When you refer to "the Jabs," what are we discussing? Jabs are not just one, monolithic thing.

Examination of vials is discouraged or outright illegal. The results from those who forged ahead and tested include: 1.) very bad ingredients, 2.) Wild card variations in formulas from single manufacturers, and 3) no rhyme or reason about who got what and where different batches were shipped.

All of this is obscured further by blatant data tampering and lying.. Scrubbing deaths from VAERS and military databases helps hide the invalidation and gaslighting happening now when people drop over dead or get their horrendous cancer diagnosis. "Oh no, it couldn't be THAT."

This was all designed to hide signals, from the very first flawed study that didn't report deaths and miscarriages to the latest tweets from compliant henchmen.

The fact that we are still seeing the death signal after global coverup efforts is a signal all its own.

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Excellent points. It's entirely possible Sweden got less toxic batches, but I'm leaning towards Baddo Cato's hypothesis that wide spread pre-vax exposure to the vid somehow firewalled the pop. But even in Sweden, all cause has increased somewhat, just not by very much.

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I think that Sweden gave more time (6 weeks) between jab doses than other countries (3 weeks for US), which may have reduced SAEs.

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Also, we didn't give Spikevax to people under 31 due to the risk of myo/pericarditis. The receommended interval is 4-7 weeks between first and second dose, and a minimum of a four-month interval to the first booster, and another four months for any further booster.

Note: boosters are generally only recommended to those particularly vulnerable, though they are available on demand.

Our idiots-in-chief are trying to drum up some Covid panic, to little effect other than tired mockery so far.

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Hard to blame Biden for anything, at this point I think he views the world like Jim Carrey did in the Truman Show.

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I blame him. I blame him for 50 years of corruption, plagiarism, misogyny, child sniffing, POC hurting policy making, and other forms of fuckery. Now he’s just capping it off in a big way.

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I agree with you, but how much of him left is there to blame?

My Great Aunt Jean suffered a stroke about a decade before she passed, and it was like her slate had been wiped clean. She was a great spirit and energy before this happened, and after...that same spirit existed, but not with any memories attached to it.

Biden is like a beach in Texas where a lot of sand gets eroded each day. I'm not saying that there doesn't need to be any accountability for him, but biden is for the most part, a meat sack without volitional will (you could argue this beforehand as well due to his plagiarism)

I think this is what makes him the perfect antidote to trump. You can argue Trump isa lot of things, but one thing he is not...is absent. And if we are going to be intellectually consistent, should also be scrutinized for his sexist behavior as well. Not sure about "child sniffing" in Trump's case, but he did at least appear with Epstein...unless those photos were faked.

If it were up to me, the last people who should be in office who think running for office is a good idea. But I am talking about the ideal world that I want to live in where one of the few choices you don't get to make is whether or not you should serve the state.

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You nailed it!

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Yes! Shout it from the mountain Boots!

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The U.K. had 3 months between first and second doses and has excess mortality.

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Canada too

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Why would Sweden has move pre-vax exposure than the other Scandanavian countries given that bad cat claims that none of them had strict lockdowns and that in any case, lockdowns don't work even if they did?

I know in June 2020 that Norway said that they would not lock down in the future though they did have a spring lockdown mostly in Oslo. However Denmark, which is one of the comparisons here, actually implemented vaccine passports so I don't think bad cat is right about the level of strictness being fairly equal in these countries. My understanding is that Finland was somewhere between Denmark and Norway in restrictions. Here's more about the removal of vaccine passports in Denmark:


If bad cat's theory on pre-vax exposure is correct, it would suggest that lockdowns work to some extent or at least some type of border closure does. The way to have tested this would have been to check antibodies to see if there really was a difference in pre-vax exposure among these populations. Another comparison would be with states which locked down and with states that didn't. A good one to check would be South Dakota.

It's possible that the pre-vax exposure was the same for all the countries but Sweden's population were more susceptible to covid than neighboring countries because Sweden had a very light flu year in 2019 which could have spared their at risk population more so than Norway ergo having more deaths in 2020. I have heard that Sweden put the covid patients in nursing homes so that could have raised the death rate there in 2020. As for why their excess death rate is lower now, you raise a great point. It would also be good to know what vaccines and in what proportion are being used by these nations.

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"I have heard that Sweden put the covid patients in nursing homes so that could have raised the death rate there in 2020."

Other way around: Covid hit nursing homes first, before the regs and protocols for basic hygiene were more rigorously enforced (make that properly enforced).

Once in place, deaths started to level out. Also, winter vomiting disease, flu and some other seasonal infections virtually flatlined due to improved hygiene.

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Could Sweden be cheating with its stats? They have been massaging and hiding various stats since about 2005.

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While that is done, it is "only" for issues that are domestically volatile (race & crime, migration & crime, cost of non-european migration, practical concrete effects of feminist/LGBWTFBBQ+ doctrine, et cetera); Covid and vaccines aren't one of those.

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How do you know? If they are willing to cheat in one area... etc.

These stats give them a reason to feel proud about Sweden being "right" and 'better" which they seem to crave.

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That pride you allude to is true, but the leaders would simply lie outright instead. A lie reported as truth and later revealed would have zero effect on the message, as long as state media supports the lie. Committing actual fraud re: data collection would be actionable and a career-ending move.

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Part of it is the pull-forward effect masking the immune suppression of the vax in a partially immunized population.

Part of it is the quality of the vax batches: not all of them are associated with many deaths, only some.

Let's not forget that the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is located in Sweden. It's NO coincidence.

How many deteriorated vax batches would you expect to end up in Sweden? Close to NONE.

Same as in the US: some states (not so mysteriously) have far fewer vax-related adverse events...

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All I know is, person who came in with a mangled body from a motorcycle accident died with Covid.

Person who came in recently vaccinated with myocarditis, blood clots, blood pressure chaos, and peripheral numbness died suddenly.

I know I am using some hyperbole here and if I were in an actual conversation with someone who was imbued with the narrative I would ask the following.

If I came to the hospital and had symptoms inconsistent with Covid, yet was tested and found covid positive, and somehow I died...in a way unrelated to Covid, why would the tendency be to mark me a Covid death?

And why is it if I came to the hospital with symptoms consistent with vaccine injury, or even inconsistent with vaccine injury, and yet recently had a vaccine shot, would I not receive at least a probably diagnosis of vaccine injury?

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Recently vaccinated... but we have no idea what they died from. 😉

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And apparently no incentive to find out, I would have a ton of questions.

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If it was my family member I'd be demanding an autopsy. But I think many people suspect, but would rather keep their head in the sand!

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What type of vaccine was administered in Sweden??? All the vax are not the same. Excess death via heart failure and strokes should be examined,or wherever the excess deaths are coming from, if not Covid itself. Something is definitely amiss, and all signs point to these worthless vaccines.

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Initially, the AZ vaccine was actually heavily used. Phased out during mid-2021.

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Mainly Comirnaty.

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They don't know what IS causing it, but they definitely know what it NOT causing it...

"I got the jab. Why do I feel fine?"


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He’s great

Stuck his neck out for humanity

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I hope some whistle blowers appear that can pinpoint the players in the deliberate data obstruction policies that are going on. I would think that the insurance companies legal staffs should be having a lot to say about it fairly soon as claims mount. But maybe that is just foolish faith in normalcy bias and this game board is just intended to be thrown over in planned chaos soon.

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Keep in mind: Insurance companies are not selfless public servants. They are in it for profit. Massive numbers of deaths and disabilities will cause them to go broke--unless they get government bailouts.

We need laws to prevent secret government bailouts. Preferably any kind of government bailout would cause that industry to become public property and/or dismantled.

In late 2019, three banks were "gifted" trillions of dollars quietly.

The same secretive forces that could arrange gifts of trillions to one cover operation can do it again. We need to stop that.

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I think you are correct, particularly about the gifts of trillions. Gregory Mannarino has been calling it. Their game is to become the buyers and lenders of last resort. This permits them to crush everyone by simply scuttling the economy so people can’t “make payments” and foreclosing on them at a vast scale that is a phase change from tacit “wage slavery” to plain old “you will own nothing and be happy” overt slavery. Kill a lot of them and use high tech police to control the rest. Will it work? Nah! They can never extinguish what produced “ I have not yet begun to fight! Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!”

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The FACT that this entire debacle was politically motivated and driven makes it virtually impossible to draw accurate medical conclusions. The murkiness and confused data are intentional.

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I think the sun came out in week 20 so probably just climate change

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Check out my analysis of the German data:


Your articles were an inspiration for me to get into this.

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Well presented. I “enjoy” your work

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Keep up the good work.

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Well done. Please note that correlations of “averages” are always higher however... spuriously higher.

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I see. That makes a lot of sense indeed. Enough smoothing of two two-dimensional time series should result in two constants with the correlation nearing 1. Never considered that before.

I appreciate the information. I am no data scientist, coder, mathematician or medical professional, just a hobbyist, so these bits of information really have an impact on the way I approach data. I do not intend to distort reality. It's bad enough as it is.

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An average eliminates a lot of individual variation; and when you correlate variables that are both averages (especially of big populations) you are much more likely to get a strong correlation due to losing those individual data points with all that variability. There is a relationship between the variables here... :) Of that I have no doubt! Thanks for doing the work!

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Correlation may not equal causation, but it sure provides evidence of it. I'm perfectly willing to assume causation until proven otherwise. The burden of proof is on them, not on us. We've shown the correlation, but we don't have the means to prove causation. Politicians and public health bureaucrats have sworn the jabs are safe, so that should give them the incentive to prove that all these deaths are just coincidental. Their silence speaks loudly.

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exactly. this is how drug evaluation is supposed to work. safety signals are almost by def correlation. but bec we are dealing with human safety, the signals should be treated as causative until proven otherwise. the MSM, many (so-called scientists, the FDA etc) try to pretend otherwise. the govt recalls cars, baby rattles, hot dogs at the trace of an adverse event even though at the early stages it is clearly a correlational matter.

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What happened err on the side of caution??? Or my favorite, if it saves just 1 life...it all went out the window with these jabs. It was a huge power and money grab, end of story.

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What happened?




working theory

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Absolutely, things are completely upside down with covid and vaxxes. We threw out so many best practices to replace them with worst practices while the establishment pretends we didn't. Madness!

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Great point about the many recalls we see in consumer products on a fairly regular basis, often prompted by government regulators.

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I remember when the Boba Fett Star Wars figure was not even sent out due to the fact that the original fireable rocket was a choking hazard.

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+1 on all this!

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What did Dr McCoullogh say in a recent interview- ALL these deaths should be considered Injection death, UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE.

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The ONLY variable that changed is the JABS.

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Although the data all around the world is pretty shoddy really, in spite of the seemingly unlimited availability of taxpayer money available to fund other COVID initiatives, the work that independents have done is immense relative to the public health authorities who remain baffled by pretty much everything since it doesn;t fit the narrative they've been provided. There is an easy way to disassociate from the crap public health data altogether though - https://metatron.substack.com/p/safe-and-effective-25000-surveys.

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They're intentionally baffled.

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Pfizer's own 7 month "safety" trial from 2020 showed all cause mortality in a 46,000 participant study at 16 dead in the placebo group and 21 dead in the "vaccine" group.

If Pfizer openly admitted it was this bad, this early....you know it's much worse.

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Pfizer's own data from Nov 2020-Feb 2021 showed 2.9% (1,223/42.086) DIED in the first 2.5 months.


Also note the number of jabs was redacted; however, some people back calculated about 550,000 jabs were given which extrapolated out means 15,892 likely DIED in the first 2.5 months from the Pfizer jabs alone.

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Would it not be 1.2k deaths out of 550k jabs? Where is the 42k from? There were a lot more jabs given than 42k in the first 2.5 months.

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n=42,086 is the sample size.

See page 7 of the pdf.

As I said in the last paragraph, others extrapolated out the data to estimate there were 550,000 Pfizer jabs given in the fist 2.5 months. (I think they somehow extrapolated the total number from headache data IIRC.)

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“Punishing” Sweden for their high-profile bucking of the lockdown mania by sending them “bad” (i.e. inert) vaxxes?

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Ironically the reason the ACM/ED is better in Sweden is due to MORE freedom.

Think about that. Looking after yourself and analyzing your own risk/benefit profile actually works!

Who da thunk?!

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I'd agree, but even with freedom, swedes took the vaccines at about the same rate as other western countries. I was bummed they didn't go their own way on vaxxes, too.

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True. But I think they had more "exposure". Thereby perhaps giving them the benefit of avoiding some of the deleterious effects of the vaccine AND acquiring natural immunity before taking the jabs.

PLUS. The young were more of a firewall there...conferring Herd Immunity quicker to the entire population.

Filtering potency if you will for the vulnerable

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I thought that adverse effects were worse if you took the jab after being covid infected?

I also thought you can't have natural immunity after the jab?

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So many questions...so much shitty data. Who knows, right?

So many things to consider.

I don't think we definitively know the answer to either of those questions.

The only thing I wouldn't consider speculation (based on what I've seen so far) is that jabs, on a net basis, do not help natural immunity to any covid strain long term. And they appear to be deleterious to the overall "fitness" of your immune system.

All things equal; I think a lot of it has to do with timing, i.e., when did you get infected and how much time elapsed before getting vaxxed...or vice versa. And of course how many jabs did a person take.

I do think it's somewhat safe to speculate that you're immune system needs time in order to "heal"; whether it was assaulted by an infection or the jabs.

But there is sooo much more to it imo.

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I'm unjabbed in Canada, which has been challenging to say the least. I was illness free until October 2022 (not even a cold) when I came down with a nasty bout of covid that knocked me down for 2 weeks. It took a month before I felt back to normal. All of my jabbed friends and family have had multiple colds, flu, and covid during this same time period. Based on my personal experience, I still believe that the jabs are poison, covid is a bioweapon, and they are intent on killing most of us off. I enjoy reading this kind of analysis and all of the comments (often the best part of the substack) but it will be hard to convince me otherwise.

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Is their early natural immunity helping to reduce the non-infection-related deaths that are raising ACM (and are presumably jab related) in other countries?

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That doesn't make much sense does it?

Also it seems that many are arguing the following:

1. Swedes for some reason got early natural immunity because they didn't have lockdowns even though lockdowns don't work

2. The other countries which never really locked down somehow didn't manage to get the same early natural immunity that Sweden got even though they also didn't lockdown

Even if there were some lockdowns, most argue that lockdowns don't work so why would only the Swedes have natural immunity?

Seems to me that to accept bad cat's theory of early immunity for Swedes, then we either have to accept the premise that lockdowns work to some extent and the only reason Swedes had early natural immunity while these other citizens didn't is because their measures did prevent exposure to the virus which means that their measures must have differed enough from Sweden's to prevent them from getting the same natural immunity Swedes managed to get.

Is there evidence to support the contention that Swedes had natural immunity while citizens of these other nations didn't?

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You're right, there is a comflict of ideas here. Without looking up data, I seem to recall 2020 as Sweden had comparable cases/deaths to other countries regardless of lockdown and mask policies.

Personally, I think a hard lockdown (e.g. australia or china style) can reduce cases in the short term, but virus gonna virus and infections will catchup eventually. The lockdowns most countries did weren't hard enough to make much difference in the virus (but hard enough to screw lots of other things up).

Even if swedes had more natural immunity early, I don't see how that could effect vaccine-driven non-infectious deaths

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Damn good question

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That’s a sin against big Harma

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Yeah but money talks.

Eventually even governments won't be able to hide that data.

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Perhaps the natural immunity of the Swedes from frequent exposure allowed their bodies to neutralize the spike proteins from the jabs more effectively, so the spike proteins could not do as much damage throughout the body, thus reducing post-vaxx mortality.

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This needs to be pursued imo.

Question is how?

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Inert; because they couldn't keep them sub zero in Sweden... of all places!

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-22C/-7F here this morning.

And I live in middle Sweden; most of the nation is further North.

It's been so cold some days, I've been forced to chisel the hen house open due to the frozen chicken shit acting like cement!

Not to mention that several ching-chong chinese made hinges have simply cracked from the cold - give me good swedish iron instead of this fucking chop suey sludge the racially insensitive expletives produce!

Anyways, it's been cold enough to store them vials outdoors, is what I'm saying.

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You know: one confounder is that Nordic people are robust by nature...rather FORCED by nature.

Seriously that is a confounder

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Doesn't Canada have large groups of indigenous people living in arctic or sub-arctic areas (not to mention Alaska in the US)?

Comparing say Florida, Texas, California with Yukon, Nunavut and Iqaluit, with an eye to age and general health among the looked-at demographic might yield something.

If we can find a dane willing to try and compare danes in Nord-Jylland in Denmark with danish inuit in Greenland, that too might show something.

Not to mention that Africa seems to have said "Covid? Covid-Schmoevid! If it isn't as bad as ebola, it doesn't count!", "vaccines" or no.

Tin-foil hat time:

What if there's some kind of genetically sensitive component to the spike or other part of the vaccine, which increases the risk of adverse effects short and long-term, dependent on how much of the genetic markers required for activation is present in the recipient?

An injectable Holocaust, so to speak.

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I don't think that's tinfoil at all.

And yes of course Nordic people are more robust. The species started culling the further north you went after "temperant" zones.

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In my movie plot brain- some rogue scientist saw the dangers and placed the vials in the microwave secretly beforehand to make them safe :)

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Love it!

We should have a summit so we can write a sci-fi novel about all this covid crap.

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By punished do you mean rewarded?

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In these days when evil is good and bitter is sweet, yes, punishment is a reward.

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*just release ACM by age, vaxx status (for real, not the bad data the CDC uses), and vaxx type and we could have this sorted out in an afternoon.

Eventually actuary tables/schedules and life/health insurance data will help with this analysis.

That's a back door way of following the money

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But the vaxx status will always prove elusive, with the actual records.

The Bad Guys know things are not even close to meeting expectations or they would be bouncing bar charts and pie graphs off our foreheads all night long on tv and internet-LOOK AT ALL THE UNVAXXED DYING!!

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Good point. BUT insurance companies are in it to make money.

A big tell will be if there is federal law "subsidizing" insurance companies through some ostensible schemes.

AND conflating looooong covid. Or "premium" billing codes.

Lastly definition changes.

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There WAS a report about a year ago from the insurance sector about mortality and it seems to have been buried like a laptop

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Thank you Boots for adding "buried like a laptop" to our lexicon. I shall use it when appropriate. (With credit, of course!)

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wait till they start bleeding money. read my other comment about the potential of federal subsidies to life/health insurance companies

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Assuming those subsidies are visible. Government involvement has become pervasive - dirty little fingers seem to muck about with virtually every facet of our existence.

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This is just a theory- could it have something to do with aspiration/injection technique? I believe Sweden was one of the first countries to raise this issue.

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I'm suspicious of all data curated by all governments. The same corrupt politicians that drive policy decisions also drive the data collection. What they churn out may be manipulated to hide the evidence so smarty pants, like yourself, el gato malo, don't have the smoking gun. I pray some day, soon, the truth all comes out. Thanks to brave and curious cats like yourself, maybe it will happen.

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LOL, these are the same lying assholes that tell you there's "no inflation" when the USD supply was increased 46% ($15T to $22T) in two years!


It's all FAKE!

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They started scrubbing the data worldwide once the bad news about how ineffective the jabs actually were started showing up.

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I think showing prevalence of vaccine harm will be the more persuasive element of these investigations as

1) there seems to be a wall of unassailable tautologies around attacking pure efficacy (the "they were never intended to stop transmission, they reduce serious illness and death, they're perfect")

2) damning evidence of prevalent harm makes any argument of their inefficacy more relevant (if it can be argued they are basically harmless even if useless, there is less consequence).

I wish you luck. We're in the stage where there's plenty of questioning but it is proving hard to translate what many of us already know into any kind of consequential change.

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Very interesting indeed! Might be an idea to get figures from Africa as well. This group was probably the most exposed to the WuFlu virus and also the least vaxxed.

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The jabs were mainly pushed in white countries.

Ever heard of the Kalergi Plan?

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Also from some states which never locked down such as South Dakota or lifted lockdowns like Florida.

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Could natural exposure to Covid reduce the side effects of later vaccination?

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The disease protecting you from its alleged vaccine? An interesting proposition.

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Wow - a whole new rabbit hole to explore!

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Have you ever thought that the rabbit holes are intentional though?

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I usually maintain "All things are possible". But when it comes to holes: black, rat, key, ass, or rabbit, I posit that holes simply ARE. So after much consideration - NO.

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We just went full circle Andy! Lol!


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I started a reply that included imagery of things swirling around in a white porcelain bowl - then my wife leaned over my shoulder and interjected a sternly worded negative. I had to assure her that neither of us is nine years old :(

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That was a very amusing turn of phrase

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There's studies pointing to a higher degree of harm if you vaccinate after the infection.

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Who from tho?

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And with what? Seems to be a lot of speculation, on various 'stacks, including a few folks who may actually know what they're talking about, as to what may, or may not, be in those mysterious vaxes.

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This is very feasible IMO. Studies have shown that vaccination does not create nucleocapsid AB development like natural infection does and the nucleocapsid antibodies are an important component of infection clearance and future response as the spike protein is the locus of mutation changes.

Those that encountered SARS-CoV2 in the Wild prior to being vaccinated had the opportunity to develop nucleocapsid ABs and potentially a more broad spike protein AB response that the vaccinations are not able to trigger. Thus the original antigenic sin in these cases would result in production of nucleocapsid ABs and varied spike protein ABs with further immunologic challenge from vaccination or infection rather than the narrow spectrum spike protein AB response triggered by vaccinations.

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This makes the most sense. The majority used vaccine turns your body into a spike protein factory, spike protein isn't particularly good for you, and evidenced suggest these factories last for up to 3 months.

Imagine a pre trained immune system to detect this spike, especially with the early strains that Sweden got that the vax was based off of, it would logically suggest the body would clear spike protein more efficiently, and respond to the spike quicker, rather than "learning"

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If the public health authorities have one job, it is to reduce excess deaths. If there is one way to chip away at the narrative wall created by the media to protect the PHA’s about masking, vaccines, and lockdowns, it is to constantly ask about the elevation in excess deaths. Just force them to explain how they failed at their jobs. At some point, they will crack.

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That's wishful thinking!

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The problem is that the Covid skeptic community keeps trying to come up with causes for the health failure. “Vaccines are killing people.” To which the reply is always, “Vaccines are safe and effective.” Instead, the challenge should be, “explain why you have failed to reduce excess deaths or we pull all of your funding because you have failed at your job.”

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Exactly. DeSantis is the only politician I know who has the fuzzies to do that

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All it takes is the intestinal fortitude. Would that I had the power to so declare!

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Copying my comment from Die Fackle2.0 the other day when this was the topic there:

"We had the Covid-bump in mortality during 2020, about 8 000-10 000 more than expected. However, as Covid generally kills the very old, infirm and those with specific comorbidities, this bump cannot be blamed solely on the virus as such, since Sweden had a bumper crop of babies during the 1940s, especially the latter half of that decade, and these people are now in their 80s.

As in, that entire generation is reaching their life-expectancy at the same time as Covid hits. So the largest generation in swedish history (relative population numbers at the time of their birth) is now passing, leading to a general increase in all-cause mortality.

After 2020, mortality is dropping which is also unsurprising as - to put it callously - those especially vulnerable to Covid have now largely died off. There is as of yet no excess mortality reported that matches the roll-out of the RNA-injetions, as there seems to be in Britain (The Naked Emperor has been looking at this, among others), the US (as Igor Chudov is reporting on) or other places.

While any discussion about why we see these differences between nations will be purely speculative at this point, my money is on underlying society-wide differences in access to and quality of general health care, public health as such and the nutritional quality of food and access to same, and also dietary habits.

You simply do not see "american fat" poor people here. It is extremely rare, and what few there are, aren't enough to show up in national statistics - whereas in the US and to a lesser degree Britain, they number in the millions (or tens of millions in the US).

8 hours sleep per night, as unprocessed natural food as possible, a good mix of everything - no bloody diets!, avoid hyperprocessed goods like most candies, snacks, pastries and sodas and get at least 10-20 kilometes walking in per day, and avoid sitting down for extended periods; no longer than 20 minutes at a time, then be up and do something else.

The above is not based on science but on the simple fact that that is how we evolved, so that's how we function. The modern day capitalist-industrialist (or Taylorist even) society, the dream of the old modernists and futurists, is purely unnatural. (And no, that doesn't mean Luddites or communists are worth considering as more than speed bumps - folly on one side of the river does not mean wisdom lives on the other.)"

Edited for spelling.

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“Folly on one side of the river does not mean wisdom lives on the other.” Love this and your other thoughts

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Dec 29, 2022
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Personally, I think this is the key reason for our mortality figures:

"...Sweden had a bumper crop of babies during the 1940s, especially the latter half of that decade, and these people are now in their 80s.

As in, that entire generation is reaching their life-expectancy at the same time as Covid hits. So the largest generation in swedish history (relative population numbers at the time of their birth) is now passing, leading to a general increase in all-cause mortality."

Age plus comorbidity plus Covid-deahts during 2020. Not terribly exciting or in-line with various theories of nefarious plots and plans, but far more plausible than anyother, given the lack of systemic patterns.

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In December/January of 2019/2020 before international consensus had been established whether Covid was anything special or just another "Cry Wolf"-moment, several major swedish daily papers, pundits and other prominent figures loudly and roundly ridiculed any and all fears, and cals for re-established border checks and so on.

This was due to a domestic debate whether open borders is a good thing or not, and these liberals, libertarians and modern leftist progressives were looking to score cheap points by connecting border control with panicked fear-mongering. Sweden's major liberal daily paper, Dagens Nyheter (Daily News; think wannabe-NYT at its wokest) even organised a trip to the worst affected places in Italy just to show how harmless Covid was and how unfounded any calls for border checks were.

Those articles, tweets and so on disappeared a couple of weeks later.

But if these several dozen people brought Covid back to Stockholm in January 2020, that would harmonise nicely with your thinking that we got it earlier than others and that it spread more here.

Oh, and I know on paper Sweden had some anti-Covid measures, but in reality we had none whatsoever outside of hospitals. We had stuff like "you can't use the two rows of seats closest to the busdriver" on public transport - yeah, that'll stop an airborne virus... We had so, so much idiotic stuff like that most people just said "Fudge it!", had their colds, took their jabs and got on with life.

Substack called Die Fackel 2.0 (don't worry, it's in english) has been looking into this for some time, since the Stacker lives and works in Norway, so I recommend anyone interested to head on over there and compare notes.

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