus with a 99.7% survival rate.

And I agree, the attempts by Covidians at self-victimization—even as they are depriving others of their livelihood, their freedom, their bodily autonomy, their inalienable rights—are unedifying, disgusting, and pathetic.

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Honestly, the only way anyone is giving me that injection is by holding me down and penetrating (my skin) against my will, so the rape analogy is apt.

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Yes, but for me, they will have to get thru baseball bats, knives, and Molotov cocktails! Seriously, if it means taking 4 or 5 of them out first, it’s worth it. THEY need to pay a price for tyranny!

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Exactly how I feel! No offense to rape survivors out there, but I honestly feel this is potentially worse because the effects could be fatal or involve lifelong injuries (beyond psychological scars).

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A personal violation on more levels than I can put into words. I'm like Carrots above... no way. No mask, no test, no social distance, no "lock down" for me, and NO SHOT. Which makes me wonder... besides those who are being coerced or threatened, are there really any people left who are willingly marching down for their shot? I sure don't know anyone who is. And I don't know anyone on the fence either. I think the "voluntary" part of this is over...

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I listened to a couple of teachers at the table next to me at a cafe this morning talking about the lack of consent, and the orders from top that they wern't allowed to discuss the issue.

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And being current teachers they've already 'consented' to being vaccinated with Albert Bourla's poison.

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Good point. I think they’ve run through all the eagerly masochistic Covidians and are left with the stubborn remnants, hence their desperate attempts at coercion and bribery.

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They've obviously looked at Dan Andrews and gone "he's the most successful so let's do full on tyranny". Hence Austria, Germany. But Andrews had first mover advantage. He may also be the first to feel the scorn.

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Unfortunately I know quite a few who couldn’t wait to get jabbed a third time. Colorado is full of cult vaxers.

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Which is bad, I agree, but not on the level of those I’ve seen who brag so proudly about their 5-year-olds getting jabbed! OMG Makes me want to cry!

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Local TV news here in Fargo, ND showcased this exact situation with a female Dr.'s child @ Sanford Health. She was "all-in" as one might say, and so was the little girl.

Yeah...and I thought about the fact that this media demo did indeed involve a girl. What with the lipid-particles concentrating in the ovaries datum...who knows how she'll fair, truly. I hope for it but...

Mommy Knows Best, in this case.

There's a part of me hoping that it was a "fake vaccination", staged for media production. I can't know. But Dr. Mom was really chuffed about it all. The piece made conveying her enthusiasm quite clear.

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Agreed. Denver in particular is completely overwhelmed by the cult. It’s invasion of the body snatchers in our neighborhood.

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...and none even think to question why boosters began to be discussed, recommended and (perhaps some places already?) mandated only six months or so into the mass vaxxing campaigns? How quickly they forgot the early promises of the promoters, most of which have been quickly proven to be empty.

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It sure is DeDe, was in wal-mart in North Colorado Springs and mom had her 3 kids in line for the jab.

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Only the covidian parents who are jabbing their children and posting it with an air of smug self righteousness

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Disagree. Certainly before widespread mandates, the overwhelming majority of takers of the shots were some combination of naive trust in the recommendations of medical staff and/or confident in the reputation of Pharma, Government regulators, etc. and/or peer pressure from their social circle and/or other factors. Coercion (threat of loss of job, privileges, etc.) was not even a factor, unless you consider advertising, nudge from family and friends, etc. "coercion."

Even though we now have creeping tyranny, I suspect that the majority getting the jabs are still doing it for the above reasons.

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I agree with this in the beginning. But now with all of the mRNA failure and so many side effects, it’s unbelievable that parents would jab their children who are not impacted at all by this virus

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What failures? Media is silent, so these trusting fools think all is well

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Future dystopian science fiction: A plague washed across the nation burning souls and drowning babies. Conspiracy theorists began murdering people by refusing to get vaccinated. The benevolent Nobel Pfizer Corporation- praise be our savior- developed "Luvvox". Luvvox is an injection. It causes the carrot like organ occupying the nether regions of males to eject vaccines. This is a story of the life of the diseased unvaccinated trying to escape our male hero.

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That sentiment must be strongly in the air. We (a grp of 15) were discussing that very thing last nite at the campground. And it will get interesting when they try raping kids. There are a lot of mama and papa Carrots out there.

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Oh, how right you are in that regard.

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Actually it’s akin to Emma demanding all men have a vasectomy just in case some of them are rapists.

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Don't give them any ideas...

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Poetically Brilliant! Logic? they just can't deal with it, Emma is high on emotion. low on facts, great smackdown Anna

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*lol* Why, thank you, Tom! I must confess I derive far too much pleasure from pummeling Covidians. My husband says any who dare tangle with me are like 98-lb. featherweights going up against a 300-lb. gorilla 😆

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It is a little like shooting fish in a barrel but every now and then its ok especially in poor Emma's case.

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Yes, I usually try to restrain myself so the conversation remains focused on logic, reason, and facts, but in this case, I felt the cruel insensitivity of her remark in response to this woman’s heartfelt letter merited a little knife-sharpening ;-)

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I just wonder, will it really get to the point of forcible vaccination? Because there’s nothing much they can take from me that I care about. Do I need to withdraw all my money from banks yet?

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Telling people they either lose their income or get vaccinated is force. Judges barring parents from seeing their kids unless they get vaccinated is force. Barring people from getting an education unless they get vaccinated is force.

Replace "vaccinated" with "suck my cock" in any of those scenarios to view it through a different tinted lens.

People are already being forced and have been being forced to take drugs and get injected for a long time. Public school vaccinated mandates have existed for years. Likewise, people labeled as "mental ill" are regularly put into "re-education camps" err I mean "hospitals" and drugged against their will.

First they came for those labeled "mentally ill", I said nothing.

Then they came for those attending public schools, I said nothing.

Then they came for those in the military, I said nothing.

Then they came for those employed by large employers, I said nothing.

Then they came for me and it was far to late.

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Over all I agree with you but I do find the situation with this vaccine that it is with others. Vaccines are not mandated for education, only for public schools as you point out. In the US other options to education exist. IF I choose to travel abroad, which I have, then and only then must I get certain vaccines.

With Covid it is different. IF we want to keep or regain our prepanic freedoms, then we must get the shot. I think that is an important distinction.

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"You cannot comply your way out of tyranny" is the thought that comes to mind, in the ultimate endgame.

Jordan B. Peterson recently gave an interview making it personal for him. He tried complying to regain his freedoms in Canada. It didn't go as he expected. I got the distinct sense he regrets it now. Kinda ironic too, for Mr. Connoisseur of Soviet Socialist Realist art (displayed/enjoyed as a warning to the future).

"Fool me twice...you can't fool me again." - W.

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well, I like Jordan, but if you read his books with an eye for detail you find he is a little manipulative himself. For one of the foremost specialist on twentieth century tyrants he tells you to regard Hitler and Stalin as the same thing. (almost as if they were on the same team) Who does that when they know what happened?

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How about regaining my GOD GIVEN constitutionally protected rights by reverse vaccination. I will vax back. Vaccine .308 and freedom.

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When you are not allowed to work, receive benefits, withdraw money, buy groceries, keep your children unless you are vaxxed, is that or is that not forced vaccination?

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Coercion is not consent. Who owns our bodies? Us, then we’re free. Government? Then we’re slaves.

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Cash, bitcoin, silver, gold and other convertible assets are a good idea. Having a bit of each is probably my advice.

The game, other than genocidal insanity of for example Bill Gates, seems to be Central Bank Digital Coins and they'll want everyone enslaved to that one. Cash is only good if everyone's taking it I guess, a little like bitcoin.

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One word: Food. And if you live somewhere with a growing season that allows you to grow food most of the year... stand firm and stand strong. Don't let people convince you to leave your home. Moving to a place that looks "free" with a growing season of 3 months long and no water is probably not a wise choice. Talk about a "dark winter". I grew up poor in that type of climate. And I assure you, it is NOT easy. Please think carefully about packing up and moving to the mountains or the high desert with growing season 2 or 3. (Especially if you live in a decent suburb or small community in one of those states that has a growing season).

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Water is more important than food. Air even more so.

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Maybe we should all claim disability from long COVID. We all claim we had Covid and bow would they trace that to prove we didn’t? Is the government really able to trace and track every single COVID test? Collapse the system by claiming disability. If all of us do it then what?

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This. As much as I Do understand the desire to move to less authoritarian places, we are making a mistake by giving up the temperate and coastal areas of the United States to the captured and psychopathic. We need to be doing the opposite. We need to invade rather than evade. If we do not liberate at least some of the coastal states we will lose those bioregions and their economic riches for good and forever be at a disadvantage to their consolidated power.

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Cool temperate here but the growing season is a little longer than we're given credit for. I'm not going to boast too much though, I might need to protect the garden at some stage.

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Also make sure you that you have water stored up. Taps can be turned off.

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Yes it can but worse can follow. Old story now from Florida I think. A women decide too live off the grid. Used no public utilities except perhaps sewage. She was arrested.

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Going from memory. If anyone remembers the details, they might be useful here.

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Stock up on items you may barter. The new economy.

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I wish I could but it's a restricted import.

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Ha! Must be fun, whatever it is 😉

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Have no money and you will be happy.

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That is theoretically possible. But most people have neither the desire nor the ability to be a Buddhist monk in a supportive community.

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100% true

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Money certainly does cause problems. But not being able to eat is also an issue.

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That's a really good question, and one that has crossed my mind, as well.

Does anyone know if you DO want to keep banking, what's less likely to be frozen up on you, a regular bank, or a more local credit union? Or both equally perilous?

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[Assuming] Your assets and accounts in any financial institution (at least in USA, likely any advanced nation) can be frozen in a moment on a bureaucratic whim, even absent a court decree. You'll likely have to hire counsel, go to court, etc. to get things unfrozen, even if you've done nothing wrong. Thus the frequent advice to have some cash assets outside the system. If you're rich, that would mean some in foreign freedom-friendly places. Details left to you.

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Hmmm, if in the USA, and Omarova is confirmed as Comptroller of the Currency, then YES! Very seriously, you'll want to think about that.

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Now where did I put my mattress needle...

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Rose last week i cashed out and paid the taxes on all 401k retirement money. Deposited checks yesterday 1 on a 2 day hold the other i withdrew and went gold coin shopping. As for forced vaccinations look to Australia which is now transporting the unvaxed to interment camps and Austria where the new minister of health stated that by February you would be vaccinated, interred waiting vaccination or DEAD.

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I literally did the same in 2004. 🤑 The amount was relatively small (about a year's salary at the time.) The investment has done extremely well. I wish I could claim similar wisdom with my other investments but no. Lucky timing and all that.

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Nov 24, 2021
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What if they vaxx all entering the prison system? Could that happen?

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They did it here

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If people know they will be vaxxed forcibly anyway, what is their incentive to go peacefully?

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There's really no argument for forced shots which don't prevent transmission or reinfection- other than to render that person powerless n less likely to oppose future actions🥺😖

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Wrong, there is a 100% rational argument. Forced injections need to occur so the negative effects can be plausibly denied. No control group makes it difficult to know exactly how much damage has been done. If forced injections cannot be politically achieved the next best option is to deny the dirty plagued unvaccinated masses employment, education, healthcare, and the right to be in public. /snark.

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Have joined the international vaccine control group wishing to collect data for the next 30 years

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That’s it in a nutshell. Exactly.

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Yep, identifying genes that supposedly confer obedience.

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The pro vaccine people have become like an angry lynch mob in old class B Western movie.

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And don't forget the "heart attack drug" that Pfizer added with the fairy dust to the shot for kids. That's not tyrannical or evil either. I'm so glad they are looking out for everyone. Especially the children. ;-)

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Dread has just gripped me, how do heart attack meds mesh with, say, asthma meds, ADHD meds, etc, that some kids might be taking regularly?

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It blows my mind how so many kids and younger people seem to be suffering from allergies and auto immune disorders now. Much more so than I was one 50 years ago. But then…we all ate a lot of dirt 🙃

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I still eat a lot of dirt. Keeps me healthy..ha! Forester by trade and profession, with a tendency more so towards trees than people, and a proclivity toward conservation. Hm. The things I see in the ‘natural’ world…

This obsession with hand sanitizer has got to stop! I do notice, however many people are still willingly wearing masks…a significant number of them are no longer grasping at the sacred bottle as soon as they venture ‘in.’

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Perhaps this is merely a reflection though of my oh Canada, though I may hardly speak to anything outside my range of travel, which is currently limited to about the middle third of BC. More stores as well (gas stations, perominately) are seemingly losing their ‘must wear mask to enter’ signs, but it still an excruciatingly slow process. Everyone I meet not wearing one, I smile at and am genuinely pleased to see. Makes for a good day 😊

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Sounds like a good choice of habitat, Sue!

Our family lives in a county where the health department has issued mask mandates for all schools (public and private), but at this point not for stores, walking around outdoors, etc. So it's a mixed bag, with about half of the people masking in grocery stores, at this point.

Everything changes if you've been unwise (or unlucky) enough to be subjected to a COVID test and found guilty. Then you, any co-habitants, and anyone they can weasel out with their 'contact tracing' procedures, become the focus of their 'benevolent' attentions.

I can attest that the county (and state, at that point) health department involvement was a chilling and terrifying experience, for me. Any illusion of having privacy in our lives has been shattered.

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Can you just refuse to get tested? Or make sure that you avoid that process. I've seen enough stuff on the non-cotton swabs they're using to make sure to avoid it here.

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Consent. Now that's a good concept. It's too bad the governments of the world didn't get the memo.

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Most have consented, sadly.

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Nov 24, 2021
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Doubtful. But they still consented. Their failure to demand they be informed before they consented does not erase they fact that they consented. Even if under duress, such as in my case, consent they/we did.

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Sorry, bad wording on my part…not ‘given fully informed consent,’ but ‘were they actually fully informed?’ If you have not been fully informed and/or it is under duress, then it’s not ‘consent’ in the full context of the word. It’s ‘coercion.’

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Legally, yes. But it seem that most got it willingly. They do not think they were coerced. One would likely encounter the hardest pushback on holding those accountable for coercion from those who were “coerced”.

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It’s because they gave into their fear and we’re waiting for a ‘miracle’ saviour. I’ve watched this act out from the very beginning, and something smelled ‘off’ from the get go. Four months in and I was feeling anxiety and a heightened sense of the fight or flight response, and wondering WTF? I don’t live in a city near enough people to feel that level of intensified energy, UNLESS it was super intense. A friend of mine asked me why the fascination with the unfolding, and was I worried about ‘the virus.’ I said, no, what worries me is OUR REACTION TO IT. Shortly thereafter, I realized it was not my own fear I was feeling, but that of everyone everywhere. Then I was able to let it go, and simply WATCH this unfold.

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I shared this on my FB page, and likely will be in jail forever, or at least the foreseeable future. But my question is: when you post something that is really REALLY good, like this, what is your policy about sharing, copying, etc. ? I don’t want to be rude, but people need to see this!

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Just notify that you're going to and if you get a response all good, and if you don't well you've said that you were going to. I doubt anyone's going to be claiming the IP.

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The magical fairy dust also keeps the vaccines safe and effective. :)

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They're not safe and effective. They're not even vaccines. 🤯

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Ha Ha I was being sarcastic. More sarcasm coming--are you ready? Yes they are vaccines because the CDC recently redefined the definition of vaccines--just as they redefined the definition of pandemic and the definition of fully vaccinated.

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“Fairy” is a pejorative with the non-binary folks, how dare you

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What if you identify as a fairy but aren't non-binary? Isn't that a form of oppression?

For the record I identify as an A-10 Tank Killer and don't care any more. My pronouns are "Sir" and "HOLY FUCK!" The surgeons are working on installing the 30mm GAU-8 gatling gun and CBU-105 cluster bomb - tough they say, but not impossible. Fingers crossed. :)

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My pronouns are Build The Wall

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Love your non PC pronouns!

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That's one loaded fairy 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️

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To be fair, people ran away when I told them I wanted to shoot my load on them LONG before this happened. Must have been some kind of prophecy. ;)

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Good luck with the surgery! Be careful about those MD's, they're known to make promises that are beyond their capabilities💲💉🥼🥼🥼

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I am assured that grafting a 620 pound gatling gun to a 210 pound man is safe and effective. You are awesome Chris, but I think you need to Trust The Science a bit more.

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Look, it's just that when I see the ladies faces changing all the time on Fox News, I get very very scared of Science. Now maybe your doc is different but c'mon man.

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"It's a global pandemic" mutter the Twatterati.

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I've noticed today some blue ticks getting very critical. This seems almost like a change of focus for those who bribe the blue ticks?

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So we agree that a job is consensual slavery.

And some need magical fairy dust to get through the day. 😜

Sorry. Being silly.

Im enjoying my time off of slavery. Might have to start selling bottled water at stop lights soon but not yet.

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Sell it as an anti-viral medication.

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59th st. bridge? pay the city to reserve a spot.

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Hmmm... Im too lazy to fool myself into thinking I’d travel farther than the corner stoplight (it’s a busy one and no one is using it at the moment) and too much of an outlaw (in spirit if not action) to pay a city that pretend “fixes” potholes using domino’s powdered sugar laced with dehydrated Elmer’s glue.

I can rely on PR gov agencies continuing to do what they do best which is set the parameters for incompetence. I could set up a truck stand selling counterfeit chocolate-dipped goat testicles and they’d get around to demanding their unfair share in about 11 years. In the meantime, I’d eke out a modest living selling people the balls they’re missing. But that’s too much work so bottled water at las lomas’ Walgreens stoplight it is.

Your idea is a good one, though; it’d be way more lucrative at the 59th st bridge but not enough to pay a NY rent so I’d be living under the bridge, too.


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Do something a slave can't do. Quit.

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But they're not mandatory, silly! You have the choice to be refused entry to restaurants, museums, and shops/lose your job/incur a fine/go to prison if you don't want one. How can anyone call that tyranny?

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Baaahaaahaaa! I tried explaining this to someone recently, wherein I described a situation with someone whom I thought my best friend when in high school. When he said to me ‘I won’t be your friend any more unless you have sex with me,’ well, that was that. Just. NO. Somehow the person I was explaining it to just couldn’t make the connection…

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I am glad you are not writing an article about the KAMA SUTRA variant, El Puss, with your fondness for pics.

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Sort of on topic, here's a slightly dirty cartoon along these lines. Disclaimer: R- but not quite X-rated cartoon humour. 🥴 Cats are often a theme there, but as you might guess, most not suitable for mixed audiences. 😛


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I take solace knowing that monoclonal antibodies are more effective than vaccines, it actually makes me laugh.

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right on!

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Nailed it. With a John Henry-size hammer.

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Bless up 🙏

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Didn't see a more relevant article so dropping link here. I've seen reported elsewhere (probably on a Substack like here) that pro sports is suffering a rash of strange illnesses and deaths. Here's one recent such (paywall):


We are, I presume, to believe that it's perfectly normal for young men in the peak of health and athletic, regularly seen by medics, to collapse on the field, for no reason. "Nothing to see here folks, move along please."

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I have trained mein kinder to refer to vaxx as "magic science juice" in class. I am waiting for the first Karen teacher to pin an angry note home to their shirt. Pleeeeeease!

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El Gato Malo - such a great post. Very clever and sadly true.

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"What makes taxation not theft? ...."

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