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Yes, the enemy is my GP and all the doctors from the rheumatology dept of the local hospital who signed a letter to me to tell me I must come in for my fourth injection, despite not having taken the first three. They advised, it is highly recommended for me to take these experimental biologicals because I take immunosuppressants. I have taken them for 14 years. I have been on self care for 14 years. the doc simply prescribe the meds I take. secondly, I have never been in better health, no colds, no flu, no covid. Took all the supplements Dr. Zev Zelenko recommended. he is one cool cat.

In my book, the GP and her colleagues in the rheumatology dept are the enemy. One I intend to fight to the end. Friends x 2, with autoimmune disease, nearly died post vaxx the fun part is one was told not to take a second shot, by an immunologist, but she did because, “she wanted to travel”. The other person became so ill after her jabs she developed sepsis and nearly died, but guess what…..she took that booster and is so proud of her decision. Oh well you can take a cat to water, but you cannot make kitty drink💕💕

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I can relate, I spoke with my rheumatologist who asked when I was getting a booster and I told her of my heart incident after the jab. Surprisingly she understand & discussion was over.

My relationship with 2 friends is nearly done b/c they don't see all push from Big Pharma, they even get annoyed with my view. So be it, done with it.

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“she wanted to travel”: I think it was Scott Adams who mentioned in a podcast, that studies showed that women were the main driving force behind the travel industry, and that their motivation was primarily one of social status signaling to other women.

I guess that makes getting an experimental drug injected worth the risk.

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Social status…another grave desire.

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nice using grave

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Wink wink 😉 😉

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Women take a lot of blame, going back to the story of the snake and the apple. Status signalling is alive and well in both sexes and probably all social systems. Rare is the person who says "I don't care what others think" and really means it. Realistically, it's probably an individual and social good that we are motivated to act certain ways to certain people. I guess the point is that you can't please everyone all the time and you will come to grief if you try.

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True but I do NOT understand a mother virtue signaling so hard that she has her children lined up for an experimental DNA jab

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Or the father of those children… every bit as much to blame!

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of course, but, as a mother, I just don't understand it. It's unnatural.

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I agree mama bear, I totally agree. A mother’s protection, when it’s working properly, is a fierce and lovely thing to behold!

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must have those instagram photos, donchaknow!

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my friend who's son was vaccine injured by another vaccine when he was a child, and spent years screaming for his rights and trying to encourage others to learn the side effects of the shots given to kids at such a young age, just informed us all that her 6 year old son was getting the clot shot next month. WTF. do they not see how crazy all this is? Answer, no. as long as they stay cool with their tribe, they'll do it. its shocking and horrifying.

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Sorry for your friend's child...My question is "where are the dads?" Looks like they just go along to stay cool w the mom. My daughter already got her 7-year old his shot n I'm expecting the 1-year old is up next. She doesn't tell me anymore, cuz she knows I completely disagree 🥺

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my friend's husband is completely complicit in her crazy behavior. He also doesn't want to change his lifestyle- they live in SF and wouldn't be able to do many things they love without a vax pass, like visit museums, because over 5 has to have a vax pass now. They are one of the last families to enjoy a medical exemption in CA for their son to enter public school for other vaccines (you know, the extremely safe ones like polio) I'm sorry your kid's mom is not being a compassionate co-parent. that sucks. we won't leave our kids with my parents anymore because we can totally see them taking our kids to the shot clinics too, without our permission. This whole thing is insane, and breaking relationships left and right because logic on their side doesn't exist anymore.

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It's sad but you're wonderful to protect them. so many stories of kids being jabbed even though the parents refuse permission.

even that recent one where a teacher jabbed someone else's kid at her home.

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I agree, amazing to me that you put your child through that.

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that is horrific!

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Good for you! I seem to recall that at the very beginning they were saying the immunocompromised shouldn’t get vaxxed but perhaps I dreamt it. At any rate my father with rheumatoid arthritis got the vax. Within 3 months he had stage 4 lung cancer. Never mind he had a chest xray every year and it came back clear to the amazement of his doc. He had a serious smoking habit. So in one year it went from clear lungs to stage 4. He passed in December. It’s anecdotal however I wouldn’t recommend anyone get the gene therapy. Gato is likely right about the the 2 week ‘worry window’.

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there have been many anecdotal stories of people that had cancer in long term remission that flared up shortly after the jab.

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I'm so sorry. worried sick about my Dad since the jabs.

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Thank you. I completely understand your concern. Prayers

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Condolences 🥺

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but make a cup of tea and they stick their noses straight in

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My sister in law had a stroke and brain bleed after shot #2.... Still got her booster

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That's so sad.

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Wow! Now I understand y my daughter (an RN) got her family to take the shots... To continue traveling! I still disagreed but makes more sense.

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Can we have imagined this scenario:

A mom and dad have a new baby, who is born with the consequences of a severe birth defect. The parents are beside themselves with grief, wondering if they could have done anything differently to prevent the birth defect. They ask the doctor, he says, “well actually, yes, there was one thing you could have done differently…it was giving up traveling and going to museums and concerts, but we never ask parents to give up those things to ensure the good health of their baby…because THAT would be cruel and inhumane!”

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