Right. The abused woman who gets to a therapist after 19 disastrous relationships, still has no hope of ever recovering unless she has the aha! moment of realizing she picked the bastards. The only thing you can ever change is yourself. Wanting to become happy at the expense of others and holding them responsible, is purely psychotic behavior. The world always wants to sell the notion that happiness comes from outside, but the reverse is true. It never does. We all know that when we meet sick people, or poor people or whatever who are cheerful in spite of adversity, and we meet billionaires who are miserable. It never ceases to amaze. The DEI/CRT world is letting the inmates run the asylum.

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Agreed. As an aside, I find it difficult to find a trained therapist who will listen when I say “I keep making these mistakes. What’s up with my thinking and how do I adjust it?” It’s hard to find a guide on this journey. Anyway, astute comment. : )

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Funny, when I was in a mid life crisis, and going through a career change, I once asked a therapist that question, what was the problem between my ears? For me the long term answer was the study of A Course in Miracles, and I studied with Ken Wapnick for many years - he was a clinical psychotherapist, who ended up doing nothing else but teaching ACIM, and undoubtedly helping many with that exact issue, learning to take responsibility for yourself.

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"A Course in Miracles" is something I have not tried. I know my thinking is tilted and wanted/want someone to listen, hear it, & point out. I obviously have unrealistic goals or I'm a little lazy : (

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The "miracle" in A Course in Miracles, is exactly the ability to change your mind - not somebody else's, let alone some physical demonstration of anything. A Jesus is quoted in Greek in the NT, it is his concept of "metanoia" change of mind, which under the influence of later theology was perverted into repentance, but that was not what he was talking about.

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It sounds like I could learn something. My Son bought me a book about Seneca for Christmas. It seems promising.

The influence of theology is a powerful tool fir perversion; sadly

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A good therapist will never point out what is wrong. The whole idea is that you have the aha moment when you figure it out. That is the hard part of therapy.

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I am not asking for a quick fix, just guidance. I have been willing to do the work. I think that’s a cop out.

There is an inherent problem with that method. If someone’s brain is messed up by whatever, their thinking is influenced by the issue. That needs to be addressed and pointed out. I believe CPT tries to do that, as well as other methodologies. If a therapist can’t act as a guide . . ., I don’t know.

By the way, who decides what a good therapist is and what they are allowed to do? Mostly rhetorical. Don’t bother to answer

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At higher levels it's as tightly regulated as the drug-pushers. At my level I just call myself a hypnotherapist and offer therapy, sinking or swimming based on success/referrals.

Reach out for a freebie? jungletrekka@protonmail.com

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You find your way by listening to the things you say. Sometimes you will be amazed by saying something you didn't even know you were thinking. That is the beginning of a long journey. But it can work. Not all therapists are the same. If you can find one who works for the VA and takes private patients, that is a good place to start. They are used to difficult cases.

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i’ve got acim on the bookshelf next to the bed. it’s time to get into it. thank you for the reminder!

two other great books, which i have read, are “letting go: the pathway of surrender” by david r hawkins and “a world without fear” by john jones.

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I've been sadly disappointed with the seeming lack of desire on the part of multiple therapists to actually, you know, help with some healing.

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I suspect "the seeming lack of desire on the part of multiple therapists to actually help with some healing" may be as simple as old fashioned, straightforward, self interest.

Consider, for example, the "war on drugs", the "poverty industry", the indigenous industry, the famous "military/industrial complex", or the medical/pharma grifters club. Then there's the UN, and the biggest scam of all, government. All governments. Think about the tens of thousands of foundations, associations - and NGOs, all working toward some much touted "greater good". For the benefit of, of course, *insert victim group de jour here*.

Each of these entities, as well intentioned as their founders may have been, seems to have, inevitably, metastasized into ever more powerful manifestation of pure greed, seeking, no - demanding - more. More funding! MORE funding! More Power! GIVE US MORE!

And, in most cases, delivering ever less.

All of them.

Because - if they fix "the problem", we wouldn't need them any more.

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I used to volunteer for the board of directors of a women's shelter. The staff would regularly report to us on the occupancy levels of the home.

Something I found very disturbing was that they were always happiest when the home was full. But I guess they knew what side their bread was buttered on.

Years later I found out about Erin Pizzey. She's the EX-feminist who started the first women's shelter in the UK. Pizzey did what most people will not - she tried to find out what was causing the problem she was trying to help solve.

According to Wikipedia, "...{Pizzey] has been the subject of death threats and boycotts because her experience and research into the issue led her to conclude that most domestic violence is reciprocal, and that women are as capable of violence as men. These threats eventually led to her exile from the UK. Pizzey has said that the threats were from militant feminists."


So much for violence against women being all about men.

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It isn't politically possible to have serious talks about it. Plkus of course that men being stronger means that where he might feel pain from a punch, she will have fractures. That sort of skews the issue no matter the ratios.

Sadly, I no longer have access to a research report (canadian?) about domestic violence/spousal abuse and sexual orientation so I can't source this but I do remember that the worst most frequent offenders with the most sadistic forms of abuse were lesbians, followed by heteros, and then homosexual men.

Between lesbians, the violence was studied, thought out and drawn out and very very sadistic, bordering on outright mutilations. Between homosexuals, it rarely went beyond throwing things and slaps.

I remeemeber the reasearcher pointing out that the study hadn't gone into /why/ and that she had been denied funding to follow it up to look into that.

Take this with lots of salt, it's from memory and it's been 10-15 years or more since I read it.

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I was surprised when I learned this. I'd traditionally experienced lesbians as women who had been harmed by men, and stayed with their own kind. Had that "utopian women's community" image in my mind. Then, in the 90's, living next door to a lesbian couple, we had to take one to shelter.... eye opening.

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You have an excellent memory, Rikard.

"The [US] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey reports on the lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner, focusing for the first time on victimization by sexual orientation. It finds a victimization prevalence of 43.8 percent for lesbians, making it the second most affected group after bisexual women (61.1 percent), ahead of bisexual men (37.3 percent), heterosexual women (35 percent), heterosexual men (29 percent) and homosexual men (26 percent)."


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When I was living near Indiana University, I had coffee with a PhD student in sociology. His thesis was on the connection between verbal violence and domestic violence. Women can talk circles around men, and often do, and when the men don't have an "answer," they resort to fists. (he was a fascinating bloke, a former rodeo rider, now studying domestic violence!)

There is a connection, and I'm female and have had female friends who could really pour on the verbal violence. I used to do it myself - talking to this ex-rodeo rider was a bit of a turning point for me, in observing how I talked to my spouse.

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Yet feminists have long been pushing to have verbal bullying recognized as 'domestic abuse'...

I can think of at least 3 occasions when feminists have changed course and pushed against their own definitions being used, due to those definitions showing women as being more abusive than men.

And this: https://web.archive.org/web/20190607102158/https://web.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm

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Pizzey is (I hope she's still around) an amazing lady.

Here: https://web.archive.org/web/20190607102158/https://web.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm

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1st Rule of Politics: Never fix an issue that you can re-elected on.

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I'm proud to be very different from that, and work on the basis you pay me a lot, because you only need me once :)

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Am reminded of that old PSA:

"This is your war.

This is your war on drugs."

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I know. I have come to believe that they either have don’t really know how to help or they have an agenda that is dictated by the APA, or their personal style or program.

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Embrace the power of "Repeat Customer."

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I was thinking that as well. I know everyone isn't like that. I also know most therapist's hands are tied. It seems a little useless sometimes. I don't know. I don't want to give up.

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Don't give up.

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Look up Andy Shaw here on Substack. If you find value in it his books are are worth reading imo.

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Thank you, will do. I am a book reading, I do need a 5 sense experience though.

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"The abused woman who gets to a therapist after 19 disastrous relationships, still has no hope of ever recovering unless she has the aha! moment of realizing she picked the bastards. The only thing you can ever change is yourself. Wanting to become happy at the expense of others and holding them responsible, is purely psychotic behavior."

It is my view that what is commonly recognized as, "therapy" actively seeks to discredit the above - if people truly held that as conviction, therapists would be out of business.

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As a therapist whose entire approach is hypnosis to let the person find their aha-moment, I agree with you. Most therapy is utter shite, and does more harm than good.

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Hypnosis opens a door in the soul which allows demonic influence, please abstain from that and hypnotic-effect drugs!

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Sit down and tell me the problem Prof'?

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The divisive agenda is part of a global psy-op to divide nations and political movements into countless quarrels and divert social energy into debilitating or suicidal causes, instead of realizing they are being used and abused by the mason tyrants in the shadows, and drive their scarcer social energy against their not-so-invisible tyranny.

Now with respect to structural racism hidden goals:

• Divide and rule

• De-fund the police

• De-man the police: just as with the military, it’s harder to find new recruits, especially after people know how the police is used as cannon fodder, not even mentioning gay deliberate infiltration.

• Impoverish the poor: self-victimization places blame of one’s situation on others. The blame game creates a psycological slavery to other people. There’s no way out. There’s nothing you can do to find solutions. You can’t change your skin color and there’s a white conspiracy to oppress you. It’s always the fault and the decision of other people. Critical Race Theory is an ideology that blocks identifying the problems and taking responsibility to solve them. Feeling useless and hopeless is the fastest way to populism and communism: your only solution is Government aid. In sum, BLM is racial communism, brown communism, comparable to the pink, green, white and rainbow versions.

“BLM is the "racism of low expectations", the opposite of what it claims to be. It’s not about emancipation of the black population but about keeping them in their places as victims. Because victims are not in control of their own destiny.” 3

Remedy to the wokism. Don’t say ”look at what they have done of me”, rather ask yourself ”what am I going to do with what they have done of me”. 4

• War on whites, it’s part of the Kalergi plan to destroy developed countries from within, with a groomed racial conflict, a stealth civil war.

• Impoverish all races to pay slavery reparations

Caveat: being created in the image and likeness of God (Gn 1:26-27), all humans share the same divine dignity. Under God, no race is higher or better than another. The only thing that counts on judgement day, is how much each person loved God and neighbor in each minute. God wants all men from all peoples to be saved (Is 2:1-5; Rev 5:9; Ps 2:8). Skin pigment has zero value in face of eternal bliss or damnation, yet racial hate, as any hate, is a turnpike to hell. There’s no room for hatred in heaven. Heaven is being with God. God is perfect love (1 Jn 4:7-12). He’s incompatible with the slightest hate (desire of evil to others, means being enchained to evil, Satan).

White privilege assumes the privilege is undeserved without any proof. Proving that it is deserved, indirectly means that other races fairly deserve less, thus, the proof becomes racist in itself. Catch 22. It’s a circular argument. The only way to prove its falsity is that Asians have thrived in the US in only 1 generation, while non-whites didn’t. This shows that there’s no privilege and no barrier, except hard work and a frugal living!

Asians have the highest full time earnings: why isn’t anybody speaking of Asian privilege? Because this is a war on whites, especially, male.

The so called “white-trash” can’t be used as counter-argument. Poor whites prove that poverty doesn’t discriminate the white race and that family support is essential to the thriving of all children: there’s never equality of opportunity if you lack a father. Instead of asking the skin color, social researchers should focus on the destruction of the family.

Privilege ideology tries to avoid that rebuttal by an irrational explanation which is actually a counter argument: “Non-whites who have are of a higher social class than whites would also receive different treatment. Sullivan states that the revised concept of ‘white class privilege’ must be used intersectionally—that is, privilege must be considered interacting with class, gender, national, and other social experiences. Sure, lower-class whites may be treated differently than higher-class blacks in certain contexts, but this does not mean that the lower-class white has ‘more privilege’ than the upper-class black. This shows that we should not assume that lower-class whites have the same kinds of privilege conferred by society as middle- and upper-class whites.” 5

Their conclusion: if a non-white gets rich, he deserves it, but if a white works hard to get rich, it is an unearned privilege, and vice-versa, a lazy non-white doesn’t deserve to be poor because he is underprivileged, while a working white, does deserve poverty because he still has the privilege of being a white poor !!!

“The straight white male is both the provider and the eternal perpetrator. All the problems of the world are ultimately his fault. Whatever he’s accomplished is due to privilege, and whatever he’s done wrong has no excuse.” 6 “In the same way we seem determined to define sex as inherently predatory — “extractive”, with sexual participants divided into takers and survivors — we’re defining political reality as violent by nature, a world of repressors and victims.” 7

Also, this ideology assumes that all whites are racists, even subconsciously: conveniently, that can never be disproven! Even if the white is a relative, friend or fiancée, any white is presumed a subconscious biggot. The most unbelievable case happened in Las Vegas where a student with African ascent was classified as a white-privileged black, just because one of his parents was white, and was sanctioned by the school for questioning Critical race theory8, stating that being black he was presumed to be a racist against other blacks.

White privilege is presumed even in countries without whites: the privilege belongs to the European and North American countries exploiting the poor nation.

Inverse affirmative action

It was confirmed that Harvard was deliberately reducing the percentage of Jews from 25% to 1%, without it being an open policy.9 Who knows if there’s a covert discrimination policy against whites?

Slavery reparations


New York

Why would a State pay reparations to all African Americans in that state, even if their enslaved ascent was in another State? Even this year (2024) immigrants from Africa? Even illegal immigrants?

Why should the descent of a person pay for his mistakes (which were legal at the time), even after 7 generations?

What if that descent misceginated with slave descent? Would they get reparation if they look white?

How do you distinguish the slave descent of post-bellum immigration from Africa or even people of African descent coming from Europe or any other place of the world?

How many could prove descent of an ante-bellum slave when most genealogical records are lost?

What if they also are the descent of black slaveholders?

Considering that the reparation money will come from taxes from everybody, then it means that:

The non-Caucasians will pay reparations (Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans!!!).

The descent of antebellum poor whites, who didn’t own slaves, will have to pay for a “crime” their ascent never committed! Reparations assumes that all whites owned slaves! They are assuming whites are presumed guilty without being able to disprove their “innocence” of a crime which was completely legal: applying a retroactive law is illegal in every single country of the world!

Even in their twisted anti-white racism... why should Asians and Hispanics pay for something that happened before they migrated to the USA? Why should the postbellum white-immigrants (Irish, Italians, Polish) pay?

What’s the excuse to deny reparations to the Irish who were indentured (a type of contract slavery)? Because they are white?

Reverse racism

White privilege ideology means inequality against whites in all positions: education, jobs, government, political parties. When non-whites are given preference based on race and not talent/results, it’s the reverse of affirmative action: de-firmative action to push non-white supremacism.

This destroys the whole concept of a merit system, irrespective of skin. When merit is not fairly recognized, people get disheartened and the whole system becomes less productive making everyone poorer. But the worst part of the ideology is that it creates resentment for nothing: all the intersectionality self-victimized identities can blame their situation not on their parents, lack of self-effort or bad luck, but on the oppression of white supremacism. Every white is an enemy just because of skin.

There’s also white guilt: feeling guilty just because of skin. People can’t even imagine how many whites refrain from using white skin colored icons in WhatsApp or other chats, because of fear being accused of racism or white pride.

Illinois High School Segregating Students by Skin Color: not racism!

Laws forbidding segregation and racial discrimination do not apply: the white-free classes are optional, but only to non-whites. The “affinity” classes ban white teachers, since non-white students feel “more comfortable”.

Gender Violence psy-op

Mother Theresa: “Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three-quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers.”

“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):


WARNING! Weaponization of vaccines:


6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


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Wow. Good writers need good illustrators. You and the bad cat make a good team.

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"the aha! moment of realizing..."

...that we might've played at least a part.

After the initial disappointment, the realization that every time things went sideways in my life - every crash, every breakup, every failure - the common element, the theme, the leitmotif... was ME.

Sure, circumstances matter. Random happens. There are those have wished to do me ill. But hardly were there things that I could' not have done to side step the worst of most of the Bad Events.

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I hardly think side stepping the "bad events" is the issue. We are pretty tough-skinned and we tend not to learn until somebody hits us with a 2x4. So it takes whatever it takes, until you learn that the best thing to do when you're hitting your head against the wall, is to stop. Then maybe there can be healing. ;-)

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Those horrible things are indeed a part of who I am today. I believe my spirit chose those hardships so that I could learn & grow.

Integration of trauma is essential to moving on.

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I think it is a bit more nuanced than simply "picking the bastards". She may not have known they are bastards until too late. Some of these bastards are very clever at hiding who they really are until they achieve their goal(s). And--I hate to break it to you--there are an awful lot of bastards out there. In fact, I'd almost argue that there are more of them than the decent ones. So it can be really hard to sort out which is which.

The question that I would want to explore is this: what is going on with her that she is attracting (not attracted to!) these bastards. This is not to blame the victim. But she needs to come to a realization that she is somehow sending off prey signals that predators pick up on. If this is the case, what are these signals and is there something she can do about them? Keeping in mind that sometimes you really can't. It depends on why you are being targeted. For example, women with really large breasts are very often subjected to unwanted sexual advances because they are seen as being hypersexual. In that case, the only solution may be breast reduction surgery. It's not their fault that they were born this way and it is a sad commentary on our society that they would have to resort to such measures in order to stop being such an attractive target. Even though they are doing nothing at all to encourage such behavior. There may be other characteristics that inadvertently repel the "good" guys and attract the "bad" ones. So it is not a simple matter of "oh, she picked wrong." There often is something more going on.

Also--another reason I do not care for this line of argument is that it puts all the responsibility on the person who is on the receiving end of abusive behavior and none at all on those who are doing the abusing. We are not teaching men "don't be bastards, don't be abusers." No. It is all on the woman. Well, maybe this is so, but what then does it say about men in general, about their character, about what is permissible and what is not? They get free rein to behave however they want and women had just better look out and learn how to protect themselves? Furthermore, we don't do this in other situations. We don't say to someone whose house has been broken into, well, you should have picked a better neighborhood, well, you shouldn't have had such flashy vehicles in your driveway, well, you should have had better locks and security systems, you should have kept your blinds closed so nobody can see what you have inside, you should not have ordered from Amazon or UPS, you should have put up a fence and so forth. And yeah, if your house and vehicles are repeatedly being broken into, maybe the problem is that you are doing something to attract that kind of attention. There are actually people who think that way. I had a parent tell me after his kid stole something out of my yard, "this is a trailer park. If you don't want it to be stolen, lock it up or chain it up." In other words, don't have something nice, don't keep your yard up, because anything in it is fair game. I said to him, "that is exactly why trailer parks have bad reputations and people who live in them are called trailer trash." Here he is teaching his kid that it is ok to go into other people's yards (and by extension houses, garages and sheds) because it is the homeowner's responsibility not to have things around that can be taken.

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"We are not teaching men "don't be bastards, don't be abusers." No. It is all on the woman."

What decade are you living in? For quite some time, men have been under attack, and called toxic to the point that many of them have become effete in their effort not to be assaulted by toxic femininity. Project much, feminists? Women expect to be believed regardless of their behavior, to be themselves with no restraints or responsibility for their actions, while expecting men to treat them like treasured virgins, worshipping and prostrating themselves to these superior creatures.

Boys are being crushed under the onslaught of expectations that they behave like girls, or in fact be girls. All their innate natural behaviors punished. How's that worked out? Come on. Male to Female transitioning is the unintended consequence. And even then, they are superior to females.

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I agree. I myself have never been on the receiving end of physical abuse but my ex is an excellent liar and manipulative game player who I allowed into my life for all the wrong reasons. There are a ton of really good men out there and a half a ton of shits but it is on us as women to differentiate between the two. The best rule of thumb is go with your gut. I should have ran before I married my ex, I knew it but was too scared to do it and regretted it 6 years later during the divorce. He’s now divorced for the third time and I’ve been happily married for 18 years so...you can pick wrong. It’s all a matter of doing the right things. And I did teach my son not to be a shit. I also taught him there are some shit women out there and to be damn sure he knew which kind he was with. He’s still a single 34 year old and I feel bad about it but he also isn’t divorced with 3 kids he has to pay for and never see either so he’s doing it right imo. My real marriage didn’t happen til I was 36.

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I won't go into detail, but your history sounds very similar to mine on all points. I've been around awhile on this old planet, and maybe I'm just lucky but other than one bad marriage, which like you, I was able to finally get the courage to leave after 6 years (no kids, thank goodness) I've never experienced bad behavior on the part of men I've known or been related to or, with that one exception, been married to. I like men, and I treat them with respect as long as they are being respectful to me, and gosh, that's been nearly 100% of the time. I think your son will find a good woman, because he's had a good role model to guide him.

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The current catechism for high school girls is as follows: they must never trust a man; they are gender fluid and should explore sex with other females ASAP; they should have many sexual partners; to focus on their careers and delay having babies until at least their mid-30s, even better after 40; that they are as physically strong as men and generally superior, especially mentally. And then there's the whole sexual harassment card. This is not a joke.

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Girls are being abused just as badly by these transgressive anti-humans. I do worry for my grandchildren.

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"There are a ton of really good men out there and a half a ton of shits but it is on us as women to differentiate between the two."

I think, perhaps hope, that the Good-Death Eaters ratio isn't quite that bad.

But I'd only add that this isn't a task unique to woman seeking male mates.

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I don't think that MtF is as much about pressure to be masculine, as it is fetishist.

FtM is about disgust with what it is like being a woman....

Broad generalisations, sure, there will be exceptions.

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The empowered woman of today is expected to behave just like the dominant jerk a$$hole stereotype of of yesterday. Men who want to be good people (or be seen as good people) are expected to self-hate and feminize themselves.

When did ALL masculine traits become labeled toxic masculinity?

Men HAVE definitely been under attack for generations. We are creating worse and worse societal dysfunction and individual dysfunction with the "blame and control" methods. It's part of the dumbing down divide-and-conquer, and we deserve to break through this elaborate control grid to thrive.

Do women deserve to vote and own property? Yes. Do women deserve equal pay for equal work? Yes. Should families with children be able to own homes, have healthy food, education, and healthcare on one income at 40 hours a week or less? Yes. So, why not be fixing THAT?!

We are creative people. We can do better than this. Our collective wisdom could solve every problem in the world in 1 week if we weren't systematically isolated and attacking each other, including pollution, poverty, violence, power-mongering elites, nuclear waste, contamination of food, distorted medical treatments as population control, and every other issue.

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I disagree with this argument. The fastest way to stop being a victim is to look at every possible way you could have contributed or what you can do to prevent it. To waste one minute trying to change men or the world or whatever is the issue is wasted. Even when it is not your fault you must take 100 % responsibility for preventing it from happening again, it's all you can control so it is your best strategy. Life is not fair, deal with it.

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I think it's a little bit of column "A" and a little bit of column "B" rather than all on one or the other. There ARE things people (not just women!) can do to reduce their risk of being victimized. For example: I recently watched several videos about a baseball player who was targeted by a predatory woman and had his life ruined. While he didn't deserve what happened, if he hadn't slept with her in the first place, she wouldn't have been able to harm him.

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Amazing theory in this video. Basically that it is the "sneaky bastard" type men who will say anything to gain access to women's trust that are tempted to play act extreme feminism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOvSVmx_F-c

Once disaster strikes and the predator is uncovered--viola'--the group he's infiltrated thinks, "Wow, if that is what the GOOD men are like, everyone else must be even worse." Then they hatemonger against all men, not realizing that the healthiest men came nowhere near their distorted politics and agendas.

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“The only thing you can change is yourself.”

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Great comment.

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So spot on!

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Anyone who cries she has been with 19 abusive men IS the abuser. Line those 19 me. up and hear their side.

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"The only thing you can ever change is yourself."!!

teach the children!

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All problem solving groups need to leave labels that do not define merit at the door. So labels like race, age, sex, etc all lead to groupthink in groups of problem solvers.

Ideas should be left to stand alone on merit only, with no labels attached to them. Then we need to aggregate ideas from groups of problem solvers using Collective Intelligence systems called Human Swarm Intelligence systems.

Labels that define merit such as "trustworthy" or "responsible" are useful labels for high trust societies. The other labels that define classes are not.

Help us build a LEADERLESS society. We don't need leaders anymore. They are the source point of most of our corruption.

Like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/help-lets-build-a-new-system-that

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How in the world are we going to keep finding new “solutions” if we don’t keep creating problems? I think you are just opposed to solutions.

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Selling solutions to a problem that by definition cannot be solved is an excellent business model.

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California is a good example of this. We had close to a zero homeless population and now, it's exploded. The grifting off of it is massive. It won't be solved. CA never met a developer it didn't like, so "housing" is the solution.

As long as a Democrat is in power, there will be self-inflicted problems or races to exploit for virtue signaling and therefore, political power from using said problems or races.

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If you start with the premise that these programs are not set up to solve the problems, but too perpetuate them then it makes perfect sense. Why would they solve something that brings them millions of dollars per year.

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Exactly. Which is why the drug problem won't be solved, either. Newsom has allowed the cartels to set up in Republican counties in CA, thereby, destroying them. Don't believe it? here you go. https://archive.ph/oAGbn - this is a link to the Daily Caller article, which is now behind a paywall.

CA gives out "free" drugs, booze, hotel rooms, crack kits, crack pipes, etc. which enables addicts. Harris (yes, THAT one) co-wrote our Prop 47 which decriminalized shoplifting and receiving stolen property (among other crimes) disguised as the "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools" act....which exacerbates the problem. It's created a permanent doom loop. Add businesses and many in the 1% category, and Harris, Newsom "Progressive" (read Commie) idiots get their wish even faster. Newsom is WEF-trained, so he's totally OK with this.

In fact, the Newsoms are making money off of kiddie porn and healthcare in schools. Open the Books on Substack exposed this. The article is "Newsom, Inc."

BTW, anyone can save (or read) an article without a paywall on archive.ph. It's fast, free, anyone can do this. With so much of the Internet's common sense and especially right-leaning content being removed, this is a good alternative to bookmarking it all on your phone/desktop/laptop, etc.

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People need to use archive.ph whenever possible to preserve important information. The Wayback Machine has lots of data out there, but they also have received donations from multiple foundations that may or may not be interested in retaining the original content of web pages. More copies of pages at different repositories the better.

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True - spread the word! I feel like a protective Mom, since I now see many articles saved. When I first started, very few were.

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Thanks for the archive.ph link! I've used archive.org a lot in the past, but didn't even know there were alternatives.

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You're welcome. It's easier to use than Internet Archive (Wayback Machine). When I first started archiving articles years ago, almost zero were common sense or right-leaning content.

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Newsom is Madam Putrid Pelosis NEPHEW!, LOL!....

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Newsom's Aunt, Barbara Newsom was once married to Nancy Pelosi's brother in law, Ron Pelosi. Doesn't make it any less nauseating, though. They're all corrupt to the core.

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A bureaucracy will never solve a problem, because when the problem is gone, there is no longer a need for a bureaucracy to solve it. In addition, there is a certain point in every bureaucracy's existence, usually fairly early on, where its purpose is no longer solving the problem that brought it into existence, but becomes self-perpetuation. Not only does the problem not get solved, the bureaucracy increases exponentially in size and power. Just look at the programs and agencies and bureaus and offices, etc. that were created by Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society. I am not aware of any of them that have solved their targeted problems. The problems ALL still exist, and most effect the same or a larger portion of the population than when they were created, and this in spite of the FACT that the bureaucracy that was supposed to make them go away has grown to massive proportions and is still growing and has become virtually permanent. When you combine this with the twisted thinking of so many people, as Gato pointed our so well, one gets the feeling that we are in big, large, huge, massive, gargantuan, humongous trouble. Me-effing-OOOWWWWWWWWWW!

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Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy: In any bureaucracy, people devoted to the benefit of bureaucracy itself always get in control, and those dedicated to the goals that bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and eventually are eliminated entirely.

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A German sociologist named Max Weber did a comprehensive study of bureaucracy back in 1949/50. Nailed it. Little, if anything, has changed since then.

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Conquest's 3rd Law of Politics: "The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies."


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The Military Industrial Complex absolutely always picks wars it can never win. The Falklands? Disastrous war. In and out in a few months. You ramp up Production at great cost. Train soldiers at great cost. Zoom in and WIN! WTH! Who wants that? You want a war against guerrillas who never give up and fight for generations. Same as the Medical Industrial Complex. They don’t want cures. They want treatments. Bureaucrats will never solve a problem.

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“If the people leading any fight benefit from the existence of the problem their solutions will always exacerbate the problem”. Steve’s Law

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Right on OM, or how about the inability to diagnose a "problem". If you cannot diagnose the problem how does one provide a "solution". Maybe, as you say, there is not problem to be solved. Perhaps the system is inundated by poseurs, grifters, and charlatans: and, or people who have deep seated problems themselves. It seems to me the mental health system maybe in a vortex-like doom loop.

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It’s called Hegelian Dialectic:

Create the problem

Manipulate the reaction (through fear and hatred)

Offer the solution

The solution exists in the problem created in the first place…in this context: division through conflict

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this is the natural result when there are way too many NGO's and government beaurocracies to feed.

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It’s called Hegelian Dialectic:

Create the problem

Manipulate the reaction (through fear and hatred)

Offer the solution

The solution exists in the problem created in the first place…in this context: division through conflict

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Last year I went to the commencement at Ohio State. The main speaker was a social justice type, whose main point was that we need to "change the narrative" on race. But he seemed to think that "the narrative" in this country was one of inherent inferiority of certain races, and that we need to change "the narrative" to be that those races are actually awesome, and that the other disfavored races need to step back and accept their designation as undeserving oppressors.

Leave aside the fact that his proposed alternative narrative is self evidently dominant in this country already. The more important point is that ANY "narrative" is just intellectual laziness. It's a way of guiding your perceptions and conclusions in a certain direction without the need to consider the subtleties of any particular situation. It's built-in confirmation bias about everything you experience.

We don't need to "change the narrative" -- we need to eliminate it. The way to do that is, first, by perceiving the world as it really is, without filters imposed by biased media sources, content moderators, and censors. And we need to see all people as individuals with particular strengths and faults, and consider how those have shaped their situation. That is how you eliminate racism.

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There is a weird "frozen in 1960s amber" aspect to America's endless neurotic racial obsession aka the Racial Industrial Complex—I guess because all the founding "antiracist" Crit Race Theory texts were either written in that era and most of the writers and professors involved were raised in mid-century America, they still write/think as if America were 85% white and blacks were an official bottom caste, when that world is long since dead and gone.

The fact that America is much more multiracial now and that the vast majority of supposedly bigoted white Americans are and were fine with Latin and Asian immigration both punctures their sacred narratives and also makes them relics of another age—but acknowledging this would be bad for the grift and for the self-esteem of the cult leaders and followers.

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There’s a gentleman who has a radio/online show in the Pittsburgh area named Jim Quinn. He’s fond of saying that liberalism always results in the exact opposite of its intended purpose. I’m paraphrasing. Anyway, that describes DEI so very well. In its foolhardy attempt to “end” racism, it only made it worse, and it must end.

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It’s attempt only fools those to whom this post speaks; the #WokeCommunists never had the end of racism as a goal. Where’s the point in that?

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Yes... ending racism would put a lot of grifters out of business!

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DEI is "racism". Judging by the groundswell of opposition to post modernist absurdities like CRT and DEI (the results of the recent republican primary are one such indication), it seems that the lemmings of DEI have reached the cliff and cannot find the brakes...

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the Permanent Revolution comes with no brakes and no OFF switch...it is a religious crusade of our modern secular era and as its supposed goals are unacheivable abstractions like "Justice" and "Equality" it means there is no end point, just new versions of the same movement crafted for each new generation of believers.

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"In its foolhardy attempt to “end” racism, it only made it worse"

That's because they don't understand that Anti-Racism is Just Another Kind of Racism.

Or maybe they do and just don't care. As long as they think they're the winners.

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DEI/CRT is just the latest (and most poisonous) manifestation of the bogus but deeply entrenched idea that the psychology of your typical Progressive is concern for the 'oppressed'. It is NOT and it never has been. It is a mind-game that a spoilt intelligentsia play with themselves to make them FEEL NICE.....and especially nicer than 'you ordinary flyover-type people who are not as sophisticated as us metrosexuals and anti-racists'.

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Well, to be sure, the techniques were invented a very long time ago and have been used quite successfully by typical conservatives.

"You were born sinful! You must be saved!" Every cult proceeds from what preceded it, either as an elaboration or a refutation of the basic premise.

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You are ignorant.

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Am I?

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100 percent.

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You never heard of Christianity? So strange.

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Jan 19, 2024
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It’s not a question of well intentioned kind dolts botching shit. The purpose is societal division and disharmony. It’s working well.

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It really is the exact opposite of Hanlon's Razor and applies to so much of what ails us.

Is Dolts Botching Shit shibboleth #1? 😂

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Once a person has been convinced they are a victim, they are happy to stay in that role. It's much easier to have an excuse for never accomplishing anything than to do the hard work that comes with success.

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Well said.

Psychology/psychiatry fits into this is as well. "It's a chemical imbalance." "You're definitely going to need pharmaceuticals and counseling to overcome your anxiety/depression." Boom! A patient for life is formed. And, in the case of SSRIs which have horrible withdrawal symptoms, a customer. (Not to mention their ineffectiveness.)

Bee ess. A psychologist writing under the pseudonym of Theodore Dalrymple wrote that anyone willing to take an honest assessment of his life and take necessary steps to break bad habits/thoughts could will their way to mental health. It's hard, but doable. Unfortunately, as you wrote, our culture cultivates victimhood and denigrates discipline (too white!).

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Do you remember the early 2000's? And how everyone talked about the freemarket and all that? Did we really have a freemarket? No of course not, but it gave alot of people something to believe in. DEI is the same thing. Killing religion and stepping into the vacuum was genius.

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Indeed, killing religion was central to what's going on. Cue Nietzsche's Madman speech for a spot-on explanation for the anomie experienced by secular, Western man.

It's gonna get worse, Mr. House, as churches capitulate to the spirit of the times.

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After quite a few go rounds on this earth i've come to accept that most people are average. They aren't good, they aren't bad, just so terribly average.

DEI could also be described thus (since you mentioned him):

“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you”

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I had a talk with someone completely unconcerned with our nation''s corruption and downward trajectory. As long as they collect his garbage every week and respond to his 911 calls, he couldn't give a flip about what's going on. Plus, NFL playoffs! Go (insert local team)!

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Its funny, having a political sign in your yard is essentially the equivalent of having your favorite sports ball team flag hanging from your porch.

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Jan 19, 2024
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Many false gods arise to try and take the place of the real one.

"Without God, all is permissible."--Dostoevsky. A very, very true assertion. Kepp that in mind and prepare for what's coming. And it definitely is coming.

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“Experts” like Ibram X. Kendi (How to be an Antiracist) and Robin DiAngelo (White Fragility) and the many DEI consultants tell people they do not know that they are racist and anyone who objects to being called “racist” because they are not in fact racist are told that there objection is evidence of their racism. So, DEI builds an impenetrable barrier between the victims of these unwitting racists and the unwitting racists. It’s evil.

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A large scale reenactment of the Dreyfus trial, sold by grievance merchants. This all ends when the money stops, or more likely when it gets better elsewhere.

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I once told a great big young white "cracker" looking cop in Florida that "treating someone differently, because of the color of their skin was racist, no matter whether you treated them better or worse!" lol.

He looked confused for a moment, (I know he'd been heavily schooled in DEI,) and then I saw the wheels turn.

I smiled big at him and said- the sooner we all drop this bullshit the better!

Lets care about what's inside a person- that is what can give us all trouble. Worrying about exteriors is idiocy & we have not the luxury of doing so when so many Sociopaths, Psychopaths & Narcissists are ruling our world!

Killers come in all colors, all shapes, all sizes.

Jesus tried to get them to ignore all their arbitrary rules & focus on what is in a man's heart, what his actions are. That's what matters. The rest is dressing.

Can we finally get the message?

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This. My SIL is an exec at a Big Tech. She honestly believes she and the rest of the family are racist because her company has pushed these race baiters on her and or colleagues for 20+ years. Interestingly the rest of her siblings all are self employed and none of them feel this way.

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I’m lucky that I have proven to be impervious to efforts to convince me that I am racist or that American institutions are racist. I just don’t see it. The effort to combat non-existent white supremacy is racist, divisive and debilitating for everyone as EL Gato so clearly sets forth. Furthermore, DEI experts have special insight into racism. There expertise is on shaking down well meaning people who must certainly are not racist.

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In my experience many of the "well meaning" people are in fact closet racists. Exhibit one: a white relative in 2020 who went to every local BLM march and rally, sent his kids to a multi-racial public school but gee whiz! 100% of his white kids' school pals are white. One must be "taught" to hate as the song goes in the musical "South Pacific." Taught by family, friends, and/or mass media. His parents for over 30 years have always refused to visit any blood and in-law relatives who live in Mexico. Anther set of relatives of two different Christian sect who avoid and deep down hate the other and vice versa. Us v. Them racial and religious "soft" bigotry I've watched my entire life.

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I agree that DEI advocates who make a show of their support for BLM are often doing it to buy protection from accusations of racism like a businessman paying a cut to mobsters. I don’t think they are necessarily racist, but they fear the accusation. However, I was thinking of the less woke who put up with DEI training, but resist being labeled a racist or white supremacist.

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"the prophesy is self fulfilling:"

The prophecy is intended to be self-fulfilling.

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The very concept of “Unconscious Bias” is so absurd it’s insulting.

“I’ve decided that you’re actually a racist, even if you didn’t know it yourself. Now you must apologize and be punished.”

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And the problem is not only those who assert it, but also those who accept it as truth about themselves.

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Perhaps that could be phrased, "I couldn't help but notice from your appearance that most of your ancestors were probably from northern Europe. Which, by definition, makes you a raaaacist. You need to work on your abject apology, and start planning meaningful reparations. Now!"

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That's right there's funny, Andy!

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Here's how we stop racism: make everything about race, all interactions, all thoughts, all the time. What could possibly go wrong?

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MLK Jr. is rolling over in his grave.

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When overpasses and trees and railroad tracks are racist we’re in a world of hurt.

The trees are racist according to the black superintendent of the Portland public schools. She informed us of that during covid. She’s an expert.

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I think the oppression masterminds know what they are doing and they have been entirely successful so far. Their goal, to colonize and destroy the people and the cultures of Europe is working.

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"Their goal, to

...destroy the people and cultures of Europe..."

Yes. What used to be called Christendom is targeted for eradication.

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I once unwittingly ran an experimental in just this thing. When I was putting myself through grad school I worked as a tour guide at a show cave. One part of the cave had a low part where you had to stoop to get through. I had in a year maybe one person hit their head on the ceiling of the cave there. One day, I busted my head on the ceiling of the cave, and so afterwards I told people how I had busted my head on the ceiling and for them to watch their heads before going through the low part. I had not previously warned anyone of this.

You may not believe this- but telling people that I had hit my head there and to watch their head- I suddenly had people hitting their heads on nearly every single tour I did. This went on for a some time before I realized what had happened. All I could figure was that subconsciously they had decided that hitting their heads was inevitable. I stopped warning people and instead told them about me busting my head on the ceiling AFTER we were through the low part and all of a sudden no one was hitting their heads on my tours any more.

People are weird.

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That's the weird phenomenon of the brain not recognising negatives, so we should frame advice to ourselves in positive terms. "Hold on to the keys on the way up the steps" is going to get us through the door at the top a lot more efficiently than "Don't drop the keys down the drain again". o

Once a concept like whacking one's head on a low-lying bit of cave gets in, the brain finds it irresistible.

People *are* weird.

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"DEI/critical race theory/systemic racism/grievance grubbing"

This isn't nearly inclusive enough.

Suggestion: DEICRTSRGG+

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Sorry - My acronym bucket is full.

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And that's why you're a rac... I mean, Appear to be have ancestors of North European descent.

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All this time, I thought if I watched the NFL I was helping to "End Racism". Boy do I feel duped!!!

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Have you tried watching the NBA? That might work.

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OMG!! Brilliant!!! TY!

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You saw the end zone, therefore you have ended racism. Nice work. 👍

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