house sub-committee attacks trump for meddling with FDA on covid treatments
well, that was quick
no sooner do you write THIS than someone sends you a link to THIS.
well, that was quick…
(thanks to reader RD for the link)
it was trump that rushed this!
he pushed the FDA to enable fraud!
we were handed a poison chalice!
the vaccines are rapidly becoming an albatross that team donkey desperately needs to hang around someone else’s neck.
watch as they “accuse the other side of that which they themselves are doing.”
of course, the fact that the dems look to have sought (and succeeded) in delaying the FDA so that the vaccines would NOT be approved under trump and look like a feather in his cap is not helping make this narrative look any more credible.
and neither is all the pre-approval vaccine bashing and skepticism while their political opponents held the white house
followed by endless hectoring to get the vaxx it’s totally safe or you’ll kill us all because it’s the only way to stop the spread and get your life back.
the simple fact is that this whole process has been monstrously politicized from the start and both sides are guilty.
warp speed happened on trump’s watch. we can blame fauci and birx and redfield and the FDA, but the buck always stops on the president’s desk and there can be no real equivocation: this was a centerpiece effort from trump.
he pushed HARD for it, pushed for the EUA, made piles and pile of political hay over his grand project to save us (and with claims he got robbed of it), and continues to take credit to this day.
honestly, he seems like he’s getting set up as the one guy who does not know that this is about to be an exploding cigar of historic proportions.
he does not see what’s coming because he does not understand what’s happening now just as he did not understand what was happening then or what cutting these kinds of corners could mean.
it was just too potent a political play to ignore and so the dice of our lives and health were rolled in abject ignorance using a set of “studies” so badly designed and executed that anyone with a half a grounding in the space should have seen this coming.
but no one uttered a peep.
nor did any from team donkey find fault when the CDC literally admitted that it was not even monitoring the VAERS safety signals as per their mandate.
so much has been swept under the rug that it’s astonishing the US has not developed a new mountain range.
i still have A LOT of seriously pointy questions about scott gottlieb leaving FDA mid term in 2019 for no reason ever shared with the public to go join the pfizer board right before they got the inside track to cut corners every which way as they jammed what became the most profitable drug in history through a rubber stamp agency in record time.
the politics were being played long before the public even knew we had a crisis coming.
that’s been the game all along: hide the bean and pay the cronies.
and so the whole thing got outlandishly politicized and science, safety, and sanity went begging.
then team donkey stole team elephant’s toy (the same toy they had just gotten done telling every kid in america that no one should EVER own) and suddenly it was the coolest thing ever, the must have accessory, and the one we’ll damn well make you play with even it if you don’t want to.
i don’t care what anyone said to you. you go out making claims like this without checking them first and you own them.
they grabbed the ill tested jabs and took credit for them. “vaccine saves us all” was their cornerstone talking point.
and it was all baseless, tactical nonsense.
everything about the vaccines have been politics since day one.
i mean, what were you expecting?
that’s what you get when you put politicians in charge of anything:
politics first and reality be damned.
and it will not change.
they will not do a better job next time. this worked just like h1n1 or zika or dengue or swine flu. it worked just like AIDs did and monkeypox has since.
it’s all fraud and self dealing at these agencies. always was. the grift just never got so big as to dominate public consciousness like this before in a case where the outcomes could be measured quickly. it never got so big that it destroyed enough lives and livelihoods to bring down retribution.
but now it has.
and we need to capitalize.
this is not just CDC. it’s NIH, it’s FDA, it’s EPA and the department of education. they ALL look like this and the damage will just keep piling up until we take the power away from these agencies.
they will all be used to weaponize politics and to erect systems of plunder and preferencing arrayed against we the people.
it’s become a gamified smash and grab.
these “leaders” have forgotten that there is a nation full of people attached to their political squabbles.
they’ll adopt any policy, position, claim of fact, or practice that gains them leverage.
they will play dice with your lives because it serves them.
and until this power is taken away, we will all remain the frog to their scorpion.
choose well.
Everything about how this all unfolded has been predictable and predicted by those who actually understand viruses, human nature, political corruption and propaganda. And were willing to speak up, get canceled and keep finding new platforms.
It is satisfying to see I've been paying attention to the right people, though there were times I thought I was the insane one.
Much thanks to the bad cats of the world, in particular this one. A Twitter follow led me down quite a path over the past 2 1/2 years
This was highly predictable, and I'm afraid Trump walked right into their trap. Twice. First he got snowed by the Brain Trust that was Fauci and Birx then he proceeded to boast about the rushed jabs. The left will memory hole their participation in the jab coercion and amplify how Orange Man Bad turned out a useless and dangerous product.