from an old brown rugger to the new brown ruggers, please allow a bad cat to congratulate the new baddest bears in the basket on their division one national championship last night.
it does not get any better than this.
this has been a long time coming and you earned it. what an amazing game and a compelling 21-5 win over a fast striking queens team in chippy, physical play. you kept your heads and played a smart, solid match. it does you credit.
that was ALL yours. the forwards controlled the game, kept it tight, and won in the scrums, the rucks, the mauls, and in fantastic lineout play. strong across the board, scrum half, centers, all of it.
you made that contest yours and imposed your will and your structure. and it was glorious.
a helluva win, young gents.
to jay fluck and to dave zucconi who kept us going through good times and bad and never stopped supporting us even when brown athletics would not:
this is your win.
you made this possible.
and we will never forget you.
and now, no one will ever forget brown rugby again.
because this was it.
and we will be back again next year.
because this is OUR house now.
yeah bruno!
just yeah.
i was proud to play in these. (and that they will never quite be clean again)
and you have made me prouder still.
an amazing result, gentlemen.
see you at the alumni game!
for those who care about this wonderous vocation:
the game can be watched HERE.
and brown rugby can be followed on twitter HERE.
send them an atta boy.
they earned it.
Sorry to say, the first thing I thing of now when I hear “Brown” is Emily Oster.
I’ll do my best to replace that with “Gato playing rugby”. 😉
There's nothing better than the feelings when your own team wins!