Sometimes they tell you what they're thinking, not realizing what that reveals about them. It's going to be VERY interesting to see how the people who have made careers around racism in higher education try to continue doing it while pretending to stop it.

Very interesting indeed.

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She's a translucent Chez Whitey who's basically saying all blacks are Homey D. Clown's and need a leg up.

Seriously, the apotheosis of stupidity....and racism.

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Not only stupid--entirely ignorant of American history.

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Imo folks who think like this are immune from the cognitive dissonance a normal person would have between being a wannabe slave master and a virtue signaling slave.

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Homey don't play 'dat.

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Best show ever.

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A show that could NEVER be made today.

My favorite skit was Dwyane and Antwon - Men On Film.

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Yes- if any conservative wrote that line about blacks not being able to compete in a merit-based system, it would be instant cancellation.

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Princeton Law Professor Amy Wax said just that several years ago and backed up her assertions with data. I believe she had an early retirement.

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Amy Wax is at University of Pennsylvania Law School. She is being dragged before a kangaroo court there on charges of racism so she can be fired in spite of having tenure. She is a physician attorney (like me) but also a real American hero. If she were at Princeton (my alma mater) she would have been fired long ago. At Princeton they just make up Soviet-style fake charges of sexual improprieties to throw out anyone who makes mildly dissident comments (as Princeton Classics Professor Joshua Katz found out last year when he criticized race-based privileges for Ivy League professors). Interesting that so many Jewish academics are speaking out against the new race regime---almost as if they see some parallel between our current Regime and the 1930s racist Nazi Nuremberg laws.

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Yup. Time for cultural secession. Get out and join new systems. Wax told the truth.

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Ho hum - " continue doing it while pretending to stop it" - they found that very easy post Bakke 1978 (on the basis of a single sentence in a minority opinion) - I am sure there are backup plans and terminology well prepared for the incoming class of 2024 and in 45 years SCOTUS will say "stop it!" once again. That's the way the game is played.

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Well, Roberts' said that evading the ruling by using student essays, etc.. would not be tolerated...Which indicates to me that disparate impact might be turned around to stop such shenanigans...

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Thanks ... err, I didn't read the opinion; so he is preemptively blocking the Powell sleight of hand? And looking a bit more at Bakke, Powell voted with the majority (in favor of Bakke) but issued his own opinion with the famous "diversity" argument (which included more than but boiled down to a single sentence). And so the ruling prohibiting AA actually promoted and fueled it. (And Google will tell aspiring scholars that Bakke "permitted" AA. Winston Smith lives!) Powell claimed to be also standing up for the opportunities of "farm boys from Idaho" (yeah right, you can probably count the white, fly-over, (non-legacy) undergrads at Harvard on a couple of hands). https://www.californialawreview.org/print/diversity-to-deradicalize

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It has a parallel in amnesty for illegals. (Reagan's '86 folly, when the Dems reneged on their end of the deal, a tighter border.)

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Reagan's single biggest mistake

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Don't forget the jab National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act 1986...

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In fairness, wasn't that back when we *trusted* big science?

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He's still waiting for the spending cuts he was promised.

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A distant second, imo.

Naming a neocon spook, who called the free market "voodoo economics", as his VP in '80 is the WOAT.

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That is true and why the warning about the Military Industrial Complex being leveraged against our freedoms. You need a strong President like assassinated John F Kennedy who was wiling to out the WEF. To say no to the Hawks in the never elected Service. Presidents cannot fire. I don't know if the damage is reparable but defeatism is disarming.

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You can’t counter racism by choosing people on the basis of race.

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It's hard to call it 'racism' though. It's more a tacit acknowledgement that US blacks are cognitively ill-suited to meritocracy - which is not 'racist', it's just a fact.

I don't think people should dunk on Missy 'Nilla-Wafer for letting the gatito out of the bolsa: she is literally saying what everyone KNOWS.

There's some difference of opinion on whether the cognitive shortcomings of US blacks result from genetics, or from environmental stressors - that is, "nature or nurture"... in the typically-American quest for a one-dimensional answer that can be a slogan, its considered an XOR rather than an AND.

In the civilised West, the argument starts with AND: the difference of opinion is the relative weights of each.

Environmental stressors can be 'fixed' - so those who favour policy-correctives want the accepted evaluation of the 'nurture' contribution to be

(1) as large as possible;

(2) external to dysgenic family dynamics; and

(3) amenable to social-policy-based correctives.

That's a stupid triple: it assumes that the bureaucratic machinery will not be captured by grifters and shitbags - which would make it the only area of government where everyone's an angel who does their job.

Genetic shortcomings have to work their way out: if the IQ data is to be believed, you can take an ethny from lice-infested shitholes in Lithuania and Poland, send them to Germany and the US, and breed rocket scientists in 3 generations purely by selective in-breeding. (I don't believe that data, so...)

The "nurturists" don't want to consider the prospect that only 25% of the cognitive gap can be closed even if all sociocultural issues were eliminated.

Why do they want it to be 'mostly sociocultural'?

Well, if it's 75% genetic, completeyl eliminating the adverse cultural drivers would leave the behaviour - and outcomes - largely unchanged because the LHS of the curve would still be in pretty bad territory; blacks at the black median would get outcomes similar to whites at the 40th percentile (and whites at the 40th percentile aren't paragons).

There would still be almost no blacks at the all-comers 97th percentile, because of how distributions work - and 97th percentile is what it takes to be a STEM chad. I would go further: a 97th percentile kiddie is going to get to STEM chadhood IFF they work hard and use Arch (btw).

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Have you or the Bad Cat every done one of those "Random Thoughts" columns that Thomas Sowell used to do?

I enjoy them. Which is why, about every six months or so, I do one.

Random Covid thoughts on that shocking placebo story, RFK, Jr., DeSantis, "Joe Biden" and his debauches son ... and bears swimming in the Gulf of Mexico ....


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Typical white female liberal/progressive thinking blacks are inferior and need help to achieve. If this isn’t racist, what is? Just like Dems thinking it’s too hard for blacks to obtain ID to vote. I just cannot fathom why blacks continue to vote Democratic when their platform defames them.

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So, according to her, Thomas Sowell and Dave Chapelle are not talented. LOL.

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Or Justice Clarence Thomas...

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Well, he’s a conservative Supreme Court justice, all of whom are “literally NAZI’S”. (I wonder how the poor man managed to get through law school back in the day.)

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They weren't nazis back then. That has been a recent transformation, as the bad guys have become more and more extreme. It is no longer possible to engage [them] in rational discourse -- we are left to all-out war -- war of words, war of emotions, war at the ballot box. I hope and pray that it does not devolve to kinetic war. Events today in France are not encouraging in that regard.

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Or her own beloved Obama.

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My experience in liberal circles is they all believe "marginalized people" are far too dumb to help themselves.

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That gives [them] a purpose, which is required for them to feel virtuous.

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That's why they lump them all together: blacks, Jews, trannies, gays, Latinx, Muslims, women, women of color, color of women.

Anything but white, especially core white American or European, men.

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Or Asian people

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Let's see how she feels if every single job/position she applies for in the future is given to a black person.

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Don't give her any ideas...

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I now see Ms Marsh is a fake account.

Update: "Erica Marsh"s profile pic seems to have been lifted from a German consulting website, which is no longer live on the web.

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Seriously, did Gato get punked or does he know 🙄

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Totally agree, why?!!!

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=== I just cannot fathom why blacks continue to vote Democratic when their platform defames them. ===

Now who's being disingenuous?

I say this as a Maori-quadroon - i.e., canonically a 'person of colour' (so I can't be accused of racism... lol that's not going to go well).

Anyhow... like Maori, US blacks perform poorly on cognitive tests.

Maori (~0.8sd worse than pakeha) don't perform as badly as US blacks though (-1.0sd worse than US whites). NZ pakeha are smarter than US whites (evidence: NZ's position in PIAAC, PISA and so forth).

If New Zealand had spent the same proportion of GDP on Maori education as the US has spent on its blacks, every Maori would be an astronaut special-forces ninja brain-surgeon.

At least Maori university students have been having fun with this nonsense since the 1970s... (e.g., the link below to "Intelligence and the Pakeha", which tested kiddies in Maori and found that white kiddies were dumb as, bro... )


CALM DOWN, KAREN - IT'S SATIRE. (Plus it's not my fault - I was only 9 when this was published).

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Because Blacks, especially Black women, aren't very good at putting 2 and 2 together, and also because of massive fraud in Black precincts...

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Didn't you hear? Math is racist, so putting two and two together . . .

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Yes, but please stop capitalizing black. We need to stop pandering to the left’s hijacking of vocabulary.

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Actually a lot of them are waking up, as the #blexit movement is showing.

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True, but a small percentage.

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I think the answer is welfare and free Obama phones. 🤔

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*No* Black person!

Not one!!

Oh, my God/god, why is *anyone* voting Democrat, the forever-Party of racism.

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But if you can't decide between Biden and Trump, you ain't black!

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I've been played!

(See NY's posts above/below.)

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I'd love to see some evidence that this broad exists anywhere in the world other than Twitter. Her name happens to be the name of a character from a TV show when I search. Seems fake as hell and considering the way this Twitter account gets people riled out of their minds, a rather effective bot.

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How many millions of people do you think actually think this way?

I don't think AI Bots could've done any better summing up some of the shit I've heard from real people today.

It's real in that sense.

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WHOEVER thought any different - AI simply being HUMAN MIND stupidity algorithmicly amplified by Volume and Reach for ONE single purpose only - should get his/her brain examined!

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I estimate that approximately half the Internet is now AI bots. That may be an underestimate.

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I know, right?

I used to be accused of being a bot, now I get accused of being human! ;-)

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Pretty soon social media will just be bots arguing with other bots LOL

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It *might* be entertaining.

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Update: "Erica Marsh"s profile pic seems to have been lifted from a German consulting website, which is no longer live on the web.

If you needed any further info that this account is fake...

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Nice find!

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Now Titania McGrath is a true leftist parody. This Erica is something else. More of a prank or a troll. And el gato is in on the trolling by the way, I’m sure.

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yes, look at the background flag. It's pure propaganda.

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You can't convince me that isn't a parody. Hacked account, deep cover, almost any contrivance that allows this tweet to be satirical is more believable than its being sincere.

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It is. I don't think parody is the right word here. Sock puppet is probably closer. And its working.

The problem is that it is actually what many believe but don't understand they believe it.


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Also, see NY's posts above/below.

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There are a sufficiently large sample set of similar statements in the public domain that are demonstrably not satire to take this one at face value.

It may be satire, but reality and satire merged quite some time ago

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Are you saying that their stupidity is a ruse! ;-)

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As an Obama volunteer, she's speaking from experience.

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Remember Madame, he is clean and articulate. 🤷‍♂️

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Hey, Mikey! Mikey, is he cute? - Is he brown...

....is he clean?

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Yep! He’s articulate and clean and that’s storybook , man. Ain’t that right, my friend Strom?

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Get ready: The "community organizer" graduates are just starting to reach their levels of incompetence. (The Peter Principle for fellow boomers.)

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What is a the Peter Principle? Is it a Peter Pan thing? I’m not a Boomer, but probably almost because I’m 50!!!

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a notion formed by Mr. Peter in this book...https://www.amazon.com/Peter-Principle-Things-Always-Wrong-ebook/dp/B00IRCZHXI/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3IFGDV8NFKD7X&keywords=peter+principle&qid=1688079912&sprefix=peter+priciple%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1

in a phrase, people in organization rise to their level of incompetence. another way is saying org's promote individuals one too many times. my take: it is cute but not of much real value.

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I saw it a LOT when I worked at the VA

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Cute *and* funny, you mean. ;-)

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You would have to be 59 (not 49, wink, wink) to be an "almost" boomer('46-'64).

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Oh! Haha well I’ll be 51 in August. Seems to me time is passing so much faster!

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Yeah, seems to me, too. We must have figured out how to have fun even in these trying times!

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Indeed! I’m so grateful (weirdly) that I’m not in my 30s or, please no, younger in these times. It troubles me that our oldest is 28 and our youngest is 19. While they are mostly on track now, things are bound to grow worse before they get better. It’s concerning.

But I’m grateful that they all love coming home. This means we still have some influence.

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The Peter Principle is basically a person is promoted to their highest level of competence,then given another promotion in which they are incompetent.They stay at this level,this is the reason for big companies to have many Vice Presidents in a particular position,they are all incompetent.If you ever find this management structure,ask for help with the the most junior person on that level,that person might a be competent individual and will either be promoted or leave the company if the person in the position above him has maxed his competence level.

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This is what happens when you don't know how words work anymore.



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This reminds me of instances during staff meetings, when one of us with an appropriate surprised face would say, "You know, words have meaning."

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Love that subtle flag background

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*virtue photography

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Subtle and virtuous rolled into one, with a sprinkling of net zero.

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I love these racist white millennial snowflakes who think all blacks are stupid. It’s amusing because people with zero self awareness are hysterical.

Now, if blacks would stop voting these racist Democrats into office, these white chicks would have to go get a real job. That would be even funnier!

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For 15 years I’ve been a volunteer for an organization that teaches financial literacy to school kids. About 5 years ago they chose me as “volunteer of the year” and invited me onto their board of directors. At our board meeting yesterday someone casually said, “We should have a DEI sub committee.” Everyone in the room went along with it until I said, “I’m against this. I think DEI is a Trojan Horse that unnecessarily brings politics into board rooms.” They agreed that at the next meeting I can give a speech explaining my viewpoint. But I’ll pretty confident I’ll get voted down. Knowing that I really believe in the mission (helping kids make better financial choices), how should I react assuming I’m voted down and a DEI committee is initiated?

1. Just continue and do my best.

2. Resign from the board but see if I can keep volunteering in classrooms.

3. Completely resign from the organization.


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That is a terrible dilemma!

Also, I think what you said was perfect, and maybe if it was said before "(e)veryone inthe room went along", you might have given the weaker-spined an excuse to agree with you.

But, consider a fourth option: Volunteer to chair the committee, from which position you might be able to limit its damage to the organization, and perhaps even engineer its demise.

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Considering that the point is teaching about financial literacy, I'd suggest pointing out the high profile, recent examples of major corporations that embraced DIE (if they're making something up, I'll abbreviate as I want) and are having spectacular financial disasters.

Perhaps ask why bring a mentality, which is a proven financial failure, to a program designed to teach the opposite?

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Hi Jason. What’s your principles say to you? Don’t compromise there. Maybe instead of you being required to prove that it shouldn’t happen, maybe make motion for:

1. What problem is the DEI subcommittee trying to solve?

2. Do we have the actual problem identified in #1 in our community?

3. You shouldn’t have to prove that a subcommittee shouldn’t exist, they should prove the value of having it - so maybe propose a limited engagement of 30 days for the subcommittee to investigate #2, and bring back a report to the board for a vote on whether the subcommittee should tackle those kinds of problems and if they are in the scope of the board’s mission.

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Great question for @YuriBezmenov who writes about this stuff here on Substack.

I'd suggest moving forward to have the most favorable impact! Keep in the struggle! Impact for good!

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Who’s the racist here? Wow

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I'd like her to say that in Downtown Houston or Atlanta. 👀☠😂

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poster girl for the idiot left

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Holy shit. Little girl, if you’re seeing racism everywhere, you might want to consider it might be *you* projecting.

Who the fuck told you that black people can’t succeed in a meritocracy? Where do you live? Because in plenty of places you will find black business owners, politicians, doctors, lawyers, pretty much any position you can think of that requires “merit.” More and more all the time. Of course, spewing garbage like THIS is just SO very helpful to black people, in how they see themselves and others. Well done, moron 👍

Our society is more tolerant than it’s ever been, to alternate sexualities, to different religions, to different cultures and kind of people. All this shit about increasing intolerance and rampant racism is bullshit, meant to scare us into compliance. You can go outside and see that it’s lies! Ffs.

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You are a smart kitty. She is a proud racist.

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Ah yes, the classic white supremacist in Democrat's clothing. "No black person will be able to succeed", presumably because she thinks white people are inherently superior? Interesting take.

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Travesty...they keep using that word...I don’t think it means what they think it means.

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