nothing says “i do not like the way this game is looking in the fourth quarter” like seeing the quarterback change jerseys and pretend he was playing for the other team all along.
but hey, here we are…

this is complete fiction. it’s a whitewash of what happened and a stunning repudiation of all the things fauci went to incredible pains to say last year.
as his trove of leaked emails show with utter clarity, fauci was the literal head of the cabal that sought to gaslight and cast into disrepute anyone who so much as raised the idea that this virus escaped from a lab.
he is now, as he has so many times in the past on every topic from masks to lockdowns to schools and spread, lying. he’s adopting the exact opposite take to the one he so vehemently espoused before and is pretending like it never happened. but this one is a bit different because in this one, fauci is throwing in the towel on his own deliberate and dishonest cover up. this is a DANGEROUS fallback for him.
it’s clear that the NIH and pentagon funded (through the ECOhealth cutout/gravy train run by peter daszack) tens of millions in research on hotwiring viruses for gain of function including research on bat coronaviruses at the wuhan institute of virology.
it’s also 100% clear that fauci and friends conspired to cover this up, hide this fact, and literally appointed the key perp (daszack) to the panels investigating it.
“Also on the video was Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs. Sachs is a former special advisor to the UN, the former head of the Millennium Villages Project, and was recently appointed Chair of the newly-formed EAT Lancet Commission on the pandemic. In September, Sachs’ commission named Daszak to head up its committee on the pandemic’s origins. Daszak is also on the WHO’s committee to investigate the pandemic’s origin. He is the only individual on both committees. “
so there is a lot to lose here beyond just being shown to be wrong. this is a flip flop in the face of a full blown conspiracy that’s coming to light.
this is fauci, who led the charge to hide these facts and publish articles in the lancet decrying ideas of viral gain of function work on covid and claiming it was “clearly natural” when the evidence seems more supportive of the idea that it wasn’t and when he knew full well he had funded exactly this research in exactly the location in question.
and now tony is just flat out claiming he “kept an open mind” about it. this could not be further from the truth, but it sure is telling. you would not do this unless you knew you were guilty. you’d keep pushing on the “this was natural” angle.
fauci is cornered. it’s why he’s getting shrill about “an attack on me is an attack on the science!”
as though he were some sort of 17th century french monarch decrying an assault upon the person of the king as an assault upon the nation entire!
it’s tone deaf and defensive because tony is running scared. he’s trying to walk back the his positions because the conspiracy to hide it is coming out and he would hardly be the first to go down not over the crime but over the cover up.
brazening it out by outlandishly denying wrongdoing and making up history then going quiet sure did see seem to work for fauci’s pal andrew, but that’s new york where corruption is such a way of life they likely do not even have a word for it for the same reason fish have no word for wet.
this is a bigger stage and higher stakes.
one the one hand, this story has so many powerful guilty parties from the pentagon to the health agencies, that some tame commission gets appointed to bury it and 3 years from now releases a 5,000 page report of stultifyingly unreadable equivocation.
but if that were so, why would anthony be changing teams here? his political instincts are shrewd. maybe he sees what’s coming and knows about shoes yet to drop. maybe he realized he’s about to become the patsy.
something is just telling me there is more to come on this. we have not seen the really good stuff yet. so, stay tuned. a rat like this does not jump off a boat like that unless he saw an awfully big hole below the waterline. i don’t think “deny then starve the story” is going to work here. too many people are digging now.
Thanks for the simple yet powerful observation,
Gato. I am old enough to remember it was a little more than a week ago that St Anthony was conducting presser after presser claiming that this was all a right wing conspiracy theory. We should all glow in the dark given how often we are gaslit by these grifters!
Whatever you do, do not stop banging this drum until the parade is well and truly over. You are doing a great job of articulating the outrage. PS When are they going to let you back on Twitter?