I can't wait for Press Sec Flopsy to answer Doocy's question, "why is there still a public health emergency when the President declared the pandemic over?"

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So they're going to rescind the vaxx mandates at the border and in the military, schools, and universities ... right? I mean if the pandemic is over, surely there's no more need for them?

LOL just kidding obviously we must remain ever vigilant against COVID's return. It's a permanent emergency after all, just like terrorism and climate change.

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People might think twice about constant testing and vaccinating if they (gasp!) had to shell out their own money for it all.

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

It was over for me sometime in 2020 when I looked at the emerging data.

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BTW, peeps- Headstart staff and students still have to wear masks per the federal government. Those kids' speech patterns and vocabulary have been stunted beyond belief and now the ones that were in Pre-K at the beginning of this are now in Kindergarten and First grade and so far behind that it's detrimental not only to them but to America as a whole.

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Crowd psychology: bring things in waves; give them a respite, and here we go again. The questions in my mind and at this point are selfish ones:

1. More "lockdowns" leading into the elections? My guess is "yes."

2. More mask "mandates" leading up to said elections? My best guess is "yes."

3. More "vaccine" "mandates" in the coming "flu" season? My best guess is "yes."

Or, perhaps not.

Therefore paralysis.

Maybe that's the point of all these mixed signals.

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Over for me since the Groyd George riots.

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Touché. You could almost set your watch by the gyrations in clown world.

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I doubt SloJoe Biden, Bourla, and Fauci actually were jabbed with the death shot. Dollars to donuts, they got saline.

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the psyop is not over.

the 2020 coup must be reversed

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Obama Term 1: We droned some folks. OT2: We droned some more folks in more places. OT3: We hospicided some folks.

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Nothing like starting the week off with more state issued graft!

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again waiting for the white house to say the opposite.....

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this tripe from the drooling imbecile after he has covid two months ago.

The left is a disease on the planet. Worse than covid

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biden was right.

in great parts of the rest of the world the epidemic is over.

so the pandemic is over as there can only be a pandemic if there are lots of countries that are afflicted.

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The DOJ must not have received the memo because on 13Sep they argued for federal worker mandat to continue. Here is recording of the oral arguments...


What cannot be tolerated is the existence of a federal workforce where a subset of them have not taken the experimental gene transfer therapy injection and act as a COVID control group.

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