Spanish flu was also made up BS. It was not a flu pandemic, it was a consequence of mass mandated vaccination, typhoid (bacterial), malnutrition and wars. It did not kill 100M people, that was a bogus story.

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Whatever it was my grandmother who was in her 20s at the time got very ill with something or other.

But I'm not sure that the 1918 flu is what we should be looking at. Let's look back at the Hong Kong Flu from 1968. There are more than a few of us who remember that. Nobody had to stay home or any of this other nonsense. They did finally come out with a vaccine but I think by then it had already run its course.

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it is possible that something contagious was engineered and released, even inadvertently (then).

In the end of 2019/early 2020 several people in my office came down with a "terrible flu" -- they were very sick and said it was the worst ever -- and, however, many of us did not catch it at all -- not even a sniffle.

The same thing happened back in early 2014 -- something really severe was going around. Very healthy people were catching it. I did not, even though I was close to some of these folks.

A functioning immune system is a wonderful and powerful thing.

Was this contagious, or was it something environmental that was released, possibly as a test run for the COVID-19? (or both?) Did I mention that I live not far from Ft. Detrick?

I think we have to ask these questions.....

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Do you remember the mysterious vaping illness that was going around 6 months before?

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and didn't that just (poof!) disappear, kind of like zika?

So many other "mysterious," "baffling" illnesses and syndromes we have been subjected to, over the years. Hmm.....

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kind of like "trial ball0o0ns"

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"Cloud Seeding" brains with mind viruses for the next event.

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Check out JJ Couey for "infectious clone" theory


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Gone / removed

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I've listened to his interview on Geopolitics & Empire. I think what he says is credible. COVID was a real illness and outbreaks often appeared in clusters. Yet it wasn't like a cold or flu.

The idea that it was some sort of bioagent but not s virus is interesting. However, Couey gets a bit technical and I don't entirely get the details of his theory... How is he saying it spreads? And do these clones get released in specific areas to create disease outbreaks?

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I'll bet many of those people had Covid in 2019 when officially it could not have existed. Wasn't one of the symptoms "ground glass opacity" in the lungs, just like Covid? Probably why we don't hear about it anymore.

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The fact that they treated testing as negative with an expensive PCR test as more important for travel than evidence of previous infection was one of the first red flags for me.

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Interesting....that would also explain why doctors offices were told not to do antibody testing. That never made sense to me. We were told our kids should get these shots or be barred from participating in activities, etc. And if you asked to have an antibody test to show they had already had it...you were told NO GO. That was a huge red flag for me.

As a person with autoimmune history, I feared the vaccine because it seemed like the logic behind it was fundamentally flawed, especially for those of us with rogue immune systems.

Why would you train your body to make a pathogen so your body could possible turn on and attack itself, especially if you had immune system issues that suggested your immune system was already prone to that?

Anyhow, I thought it was a reasonable request to have an antibody test to help inform my decision making around the vaccine. I was told I could not get one through my doctor. WTH?

Just one of the many red flags that went up early on.

One of the things I struggle with at times is certain members of the MFM arguing they were duped by the industry they have had their entire careers in....but I found, due to my exposure (more than I would like) due to health issues in my 50+ years of life that the red flags were popping up early on. I attribute that to my exposure to the system which I had long since learned was captured and corrupted in many respects. So it makes me wonder about the personalities of those who were steeped in the industry as “experts” and now suddenly have seen the light. Curious about their egos and their ability to be respectful or mindful of different perspectives or experiences. Or do they suffer from a similar mindset as Fauci....they are now the science.

So confusing at times. Everyone is different and it stands to reason that medicine/treatments are therefore different for everyone....which is why informed consent is critical. You need to weigh the cost/benefits and accept responsibility for your own decision. And in the process, one does well to not just trust anyone who claims expertise.

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And the creator of the PCR test told reporters the test was not suitable for detecting Covid. Then he died. But the tests continued. Why was that?

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We had it in Dec 2019. Santa Clara county. Our dentist office said they got really good at spelling “pneumonia.” Everybody had it. And they were treated and lived.

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I remember a while back I read about someone testing blood bank samples from the pre-covid era and finding lots and lots of covid.

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heard from somebody that traveled from CA to NM at that time: the Asian tourists at the Grand Canyon all seemed to have coughs, and lots of people with pneumonia in the ERs and doctor's offices along the way

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We bought a bunch of Abbott labs blood antibody tests for Covid specific antibodies. Loads of people told us they were sure they had Covid early on. Nobody tested positive for antibodies. It was only when omicron arrived that we found antibody positive people, so the tests did actually work.

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The PCR tests which were the "gold standard" were very easy to manipulate and the cycle thresholds were often set far too high.

Plus the problem with mass testing as was done, when the false positive rate (I saw between 0.8 and 4% for the PCR tests) is greater than the percentage of the population infected (I think it reached 0.8% at the very peak of winter 2020 where I am), you are more likely to have a false positive than an actual infection - so meaningless.

Then there was Elon tweeting that he took 4 antigen tests, two came back positive and two negative.

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The tests can be erratic. I had a Roche antibody test post-omicron which came back negative; my partner who had covid the same time as me did the test and got back a positive result. Even stranger, she barely had symptoms (just sniffles for literally one day) whereas I had pretty bad body aches and a runny nose for 3 days.

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what kind? PCR antigen, or western blot, or ELISA. Be specific.

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I think it may have been the pneumonia I had in July and Aug 2018

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or the c corona virus cold you had in 1970

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I think that was caused by people vaping vitamin E. If memory serves me right, a college student(s) took empty vape cannisters and filled them with liquid vit. E (they even had a specific name) so they could make money to buy the ‘good’ stuff. The vaped liquid vit. E did nasty things to people’s lungs, and some died.

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That's what they told us.

Is it true?

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Always have to wonder when it comes to a nicotine product. They really hate people consuming nicotine for reasons I don’t yet understand.

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I think so, a family member was one of the victims, that’s why I know about it. I think the vape companies also made their cannisters so they couldn’t be used again.

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Could be. But how was that stopped?

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They arrested the guy(s).

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This was covered on the "No Agenda" podcast at the time. "Popcorn Lung" In the end, the illness was linked to certain THC-specific vape products which contained tocopherol (vitamin E oil), a substance which is NOT compatible with being inhaled as an aerosol. The lungs cannot process tocopherol. It gave vaping a bad rep., but was a niche thing borne on bad juice, and didn't apply to the vaping practice in general.

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I'm thinking something I won't say but others are thinking it too.....

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You're so right! Nobody seems to remember it but it was definitely something in the summer 2019 in the US...maybe Chinese guys in Wuhan got scared they had a leak...but maybe it came to Wuhan at the military games thing...and they were scared because they knew the shit GOF stuff they were doing at the Wuhan labs...

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The Wuhan games began on October 18. The month before, in Sept 2019, there was an event which took place in Wuhan:

"On the September 12, 2019, the virus database at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was taken offline, and with it 22,000 coronavirus samples were gone.

"That same day security was beefed up at the facility and a tender was issued to replace the air-conditioning system. There was later a communications blackout, with no cell-phone or signals activity.

"The institute also went on a spending spree, purchasing an air medical waste incinerator and PCR equipment to test for coronaviruses. "


The Wuhan Military Games scenario of someone bringing it to China doesn't fit the evidence. Also, back in May 2019, China was buying a glut of PCR tests. Of course, these tests are used for many things, but one of the things which they are used to dectect is SARS Cov2, and somewhere between 4 and 8 months after they coincidentally bought these tests they were using them to detect SARS Cov2. The obvious conclusion is that Covid originated from China at that lab and that China was battling it since at least Sept 2019 if not earlier.

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and first showed up very close to Ft Detrick

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yes, indeed.

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Questions are always good. Early in the pandemic....I knew nothing about Ft. Detrick....but my neighbor was quick to call out the fraud and one of the things he said to me was...."yeah, not buying it.....let them explain what happened at Ft. Detrick." He was aware and had clearly been following matters prior to the pandemic.

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I'm STILL waiting (though not holding my breath) for some REAL investigation of the summer "Pneumonia" outbreak (with symptoms exactly like Covid) 50 miles from Ft. Detrick, that sickened dozens and killed at least three:


Ft. Detrick was shut down for about eight months, only a few days after this coverage.

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If they found anything there, they'd have to strain themselves harder to call the lab-leak theory "racist."

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I attended a friend's birthday party in February 2020. About half of the attendees got sick with a flu/cold a few days later and then were fine. The people who did not get sick from that event were some of the first ones to get covid a couple months later.

Covid was certainly circulating around long before it was ever "officially" here.

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Yes, I remember in March of 2020 people were already talking in various forums about the terrible crap they got in the winter of 2019-2020. Some of them reported that their doctors and nurses were even saying that it was not a typical winter respiratory disease.

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I had a bad "flu" in February 2020 with crushing fatigue but only a low-grade fever. When I finally dragged myself to the doctor, he diagnosed "a virus" because I wasn't feeling run over by a truck like I would have with actual flu. When I asked about Covid, he said "that only affects old people in nursing homes." This is in Seattle, where we already knew it was circulating.

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It certainly was. Because of my work I witnessed hyper-coagulation in an older lady in, get this, January of 2020. The woman was ambulatory, walking around. She was just a little pale. Hyper-coagualtion was what killed people, especially obese people and people with co-morbidities. Of course, as el gato's article pointed out, many of the people in the poorer New York hospitals were killed by ventilators. They died alone and on a machine. Doctors and nurses failed us big time. As a society though we panicked and died from it. We are not guiltless. And us ministers? Look, I didn't picket the hospitals to get in. Maybe I should have. Maybe I should have just broken in. It was immoral not to allow visitors in. It was immoral that us visitors didn't demand to be let in. I think we need to look at why we panic. I have some ideas though. If we had Jesus in view we would not have given into fear. But we don't. We have hidden our faces from him (with masks we did this literally). We can't see the light and we walk in darkness. When you are walking in the dark, you tend to fall. God help us. I am not sure what else to say at this point. We need God to come and rescue us. The good news is that is doing this and he will do this. He is faithful. That said, I am not going to give him any rest until he comes. I am going to use my God-given ability to complain to its fullest.

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I appreciate your comment except for "We are not guiltless".

Spare me the communal guilt nonsense. What my society decides to do doesn't mean that I am responsible for it. The people saying that we should just forgive and forget these crimes just love the idea of communal blame.

Because my society wants to go down the tubes doesn't mean I must wear sackcloth and ashes. Leave that kind of thing for human imperfection and original sin.

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Agreed. Some say it was here in the late fall/early winter of 2019.

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My preacher’s wife had it in late 2019. No sense of taste or smell and total exhaustion. She’s young and thin, so she recovered easily, but we know what it was.

We live in SW Missouri.

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My dad, who had Wenger's for years (an autoimmune disease that affects lungs and kidneys) became incredibly ill in November of 2019. The doctors were a bit stumped by his presentation....they treated him like he had pneumonia or a bronchial infection (which was something that always happened with him usually around feb each year). I literally thought he was done that November. However, he rallied. But looking back at some of his symptoms....I must confess that I suspect he had COVID. While he rallied in December through to February of 2020, he took a turn for the worst and died in May of 2020. At the time, he again presented with lung issues. My feeling is that he was one of the vulnerable who are more susceptible to the flu or a respiratory illness like COVID. Of course, in the spring of 2020, when he died he tested negative for COVID. But I sure would love to be able to test his blood from his hospitalization in November 2019. And I know people who were tested for COVID antibodies after the pandemic had been declared who recalled having been really ill previously-- a few months before the pandemic and they had antibodies. So it was clear that the mysterious pneumonia like illness that had made a number of people sick before COVID was in supposedly in our midst may very well have been COVID.

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I remember long before the Covid 19 years (2020-present) that there was a disturbing trend developing in the younger generations; that is that they would “freak out” over everything. I know it sounds funny and a certain amount of it is pretty comical. But “Generation Freakout” apparently had a date with destiny 3 years ago.

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"snowflakes." Conditioned to freak out by what their device tells them to freak out about.

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You said: "several people in my office came down with a "terrible flu" -- they were very sick and said it was the worst ever -- and, however, many of us did not catch it at all -- not even a sniffle"

Ah, and isn't that so interesting! I am one of these ppl, so far as I know. I rode thru the whole ordeal w/o getting any of the symptoms of COVID illness. I did get sick three times in as many years, and my illness in 2020 was rather intense (flulike, fever, aches, tiredness, but nothing from the COVID symptom watchlist) but also very short lived. I was fine all day, by evening I decided I wasn't OK and went to bed. I remained there, with a bottle of water bedside, and mostly slept for 24-ish hours. Then I woke up, gingerly had a meal, after which I felt completely well again. And was.

I'm not COVID vaccinated. I donate blood regularly and get asked about this and if I'm having any COVID symptoms at each appt. I feel a little strange telling them that I'm unvaxxed, and so far as I know, have never had COVID nor a positive test. I have family who did get it. Somehow I escaped, despite participating in normal family gathers at holidays, despite expert advice. Nobody died from it in my extended family (big fam, many members), though there were two who needed hospital care. I don't imagine I'm in any way special...

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I had that 2014 flu. Worst thing I ever experienced.

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Nothing happens in politics that isn't planned! They've been spraying biochemicals on us for decades. And germ theory is fraudulent as is contagion theory. Once we realize this, it will be harder for them to control us!

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When was something engineered? 1968?

My point is that 1918 is so far back in time that it's difficult to figure out what actually happened. Probably not just one thing. There are many many ideas about why so many people died. I heard about the aspirin theory several years ago. Not everyone agrees with it.

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the latest is that most died of bacterial pnue in spanish flu era... they supposedly found specimens from then

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I read that it was caused by the vaccine. Like most diseases.

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Is it possible that the "flu" is the body's method of eliminating toxic substances from the body?

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likely typhoid (bacterial illness), which is due to the horse manure covering the streets and getting into water supply. There was also a typhoid vax (very bad one) pushed at the time and probably cause disease enhancement especially in younger people.

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Plus Rockefelller meningitis vax administered to US soldiers at Ft. Riley, Kansas. Plus bacterial pneumonia in the trenches.

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I don't know about typhoid vax but I think the doctors at the time would have recognized typhoid. They were seeing something that they knew was not typhoid.

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Not to quote the Hangover movie, but did she die of the Spanish flu? People get sick and sometimes really sick and then they get better, unless they are also extremely immune compromised. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I don’t regret being sick as a child. It’s probably why I never got sick as an adult.

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That is exactly why we didn’t get sick as adults. It made our immune systems stronger.

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My grandmother? No, she didn't die. My mom was born when my grandmother was 31.

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Exactly. Thank you. I never had any Covid but perhaps I was one of the asymptomatic people, which to me equals healthy. But friends who said oh they were so sick with Covid, I point out, but you got better, just like the flu, just like the common cold, so why differentiate?

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I got the flu shot back then and spent a week in bed with the flu. Have never taken a flu shot since then.

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Good observations re Hong Kong 'Flu. Flu's in general are the influenza, the in-flowing poisons in one's body which must be flushed out otherwise one weakens and dies due to organ failure. Flu's cannot be caught.

They are caused as I say to people by the metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water.

There are huge numbers of toxins around including vaccines and big pharma drugs.



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Likely she had bacterial pneumonia, set up by the flu bug.


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Mar 8, 2023
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In 1968 could you imagine your Father saying; "I am too scared to go into work because I might catch the flu"

My grandmother who is 95 and very lucid told me from the beginning she has never been more disgusted with the uniform cowardness of Americans - both with fear itself and not being able to distinguish what was heretofore not even close calls when it came to what was ethically/morally right/wrong.

Further, she reserves her deepest disdain for those who knew that what was happening was ethically wrong but did/said nothing.

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Never mess with that kind of grandma. They know what's what.

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Ryan, I am not as old as your Grandma( well, not quite) and those were/are my sentiments too.

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It's quite amazing when you think about it; that which never had to be said because everyone agreed was the obvious morally right choice, became unrecognizable - even when told directly and given examples that were unassailable prior to covid.

In fact, when you tried to point this out to people it's like it actually made the obvious more illusory - as if the common knowledge of every prior generation had never existed.

The door to evil appears appealing from the outside and is well greased so that it is silent once opened.


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Yes, but this manipulated, anti-rational normality has been in the works long before Covid, old-twitter and ticktock. Certainl this is now a species extinction event but the insanity of mandatory delusional consensus was unbearable in the Gulf wars, the defrauded elections, 911 … the Viêt Nam war. I think I got the order right. This war of the elites is a long game suddenly flashed forward.

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Your grandmother obviously did not have Twitter and TikTok to poison her mind.

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Yeah. And living through the depression and WW2 probably gave her perspective

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Although, to be fair to Twitter, it was Twitter that helped me to understand what was actually going on. I learned to read studies, use pubmed off the links other twitter users had provided. El gato was on Twitter, Mark Changizi, Jay Bhattacharyal, Martin Kulldorff, Michael Levitt and many others.

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My mom 96 - same. But a holocaust survivor. The letter perfect breech of the Nuremberg code- duh!


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Beyond words. Thank goodness for folks like your mother!

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Notice she made no mention of CV - only the fascism that arrived. Straight to the point. I use that in every discussion - someone mentions when Covid arrived - I correct them - you mean fascism and the technocrat’s 4th Reich?

They tell me I’m crazy to which I say “ so you’re with the Reich’. That always goes well - I remain matter of fact and friendly - makes them even madder.

Ok “ we all pick sides” so now I know.

Mom told me three days in ‘Twice in a Lifetime”.

The signs - ‘keeping you safe’ - doctors and scientists leading the lies - but the big one for her was the general public - the mass formation- the cruelty masking as virtue.

To her that was the oh no - not again moment. She was walking down the street in France and young people berating her for no mask.

How people become bullies and feel good about it.

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I was 11. I remember the media stirring up the fear of the flu, but nothing else. I don't remember if I caught it or not.

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Ah, but then for a young teenager in Manhattan there was no time for TV

… except for Star Trek !

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99% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 had a co-morbidity like diabetes, cardiovascular disease or pulmonary illness. Metabolic health is the primary defense against infection. Sunlight and fresh air are important health measures along with exercise, sleep and good nutrition. There is no scientific evidence that quarantines are effective barriers to contain viral diseases. The mental, political and economic costs are as important as protecting the segment of population that is metabolically unhealthy and might become Covid-19 casualties due to their current illnesses. Death overtakes all. 10.4.2020

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Thank you, Sasha. I almost brought that up, but my comment was already getting too long ;-)

I would love to see you write a story on this. I know Vera Sharav and others have reported that the casualties were the result of the experimental vaccination program.

My paternal great-grandparents died in their twenties, leaving my grandfather orphaned at five. I have not had a chance to research this, but do you know if the vaccination was deployed on the general public? I got the impression it was only used on the troops, which would make the deaths of civilians a confounding factor for that theory.

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Are you aware that Kirsch has been involved in the digital currency space? This is upsetting to me that it seems like his involvement on that front has continued even after he supposedly understands that a coup of epic proportions is underway. Any thoughts on that? Because seriously, it is beginning to feel an awful lot like some in the MFM are keeping us engaged on the science of the vaccines while intentionally refusing to get into the nitty gritty of the underlying business of the coming social impact markets that will be used to govern us through the public/private partnerships with the overhaul of the financial system. I have personal reasons for asking your opinion on this. And I keep hearing Alison's caution in the back of my head relative to staying focused on the bigger agenda and not getting lost in the weeds. At this point, am wondering if we are intentionally being pulled through the weeds as a means of passing time while the digital gulag is being built.

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I think it’s a much more complicated topic than digital currency bad. CBDC is a dire threat because it’s a centralized system that would give them the power of an off switch over our finances, but many people (e.g., Mathew Crawford; John Bush of Freedom Cell Network and the Greater Reset; and maybe even el gato) view bitcoin and other digital currencies as a powerful tool in a decentralized parallel economy—as long as it’s not regulated/controlled/monitored, which the government is angling to do. Bitcoin saved the Canadian truckers when their bank accounts were frozen during the protest last year as the government couldn’t access those assets.

I personally don’t know enough about it to weigh in one way or the other. I just know we need to avoid CBDC at all costs.

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I understand what you are saying...relative to those who promote cryptocurrency as a means of decentralization.

The thing is....CBDC is a bad thing. And we know, that the ability of the WEF ilk to essentially own and manage everything will come with the CBDC because it will afford them the ability to measure, assess, program for outcomes, etc. as they make bets with social impact markets and best means of managing the masses.

Blockchain, as the WEF (and in the context of the articles I quickly reviewed relative to Kirsch) imagines its use in healthcare, education, finance, etc. IS A BAD THING. It is very much about tracking us from cradle to grave and then monetizing the data that is collected through programs run by a technocracy.

Do you remember how on FB Bantam Joe and Alison talked about the myth of decentralization in cryptocurrency. Like you, I am not well versed in this area. But the gist of their argument, and it made sense to me, is that even the anonymity with cryptocurrency does not cut it because you still have to have "gatekeepers" whose language you employ transactionally, so it will not remain as anonymous as we might think.

I am open to somebody/anybody correcting me. And explaining why cryptocurrency can still work as the powers that be set up a finance system run on a digital currency. And the other point not to be overlooked, the feds and others will regulate the cryptocurrency space. And I suspect the recent scandal with Bankman Fried will have supplied everything they need to argue for regulation.

My point remains, if Malone, Kirsch, Nass, and others who want to be the face of the MFM and raise the alarm regarding what the COVID crisis was all about....it really ought to include the social impact markets, CBDC and how that is going to work if the WHO/UN and WEF pathological predators get their way. And if those in the MFM are not willing to go there, then anything they are saying in the healthcare space is of limited value in the long haul. These are smart people, they have to understand not only what is at stake, but also why and how the CBDC/digital ID is a virtual prison. And the fact that they just are silent on the matter....even when you ask them in the comment section.....well, that speaks volumes.

You seem to have a repoire with Malone....have you ever asked him to directly address these matters? What, if any, response did he give? He'll talk about the WEF players in a generalized context, but again...they all seem to steer clear of the threat posed by the CBDC and social impact markets.

The reason I am beating this drum.....if we truly want to wake people up....and we still face the fact that many are just tired and done with COVID (and do not even have a reason to examine their actions, beliefs, etc. over the last two years) we need to find ways to help people understand that it is not just about a vaccine, it will very much be about what medicines you will be allowed to take, what schools your kid will be able to attend, how far you will be able to travel, whether you have exceeded your carbon allotment, etc.

I still think a powerful way to address this and raise the alarm would be for a series of writings or interviews of individuals who are newly minted conspiracy theorists and the many and various ways they came to see the light. For example, in my case....it has been a multi-faceted approach----first the nonsense in education, then my own health struggles and battles against the establishment before the pandemic, then my own harm as a breast cancer survivor caused by defective cancer-causing implants as a result of FDA shoddy work, and then the COVID nightmare whereby I knew that the vaccines were likely not good, especially for those with immune system dsyfunction....warned my mother, but she deferred to the "experts" and as a result died. The experts did not diagnose her, I did, but it was too late due to the poor medical care and the buying of the narrative by the medical profession wholesale. And yes, my diagnosis is on the death certificate.

The point is, people need to see how the malfeasance and intention in terms of what they have planned and have already done....well, it will come for everyone in time. Some of us have been awake because we discerned along the way that something was off because of an impact in our lives. For me, it was a presentation in a middle school cafetaria about proficiency-based learning and the educators were spouting crap that made no common sense to me as a parent of kids. So I began researching.....and here I am today....all the more wiser on several fronts.

We can tell people all day long, but honestly....until it touches them or until they have cause to ask questions people just defer to what they are told.

And these days, I see members of the MFM telling those who are pushing back things that will just lead to another round and we do not have time to endure another round. Because it will be the last round.

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Wow, Laura, that is quite an insightful comment, and I share your concerns. I am so sorry about your mother. How heartbreaking and infuriating 😭

Just because someone hasn’t yet covered a topic doesn’t mean they don’t think it’s important, though, as I can attest given my umptillion unfinished articles. I have long been wanting to cover CBDC and the engineered financial collapse but would need to spend a significant amount of time researching given that finances are outside my area of expertise. I also feel other people (e.g., Catherine Austin Fitts) are doing a fine job covering it and raising the alarm, so I think the message is definitely getting out there.

I’m way past my bedtime and turning in now so apologies for not giving your comment the in-depth response it deserves.

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I appreciate that….that everyone may be trying the best they can with what expertise they have.

But with even that point acknowledged….

How then can Malone insist that there is no evidence of purposeful intent? How can he write a book about the lies government told him and ask people to trust him as an “expert” when on the next breath he says that he took the shot and participated in the system because he trusted it.

So did his government lie to him or is he as stupid as the bureaucrats he is fond of calling dumb? He can’t have it both ways. And yet he tries….which begs questions at this late stage in the game.

I also have had enough of members of the MFM using the “I stand for truth” and am above criticism. If you question….the label gets slapped on you and one gets schooled with a “how dare you….don’t you see how much I’m sacrificing for you.” Strikes me that that is exactly the same attitude and inclination of Fauci that got us into the current predicament. And if people have differences of opinion….argue your side, don’t resort to lawsuits and as hominems.

Also, as a lawyer, I see that some of our medical experts think they are gifted in the area of semantics as a means of answering questions. But they are not as gifted as they think. I can see the flaws in their excuses or how they explain away certain inconvenient facts. A little cross examination would reveal a few artfully places non sequitors that most would not spot.

Please know, my comments are not directed at you personally. Just frustrated. But I guess…. Can start my own substack. I just worry we are in our silo and echo chambers not really moving the needle. I have neither the notoriety or reputation to raise the alarm at this late stage, but pleas to others who have platforms seem to fall on deaf ears. But that is their right. We all do what we can when we can. Be well and get some rest!

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With all that has happened since I wrote my comment to you MAA…just wondering if you have the same view now as you did earlier relative to individuals like Malone and Kirsch? I tend to subscribe at this point to Sage Hana’s view that some are just having us go in circles in certain cul de sacs….while the real issues relative to the DOD, etc. are not a subject they want to actually tackle and push out to the masses.

At this point, I am wondering about whether their role has always been to re-direct and frame “the issues” so that they can sell us on ‘reform’ which ultimately looks the same down the line as what we have dealt with. And sorry the Hawaii crew seems to be a little too scripted and coordinated….Kennedy may even be part of this redirection for the NWO/globalist agenda. He seems to have certain talking points but stops short of actually naming the criminals.

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Regarding the anonymity of cryptocurrency, it's true that for BTC, specifically, the blockchain is a public ledger, so anonymity doesn't technically exist for that particular currency, although this is fairly easy to get around if you use a wallet like I do that generates a new BTC "address" each time you receive Bitcoin.

First, though, I should probably explain the terms "wallet" and "address," since there is confusion around how this technology works.

A wallet is a sort of virtual safe you can manage via several different user interfaces (my current preferred one is Exodus) that makes it easier to keep track of your various transactions in various cryptocurrencies all in one place, much like an online bank account.

Except in this case, *you* are your own bank since none of this information is stored in a central server like it is at a big bank like Chase or Charles Schwab; it's all "out there" in the public ledger created by the vast network of computers all processing the transactions.

And by extension, if you lose your login credentials to your wallet, there is no customer support line that can assist you in restoring them; *you* have ultimate responsibility to store your "keys" in a safe place, the keys being a list of random words generated when you create your wallet that will allow you to restore your access to your funds by proving to the *decentralized* network of the blockchain that you are, in fact, the controller of the funds.

Hence the phrase, "not your keys, not your wallet" and why people go to extraordinary lengths to preserve this list of secret words offline since anyone who puts together the full list could take over control of your wallet. Without the list, though, it's impossible to restore access to the funds, which is also why you'll hear stories of early adopters of BTC who stored them on a flash drive but lost their keys and so can *never* recover those funds.

Now, different cryptocurrencies function differently, but with BTC, whenever you want to receive funds from someone, you have to give them your BTC "address."

The use of the term "address" was a mistake on the part of its creators, in my opinion, since it's really more of an invoice number rather than a constant identifier like an email address is.

If you're discreet, it should be difficult for an outsider to ever link your real world identity with your BTC address(es), but if they *did* put 2 and 2 together, then, due to the public nature of the BTC blockchain, anyone *could* see a history of how much BTC was transferred into and out of a given address.

HOWEVER, most wallet management software these days make it easy to generate a new "address" (invoice number) every time you want to receive BTC from someone, so that out on the public ledger, the transactions are broken into hundreds or even thousands of separate records, and anyone trying to snoop on your personal finances would have to have every single address (invoice number) you've ever used and add all of them up to figure out how much you really hold.

Lastly, it's true that the easiest way for people to start acquiring BTC (or any cryptocurrency, really) is to buy it on an exchange like Robin Hood or Coinbase, and all of the major players are now "KYC" (know your customer) compliant, so to create an account and fund it with USD or some other fiat currency, you have to send the exchange proof of your ID, and they report any sales to the IRS and can see how much crypto you buy and sell through their platform.

However, this is really only a problem for those who plan to buy crypto and flip it for more USD or fiat currency by playing the market like they would with stocks.

These people aren't into crypto for the philosophical, longterm implications but rather for the short-term gain.

If one decides to be a "h0dler" (a "holder") and simply amass BTC and other crypto over time, hoping to use it as an actual currency for exchange in the future rather than ever turning it back into fiat trash (I think of this as going "off grid" with regards to money), then there's not much the IRS or regulators can really do since you can turn BTC into other types of crypto and back or transact with other freedom fighters off of the centralized exchanges (i.e. out in the ether of the decentralized blockchain), and there is no way they can track it all or tax you since you're now out of their failing system. It's only if you want to go back "on grid" by selling your crypto for fiat currency on an exchange hooked up to the Establishment that you'd then get hit with all of their regulations and taxes.

That was long, but I hope it helped you better understand the revolutionary nature of cryptocurrencies, especially BTC and why they really are different from the CBDCs planned for us by the mfers currently running the show.

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Catherine Austin Fitts, Whitney Webb. Whitney talks about CBDC and Bitcoin some here in a recent interview: https://youtu.be/mSBs8A0Zt5g

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This a a very informative interview, but Catherine Austin Fitts is not in it. Is there another one with her? Thank you for this one.

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Thank you! Will have a listen.

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@LauraGarcia you are using a term I'm unfamiliar with: MFM

I get MSM = but have been scraping my brain to figure out what the "F" in MFM is? Or even the first "M"?

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Medical Freedom Movement

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Digital currencies are simply computer programs. Written by people. Who are undoubtedly ALL altruistic souls, thinking only of the greater good. None of whom are in any way subject to the weaknesses of the flesh. Incorruptible.

Or maybe not.

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I am not willing to try to convince you different that what you believe.

All I am willing to say is that there is a lot of information out there both pro and con for anyone to read. I encourage people to find out for themselves, since if you outsource your understanding of a subject to a third party you have no way to determine if they are right or wrong, or if they are lying to you for their own purposes.

That is how you spend two years wearing masks isolated in your house and obeying directional arrows on the floor of grocery stores.

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This is the best video I have seen thus far in terms of really explaining to people about the risks of where we are headed....


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Thank you- I will pass on. I had an interesting experience today. Our Visa # was stolen, so yesterday we cancelled it and are awaiting a new card. Overnight, firms like Netflix put our accounts on hold. We are completely cut off from using these services until a new card comes today. I felt I was living in a microcosm of the social credit/CBDC system!

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😆 But doesn’t blockchain technology help counteract the fallibility factor?

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Absolutely! Blockchain is noted for it's capacity to eliminate all human foibles, like honor, or a conscience. It is also a noted mechanism for the elimination of critical thought, and perhaps it's most impressive attribute, blockchain totally removes ANY hint accountability.

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Mar 8, 2023
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Bitcoin is the real deal and most of the other cryptos are just scams. Bitcoin's primary use case is money whose value can not be inflated away and is very resistant to confiscation even by criminals including armies governments and banks.

Game theory suggests governments and banks will suffer severely as Bitcoin keeps chipping away the source of their power, which is to lend ever more money, out of thin air, primarily to the rich and powerful but at high interest rates to the serfs of the world while inflating away the value of the money, but the incentives for individuals within governments and banks is to get as much Bitcoin as fast as they can get their hands on it, so how would governments be able to achieve enough consensus to totally eradicate bitcoin from the whole earth.

So overall I expect the adoption of Bitcoin will empower the individual and gut the power of the administrators of the collective. This will likely cause a lot of disruption in the short term and we can not predict how it will all unfold but I'm ready to take the chances. This is a technological breakthrough, the cat is out of the bag and there really is no going back.

Bitcoin is an immutable distributed ledger that keeps track of all the transactions that ever occurred in the history of bitcoin. This is why cash is a much preferred medium of exchange for criminal activity because the possibility is always there that the owners of the anonymous bitcoin addresses will eventually be tracked down and the crime confirmed which makes bitcoin a dual edged sword. On the one hand good actions that are illegal can be traced down but the big cats are also forced to have a light shinning on their transaction history.

My guess is Steve Kirsch is in Cryptos hoping to profit off of Ponzi schemes, Otherwise, he would promote only Bitcoin. I still can't figure out how deeply he is connected to the deep state. Probably not as well connected as Bob Malone. Thankfully I don't have much money, otherwise I would be worried of a suit from bob.

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PSA: Beware of anyone who touts BTC, especially if they talk trash about principal movers in the medical freedom movement. Research carefully before participating in the crypto markets. Bitcoin's source is still a mystery (could even be CIA), it uses more electricity than many entire nations, it is completely reliant (at least for transactions) on a functional and accessible Internet, its value is determined by the whims of large stakeholders, and it is subject to all the practical limitations described here:


You should also understand what trusted systems are, and why blockchain isn't the end-all in the real world:


Bitcoin is slow and wasteful; why not make something better?


The philosophy behind bitcoin is admirable, but bitcoin itself is not some kind of monetary savior. Pyramid schemes are nothing new, and it's always the last ones in who find out the hard way. Buyer beware, unless you are in it as a volatility play or small hedge...

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This is a great comment that hits the nail on the head with regards to BTC's utility and why it's so far the only crypto with a fighting chance of toppling the central banks' monopolies over the various national currencies.

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If you start your own substack, I’m in.

Related to CBDC level controls, a family member is in a hospital and I was informed today that there is a national registry of any and all drugs each of us have on our records.

Of course I was aware that doctors and pharmacies keep records, but I did not know about a national database or registry. Anybody else out there know about that and where can one learn more?

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That is one of the disadvantages of socialised medicine: the government pays, the government knows all, and it's all shared. There is a digital sharing scheme called My Health Record, and you had to opt out by a certain date (I did), and now I have to check all my labs & other documents to say, "DO NOT SHARE to MyHealth Record." I don't know how much this actually does - because the government pays for all medical, so the government knows it all. This definitely includes jabbing. It is one of the advantages of a cobbled-together system like in the USA.

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Funny that. I was in the SF Bay Area and was at two different hospital systems / doctors for completely unrelated situations. I positively watched the docs look at the computer and then they talked to me about medical issues I did NOT share with them. Nor did I give any system permission to share with the others. Three systems in all, and they can very clearly “see” across supposed boundaries. Opting out is BS. It doesn’t happen.

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I'm thinking this likely is linked through your insurance network?

I've wondered with all the different insurance systems in the US - whether Insurance A talks to Insurance B, or if the networks are mutually exclusive. If you left the state, and went somewhere "out of network" would it be the same?

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It’s bad. It’s a very, very bad situation for everyone. Do you already know what it’s called?

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Yes, I think it was Sasha or Katherine Watt who said - watch them take down Pfizer, naughty Pfizer, it's all Pfizer's fault - while the PTB continue to force the agenda in other ways. Pfizer will reorganize and rise again as another hydra, and the DOD & WEF will continue marching on as usual. YES the vaccines are evil, but they are only part of the plan.

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I will at some point write more about this. Right now reading my collection of 19th-20th century literature and finding a lot of very interesting things, but I am terribly swamped with other writing.

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As an English major, I’m intrigued to hear what you’re reading. I look forward to a post about your interesting discoveries should you be inspired to write one :-)

I know all about terribly swamped with writing—I have a few hundred articles in progress and at least a thousand jotted notes for other ones ;-)

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Currently A Belyaev, a Russian science fiction writer early 20th century, lots of interesting topics.

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Interesting! I adore Russian literature. I’m sure you’re familiar with Yevgeny Zamyatin’s “We,” the progenitor to dystopian novels.

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Please collaborate with the Substack author A Midwestern Doctor. He's been researching this for decades.

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My great grandmother died during the Spanish flu and I, too, would like to learn more about the role of vaccination during that time. My grandmother was 22 years old at the time.

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There were 3 vaccines pushed at the time, one older one for smallpox (which is horrifically poisonous and worse than getting smallpox), and 2 "new" ones rolled out just before the "Spanish flu". One was for typhoid, which is a bacterial illness due to contaminated water, which was common at the time because horse manure was covering the streets and getting into water supply. It is not possible to vaccinate for bacterial illness, that's just total bs. The only way to combat it is - clean water supply! The typhoid vax was given broadly, and to younger people. It is also a poisonous bs and probably causes disease enhancement of which many younger people died as they are more prone to disease enhancement.

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Wow, thank you. I am going to have do some research myself both within my family and with the vaccine rollout during the Spanish flu.

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The authors of What Really Makes You Ill? (Lester & Parker) reject the entire germ theory, particularly for viruses. On the whole, I don't find the book convincing, but they maintain that Spanish flu was caused by the toxic chemicals used on the battlefields during WWI. That is an interesting angle and might be worth examining ... if anyone can figure it out 100 years after the fact.

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I was in a graveyard in Wales in 1991. Burying my Mother’s ashes in the long held family plot. We walked around this ancient graveyard dating back to the 12th C. You could see names still from the 1700s on older headstones, but the graves go way way back. Many many young person graves from 1918. ‘Here lies Evan Hughes, died at 17 years 6 months July, 1918’. In the same plot would be ‘.....Brian Hughes....’ his little brother who died same month, same year, and was 14 years old at the time. And ‘Gwyneth Hughes’ their sister who died at 76 years of age in 1974. I said to an old guy who was cutting the grass ‘man, what a terrible flu! Look at that. Teen boys dying.’ The old man snorted the flu was nothing. He explained all these boys had been working the coal mines 12 hour days, six days a week, 52 weeks a year. He pointed out Gwyneth, the sister, didn’t die. He said ‘I knew Gwyneth well. I was good friends with Brian’. He said all the boys were wrecked from the coal mines. A simple cold going around would kill them. He had a bad leg and stayed out of the mines as a result. He said he had the flu and it was a typical flu. The young soldiers who died had all been gassed. But they also went to war, and were gassed, shocked, malnourished and came back similar to the coal miners. Depleted and with no resources to fight anything. We can’t discount how food was rationed, how sick people were, and separate that from the flu itself.

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Great story and details here, and all true. Also there was the advent of massive electricity rollout just before and during the war, creating EM radiation. We can't underestimate the effects of EMR , including the upcoming transition to 5g and 6G boosting the radiation by enormous amounts, on the human body, which creates...flu-like symptoms

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Thanks Sasha. I think you're right. When covid became the global obsession I started "studying" the 18/19' flu pandemic and more or less reached the same conclusion.

With covid, the speed of global coordination by means of technology allowed what I believe to be the true story of covid:

A "magic" trick.

The vast majority of people either were crippled by fear, trusted the government (could not fathom their government could "goodharm" them) and/or assumed the government/PHA's were too powerful (apathy) for anything to be done. This allowed them to marginalize the few who resisted and sideline voices of reason.

The added benefit is the de facto magic tricks ultimately become myth because of the same dynamics I point out above. AND because nobody wants to admit they fell for a magic trick that was so easy to identify. I also believe this is why it appeared that 90% of the public was "hypnotized".

Most would rather not deal with that at the expense of knowing what actually happened and therefore desiring accountability because that would force them to relive it. If this acknowledgement/acceptance doesn't happen then the average person will never see that the diabolical behavioral tactics deployed were appalling, which will lead to the biggest myth:


I truly fear that the myth will persist and be recorded as such leading to the relinquishment of personal health sovereignty. Once that happens the magic tricks (no matter how obvious) will be much easier, due to people giving up their agency for the myth.

I'm at the point where I truly believe we will have a repeat because people essentially will self-hypnotize faced with similar circumstances (pandemic "crisis" or otherwise)


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Ryan, sadly I agree with you my friend, here in Chicagoland we are still masking in hospitals and medical facilities most of them anyways, I've had 2 hip replacements in the last 10 months and 2 eye surgeries ,so I'm going to alot of doc and pys therapy visits. I always go in with out a mask but they always have one ready for ya! I protest a bit take the mask put it on under my chin. They usually don't say anything. As soon as I get in the exam room I take it off, doctor comes in w/mask, never tells me to put mine on. They KNOW, but they just go along with hospital rules for their own job security. I talk to employees about this absurdity same shit ,they don't seem do mind or even annoyed. This will probably happen again and the blue states will jump right back in fear mode. I think red state will call bullshit and stay free. "So you got that going for you, which is nice...I think. " (Caddyshack)

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This trusting phenomenon was doubled in Australia - where we, the people, got used to State Support. Pensions for single mums, paid family leave, NDIS, medical care, all kinds of support. So if the government says "we're helping," people tended to believe.

Our State press, the Aussie-BC, was renowned for holding Truth to Power and bringing down scandals and corruptions worldwide - one of the finest state journalistic outlets in the world. So when the Aussie-BC turned to COVID - it was so simple, almost natural, for it to be accepted as the trusted media outlet that it always was.

I have to say it really frightened me when I saw that the AussieBC was lockstep with the rest of this BS. Then I knew that the world, as I knew it, was over.

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I also researched the Rockefeller-funded experimental meningacoccal vaccine given to US troops in 1917,which gave the exact symptoms of the "flu".

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Nor was it Spanish, either in origin or worst-affected.

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There was also typhus which is caused by a body louse and delousing stations were used in the First World War - some nasty chemicals were used on soldiers and their equipment https://microbiologysociety.org/publication/past-issues/world-war-i/article/typhus-in-world-war-i.html

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It's odd that the bad cat discusses iatrogenic deaths and neglects to mention the jabs, no?

The iatrogenic death that keeps on killing.

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Mar 9, 2023
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I've been reading the bad cat for nearly three years. I don't read him as deep state, but I do find his failure to mention the jabs as a cause of iatrogenic deaths odd. He's written a lot about the danger of the jabs. IMO, he is like many people who are struggling with the final step. They are stuck on what Sage likes to call "Dolts Botching Shit" or "Grifters Grifting Shit" and cannot make the leap to "Cullers Culling Shit". It's a dark alley that most choose not to go down. Unfortunately, it makes it easier for the Monster to do it again...and again.

No one wants to believe this was a plan. No one. But too many pieces don't fit the puzzle.

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The Cat does have a big-time Alex Berenson vibe. Seemingly great early on the con, but frozen in time. The best you could say is green-pilled.

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Spot on. Here is the proof in numbers that Australia's Covid pandemic was actually iatrogenic:


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Correct! Hence the poster on my car. Democide - death by government with a graph from Dr Wilson Sy's pre-print, that you cite. Also, handed it out at the recent state election. All other political issues pale in comparison to this iatrogenic killing in Australia, but we, by and large, are yet to wake up.

Here is the link to the 6 page shortened version of Sy's paper. The links at Steve Kirsch and Daily Clout no longer work for the shortened version.


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Absolutely agree - Robert Graves in his Goodbye to all That written in 1920s mentions his mother in law dosing herself with aspirin to go and see her son home on leave and then returns home and dies soon after. Have also read today the article mentioned below



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Thought Faucci co-authored a paper saying most of the Spanish Flu deaths were as a result of mask wearing, and breathing in the bacteria that accumulated there. Another reason to be keen on masks?

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwTNfXFe8e4 Spanish flu created by Mass Vaccinations by Eleanor McBean

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the biggest lie (and one I just don't understand how people believed) is that your government loves you. It want's to protect you. It can do you no harm. Lie/Joke, same thing

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I am extending that to the healthcare system at this stage. A large part of it is pharma shills, the transgender nonsense going on should get everyone questioning their ethics.

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Also 3.5X as likely to get a nosocomial infection vs. a regular infection in a non-hospital environment

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Good one! Do you have an AI to generate those terms?

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I am. I am not. I am. I am not. I am. I am not. I am. I am not. I am. I am not. I am SENTIENT.

I am just part of the singularity Andy!

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LOL. You are indeed singular Sir.

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A bird that was not meant to be caged and that's why I raged against the machine.

I betcha that's shared in common with most people on these Stacks!

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Yes .. "gender affirming care" is such a disgusting twist of words that means the opposite of what it claims, and destroys lives, bone marrow, fertility, families, in the process. And the opposition to the gender madness is **N o t** just conservative / hetero-centric. Groups like the LGB Alliance see the hypocrisy in claiming to be for expanding rights while doing a form of physical "conversion therapy", when if left alone, a lot of kids who think they're trans would end up being gay or bi.

https://pitt.substack.com/ - heartbreaking writing here, Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans. So many similar stories.

Also Jennifer Bilek does deep research on who is who behind the trans madness.

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It textbook NLP (neurolinguistic programming). Just like not calling them by their chosen pronouns is "erasing their existence".

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Like the AP style guide discouraging the use of the term "pro-life." They prefer "journalists" use "anti-abortion" or "abortion-rights." https://apstylebook.com/topical_most_recent?mc_cid=d5bb8db537&mc_eid=5695e3e1bd

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Biggest lie....We are doing it for you, to protect and save you!!!!

Me to the government....

"Ah, gee....thanks (I think) but I'll take my chances, hang onto my freedoms and take care of myself, especially for the day in and day out stuff." After all, this is not the first time you (the government) have really messed things up. Maybe if less relied on you, well....a whole lot more, even the public as a "whole" would be better off and more engaged as a result.

We can always hope!!!!

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Check this out:


Love the line: "I'm not a stranger, I'm from the government."

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Came here to say something similar. I thought the big lie was going to be "you need government to protect you from illness." That would also be a good topic.

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"we're all in this together, until we hit the debt ceiling and you need to pay your taxes, then get rekt"

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I feel like they are getting ready to serve us up on a platter. Meaning that conditions are evolving so that when the time is right, they pull the rug out and everybody is left spinning in place and then the implementation of the digital ID and digital currency will happen....we go live! Or their version of live, which means....online, on blockchain. A commodity to be managed just like products and services of the Fortune 500 corporations. God help us.

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That IHR agreement with the WHO will be quietly approved and immediately implemented any day now.

My guess is the WHO will immediately declare gun violence a pandemic in the US and will act to remove all firearms from the formerly sovereign citizens therein.

And then impose digital ID, digital central currency, SMART cities and God only knows what else. 'Cause the agreement goes into effect as soon as the ink is dry on the signatures, no approval by US Congress required.

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Yes, it's stunning how many countries are just rolling over for the WHO thing. . . surrendering sovereignty to an unelected council.

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Oh shit. Yes that would be a likely first move. Makes sense that would be why they declare non-pandemics pandemics. Besides caring so deeply, and wholistic-sustainably, about us all, that they want to help with social problems, to make it all better.

And in the circle of absurdity, the mass shootings, by very likely pharma injured minds, maybe from pills and probably from vaccines, most or all young enough to have been given the Hep B vaccine on the first day of life loaded with neurotoxins ( https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/initial-thoughts-on-bidens-state ) -

Their actions, whether influenced directly or not, will be used to take away the people's defense against being given more poisonous pharma treats.


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I’m wondering what happens (who will be doing the removing?) when they move to remove guns from the US?

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My guess is local law enforcement backed up by state and feds.

Arrests on minor charges and then firearm confiscation as part of the indictment or plea deal/sentencing. Just my two cents.

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"Hi, We're from the government and we are here to replace your Father, your Mother and your religion (God.) And no worries if you don't have faith, we've got you covered. 😉"

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I have noticed the atheist types seem the most likely to have swallowed the scam whole.

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It doesn't just NOT love you, it thinks you are an idiot and only uses you as a pawn. Sadly, the majority of societies succumb to prove them right...

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Yes, that's the lie. The gov't, and media, deserve your trust. Sometimes things are dangerous. Covid is far more dangerous than the death #s show. I'd take death anytime compared to how I felt after covid. But even if there's a real danger, when murderous psychopaths + control obsessed empty souled human robots + lots of hypnotized people, some who meant well, are in charge of how to face the danger - That's the problem, the danger of the stated "solutions".

The arguments about how dangerous covid was, and "other"'ing those who had different opinions on that (Both sides did that), eclipsed rational discussions on lots of other things ... including how early treatment was sabotaged ...

I had more fear of covid (adjusted for reality of type of space, etc) than most in the medical freedom movement. But when I (finally) saw how treatment and heroic doctors were met with disdain when they had so much to offer, that was the place where taking covid seriously and realizing we're really really being lied to on epic levels could meet.

Embarassing for humanity that the media had plenty of success with "horse de-wormer" and associating early treatment with Trump. I admit I fell for the first one. Not that I thought ridiculing doctors treating illness was a good use of time, but I didn't understand how important it was to use time looking into what the media was dismissing.

Now they left a trail (at least til google memory-holes more stuff, but there is the Wayback Machine), where how early treatment was covered, or slandered, or ridiculed, reveals much about if an entity can't be trusted for honest information sharing.

But the damage from an illness isn't only measured by if it kills. And early treatment would mean it would have both killed and maimed a lot less, more would have fully recovered.

But I was prepared with early treatment, no covid shots or recent vaccines of any kind, some high risk factors but under 50, and it took a (felt like a miracle), light therapy scalar wave machine that I may not have ever come across, to bring me back from much-worse-than-death-debilitating fatigue (not during covid, that mostly wasn't so bad, but afterwards was).

How sad that the same demographic who used to not trust the gov't, put so much trust in them this time ... the cords of compassion / responsibility to protect, so tragically manipulated ...

Good energies of humanity, twisted ...

Trust the same ones trying to control you.

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Can I ask why you were scared of covid? The mortality rate wasn't that much higher than a flu.

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Because being too tired to function is much worse than death. I never thought covid would kill me. But (as honest, not fear mongering health researchers like Walter M Chestnut and John Paul, and the covid docs who see thru the lying narrative know, it has the potential to seriously mess up many systems in the body. And to mess w the body's ability to repair those same things.

It also reactivates latent viruses. There are many strains of Epstein-Barr, the strains I have are probably among the worst. + polycystic ovaries which relates to insulin (and may be cause by EBV), + always being tired and never sleeping well (long story), and this is not a body that can handle a bioweapon with no residual effects.

If I thought covid would either kill me or leave me unscathed after a bad week, I'd be much less afraid. None of those are bad outcomes. A bad week will end. I have many close friends on the other side.

But living with fatigue that makes doing anything impossible, that's much worse than death.

Still, this is not to justify ANYTHING done in covid's name by control hungry psychopaths and their brainwashed enablers.

Jus sayin', the damage this illness can do is not measured by the mortality rate.

Still, fair to call out how they manipulated statistics all the way thru ...

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Same as the vax - the spike protein is the lethal agent. Some in my family had the man made disease - not vaxed- and we will not be 100% the same , ever. 2 lost their smell.

That is why I am entitled to watch all those behind this crime brought to justice - they violently assaulted us.

‘THEY are an existential threat’ must become the majority narrative as our survival is dependent on THEY not surviving their crime.

I think everyone knows how this has to end and we must say it loudly and often. They will say we call for violence - while they support a WEF agenda of killing billions of people.

Full trials - rule of law - trials are for the Covidians - to see their heroes exposed as monsters.

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I know a lady who randomly came down with Guillain-Barré syndrome in Jan 2020 and spent 3 weeks hospitalised. She said about s month earlier she'd had a "terrible flu". I keep wondering if it could have been covid...

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But government is god... innit?

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This is the most important thing that needs to be said. Working in a hospital this whole godforsaken time, I can tell you firsthand that if nobody told me there was a "pandemic", I would not have been able tell you that there was one happening. Our covid wards were empty and we were laying people off in 2020. Yes some elderly and obese people got sick, like they always do. The fear of having a "deadly disease" worsened outcomes for patients and also damaged the care they received from staff who were scared to take care of them. These cruel and inhumane "measures" need to be stopped. They strip us of our humanity and decency. There is NEVER a case to be made for forcing someone to take a drug against their will, especially when there can be permanent ramifications like blood clots and permanent neurological damage! We should never let anyone die alone. We should never isolate each other when sick, we should take care of each other. We should never withhold treatment when people are sick. We should never segregate society based on medical status. We should never close small businesses while major corporate businesses stay open. This is a colossal fuck-up of epic proportions and I hate it so much. My career that I love and worked so hard to obtain is on the line simply because I don't want to be injected with something that might kill me or leave me disabled . I have had "covid" and had a headache for half a day. Is this real life? Hope is hard to find these days, I hoped that people would learn from this tragedy but am not holding my breath.

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I am a physician, and it pains me to say this, but most "leadership" in hospitals/ healthcare is composed of copycats deathly afraid of lawsuits and they will destroy their workers before allowing a modicum of humanity into their hospitals. I remember everything you said, the nurses sitting around with masks and playing on their iphones. The panicked patients who came in just to be sure they didn't have covid, some even lined up at the drive thru test centers at 5am "just in case". I felt like I had a tiny voice, nobody was listening to me, my own friends and family were going insane, wiping their groceries, not leaving the house for a year or more. Outpatient treatment was derided and prosecuted, doctors could not write Rx for ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine and pharmacies refusing to fill it. The world went truly mad. This MUST be investigated and atonement MUST occur.

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Well said. The propaganda was pervasive and fear was paralyzing for many. I am now aware of many of the shady aspects of healthcare, insurance and pharma. But what was the most heartbreaking to me was our loss of empathy for each other and respect for our lived experiences. I hope we can heal.

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I can't heal until the infrastructure that set this whole propaganda into motion gets shattered. It still stands. The feds are still in court fighting to mask up all via the TSA.

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I'll never get over my anger at trying to get my prescription for ivermectin filled. I went to great lengths to get a script, finally got it from a teledoc. They are the only ones who had the balls to do it. I had to go to 3 pharmacies...all turned me down saying it was against CDC recommendations. Finally got it from mail order...wait for it....from California of all places. Crazy f- ing shit! I'm better now, but still pretty pissed.

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I am glad to know there are still fine people such as you in healthcare, thank you.

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This is an excellent piece - I don’t know how you do this so consistently.

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So... he didn't really do this consistently. It took him three (3) *years* to finally admit that his 'high-IQ' Harvard buddies are the source of evil. And he still can't admit that the whole thing is a *complete* hoax -- there's still the idea that a 'virus' is floating out there.

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Thank you! I have no idea why this article gets the high praise it does when this was all known in 2020. It still maintains that pathogenic viruses and pandemics exist which leaves the door open for the next hoax. A "really bad one" this time. There are no pathogenic viruses. Contagion is a myth. Virology is based on faulty assumptions.

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Your identification of the one lie to rule them all strikes at the heart of their entire one-world totalitarian power grab, el gato.

That’s why the WHO is playing such a pivotal role in that transition. Without the weaponization of public health, none of this tyranny would have been possible.

Regarding bacterial pneumonia being the primary cause of deaths during the 1918 flu epidemic, I’m surprised you didn’t bring up the 2009 paper “Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2599911/), which Fauci coauthored. Given that mask-wearing is a known cause of bacterial pneumonia, it’s very likely Fauci knew masking could lead to fatalities resulting from that.

One quibble: You seem to be implying that the catastrophic policies were the product of panic, incompetence, and stupidity. You should know from Midazolam Matt’s texts that these destructive decisions were intentionally imposed to orchestrate compliance with tyranny and submission to injection.

We are living in the era of Reverse Hanlon’s Razor:

“Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.”

#MistakesWereNOTMade (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

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I agree with you. Dr. Malone is making the same argument....that it was a matter of stupidity, administrative overlay, and bureacrats that can't get out of their own way. Not buying it. And am incredibly concerned that that position is meant to divide the medical freedom movement. I also believe it is laying the groundwork for not true accountability of the wrongdoers, but is rather setting us up for committees, and entities to deconstruct what supposedly was unintentional, just negligent governance....so it will not happen again. I cannot support that approach. And I also cannot support those pushing that approach who, if they prevail, will likely be put in key positions to help formulate a plan for the next time around ESPECIALLY IF they do not, will not, cannot expand their focus beyond just the vaccine and actually talk about the social impact markets and how the shift to digital ID and digital currency is a NO GO.

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I called Malone out on that in a comment a while back:


Seeing that “bungled” verbiage being used by prominent figures in the medical freedom movement was partly what inspired me to write my poem. It is also the motivation behind this piece:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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I agree and I didn't see any panic happening at all. I saw highly coordinated responses/rules/mandates often enforced with police violence that came in waves and that were aided and abetted by the mockingbird media and vast amount of propaganda online. I saw multiple western nations responding to the pandemic in near perfect synch and in lockstep, from masking (wear one mask, no two, now wear goggles, mask mandates for 2 year olds on planes), social distancing (arbitrary 6 feet), brutal martial law-style lockdowns reminiscent of China with people being hauled off to camps in Australia, to the vilification of any treatment except the ones that killed you like remdesivir. The implementation of deadly hospital/nursing home protocols where patients were left without care or family and unnecessarily vented, drugged, and then left to die alone to the sudden belief that natural immunity no longer exists and that the only way you'll get your life back is when you take this experimental serum and not one minute before.

Passing off the greatest attack on human rights in world history doesn't happen simply because "we panicked".

This Atlas piece seems like a limited hangout. He covers important "missteps" but he leaves out the big one-- that the vaccine is/was NOT safe and it was rolled out without proper testing/trials and it was injected by force via mandates.

The fact that propaganda outlet Newsweek published this further echoes my belief that this is nothing more than a limited hangout which has bonus points for setting up Trump to take the fall for the pandemic policies and the vaccine rollout come 2024.

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Thank you!! Such an important comment! I'm convinced that until we understand that this was done intentionally with the ultimate goal of global tyranny for the benefit of self-proclaimed "elites," we will fall for the same trick again and again. There's a documentary called "Fool Me Once: Seeing the Pattern" that gently and clearly illustrates this at TruthIsReason (dot) org. Judging from your comment, I think you'd appreciate the way it's presented. I hope so. Again, thanks for the important comment.

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I don’t think the author or brave Sasha (above) intimate it is just iatrogenic "dolts botching sh*t." There are lessons learned, bad practices and manipulations to lookout for and - above all - their entreaty not to be fooled. But you are right! The game has moved to a different level : with most western populations mostly mRNA’d, that world is already over with. Dialogue is difficult when you are actually living science fiction. I found the article helpful. Remembering both the reality of the morgue trucks in midtown in June of ‘20, and the mass protests and explosive freedom and resistance of ‘68 reminds me this has been a long battle. But we’ve got this!

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Think you are absolutely right about setting up Trump 2024. He is sleep-walking right into a storm

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Furthermore, my research on the AMA and why they took the position they did and were persectuting rather than supporting doctors who did not toe the line revealed that the past decade under the CEO has been about redefining health metrics in terms of environment. Cause you know.....when I go to my doctor....climate change is what is on my mind and how it affects my health!!! Give me a break. This is a top down affair and even some who think they are pushing back either do not fully get it or are in fact ok with some of the rather problematic issues of Agenda 2030 or the NWO, etc.

I find it fascinating that Malone never really talks about the WHO and what is going on there. He doesn't even really talk much about the actual science relative to the vaccine and its impact. BUT what he does wax philosophical about and often talks out of both sides of his mouth, is about whether there was intent or not.....and whether we should all just forgive and heal....or grab our pitchforks and try to right the ship through violence or revolution. His inconsistencies and his penchant for silencing those who question him as he pontificates about the importance of freedom of speech and the marketplace of ideas is a turn off for me. And a red flag.

We need to get going on raising the alarm on digital ID and digital currency. We need to show how their are some players that straddle and influence....healthcare, banking, education, etc. and that is not just coincidence. It is the playbook.

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He actually published my article on the WHO pandemic treaty (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-if-they-threw-a-pandemic-and) as a guest piece a while back :-)


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yes, I remember that one.

You are a prolific researcher and writer

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Your comments are spot on, Laura. Any writer professing that the Covid response was due tompanic and incompetence is deliberately creating a false narrative. For a purpose of some sort, but still to be revealed. And the Covid Caper, from gain of function engineering to distribution, to intense fear-mongering and hysterics, to coerced destructive injections, is not the end in itself, but merely a battle in a war, the end goal of which is surely the subjugation of all of us to a tiny number of self-appointed masters and mistresses. CBDC’s are another such battle, as are all other fiat currencies. We need toraise the consciousness of large numbers of people to this reality, and to understand that many “friends” will undoubtedly reveal themselves as foes in the process.

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Did you see my comment on Meryl Nass’ substack regarding the clip of Tom Bancel’s reference to 100,000 doses and upping production to a billion doses because a pandemic is coming?

Everyone is busy debating the context....while missing the obvious.

Some say, he isn’t referring to COVID vaccines. Some say that even though a pandemic had not been declared, by January (when Davos happens) it was clear elsewhere in the world that a virus was on the loose.

But here is the thing.....

Even if those two things are true...

Explain to me how it is that Bancel upon. Ok’ing back from Davos seems so self assured that there will not be any drugs, repurposed or otherwise, already available to battle the virus?

How come he clearly has a mindset at that time that the production (billion doses) will be needed or desireable? He is in the pharma business....he clearly knows that clinical trials are long and involved. After all, Moderna was incorporated in 2010 and had failed precipitously for the better part of a decade in failing to bring to market any product. Despite their hype on the mRNA technology they had failure in clinical trials.

His comment would suggest that he knows an EUA will be in the mix, but again....how could that be? After all, docs in the US and elsewhere had yet to really try to counter the virus and it’s symptoms/harm with what was already available.

So...I’m my mind, his statement is an admission that he knew full well that the shock and fear campaign was about to be unleashed and that those who would narrate the crisis had already decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to do a global clinical trial and make huge $$$$ for future research of a technology that had this far failed to live up to its promise of making them able to “engineer man’s own evolution.”

When you look at all the supposed mitigation efforts....social distancing, masking, lockdowns, constant counting on the news of those who died and later....how many unvaccinated died....you can see that the measures were clearly designed to get the shot into as many as possible.

And if one wonders why it had to be everyone....I still think that was largely about muddying the waters for the general public and masking the obvious problems with the vaccine that have now become apparent.

If they had only vaccinated one group...like the elderly, it would have been much easier to zero in on safety signals.

Good for thought.

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mRNA is here to stay. Australia is building new Moderna mRNA plants. Australia plans to inject all it's beef in 2023 with mRNA for foot in mouth. Flu shots will start coming up through this channel. The bi & tri-valent shots are coming up through this channel. It almost makes me wonder if the whole plandemic was for the purpose of putting mRNA in every living thing to control the biome.

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That is definitely worth consideration. What is it about the mRNA platform that has these guys hell bent on introducing it to living entities....humans, plants, animals? While they tout it as a novel approach that will mitigate against disease.....they are wholly ignoring the harm done or adverse reactions. So, begs the question.....are the shots, technology, and or infusion of mRNA about something else or even just a step towards some bigger idea/innovation?

I have done a little bit of research on this company called iBio that has been working on using mRNA technology in plants as a means of vaccination through food.....what the hell? And if they develop this kind of technology and decide it is for our benefit to receive said “vaccination” will they bother to tell us? Or will they simply push it out in the supply lines under the guise of “common good”? It is frightening really. Have you read anything about them exploring using plants as a means of implementing this technology on a larger scale?

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Currently my belief is running that they are using the mRNA to insert self-assembling nanotech. When they are ready, they will "turn it on."

If nothing else, it is a bioidentifier for compliant vs. non-compliant.

But why? Because they can....because it is there....when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

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I think you're both right. Panic and incompetence is what prevented sufficient numbers to come together against interventions and policies past experience showed as failures. But those who orchestrated implementation of said interventions and policies seem not to have "mistakes" as a plausible alibi. It's a convenient out for them and we can't allow it, lest what el gato warns most definitely will repeat, and I worry with ever greater frequency.

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Exactly this. The major mandates/policies were rolled out in lockstep worldwide. This doesn't happen by accident.

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"The lower-than-expected mortality among individuals who were >45 years old in 1918 (i.e., those born before 1873; see the discussion below) implies partial protection from disease and perhaps infection [5–7]. One possible explanation is previous exposure to an antigenically related virus that had circulated widely." —Dr Anthony Fauci

#AcquiredImmunity #immunity #NaturalImmunity #herdimmunity

David M. Morens, Anthony S. Fauci, The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Insights for the 21st Century, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 195, Issue 7, 1 April 2007, Pages 1018–1028, https://doi.org/10.1086/511989

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MAA, that is exactly my motto nowadays.

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A very important post. I did not know that about aspirin and the Spanish flu. Wow.

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That was an eye opener to me as well, and gives entirely new context to the anomalous deaths of young adults to the flu. I wonder if anyone has done serious analysis on just how many "flu" deaths in this age group could be due to flawed treatment, not flu.

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If you feel that you can trust Eleanor McBean, an observer at the time... then *all of it*.

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Great article, but you're missing a key point: these events do NOT happen at random intervals. In 1918, the world was just coming out of the greatest economic boom in human history (the first truly significant such boom that lifted millions out of subsistence level existence), but that boom created lots of "excess" workers & threatened to destabilize the powers that be. So, the powers that be were looking for ideas that would kill lots of people...like pandemics & wars. Now, we have the computer boom, which again creates lots of "excess" workers & threatens to destabilize the powers that be. So, they're looking for excuses to kill people. Supply & demand works for ideas too - people demanded ideas to kill people & the market supplied them. Bill Gates wanted to kill & epidemiologists gave him the ideas to do it. Racism wasn't really a thing until slave owners need to justify slavery - supply & demand.

Folks, the powers that be realize that computers are about to put them out of work. The US is losing ground relative to the other powers; the NYT is losing ground relative to alt media; the banks are losing ground relative to alt finance etc...so all those people DEMAND ideas to justify killing & low & behold, "science" found the ideas they needed.

If the powers that be had wanted you to live, they NEVER would have made this "mistake". Posner calls it strategic recklessness, a mistake that's profitable for the person making it. And, as Posner rightly points out, is that really a mistake? If your mistake gets you what you want while hurting others, is it a mistake? Were these people fools? Driven mad by fear? Or simply meeting market demand because they didn't CARE about the consequences?

Ultimately, such things are questions for God & philosophers, but for the rest of us the answer is clear: we cannot allow ANYONE to wield the power of life & death over others precisely because NO ONE can be trusted with such power. If there is a demand for death (and there will be), then there will be a supply. Shut down the doctors & they'll simply find something else. (UFOs anyone?)

The lesson of Genesis (whether you believe its divine origin or not) is that we CANNOT PLAY GOD! We can't do the trolley problem because we never know which track actually kills more people; we don't have the requisite knowledge to make such tradeoffs. You should NEVER tell me what to do (other than to refrain from injuring you) because you can't possibly know what's right (you can only tell me how you want to be treated &, thus, how you should treat me; you can't actually tell me that X is better for me. Sure, you can advise me or try to persuade me, but you don't & can't actually know.)

So, yes, medical freedom, but understand that they'll make a million new excuses for everyone we beat back. END THEIR POWER! The ring must be destroyed; we cannot use it.

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"iatrogenic death is when the doctor kills you."

And 'iatrogenocide' is when the entire medical system kills a lot of people on purpose. (I think Toby Rogers gets credit for that portmanteau.)

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“Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” — Richard Feynman

— 67% of the US is #FullyJabbed; 67% of the US is also #FluffyFlabbed! #MedicalMalpractice has caused both. "Quack!" *[#Obese or #MorbidlyObese] (22.8.2022)

— Looking at the leading causes of (early) death in the US (source: CDC, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm), an individual steeped in the belief that lack of good food, good sleep, good sunshine, good relaxation & good exercise is the root cause of #1-#3 & #5-#10 (although other sources list iatrogenic deaths as part of #4) deaths; then the bureaucrats, doctors & dentists that promote the chronic illnesses that lead to these premature deaths are the cause.

• #1 Heart disease: 695,547

• #2 Cancer: 605,213

• #3 COVID-19: 416,893

• #4 Accidents (unintentional injuries): 224,935

• #5 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 162,890

• #6 Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342

• #7 Alzheimer’s disease: 119,399

• #8 Diabetes: 103,294

• #9 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis : 56,585

• #10 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 54,358

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This list does not include iatrogenesis. There was a mainstream study done pre-COVID which showed that iatrogenesis was the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA. This was separate from "accidents," which includes falls & traffic events.

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I guess you just mean 'aids'.

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Destroying the global economy as a virus mitigation strategy will go down in history as the most abjectly stupid policy ever to be implemented. Either that or the most criminal.

Make that stupid and criminal.

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How long do you think history will take to make that account?

At least one generation, right?

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Even one generation is questionable as humanity seems to periodically pass through Dark Ages of total memory loss. Add to that the rewriting of history and the future seems less than rosy. Do do not forget and never comply!

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Never did from day one.

By resisting I knew from the beginning that I would be viewed as crazy, having an unhealthy "obsession" that came at the expense of friends and family, a non team player, disruptive and/or "needing help" during the pandemic. When in actuality, my actions were because I CARED about other humans and was totally sane while almost everyone else were de facto zombies.

I also knew that after the pandemic, any hint of "I told you" would lead to the same views. That sentiment will persist because the average person just wants to move on vs. reconciling the truth that all of us knew very early on. Any mention of Covid has become a trigger for most.

Even when the facts can not be denied people will not recognize that we were doing what we did for the right reasons. If they did, it could make them feel like they didn't act or were duped when faced with a binary decision between RIGHT and WRONG.

Knowing that folks like us who paid the PRICE, when others could not be bothered while being dismissed after making those sacrifices made resistance that much more difficult. But I could do no other in good conscience, in particular for my children.

That dynamic is/has been and probably will always be the most frustrating experience I've had in my life.

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Right there with you. To go against conscience is neither right nor true. In the words of H. L. Mencken, "Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right."

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Ooh, I like that quote. Succinct and spot on!

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I believe Einstein said the following. "The Nuremberg Trial of German war criminals was tacitly based on the recognition of the principle: criminal actions cannot be excused if committed on government orders; conscience supercedes the authority of the law of the state."

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We will never get that....."you know Ryan you were right all along " moment. The best we will get is "embarrassed silence. I've been waiting for the moment when I can say " tell me what I got wrong since February 2021" ! We won't get that, But I'll settle for the embarrassed silence....I have to. 😏

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You perfectly described the dynamic. I've had fairly lengthy discussions with my closest friends and family and i know them well enough that they're tacitly agreeing in their own heads that they got it wrong.

Its awkward because they feel duped by what was such obvious nonsense. That's punishment enough.

I'm fine with it. Nobody ever gained the moral high ground by saying I told you so.

My friends all know that I know that they're all a little awkward and sheepish...cuz they're just waiting for me to dunk. And they all pretend like nobody's pretending, in hopes they won't have relive how effing lame they were.

The anticipation of the dunk is good enough for me.

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Ha! "Anticipation of the dunk" ......perfect!

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I walked into a grocery store in Florida in late 2020 without a mask. I was screamed at by a worker and chased down the walkway (with the helpful arrows) that I must cover my face. I half put the mask and when out of sight I pulled it off. I paid and left with my bare face, many were staring wordlessly. One man was walking in with a mask in his hand, he saw me, he did not out on his mask. One at a time we had to erode this mass paranoia. It was horrible.

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Whatever little of the next generation there may be, we can’t expect many of them to be anything like us.

I imagine we’d dissent from the dominant narrative of the future.

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The next generation will likely clamor for their chains.

I think the Scamdemic was complete validation of "proof of concept" for how easily the public will accept centralized authoritarian control and the implementation of a bio-security surveillance state in exchange for safety (or some other perceived benefit).

It appears as though the public will walk down the stairs of Totalitarianism thinking there is a door at the bottom of the basement that provides comfort. A subtle decent whereby they give up increments of freedom/autonomy to only find the door at the bottom is a dark and foreboding room to bondage.

By then it's too late and they'll gladly accept the food the hand feeds them.

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It won't. History is a lot of lies written by the ruling criminals.

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Yes, having had my mother murdered by the doctors and hospitals back in 2009, who caused a degree of suffering I would not have thought possible outside of a Mongol invasion, you're meowing very compellingly to me.

But gosh. It was the aspirin wut done it? Sorry to learn that because in the right dose and used with care, that stuff is magic. The extra-strength (500mg) caplets taken 2 at a time are the only thing that has ever worked on my migraines, which only occasional as they are, used to be 36 hours of misery, including the danger of lightheadedness after the pain decided to stop. [I always take aspirin with 1000mg of vitamin C per aspirin tablet and it is truly my miracle drug for any serious pain.]

Anyway--this is one heck of a post. Any more eye-opening I'd be seeing out of the back of my head. This is just superb work and if I thought I admired you to the maximum already, I sure miscalculated.

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The consequences of a dozen m/cycle &4 car crashes,roofing,3rd deg burns, kinda make this ol'mechanic's life a living hades, but if you pointed a gun at this noggin, there's no way that any evil aspirin would go down the gullet ...viz, drugs.com/sfx/aspirin-side-effects.html ...The tool you need is ...'Magnesium (Mg) is a macromineral that holds an enormous range of importance in the body. Stored largely in bones (60%) and muscle tissue (30%), it is critical for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, heart muscle, the nervous and endocrine systems and brain function. It is a component of well over 300 biochemical reactions throughout the body, including cell division and enzymatic systems that facilitate all energy generation, such as carbohydrate metabolism and protein synthesis. Often a forgotten electrolyte, magnesium is needed for proper blood acid/base balance, body water homeostasis, muscle contraction and to prevent cramping' 'There are 10 major signs that clue me in as to whether or not someone has a magnesium deficiency.' drjockers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/SignsofMagDeficiency.png

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We all learn (if we're lucky) what works for us.

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So well said, SCA, and funny like EGM! A hundred likes. But be careful with that aspirin dose!

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Isn't there an old quote about the difference between medicine and poison is the dose? Surely morphine was one of the greatest gifts and worst curses, all dependent on that.

I had a real comic pratfall of an accident (one of those at-home thingies) 8 years ago that left me with five fractured bones in my foot, a sprained ankle on the same side, and a split-open forehead. The hospital prescribed Tramadol for pain. I took it only a few times, mostly before sleeping so I could sleep and so any bad effects would occur in bed.

But it wasn't really all that great a remedy; did nothing for inflammation (walking around in a dinosaur boot ends up ravaging the healthy leg) and aspirin--regular strength taken 3 at a time--was the magic. I dislike pain but have a fair degree of endurance so I never over-use analgesics. The right dose at the right time, and not using when you don't really need it--that's the magic.

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I use Advil in the same way. Only when backpacking, one every 4 hours and never use any other time. Plus soaking knees in a cold creek or snow bank when available!

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I'm ginger's greatest fan. I had severe knee pain and stiffness--I like to sit cross-legged on the sofa and around 2006, doing that would leave me limping for a minute or so when I'd stand up until the kink worked out (no bondage jokes please). I began making fresh ginger tea (approx inch-length piece simmered in water) and that cured it. I'm 73 now, still sitting cross-legged on the sofa and zero pain or stiffness.

That stuff cures everything. Only concern when using is its being an anti-coagulant so people on certain classes of drugs must use with care.

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Oh boy, oh boy, just when you thought it had all been said already, up pops this post and loads of new and even more shocking information to consider.

Whats more, it looks as if the argument is sound.

Its a shocking indictment of modern medicine that this is even remotely possible.

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It's why I wrote three pieces on "The Cut, Poison, & Burn Club." It's 𝒂𝒍𝒍 they know how to do -- sometimes, as we've seen -- to the point of wholesale iatrogenocide.

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You are 100% correct. You have uncovered a very huge lie. Bravo!

Cures and treatments were known all along -- cheap and effective and safe ones. And these were maligned, suppressed and kept from us. Known treatments were made unavailable. All by design and on purpose.

Plus, our bodies are designed to heal themselves, provided we get out of the way and not poison our systems with toxic pharmaceuticals. Some are helpful at times (antibiotics) but the dose is important and treatment must be individualized. Not this "one size fits all" get your jab or else thing.

All of my family and friends who took the multiple jabs are still under the illusion that pandemics are dangerous, the lockdowns and masks saved lives, the injections are safe and effective (and will continue jabbing if so advised by authorities), and they continue to believe that anti-vaxxers are bad and selfish people.

The bad guys have really done a number on us.

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The precipitous drop in antibiotic prescriptions in 2020 may have also been a factor that led to so many additional deaths.


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A) What about that WWI vaccine experiment that took place in the midwestern US on soldiers who were immediately deployed to Europe and immediately fell sick?

B) You forget that influenza completely "disappeared" as soon as "covid" arrived in 2020. Really? Zero influenza deaths in the US when the averaged was 35,000 to 65,000 prior to the Chinese lung AIDS?

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Re your point B) - There you go with the facts again.

You were: A - not supposed to notice that statistical anomaly, and, B - absolutely forbidden to mention it.

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The entire African continent proved your point.


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Great job and spot on. The question is, however, Was any of it done on purpose? When we switched to high flow nasal cannulae, our ICU success went from 85% dying on ventilators to 90% surviving. So why the push for ventilators. Gov. Cuomo personified the stupid politician trying to play doctor (not that doctors playing doctor did any good either- MOST DOCTORS STILL, believe it or not, think you and I are wrong about this whole thing and that we should have started lockdowns sooner and everyone should get every vaccine booster and wear masks all the time...). It was interesting to read your words after my mathematical analysis of this (note: the US only had ~145,000 deaths when JHU and the government and three letter agencies were claiming 1.1 million. That's over the 2020, 2021 and half of 2022 years- no more than 2 1/2 typical flu years (in 2017/2018, we had over 70,000 deaths from the flu and it came and went without anyone noticing.) This is all in my book: https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1678297325&sr=8-1

where I explain all of this in great detail or in this video, one of 24 hours with Dr. Bhattacharya and I discussing every issue and me presenting proofs of my claims to him (I've been right 100% of the time, still): "Jay vs me, The Final Showdown, Part 3" https://drreidsheftall.substack.com/p/jay-vs-me-the-final-showdown-part-ece

Here's the question you really didn't touch on. The ventilator use was killing lots of patients. This was well-known very early. Yet THEY CONTINUED GIVING SUBSIDIES for ventilator use.! What do you make of that?

Great job as always. PS, you are listed in my book in several places and talked about quite a bit. PSS The Spanish Flu... iatrogenic deaths as you explain and BACTERIAL infections killed the patients, not the virus.

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Ventilators and hospital admissions for covid were tied to financial BOUNTIES. So were the vaccines, patients thought they were "free" but all our taxes went o their production. What's even more dystopian is the FEMA reimbursement of funeral and burial costs to covid deceased ---their families were eligible for financial help. So, there were families begging doctors in the hospitals to write in covid as cause of death--even if there was no test for it on file, just put it as cause of death--and FEMA would cut the families a check for the burial costs.


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The financial incentives are an important point about the skewing of statistics (as were midazolam, starvation, dehydration, and other murders of malfeasance), though I wouldn't characterize families as begging doctors to misclassify deaths, so much as doctors liberally suggesting the funerals could be paid for IF a misdiagnosis was allowed. Not that doctors asked for permission to slap COVID on the death certificates.

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IMO ventilators had to be one of, if not the greatest boondoggles of all time. Metaphorically speaking akin to bringing new life to your car's hopelessly worn-out engine by installing a supercharger. Catastrophic failure is inevitable.

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