Trump’s ego and his inability to admit he was manipulated will keep him from getting ahead of this and it may bury him. A little humility and acknowledging the jab disaster would go a long way but I’m not holding my breath.

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Good thing Deb Brix admitted she lied her ass off constantly when it came time

To keep the POTUS informed.

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The most hilarious recent development on Twitter is the left turning Brix into a Trumper, when she literally wrote the book about how she constantly lied to him.

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I see her weeping in her pillow nightly at the thought of being labelled as a Trumper.

So there is some measure of happiness for me at least.

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Her Fauci pillow?

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I should send her a Mike Lyndell My Pillow. If we are lucky it might do her in.

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I don't think blaming Trump will get very far, especially among the low info voters. What will stick in their memory is the last year and a half is the masks, lockdowns, poison vaccines, and general misery, Etc. They don't read much political stuff like we do. The elite left does, but they rotate in their Marxist bubble and rarely go outside of it. They are deranged with TDS and will never give up blaming everything on PDJT. At the first signs of the pandemic, most of the world's leaders were afraid the China Flu was a real bioweapon and reacted accordingly. It may still be one that somehow jumped the CCP reservation. This includes Trump. If he overreacted, he certainly wasn't alone.

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I don't now if I'd say Trump overreacted. I remember he criticism of him not reacting soon or severely enough. I remember the screaming when he suggested suspending entry visas for non-citizens traveling from the region then known to be the origin of the vaccine - consistent with the WHO recommendation at the time - the recommendation WHO reversed the week after Trump suggested following it!

Sadly, many of those 'low information voters' are highly educated and read a LOT of political stuff - stuff carefully crafted to give them only "the information the need to know" to support the narrative of The Party.

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Trump should use it to get out ahead. Will he?

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He should. He hears his own crowds scream boo's at him when he mentions the vaccine. He could use a little humility and an after action report reflection. It is OK to pull back, load it into the gigantic dumpster truckload of "the deep state is also a wide state and it was worse than I thought" and get his folks rallying. Will he? A good question Green Hornet. People are mad. He can choose whose side he is on. One day the door will be closed.

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Raptor, it's a timing thing. Got a hurricane coming in, (elections, MSM, gov agencies, etc.) will it break left or right, I gotta think he's waiting, and chooses not to tip his hand at this time...which is a bit painful emotionally if you like him, and I do. Gotta defer to the BOSS.

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When Trump announced his intentions to run in 2016 I knew it was going to be an interesting year. All the media - left, right and sideways - laughed openly at the thought. No chance. What party would have him? Can't do it without the party. Last billionaire to take a shot at the status quo without a dominant party was squashed and shamed. The status quo has more billionaires, and the force of government. Trump would be another Perot.

The flaw in 2016 was Hillary Clinton. The Party had chosen here in a back room deal in 2008. Clinton did her part to get Obama and he payout was the 2016 nomination. Carrier politician Sanders made a good show, like a prize fighter bought to take a dive while making it look convincing. Hillary was so, so bad that only the most dedicated of the faithful could hold on. There was a large number of the faithful who's faith had been shaken by the Obama years, scandal after scandal - not broken but somewhat bent.

The GOP did it's part too, offering up a vast array of clowns and statesmen so eager to tear each other down. Piled on top of 8 years of mostly ineffectiveness in Congress, failing to curb escalating spending and other disastrous policies, and not much different in key states. It was a party weakened by it's entrenched leadership, like a company out of touch with their customers pretending that dwindling sales are a 'seasonal blip' or 'just the economy' and not seeing the disgruntled shareholders. Ripe for a hostile takeover. And that is what Trump did - a hostile takeover of the GOP despite the efforts of the establishment. That too was his high crime. He did not submit to obscurity like Perot.

So what happened in 2020? With win after win from 2016 through the end of 2019, 2020 seemed like a lock. Roaring economy with real, good jobs, not just more prosperity for the richest (like himself) or minimum wage below-subsistence jobs. World-wide, the impacts of Trump's reversing decades of repressive energy policy mandates had freed the US and much of Europe from the oppressive grip of OPEC+Russia. In very visible ways people could see the increased stability in Europe. Between that and actually getting a corporate tax structure that was much closer to competitive with our international trade partners, we had growing investment in areas of the US that had been left for dead, or at least, for China. The net for both federal and state governments were major increases in tax revenue - for real. All that made Trump hard to beat.

So we can understand confidence going into 2020. But the reaction to COVID in 2020 was targeted squarely at derailing much of those gains. And in a few months of lockdowns and shutdowns and isolation, the lock was broken. Did Trump remain too confident? I mean, who would have bet on Biden as a winning candidate at the start of 2020? Be honest....

Did Trump learn from the experience? The Trump haters like to think of him as an idiot, but experience teaches that one should never underestimate an opponent. That was key to victory in 2016 and The Party did learn. So did Trump learn enough from 2020-22 to counter? He should have learned that the status quo has vast resources and power and that no extreme is too extreme to win.

I think that 2022-24 is going to be interesting.

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Trump just has the people on his side, not sure that's enough....so rope a dope...

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I hope you are right. I do defer to the Boss. He isn't Trump and He makes no mistakes. Makes it easy to follow Him. 😉

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I have no dog in this fight (I’m Canadian) but I’ll fully understand if he runs again that’s for sure

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I read that Canadians are partial to cats. More polite ;-).

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Yes. If the average joe, meaning me, sees this, you can bet he sees it too, probably immediately as he is a CYA pro. Waiting to see his cards, for us, at least for me, is the hard part...but, gotta believe he's got some cards, prob 1/2 a decks worth....

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He has seen it. Vaccine talk at his rallies equals loud and ugly "Boooooo's" from his crowd. The crowd that is behind him and have stuck with him. So far no CYA on this.

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wing man, choose your (our) role wisely.

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Hard to find one leader that bats 1,000. On balance, he was a hell of a lot better than what we have now or had before him.

Did he get hustled early on? Could be though I don't want to believe it but, could be. Looking at it, the pandemic as a well executed "plandemic" look back at the early days;

Media Downplayed Coronavirus, Called It Less Serious Than Flu | SUPERcuts! #755


When PDJT took action shortly into the "outbreak;"

Biden: Trump’s coronavirus response has been ‘nakedly xenophobic’ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/498350-biden-trumps-coronavirus-response-has-been-nakedly-xenophobic/

Pelosi, in March, it was fine to visit China Town; NY City, go on, ride the subways! It was almost like they were promoting "super spreader" activities!

City Officials Urge New Yorkers To Visit Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Outbreak https://newyork.cbslocal.com/video/4439388-city-officials-urge-new-yorkers-to-visit-chinatown-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/

De Blasio, NYC Officials Downplayed COVID-19 Threat After Trump Restricted Travel to China. Here Are 5 Examples. https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/03/30/de-blasio-nyc-officials-downplayed-covid-19-threat-after-trump-restricted-travel-to-china-here-are-5-examples/

Pelosi, touring San Fran’s Chinatown Feb. 24: “We do want to say to people, come to Chinatown, here we are … come join us.”


Nancy Pelosi gets called out for promoting tourism to Chinatown on Feb. 24, and she claims it was to "fight racism."

NOPE, the same day, the White House requested funding for the CDC to combat the virus and Pelosi ignored it. It'd be ashamed if you retweeted this video.


Nancy Pelosi today responded to Donald Trump's coronavirus proposal, calling his efforts "too late" and “anemic” Trump Spreading Fear.


THEN: April 27, 2020

“Shut The Door”: Speaker Pelosi Changes Position On Trump Travel Ban Once Called Racist https://jonathanturley.org/2020/04/27/shut-the-door-speaker-pelosi-changes-position-on-trump-travel-ban-once-called-racist/

Flashback: Rep. Nadler Slams Trump's 'Irrational' Travel Restrictions (Ban) on China to Stop Coronavirus


Speaker Pelosi says the Trump administration's response against Coronavirus is "Too late—anemic." Democrats are hoping for a pandemic that kills millions if it means they can regain power! They're already trying to tank the stock market to destroy Trump's economic gains.


Good Grief! Biden insists on no travel bans, even from China https://www.independentsentinel.com/good-grief-biden-insists-on-no-travel-bans-even-from-china/

THEN: Biden to introduce travel bans on South Africa, UK, and others: Report https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/biden-to-introduce-travel-bans-on-south-africa-uk-and-others-report

"Brutal" Trump Task Force Press Briefing Leaves Media Screaming 'Pull the Plug!' (News, Early Coronavirus Coverage)

Since the censors at YouBoob do their best to protect the little children of the media by removing their most embarrassing moments; here,



Thread showing media reaction to Trump barring entry into U.S. from China on 1/31 is IN-FREAKING-FURIATING https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2020/03/20/my-god-lyndsey-fifields-thread-showing-media-reaction-to-trump-barring-entry-into-u-s-from-china-on-1-31-is-in-freaking-furiating/

After all;

California Governor Newsom: Virus Is Opportunity for Progressives


Democrat Response

Democrat Clayburn on Coronavirus Bill: ‘This Is a Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/03/23/democrat-clyburn-on-coronavirus-bill-this-is-a-tremendous-opportunity-to-restructure-things-to-fit-our-vision/

Nancy Pelosi: ‘Every Crisis’ Including Coronavirus Is an Opportunity to Advance Leftist (Progressive) Agenda https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/27/nancy-pelosi-every-crisis-including-coronavirus-is-an-opportunity-to-advance-leftist-agenda/

And now, more debt, stimulus:

(See above on "Progressive" and "Not wasting a crisis") White House touts $1.9T stimulus as 'MOST PROGRESSIVE' in history as GOP bash bill https://nypost.com/2021/03/08/wh-touts-1-9t-stimulus-as-most-progressive-in-history-gop-bashes-bill/

That's my hand and I'll stick with it.

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Perhaps but, the "idiot in chief" gave him the get out of jail card, free and then the supporting cast started piling up the "outs" for PDJT;

Biden takes full credit for vaccine work started before he took office https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/biden-takes-full-credit-for-vaccine-work-started-before-he-took-office

Joe Biden lays out a detailed plan to fight coronavirus as new infections soar https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/23/joe-biden-lays-out-a-detailed-plan-to-fight-coronavirus-.html

NOW - Biden smiles and walks away when asked about his responsibility for COVID-19 deaths and transparency about the origin of the virus.



Joe Biden: "Yes, Absolutely I Do" Blame President Trump For COVID Deaths; "Kick Him Out Of Office" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/09/10/joe_biden_yes_absolutely_i_do_blame_president_trump_for_covid_deaths.html

Hey, Remember Biden’s ‘I’m Going to Shut Down the Virus’ Pledge? https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/hey-remember-bidens-im-going-to-shut-down-the-virus-pledge/

Former Trump Adviser (Brix) Under Fire for Covid Data Fraud Speaks Out About Wuhan Lab Leak Theory (World Military Games) https://beckernews.com/former-trump-adviser-under-fire-for-covid-data-fraud-speaks-out-about-wuhan-lab-leak-theory-45942/

yes, birx is lying about her vaccine stance

and yes, we have the receipts.


600 Million Doses Later, Dr. Birx Admits She “Knew” COVID-19 Vaccines “Were Not Going to Protect Against Infection”

Dr. Birx Says She Knew of Natural COVID-19 Reinfections as Early as December 2020


In new book, Birx describes how data failures, bureaucracy and politics hindered Covid-19 response

By Virginia Langmaid, CNN

Updated 5:51 PM EDT, Tue April 26, 2022


Tyrannical Dems Call on Biden to Mandate Vaccines/Passports to Fly Domestically https://www.independentsentinel.com/tyrannical-dems-call-on-biden-to-mandate-vaccines-passports-to-fly-domestically/

Biden stuns press room, tries to DENY latest on-video gaffes ever happened https://rumble.com/vyv63k-biden-stuns-press-room-tries-to-deny-latest-on-video-gaffes-ever-happened.html

July 27, 2021; Reporter: “You said if you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.”

Biden: “No I didn’t say that.”



May, 2021!

Biden Discusses CDC Lifting Mask Restrictions For Fully Vaccinated People


Biden Speaks After CDC Releases New Mask Guidelines

https://youtu.be/lOdoH793Ti8Full Press Conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnTEeD7ddG8

It's a mixed up confused world for sure. Remember the original anti-vaccine people:

The people who would send you to jail for not taking the vaccine were the original anti-vaxxers just because of party politics.


Yet, a Trump supporter is sometimes called a "cult member?" What cult member would go against its leader and not "drink the Kool-Aid?" Well, this one:-)

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Thanks, will be saving these links! So true about the cult stuff... I thought the definition of a cult leader was wanting your followers to die for you, so that means that Biden is a cult leader: He mandated the vax and didn't care if people died from it! I don't consider myself a "trumper," but I couldn't believe all of the Dems I know that labeled Trump a cult leader yet didn't realize they were the ones in a cult!

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I've maintained for a few years now that the left is intellectually bankrupt, out of fresh ideas and are stuck on projection. That's it, all they have.

When they accuse me of being in a Trump Cult, as they gloat about their fourth hit of vaccine Jamba juice, I ask them to produce some evidence like say;

The Obama Youth - Young children singing praise to Barack Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gtfizIbBDI

School children sing praises to their savior Obama


Hell, students showing any support for Trump were thrown out of classes, physically attacked.

Here's what the left approves of when it comes to education outcomes;

How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm1KOBMg1Y8&t=5s

Obedient, useful, idiots.

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Wow! I never saw that video before! How crazy!!

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Great links you shared. I am looking forward to reading your first newsletter. So are you pro-Trump?

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So many intelligent people on this thread...still don't get the two party illusion.

Search you tube for " jones plantation "

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Yes. Or DeSantis.

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I would support DeSantis if I knew he would support gay marriage. I agree the left goes too far regarding schools and culture climate. Also, women's right to abortion early. I loved how DeSantis held his own during press conferences during Covid.

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Would you support Desantis if he supported gay “unions”…because gay “marriage” is not marriage

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Absolutely not. I don't believe it is anyone's place to say someone else can't be married.

How is this any different from those who say the unvaxxed should not be allowed amongst others? It is about supporting freedom and as much rights as possible as long as it doesn't harm others. A same-sex couple who wants to be married is not "harming" you.

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Need to keep this collection on your page for reference. Thanks for the work!

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Yes, this! He STILL hails himself as the creator of warp speed to rush the vax - he’s completely clueless and they’ll rain the napalm down on him. Tone deaf idiot, who never needs to ask forgiveness from God Almighty because he doesn’t sin or make mistakes. (Look up the 2016 cpac interviews, I watched him say it). With this type of narcissistic maniac competition it’s hard to tell who’s worse, him or tony. If the Donald keeps beating the warp speed drum - he’s toast. And I don’t see him having the ability to flip.

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Oh, Tony “I AM the Science” is worse, at least that’s my vote.

That Trump is a narcissist, no one can deny. But I believe he at least TRIED to get HCQ, etc. out there and was largely working with advisors he. for whatever reason, assumed knew more about medical issues than he. He was one of the poor sops who still bought into the lie, “The alphabet groups have our best interest at heart and will do the right thing”. Trumps claims that C19 was Wuhan-originated and GoF, and “bleach works” plus HCQ helps were met with a tsunami of nay-sayers, hand wavers and downright scoffers. For weeks it was “Ridicule R Us” every time he took the podium! I believe he was getting some GOOD council— hence the HCQ remarks, but plenty of BAD council, and was thusly unable to stand firm

on a good foundation. After all, we’re you completely certain that the FDA/CDC, et al were 100% evil at that time? I still suffered under the delusion that if there was a solution/cure out there, they’d let us know.

Tony “the Science” KNEW EXACTLY what he was peddling, where it originated, what would help but was to be “whack-a-moled” into oblivion so EAU status could be achieved. He KNEW FLCCC docs and others were likely correct or at least that they should have a seat at the table. He knew for a fact that Pfizer held the moneybags and needs that EAU for him to be considered the savior. He too is an epic narcissist but he is just smart enough, and just elbow deep in the cookie jar enough, and also just stupid enough to think he could pull it all off and walk away a “caped crusader” with at least a million more bucks in the bank.

Trump still hasn’t thought to shut up abt warp speed but I do not think he had a clue how deep the tentacles of lying sludge ran.

Plus, when Trump was around, I could afford gas & groceries, and I knew the Chinese Communist Party didn’t have dirt on his son the way they do Hunter so if I had to choose which narcissist to follow between Tony “the science” or The Donald, I’d choose the Donald every time. Naïve isn’t near as bad as evil, in my book.

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Completely agree. The narcissism maybe a tie but Tony wins the Dr evil award. Just super frustrated that trump doesn’t have the ability to say he was wrong. He could call great attention to this but he won’t, either by design or because he’s unable to admit error. Either way we don’t have the voice we need in the upcoming elections

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Every time I picture him saying he was wrong, I picture “the Fonz” from Happy Days admitting he was wrong. 😂

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OMG! That's hilarious! I remember that episode, I can picture Trump struggling with himself admitting he's wrong 🤣🤣🤣

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Almost everyone who runs for office is a narcissist. Some just more so than others. A few are in it for the money, but most want the power and prestige.

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Surely you can't include Obama in that category, can you?:-)

FLASHBACK: ‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘My’—Obama Uses First Person Singular 199 Times https://www.cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/terence-p-jeffrey/i-me-my-obama-uses-first-person-singular-199-times-speech-vowing

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I never liked Trump, but I was still so disappointed that he got the shot after recovering. That was a big wheat from the chaff test for me with everyone, including the aunt who used it as a justification to try to convince others to just get the shot even if they already had covid.

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I DO like him though I know he is a deeply flawed man. I agree abt him getting the shot at all, especially after recovery. It was a wheat from chaff / sheep from goats moment for me as well.

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I don’t hear him beating warp speed. I don’t know where you are getting that from. But I do know the blue team will start rumors and try to smear him anyway they can and anyone still watching MSM will most certainly swallow it.

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Trump said the magic vax, that he takes credit for, has saved 10 million lives worldwide. He has other very similar and crazy things about the vax within the past year. He has stated that "if you get the vax you won't get rona" AND "the vax will keep you out of the hospital if you do get the rona."

These things are on the record. He has never bothered to retract or correct any of his vax-love misinformation. He's been triple vaxed at least, probably quadruple vaxed and ready to line up for the next one.

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I can’t imagine any of them actually getting it with the exception of Biden. The only

reason I think he really did is because he has SO rapidly declined over the last several months, it’s like someone —or someTHING greased the slide into dementia- land.

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That is an interesting observation, KC.

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Main Stream Misleadia will always, always blame anything and everything they can on him, like it’s their JOB.

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He's just doing what he was originally assigned to do. Maybe he's just playing a scripted part.

Just spitballing - but it explains some things that otherwise aren't explicable.

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Have you forgotten the reality already? Trump NEVER shut down anything. He left it up to the States, which were in turn pressured by the media, the left and the Branch Covidians lead by Birx and Faucci.

Do we not remember how the media et al cried for a national lockdown? Have we forgotten the media fawning over Andrew Cuomo even though his lockdowns were literally murder?

It was in that environment that Trump pushed for streamlining the drug development and approval processes to get a vaccine to market in a timeline never before conceived. That he did so is actually still a feather in his cap. That the vaccine was flawed and still pushed upon the masses by the criminals who followed doesn't change that.

Don't let them tell you Trump shut things down.

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Trump did shut down international borders. Not fully, but very restrictive, especially to Europe. He also shut down the Canadian border to tourism in agreement with Trudo.

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Tone deaf idiot? Rain napalm down on him? What do you think they've been trying for the past six years without one win? In fact, in spite of all of the ginned up lies, fake news, attacks on him, his family, his associates, here are a few things he accomplished;

President Trump’s Policy Victories, From A to Z - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics https://spectator.org/president-trump-policy-victories-from-a-to-z/

Here, the benchmark which they had, no way of ever accomplishing so, hey, let's run a "scamdemic" so we can use that to cheat our way into office!


1. Trump recently signed 3 bills to benefit Native people. One gives compensation to the Spokane tribe for loss of their lands in the mid-1900s, one funds Native language programs, and the third gives federal recognition to the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana.

2. Trump finalized the creation of Space Force as our 6th Military branch.

3. Trump signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face tougher consequences.👀👀

4. Violent crime has fallen every year he’s been in office after rising during the 2 years before he was elected.

5. Trump signed a bill making CBD and Hemp legal.👀👀

6. Trump’s EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan.

7. Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.

8. Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information.

9. Trump signed the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act” (FOSTA), which includes the “Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act” (SESTA) which both give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking.👀👀

10. Trump signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding Moms.

11. The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country's highest-paid workers.

12. Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and from corporations that are increasing entry-level pay.

13. Trump signed the biggest wilderness protection & conservation bill in a decade and designated 375,000 acres as protected land.

14. Trump signed the Save our Seas Act which funds $10 million per year to clean tons of plastic & garbage from the ocean.👀👀

15. He signed a bill this year allowing some drug imports from Canada so that prescription prices would go down.

Democrats care about health so much they're attempting to delay the drug rebate rule made by President Trump until 2026. Maybe even get rid of it altogether.

They'd rather stick it to Trump than save Americans money on crucial medicine.

Think about that.



16. Trump signed an executive order this year that forces all healthcare providers to disclose the cost of their services so that Americans can comparison shop and know how much less providers charge insurance companies.

17. When signing that bill he said no American should be blindsided by bills for medical services they never agreed to in advance.

18. Hospitals will now be required to post their standard charges for services, which include the discounted price a hospital is willing to accept.

19. In the eight years prior to President Trump’s inauguration, prescription drug prices increased by an average of 3.6% per year. Under Trump, drug prices have seen year-over-year declines in nine of the last ten months, with a 1.1% drop as of the most recent month.

20. He created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans.👀👀

21. VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far.

22. Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life.

23. Because of a bill signed and championed by Trump, In 2020, most federal employees will see their pay increase by an average of 3.1% — the largest raise in more than 10 years.

24. Trump signed into a law up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave for millions of federal workers.

25. Trump administration will provide HIV prevention drugs for free to 200,000 uninsured patients per year for 11 years.👀👀

26. All-time record sales during the 2019 holidays.

27. Trump signed an order allowing small businesses to group together when buying insurance to get a better price👀👀

28. President Trump signed the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act that provides funding for states to develop maternal mortality reviews to better understand maternal complications and identify solutions & largely focuses on reducing the higher mortality rates for Black Americans.

And so much more and again, while under attack from a bunch of pathologically lying filth; Impeachment 1, 2, Ukraine, so man more and what did they accomplish? If you like that swill, Liz. Cheney will be your gal in 2024!

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You can save the campaign data, I voted for the guy because he’s lesser of the evils. We have plenty of maga hats in my house.

Not disputing the fact that he’s hated equally by dems and gop rinos.

But he’s FOR the jabs and we need a spokesperson for truth to shine a light on this cesspool before MORE of our children are damaged.

It’s a critical issue & without a primary candidate to speak for us, nothing will change & I am afraid trumps incapable of change.

They’ll make this next election about his personality and he WONT make it about the vile injurious jabs. So, while he has some good points, we need someone to stand up to big pharma as a major PART of the deep state, and not just take on big dems

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Like I said, I like the actual results, the accomplishments, and decided not to get vaccinated after reading as much as I could on the subject no matter who developed it or promoted it. Once the Democrats turned from anti to pro it was kind of obvious they were full of …

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Could PDJT been referencing this?

US Army has new COVID vaccine that works against all variants, researchers say https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/12/us-army-has-new-covid-vaccine-that-works-against-all-variants-researchers-say/

Haven’t seen a follow-up to this and it may well exist.

I did take note of;

Moderna - Gene therapy is not a vaccine nor tested, authorized

Googling it brings up the denials that it’s NOT gene therapy and lots of “it’s a vaccine” which, based on the lies of the past, makes me believe it’s not a vaccine. If it is, it’s one of the crappiest one ever.

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Bayer exec Stefan Oelrich in summer 2021: "If we had called it 'gene therapy," nobody would have taken it."


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I’ve heard Malone state on a few occasions that the spastic denial of it being gene therapy is proof that that’s unequivocally what it is and they didn’t want anyone to believe it.

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Thanks for the link.

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There's plenty of proof out there of the definitions of "vaccine" and "pandemic" being changed within the last couple years. 4plebs will be your best bet for honest archiving.

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It's too late, he should have had his "come to Jesus" moment a year ago. Now he can only say " I did the right thing, and knew our agencies were corrupt, but never imagined it was every agency and how corrupt. " even this is probably more that he can admit.

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Yeah. This is the only way forward for him is to say something to that effect. I think most of us feel this way. We knew things were corrupt, we just had no idea how deeply rotten and corrupt they were. My eyes have been opened and I can’t unsee it now.

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I feel the same. I thought I had a handle on how corrupt The System is, but after the last two years, I now realize we have only scraped the surface of the rot. And it extends through all agencies and institutions - there is nothing that is not contaminated. I had a similar feeling after reading a book by Kimberly Strassel about how the IRS went after the Tea Party during the Obama years. I thought because I listened to Rush, I had some understanding of the process - and then I read that book and kept exclaiming to my husband, "this is really bad."

And I guess my point in saying this is that I don't think even Trump was fully prepared for what he found in DC and at the end of the day, he got rolled too.

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We need a fighter and a leader. Unfortunately, with Trump, so also comes an inerrant lack of insight on when to brag on an accomplishment. Certainly, warp speed cut through bureaucracy to bring something forward fast, but that something was not good. Taking credit for Warp Speed is like taking credit for building the railroad that transported the prisoners to Auschwitz.

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Also his chronic lack of ability to judge character and discern when it comes to people. Hard to drain the swamp when you can't figure out who's swampy! (Kushner, Fauci, Dr. OZ, just to name a few.)

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It was always a huge mistake for Trumpy to claim any kind of credit for either Warp Speed or the "vaccines". Those enjoying their TDS were never going to credit him with anything and he's opened the door to them pushing the blame upon him.

His only saving grace was he never came out in favor of the mandates that Biden embraced so readily but, again, TDS won't allow him even that.

Guarantee if he wins in 2024 the Dems will demand some form of vaccine themed impeachment.

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I’m sorry. What is TDS?

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Trump derangement syndrome

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Yes. An irrational fear or hatred of Donald J Trump.

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Total Destruction of Sanity (brought on by a psychotic hatred of one named Trump… or anyone wearing a red baseball cap.)

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hopefully he is getting ready now for the inevitable questions he will face.

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After the fact isn't going to cut it, IMO. He needs to get out in front, acknowledge the jab disaster and point to Birx's book as proof he was lied to.

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DeSantis should bludgeon him with this imo

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I tried to "like" this but it won't let me!!

Substack, what's up??

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Same here. This happens a lot on Substack.

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I believe it's the posts that speak TRUTH most clearly. I cannot "like" them!

Interesting, yes??

And, Substack refused to monetize Dr. Lee Merritt.

So reading/listening to her may prove the most informative of all. ; ))

(Oh, my, censorship EVERYWHERE.)

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SAME! I thought it was bc my

screen is a tad cracked.

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To get in front of this, Trump has to take the lead on asserting fraud committed by BigPharma. Of course that will lead to questions regarding Trump's oversight of the process (or lack thereof). He really is in a no-win situation.

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Maybe. But he's not an MD. He trusted the "experts". Who lied and manipulated him.

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Why is he still touting the jabs, though? And he just sent his SIL to crow about their jab achievements on Kudlow today.

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Ugh. Really? Sigh.

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Yeah, it's clear that Trump's team still believes they are the pandemic heroes that came to the rescue of the world.

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True, Green Hornet, but I think that excuse only gets him so far. He likes to present himself as the "Art of the Deal" real estate mogul who knows how the game is played. Here, he was the one who got played. And I don't really blame him for being out of his depth - he faced a Herculean task given the animosity shown towards him first as a candidate and then as a President. I place FAR MORE BLAME on the Republicans (even more than the stupid, evil Democrats) because apart from a handful, they stood by and did nothing.

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He definitely needs to get in front of this. In fact, he could state that he had no information on safety and assumed the FDA and CDC would follow their established and proven protocols for investigational new medicines - they did not. The rot in that organization has to be removed. Had he been in office, he would never have mandated experimental products on the people. He also should double-down on his initial order to administer HCL off-label, an order that was countermanded by the rot in the deep state.

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Blaming Trump for this disaster is like blaming Smith & Wesson for gun crime.

The current Idiot(s) in charge pulled the trigger at every turn. There is probably no greater victim than the military, particularly the young sons and daughters handed over in the name of national defense. The military at the senior level let the idiot abuse their people-the young sons and daughters of America. They are either completely devoid of honor or critical thinking, neither is acceptable and the later is supposed to be their strong suit.

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I'm not blaming him. He was duped, manipulated. If he doesn't acknowledge the jab disaster that Fauci et al foisted on us, he will own it. That's what I'm saying. Will he be smart enough to be humble and admit he was used?

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"Blaming Trump for this disaster is like blaming Smith & Wesson for gun crime."

They are doing that already:

Gunmakers lose challenge to New York law allowing lawsuits against industry


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Yes and it’s ludicrous. Next they’ll blame fast food for the obesity epidemic. That craziness will only go so far. That court battle will surely go on for some time and is more than likely meant to impose a legal burden on the manufacturers in the state of NY. I suppose it’s New York copying Texas’ strategy in passing a law that imposes civil recourses on abortion providers, passed before the recent Roe decision.

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Trump's best political play is to swap jerseys and rally the angry mob. One admission that he was duped and then turn the torches to Fauci et al. Someone has to burn and anything said about Trump and Warp Speed will be true and any heat he takes will be well deserved. However, if he does that same thing to a long list of people, the pitchforks will be happier with the others' heads instead of Trump's. Then if he really does it, and I mean really hangs a few hundred people in the public square, he will go down as one of the greatest arbiters of justice the country has ever seen. All political show, but as long as heads on are pikes, people will be satisfied.

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Well. I think WARP SPEED was someone else’s idea and humility is one thing but I know he does not want to push blame. That honestly isn’t his game either. If you notice, He speaks of the blue ill will in the collective

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See bailiwicknews at substack to see how Trump, just like every president going back at least to 1900, passed laws to make this possible. This FBI raid is like most everything, just a distraction.

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I recently saw a short video of an Australian politician claiming the same thing regarding laws put in place over many years to hem in the doctors. It seems quite possible that this has been in the works for decades.

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Trump was in on it.

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"In on it" How?




I'm willing to believe, I have not seen it. I'm willing to see it. I don't have TDS.

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Definite maybe.

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@ all the replies here, please understand that "reality" and "truth" and "facts" do not matter one, damn bit here in what el gato is saying. It doesn't matter a damn bit whether Birx said xyz or Fauci or Sick Puppet or FDA CDC NIH WTF said anything because they don't play by our rules. Do you guys get it yet? Like playing football but the other team decides whenever it suits them which rules apply, when it's a penalty, how many points they get for a touchdown, and when your field goals don't count. You can cry and whine all you want but they own the referees, the broadcasters, and most of the coaches. As long as we continue to play their game we will continue to get pummeled.

Think of it this way. When the globalists hit us all w the Scamdemic, it didn't matter a damn bit that they were contravening basic virology, immunology, and medicine. Muzzles, lockdowns, closures, jail time, and fines for you and none of your facts, appeals to science, logic, or the Constitution mattered one damn bit. It's raw power. Period. End of story.

So, NOW. The mass formation psychosis will pivot perfectly to adopt the new narrative that Trump (and by implication anyone who supported him) is guilty of all the vile and evil things unleashed these last 2 years. And it won't matter a damn bit if any of us can point to a thousand videos of them pushing jabs, lockdowns, etc... Because POWER. They have it and we dont. They're willing to lock all of us up, bankrupt us, poison us, kill us if necessary because power is everything to them. And they know we won't do a damn thing except whine in the comments section. Trump will be arrested. He will be the 1984 Goldstein that will be the object of hate. It's channeling hate and fear. Facts and reality be damned.

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I pray you are wrong. I really do. My GOD is still in the throne my friend. I was reading Jeremiah today- when the Jews were taken captive to Babylon whoa! It was rough making our troubles look like a picnic. God brought redemption then, and HE is bringing it now all in HIS perfect timing. Hold tight and pray please. HOLD TIGHT AND PRAY!!

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I share your sentiments D. My point is, let's not think that the Babylonians care one bit about how unfair or wrong it is to demolish homes, kill innocent women/ children, or some treaty made 50 years before w King Hezekiah. We arent trusting God by deluding ourselves about the enemy.

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Can't argue with any of these points. As Steve Deace likes to say, "we are not a nation of laws and never have been, we are a nation of will and always will be." This is all pure power politics. Team Donkey is better at the game and Team Elephant hates its own roster. I don't know how this particular moment in history ultimately plays out, but based on past events, it will likely be ugly.

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So 2 + 2 = 5 and that's it?

I don't think so.

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To you and I, no. We know the sum is 4. To the Regime, 2 + 2 = whatever they say because they're about power not correct answers. Why do you insist, after 2+ yrears of Scamdemic and biowarfare that correct answers matter?

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The truth always matters. Veritas omnia vincit.

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In the long run, yes. In the short term, history (and the last 2 yrs) has shown truth doesnt factor into death camps or experimental genetic modifications.

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Agree. He was blinded by getting reelected. I don't think discernment is one of his strengths.

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He’s an idiot, and got played. He can never be in power again he must be stopped.

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That’s insightful- and they guy installed now is a genius?? Ill take a crass, sometimes unpolished person that has a track record of success who stands up for the people that he serves over a career crooked bureaucrat any day of the week.

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Common Psychopath Personality Traits:

-Antisocial behavior


-Superficial charm


-Callous, unemotional traits

-Lack of guilt

-Lack of empathy


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You've just described most every politician.

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We were just stick figures in Fauci's grand experiment he'd been waiting for his whole life.

The man was either born without empathy or decided to have a lobotomy to remove any vestige of it.

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Pure Sociopathy.

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-Government pension

-No loss of income during lockdowns

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And no children to have look into the eyes of.

Cruelty is an aphrodisiac for him.

I revile the man.

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charm? i must have missed that

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Superficial charm. There's a difference.

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Yes. I do not see this in #45. He wants good for this country and loves what he does. Please be careful not to confuse his confidence with narcissism

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#Fauci and every single mother f****r that supported lockdowns, forcing other people to get jabbed, masked, etc.

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Amen. Let's make all of these evil people who perpetrated the fraud pay with the truth.

That's how we get our "vengeance". Let's wake up the people who were duped and let the history books record what actually happened.

That is revenge served cold.

We are the ones who can write the history books (for once); not those who tricked the people into believing that which is a rewrite.

Let's make them drown on their false "Latin".

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fauXi et all are what is called "functional psychopaths"

fauxi figured out or with help - his buddy gates? who? - how to consolidate power as an unelected bureaucrat, He controls all American grant funding of research worldwide.

How he got through medical school is because pretty much once you get there they try and get you through. He passed his boards. He was licensed. He is a TERRIVBLE doctor. He started his career as the Chief of the immunological lab before he was appointed head of NIAID. He gets his name on papers and patents he had nothing to with at all. He gets to "King make" and swing $ and FDA approvals for dangerous products. His wife heads up the medical and scientific ethics department in NAID. She gets to direct or even write the drug trialing protocols. When Remdesivir was killing people during its Ebola trialing, and it was pulled. FauXi had it pulled out again for trialing for covid! and when it was again killing people, he had the end point changed mid study and the trial shortened. Who rewrote that protocol? Yeah. She did. Whose product was Remdesivir? Ralph Baric - who trained Shi and who worked with her and others and has an evidence trail 30 years long leading to the released lab-created virus with HIVs in it, TB, Malaria, TSS, Staph A, Strep, prion and amyloidosis promoting sequences and more - much more -optimized to destroy HUMAN immune systems. FauXi managed to get the Patent and Trade Office to patent SARS after 3 tries by paying fees to keep the application super-secret. SARS is supposedly a "natural" virus. But it's not really - by paying the super-secrecy fees FauXi could release information that showed how it was created at that time using the methods and techniques available - including time honored and used today serial passaging through mice. He could do this claiming National Security. So, anyone that wants to use SARS in research must go through NIH/FauXi - whose name is on the patent with NIH et al. - with an NDA. MERS is another lab creation, but it was too lethal. The test was done on an island off Saudi Arabia where camel breeding for competitive racing is done. It killed too many and Obama got very nervous nd had GOF research stopped. It wasn't stopped for long, fauXi arranges a get-around. Everyone who wanted or needed to continue had to apply and explain how any danger would be minimized. Everyone who so applied was waived and continued. Ralph Baric did not want to pause his lab's work while awaiting the waiver, so he moved most of it from UNC Chapel Hill, NC to Wuhan. Most of his students were Chinese - and were as all PhD and post-docs from China are - PLA officers. Another researcher doing very edgy coronavirus splicing work is Peter Daszak of EcoHealth fame, another well-funded via fauXi scientist. All these people knew and had confirmed that HCQ is curative for SARS and when the time came also for SARS2. Dazak was recently found in Russia working in a state defense biolab. Lovely.

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Who, or what, created him?

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“I am seriously starting to think that tony is outright psychotic.”

I laughed a lot when I read this. Starting to think?

Lots of long dead AZT victims could tell you some tales from the crypt. Fauci is Josef Mengele of this century. Dante will return to life to add a 10th circle of hell, exclusively reserved for Little Tony.

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I almost posted the same exact thing - STARTING to think? Oh he's been showing his psychosis for a very long time. The man is a menace and deranged.

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I posted the same thing, before I scanned down the thread and saw that I was, as usual, a paradigm settler! The lies pFauci told (and the profit he secured) during the AIDS hoopla could fill a tell-all book twice as thick as Kennedy's. One of the ads for Truvada, which I do not see advertised anymore, gave me deja vu with regard to the "CDC guidance" about masking. These people are FOS now and have been FOS for years. Tony has been shoveling feces for his entire career.

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He's a perfectly possessed demon. I wish people could see that and call him what he is. As for Trump, he's an unintelligent narcissist. Trump and Fauxi worked together in this war on humanity for the last three years. The best thing that could happen to this country is if both met their maker long before the next presidential election.

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No love lost for the current cabal either. They are all crooks.

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Not to mention many many thousands of parents of vax-injured children.

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Tens of millions. Or the millions and millions similarly situated to me. Who had one parent die alone in a NH with no family member, even her husband of 73 years, able to visit for the 9 months before she died. Two months later the 2nd perfectly healthy 95 year old parent got his first jab, then the second. 9 months later he was dead from Stage 4 Bladder cancer that spread to literally every bone in his body in a matter of weeks. And, while in hospice and clearly dying but not ready to give it up yet, they forced him to take a booster and a flu shot at the same time. 6 days later he was dead. If any of them think that we will ever forget, or forgive, they have no idea. The only emotion I have is cold rage. And they have no idea of the cold rage that is building ‘out there.’ And will continue to build. Until it explodes. And it will. Because they knowingly and willfully destroyed hundreds of millions of lives. Death by hanging and the 9th circle of hell does not even come close to describing what they deserve.

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Yesssss! Dead nephew unequivocally from jabs- massive stroke within days, early 40’s.

Adult kids with multiple jabs I fear for their immune system

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Spot on!

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wow. had not seen that.

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2+ years of bad, or evil, if you prefer, policy decisions, many, if not most, of them spear-headed by the existing POTUS, and his political acolytes, yet low-and-behold, the reason is--drum roll please--because #OrangeManBad. Damn.

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These are the same people who pushed for the mandates and who wanted the unvaxxed shunned from society. They don't get to put this all on Trump.

Trump is responsible for removing the guard rails in Warp Speed, but he did not mandate the jabs, which were clearly hurting people and not preventing infection/transmision long before the mandates were put in place by Biden.

We'll never know if Trump would have gone along with the mandates. I believe that's what they bought with their 81 million votes.

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So, in full disclosure, although pretty sure no one here needs to be reminded, I think both parties, and most candidates, are so chock full of crap that it is folly to debate. I like to say, "Since almost all politicians appear to be lying sacks of foul, though nitrogen-rich, fecal matter, it strikes me as a waste of time to debate which bag might contain more undigested corn." This latest #OrangeManBad salvo is yet another attempt to derail his re-election bid. Desperation breeds crazy-ass tactics. Widespread stupidity in the populace makes those tactics worthwhile.

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I agree with you. However, we cannot allow them to scapegoat Trump. They are as much to blame or more.

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No real disagreement. For me, the "Trump is actually to blame" pivot/gambit will serve as a sorting hat for if the speaker is a raving moron.

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I posted a meme about how if trump had mandated it everyone would be up in arms instead of calling for my dispossession and I got the most childish and non sensical denials you can imagine. Not many people have engaged with me since then, but it obviously struck an interesting nerve. PS: I voted for Biden as did most of my contacts, but I was the only one willing to say what we all know is true.

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Most of my family members suffer from TDS, but they all took three jabs. The cognitive dissonance is disorienting. When I'm being harassed by someone on Twitter or Fakebook and accused of being a Trumplican (I did vote for him), I always ask how many Trump jabs they got. It throws them off balance for sure.

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"Trump jabs"

Awesome! 😹

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Magnificent Catnac 😊

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thanks for the link. gave you a shout out here.

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whew this is suddenly moving really fast

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I said a year ago they would use this to (try to) hang him.

So did many others.

We were right.

At least in the short term.

Only time will tell if Gato and the others are right about his ability to teflon the attacks back to the truly guilty -- or at least MOST guilty -- parties.

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We all must ask - how BAD is: 1) internal polling for team donkey right now and 2) excess mortality numbers the CDC keeps reclassifying and trying to hide??

I mean, in the last week they have done a complete COVID narrative flip, raided a former President's home, announced an internal audit and reform of the CDC, and changed CDC COVID guidelines, announced the retirement of a "beloved public servant" and today announced a bribe, sorry, loan forgiveness program for those with student loan debt.

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The Damn Donkeys are TERRIFIED!!

My one problem with this is that they never think of the obvious: tell the f'ing truth! Fess up! Say : we thought lockdowns were awesome, but we are too stupid to listen to economists! We thought vaccines against a rapidly mutating gain of funtion Corona virus WE created would work, despite 100 years of epidemiology telling is it would not, lol, because we are STUPID! (Oh, wait, that was TRUMP, LOL!)

OR, we thought it was fine to torture granny and poppop to death with Remdesivir and and a Ventilator, while we lied and lied and lied and lied about Ivermectin, and HCQ and, and and, because, ? We Were STUPID???

Can you buy that? I cannot. It's bloody absurd.

No. It's all intentional. And has been from the git go.


Donkeys, you are done. Elephants, time to shake the wool from your eyes and serve the PEOPLE!

You have been serving Mammon too long!! Donkeys too. It's Corruption, plain and simple, at the bottom of the SWAMP.

Both colors. Both animals. Wake up. America is on the move, and red or blue, nothing matters any more except Truth, Integrity, and Seeking Justice.

Let's lock the criminals up!!

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Lol! Let the "Political Class" Hunger Games begin!!!

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The pivot starts.

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If they go after Trump, he’ll throw Birx and Pence under the bus. She admitted to hiding things in her reports to get what she wanted done. And she will in turn throw Fauci under the bus. Who will then turn in the pharma companies. The infighting & destruction will be glorious. Take them all down.

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One important point: Trump was enthusiastic about the vaccine, but NEVER advocated forcing it on anyone. Never, not once.

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Still. They killed our country on his watch. Lockdowns. School Closures. Withholding Ivermectin, HCQ, and other effective treatments. Murdered 100s of thousands with Remdesivir and Ventilators.

Trump did NOTHING substantive to STOP this whole catastrophe.

What did he do?

Rolled out the Killer Clot Shot via the military.

He is either in on it or too stupid to hold office. I'm sorry.

He did save the economy and vastly improved our international and military standing.

BUT-- he presided over the roll out of the end of our nation, nonetheless.

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"Trump did NOTHING substantive to STOP this whole catastrophe."

Serious question. What could Trump have done, especially after the states exerted their rights under federalism?

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By Presidential Order he could have made HCQ and Ivermectin available to all Americans.

He could have fired Fouci. He could have said the Federal Government stands with any private business that wishes to stay open.

And, he could have convened Front Line Doctors and told FDA and CDA to implement all the protocols which were showing progress in treating SARS-COV-2, giving each treating physician their choice.

He had dozens of options. Bringing Economists to the microphone to explain the Full Cost of Lockdowns would have been a start!

Telling physicians they were free to treat their patients without threats from State Run Medical Boards, given the "emergency," or, demanding all Fouci's information on Wuhan and Gain-of-Function research, NOW! (While he was in office.)

The President has a lot of tools in his toolbox. He didn't use any, except Fouci, and Warp Speed. Which has now destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. And killed 1.5 million Americans by my estimate.

He fumbled the ball. 100%.

At best, IMO.

Or he's in on the game.

Just my opinion, take it or leave it.

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As was too often the case, Trump failed at following his instincts (which I think were, for the most part, correct). He deferred too much to "the experts" and as much as he sparred with the media, was ultimately worried about the blowback he would receive had he fired Fauci early on (those are his words). I voted for him twice. I am thankful for what has been revealed through him, but I think he must step aside.

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The Orange man bad angle will never work because the global response was uniform... vaccines, masks, lockdowns, social distancing, etc. Will the likes of Trudeau, Ardern, The WHO, and all the 'experts' feign that they were fooled by Trump.

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Of course they will.

Try, at least.

Succeed, though, that's harder to predict.

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Sounds LOVELY !!

I need popcorn and a dartboard with fouci faces so I can play too!

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My state has issued either "voluntary" mask wearing or "mandatory" mask wearing (depending upon where you live. I went to the dentist a week ago and here is the scenario: my dentist has a 'yellow' warning sign and suggests wearing a mask. Ten feet away (literally) is a periodontist that has a 'red' warning sign and you must wear a mask. The C-19 has been awfully devious these past 2 1/2 years and, apparently, can be deadly within ten feet. 🙄

When I entered the dentist's office the receptionist immediately whipped out a box of face masks. I said, "no thanks, I'm waiting outside." She was completely flustered.

These mask recommendations are guided by CDC data except the data is not only wrong, but highly suspicious. If you're an Ohioan, I suggest following Kathryn Huwig's substack for details.

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I too had a dentist appointment in a blue state a month ago and immediately she whips out a box of masks and asked me to put one on I said OK... And hung it over one ear... Everybody in the rooms getting their teeth worked on were maskless but when you’re sitting and waiting for your appointment you’re supposed to sit there with a diaper on your face, it makes no sense!

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I hang it on my ear . And I have Handi wipes for the doors and the iPad used to check in with.

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I am so fortunate to have my dentist. Never were masks required. Yesterday, while waiting for my scheduled cleaning, I noticed a book on the table and though I don't remember the exact title it was something to the effect that masks wearing is bad for your health.

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Dentists should know this because they also know that the highest concentration of bacteria is in our mouths.

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Yes they should but logic seems to have flown the coop. 🐔

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So...are you in Ohio perchance? 😜

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No. But I am in the midwest

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I was guessing not. I was hoping to get the name of your dentist if you were in Ohio. Thanks!

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I'd love to send her new patients but I'm afraid it would be a days drive for you!

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And didn't Mike DeWine just win his primary by some huge margin? He was one of the worse Covidholics.

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Yes. ::sigh:: 🙄

We had just moved back from Oregon about 18 months before the scamdemic. Father-in-law and my Dad were widowers who needed help. I was very busy taking care of both and so didn't pay much attention to Ohio politics at the time. I'm telling you - I thought DeWine was a Democrat. I actually looked him up online to "make sure" he identified as a Republican.

So when the whole shut down of the state began, I decided to watch one of his first press conferences which he held weekly and then twice a week. I was stunned to see him focus on his tie and his wife's pies. I stared in utter bewilderment - I kid you not. What the actual heck is going on?! He had this "just folks" chatty attitude that I still cannot fathom. But apparently the livestock fall for it. 😬

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An these medical professionals don’t know the virus is aerosolized travels a good 30 feet and easily crosses through layers of paper and fabric? Or they know this, yet choose to play the game?

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Trying to stop mosquitoes with a chain link fence.

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Aug 24, 2022
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Aug 24, 2022
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I recently uncovered a bit of writing I did on masks from two years ago highlighting how arbitrary and capricious the rules are.

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I love it when they shove it down under the chin and wear it that way.

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And power tripping

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It's their binky. It's their blankie.

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Not up here they aren’t. Team vax and team mask are still playing dirty.

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Trudope will be the next to fall. Mark my words. His time is coming. Until then the best you can do is not comply with any of it.

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Turdeau is an abomination who must be flushed.

Truck Fudeau!

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When are Rutte and Ardern having their turn?

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Aug 24, 2022
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Like 2 minutes ago? Not really

I’m just fed up awaiting the sh*tshow that winter will bring

A lot of vaxxed people I know are sick now. Winter is going to get nutty. Can you say team mask mandates for fall?

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Ah, the return of masking. I won't need to do it at all. Maybe to go food shopping. The silver lining for having lost a job recently. Economic disaster time here in NorCal, it's rougher than people can imagine. The Gold Rush has ended, and those who sold the shovels are also in trouble. Cannabis is over here, just like that, and literally hundreds of thousands of people are up a effin' creek. Businesses going tits up in a ditch, left and right. How will that play out with the midterms, mandates, etc.? We shall see. Governor Hair Do will likely throw some chump change at us, while enforcing lockdowns. Kicks and strokes, that's how you make people crazy (don't say it, don't say it. I know...California).

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You’re going to be picking up all the slack for the sick and dead.

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Pre-scamdemic I used to do that when I saw Asian girls (it was pretty much always girls) wearing medical masks in airports. Walk up close and try to make the most ill sounding coughing noises that I could. They must be laughing back at me now.

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All the effing time.

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I’m going to do this! Thank you!

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This is classic! "One theory on the timing of his resignation is that he finally ran out of room in his office for new pictures of himself"

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That wall was his sex life.

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My wife thanks you or her morning giggle.

Falsie's sex life!

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In the service, that kind of ludicrous display is called an "I Love Me Wall" and every Rear Echelon Motherfucker has one. And come to think of it, REMF captures exactly what Tony is -- a "leader" who's never seen actual combat, and to whom casualties are just numbers.

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This is exactly how the world works in Communist China. Allow me to give an example.

One day it will be in the interest of the CCP to encourage anti-Japanese sentiment (as the example) as the CCP is in tariff negotiations with Toyota or some such company. The CCP will encourage protest and public destruction of Japanese-made cars and air it on their state media. The true Japanese-hating Chinese citizens will find their day of glory and have their voice amplified.

As soon as it is no longer politically useful for the CCP to have this this anti-Japanese sentiment, those same protestors will now be at risk of jail time for the same disorderly behavior that was encouraged the day prior.

As I discuss in this article about Wokeness (https://zhcommenter.substack.com/p/wokeness), there is an active rejection of individual self-awareness taking place in group dynamics like these. People end up only knowing themselves in the context of the group. It is how our Western "Woke" can say on one day "Silence is violence," and on the next chant "Words are violence."

There is no individual principle present, simply adherence to group ideology, which is subject to change from day to day.

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The reason the Jews keep the memory of the Holocaust so alive (and this is expensive, inconvenient and uncomfortable to do) is because they KNOW that history can be re-created overnight and wash away all facts and truth. That if we forget, it will easily and absolutely happen again. I don't know of any other event kept alive like this (except perhaps the Armenian Holocaust, but on a much smaller scale and only in large cities).

Reframing the recent past by pouring millions or billions of dollars into it is hard to fight. I think Fauci, Walensky and other knew they would be the sacrificial lambs in the end, but they will be well taken care of and likely forgotten by most. It's a never ending cycle of fraud that relatively few see and have little power over.

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Doesn't seem like the Germans learned much based on how they treated dissent and demonizing their fellow citizens.

Demonizing others in Germany was some of the worst in the world.

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You're right. I don't think they learned anything at all and/or the human tendency to vilify groups when in desperate times is just too tempting. They (and Austrians) seem to be the worst at handling this stuff in a rational, non-murderous manner.

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Except maybe for the Australians, the Canadians, the New Zealanders, the French, the British, the Chinese, the Californians, the Washingtonians, the Chicagoans, and the New Yorkers.

It may all be blurring together for me now, but I've been reading of both tyrants and heroes in every geographical region we focus on. It isn't particularly an ethnicity. It's the difference between people who distrust authority, and those who cleave to it.

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Right, of course. There are different people everywhere. But as a culture as a whole, it is fair to say that Germans follow orders, get into lockstep and have indeed, learned nothing despite their own specific history. It's not ethnicity, but it is culture and norm.

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Ethnicity is culture as well as race. As far as following orders goes, did the supposedly liberal Anglo-sphere countries really show any more resistence than the Germans did?

It is possible, as you say, that some cultures/norms tied to ethnicity are more conformist than others. In the current episode, that charge has mostly been directed at east Asian people, who traditionally are supposed to subordinate the individual to the family.

Before around 1870 and the Franco-Prussian war, Germany was generally stereotyped as a land of laid-back, dreamy, Bohemian artists and intellectuals, living in hundreds of different sovereign statelets, who would be very hard to put into lockstep. The exception was Prussia, in the northeast, a Protestant German enclave on the Baltic facing off against neighboring Slavs, Balts, and the German Catholic power of Austria. Prussia's rulers indeed managed to turn their country into a disciplined army camp, if only to survive.

In the nineteenth century, after the defeat of the invasion and occupation by the very militarized power of Napoleonic France, Prussia picked up most of the rest of Germany outside of Austria. Not all Germans appreciated Prussian dominance or Prussian norms, and they developed the negative stereotype of Prussian militarism and lock-steppery. During the World War period of the first half of the twentieth century, Allied propagandists picked up that stereotype and applied it to all Germans.

At the end of the Second World War, Prussia was wiped off the face of the earth, its people either killed or forced to flee west. What remained of Germany and Austria was occupied by the Soviets, Americans, British, and French, and is still occupied by America to this day. To justify this, the occupying powers have invested a great deal in fomenting a black legend against Germans and Germany, which has been very successful. Germans are supposed to feel ashamed of themselves and guilty about their past, while the rest of us play the moral judge over them, clucking condescendingly about them having learned nothing from their history if they ever behave in any way we don't like.

As with Japan, the survival of Germany at the end of World War II was nip and tuck. They were completely defeated and facing enormous rage from the countries they had fought against and the peoples they had suppressed. They could only fall into line behind vassal leaders appointed by their occupiers and accept permanently subservient status and a humiliatingly prejudicial interpretation of what they were about.

Japan has found its way back to moral good standing through time and anime. But Germany is still the naughty child, and carries on its back the black legend that is continually re-imposed upon it by our propagandists. People sometimes complain that Germany does not stand up for itself against America, against NATO, or against vax-covidian mandates. But the moment it did, our propaganda machines, acting on that black legend with which nearly everyone has been prejudiced throughout their lives, would go into overdrive and justify anything up to and including genocide against Germany. Germans, and German leaders, probably understand this quite well. Carthage fought two great wars against Rome, was defeated both times, and then, over fifty years after their second defeat, Roman leaders forced another war on them and wiped out Carthage altogether. Germany has fought two great wars against us; if it comes to a third war, even a purely defensive one, Germany may go the way of Carthage thanks to that relentless black legend, and the Germans know it.

So do Germans follow orders and get into lockstep more than other Europeans, due to their German cultural norms? I don't know, and I don't sense it, but I also don't know Germany well enough to say. The claim that they do sounds like a piece of the black legend. If they do, with respect to the things that American elites demand, that is probably precisely because of the black legend and their reasonable terror of getting into its crosshairs. I've seen videos of crowds of Germans dancing in the street in protest of the mandates, and I know very well locally how lockstep American "liberals" have been, with their unintrospective 100% agreement with absolutely anything their propaganda sources tell them to think, because they don't dare go against their own faction's consensus. I remain unconvinced that the Germans are any more "Prussian" than we are.

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Gosh Snow - well said.

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I subsituted 'lock...' for 'goose...' and found your comment still makes sense 🫤

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Yes I agree completely it shall all have been Trump's fault. And that is certainly in great part true; he hired the worst and kept the worst of what he inherited and he was not possessed of the stones to seek counsel from wiser and more ethical advisors and to fight for a better path.

But the forces arrayed against all of us would have required a titan to prevail against and they don't breed 'em these days--or at least not in the political sphere where we desperately need 'em.

Monstrosities like Leana will do or say anything to remain within the realms of power, and I don't doubt they all have their little piles of blackmail-ready receipts so from neither party will there be the will to clean house.

Gonna take a real nationwide nonpartisan uprising and that's gonna be a hell of a job to build.

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I fear you may be understating the challenge.

Anything that inconveniences anyone, no matter how trivial, is Trump's fault.

Anything that MIGHT inconvenience anyone, no matter how trivial, is Trump's fault.

Why would ANY of the parasitical species that infest ALL levels of the political universe ever be driven to even consider, let alone suggest, substantive change to a system that so richly rewards them?

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Having a Satan has been a useful excuse since the concept of Satan was invented.

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And we saw what happened to discredit Dr Atlas. He knew the task force was pushing bad policy, not data based. He got trashed, a lot.

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If this is truly happening, I suggest we are just happy about it.

Because I am sure that if they would continue to push their ridiculous measures the measures would remain in place. We can easily see this in places were the measures are in fact still in place (to some degree). I foresee permanent mask mandates in countries such as Taiwan, Germany and Canada.

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They love them in Spain as well. Still mandated on public transport and the two new places of worship for the covid cult - pharmacies and hospitals. My guess is that around ten percent of people are still wearing them voluntarily outdoors even in the middle of summer.

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That percentage holds here in NorCal, too, even when we've been well into the triple digits. Reminds me of turkeys drowning in the rain.

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Great insight on the places of worship! Hadn’t quite made that connection.

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I seriously doubt that many people, at this stage in the game, are going to change their opinions on Trump, no matter what they hear or see in the MSM.

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He is a textbook sociopath, 4% of the population and much higher in government. Beware the Sanpaku eyes: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-spot-a-sociopath

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I was surprised that Biden and the demonrats didn't throw the blame on Trump once the failure of the jabs became apparent. I still don't know why they didn't take that off ramp.

Yes, Trump removed the safeguards (put in place for good reason) and facilitated Warp Speed. He's a businessman, not a scientist or a medical professional. He was trying to solve problems and save people whilst watching all his accomplishments, achieved against incredible headwinds, destroyed by the pandemic response. They played him. They knew exactly which buttons to push. Perhaps he could fend off the attacks, but could he ignore being accused of killing grandmas?

Trump did not want the shut downs. He acceded to Fauci and Birx.

Trump wanted therapeutics, not vaccines. He released the national stockpile of HCQ and that psychopath Rick Bright blocked it. Remember the Surgisphere fraud?

Trump did not mandate the jabs...for anyone. I doubt he would have, but we'll never know.

They will try to lump on the blame on Trump, but we're not going to let them get away with it.

He still cannot accept that the jabs are a failure.

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Right on all counts and well said.

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From what I recall Trump wanted the cities, states, and corporations to do the dirty work of mandating the vax.

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I don't remember Trump mentioning mandates ever. They started jabbing people in late December 2020. He was out of office in less than a month and seriously hampered the entire time by election fraud and Jan6.

Biden and his cronies, Fauci, Walensky/CDC, FDA, etc., own the mandates. The media and social media aided and abetted. They ignored the early reports of injuries and deaths. They ignored the vaxx failure. They own all of it.

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Trump basically said he was against any vax mandates .... but so did Biden and Trudeau etc etc etc . Mandates and vax passports were on the menu from the beginning and Trump helped paved the path to get us there. He does bear responsibility for that, regardless of what he said.

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Yes Trump is responsible for Warp Speed without which the rest would not have happened.

He is not responsible for the failure to ignore the early signals of injury and death in Jan/Feb 2021.

He is not responsible for Biden's decision to mandate.

We don't know what Trump may have done if he stayed in office 'cause Brandon got those 81 millions votes. Remember?

Your logic, if I can call it that..."three people said the same thing and two of them didn't mean it, so the third probably didn't mean it"...is deeply flawed.

Trump has failed to recognize, let alone acknowledge, that the jabs have failed and are dangerous. That is a big problem.

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They own the messaging sphere and they’ve gotten away with all of their lies so far. Only “hope” - sadly - is they can’t hide the literal bodies forever

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I agree that they own the bully pulpit, but the timeline is hard to ignore. Trump is responsible for removing the guard rails and enabling Warp Speed. He may have been pressuring the drug companies and the FDA to warp faster. But he was out of office when the injuries and deaths became public. He did not ignore the data. He did not suppress the information. He did not enact mandates. Biden and his cronies own this.

All involved must face the American people and our wrath.

And, frankly, any adult who voluntarily took the jabs should sit down and STH up.

Trump isn't responsible for their choices.

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It's like an encyclical issued from the Pope sent to all the Archbishops making a statement to revise long standing teachings of the church.

It's like they spoke with the burning bush and now we've decided we are going to stop demonizing our fellow neighbors.

The difference is there's no confessional booths for these hypocrites.

Makes you wonder what happened lately inside their heads?

Do you think we'll ever get any apologies with what happened at the societal level?

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Apology would be predicated upon any sense of shame or sorrow at what they have done. We should not expect an apology as it would not be sincere anyhow, but we should find a way to make them pay. They need to be held to account. I think many of us are asking ourselves, "What resources are there to hold these people to account?" The ballot box is one place, and now it is the jury box.

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The ballot box is utterly compromised, and even if it weren’t, most Americans are STILL stuck in their team blue/team red dichotomy.

Even the ones who’ve “walked away” won’t have the stones to vote for a 3rd party-- or better, abstain en masse, which would really expose the ballot fraud-- when it comes time and the fear of the “other side” winning becomes too much to bear.

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I was so mad at my mom for voting independent in 2020 and now I am repentant. Currently undecided about bothering with an absentee ballot from abroad. My main reason not to abstain is that I don’t think that an absentee ballot will be missed much, but also my representative was a sponsor for mandating the jab for air travel and he needs to be taken out. I mean FFS, how can you throw all the conscientious objectors in an island state under the bus like that?!? With NO alternative?

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I've been advocating loudly for a third party for DECADES!

The entranced on both sides just stand there is a daze. Blind. Unresponsive.

Damn I wish they'd wake up!!!!

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The "anti-vaxx" community, whatever that is, and I am in it, are getting very confident, you can see it everywhere on social media although its not yet reached critical mass.

Sadly, we are probably just a small number of top young athletes dying in their sleep of unknown causes, and a handful of respected studies showing vax dangers, before this thing is explodes - society is going to fracture like never before.

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That would certainly be the best case scenario. There's a side of me that wants everything exposed. But I'm not holding my breath for the ppl who are going to be sacrificed to the Gods of the Vaxx regardless.

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