"if you lack the right to say “no” then you posses no rights at all."
This has been my argument for many years. Way before "covid". People don't even realize just how much they say "yes" to things they don't want just because "it's the rule." That's why I am always screaming at the top of my lungs to say NO. It's not easy sometimes …
"if you lack the right to say “no” then you posses no rights at all."
This has been my argument for many years. Way before "covid". People don't even realize just how much they say "yes" to things they don't want just because "it's the rule." That's why I am always screaming at the top of my lungs to say NO. It's not easy sometimes and we may be inconvenienced or get yelled at or threatened by a "true believer". But if we don't *practice* saying no, that option will cease to exist.
I think the idea is that at least they are forced to admit that they are doing it against your will, instead of being able to pretend that you said "yes".
Spurgeon was talking about being more discerning about what you spend time reading - which has more value. In his case he was saying the Bible or God related writings have more value to a man than learning/reading Latin. And under THIS substack entry - if you submit to tyranny now about the vax, eventually they will own you and Bible reading (like in China) will be out. There can be but one god.
That’s it, though—if there IS one God (and I say that there is evidence/logic to support that there is), then the wrongful declaration of evil men won’t change the Truth of it. It will only change the behavior of those who believe or don’t believe that Truth. We need to find the courage to stand for the truths of God and not be afraid of the consequences (easy for me to say—I’m afraid, because those evil men are EVIL). But He promises to help us and He says, “vengeance is Mine; I will repay.” So in the end, it’s the knowing of the real Truth that will make the ultimate difference. It gives a framework that is more than ideological (because it is actually TRUE) for knowing when/why to stand, and hope that it does make a difference when we do stand. Otherwise, what’s the point? If beliefs are relative, then there’s no ultimate reason to stand for them. If there IS ultimate Truth, then standing for it is really the most important thing of all.
Thanks for all your patience—I just can’t help talking about God. Mainly because I care about and appreciate you all so much. You are so encouraging.
I think your reply encapsulated a lot of things rolling around my mind, but I could not put my finger on it. The it. I am a bit shaken by those evil ones too BTW, but I am also comforted by the promises of God. The evil ones manipulating this whole catastrophe they want to be your God. If they cannot cajole you, cannot bribe you they will threaten, "other" you and eventually, if you let them, put the boot to your neck. But never fear. We know who wins in the end. We will be in our white robes with him. He uses all things for His glory. We will stay strong in Him.
There indeed is ultimate truth. The Universe grinds inexorably toward it, slowly but certainly. And the Truth is the boundless love of the Infinite Creator and Eternal Upholder.
"The only freedom which counts is the freedom to do what some other people think to be wrong. There is no point in demanding freedom to do that which all will applaud. All the so-called liberties or rights are things which have to be asserted against others who claim that if such things are to be allowed their own rights are infringed or their own liberties threatened. This is always true, even when we speak of the freedom to worship, of the right of free speech or association, or of public assembly. If we are to allow freedoms at all there will constantly be complaints that either the liberty itself or the way in which it is exercised is being abused, and, if it is a genuine freedom, these complaints will often be justified. There is no way of having a free society in which there is not abuse. Abuse is the very hallmark of liberty."
The TSA comes to mind. Since 9/11 how many of us have silently and grudgingly lined up for their ministrations, knowing it was all performative theater?
Now the people whom you would have seen with those bumperstickers are the same ones yelling about how horrible, selfish people are not complying to governmental overreach.
Check out these song lyrics: We hold tight to our fears and defend our oppressors/ as we fight for their lies and become the transgressors/ As pacifists transform to violent aggressors >Song for our time "Liberty" Jordan Page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFtkmxtuWuQ
Sad to say, that was my generation (I'm at tail end always thought they were cra cra), and yes, they are the ones now crying out for safety/tyranny. Sadder than I can express.
That was one of the protest signs of the 1960s “radicals”. Along with Free Speech and Down with Big Brother. Now they are big brother and I’m still marching for those ideals.
"if you lack the right to say “no” then you posses no rights at all."
This has been my argument for many years. Way before "covid". People don't even realize just how much they say "yes" to things they don't want just because "it's the rule." That's why I am always screaming at the top of my lungs to say NO. It's not easy sometimes and we may be inconvenienced or get yelled at or threatened by a "true believer". But if we don't *practice* saying no, that option will cease to exist.
“Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.” —Charles Spurgeon
Until they won’t let you.
I think the idea is that at least they are forced to admit that they are doing it against your will, instead of being able to pretend that you said "yes".
Spurgeon was talking about being more discerning about what you spend time reading - which has more value. In his case he was saying the Bible or God related writings have more value to a man than learning/reading Latin. And under THIS substack entry - if you submit to tyranny now about the vax, eventually they will own you and Bible reading (like in China) will be out. There can be but one god.
That’s it, though—if there IS one God (and I say that there is evidence/logic to support that there is), then the wrongful declaration of evil men won’t change the Truth of it. It will only change the behavior of those who believe or don’t believe that Truth. We need to find the courage to stand for the truths of God and not be afraid of the consequences (easy for me to say—I’m afraid, because those evil men are EVIL). But He promises to help us and He says, “vengeance is Mine; I will repay.” So in the end, it’s the knowing of the real Truth that will make the ultimate difference. It gives a framework that is more than ideological (because it is actually TRUE) for knowing when/why to stand, and hope that it does make a difference when we do stand. Otherwise, what’s the point? If beliefs are relative, then there’s no ultimate reason to stand for them. If there IS ultimate Truth, then standing for it is really the most important thing of all.
Thanks for all your patience—I just can’t help talking about God. Mainly because I care about and appreciate you all so much. You are so encouraging.
I think your reply encapsulated a lot of things rolling around my mind, but I could not put my finger on it. The it. I am a bit shaken by those evil ones too BTW, but I am also comforted by the promises of God. The evil ones manipulating this whole catastrophe they want to be your God. If they cannot cajole you, cannot bribe you they will threaten, "other" you and eventually, if you let them, put the boot to your neck. But never fear. We know who wins in the end. We will be in our white robes with him. He uses all things for His glory. We will stay strong in Him.
+1 from a fellow traveler.
There indeed is ultimate truth. The Universe grinds inexorably toward it, slowly but certainly. And the Truth is the boundless love of the Infinite Creator and Eternal Upholder.
Whether or not a God exists, much evidence shows that Man alone or in groups, or his works, are a poor substitute.
The more you say "no" the easier it gets to say "no".
This 👆🏻is exactly right. We must *practice* saying saying no. Make it come easily. Then repeat, repeat, repeat.
Former Lord Chief Justice in the U.K. wrote,
"The only freedom which counts is the freedom to do what some other people think to be wrong. There is no point in demanding freedom to do that which all will applaud. All the so-called liberties or rights are things which have to be asserted against others who claim that if such things are to be allowed their own rights are infringed or their own liberties threatened. This is always true, even when we speak of the freedom to worship, of the right of free speech or association, or of public assembly. If we are to allow freedoms at all there will constantly be complaints that either the liberty itself or the way in which it is exercised is being abused, and, if it is a genuine freedom, these complaints will often be justified. There is no way of having a free society in which there is not abuse. Abuse is the very hallmark of liberty."
Lord Hailsham - The Dilemma of Democracy
The TSA comes to mind. Since 9/11 how many of us have silently and grudgingly lined up for their ministrations, knowing it was all performative theater?
I always tell the pretend airport cops that I despise what they do. I don't want them thinking every American is cool with their kabuki theater.
Yes Rob D !!! Most people suffer from deficiency of Vitamin N (NO!)
Most people go along to get along.
Came here literally for that line too.
"true believer" -- was that a nod to Eric Hoffer?
It is convenience.....problem is that convenience is the veil of intellectual sloth which is our undoing as a species....
Now the people whom you would have seen with those bumperstickers are the same ones yelling about how horrible, selfish people are not complying to governmental overreach.
Check out these song lyrics: We hold tight to our fears and defend our oppressors/ as we fight for their lies and become the transgressors/ As pacifists transform to violent aggressors >Song for our time "Liberty" Jordan Page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFtkmxtuWuQ
Sad to say, that was my generation (I'm at tail end always thought they were cra cra), and yes, they are the ones now crying out for safety/tyranny. Sadder than I can express.
sadly, yes.
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/child-health-topics/health-freedom/defender-days-sticker-gallery/ More stickers: Children's Health Defense is providing these for you to have printed. Enjoy!
https://peaceproject.com/product-category/large-bumper-stickers/freedom_liberty_stickers_large/ stickers for all
I've been asking this for 22 months.
That was one of the protest signs of the 1960s “radicals”. Along with Free Speech and Down with Big Brother. Now they are big brother and I’m still marching for those ideals.