merci monsieur chat mauvais!
as a frenchman in transylvania, i am grateful for zee chance to discuss zee grand struggle for zee safety en la face of ze unremitting dangeur for zo zey may mock zee docteurs zat say such sings as zees, always we must be prepared!
oui, to some this may appear zee crazee, but for zose steeped en zee life of zee vigilance eterale, zis is just zee good sense! like zee docteur, never does pierre leave ze house after dark wizzout ze equipment du saftee!
zee preparation, is indeed zee key to surviving zee fell beasts of la nuit as zey ply zere cunning wiles. like zee docteur avec her mask and her sanitizer, i too am the man of readiness!
for evil shall not sneak upon pierre and take him unaware. non!
and zis is, of course, soulement zee good sense! never give zee creatures of zee night zee target additional!
and always zis is ze race avec the laser focus!
for alzo the ripe avocado, she is a wonder of ze culinary world, anyone can be ze dangeur! anyone! and sometimes one must sacrifice ze perfect toast for zee perfect saftee!
do not forget to sanitize zee hands!
some, zey say to me, “pierre, your mind, we fear that you have lost it!” but non!
because zere is no saftee too grand pour mes amis and ma famalie!
even zee “black garlic doritos” i import from japan to fight zee black magic of zee undead! (zeese are no so bad, by zee way…)
and, mais certainment, zeeze precautions have saved pierre for many zee dark shadow has pierre seen, yet never had zee vampire attacked him! so ha! i say to zee doubteurs and zee detracteurs!
my garlic protects you!
your wooden stakes, zey protect pierre!
for even one vampire, she is too many!
so do not mock zee docteur as she performs “la signal du vertu” for zee mask, she is the “talisman formidable” against zee covid! even zee journale du medecin du le england nouveaux, she says so!
and when one must provide ze feeling of zee saftee, what is ze mere rationality when, after all, ze physician she shall not hear of such things! for zee fear she is best confronted avec zee gewgaw and ze performance, no?
always has zis been so!
such things as ze “data” and ze “randomized controlled trial,” zese are for lesser minds!
pierre, he is not ashamed to admit that beneath “la wubbie” pour les enfants, pierre he sleeps! and never has zee monsteur bozzered pierre dans la nuit! and so, ce ca, it is proven!
la wubbie, she protects against zee monster! from none ozzer zan the CDC did pierre learn zis trial methodologie! formidable!
alors mes amis, so pierrie will leave you, perhaps zee wiser, perhaps aevc un peu less of zee fear, but better for ze knowledge zat even zo one may appear as ze clown or ze lunatic, saftee she is too important pour la vanity or la rationalite!
betteur to run in ze circles and ze whole world to drag with you, zan to be caught by ze evil sitting down!
Oh my goodness! And sadly, she's not the only one. Worse, she is jabbed so she's supposed to be "protected". Darth Vader would tell her "I find your lack of faith disturbing"
also, perhaps we should congratulate PH officials, governments and MSM for doing such a wonderful work of creating an army of hypochondriacs!
I got a business idea: hand sanitizer that is chock-full of anti-anxiety and anti-delusion meds that can be absorbed through the skin. Ooooh, and we can offer masks lined with the meds too.
P.S. Her poor kids. I wonder where her husband stands on all of this?