I was visiting my brother and his girlfriend (a young successful woman yet highly indoctrinated in cultural Marxism). They were holding my 1 year old son and my brother commented how his arms get tired holding my chunky boy. The girlfriend said “you need to rest him on your hip like this.” We responded that guys don’t have hips like women do… I could see her brain freeze with the impossible task of rationalizing our real time observations…

And just like that we may have struck the ultimate nerve. The inability of her world view to explain the most obvious of in-person observable realties. The most robust anatomical truth of sex differences in hips. That men and women are truly different.

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She did not ask what the child's preference to pronoun should be?

I told my resident democrat my nephews' kids are home schooled bc he does not want any of the the boys or girls coming home wanting to cut off his/her.....

Cold shoulder and quiet!

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According to a prog buddy of mine there are no more trans people than ever before. They are just more comfortable speaking out now. That is what these people believe. Because the NYT told them so.

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And autism went from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 32 because we got better at diagnosing it!

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Well, that and the Value of Victimhood went through the roof.

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1 in 22 in the Marxist state of California . . .

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Ya, governor included

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder is not the same thing... ; )

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They also claim children need sex changes, else they will kill themselves. Yet, suicide rates don't decline for post-op transexuals. As long as they claim that crap, i don't believe anything else they say on the subject.

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Not just that, but a long-term Swedish study showed the opposite about suicides and tgerism.

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i suppose when their mental illness wasnt cured by transitioning, the despair kicked in.

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Remind him that they were so marginalized...Pacino's character (Al Frickin' Pacino!) in Dog Day Afternoon had a tranny boyfriend who got a cutadickoffme operation and, according to the narrator at the end of the movie, was living in Brooklyn as a woman.

That movie came out in nineteen frickin' seventy-five, based on a real-life event from three years earlier.

They made a frickin' movie about it, or at least with that as a central point, a half-century ago.

Plot synopsis excerpt in case anyone cares:

"Based upon a real-life incident which occurred in August 1972 in which a Chase Manhattan Bank branch in Gravesend, Brooklyn, New York, was held siege by Sonny, a Vietnam veteran turned bank robber determined to steal enough money ($2500) for his wife (Leon, a trans woman; the two, were, according to an onscreen TV news report, married in a church by a priest who was defrocked shortly after, although Leon says to the police that Sal is "married and has children") to undergo a sex change operation. (The real life character upon whom Leon is based did, in fact, get the operation.)"

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Plucked her eyebrows on the way, shaved her legs and then he was a she. She said hey babe, takena walk on the wild side.

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"Do do do, do do do do do, do, do do, do do do do do."

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I met her in a club down in old SoHo...

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Wow! Never even occurred to me that was what it was about!

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"According to a prog buddy of mine there are no more trans people than ever before."

There are More Bagpipes than ever before.

*ponders* This might not be the sound argument your buddy thinks it is.

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If there aren't any more trans now than ever then why are they opening more clinics and training more doctors? Kind of like when at first they talked about outlawing transing the kids in Texas they protested that it wasn't necessary because no one was doing it. Then, when it was outlawed clinics closed and doctors fled the state. Hmmm

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Juxtaposing "sound argument" and "bagpipes" is probably illegal.

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Cute! Thanks for that bit of levity!

In all seriousness, though, I have been disappointed in the Scots' reaction to all this recent tyranny. The line from "Flower of Scotland" that claims, "But we can still rise now and be the nation again, that stood against him, proud Edward's army, and sent him homeward tae(sp) think again" rings hollow with all the capitulation and submission. My forbears are rolling in their graves.

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Aye! My grandfather, and his grandfather before him wouldna recognize the Scots today.

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"Yes, the government loves me, because the NYT told me so."

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Sorta like the explosion of autism isn’t new. Just better “diagnostics” 💉

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"he inability of her world view to explain the most obvious of in-person observable realties."

Wait til she hears about Breast Feeding.

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Side note - isn't EL GATO MALO terrific? One of my favorite Substackers. It warms my heart to see that you like him, too.

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"I have nipples, can you milk me?"

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With the very best professional dissemblers working overtime to gaslight humanity, how long do you think civilization will last? The following is an example of what halfwits tell dimwits about what constitutes reality:


Is there any wonder why the dimwits are profoundly stupid and prepared to press the end of the world button?

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The easiest way to distinguish a man from a woman is to examine the arms. A woman's arms bend outward so as to be able to hang down freely without interference from her hips. A man's arms hang straight down because his hips extend in a straight line extending from armpit to ankle.

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Try standing up with your head against the wall with your hands on the arms of a chair. Keep your head fixed there and try to lift the chair away from the wall at the same time you pull your head away.

Males can not do this. But women can because of their center of gravity.

Just a fun exercise based on exactly what you're saying.

100% true no matter body type

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And tranny surgery doesn’t change this RG 😁

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I'm trying to visualize but I don't see the positions:

Man is standing with his back to the wall, head touching wall?

Where exactly is the chair's starting position?

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There’s an old All in the Family episode where they demonstrate this maneuver.

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Similarly, women can put their arms behind their back from all fours/pushup (with thighs perpendicular to the ground), while we XY-ers fall on our face.

No using arms to push from ground first.

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Which MAY be the origin of "throwing like a girl"?

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha....

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I never knew this. Just compared myself to my son and you’re quite correct. 👍🏻 Thanks!

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Men's and women's minds are as different as their bodies, or maybe even more different:


A new study from Stanford shows remarkable differences between female and male brains. The researchers found no overlap between male and female, and rejected the idea of a "continuum."

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There goes their funding.

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There is quite a bit of research supporting this.

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My question would be does this "successful woman" have a lick of smarts, let alone common sense or is she, like most lib females, a person who benefited from huge privilege... My observation is in those venues a woman doesn't have to be smart or anything like it. Vagina is enough... That good old DEI.

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War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Diversity is strength.

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none of us alone is as dumb as all of us together.

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this is perhaps the most frightening aspect of humanity.

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This will always be true.

Not to take away from you or Ed, but it could be argued that it is more frightening if those who are "smart" enough to recognize this, think they are so alone that they do not believe they can make a difference together.

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Just so.

The ability to find one's tribe is arguably the most important aspect of the Internet in general, and platforms like substack in particular.

Here in the People's Republic of Silicon Valley, I am surrounded by vast herds who fervently believe in pseudo-adult equivalents of the Tooth Fairy, and whom I have no doubt would quickly devolve into a barbarian mob given a seemingly ever-expanding set of circumstances that appear increasingly likely.

Even though I've never met you in person, my trust in you, gato and many others here far exceeds that in my neighbors, immediate or otherwise.

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Well said! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Exactly, mate!

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I first came to see reverse synergy in the pentagon decision meeting I attended late 1990’s. One of my associates mentioned it. Bad decisions at the pentagon are usually “sunk cost” fallacy that the majority signs up for.

In my long career I avoided assignments at the pentagon, only brief meetings l

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This was my pervading argument about Covid, a sunk cost logical fallacy that they were going to ride off into a ravine. And then they did...

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Your final picture illustrates why it is important for (especially EU) bureaucrats to make enough rules to keep us really really safe.

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Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

George Carlin

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For God so loved the world He didn't send a committee.

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🤣 good one

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I think they’re called mobs.

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"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.|

- Frank Zappa

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"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe" Albert Einstein

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“Intelligence is a constant, and the population is growing.” No idea who said that but it’s one of my favorites.

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Group-think equals No-think.

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FUNNY !!! but

If that credo were the initial basis on which the species evolved, we would have all gone extinct a loooong time ago ...

Human societies, whatever their location or size, thrive as long as the smart, experienced, farsighted AND empathic ones among them make MOST of the decisions.

That, unfortunately for the West, is history ...

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This is double plus ungood.

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Time is opium.

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Will have to re-read, as your long-form posts both needs and deserves that (or it's me that needs to re-read to "get it"). Either way:

"i think that there is a small, very smart group of global elites that is trying to destroy western civilization as an actual end goal. they were taught to hate it and they want to tear it down."

Suggestion, it is even easier and sillier than that:

They want it ground to dust, not for an idealistic or utopian or ideological reason, nor from petty spite though that may of course play into it on an emotional level.

No, they simple want it gone so there's nothing for anyone to compare them to.

Imagine being Bob Iger or Kathleen Kennedy right now, having what you've done with (or should that be "to"?) theme-parks, movie franchises, classic animated movies and so on put side-by-side with what Jim Henson, Walt Disney and all his animators and other crew, and George Lucas achieved with less than 1/100 of the resources you've squandered in ten years.

Hence their drive to become unburdened by what has been. Hence lines in movies saying "The past is over. Kill it if you must." Hence spending billions upon billions on producing crap like the LotR-themed TV-series:

By smudging, befouling, defiling and shittifying the past, newcomers to (in this example) Americana and american pop-culture will ignore both the works produced in our present as well as the old classics, leaving the path open to them accepting a New Deal of media consisting of on-message content, but (again) unburdened by what has been.

Objectively speaking, it is stupid and evil. But from their perspective, it is rational and logical and justifiable, as they see themselves as the pinnacle of Arbiters of Right, Good and Proper.

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This is not a new idea. The Germanic Barbarian/Christian Church coalition erased the culture, knowledge, and particularly the philosophies of the Roman world. Islam did the same with the Egyptian and Persian civilizations. The Renaissance and Enlightenment occurred as a direct result of the rediscovery of the ancient Greek and Roman philosophies.

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I hope we're not past our Best By Date.

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As stated by my dad who was also a first born child like me, first born children are like waffles, you throw out the first one.

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Oh so now you tell me this, the missing piece of the puzzle. Now it starting to make sense. 🤔

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The Teutonic/Nordic eq. to the golden rule can be summed up as "don't be an untrustworthy violent deceitful asshole, because people will gang up on you and wipe you out".

Call me a savage, but that rings much more true for me as sound advice. On the other hand, there's no conflict between that and the golden rule - may go towards explaining the success of the descendants of the Celt, Norse, Teutons and such.

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You just earned yourself a reading assignment:


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I cede to your point.

"The rediscovery of ancient knowledge, which the later Italian humanists claimed for themselves, was actually accomplished in the twelfth century."

Ancient knowledge was rediscovered much earlier than The Renaissance, but nonetheless, the Dark Ages did see a loss of, or arguably a repression of, ancient knowledge.

BTW, good article, worth reading.

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Thanks, that one of the seminal articles in my life in adjusting my thinking. I later went on to read a bunch of medievalists; Regine Perroud's Those Horrible Middle Ages, written by a Frenchwoman who knew her stuff and had a great sense of humor, also enlightens.

If you want to read a book that will chip away at the other end of the Dark Ages, Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited makes the argument, first made by Henri Pirenne, that the collapse in Western Europe was due to Islamic Conquests cutting off trade with the east. There's a great historical fact in there that backs up the idea: ancient French Royal records are recorded on papyrus, the cheap, easily-available writing medium that was no longer supplied after the conquest of Egypt. The author claims that this caused an economic collapse because business could no longer record transactions, a little bit like what might happen to us if silicon storage disappeared from the market. Using parchment for ledgers was too costly...

Oh, one other you MUST add to the reading pile: The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise. Like the Renaissance, the story of enlightened Islamic Spain is mostly spin and propaganda, and the author, one pissed-off Spaniard, brings the goods.

There was a Dark Age as Jane Jacobs describes it, when the memory of what was lost is lost. But it was ending about the 11th century in the West (except England, where the Roman Collapse left the Island less capable than it had been before Roman Conquest: maybe this influences our idea of darkness, being speakers of Anglo-Saxon languages) and the bright progress was really only stopped by the plague caused by Justinian's Flea, the last great book I'll mention, in 1350.

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Thanks, I'll check it out. Right now I'm starting a book on the Holy Roman Empire, which gets short shrift by historians, even though it was a major power throughout the Middle Ages.

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One last more thing. One of the most disturbing aspects of the modern Woke movement is the continual desire for a year 0, which they have in common with all authoritarians (if you visit the central train station in Milan, you'll find it was built in the year IX of the Fascist era).

That's a small bit of what

Boccaccio was doing with "Renaissance."

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Although the Golden Rule is from The Bible

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The Golden Rule is in the Bible but other cultures have discovered it as well. However, up until the invention of the printing press, most people did not have access to a bible, let alone the ability to read it. The Church controlled all "spiritual information".

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This is why it's so important to study and understand Cluster B personality disorders. Knowing their maneuvers makes defending against them much more bearable.

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I see Jim Kunstler refer to Cluster B a lot. I'm finally going to dig into the definition and implications. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Rufo does a good job here, IMO


If you want a podcast explainer, I invite you to follow Disaffected, hosted by Josh Slocum. His interview with me can be found here:


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Appreciate it!

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"No, they simple want it gone so there's nothing for anyone to compare them to."

I think it's even more simpler than that: https://youtu.be/efHCdKb5UWc?si=SPcIhf89ffdwTvA5

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I particularly liked getting unburdened by what has been in your comment.

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My husband teaches at a small liberal arts college in the Midwest. It doesn’t have a lot of international students, but occasionally they will enroll. A couple years ago one of them was caught cheating during an exam. The evidence was irrefutable but the student didn’t comprehend why it was a problem. His defense was that this is what all students did in high school in his own country. That defense didn’t save him from an F, but it did starkly illustrate the cultural difference in the moral perception of cheating.

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Reminds me of a co-worker I had once had who said “I cheated my way through high school, and I cheated my way through college, and . . .” - I wonder where he is now, probably working in the election integrity field.

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I don't believe that the student did not comprehend that cheating is not ok. Surely the students in his country must also hide their cheating. He's just manipulating the staff, because he has determined (probably with some merit or experience) that incomprehension and citing different cultural norms will get him off the hook.

So he's a liar AND he thinks we're stupid. (Or maybe KNOWS we're stupid.)

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I knew of someone who lied quite a bit about things he did that were verifiable, so the only conclusion we could come to was that he thought we were stupid.

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Oh damn, you know Tim Walz? What's he like?

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Sorry, what you perceive as cheating is common in many cultures.

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Not recent phenomenon. My spouse saw it in engineering school at a state uni in the 70s, from a bunch of students from a ME country.

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So he was from California?

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Have you ever read the Talmud ??? ...

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Have you ever read ignorant translations of bits taken out of context from the Talmud?

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{...ignorant translations of bits taken out of context...}

If Talmud was peaceful and egalitarian, most probably team Netanyahu has ... 🤔🤔🤔

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The mistake conservatives make is they think they’re dealing with rational actors, that by presenting a logical argument, that by showing them the false presumptions in their ideology they will come round to their way of seeing but this is not the case. There’s no debate to be had, there’s no rational way out of this situation. It’s an impasse. I guess that only leaves two options: 1. Kill it with fire or 2. Somehow silo them so they don’t drag us all to hell.

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The only hope is Auguste Comte's idea that "Demographics is Destiny". A couple more decades of abortions on demand, chopping off genitals, social contagion of LGBTQ, reduced birthrates, etc. and the left just may go the way of the Dodo.

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Praying that you’re right.

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🤞🤞🤞 !!!

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"The mistake conservatives make is they think they’re dealing with rational actors..."

Kirschner hears ya


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Please note that you can criticize almost everything in our societies except for Islam and Marxism. Those are the two dominant forces and history tells us that life under their dominance has never been good and never will be. Unfortunately many of our fellow citizens are attracted by the egalitarian bla bla bla and they love to be told what to do in exchange for a chunk of bread and little work. They will regret it but it is already too late in my view to meaningfully change this slide….obviously led by stupid Europeans.

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Who knew that the movie Idiocracy was actually a MENSA meeting compared to today’s world.

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The only thing you can't criticize is jews.

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I wish I really thought deep down inside that it wasn't "too late" for talking and "negotiating" with the other side... You need an honest broker that is TRUELY willing to meet you halfway to allow cultures to blend... even oil and water will stay together for a period of time if you shake them up,,,

I think the ship has sailed and I think we are going to revisit a time from our past where violence was the norm rather than an exception... Look back in the 60's at all the assassinations and bombings...

History has a way of repeating itself when its lessons are lost...

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What we learn from History is that no one learns from History

Otto von Bismarck

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It difficult to have a discussion with a brick soaked in LSD. All most of these progressives do is regurgitate utter nonsense and simply don’t answer or acknowledge any questions that challenge their madness. You get a looney gaslighting answer for every 7 questions. Everything else is ignored.

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as exemplified by the VP that may become the President

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I think one fundamental difference is this:

Do you approach a conflict as something to (re)solve, so that the source of the conflict ceases to cause conflict?

Or do you approach a conflict as something to win/lose?

It can be plotted as one of them Pareto-square thingies, where upper left corner is solve-solve and the bottom right is win/lose-win/lose.

So if your opponent is of the "conflicts can be won/lost"-variety, you'll always lose if you go in with a "resolve"-frame of mind.

How to achieve mutual trust and so, well I'd need some 20 000 words for that one.

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Yes, this. I come from a dysfunctional family and conflict resolution is all but impossible. It always ends up with some version of "that never happened and you're crazy" usually followed by retaliation and a smear campaign. So nothing ever gets resolved, resentments build, the persons trying to address the real problems are scapegoated and eventualy it all ends in estrangement. Which is then blamed on the persons who attempted conflict resolution in the first place. Rinse and repeat.

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You’ve been a fly on the wall in my household? This is exactly what happened to me. Now estranged from extended family on both sides and a daughter. And all because I was trying to resolve conflicts. But if the conflicts got resolved too many people would be found to have lied nastily, and it was a threat. It was better for them to make be the bad guy so they could continue to lie and defame. By having a scapegoat they could all go on their merry ways happy that the “trouble maker” was no longer in their midst. 🙄

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In psychotherapy you are the 'identified client'. Tough row to hoe. My sympathies.

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That's a nice euphemism for current global "diplomacy" 👍👍

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That is a very important statement to remember in dealing with what is happening.

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Game theory.

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That's the one, thanks!

One can add a Z-axis to the box grid: making winning impossible/making victory (or resolution) undesirable.

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{...How to achieve mutual trust and so, well I'd need some 20 000 words for that one...}

WORDS ????? 🤔🤔🤔

Y E A R S !!!

and as it currently looks, even

D E C A D ES !!!

IF ever ...

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Don't overlook the power of Krispy Kremes.

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Very powerful indeed !!!

It perfectly shows in American health-statistics ...

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Speaking of Pareto...

In addition to conflict, 80-20 rule efficiency, etc. the sociologist/economist was very influential to aspiring Fascists. Notably, Benito Mussolini. Who became familiar with his work in 1903 when he was studying in Switzerland.

The State-approved narrative resource WikiLeaks has this to say about Vilfredo Pareto:


Fascism and power distribution

Renato Cirillo wrote that Vilfredo Pareto had frequently been considered a predecessor of fascism as a result of his support for the movement when it began. However, Cirillo disagreed with this interpretation, suggesting that Pareto was critical of fascism in his private letters.

Pareto argued that democracy was an illusion and that a ruling class always emerged and enriched itself. For him, the key question was how actively the rulers ruled. For this reason, he called for a drastic reduction of the state and welcomed Benito Mussolini's rule as a transition to this minimal state so as to liberate the "pure" economic forces.

When he was still a young student, the future leader of Italian fascism Benito Mussolini attended some of Pareto's lectures at the University of Lausanne in 1904. It has been argued that Mussolini's move away from socialism towards a form of "elitism" may be attributed to Pareto's ideas. Franz Borkenau, a biographer, argued that Mussolini followed Pareto's policy ideas during the beginning of his tenure as prime minister.

Karl Popper dubbed Pareto the "theoretician of totalitarianism", but, according to Renato Cirillo, there is no evidence in Popper's published work that he read Pareto in any detail before repeating what was then a common but dubious judgement in anti-fascist circles."

FF - Not that this adds to the point of your comment. Just that as we are looking down a double-barrel totalitarian shotgun, Communism loaded in one barrel and Fascism loaded in the other, it's interesting to know the theories that inspire these people.

Another concept attribued to Pareto is the "Circulation of the Elite."


"Changes of regime, revolutions, and so on occur not when rulers are overthrown from below, but when one elite replaces another. The role of ordinary people in such transformation is not that of initiators or principal actors, but as followers and supporters of one elite or another."

FF - As we see the big names coming and going between political leaders, names with very 'flexible' ideological beliefs, this Pareto concept is also valuable in understanding our times.

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Well explained. Nice!

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Thank you.

It came to me years and years ago, when I pondered why the school system persists in failing at handling bullying, poor performance and other common problems that logistically and resource-wise seem so easy to fix.

The women controlling the school system are more interested in winning (seeing their ideas being proven right, or at least not disproven) than they are seeing an end to the problem.

I've seen it among men too, but they are more easily challenged, as their posse often dumps them when it becomes obvious the top dog has lost the plot; women instead close ranks and form a Schiltrom.

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And so, el buscador gato, you of course know this:

Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, said "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Once again, the Bible, which so many deign to rebuke and malign, proves eternally relevant. You are a wise person sir. Go forth and preach.

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It's a great idea, and it is a testament to Christianity that it is so well known and cited thusly.

But Reciprocity - in force, in cooperation, in commerce - is a very old idea, without which almost none of civilization would have, you know, civilized.

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This idea of a bottom up movement would make more sense were it not the published plans of 19th and 20th Century multi millionaires and billionaires in the Fabian socialist groups and freemasons who have been against Christendom for generations.

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i'd be a little careful with that as it works differently when you look backwards.

1000's of people hatched 1000's of plans. looking back, you pick out and focus on the couple that happen to look like what happened. that sort of retrospective analysis carries a heavy bias in it and you can see intentionality where there was just luck.

sure, they had a plan. but did they run it? did they do anything? that's always the real acid test is where were they are rubber met road. it's easy to assume unseen forces being cunning and effective, but then you watch these people in real time and see how badly they fail and beclown themselves. it seems to set up this odd dissonance of "they are obviously ineffective" but assuming that somehow in the past they were.

this leaves me with a lot of doubts about the overall intentionality.

soros is likely about the most effective of the bunch, but other than wrecking law and order in US cities, what has he really accomplished?

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I think it is more of a dialectical thing. The Marxists like Gramsci had plans, which they implemented, but some weakness in the culture (?the death of God? The ascent of the feminine?) made "the people" all too ready to pick up and carry the torch. So it is both top down and bottom up.

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I just wrote basically the same thing, but this is more succinct

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You may wish to read G. Edward Griffin's _The Creature from Jekyll Island _. Yes, they ran their plans. Published in parts in the last testament of Cecil Rhodes. Detailed in numerous documents. These are not unseen forces. They are openly evil.

Antony Sutton wrote several books about them and their actual actions supporting Lenin, Tojo, Hitler, Mao and other authoritarians. You might like _The War on Gold _ for example.

I have been studying history actively for fifty years. Yes, there are actually wicked demon worshippers.

You might want to look directly at the contents of Anthony Wiener's laptop, especially the video file he named "Frazzle Drip". You might like _Legacy of Ashes_ or _The Devil's Chessboard _.

But you might be happier not looking.

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Ecumenical reader. Devil's Chessboard is a distinctly left-wing work. Not many people combine that with Sutton. Well done, sir.

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Lew Rockwell recommended Talbot's _The Devil's Chessboard_ on his website. Lew is not regarded as lefty.

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I've even written for Lew. No lefty. He isn't doctrinaire.

The thing about that book is, it's written by a leftist criticizing the agency when it was run by right-wingers. Now the criticism comes from the right because the CIA seems to lean left, or at least in favor of the professional-managerial class. In both forms it backed the centralized Federal Regime in DC, of course.

Lew opposes the regime in DC consistently, whether it's left or right criticizing it. I respect that.

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I met Lew at a Mises circle in Houston in the late 1990s iirc. He does oppose the regime. I am somewhat more jaundiced in my outlook. I oppose all regimes.

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Though there's at least one area where "they" were, and still are, highly effective at carrying out a long range plan: the health care/science/depopulation field. Replacing natural medicine modalities with poison, including vaccines that contain mercury and aluminum which have long been known to contribute to neurological damage. Gain of function research that "escapes" labs and results in illness that debilitates and kills those already made vulnerable by the above and toxins in food, air and water. The list goes on. Death by a thousand cuts and most definitely we'll planned and executed.

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I did not read the entire article. But I agree that this world destruction is being coordinated from the top. This group of evil people may be (relatively) small, but they're evil and they have their fingers in everything, it seems.

These globalists are running a planned world destruction, so they can unite the world in their image. They are evil, and the essence of their evil is that they're anti Gd - which includes being against reality, and against truth, and against morality, and against each individual person's honor, as being created in the image of Gd - and against life.

Your analysis explains why the general populace is subject to being led in this direction. It explains the particular vulnerabilities of the western populace to the particular methodologies and false theories (stories, or in the words of James Lyndsay, myths) that are being deployed upon them. (You know that only the western world suffers from these particular vulnerabilities. They would not work in Muslim countries, for example. Nor in Russia - to subdue Russia, the globalists have to resort to war.)

In short, a group of evil people are coordinating and fomenting the destruction of the world, and the western populace, because of its particular vulnerabilities and sins, is a partner in its own destruction.

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In short:


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No, not quite. The globalist elite is the one who is anti-Zionist, and in fact outright antisemitic, as in, seeking the annihilation of all Jews. This is one reason why they're exporting radical Islamists throughout the world. Your call to "End Zionism" would play right into the globalist elites' agenda. Sorry that you're so full of hatred that you cannot see this truth, and must persist in posting ignorant and antisemitic comments.

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End Nazis!

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BINGO !!! 👍👍👍 💯💯💯

From recent events, the global citizenry perfectly understood that both are the two faces of EXACTLY the same ideology: TOTAL SUPREMACY (based on plain and total BS) and utter disrespect for anything outside of their own, highly restricted, narcissistic mind-set !!!

Based on these facts, many a folks currently ask themselves who did Hitler and the Nazis really serve ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

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Growing up in Ireland in the 1950's my parents' generation were taught everything through the Irish language and spoke it at home. When they got into their later teens and went looking for work they found that the Irish language was worthless to them - they needed to speak fluent English and never heard an Irish voice. That ingrained a resentment towards the language.

A few decades later, my generation growing up in the 1980's despised the language, and along with it much of the culture seeing it as uneducated. We only ever used the language doing the mandatory Irish language class in school, outside of certain common phrases the language was never part of common culture, culture was heavily driven by Britain and entirely in the English language.

Jump to the first two decades of the 21st century and the language was starting to make a comeback. That was, right up until the department of education announced that elementary schools needed to start teaching additional foreign languages to support the significant number of immigrants being brought into the country. This feels like the death knells of the language, just when it was starting to recover.

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This is exactly what has happened in my area to my Mennonite husband’s Pennsylvania Dutch language. His grandparents were fluent, but his parent’s generation saw it as sounding uneducated and never taught their children.

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See my post below

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I read an interesting statement a couple days ago. It said: "We must stop calling ourselves Brits. We are the indigenous people of England Ireland and Scotland." That puts the invasion there in a different context, because these same government nitwits and media scolds always go on about protecting indigenous people.

From point 2: "eventually you wind up with a government that really, truly, actually hates its own citizens" That IS true NOW. They marshal all the forces of captured law and police to enforce their agenda and intimidate the population. They have worked to make the populations impotent to do anything about it. They really do intend to kill most of us by hook, crook, injections, and famine.

Your paragraph: "i think that there is a small, very smart group of global elites that is trying to destroy western civilization as an actual end goal" says it all. I actually don't believe they are as smart as they think they are. when you have committees and organizations, the output IQ tends to go to the mean. But, they have captured all the governments and agencies to do their bidding. I also believe they expected "this hot mess hodgepodge" which is why they opened so many fronts from the injections to burning food processing buildings, illegal alien invasions, pushing becoming transgender eunuchs, not marrying and having children, DEI equity and inclusion, 4th generation feminism, and constant narrative gaslighting and fear porn.

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"We are the indigenous people of England Ireland and Scotland."

*oodles and oodles of Anglo-Saxons have entered the chat*

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"...but we DON'T want the Irish!"


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The inspiration for inclusiveness.

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I know I don't really need to explain this here but Blazing Saddles is the best argument against racism Hollywood had ever made.

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I agree. and the best movie for breaking the 4th wall. Always included the audience. "But why am I asking you?"

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*Neanderthal enters the chat*

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I have a lot of respect for Team Neanderthal.


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Ya but, I are Norwegian. And, it looks likes what became the Vikings

originated in Anatolia near the Black sea. Odin came from there and traveled with his people up the Dneiper River to what is now Sweden. This was at the end of the Younger Dryas, So, I guess not too many people anywhere were indigenous from that time. Some are refugees from Doggerland when the ocean waters rose/

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As an American descendant of the indigenous peoples of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Iceland, I stand with my cousins here in America and those in the isles of my forebears to say, in the words of our friends in Germany, ‘Auslander Raus!” It is time for us isle dwellers and isle descendants to channel the Viking in us (because we are all thoroughly mixed) to rise up in the Western World and rid ourselves of the non Anglo Saxon Celtic Germanic invaders.

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BINGO !!! but

please don't call them invaders !!

Western TV stations broadcasting everywhere, entirely pushed by evil groups are like magnets constantly attracting them ...

Real invaders COME already armed, this time, the a.m. evil groups arm them once already being IN the country !!!

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You'll have to pry my Greco-Roman wife from my...

Well, this is a family blog.

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The long march, indeed

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*sniff sniff* Smells like Gramsci around here.

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Make that 10 people

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Why not just make 10 louder?

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. . .

This one goes up to 11?!

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Every civilization that has ever existed has ultimately collapsed. History is a tale of efforts that failed, or aspirations that weren’t realized. So, as a historian, one has to live with a sense of the inevitability of tragedy.

Henry A. Kissinger

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and Kissinger was one of the architects of Western collapse. Klaus Schwab was mentored by him. Kissinger was behind opening China and the idea if we outsource our production to China they will become capitalist and more like us.

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I am against portraying China as the demon of the global community. China has grasped more quickly than other countries what globalization means and what it demands. The country has learned how to use other people's innovations for itself. India, incidentally, is not far behind China in this respect. Both are not nations in the European sense, but rather cultural communities with enormous markets. The challenge of the future is to work out how to deal with that.

Henry A. Kissinger

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The challenge of the future indeed!

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“It’s pure dogmatic religion masquerading as intellectual exercise, and it spreads like plague into the minds of no other core beliefs”. So well put and clearly apparent to those who DO have them. My question: why do so many not have core beliefs they live by? Not entirely a rhetorical question, because this is a serious, cultural disaster.

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We underestimate the amount of nihilism and thoughtlessness that has infected society, especially in the younger generations that have never lived in a world that looked any different than today.

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Christianity built Western civilization and the Enlightenment* progressively destroyed it.

*That term is a truly brilliant bit of propaganda. I was motivated to look up where it came from. Apparently "Enlightenment" is just an English gloss on "Les Lumieres," that group of 17th-century rationalists, including such figures as Spinoza, Voltaire, and Rousseau, who softened up the target for Robespierre and company.

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Note the Byzantine empire, Constantinople lasted a thousand years after Rome evaporated......

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They also severely restricted the role of jews in society.

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Correct. The Eastern Roman empire, did not officially end until 5-29-1453. The "fatal head wound", the end of the "legs of iron" 3-3-1924.

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"i think that there is a small, very smart group of global elites that is trying to destroy western civilization as an actual end goal."

But, why? Bored? Guilt? What mental illness possesses them?

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because they would like to be an aristocracy positioned to dictate the ends they feel best for the world rather than what the world itself would choose.

they style themselves the best and brightest and assume the rest need them to lead lest we all succumb to our own shortsighted stupidity.

they think we must plan form the top down and therefore oppose the idea of rights.

they actually believe themselves to be moral, the good guys, plato's benign dictators.

and they will burn the world to save it.

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I think you give them too much credit for being rational and thinking things through. As JBP has said, maybe Hitler's goal wasn't to conquer Europe at all, but to burn it all to the ground. Maybe (unconsciously) these guys also just want to see it all burn. To add some adventure to their small, pathetic lives, even if it kills them. We all have a shadow side.

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{...To add some adventure to their small, pathetic lives, even if it kills them...}


If life gets boring, risk it !!!

Wing-suits come to mind .....

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Why don't you call a spade a spade ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

Substack doesn't censor .... yet

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The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.

H. L. Mencken

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We all tiptoe around that word don't we.

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Well, not HIM personally, but the ones worshipping HIM ...

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Because they can.😐 because who will call them out?😐🤨

They know this. If they go too hard, to full metal jacket, then they know they will have unrest, riots, and villagers storming the castle, but if they have silk gloves and encourage victim mentality, then none will stand against them because there's no villain per se. They have the populace gaslit and ghosted- it's not them, it's you.

Reality is it's them and the kumbaya club are letting them.

🎶🎶🎶#dontletthemhide #dontbuytheBS #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Power. They believe they will somehow be left alone to rule over the ashes.

At this point in time I believe there are still enough people of a sane, who are genuinely intelligent and of enough moral character to keep the whole ship of state from capsizing.

If you take RFK Jr.’s move over to the MAGA side of the spectrum, it can be illustrative of that fact, and its repercussions can help to energize a sizable shift in the ballast of the ship. It’s reverberations opens a way for others, who may also have recognized the danger signs inherent in their particular vein of allegiance, to allow themselves to move further if not altogether away from that over-weighted side of the ship and aid in restoring balance.

It is just one example of many that may create a spark of hope that all is all is not lost. But it cannot happen without people who are willing to exercise courage and humility and sacrifice of their once dearly held beliefs, and perhaps more, in the process.

A tall order to be sure, but not impossible.

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I don't support the Trump/Kennedy agenda because I believe they can right the ship. The ship is doomed, but many of the crew and passengers are not. We need a Capitan who will steer the ship as close to the beach as possible rather than one who will drive it into the rocks. A Trump presidency will not prevent collapse, but hopefully will prevent annihilation.

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*rereads, hears 'Be ready to Jump Ship' in head*

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Yup, there are plenty of Normies who refuse to believe the ship is sinking.

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{...a sizable shift in the ballast of the ship...}

The ONLY place any size of ballast can keep a vessel upright is in its keel.

As it happened to the Bayesian mega yacht off the shores of Palermo lately, its keel was retracted during a violent water spout that sunk it within minutes; some hatches and windows open.

The West is currently at the final stages of this very point.

By now, we all know WHO gave orders to retract the keel ...

They're desperate and can't hide any more.

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I imagine they can steal and pillage more that way. The middle class must be annihilated. And power, sweet, delicious power. Never enough.

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Control, power, the ability to subjugate people

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Talmud ...

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