I find the flip-flop of the yoga moms in Marin County and elsewhere to be one of the more confusing aspects of this time. The so-called anti-vaxx movement was from the left. I'm sure there were people on the right who were opposed to some or all of the childhood vaccine schedule, but they were not the public voice. Now the kale-eating, vegan yoga moms are signing up their five-year-olds for an experimental gene therapies to protect them from a virus that doesn't threaten them. The world has gone mad.

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No joke. Anecdote. I have a business partner who won’t even give her child Dramamine for carsickness and leans on homeopathy for his colds. Fully vaccine cult despite exposure to “discrepancies” in the truth. Wants teachers fired for not complying and has surely gotten her son signed up.

Working with her makes me wonder if I now understand what it’s like to be black in the 50s and on friendly terms with a clansman.

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Oh I have a European brother in law who forages in nature for natural “remedies” (such as wild garlic to cure a hangover) because he won’t take any medications or drugs. Guess what he already did? Yep got his two kids jabbed.

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And I know of people who are anti-GMO food fanatics yet they rush to get the shots. Any disconnect there?

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Plenty of them in the PNW. "They protested GMOs...now they are the GMOs."

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Same in my community. I am completely baffled by this phenomenon. Every day I ask myself "what the hell is going on?"

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My guess is that it depends on what their original reasons for not vaxxing were. If they just chose not to because all the other moms in their social circle were doing it and it "felt" more natural, then it is no surprise that they flip-flopped. But the ones who really did the research and understood the (lack) of science behind them and/or had a child or family member injured by a jab - they aren't lining up for the covid vax.

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There are several “Mysteries of Covidia” that we will never get an answer to but in my mind, this is one of the top five for the very reasons you outline. Now the hippie granola yoga types avidly support the vaccines and prohibiting the ability of others to earn a living and feed their own children if they choose not to get vaccinated. It’s perverse.

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Not so surprising if you consider yoga a fad for do-gooders, and the new fad is COVID hysteria. These are not people who slow down for introspection.

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Hmm that may be a sub section of yoga folks, but there are definitely also genuine followers who do it because it helps them with mental health issues or chronic illness

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The hippie natural homeopathic non-GMO spiritual anti-govt. individual that went off the deep end in 2020 and ditched all to trust govt. with an experimental shot given by Big Pharma is the most astonishing specimen of this debacle.

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Living testament to the power of fear and propaganda to erase rational thinking.

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I live in Texas. 100% of the moms in the "crunchy moms" group I'm in either never vaccinated their children or stopped vaccinating their children. Some moms are vegan, most aren't. All are health conscious and eat organic. I'd say about 95% are conservative Christian. A couple of blue cancer liberal refugees from California who didn't learn the lesson.

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I don't doubt there are conservative Christians who oppose the ACIP vaccination schedule for children. Frankly, all of us should. I'm merely stating the the public face of the anti-vaxx movement was on the left. Robert Kennedy, Jr., is a strong voice on Team Reality...but many of the yoga moms are covidians. It makes no sense.

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Regardless, it’s interesting to see who’s caving to The Science™️ and who isn’t. It made me think: Who’s lining up to vax their kids?

I wondered: “Who’s completely bought into this utterly irresponsible and potentially deadly narrative?” And I thought: Women like my sister.

My sister is a type: though she’d kill me for saying so, she’s the Original Karen (“OK”). You know the type: assertive, opinionated, usually white, though sometimes Asian, but rarely (if ever) black or Hispanic. They’re college-educated and are firm believers in experts, data-driven *everything*, The Science™️, annual physicals, Preventive Medicine™️, and endlessly subjecting their offspring to dysfunction assessments to allow for “early intervention”. They’re a big part of the reason why TED Talks™️, Neil DeGrasse-Tyson™️, and SpaceX™️ are ubiquitous. Paradoxically, these same critical thinkers <derp> will spend $thousands$ on essential oils to use as a “first-line treatment”.

These women still use social media, get BoTox injections, collagen fillers, liposuction and tummy tucks. They’re completely invested in the System, and they shop at Whole Foods or Co-Ops.

These “high-information voters” are the same mothers who’d put their kid on puberty blockers in a heartbeat, or, if it were the 90s, would have drugged their darlings into oblivion with SSRIs or Ritalin if an “expert” told them to do so.

So…what do you think? Are there enough parents like that to sustain this mandate, or am I missing a group?

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I know loads of Hispanic OKs unfortunately. My mother-in-law is the only person in her circle who is unjabbed. Her "friends"- mostly affluent immigrants from Latin America- are being SO MEAN to her. It breaks my heart. They hardly ever meet in person but when they do they make a big deal about wearing two masks around her and not touching her and nagging her to just get jabbed already. And they keep getting COVID! My mother-in-law is lovely and I'd wish she'd find some new friends.

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I’m so sorry to hear that…but it sounds like you lucked out, in-law-wise! ❤️

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This is an interesting point that deserves further examination.

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Although.....is the idea that the anti-vaxx movement originated with the left a fair assumption? I haven't looked much into it, but for some reason I had the idea that the anti-vaxx groups were more or less associated with the "religious right" (for lack of a better term).

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I don't think it's fair to lump all who object to vaccines into one group. Jenny McCarthy has been a prominent voice. Robert Kennedy, Jr., is another. Yes, there are some religious groups that oppose all vaccines...but I didn't see the Amish or Seventh Day Adventists testifying before Congress. The public face was definitely from the left.

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As an aside, I have known for a long time that Robert Kennedy, Jr. is fiercely anti-vax. I know little about him or his politics, but have assumed he was Democrat. However....I just received Dr. Mercola's new book and Kennedy wrote a 3 or 4 page forward to it that is really quite incredible and totally hits the nail on the head about what is going on. It's well worth reading!

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Bobby isn't anti-vax he is a lawyer who was involved suing industrial polluters and parents recruited him to look into mercury in vaccines where he found the same deep scientific fraud as the toxic chemicals. He is pro public protection, pro-science and anti-vax label was coined by Big Pharma in 2005 in response to Bobby's article "Deadly Immunity" that ran in Rolling Stone & Salon.

Salon pulled it under pressure in 2011 and Rolling Stone pulled it in 2020 because "vaccine hesitancy" but 2017 copy is posted at CHD.


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It's an odd coalition. You have Pamela Andersons, Robert Kennedy Jrs, but you're right, I also know Christian homeschoolers who have been anti vax (I mean, before covid, which I don't even consider a vax).

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Truly, Palm. Good observations. And right-on.

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I have not read the Game of Thrones books, but this line of dialogue from them has always stuck with me.

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."

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Indeed...like the truth...

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I've been an advocate of greater vaccine safety for about 15 years. I agree with the majority of your commentary here, except for the comments about "even two years ago". It was two years ago in Maine that they removed religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines. I was a part of that fight and I can tell you that even then we weren't able to say the "v" word without being banned on social media. And there was no major news outlet willing to speak with us. The propaganda around vaccine safety and the suppression of any narrative that questions their safety has been going on for years. Has it gotten worse recently? Yes, definitely. But I'd say you'd have to go back before 2015 (when California removed its exemptions) to find a time when there wasn't active backlash.

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Correct, vaccine safety discussions on major platforms has been largely blocked or deboosted for a very long time. Big Pharma has controllled the narrative on vaccine safety for quite some time.

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Have just shared the Simpsons vid on Twitter. We'll see if I get de-platformed.

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Let us know what happens.

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I will. But I'm really 'out' on Twitter and haven't had any problems so far. I tend not to make comments about science though - beyond my paygrade.

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people in the paygrade are killing us and giving false info and lying to congress. please keep your voice in the race, you have more sense than the lot of them put together.

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I will. I'm also on Substack - series of essays in the pipeline

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Thanks for the idea. I did the same.

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Actually those of us or our family members who were injured by traditional vaccines have been silenced for years by the same forces silencing people now. Ironically it’s the debacle with the Covid vaccines that may finally bring a critical mass of attention to how corrupt the vaccine program has been. Sadly it’s taking this many injuries and deaths to bring us to the place where the issue is finally getting attention.

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Ay carumba! Brilliant to use “The Simpsons” as a litmus test for the loss of freedom of speech and the rotting effects of cancel culture. Look what they did to Apu, after all. Only someone blinded by delusional prejudice would think erasing a beloved character from existence would honor the race they are supposedly defending.

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Remember the chickenpox party? https://youtu.be/ryirUQxIiiM

But now since there is a varicella vaccine on the CDC schedule chickenpox went from routine childhood illness to inconvenient for working parents to take care of a sick child for a week to a dEadLy diSeaSe

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That is so true. When I was a child my parents were poor, but mom stayed at home to take care of me. Mothers were mothers and homemakers then. Now most mothers work. Some have to because of the poor income of their husbands. But a lot do not have to and could be cooking heathy meals, making home baked bread, sitting in the sun reading in the afternoon, become healthy.

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I feel so blessed to be a stay at home mom

maybe we don't take glamorous ski trip vacations or have a fully loaded SUV but the time I get with my children is priceless

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I love you already

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The elites have been impoverishing the working class for decades through currency devaluation and outsourcing of jobs. Families can't even get by with two incomes, therefore the state comes in a takes over even more of the parental duties.

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So true. When I was a child my dad made enough for the three of us. Nowadays one wage barely is enough for one. The CEO earns 300 or more times what a working person has.

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But is it true that chicken pox in childhood can cause shingles later in life? If so, is that a good reason to get that particular vaccine in childhood?

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That is what vaccine cultists say but it isn't true. Why is shingles on the rise in young adults? It's because of the chickenpox vaccine

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I'm not sure what to think about shingles. I'm 72 and when I was 5 or 6 in the 1950's there weren't yet vaccines, so I got both measles and chicken pox, as did my sister who was born in 1958. She got shingles in her late 20's, and I got a couple of spots in my 60's that my doctor claimed looked like shingles. In any case, neither of us ever had a vaccine for chicken pox.

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The varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox, but survives in you like a herpes virus. When you are old or have your immune system down for whatever reason then you get shingles. It is normal to get the vaccine at 50, so you avoid the shingles.

I thought that the chicken pox vaccine was only given to people who really need it, such as people in a transplant list before the transplant. The vaccine effectiveness is variable and getting the chicken pox later in life is dangerous, and it spreads so easily that it is better to just let it run. It is not really dangerous and probably safer than the vaccine.

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One theory that's been proposed is that prior to the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine (i.e. when children are allowed to become naturally infected with chickenpox), the circulating virus provoked an immune response in the people who had already had chickenpox, keeping the virus from being reactivated in the form of shingles. With the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine, the virus was no longer freely circulating, and the rates have shingles have risen.

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this is true. The vaccine has made a resurgence of shingles happen by suppressing the childhood virus that helps keep at bay. But guess what, they created a shingles vaccine to sell to you when you are 50, so don't worry . It's almost like it was.... by design....

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They keep dropping the recommended age for the shingles vax (I believe it was originally suggested for “those over 65” when they first released it, and now it’s down to 50…and now I’m seeing local docs saying they recommend it “by 45”). Likely because it’s become apparent that without circulating CP, shingles rears its head even earlier in life.

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yes, it makes me think that we need to expose ourselves to the communities who don't vaccinate their kids for chicken pox so that we can stave off shingles later without the need for a vax. Bring back chicken pox parties....

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The same downward trend is true for colon cancer screening according to the ads selling the tests. My sense is that we are sicker as a population with each passing year and things which were once in older people are moving into younger groups. Things like obesity and diabetes once extraordinarily rare in children are now epidemic in kids. Obese toddlers should inspire more research into cause not drugs in pediatric doses.

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Anecdotal but still valid indicator. I'm an old boomer who was dragged to infected neighbor homes for measles, mumps, chicken pox and never have had shingles. When my two oldest kids caught chicken pox it was short w full recovery and I was fine. My youngest missed that infection, got a vax for school at age 5 and got shingles at age 28 so in our family the results don't mirror pharma claims.

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Just posted it to Twitter, for science!

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Would it be possible to links to Rumble, Bitchute, or Odysee instead of YouTube? Why feed the beast that censors so much and promotes the deadly vaxx?

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dear gato, i know you're extremely busy with covid vaccine posts and i always look forward to them hitting my inbox, but I have a new grandchild... the first! now four months old!... and his parents are petrified of every vaccine, and admittedly, so am i. After the pedi gave baby the Hep B in the hospital, my son was nearly having a panic attack asking- did I hurt him? did I hurt him? it's no joke. people are terrified now. would it be possible for you to do a post on the current childhood vaccine schedule? why so many vaccines today, even more than school registration requires? how safe are they? thank you!

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That’s a whole other rabbit hole. Alex Berenson threatened to consider going down it when it was becoming clear that they weren’t being honest about the Covid shots, but he never touched the childhood vax issue after that and still holds them up as “safe and effective.”

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Isn’t it heartbreaking? He has young kids. I pray for him every day

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Childrens Health Defense has a cadre of MDs including doctors who teach at top Med schools and peer reviewed science on the individual vaccines. It's a far more comprehensive collection of resources than any post can address.


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Watch 1986 The Act and this one-hour episode of the Highwire from 2018 https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-vaccine-safety-project-highwire-episode-81/

Read How to End the Autism Epidemic

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Why did they give their newborn a Hep b vaccine?

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The Simpsons predictive programming is uncanny. Or was it just directed? Two many of them completely spot on for it to be a coinkydink.

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Comedians have always been prophetic. That why you really have to worry when they start censoring comedy.

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Exactly. George Carlin comes to mind.

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I wish I could have liked this post more than once.

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Muchas Gracias el Gato Malo !!!

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Center for Disease Disinformation is accurate!

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Roll in the shards 😂 getting healthy

I’ve never seen the cat flu Simpsons that is bananas

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Striking. I would love to have a few beers with the writers of the Simpsons and what their take are now in the current day.

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