Sounds a bit like that MIT review of social media posts by Covid Skeptics, where they found that there was a bit of rigor but were puzzled that the Skeptics viewed Science as a Process rather than an Institution.

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We have to apply Theory of Mind analysis as to what's going on with them. 1) They are convinced this is a once in century plague. 2) Their confirmation bias has proved to themselves that rain dancing NPI works. 3) The unknowns such as variants are truly frightening, and the precautionary principle requires taking drastic action. 4) Then along come these "critical thinkers", who are welcome during normal times, but who now could torpedo all the hard-won gains and send us off the edge of a cliff. We simply do not have the space or time to indulge in academic "critical thought". 4) We must now do everything to suppress the alternative narrative, to save humankind, even if it means suspending critical thinking temporarily.

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What do you suggest to those who do NOT want the vaccine, but the heads of these agencies , slurping up all this mis-information, are now mandating it for them to come to work. My kid just got this news today. She's healthy and in her early 30s. She's in tears and angry. It's a behavioral health facility for children. Haven't had any issues with kids or adults. Medical and Religious waivers offered with 2x week testing. Antibody tests not accepted. I told her to quit and find something else, but I think all places like this are going to be following suit. Suggestions? Thanks!

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I hadn't seen that article. Wow. Just wow.

I've become so accustomed to rabbit holes that I sometimes feel like that guy in the Airstream in the middle of the Arizona desert with tin foil on the windows. Did you ever notice, though, that he's always the only guy in the movie who actually knows what going on?

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I can’t tell if your comment about “the liturgy in Latin” is entirely serious. Latin was once the language of the people (“vulgar” like the Latin Vulgate Bible). Catholics believe the Mass is when eternity enters into time; it wouldn’t be entirely anachronistic to maintain a language — but more to the point, a rite (if you are alluding to the recent misguided restrictions on, not Latin per se but on the “old” or “extraordinary” or Tridentine form of the Mass) — wherein, human time is let’s say sacramentally superseded. What’s more is that the use of Latin has historically allowed greater clarification of and “critical thinking” about even the deepest mysteries. If I’ve misunderstood, fine, I look like a bunny rabbit about now. But the bad cats of the Catholic Church like their Agnus Dei.

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It would be fitting, no perfect if the rag that carries the water for the liberal elites has just called the top in the COVID propaganda sweepstakes. Just listen to us and by extension Uncle Joe and Andy because we have it all under control if only you silly wabbits would stop going down that rabbit hole. I mean 16 months in, with the mask mandates back and fall lockdowns around the corner, why would you dare to peak in the rabbit hole? Just double mask up, sit back and we will let you know when you can go for your first of many boosters!

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I love your use of language. Your sobriquet is gato elegante.

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i was sent to a training class early in my military career, there were students from other country's military who used our systems.

one of the common questions often to the american in the next seat was "how come.....?' they needed context, and they needed to think the subject matter through

years later i was the teacher, and we used critical thinking to get the knowledge across, we "used" why's but 'how comes' could'a worked.

if you do not take the subject in to the "rabbit hole" you are hiding things from the thirster of knowledge...

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My favorite couple 😻. They do actually get along quite well. 🐱 🐰

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