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IN THEORY, you are incorrect, based on my understanding of the THEORY.

IN THEORY, the synthetic mRNA payload in the so-called vaxx is supposed to code for spike protein in a biological vacuum, if you will. The CDC explicitly stated that, according to the CDC, the synthetic mRNA does not cross the nuclear membrane and obtain access to the nucleus, where the DNA genome lives. Therefore, IN THEORY, the synthetic mRNA snippets are entirely translated into protein (spike) in the cytosol outside of the nucleus. (This is where the ribosomal "protein factories" live, mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum, which is a big folded membrane in the cytosol.)

So, IN THEORY, the synthetic mRNA is supposed to enter the cell and get picked up by the ribosomal protein factories where it is translated into somehow magically harmless spike protein, which is then supposed to be exported out of the cell so that it can be recognized by your immune system as foreign, so that your immune system can then harmlessly learn how to recognize spike protein for the next time it sees a dangerous and deadly SARS-CoV-2 virion which just so happens to express the same spike protein. (Got that, cells?) The synthetic mRNA is NOT SUPPOSED TO CROSS THE NUCLEAR MEMBRANE, because the CDC said so.

Okay. /Sarc off for a second ... I actually would still have to disagree slightly with your hypothesis that the vaxx induces autoimmune disease, only because my hypothesis of the reality is that it is -- or could be -- a lot worse than that.

Autoimmune diseases are no fun. They are, of course, the outcome of an event in which, for whatever reason, your immune system decides that some native protein in your own body is a foreign invader and decides to attack it. One of the most benign examples of this is vitilago, in which the immune system comes to believe that melanin is a foreign invader. (Insert Michael Jackson joke here.) One of the most devastating examples is multiple sclerosis, in which the immune system thinks that myelin -- which lines your nerve cells -- is bad. All autoimmune diseases rely on the immune system mistakenly believing that a necessary, native protein is a bad thing.

To my line of thinking, autoimmune disease is far from the largest risk posed by the mRNA shots. This is because the spike protein does not, to my knowledge, really resemble anything in the Human body with which the immune system could get it confused. In other words, the only way that the immune system would be trained to attack the body's own cells in response to the vaxx is if the spike protein resembled a native protein within the body, and I do not believe that it does that.

Now, to the horror show.

That all assumes that the synthetic mRNA does NOT cross the nuclear membrane and become incorporated into the Human genome (DNA). I have absolutely no idea why anybody would make that assumption, because the fact of the matter is that viral RNA does this ALL THE DAMNED TIME. Your DNA is packed with viral snippets -- it is a part of evolution. Reverse transcriptase is one of the proteins that facilitates this process -- it is not some boogeyman of the anti-vaxx crowd; it is a very well-known process in molecular biology.

If we assume for a moment that (GASP!) the CDC might actually have LIED to us, and that the synthetic mRNA DOES cross the nuclear membrane and become incorporated into the Human genome, now we have some fun. It's entirely conceivable in that scenario that, years from the initial injection, the body might for some reason "decide" to spit out spike protein for no apparent reason -- perhaps because it's a Tuesday. Then what?

THEN, your immune system does indeed attack your own cells -- but is it really doing a bad thing, in that case? ... Given that the spike protein causes untold amounts of damage six ways to Sunday, I'm not so sure. I don't know if, in the scenario I just described, such an attack could be truly considered AUTO-immune, because the protein that the immune system is going after (spike) is actually foreign in nature. It's just that now, it has been incorporated into your own genome, so you are, in effect, an alien to yourself. Yay, you.

Who knows which cell types this could affect, or how many cells in the body total this could occur in. All of them? Some? I actually don't know that, and I intend to research it, but for now, that's enough typing. :)

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I look forward to your results. As one with lupus and a wacky, over enthusiastic immune system, I was not willing to gamble.

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Thank you ... I'm not even sure how to go about compiling the data that I'm looking for, and I suspect that one particular data point that I may ultimately need (that is, the speed with which the synthetic mRNA is cleared from the body) is going to be impossible to find. But, if I get the time (that's the biggest problem), I'll dive in.

Your choice not to gamble was very, very wise. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that to begin with, though.

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Interesting conjecture. Good for you for your research interests. No sarc font intentionally - but how much time have you got? Consider it could be a "Tuesday" sometime in 2032 (when the last 2 digits reverse) that some AE occurs. (Strictly hypothetical). Hope you have understudies engaged.

As we so frequently discover, the temporal disconnects between cause and effect are a reliably massive crutch for big Pharma and sycophants.

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Exactly. As a clinician, and as a rational thinker, I do not like to think in sensationalist terms such as "ticking time bomb." ... However, if the synthetic mRNA does get reverse-transcriptase'd into the genome, the vaxxed could be facing just that.

Luckily, it should not be at all difficult to mitigate. The chicken yolk IgY findings look very promising, among other therapies, and it shouldn't be difficult to identify the affected patients, either, if only somebody would develop a test for the incorporated mRNA. That way, those at risk would at least realize that they are at risk.

The problem is in that last sentence ... The majority of these individuals do not even want to acknowledge that they did something exceedingly risky. They want to believe that they did just the opposite, and that it'll all be fine.

Meanwhile, the zombie hoards intensify.

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I think Dr Judy Mitkovits (sp?) spoke about this. The distribution study from Japan also showed it deposits in the ovaries and testes (germ cells)so it is incorporated into offspring. I remember reading about reverse transcriptase , daughter cells incorporating the genetic material when splitting into new cells.

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Right -- and you jogged my memory with the gonad thing -- let us not forget this:


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There's another writer on Substack (Arkmedic) who has made a pretty convincing argument that the mRNA most definitely enters the nucleus:


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Thank you for posting that ... Subscribed ... After reading that whole article, and downloading the relevant papers ...

Phew. 2023 is gonna be a weird one, ain't it?

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In this huge experiment perhaps we are altering evolution itself. But as Darwin notes, there may be many more causalities in the years going forward. The pure among us can start again. At least we won't have the same degree of unfunded pension liabilities that so threaten the rich.

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