You'd think we would all feel vindicated, perhaps relieved, that truth is being revealed, mandates are disappearing, and life seems to be inching back to normal. But, I personally do not. I feel angrier at the people who did this, whether incompetence, malice or both. I feel anger towards the parents still masking their children. I feel angry at the agencies still doubling down on failed policies. I feel anger at the politicians just moving on to something else, yelling "look over there". Most of all, I know that they've created the perfect plausible deniability scenarios to cover up their mess. The CDC will come out as time goes on and say that lockdowns caused missed preventative screenings and treatments , and increased stress are to blame for the rise in heart conditions and cancers.

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I can't agree with this or like this comment enough!

You would think the "finally, word is getting out/lawsuits are being won/etc" aspect would be a stronger positive feeling than it actually is--but I, like you, am angrier than ever, or maybe in a more peaceful mode just feel bitter. Because I had to leave a job over this. Because people gave me glares, little lectures, or zombie-eyes when I walked into establishments unmasked, and I live in CA so ALL the establishments were following 'guidance'. The CDC changing some of their recommendations yesterday was what made me realize I'm still furious (gee, do I have to reapply to my old job all over again? I would never, but still, it was a MAJOR life change that put in me into financial precarity), and now this just caps it. Yesterday someone on another comment thread said their new litmus test for politicians is how willing are you to starve or disband the alphabet agencies. I used to think this was an extreme position. No more.

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I don't think we realize how upset we are until we see things that show us just how absurd and heartbreaking things have gotten. When you see masked children, it is heartbreaking. Children do not need to be masked, never have, even from the little known at the beginning of the pandemic. At the very least, from the beginning, since this pandemic has affected older people rather than children, it should be the children without masks and jabs and without restrictions, and the adults should have sacrificed for them. THAT should have been at least a somewhat laudable goal, even as it was still still wrong-minded.

Instead the adults acted like children, and paramount among them the teachers. Whether it was the teachers themselves, or teacher's unions is up for debate, but when schools are shut down for years for a virus that does not affect children, that shows you the priority of the teachers, and that should also be an indicator as to the goals of our educational system. Everytime they bring up "for the children" we should get a montage on all the things we did as a society to ruin our children on a loop.

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All the teachers cared about was their own asses. The unions were never useful for real protection of the teachers like they are supposed to. Nope they loomed over innocent children like they were baby plague rats with big teeth and took to the hills. I respect very few of them now. Very few.

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We have the recordings of zoom calls where teachers were crying and worrying about their lives and what would become of them in the wake of having to go back to face-to-face teaching. We need to download those videos and share them. Not only to implicate teachers, but also the media that fed these teachers 24/7 massive amounts of disinformation.

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Please don't blame them so much as "the media that fed" lies to cause fear and panic in ALL of us. Event 201 created the Trusted News Initiative to bring us the fear news. We were manipulated. Event 201 was for a much more deadly virus, not the current one.

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No, anyone who chooses to actively damage kids isn’t allowed to point the finger elsewhere.

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The Overlords who want everyone indoctrinated, need their minion indoctrinators (aka teachers), and thus they had a long campaign of making those minions into “heroes”. Likewise with police, firemen, and medical professionals. TPTB need all those minions to carry the water of their schemes, and so they turn them into “heroes”. It’s an effective trick since tge public is generally gullible and lacks the ability to think critically and clearly.

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OH, the teacher's unions--DO NOT get me started.

This is the child harm one I keep sending people back to:


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One of the most horrific examples of Nuremburg Code violation.

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Mentally ill "caregivers" taking care of the children. 😢

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And the "people" creating these policies are the evil among us.

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Still are. You see tic tok? I'm not on but have seen plenty of vids!

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I'm with you. Breaks my heart.

Never Again!

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That is what they said after the Holocaust. Do you see the parallels now?

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Of course, that's why I've been fighting this since day one.

As I've said before:

My biggest fear is that the people will do it all over again. I think that's what you and I fear the most.

That has the potential to be a 30's redux on steroids...globally.

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That video was really painful to watch...watching a child abused. How heartless and cruel we have become.

At least the little guy was tough and determined. Don't mess with him in a few years time!

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Yeah, watching it makes me physically gasp and also get nauseous--we know--HE KNOWS--it is so wrong.

Yes, let's hope that life force never gets suffocated out of him. I fear it's extinguished (or at least deeply banked) in so many others.

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Yes. This. Horrifying. Monsters.

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That breaks my heart.

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Jimmy Gleason, I am a teacher, and I agree with you 100%. They were the WORST.

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I struggle with your comments as well. When my Son went to a more organized, larger preschool: I was sick all the time, nothing serious but enough to know. He never got sick. Makes perfect sense. I didn’t put a worthless mask on him or disinfect him, I took my licks as a parent; as many parents before me have done. Maybe some parents did survive. For that I am sorry but . . .

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This author has done a huge amount of research into how the unions (led by the teaching unions) caused the UK government to implement the communist atrocity that was the lockdowns, & then disastrously enable the vaccine debacle. He believes there were similar union malfeasance in other countries.

Worth a read: https://benirvine.co.uk/essays/

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Absolutely. Picked up grandchild yesterday from K and it was great to see her and all the kiddos and teachers unmasked waiting for us to come on in.

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It is heart-breaking to see masked adults as well as kids for covid. NONE of the official narrative and response was necessary and was certainly criminal. It's still going on in NZ. The government is reinvigorating mask wearing, saying you are being kind if you wear one, and will soon be pushing more boosters. The NZ government has also never recognized the adverse side effects from the "jab". The awake people won't die from the jab, but from strokes from long term high blood pressure.

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I hate hearing “the teachers”, ( when I know you mean ... the majority of the teachers)

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Yes. There are good teachers caught between a rock and hard place. My hubby is a retired teacher who despised the system. From the principals up and the union. He was first teaching high school in the 70’s. Quit in the 80’s and resumed in 2001. A huge sea change had occurred in the students and administrations. He retired about 4 years later.

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I agree with you, and at times I have felt similar frustration. I don't know if it's all teachers, most teachers, the majority of teachers, or just a small amount of teachers that are so vocal as to hijack the rest of teachers.

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If you want to know the thoughts of your local teachers, check social media. As they all feel insulated from any consequences, they share their views freely and they largely veer toward authoritarianism. It is shocking.

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Also Nextdoor. Hideious app.

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Jimmy in my school it was the majority of the teachers. Over 50 of them.

I have always respected teachers for their kindness and knowing how to teach...but I lost all respect for them during covid.

And another point...Teacher colleges turn out complete IDIOTS. They

do not know how to research anything. I think all teachers should have real life

experience before they go into teaching, preferably in the dreaded private sector.

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I agree with you there. There is the general consensus that "those who can't do, teach." and it appears to be an accurate assertion.

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I was once about to become a teacher in the early nineties. I stayed an extra year, took education courses, and even went through student teaching. I was horrible back then at classroom management and chalked it up to being not much more than a kid myself. But part of it was the system even back then. I remember being told by other teachers that for the most part the idea was to "pass" students who were seniors even as they were failing. I remember feeling so discouraged to hear that. I attended a parent teacher conference or two and at that point it was like the students and parents were aligned against the teachers...and who could blame them. The cancer of "letting things go" only gets worse over time until education ends up becoming indoctrination.

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This was standard pandemic operation until 2020. Let the healthy people catch the disease, build up real immunity in the population while shielding the vulnerable.

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We didn't even think about it in those terms. It was along on the lines of...part of life is getting sick, but if your sick...kinda stay away from grandpa because he might get sick. It was never a hard rule, and it was more dependent on what the grandparent wanted. Usually they wanted to interact with their family.

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Michele, so sorry to hear about your job! I'm one of those infidel feds without shots in the Dept of Defense (DoD), and we are still in limbo almost a year later. My DoD agency enacted a drop dead deadline to submit medical/religious waivers and has not done a thing about them since November. Only those without shots are forced to test weekly EVEN IF ASYMPTOMATIC and denied official travel without our agency director approving it. We all contacted our med unit after the "new guidance" from the CDC came out, and were told "IF AND WHEN there is a change to current guidance, we will let you know. For now, no changes and continue weekly testing."

Waiting for the 5th Circuit vote and then it will prob go to SCOTUS, no matter the outcome.

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Good for you for standing strong, but yeah, how chickenshite that they are still seeking cover under the OLD recommendations. Hard eye roll. So many agencies and businesses cowered under the 'recommendations' before, why can't they just change their cowering position a bit, you know, move around in their slightly-larger-now feedlot box? Infuriating--you know you have my prayers for positive court rulings.

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Private businesses, especially govt contractors are chickenshits. I hate them for rolling over like the stinky, bloated dead fish they are.

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I realize that big pharma got protection from lawsuits that their poison caused, but I look for thousands to be filed by employees against their employers for mandating vaccines that harmed them. Also, we are seeing more and more employees suing for getting fired because they wouldn't take the vax. I am no great fan of lawyers and the costs to corporations will just be passed along to us peons, but some of these companies need to be sued out of existence.

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exactly. The trial lawyers are gonna get rich. Especially from the big hospital chains that fired employees, or worse denied privileges to private practice doctors and thus restraint of trade will be added to the damage indictment.

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You are amazing! And the few people like you who are still honest and innately 'good' does make my heart twinge a little, for the reason that I believe the DoD and the other agencies have overstayed their welcome, to say it as nicely as I can (though in all honesty, none... And I repeat, none of these agencies are allowed to even exist constitutionally.) But I will say, having someone like you who is sane inside the agency, is a benefit for now, in my opinion. Knowing that it isn't completely demonic and has good people still within the walls, is useful to freedom loving peeps such as myself. Stay strong, when we get our people's lawful government UnInc populated, we need those who are innately good and have been trained and educated to join and help with our PKTF. There are still needs for certain, albeit, much smaller pieces of governmental services to exist and actually become a helpful service to We The People, overall, rather than, as a whole, an anchor weighing down our society and freedoms.

Please know that our govt uninc that is assembling more and more each day, across all fifty states, are peaceful people who have changed their political status to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction as real, living men and women, and we need more people to awaken and do the same. This is our final, peaceful way to end the deep levels of lies, corruption, and communism spreading like a plague at rapid progression through all our 'governmental' systems.

Here is some great history to go along with what I'm on my soapbox preaching about:


Together, we can reassemble and rebuild what once was our great country, returning it to our Founders' Republic and dream... The Land of The Free.

Thank you for standing up against the tyranny inside the system. And if any of us here are on any sort of list, could you kindly delete our names from the database over there...? Just asking for a friend... 😉🤣

Good luck and stay strong!

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Thanks, JohnnyB! There are about 1000 of us in my agency and most other ones prob have at least that number also. Many are hesitant to be known since they don't want the ostracism from their fellow coworkers - yes, ostracism. Unbelievable.

And haha on the databases - not in my area, sorry! :)

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I am a HCW at a tertiary care VA on a religious exemption, as are two of my colleagues. The three of us agreed to weekly testing. When it started in November 2021, I met with multiple people claiming that, I had concerns with the way it was being conducted, that I was coerced into agreeing to something before the method of testing had been decided, etc. I told them when they addressed my concerns, to let me know and I’d be happy to start testing. I’m still waiting. I, and my two colleagues, have never tested and no one has said a word to any of us. I am an NP and see patients face to face. The beauty of the bureaucracy.

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Yes, sometimes it may work to our advantage! I’m hoping I’ll hit my retirement age before this is all settled!

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Me too! I plan to leave in two years. Hoping to bide my time. My coworkers are younger than I. I’m trying to challenge what I can to help to protect them as well until the powers that be reverse this nonsense.

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If we miss one weekly test, the retired person who they brought back to harass those without shots will email you the following week. If you don't go that week, she sends you to ER for the "disciplinary action runaround." We could be fired within 10 days after that.

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I have read that, nationally, few have been fired or disciplined by the VA for non-compliance. But, it sounds like your facility is much more vigilant! Stay strong. Be empowered! We are fighting the good fight!

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I had fun one week when the state testing people had a computer crash....results weren't available for a week and a half...well, I said, I went, not my responsibilty to drag it out of the state...hree's the number you want the results you call!! They had fun being on hold for 20 minutes at a time!!

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Kudos to you!!! Like.

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I’m in the same waiting game with DOD. I listen to the town hall meetings conducted…pure gaslighting, and these are military doctors. No moral courage from any of these “leaders” to stand up and say that this is affecting military readiness by compromising health of airmen. Encouraging boosters and child vaccinations to add to the recklessness. It’s sickening. Some doctors did testify about the dangers, but were ignored.

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The military is run by a bunch of insane idiots in the flag ranks. Oh yes, I was there for 30 years in a blue uniform, up to O-6 - hospital commander, all that stuff. but I retired in 2000. Today's military is not your fathers, nor certainly your grandfathers.

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I am glad you have been able to stand against the jabs. It makes me so angry that my 2 young adult sons in the service were forced to get the shot.

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Congrats for hanging in there as long as you have. "if and when there is a change to current guidance" would have pushed me over the edge. I would have slapped them. In light of what is posted on the CDC, what do you think will happen if you don't submit your test?

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I suspect a fair amount of us will refuse to test this week. Can they possibly send everyone to ER at the same time? We are peppering our medical unit, the Civil Liberties Office, and the IG daily with emails, filing complaints, but to no avail so far. These offices told us that SECDEF Lloyd Austin's peeps emailed the agencies to not change anything whilst they figure out how to implement the changes. How about: JUST. STOP. TESTING. An Executive-level Task Force said to stop as of 22 Aug.

Dunno why that seems to be above their intelligence levels....


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Anna, just saw your comment. Are you still being tested weekly?

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sorry about your job. my BF and i are among the newly, not voluntarily unemployed, in my case after 40 years. i'll never forgive them. funny how fast you can become a one issue voter.

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And speaking of CDC changing stuff: that thing about "doesn't enter the cell nucleus" --- the only reason they can dare to leave that up on their website right now is they just forced a Swedish study to be retracted. The Swedish researchers show that it does, indeed, enter the nucleus. “SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro” . Which, perfect for this post, is also all about cancer.

Everyone must read this info about how Spike is causing cancer, etc. from Arkmedic: https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/welcome-to-gilead

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there was another study a while back which showed that the vaccine suppressed the immune system at least in vitro. the virologists on TWIV ripped it apart, saying that it was irresponsible to do research like this and they shouldn't have published it because it would just fuel vaccine hesitancy. and they repeated over and over that it was IN VITRO which has no bearing, of course, on anything.

it's hard to listen to shit like that and not be suspicious

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Well, they may generously be providing an in vivo demonstration for us now.

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Of course it enters the nucleus otherwise how can it reprogram the cell to produce poison! Ugh the bottomless evil of it all.

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Oh if I was in California the Ca. State Board of Medical Examiners would just remove my medical license as a spreader of misinformation. Fine with me... As far as I am concerned, California can just slide off into the Pacific someday.I been there a lot, done much there.. I have NO DESIRE to go back for anything,

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Yes. I have no anger. Really I don’t. What I have is cold rage. My 95 year old mom died alone, isolated from friends and family for a year before she died. 11 months later my 96 year old father (previously in perfect health) died from Stage 4 bladder cancer which exploded within weeks after the 2nd jab. And despite being in hospice, dying from the cancer they inflicted, they forced him to take a booster. 11 days later he was dead. He was murdered. Literally. And I am certainly not alone.

Because we chose to stand in the breach, we have also ‘lost’ nearly all our friends. Family members have shunned us, disinvited us, refused our pleas to visit. My wife was fired from her job.

I called this scam on 15 February 2020 and I have the warning emails, which I sent to friends and family to prove it. It really wasn’t that difficult to figure out.

The people who did this, and in my view that includes every person, including every doctor, nurse, and pharmacist who pushed or administered the jab should have a fate lying before them worse than dying and going to hell. That is to say, living hell. They need to be scorned, shamed, and shunned every minute they remain alive. Most of them will be dead anyway, long before their time. That is fine with me. They did this to all of us, destroying lives, relationships, and countries in the process. No mercy. No grace. Just stone cold rage.

Harsh? Indeed. Will the gates of heaven be closed to me for refusing to “turn the other cheek.” Maybe they will. I’m willing to take that chance.

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I'm so sorry, MoodyP. My parents too have suffered from the shots that I desperately tried to warn them about. New diagnoses of ALS and aggressive cancer for them, respectively.

Thank God for these comment sections, where we find solidarity in our rage.

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Indeed. I feel for you. I really do. It’s brutal because we know it didn’t have to be this way.

On 15 February 2020 in response to my dad’s question about this ‘virus thing’ I replied via email “Dad, I smell a dead rat. And it’s already beginning to rot.” In December 2020 he asked me if he should get jabbed. He said he thought it was “silly” but the retirement community President had sent out a letter saying that if they could get 90% jabbed they would reopen the dining room. He missed his friends. His wife of 73 years had just died. He didn’t see her the last 6 months of her life. He was lonely. Depressed. And he didn’t want to be the one who said no and kept the dining room from opening. And so, despite my pleas, he got in line when the pharmacy showed up with the vials.

11 months later he was dead. I don’t know if he ever drew a connection and I never mentioned it again. I hope he never figured it out. At least I was able to participate in his process of dying. For that I am grateful.

How many millions of stories are there like yours? And mine? From all around the world. We will never know. As you say, we can take a measure of solace in the knowledge we aren’t the only ones.

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I'm so sorry. Never forget what they did to you. God won't and their retribution is coming.

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What a heartbreaking story. So much coercion we must never forget--it didn't have to be an 'official' mandate or a private business' 'legit' rule--there was all that evil 'nudge' bs, too. "Let's lock them down and then see just how far they'll bend if we tell them we'll restore some of the freedoms we just took away..." And face-to-face, in person community is SO important, we all instinctively know isolation is unhealthy, so of course your father would be tempted to take his chances. Good for you for smelling the rat and alerting early on, as I'm sure many of us here did--it STUNK, and you and I did what we could. Cold rage indeed, entirely apropes.

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Your dad sounds like he was a great guy and got to live a long, mostly healthy life. Please remember that.

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Thank you. Yes he was. And yes I do. I wrote earlier that I try to see it as providential, in that both of my parents lived 20+ years beyond their LE. And they were only apart for a short while at the end. And they are together again, not have to witness the country they loved dissolve at the end of their lives. Thanks again for your kind words. I’ve had so many kind words from people I don’t know. It’s actually quite overwhelming.

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For what it's worth, I'll add 1 thing: death isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. Spiritually, it's the loss of your soul. Physically, well, I'm sure we can all imagine certain things than are worse than death.

I'm am so sorry for everything that happened to you and your family. My mom died in mid 2020 but not covid related at all. She died at home and we were together to the end. I can't imagine what you went through not being able to see your mom at the end.

It sounds like your parents are in heaven. Whatever else, make sure you end up with them there in that place. God is not a heartless tyrant (we have plenty of those down here) and would not expect more from you than you are capable of. Ask Him for help.

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My heart hurts for you.

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❤️ out to you

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My dad has had multiple myeloma for 16 years (cancer of the plasma).. well controlled the whole time. He just got diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer this week. I can’t help but wonder if the jab opened up whatever immune system he had left

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I don’t think you need to wonder. You know the answer. God speed.

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The jabs (hot ones anyway) distract the immune system from fighting background illnesses that are normally held at bay.

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In the 6 weeks between my father in laws first shot and his death, he developed blood sepsis, menengitis, severe UTI, and an inoperable abcess on his spine. He finally died of a series of strokes.

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God, mother fuckers!

Sorry for my language and sorry for the loss of your FIL.

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I also had a friend with sepsis after the shot. She lived though.

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My dad died of sepsis too.

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you're on fire today

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Spike seems to inhibit BRCA, one of the genome's self-repair mechanisms.

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Deeply felt sorrow for what you have been through and what you are experiencing. The profound suffering and incomprehensible betrayal of your experience must ultimately be borne... by all of us. (E.L. Doctorow speaks of this) And by your sharing this, I hope some diminishment, of even a tiny bit of your grief, may be felt over time. Peace, friend.

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Thank you. As DoublePlusGood said, at least we have these forums where we can recognize we are not alone. And yes, as you say, there is a cathartic effect from being able to write down the thoughts spinning in one’s mind. And I hope by others reading what you have said they might be able to do the same. God speed and thank you again.

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Agreed and mostly not be chastised for venting.

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❤️ you a million times. Are we obligated to forgive true evil as you describe? And as we see and hear and read daily? Nope. I’ll take that chance as well. I’m so sorry for the treatment your parents were subjected to.

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Thank you. What is so disheartening is knowing there are literally millions of stories just like mine. Change the names and faces, but the circumstances are the same. I believe there are many of us willing to take the chance. Pure evil can never be forgiven. And all of it is pure evil.

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Tens of millions across the globe. Maybe more.

This truth will not stay hidden. God is not pleased.

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More. And no, he is not. He has, however, given us bad cattitude and Substack in order to help keep our cold rage from turning hot.

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Yes, indeed He has.

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I think it was the Apostle Paul who said that the only unforgiveable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. If the conduct of people -- especially the ones taking of this injection -- is not that, I don't know what is.

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No, it is especially the ones forcing this injection on people...of a man engineered shot that these psychopaths thought they could tinker with God's creation themselves.

THAT is the blasphmey against the Holy Spirit. Because I don't think most people, especially our elderly, could understand or even knew about what they were taking. I really and truly don't think they could comprehend it.

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Oh, yes. A special place in Hell awaits those who forced this on people. For those unable to defend against this -- the young and the vulnerable elderly -- of course God sees this. For those who willingly lined up, who shamed those who chose to abstain, who coerced, or those who had a choice, but argued they did not...to forgive that is going to take some serious repentance. Whether God grants it or not -- that will depend...

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We have to remember that while sins are (mostly) forgiven to those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, that does not mean that there is no price to pay for them. Heaven is a 'house with many rooms,' and I am pretty sure that some of them are more pleasant than others.

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Perfect. From the beginning it was intended to be the mark of the beast. So you have framed it beautifully. We can go forward perhaps with a lighter heart. Really, really good post. Blessings.

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Same here. My ex husband. 6 months post second jab. Multiple cancers. Stage 4. Diagnosis to death.. Three weeks. Woke up having a hard time breathing, the rest happened that fast. My adult children are heartbroken.

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My sister too. Cancer treatment center recommended the shot. Her cancer was terminal. She started to go into CHF about 2 weeks after the shot. Hospice said docs would no longer treat her. I heard her say no to hospice in the next room but she caved and the next day she was unresponsive. That was a Tuesday and Saturday she died beside me. At least she was home and not isolated in a hospital to die alone. There are thousands of stories like ours. God will not forget. Neither will we. My sympathies.

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The same for my Brother. Although it was his wife who said yes. Breaks my heart. I am not going to tell her that she hastened his death. There is no point. I told her the jabs caused liver issues. She was crushed when she realized what happened. She gas become a rabid believer; not in the jabs

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The damage and evil is unspeakable. But speak we must.

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Mine too. This part of this maddness.. We really are in it TOGETHER!!

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Incredible. Reading through all the comments to my original post has been both heartwarming and heartbreaking. The bodies continue to pile up. Just as Dr Z, Judy Mikovits, Dr T. and others warned they would, all the way back at the start.

Remember: All the animals died. If people had known that, very few would have willingly stepped onto the train. That is one of the reasons the censorship was so fast and so complete. They could not let the word get out to an already exhausted, overwhelmed, and overwrought populace that; All The Animals Died.

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This is an important point to remember in the Manipulation dialogue telling us that these are 'not new' because they have been used in labs for decades: Yes - used in labs, on animals that were killed immediately afterward to examine single variables, without looking at anything else or considering the outside consequences. Often times this single variable has been, 'did the nano delivery enter the brain' or 'Did it deliver toxic things to one specific group of cells (like cancer)'? The answer to both of these is yes. What about all the other organs? What about toxic things delivered to healthy cells? And in this case, what happens to pre-existing cancerous or pre-cancerous cells when Spike protein enters, which has motifs capable of cancelling the cell's protections against cancer (Kanduk 2021)? What happens to the brain after a toxic load is delivered? (For instance, neurodegeneration, which takes time.)

Arrogance and Lies.

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Yep. I think we know what happens. Maybe not the science of what happens. But we know the end result. And it’s not good.

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I am so sorry. Again insufficient but I mean it.

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I am so dreadfully sorry for your terrible loss of your parents and the victimisation & discrimination you have been subject to. I feel the same way you do.

My mother died of 2 huge concurrent pulmonary embolisms for which there was no underlying medical reason, 2 days after being given the 3rd Pfizer dose without my permission or notification. I held full power of attorney for her.

I do believe the house of cards is crumbling and there will eventually be a reckoning, this post from our wonderful El Gato is also relevant:


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Thank you. I take some solace from knowing our elderly parents are now in a better place. Safe and tucked away from the evil that surrounds us, hates us, and wants us dead. They don’t have to witness the destruction of the life they knew.

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It is good to be reminded of this post.

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Moody P: 100%. My mom, my dad and my aunt. I will never ever forgive or forget.

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Unbelievable, I know saying I sorry is insufficient but I am.

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No the gates of Heaven won't be closed to you. They did this to you. The ones who are not going to Heaven. I'm so sorry all this happened to you for no reason other than demons controlling the world. I merely lost a job. To lose loved ones during this scam is righteous anger. God knows and will judge accordingly.

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Wondering if these shots are the Death Panel that Sarah Palin warned about all those years ago. :(

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Interesting parellel. I would say no, not directly. But the evil forces at work are from the belly of the same beast. Of that, I am totally certain.

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Part of it, probably.

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More or less. Different modus operandi. Same motivation. And same people dealing death.

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I don’t know about this..

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So very sorry. My 90 yo mom - I begged her not to take these shots. I have an MS in microbiology, strong understanding of immunology. But why would she believe me? ugggh. She held out on a shot till Nov 2021 (J&J). Got a 2nd shot April 2022 (Pfizer). Ohh but what's this? A weird, new autoimmune problem effecting her cornea that popped up in Jan 2022? Yup. She's ok for now. She tells me she won't get boosted but why would I believe her now? She doesn't effect anyone else as she lives at home and has in-home help. But the fucking med system tracked her down IN HER HOME to give her this "life saving vaccine". They suck. And now she'll be on a super expensive immune suppressing med for the rest of her life. (which seems like not a great thing for a 90 year old, but obviously I'm the mistaken/dumb/nutter over here.)

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So many stories that 3 years ago would have been unbelievable. Today they are just routine. I ‘knew’ by mid February 2020 that the entire thing was going to be a disaster. I sent out an email to our small family which said “I smell a rat. And it’s all ready rotting from its head.” My libtard brother banned me. Our oldest son (married a libtard) said he didn’t want anymore of that. My dad loved the nuance, given it was the year of the rat. Our youngest son and his wife and my wife were already standing in the breach, and remain there today.

When they came with the jabs I knew it was bad news. That wasn’t based on science, but in law. I had a family of a guy who died during a routine procedure as clients. The individual was on a med authorized under an EUA. This was 2002. So I had to learn all about EUAs and hire an expert to try and determine if the EUA med had any relevance to the death. We determined no. But I learned much about EUAs. And hence when they authorized the poison I knew that they had violated all the rules. Informed consent was the biggest and most talked about. But the one that got me is this: for an EUA drug to be approved and then put into use there can be “no promotion, incentive, coercion, mandate, or demand.”

You consider that in the context of what they did, and what private companies did (offering donuts WTF) and that should have told everyone all they needed to know. Of course the govt paid media and BT hundreds of millions to push them. That also violated the rules.

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I just hope all of us sane people get the details of how all this garbage happened. I really want to know how this all came to be. We are living in really strange times.

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Omg. How horrible. I will pray for her and you.

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thank you. <3

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You're not alone Moody P. I was fortunate enough to be in the position to tell everyone, "Let's revisit this in a few years, because one of us will have been deadly wrong". I'm not JC, Gandhi, MLK but I would like to think I'm baby stepping. The only way the world gets past this without massive civil unrest is if our side grants mercy and never forces others to open their eyes as to what this truly has been/still is. Like I said, I'm not Jesus and there's too much traffic anyway.

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I am so sorry MoodyP. I understand that rage. Our parents deserve better.

I may forgive those in "healthcare" but will never ever forget. My mom was a victim of the system and Remdesivir. It is even worse because she was a retired nurse. They refused to give her monoclonal antibodies because they were following Fauci's dictates & protocols. God only knows what other cocktails they gave to hasten her to the ventilator. I will probably never get over it. I know it happened to so many families.

Like you, I knew from the beginning. I told friends. I'm so lucky because my husband & I are on the same page.

I knew way back when, when they weaponized flu & scared people into flu shots.

My first born was injured by the few and spaced out injections that he received & I decided never again. My mission became healing him.

Find at least a handful of people you align with and can talk to in person. I schedule walks with my "allies" when my head is about to pop off.

Grieve & we must all put our anger to action!

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your "friends" were not your friends. They have never given a second of thought to what we the great unwashed and unvaccinated might be doing to make their living, their life, their retirement, less positive. I need not go farther than that.

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Yeah. Great point. Feeble minded barely (non) functional idiots incapable of independent or critical thinking. I am blessed to have a wife (of 41 years!) and a youngest son and a daughter-in-law who have been standing in the breach with me since mid February 2020. It is certainly positive to have forums such as this and individuals like ‘bad cattitude’ willing to put themselves in harms way for our benefit. Absent that, and the few I know personally still standing in the breach, it would be very lonely. It’s already pretty lonely, but it definitely could be worse.

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I am sorry as well. My rage is barely under control.

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Thanks. And ditto on the rage. What I try to remember, and what I tell my wife, my youngest son and his wife (the only family members who have been standing in the breach with me from the start) is this: you need to be proud of yourself for not succumbing to the greatest psyop in the history of the world. It doesn’t matter why you did not succumb (although it’s interesting to discuss because everyone has a different answer). What matters is that we are now somewhere around 180 days of Year 3 of two weeks to flatten the curve…and you are still standing in the breach…Undaunted, Unjabbed and Unafraid.

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Moody I write with tears in my eyes. I've stood alone among my family for all of this time. It's been a lonely ride. Thank you for this.

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Thank you. The response to my post has been overwhelming. I think the comments below say it better than I could. There are way more of than you would believe. Finding each other is just a challenge. Which is exactly why the censorship continues.

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You have us

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We all have one another!!!

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Yes! I am so grateful for each and every one of you. Finding like -minded souls here saved my sanity.

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I'm glad you have some like minded family. I mentioned in another post that I lost my mom 2 years ago - she and I were each others only family. I lost friends just like everyone else here but I'm fortunate to have made great new friends not to mention as you've said, having friends on these blogs. You are all a true comfort and I am very grateful and pray for all of you. Yes, undaunted, unjabbed and unafraid!

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Back at ya friend!

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Congrats to us all!!!

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Thank you I appreciate your words. And thoughts. undaunted, unjabbed, and unafraid!

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Indeed. My pronouns.

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Good idea. I was thinking angry biach for mine. Probably not wise.

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I like that.

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Thanks Moody for writing this and for opening up your deepest wounds. I share your rage.

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Thank you. My post seemed to hit a nerve and many others shared their own tragic stories. Far too many of those. I received so many kind thoughts as well. Very heartfelt words. It was quite cathartic as well.

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Me too

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they made him take a booster??? unbelievable!!!

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...and I'm angry they won't let Djokovic play in the USOpen.

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I'm still holding out hope that will change at the last minute. He is training for it still

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Yes, I read that. I can't see how they can ban him with the new CDC guidance. Outrageous, the whole thing... going back to Australia. He will be one of a very few to go down in history as standing up to this tyranny... along with Kyrie Irving and Aaron Rodgers.

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Djokovic is the bomb and I'm pissed about that too.

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"mandates are disappearing" I am writing from very close to "the smartest town in NJ" - Princeton NJ and was going to say "not so fast" - - Booster shots were mandated for all returning students for fall semester ... but the Deans who have been practicing medicine for two years must be getting cold feet - as of July 28 - just two weeks ago - they are no longer "mandated" - they use the term - just "strongly encouraged" ... after what % already got "their" shots... many fall athletes have been in residence from early July ?

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Watch for the civil suits now

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Let's hope.

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The Feds are pulling the rug out from under everyone's feet, leaving all of those companies and agencies and schools who implemented mandates twisting in the wind. Watch the gaslighting come out as the NIH, FDA, CDC just start ignoring the States departments of health.

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I am just hoping somehwere there is a recording of our particular State Dept of Health XXXXX teling everyone to get the shot and stay six feet apart that was blasted in all our Walmarts etc extant. Cause even though she left, these people need to be tracked down and prosecuted.

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Every last one of them. But it will require an entirely new justice system. And rough justice will be fine.

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Good. Those schools and businesses deserve all the lawsuits they get.

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And then some

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Exactly as some people predicted when it was happening.

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Maybe that helps with civil suits?

Edit: sorry, that's what you were pointing out.

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Complete legal indemnity for anybody involved with the jabs.

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If employers encouraged and or forced jabbing they aren’t exempt from a lawsuit. They acted as de facto doctors when they went from ‘the government is forcing us to do this’ to ‘we are telling you....’.

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How much worse, then, for the employers who mandated earlier than the gov't mandate?

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They forced workers to do something that killed or maimed them. By threatening to take one’s job away. They are not protected by legislation that protects Pfizer. The bankruptcies will be gigantic.

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Not necessarily. Some employers were idiotic enough to mandate the jabs BEFORE the US Gov mandate was issued. They may be vulnerable to civil liability.

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Maybe the public should send an open letter to the educational institutions educating them? The open letter might need to use small words and contain very little text. The letter should be simple like this:

Dear Dean,

Why mandate something that :

1. Doesn't stop infection.

2. Doesn't stop transmission.

3. Only may marginally help the person it is being done to.

Any educational institution that institutes a mandate for something that doesn't do what it should in so doing should lose all credibility of being called an educational institution.

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Great idea! -But this group has been doing that for well over a year:


With minimal success - hard to say. The gist of today's post seems to be that something has spooked the CDC - and - down the line - the Deans who have been practicing medicine. Princeton went from "no ifs ands or buts" on the boosters mid-summer to "strongly recommended". Someone or something got to them and it was not likely a good faith re-assessment of the science.

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Either that, or they're taking off a bit of pressure from the gen pop before their next 'emergency', complete with jabs and possibly lockdowns.

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I really think it's collapsing. There's a lot going on. The wanna be world rulers are already on the next thing and those that played along for covid are seeing trouble for themselves. Gato's post is spot on.

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Yup. Read my other post about a perceived/manufacture "Delta".

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It’s been a year since Princeton fired me for non-compliance with the mandate. It was a HUGE financial blow, but at least I went with my integrity intact. They will never admit to an error in judgement.

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Wow! - You worked in the "Smartest Town in New Jersey" - and for the beast itself! You have intact integrity and acute intelligence - best luck to you sir!

For myself, I used to have a real reverence for the place - I mean near goose-flesh at times as I strolled through the Firestone rare book library or the art museum (I think one of the most extensive classical collections of any US university). But now - they disgust me - I fully expect never to step foot on the campus again (and I may be barred from doing so). (But the town is on my occasional route and there's a real fine deli, etc.).

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Is that why there seems to be an uptick in healthy athlete deaths?

This article has a link to 8 recent US athlete deaths.


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Wow. That is amazing!

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And yet they will maintain in the same breath that if you think you have long covid, you have long Covid. So it may not be VAERS related problems, but it definitely will be Covid related problems.

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The Covid goggles are so thick they nearly killed a friend of mine who presented with pneumonia and they tested him 5 times - 5 trying to get a positive test. Nope. So instead it had to be viral pneumonia- had to have been Covid pneumonia- week later he’s worse. Oh. It’s bacterial? What. Ok. So we do antibiotics. Hmm. Send him home. No better. Has anyone stopped to ask why this guy has gotten fluid in his lungs in the first place? Nope. Covid. Has to be. Finally heart Cath. Oh. 70 and 89% blockade. Cool. Some better. Wait. Nope. Fluid again. Wait what? A mass in his heart?! What?! So all I’m saying is. The entire medical community only assumes always it’s Covid and only Covid. All the time. In this case no vax related but if I may likely many others are. They won’t admit that. Nope.

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Pray for that friend now. They are taking the tube out after surgery even as I type this.

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Hope your friend did well after surgery yesterday.

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He is great! Tubes out. Breathing on own. Smiled at wife. A miracle. Thanks for prayers and follow up!!!!

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I love stories that include smiles and miracles from the hospital bed! May the Lord bless him and you and yours.

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someone needs to do a remake of the Shaggy song "It wasn't me" with "It must be Covid." To all the many symptoms presenting themselves.

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Well said. That's part of the info battle we'll have to fight too.

They just keep dishing out more work for us to do. Sucks.

Rat bastards.

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Well, yeah, the jabs ARE the "virus."

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FEAR is also the "virus".

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Thank you for this. Just reading this made my blood boil again...I have a friend dying from aggressive cancer that "returned" after the shot. I'd post this on my facebook and take the censorship, but I cannot risk her seeing it.

I am so damn angry I will never ever forgive them.

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Thank you. I fought for my stupid job a year ago. Killing myself to save other people’s lives, for what?

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For our liberties and for the sake of our children.

The fact that good folks like you, and many others, lost their jobs, is part of my motivation to prevent this from happening again.

Please stay STRONG.

I am so sorry what has happened to you.

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We need a weird stuff substack before all the nurses go numb.

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It was a combination of incompetence, malice, and supine compliance.

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Spot on!

Supine compliance allowed incompetence and malice to be foisted upon us unabated. Rendering the bill of rights impotent.

That's why we must continue to talk to people...nicely about making sure this never happens again.

Lately I've had a lot more success with opening dialogue, in an effort to meet those ends.

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"Servitude is in the mind - a death in life."

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Like that one a lot.

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Penned by Theo Beale for the band 'Psykosonik', mid-90s.

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It appears those around me who are vax injured are mostly, not always, being told ‘this is long COVID’. Symptoms that began after second or third dose, not before.

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And how many of those had covid before their first dose? How could we not have followed that basic medicine rule of not vaccinating people who've recovered from an illness. At a minimum, a screening from a physician and an antibody test should've been required before anyone was given a dose. (Prefer none of that crap in any human, if I had it my way)

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But that was an obvious tip off. Any thinking person had to understand that the authorities demanding vaxx of those with natural immunity meant malice was intended with the clot shots. The problem was that so many kneeled unquestioningly to authority. Now the sheeple are unfortunately reaping what they themselves helped to sow. I came of age in the '60's. Vietnam was no different. It took years of struggle before the mass demonstrations of the late '60's. When I was called for my draft physical I had took along a stack of leaflets and handed it out as we were lined up and taken from station to station. I didn't see anybody else resisting and I wonder how many took a one-way plane flight to SE Asia.

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"Any thinking person had to understand that the authorities demanding vaxx of those with natural immunity meant malice was intended..."

I'm afraid I have never been able to think of a convincing alternate explanation given that there was already evidence of past SARS I infection (from 2003) conferring immunity to SARS-CoV-2 17 years later. Given that there were so many unknowns about the safety of the mRNA vaccines, it was clearly irresponsible (or malicious) not to strongly discourage if not prevent people who'd been infected from getting shots. This was all it took to scare me away (then). I am thankful every day that I had the time/curiosity/wits to adopt a cautious/skeptical approach.

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Hey, I had both measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Guess I'd better go get immunized against all of them! ("They" actually suggested I should get "immunized" against "chicken pox" (shingles). What would I ever do without shingles?) And my NICU nurse sister has twice asked me to get covid jabs. Doncha know, it bolsters immunity? She "doesn't care" I already had it.

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Ugh. That is disgusting. How can she even say she has a medical education? 🤮

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Most American nurses don't have much of a medical education. There are plenty of exceptions, of course. But most just follow orders.

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She went to nursing school, and you didn't! Her favorite website for bashing people over the head with is https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/

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I wouldn't be so sure. Dunno how long "long covid" continue, but, never jabbed (with covid, anyhow) , I got something (Omicron, BA4, BA5; dunno) in late December 2021. Continued with fever and headache, until shortly after mid-January my sister suggested taking a gram of vitamin C every waking half-hour. (Only got "gurgles".) It was gone 3 days later. I then started using a tropical reptile lamp to avoid a third recurrence.

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I practice Ayurveda. There is a whole school of Ayurveda that deals with long colds. Every cold going around some people take 3 weeks to a couple of months to get rid of it.

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Reading your post makes me angry. Because it's all true. And it's exactly how I feel.

Let's harness that anger and get the word out.

I've had to let go of some of it, because I want to focus my time on trying to prevent this from happening again.

But that doesn't take away from the fact that we should seek justice.

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Never forget. Never stop resisting.

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I think we have more resistance that's going to be required; for our liberties.

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Europe is the precursor... failed pushes toward wind and solar, heavy reliance on foreign energy, woke ideology, lowered birth rates, need for immigrants to fill job gaps, etc. We have a small window to change our fate. If over 200 million Americans actually took a jab, we may be, well... fucked.

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This is why this is so important:

'it’s time for a fundamental change in architecture, for a move from central servers and domain registries to a real peer-to-peer distributed internet. and this move is already starting. we can move to decentralized protocols like IPFS that allow for a “geographically distributed swarm network.” this takes routing and naming and access to content out of the hands of centralized agencies. this will not only unify the internet experience through common, open source protocols, but it will break down the walled gardens in which we’ve been held like so many zoo animals, finally leaving us free to roam the wide world as we choose.' - Bad Cat himself

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we will continue to feel this way until there is actual accountability for the individuals complicit in this activity and these agencies/institutions are dissolved

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Never attribute to ignorance what can be attributed to malice.

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Ha! The reverse of Hanlon’s Razor. I like that and will keep it for later use.

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We need to stay angry & aware for the next time, because we all know there will be a next time.

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Coming soon I would think. While all eyes focus on Mar a Lago the reaper is just beyond the horizon and incoming soon.

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Just a lull in the storm. I'm very thankful for the people of Donbas and the Russian soldiers who have taken care of so many the perpetrators' foot soldiers, though.

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Not to mention the ‘Special Mission’ and the effort to destroy the bioweapons labs. Hopefully with evidence gathered before destruction.

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it's a very hollow victory. the constitution is left weak and disabled, you know they can do it again anytime they choose, the people who lost their jobs haven't gotten them back and haven't been compensated for their losses, my boyfriend's grandchildren (8, 6, 5 and 1) have all gotten their two shots and will certainly get boosters the minute they are "approved," the vaccine injured are still being gas lit and you learned how weak willed some of your (former) friends and relatives really are. will you ever be able to forgive them when you know in your heart that they would have willingly pushed jews onto train cars back in the day?

i told you so never felt so hollow.

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Well said… 😢🙏🏽

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Yes to everything you said!!! No one is held accountable for the biggest crime in our history.

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100% agree. When do people who lost their jobs get them back? Answer - NEVER.

It's Always Been a Common Cold


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I really, really like my hard copies of books these days.

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I also really, really like my hard copies of guns these days.

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Sign of the times: a pacifist (me) upvoted you.

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i am a cold war veteran in a technical field

peace was always my prayer

i will never let my guns go!

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Me too. Never owned a gun until 4 years ago

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What were you, a commie pinko?

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I used to hunt a lot. But I always used my uncles guns. I was too poor back then.

And then I started a business in my late 20's and had no time to do the things I like.

that's why...but I have created a shitload of jobs...so that's good.

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I think you owe it to the great unwashed masses to schedule an elk hunt, to which you will graciously invite your new Substack friends. They will probably make a statue of you or something...who knows?

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I like my hard currency too.

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Absolutely no CBDC! 😡🔥

It’s none of their business what I spend my money on…

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We've seen "1984" and "Brave New World" go from fiction to reality. I keep wondering when some iteration of "Fahrenheit 451" will begin playing out.

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Or the Hunger Games

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Oh yes. Hunger Games should start in October/November.

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Are you kidding? It already is. There are many important books that are almost impossible to buy, or are only available for $500 each.

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I think the real life version of Solent Green is the next thing that will be played out. We have normalised euthanasia for unhappy children and the poor in Canada. God help us all.

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Yes, thank you. This was always the danger of an "all digital" world: revisionist history where you can't check the original version.

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Yes. I read a few years ago (can't find the link anymore) about a PhD candidate who discovered that whole paragraphs were removed in some esoteric books whose copyright had left the original author and had been purchased by some obscure publishing company, which issued new editions without noting the excisions. Obviously, "they" intend to control all information in future, the better to control their slaves. Ever since reading that, I've been seeking out early editions of books.

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Especially my 1928 Funk & Wagnalls Desk Standard Dictionary, inherited from my great-aunt... talk about other things that are changing way too much these days...

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I've got a Webster's 1879 Dictionary. Not letting it go.

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Love my Webster’s

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“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

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Certain wise folks keep coming to mind these days' don't they? Orwell, Sowell, Reagan... the list goes on and on.

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Reagan, not so much. He got played bigtime on vax legal immunity.

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So the vaccines are working as intended and the CDC is playing its role in making sure their true purpose remains concealed. Never mind your lying eyes or dying friends Good Citizens.

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The mRNA persistence is more likely a result of the pseudouridine replacement than the GC enrichment from codon optimization.

The enzymes that break down mRNAs (RNAses) Cant cleave N1 methyl pseudouridine.

This is by design of course as they want the mod-mRNA to last longer but they never really did studies to gauge how much Y replacement = X longevity.


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There is an itemization of these difference in this paper I wrote with Peter McCullough.


2 reviewers signed off on it. Then the editorial board demanded it go through an un-announced "Research Integrity Review" which went on for 4 months with no signs of progress or feedback.. In July, we told them to pound sand for their sand bagging and now we must submit to another journal...which will take another 6 months.

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Anandamide, you know I think it is going to become VERY important to find out who decided to make these changes ....because Naoimi Wolf pointed out that both Moderna and Pfizer employ about 80% Chinese nationals...ie. CCP workers.

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Whoa, really? Please post a link to Naomi Wolf's report, several people in my circles (they're pro-vaxx but anti-CCP) would benefit greatly from hearing about this.

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Thank you Anandamide. I'm a retired MD and still don't know much about genetics but thanks to people like you I am learning. I met Peter M. in November last year. Such an impressive man. Thanks to all three of you for doing this important work.

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It's a classic case of thinking how to do something (in this case, keep foreign genetic code in the body despite the body having *specific* mechanisms to keep that from happening), rather than *why* you should do something.

Unless they want to kill us all for their new eco-fascist utopia where only crusty billionares rule the earth. Surely that's too stupid to be true.

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Thank you. I just learned a lot.

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I saw they will be introducing a trivalent vaccine for COV. Spiketastic!

On another fantastical note: An acquaintance who used to work for FEMA and holds a deep love for all things totalitarian had to make a visit to the emergency room this week. Pulmonary embolism. LOTS of clots, big and small in both lungs. Very bad. He recently went on a plane trip so that was the cause. Natch. Nothing at all... even near death will break the spell.

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Schadenfreude; yay!

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Oh it isn't schadenfreude. I loathe what the government is doing and over half of the US population in deep, life threatening denial is sickening, horrifying and depressing to live with and watch.

When Fauci got COVID... schadenfreude.

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At least the "virus" didn't kill him, but he WILL be counted as a "virus" death. Sad. Many such cases.

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He thinks he won't get it because he has partaken of all jab frenzies. Announced it in his 300 deep email recipients. Sadly, he was in incredible shape. Avid hiker, biker... now. a pile of fibrinic goo drained with a foley tube.

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Oh, Bad Catitude, I hate it when we are wrong, but, I sooo love it when we have been right all along! Kudos to your standing firm in the face of truly outrageous absurdity & falsehoods!

History will not be kind to the authoritarian oligarchs/technocrats/medical elitists for their malfeasance on mankind. I take solace in Providence being both just & merciful.

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it will be if we let them write it.

perhaps we shouldn't.

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They desperately needed your internet feline’s input, but they don’t have that vision to see thru the darkness & to come into the light.

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Friend (4x V’d): My son (4x V’d) has a mass in his liver & he can’t get into doc for A MONTH!

Me: Long line for Kool Aid drinkers.

Her: Huh? Sips Kool-Aid.

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Pierre Kory MD had this report from a nurse on Jun 14:

"Our cancer hospital -... They now have case loads in the 1000s rather than 250-400 over any given quarter. Not enough bed or infusion space for the cancer patients as outpatients. Radiation treatment backlog. .... All kinds - brain, lymph, stomach, pancreas, blood, AND EYE CANCERS - orbital especially in younger people recently vaxxed. "


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That got me bawling. Disgusting!

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These are very sad stats...😢

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My coworker’s husband (under 50) suddenly died from liver cancer. While he did like to drink, in less than 5 weeks from getting Covid at the beginning of June (and fully vaxxed/boosted) his body shut down. I can’t prove anything with certainty, but it reeks to high heaven of vax suppression of immunity. :(

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My triple vaxed before healthy friend just had a kidney removed with a cancerous tumor the size of a golf ball.

My list could on.......


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My neighbor had an 11 lb tumor taken from stomach/ intestines and that area. I saw the pic! In 2 months she looked 9 months pregnant. The scar looks like a frankenstein piece of art. Its was horrifying. I helped take care of her after. Even at the well known Major hospital.. She said the care was horrible. Sent her home after 2 days. Of course!!

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You are good to do that (helped take care) - I think many of us will be called upon to do that in the weeks, months, years ahead - perhaps for people who did not treat us well in the recent past.

I have lost count: are there 30 comments just to this post that contain the word "angry"/"anger"? That doesn't come naturally to me but I can hardly argue against the sentiment in this context. But let's not forget "compassion" - we survivors will need to find some way to summon that.

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Oh I agree and thank you.

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We have reached the stage of ultimate Orwellianism:

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ‘Reality control,’ they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink.’”

“At all times the Party is in possession of absolute truth, and clearly the absolute can never have been different from what it is now. It will be seen that the control of the past depends above all on the training of memory. To make sure that all written records agree with the orthodoxy of the moment is merely a mechanical act. But it is also necessary to remember that events happened in the desired manner. And if it is necessary to rearrange one’s memories or to tamper with written records, then it is necessary to forget that one has done so. The trick of doing this can be learned like any other mental technique.”

For those interested in exploring this concept further, CJ Hopkins and I discussed the concept of “reality control” at great depth in our Dissident Dialogue (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-cj-hopkins).

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What baffles me from all this is not that they're doing it, it's that it's so overt, so shameless, yet so invisible for so many. I guess you can't see when you don't want to.

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Here's another liability: Academic publications are all digital these days - the paper journals aren't even printed in many cases.

Who controls the digital archives?

Anyone who has ever managed web content knows it's about 3 clicks to simply change the date on something and slip in new information or delete something that's not wanted.

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Your dialog with CJ Hopkins was sooo good - I shared with several.

Thank you for what you write.

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Thank you so much, San! We had a lot of fun :-) I really appreciate your sharing it 🙏

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The only side the CDC is and ever has been on, is the side of their bank accounts. A body who takes funding from the very big pharma entities they are supposed to be protecting the American public from was only ever going to be corrupt.

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You just reminded me: I once had a temp job working for a state air-quality agency. My lowly job was to transcribe the 1-800-smoking-cars recordings (yes, it was that long ago). Callers were supposed to report cars that were smoking and dirtying the air, and then the agency would send the car owner a notice (based on the reported license plate number and what address it was tied to).

That job taught me two things, one illuminating, one inspiring:

1. Regulatory agencies are paid for by their fines, so they can't fine too hard, or they'd put themselves out of business. In other words, it is in their interest to have a lot of violations.

2. There were a TON of punk rock kids who just called that line and said FUCK YOU at every prompt. More calls like this than actual concerned narcs.

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Hilarious! That's why the covid narc contact tracer line was the first bullshit thing to go.

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LOL, love it.

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Think of traffic tickets.

A great source of subvert taxation.

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And beyond that personal compensation from NIH patents. Conflicts?

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You sure? FDA definitely. I was at a Big Pharma employees meeting asking PAC donations to get that enacted. Such a good idea to have Big Pharma contributions expedite FDA approval of their IND applications. But how does the CDC obtain such funding?

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They have a non profit fund raising subsidiary.

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A friend in health care this week.. ". I have never seen so many people hospitalized with additional inflammatory medical issues like appendicitis, cholecystitis, diverticulitis, heart failure, new onset AFIb, respiratory failure etc etc. "

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needed now…relentless pursuit of justice. this is the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated.

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Hear, hear!

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Justice through which institutions?

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Strategic. Example: Get one US state to outlaw the mrna injections & the entire deck of corruption collapses. It’s very doable.

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As a nurse, I’ve seen some weird stuff that no one’s questioning. And when I question, i get laughed at or ignored

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Garrote the laughers. Laughing at pulmonary embolisms in 30-40 year olds is contemptible.

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I get laughed at for questioning the jab being a potential cause

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Talk about weird stuff. My shotted brother proceeds to tell me that something's going around since hevand everyone at work has these itchy lesions. I told him it is the shots. He didn't believe me. Whatever. I told him he must be allergic to soap then. Nobody sees.

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They laughed at the doctor who suggested surgeons wash their hands. Collectively, we will never learn, but individually, well, being laughed at is a badge of honor in science, nowadays.

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I thought about this very example at the beginning when people questioned the virus’s origins and we were laughed at for suggesting it came from level 4 biolab as opposed to bats!

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What kind of weird stuff (if you can speak about it)?

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Pulmonary embolisms in 30-40 year olds.

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Hard to "like" this comment, but thank you. I appreciate hearing everyone's stories.

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How many days until they simply revise all the guidelines and scores? 'Normal'

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They painted themselves into a corner all to get rid of The Orange Devil, not saying it was released intentionally (it probably was) but they made hay out of it that’s for sure, glad I stopped at two shots to save my job, regret it like you wouldn’t believe

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The problem with a house of cards is that it is extremely difficult if not impossible to have it collapse gently and without fanfare. This seems to be what is happening here. "Let's Gently remove this foundational layer...no one will notice and the rest of the house will still stand."

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who's side?

that is not a question anymore.

the cdc and fda are on the side of the democidal maniaks, and have been for some time.

all they care about is plausible deniability.

so they will not be hanged in case the plan goes south....

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