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The proteins (antigen) that enable pathogens to bind to cell receptors & gain entry into cells tend to be similar to normal, functional proteins. When a flood of antibodies runs out of antigen to bind to, they can cross-react with (bind to) healthy tissue, causing impaired function, eg autoimmune disease.

(A natural example of this is strep throat, which can trigger a type of antibody that binds to the lining of the heart, causing "rheumatic fever" (ie a type of pericarditis). That is why rapid strep tests & immediate antibiotic treatment are the normal protocol for a severe sore throat.)

And this is why doctors who didn't forget their physiology basics predicted the quaccines would lead to autoimmune disorders caused by a continuous flood of antibody-inducing spikes.

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As an individual who has suffered from immune dysfunction in the past and also as a breast cancer survivor whose body reacted rather unfavorably to the implants placed following bilateral mastectomy, auxin learning the basis for how the mRNA vaccines worked.....I had grave concerns about autoimmune risks associated with it.

1) The FDA openly and candidly states it was not tested on individuals with autoimmune disease. WTH?! Seriously? And yet, the FDA told those folks to live up first. And in the beginning they did not even recommend those taking immunosuppressive drugs stop before being jabbed. Nothing like letting these pathogens proliferate from your own cells without your immune system able to respond normally.....and/or nothing like baiting a rogue immune system to have another go at one’s own body.

2) I remember being horrified at the FDA’s nonchalant claim that if the vaccine triggers a relapse of one’s autoimmune condition that is probably a better option than getting COVID. How incredibly irresponsible, insensitive and inaccurate!!!!

Autoimmune diseases can kill and often wreak havoc on one’s life for months/years/lifetime. They eviscerate one’s quality of life in many instances. The toll on an individual and family is devastating. And all the worse because autoimmune disease is not curable--the name of the game is to control and reduce symptoms, with the best out on being periods of remission. So the FDA speaking about autoimmune disease as if it was no big thing was a huge red flag for me having lost years of my life to an immune system dysfunction in my 20’s and 30’s.....which brings me to my next point.

3) Those of us who have experienced dysfunctional immune systems and had medical care in relation to our conditions know all too well that the medical community does not understand fully the immune system and diseases from or of the immune system. That is, no cures have been found for MS, Psoriasis, MG, Wegner’s, etc. WHY? Well, in part, the docs and scientists do not fully understand the mechanisms that result in things going haywire....i.e. they do not understand the immune system and it’s function within our bodies as well as they would like us to think. This has been evidenced again, again, and again in the COVID chronicles.

4) Worse still is the reality that autoimmune diseases can be hard to diagnose and people can suffer for years before help is provided. Imagine the number of elderly or immunocompromised who got the jab and had difficulties that were misdiagnosed because they actually are exhibiting signs of an autoimmune process not a stroke, heart attack, pneumonia, COVID, etc. Nothing like inviting the cytokine storm in!

Sadly, I know all to well how this story ends. I had expressed concern to my 82 year old mom given our family history of autoimmune disease. She, however, confronted with the fear porn around COVID felt she was damned if she got the jab and damned if she did not. She followed her doctors advice and got the flu shot and COVID booster last October 2021 (while on immunosuppressive drugs, which her doctor did not advise her to stop taking before vaccinating). She died on Jan. 6, 2022 after 4 hospitalizations. Her symptoms and age led the doctors to focus on heart attack and stroke, despite no tests to confirm diagnosis. Then came pneumonia and essentially warehousing around her care. When I saw her for the first time in January 1st...I knew that we were not dealing with a stroke or congestive heart failure. I told them she was suffering from a sudden onset of MG. Turns out I was right but by the time they got a neurologist in to confirm she had been in the hospital for over a week with little hydration and food. In essence, she was starved and her reserves were so low. They needed to vent her to support breathing and she went into cardiac arrest due to dehydration and died as a result.

How did I diagnose her when several doctors and two different hospitals missed all the signs? I had been reviewing VAERS since the vaccines rolled out. Symptoms like hers were and are prolific. I already knew the issues relative to potential immune dysfunction and it became evident as well because I had been doing regular research around adverse results related to autoimmune disease. McCullough and Malone had also been on Rogan. Turns out a paper McCullough and others published later in 2022 describes exactly what happened to my mother. I am haunted by how she suffered and us kept from seeing her from Jan. 1-6 (allowed in only to watch her die, although she was already gone essentially) due to a COVID outbreak in the hospital.

How many other elderly have died similar deaths? The kicker....her death certificate has the MG diagnosis, but I would bet that her death was never reported to VAERS and I am guessing the doctors do not even realize or will recognize the onset of her illness (never had it before) was due to the vaccine.

And this is where the cognitive dissonance has allowed for this nightmare to continue. I shudder to think how many have died with their loved ones none the wiser.

So yeah, it was propaganda from the outset to tell those with autoimmune disease to go play Russian roulette with their lives. Good grief.

I have lost family members and friends over my views. The only silver lining to my mother’s passing was that I was able to get exemptions for my daughters....one who would have been faced with getting the jab for school this past fall. I would likely have had a harder time making the case to spare my daughters had my mothers illness not have occurred. That is criminal in its own right..,.because as an informed parent I did not need to lose my mother to know that the shots presented more risk than benefit to my daughters. Turns out (based on antibody testing) they had both had COVID and never even knew it.

I have also experienced the lies and harm caused by big pharma personally. In November of 2021, I had removed toxic ruptured silicone breast implants that have been recalled by big pharma because they cause cancer. My health had deteriorated since their placement in 2014. The FDA recalled them in 2019. Just yesterday I read a study that talks about the I’ll effects they cause on the immune system....but hey, why was that study (pretty simple one) not done before these hens got placed in thousands of women worldwide? One guess....$$$$$ and plausible deniability. It’s a little game that big pharma and our FDA have down to a science. So much so....they have grown so bold as to call it “the science.” Watch the Netflix Documentary, “The Bleeding Edge” and you will get a good idea of how regulatory capture works.

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I am so sorry for what you & yours have endured at the hands of The Science™.

When I was 30, my Harvard HMO doc said

my glaring symptoms were "all in my head", handed a script for sleeping pills & sent me packing. Reality was septicemia going septic. My dentist saved my life. I haven't trusted "healthcare" since.

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Thank you for this lengthy and candid description of your + family's challenges. Must not have been easy to tell all.

Also shows the value of this site and others discussing important health issues that industry and government ignore.

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Thank you for your well stated comment. I am sorry you had to loose your mom they way in which you did.

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Laura, God bless you dear.

You have been to hell and back and I wish you many many years of vitality and happiness.

You have shared a wealth of your earnest research and persistence

and I am grateful.

Every now and then Netflix tosses out a gem.

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yes, it's a notorious issue with the modality. (and one shared by the adenovirus carrier vaxxes as well)

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In my mother’s case, it appears that (as McCullough et al described in their paper on impact on innate immune system) the spike proteins went to her spleen traveled by exosomes up the vagus nerve impacting speech and swallowing, shortness of breath. My mother even had an odd instance of fainting which she described the process coming on then passed out for 3 mins. Hospital sent her home on that trip, before her final hospitalization (where she continued to complain of dizziness and pain at the back of her head). Scans never showed any evidence of a stroke but she was treated as a stroke patient.

She did have an abnormal scan of her spleen but they did not seem to find that significant enough to consider or explore.

My mother never tested positive for COVID. They even swabbed her after they gathered us to watch her die (that made me angry, all treatment had stopped, the family was present and they come into the room and swab her. And hey had been swabbing her since being admitted! Almost like they wanted it to be positive.)

Anyhow, here is the description in the paper:

“Tracer studies have shown that, following injection into the arm muscle, the mRNA in mRNA vaccines is carried into the lymph system by immune cells and ultimately accumulates in the spleen in high concentrations (Bahl et al., 2017). Other studies have shown that stressed immune cells in germinal centers in the spleen release large quantities of exosomes that travel to the brain stem nuclei along the vagus nerve (as reviewed in Seneff and Nigh (2021)). The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve and it enters the brainstem near the larynx. The superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves are branches of the vagus that innervate structures involved in swallowing and speaking. Lesions in these nerves cause vocal cord paralysis associated with difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) difficulty speaking (dysphonia) and/or shortness of breath (dyspnea) (Gould et al., 2019; Erman et al., 2009).


My mother’s first symptoms were crazy elevated blood pressure, triponins elevated, shortness of breath, lightheaded....but like many 82 year olds she had a heart history so they simply checked it up to that and then tried to manage blood pressure, which bounced all over the place after years of no problems regulating it. Then came slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, passing out....

The thing is.....Ho to VAERS and out in symptoms on difficulty speaking or swallowing, or dizziness and look at how many have suffered. Begs the question about how many elderly or those at risk died from supposed “strokes” “heart failure” or just sudden decline?

My mother was still an active and productive individual. In short order she was reduced to a body under attack and she knew something did not add up. As she told me, “I’m not getting out of here....my body is shutting down.” That’s what it felt like to her.

Even more aggravating was being blocked out and unable to advocate. Once I made the diagnosis and they had a neurologist agree....somehow the order for meds she immediately needed was not written. And within the next 24 hours her Myasethenia Gravis crisis worsened yo the point of needing yo be vented. No explanation for why the order was not written.

To be honest, it felt like the healthcare workers were so caught up in the COVID drama that they went around wringing their hands and wondering who would rest positive next. Led to a lot of inaction where people should have received better care.

The absolute worst part of the whole affair with my mom....

After she died (on a Thursday) we got messages she had tried to send us by messenger the following Saturday after her passing. Basically, the WiFi in the hospital where she was had glitches and the messages did not go through until my sister took my mom’s phone home. Then on my sister’s WiFi they went through.

She was begging for help. And she spoke of no food, no water,no meds. She asked us to send prayers. And we are all left with the realization that she slipped into unconsciousness while we were fighting g to get in. I had been at the administration of the hospital arguing she could not advocate for herself. So she sent those messages and none of her five children responded because we never got them. It breaks my heart and haunts me as we were a close loving family. And if I had got those messages or had it to do over again....I’d ignore the security guards and let them arrest me going to her aid.

My dad died in May of 2020. He was at home and it was years after his battling a debilitating autoimmune disease....we cared for him for 10 days as a family with love. The contrast to how my mom left this earth breaks my heart. She deserved so much better and more.

It will make you sick inside to think of a loved one scared, alive, anxious and at the hands of strangers. The neurologist told us that my mom had begged him not to leave her because she said she would die. He left, o orders for meds was written or given, she died.

How many others have had a similar fate? We will never know. But I for one do not find it hard to imagine that thousands have suffered needlessly.

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What a horrific tale. My heart aches just reading your words. It’s inhumane what happened to her.

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Very sorry for you and your mother Laura. But a big Thank you for the distressing details. I appreciated reading the details as it is the story of many, of the Haunting reality of today’s hospital Covid ‘care’. The detail you give reveals the systematic iatrogenocide.

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Your story is heartbreaking. Thank you for reminding us exactly who and what we are fighting for. You and yours are in my prayers.

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Thank you for sharing your experience, clearly a nightmare. It breaks my heart that millions of people are experiencing health crises on a scale never deemed imaginable.

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Laura, I am so so sorry for the horror your entire family went through at the hands of these monsters. Thank you for sharing your story with us. These stories need to be told for those who are still blind to the narrative. God bless you all!

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Oh my God, Laura. I wailed when I read this. Your mom knows you all did your best in the most horrific of circumstances. You fought so hard for her. I am so so sorry for your loss.

I agree with your point 3 above. Allopathic docs do not understand autoimmune diseases almost all of the time. They placate and medicate and try this and that. I do not agree with this: autoimmune disease is not curable. I am sure it is, once we figure it out, if too much damage has not already been done. My late spouse died of ALS and we felt helpless. We studied and tried a lot of things. But with so much misunderstood, the inevitable arrived. They say ALS is neurological but do not consider the autoimmune system.

Thank you for telling your story. Again I am so sorry. 💔🙏💜

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I am not your Other: I could not hear your wailing, only because I was too. Laura's story is heartbreaking.

I am so very sad and sorry for the loss of your beloved spouse to ALS.

I agree. There are many older medications that doctors refuse to utilize in the present circumstances.... as if, some kind of new disease needs new drugs. Many of the older medications on the market have proven to help maintain activity for the individual without the massive side effects and damage they do to the body as a whole. One specific drug is Prednisone. It is a simple drug that is not so wonderful but it works specifically on the inflammatory process so that a patient with disabling autoimmune can remain active and fit, with a better range of motion, eat better, actually sleep at night instead of up all night in agony or drugged into oblivion just to "sleep" and then wake in the morning starting at square one.

Either case. Both of you have suffered greatly and my heart aches for your suffering and loss.

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I am in tears here, I am so heartbroken for you Laura.

You are not alone though. I have known of recent similar heart wrenching circumstances. Your mom is safe now. God sent his angels down swiftly and they snatched her up in the softest comfort and carried her joyfully to paradise.

Your loss reminds me of my momma's last days. I laid in bed with her and we talked of flowers and gardens and birds and all of God's greatest gifts that we were given. I can't sing very well, but I did sing many hymns. We are blessed to have such lovely mothers

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Laura, I am aghast. This is the umpteenth story of medical malpractice/murder. But every time they get me. Just the fortitude to write this story! Perhaps you don’t wish to wallow in more of the same, but some people find processing with others suffering the same fate helpful. In which case I have two recommendations for you: this post I just read this morning of an Australian mother, platformed by the outspoken senator.


Second recommendation is the podcast Vibe. Robyn has also been telling these stories from the beginning, before the vax even. There are many episodes I’m going to look for one to start with.


I hope with all of these cases justice or at least peace is coming. Trust is certainly out the window for the foreseeable future. Blessings to you.

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