i am just a kitten and i’m still kinda new to this, but it’s the darnedest thing, i just cannot remember any other presidents having this much trouble getting americans to notice that the economy is booming.
unusually, people all just kinda figure it out by themselves.
Luckily the organization and operational details have been ironed out.. mix tax dollars with lobbyists and voila like magic! Declassified archives for WHIG- White House Information Group the unconstitutional and criminal PR ops for Bush-Cheney Iraq War https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB219/index.htm
Haha, I like you better as an outcast rebel, anyway ✊ It’s far less lucrative, comfortable, and easy, but you get to keep your integrity, honor, humor, and impeccable moral character :-)
DuckDuckGo has been my alternative for a few years but the results aren't ideal. Presearch has all the tracking free benefits & far better search results. Check it out you can even find lots of favorable content harking back to the days before you were crowned with a tin foil hat! https://www.presearch.io/about
It's free I don't have any subscription. Tech is my worst area but my circle of friends are pretty skilled and some of them earn crypto with registered accounts and hosting nodes etc but average clueless users can just add it with no personal details and no fee.
I'm glad to hear that Dr. Yeadon! Monday I was trying to find a video a young woman did playing herself on both sides of the issue about vaccines - "if the vax protects you, why do I need to get one?" and all DuckDuckGo could come up with was pro-vax links. After multiple search terms, I finally gave up in frustration.
only sources you can trust are the ones you verify yourself, usually they're on telegram and/or substack, search engines are now nothing more than tech organs for the official propaganda, still ok if you're looking for a recipe or how to fix your kitchen sink.
I'm still getting the messages in my inbox, but I always check my promotions tab anyway. Oddly enough, although the really "subversive" stuff from Substack goes to my inbox, it's Dennis Prager and his PragerU that gmail keeps sending to my spam folder (which I also check often).
Yes, but who is following it. From what I have read the audiences for the MSM have been collapsing globally and when surveyed most of those who do read it don't believe it .. they say they read it only because it's entertaining. I can align with that. I read some of the MSM crap knowing it's bullshit .. but it so shockingly bad it actually good
Too many are following it in part even if as a whole they dismiss segments as pure propaganda. I have friends in Washington who are experienced enough as insiders they can ridicule reports of Russian troops on the border of Ukraine as baseless yet swallow the PR for masks and vaccines as truthful. Like Alex Jones the MSM sprinkle just enough truth in the content that some are fooled some of the time and that for the moment seems enough for the nefarious and idiotic agendas to have cover.
it is supported by the marxists in the council of economic advisors (cea) and the national bureau of econ research (nber) as well as hundreds of gaslighting marxists in econ depts around the country.
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. Parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of an animal. The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grammes. Syme, too—in some more complex way, involving doublethink, Syme swallowed it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory? The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen.”
Whoa. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but that demonstrates a new level of desperation on the part of the censors. Clearly, it struck a nerve. I wonder why 🤔
My brother and I postulated last night that the FB/Twitter/IG conglomerate is very quickly suiciding itself into obsolescence. There aren't a huge bunch of untapped young progressive sitting on the sidelines waiting to join F/T/I, if only the environment weren't better regulated. We predicted in about 3 years the only people left on Facebook and Twitter will be 12 employees constantly flagging each others' posts for racism and misinformation and scowling at each other in the break room over their quinoa salad.
Great question! I’m not the best person to ask as I eschew social media and only post my articles and dash ;-)
I know Steve likes Gab. I wasn’t too fond of the interface and have only posted there a couple of times but should probably revisit it.
From what I’ve heard, though, Telegram is *the* place to be, starting with the channel shared by Dr. Mike Yeadon, Cory Morningstar, and Robin Monotti: https://t.me/robinmg/
I've gotten so distrustful that when I see questions about the "best places to migrate to" I ask myself, "Is this a mole asking this question? Is this an agent of the creepy ministry of information? I know that's awful. It says a lot about how openly committed the politboro is to crushing open debate, free speech, and dissent.
That said, I like Not the Bee Social. It's civilized and the participants are as likely to post recipes and kitty pictures as links to articles about the Nebraska AG's opinion green lighting doctors' right to prescribe any FDA approved drug for any on label or off label purpose they deem medically useful.
When you say reach the right channels, what do you mean?
I find the only 'social media' I can take these days is comment sections, like this one. I like those of several substack authors, I like that of James Howard Kunstler's Clusterfuck Nation blog (that twice weekly blog is a must read) and I am a long time lurker on the zero hedge comment section. Also like to read the comments on JoNova's climate blog, although mostly to get upset and rave at the screen.
I don't comment there. I also read the comments on unz dot com and several writers there are good to keep up with.
Also read a lot of you-tube comments, and sometimes comment there.
Trump seems to have bought Parler, (according to Mark Dice) and is going to work with rumble, so where ever he goes the crowd will follow. He could have destroyed twitter way back when. The fact that he didn't is another point of contention I have with him.
I have watched a few snippets of his podcast and it seems cool enough, but life is short and content is much. But the three you listed for sure. And the SJW fails are good from TZ
Hey everybody, we just laid off a bunch of you diseased non-shot takers and gave the rest of you heart attacks, and now we have gifted the entire USA super expensive gas. Why are you ungrateful peons whining so much?
Well I'm doing my part to help the economy. Because of the mandates and the way people have been acting, I've gone on a buyer's strike. I'm only buying the things I absolutely need. I've told everyone in my family that I'm not doing Christmas because of the vaccine mandates and passports. I'm saving a lot of money by not buying Christmas presents, and they're saving a lot of money by not buying me Christmas presents. There, that's my contribution.
File under category "They Got What They Wished For." I comforted (not really, but...) myself after Biden's selection and election by noting to myself that his administration was gonna be the hold-my-beer challenge to anyone who thought Trump's was the worst in recent history. If only I'd laid money on it...
When the same sorts of advisors who brought us "don't call it a genocide 'cause then we'd have to do something about it" remain in unbroken government service, this is what ya get. It's like a competition to prove the theorem that attainment of advanced degrees is not proof of intelligence...
Yes, that … or one of the muttering old guys in the balcony from the Muppets back in the day. But then, I liked their curmudgeony selves, so not that I guess.
Hey, listen, there was a time people were made of wood... I used to take the train past the lumber yards, and you could see... I saw a little girl out in the debarking yard, playing with her daddy, the legs on her... nothing is going to... we'll start immediately by... get vaccinated.
The good news is that if the MSM follows this new Brandon narrative and manipulation of the truth about the economy, then even more average Americans will wake up to the fact that the media is super corrupt and just outright lies.
Because if you lost your job due to mandates, or your pay increase was only 2% when food, gas and other essentials are up 10-50%, then no amount of narrative spin will cover up the truth.
Hence reducing the power of MSM to control us.
"We had to destroy the village in order to save it."
Considering how many people are quitting their jobs without a backup plan, other than going on the dole, I think that looks like a lot of support for this shit show.
Prepare yourselves for things getting worse before they get better. A purge of bureaucratic agencies is desperately needed and may shut down certain "services" temporarily or permanently. The way the "news" media is licensed must be revisited as well. The news is too important, too critical, to leave to political hacks and global cabals.
As an old guy, I still remember a time when we didn't have every imaginable type of "services" provided by government. I grew up near the poverty level and if we needed something we either made it happen for ourselves, did without, or we reached out to the massive amount of charities that were available with no strings attached for their aid. Imagine what will happen when people start realizing they really didn't ever need these "services"? Yeah, a lot of people still won't be able to figure it out, but I think a lot of us will once again start finding that self-sufficiency. I hope so. Shut it down. Shut it all down! And no, I'm not uncaring and don't have a cold heart. I'm just someone that thinks that decades of government stealing from one group to give to another and to create government jobs has been detrimental to society.
I'll just use Brandon's own quote from earlier this year: "Our patience is wearing thin." And this time, it's NOT just about the economy stupid. (IMHO)
I like headlines that reconfirm what we've always known, that media is actively working to promote certain kinds of politics and politicians. These aren't news outlets. They're P.R. firms.
It became painfully obvious to me while watching my morning news on the ABC local news affiliate leading up to the 2016 election year: The pictures they showed of Trump always had him scowling the pictures of Hillary always smiling. They did the same with Obama and John McCain, and Biden in 2020. So obvious.
Proof (as if it's needed) that journalism and main-stream media have descended into mere hackery and spin-doctoring. Not to mention the spike-doctoring - which has entered into the realm of criminally complicit.
A friend much smarter than I am around tech (warning: that bar is so low that even worms are complaining) mused that possibly this crime is being run by broad AI. The kind Musk is particularly worried about.
It might explain the stupid things it does yet relentlessly marches towards its goals.
The BBC, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft announced on December 10, 2020 that they would form a monopoly on information to control the conversation around COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines.
Which discussions have they censored❓
Suppression #1: The Source of SARS-CoV-2
Suppression #2: Denial of Safe and Effective Early Treatments
Suppression #3: The Voices of Dissenting Scientist and Doctors
Suppression #4: The Record Number of Serious Post-Vaccine Side Effects and Deaths
Suppression #5: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccinated Immunity
Suppression #6: Worrying Evidence of Pathogenic Priming/ADE
Suppression #7: The Central Role of Age and Co-Morbidities in Serious Covid Disease
This is why Nobel Prize winning scientists, Professors from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford, and medical doctors safely & treating millions of patients around the world are being censored by the mainstream media and big tech.
This is why 50,000 scientists and medical professionals can sign a declaration to replace lockdowns with focused protection of the elderly, but we only get to hear the voice of, Dr. Anthony Fauci, big pharma's greatest salesman.
This is why 12,000 Doctors and Scientist have signed the Rome Declaration accusing policy makers of 'Crimes Against Humanity'.
prices are going up, taxes are going up, immigrants are flooding in, containers aren't being unloaded, children are going missing, trillions of people are dying of omicron,
because of Trump, DeSantis, Rittenhouse and the unvaxxed.
Psaki said it plain as day a bit ago: People don't react to economic data, they react to what they see in front of them. To her, this meant that the government simply needed to point out all the awesome things they were doing -- like family leave.
Sure, your food and gas is getting more expensive, but look at the bright side! If you had kids now you would get some time off work!
Does substack present annual truth awards, similar to the Oscars or Grammys? They could be called "Snowdens" and use some metric such as: most lies exposed, best cat references, etc.
I wish it weren't so Eric, but you are dead on. This is a great cover story for the radicals who are purposefully dismantling our economy and our country. Make no mistake it is by design, so that globally America is a better fit in the future they have all reimagined for us.
...really worried that seems what bill gates talks about ends up happening... recently told us to be concerned about smallpox... janitors found vials cleaning in Merck PA lab (where shouldn’t have been) in Nov this year... coincidence?...
I think every administration does this sort of thing. Nothing unusual about Biden doing it. If it had never happened before, where on earth would a clown like Biden get the idea?
I have never believed a president's "economic policies" have much effect on the economy during his term. Government policy over the long run impacts the economy of course. But W Bush didn't "destroy the economy" in 2008, and Obama didn't save it, and Trump didn't repair it after Obama. Had Trump been reelected, the current economy is the one we would have now, and Trump would be savaged for it.
When it comes to the economy presidents are either lucky or unlucky. Smart doesn't much matter.
"I think every administration does this sort of thing. Nothing unusual about Biden doing it."...hmmm...I'm thinking it requires an extra special kind of shit show to get to this...
...but stack of executive orders he signed on day #1 including strangulation of USA energy independence... then begging opec to pump more... yes part of it is reopening demand... and historically constricted supply... oil co.’s demonized, incentivized over the past decade to decrease expensive, risky E&P ... why bother???... Econ 101: increase demand + decrease supply = $$$ price increase on steroids... guess the windmill economy wasn’t ready for prime time...
How long before the broadcast news agencies get a visit from the FCC in regards to their "unapproved" coverage of the administration? If Obama could do it with the IRS and the Tea Party, I don't see why the current resident of the White House couldn't do it with the FCC.
You will be far better served assuming all the regulatory agencies that purport to protect the public and free speech are deep in corporate pockets. There's a snowball's chance in Hell the FCC answers to anyone but the six mega-corps who control US media. They act in their own best interests regardless of who sits in the White House.
Thought you were going to say, "having so much trouble remembering the location of the crapper." Given all the shite Biden and his sycophants are serving America, maybe that does not matter!
Yup. The economy is so great that they have to highlight a 2 cent drop in gasoline price that is at 7 year high and is 80% higher than the low in April.
Well that should fix the problems. The next time there is a tornado, major storm, or an earthquake just don't cover it on the news and all will be fine.
It is official. The U.S. now has a Ministry of Propaganda.
Reporting reshaped and reimagined
MinTru as they say in 1984...
Yes, and its companion Ministry of Disinformation
Luckily the organization and operational details have been ironed out.. mix tax dollars with lobbyists and voila like magic! Declassified archives for WHIG- White House Information Group the unconstitutional and criminal PR ops for Bush-Cheney Iraq War https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB219/index.htm
A bit of a unrelated heads up (or is it?): gmail is now putting bad cattitude's newsletter in the promotions tab.
Try using protonmail. It's a good first step in degoogling.
Also DuckDuckGo finds less rude stuff about me 🤔
The Qwant search (https://www.qwant.com/?q=dr.+mike+yeadon&t=web) turns up a lot of the usual smear pieces as well as a few decent ones, but I was most surprised to discover this 2017 Forbes article (https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnlamattina/2017/03/15/turning-pfizer-discards-into-novartis-gold-the-story-of-ziarco/?sh=64e368317572) from before you were a persona non grata. Seems they forgot to memory-hole that positive mainstream piece about you 😹
Yes, I forgot to mention that!
The former President of Pfizer WW R&D wrote me up flatteringly in 2017.
Not yet a conspiracy theorist.
Haha, I like you better as an outcast rebel, anyway ✊ It’s far less lucrative, comfortable, and easy, but you get to keep your integrity, honor, humor, and impeccable moral character :-)
Interesting article, thanks MMA! The fun part though was being able to hear Dr. Yeadon's voice in my head as I read it. :-)
well, there must still plenty of topics about which you haven't even started to learn.
Embrace the label my fine sir, the world is easier to navigate once you realise it's nature.
As the esteemed Mike Ruppert once said "Once you realise that the world is run as a criminal enterprise, everything starts to make sense"
DuckDuckGo has been my alternative for a few years but the results aren't ideal. Presearch has all the tracking free benefits & far better search results. Check it out you can even find lots of favorable content harking back to the days before you were crowned with a tin foil hat! https://www.presearch.io/about
Have you tried qwant.com, Pamela?
Presearch sounds interesting—but you have to pay for it? How much, and how does it work?
It's free I don't have any subscription. Tech is my worst area but my circle of friends are pretty skilled and some of them earn crypto with registered accounts and hosting nodes etc but average clueless users can just add it with no personal details and no fee.
I'm glad to hear that Dr. Yeadon! Monday I was trying to find a video a young woman did playing herself on both sides of the issue about vaccines - "if the vax protects you, why do I need to get one?" and all DuckDuckGo could come up with was pro-vax links. After multiple search terms, I finally gave up in frustration.
Having said that about DuckDuckGo, I just tried it with Chrome and it was EVEN WORSE!! The propaganda is breathtaking.
only sources you can trust are the ones you verify yourself, usually they're on telegram and/or substack, search engines are now nothing more than tech organs for the official propaganda, still ok if you're looking for a recipe or how to fix your kitchen sink.
Indeed; it's what I use too.
I just check all the possible filter folders. Seems random. As long as they don't block them, we're still in the fight.
Stop using google/gmail. ;)
Mine go to yahoo spam...even the ones I'm paying for!
probably nothing to be paranoid about right?
I'm still getting the messages in my inbox, but I always check my promotions tab anyway. Oddly enough, although the really "subversive" stuff from Substack goes to my inbox, it's Dennis Prager and his PragerU that gmail keeps sending to my spam folder (which I also check often).
I'm not even finding it in my junk folder anymore - I have to log onto Substack.
Pretty sure we established that fact in 1976 with Church/Pike Committee Reports and a good reason the bulk of Pike's findings are still classified. http://www.carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php
That was covert, and still classified. This is out in the open with no attempt to hide the intent.
Secrets only protect their keepers; what is in the open now is in addition to what has continued and grown in the covert space, not in its place. j/s
Yes, but who is following it. From what I have read the audiences for the MSM have been collapsing globally and when surveyed most of those who do read it don't believe it .. they say they read it only because it's entertaining. I can align with that. I read some of the MSM crap knowing it's bullshit .. but it so shockingly bad it actually good
Too many are following it in part even if as a whole they dismiss segments as pure propaganda. I have friends in Washington who are experienced enough as insiders they can ridicule reports of Russian troops on the border of Ukraine as baseless yet swallow the PR for masks and vaccines as truthful. Like Alex Jones the MSM sprinkle just enough truth in the content that some are fooled some of the time and that for the moment seems enough for the nefarious and idiotic agendas to have cover.
it is supported by the marxists in the council of economic advisors (cea) and the national bureau of econ research (nber) as well as hundreds of gaslighting marxists in econ depts around the country.
Nah. It's been this way for several decades.
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. Parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of an animal. The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grammes. Syme, too—in some more complex way, involving doublethink, Syme swallowed it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory? The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen.”
Tyler Zed just got his meme account banned on Facebook for posting the old "it's not an instruction manual" meme about 1984. That's literally all.
Whoa. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but that demonstrates a new level of desperation on the part of the censors. Clearly, it struck a nerve. I wonder why 🤔
My brother and I postulated last night that the FB/Twitter/IG conglomerate is very quickly suiciding itself into obsolescence. There aren't a huge bunch of untapped young progressive sitting on the sidelines waiting to join F/T/I, if only the environment weren't better regulated. We predicted in about 3 years the only people left on Facebook and Twitter will be 12 employees constantly flagging each others' posts for racism and misinformation and scowling at each other in the break room over their quinoa salad.
😂 My thoughts exactly. Bring it on!
As someone with a strong motivation to reach the right channels, what venues are you excited about as the best places to migrate to?
Great question! I’m not the best person to ask as I eschew social media and only post my articles and dash ;-)
I know Steve likes Gab. I wasn’t too fond of the interface and have only posted there a couple of times but should probably revisit it.
From what I’ve heard, though, Telegram is *the* place to be, starting with the channel shared by Dr. Mike Yeadon, Cory Morningstar, and Robin Monotti: https://t.me/robinmg/
Telegram and Substack, with a side serving of Gab
I've gotten so distrustful that when I see questions about the "best places to migrate to" I ask myself, "Is this a mole asking this question? Is this an agent of the creepy ministry of information? I know that's awful. It says a lot about how openly committed the politboro is to crushing open debate, free speech, and dissent.
That said, I like Not the Bee Social. It's civilized and the participants are as likely to post recipes and kitty pictures as links to articles about the Nebraska AG's opinion green lighting doctors' right to prescribe any FDA approved drug for any on label or off label purpose they deem medically useful.
When you say reach the right channels, what do you mean?
I find the only 'social media' I can take these days is comment sections, like this one. I like those of several substack authors, I like that of James Howard Kunstler's Clusterfuck Nation blog (that twice weekly blog is a must read) and I am a long time lurker on the zero hedge comment section. Also like to read the comments on JoNova's climate blog, although mostly to get upset and rave at the screen.
I don't comment there. I also read the comments on unz dot com and several writers there are good to keep up with.
Also read a lot of you-tube comments, and sometimes comment there.
Trump seems to have bought Parler, (according to Mark Dice) and is going to work with rumble, so where ever he goes the crowd will follow. He could have destroyed twitter way back when. The fact that he didn't is another point of contention I have with him.
You're 100% correct. Government control is turning them into MySpace much faster than the free market would have.
lol. love it.
You forgot about the bots and the neura-link humanoids and the other programmable species.
6 of those 12 employees are those. It's why they can't seem to get fired.
That’s insane…. I put that bumper sticker on my car 😂
Watch out, it might get repossessed 😆
I was just thinking about that 😂😂
Tyler Zed has become a thrice weekly watch for me. It's fun to see him become whatever he will turn out to be.
Meme Review, Try not to Laugh, and You Laugh, You Lose have actually become family traditions in our house.
I have watched a few snippets of his podcast and it seems cool enough, but life is short and content is much. But the three you listed for sure. And the SJW fails are good from TZ
Hey everybody, we just laid off a bunch of you diseased non-shot takers and gave the rest of you heart attacks, and now we have gifted the entire USA super expensive gas. Why are you ungrateful peons whining so much?
Well I'm doing my part to help the economy. Because of the mandates and the way people have been acting, I've gone on a buyer's strike. I'm only buying the things I absolutely need. I've told everyone in my family that I'm not doing Christmas because of the vaccine mandates and passports. I'm saving a lot of money by not buying Christmas presents, and they're saving a lot of money by not buying me Christmas presents. There, that's my contribution.
I've been doing that for twenty years. Maybe I am just the grinch?
We are going full on Pravda now are we?
File under category "They Got What They Wished For." I comforted (not really, but...) myself after Biden's selection and election by noting to myself that his administration was gonna be the hold-my-beer challenge to anyone who thought Trump's was the worst in recent history. If only I'd laid money on it...
When the same sorts of advisors who brought us "don't call it a genocide 'cause then we'd have to do something about it" remain in unbroken government service, this is what ya get. It's like a competition to prove the theorem that attainment of advanced degrees is not proof of intelligence...
Does this guy look like Jeff Dunhams' dummy, or is just me. I'm quite sure the dummy is way smarter than Brandon.
Yes, that … or one of the muttering old guys in the balcony from the Muppets back in the day. But then, I liked their curmudgeony selves, so not that I guess.
Nooo it’s the guy in “Deliverance” and I think that every time I see him, which ain’t much!
Yep, you can almost hear the banjo playin'.
can you hear the guns Fernando?
I can!
Hey, listen, there was a time people were made of wood... I used to take the train past the lumber yards, and you could see... I saw a little girl out in the debarking yard, playing with her daddy, the legs on her... nothing is going to... we'll start immediately by... get vaccinated.
Wait til those heating bills start coming in. Ol Joe’s gonna have to bring in the big dogs like Meta to tell us we are all rolling in cash.
The good news is that if the MSM follows this new Brandon narrative and manipulation of the truth about the economy, then even more average Americans will wake up to the fact that the media is super corrupt and just outright lies.
Because if you lost your job due to mandates, or your pay increase was only 2% when food, gas and other essentials are up 10-50%, then no amount of narrative spin will cover up the truth.
Hence reducing the power of MSM to control us.
"We had to destroy the village in order to save it."
True, but what if it does not matter who we vote for, it only matters who is counting? Then we are screwed.
Considering how many people are quitting their jobs without a backup plan, other than going on the dole, I think that looks like a lot of support for this shit show.
Prepare yourselves for things getting worse before they get better. A purge of bureaucratic agencies is desperately needed and may shut down certain "services" temporarily or permanently. The way the "news" media is licensed must be revisited as well. The news is too important, too critical, to leave to political hacks and global cabals.
As an old guy, I still remember a time when we didn't have every imaginable type of "services" provided by government. I grew up near the poverty level and if we needed something we either made it happen for ourselves, did without, or we reached out to the massive amount of charities that were available with no strings attached for their aid. Imagine what will happen when people start realizing they really didn't ever need these "services"? Yeah, a lot of people still won't be able to figure it out, but I think a lot of us will once again start finding that self-sufficiency. I hope so. Shut it down. Shut it all down! And no, I'm not uncaring and don't have a cold heart. I'm just someone that thinks that decades of government stealing from one group to give to another and to create government jobs has been detrimental to society.
Hi Rob, thanks for being realistic and hopeful. I'll be visiting the Rumble Strip when I need a jolt of either.
Rumble, B.L.M., Federal Employee’s Zoom Call Re: Breaking Windows Plans;
I'll just use Brandon's own quote from earlier this year: "Our patience is wearing thin." And this time, it's NOT just about the economy stupid. (IMHO)
Presstitutes and whores galore. Let's Go Brandon!
I like headlines that reconfirm what we've always known, that media is actively working to promote certain kinds of politics and politicians. These aren't news outlets. They're P.R. firms.
I have been referring to the "alphabet legacy media" as the "propaganda arm of the Democrat Party" for a number of years now.
It became painfully obvious to me while watching my morning news on the ABC local news affiliate leading up to the 2016 election year: The pictures they showed of Trump always had him scowling the pictures of Hillary always smiling. They did the same with Obama and John McCain, and Biden in 2020. So obvious.
thanks for pointing that out. maybe I was just not observant.
better late than never, now start looking critically at everything you thought you knew, and you are on the way to freedom.
The truth will set you free, but it'll piss you off first.
Once you see it, you won’t be able to miss it!
"White House Working with Reporters 'to Reshape Coverage'...
It almost seems like they're not really reporters. Like, maybe, they're public relations. Weird.
Brandon looks more and more like Walter every day. :)
Proof (as if it's needed) that journalism and main-stream media have descended into mere hackery and spin-doctoring. Not to mention the spike-doctoring - which has entered into the realm of criminally complicit.
A friend much smarter than I am around tech (warning: that bar is so low that even worms are complaining) mused that possibly this crime is being run by broad AI. The kind Musk is particularly worried about.
It might explain the stupid things it does yet relentlessly marches towards its goals.
How else is a “Coup d’earth” accomplished?
“even worms are complaining” 🤣🤣🤣
“Coup d’earth”—now there’s a handy term!
What is the Trusted News Initiative❓
The BBC, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft announced on December 10, 2020 that they would form a monopoly on information to control the conversation around COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines.
Which discussions have they censored❓
Suppression #1: The Source of SARS-CoV-2
Suppression #2: Denial of Safe and Effective Early Treatments
Suppression #3: The Voices of Dissenting Scientist and Doctors
Suppression #4: The Record Number of Serious Post-Vaccine Side Effects and Deaths
Suppression #5: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccinated Immunity
Suppression #6: Worrying Evidence of Pathogenic Priming/ADE
Suppression #7: The Central Role of Age and Co-Morbidities in Serious Covid Disease
This is why Nobel Prize winning scientists, Professors from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford, and medical doctors safely & treating millions of patients around the world are being censored by the mainstream media and big tech.
This is why 50,000 scientists and medical professionals can sign a declaration to replace lockdowns with focused protection of the elderly, but we only get to hear the voice of, Dr. Anthony Fauci, big pharma's greatest salesman.
This is why 12,000 Doctors and Scientist have signed the Rome Declaration accusing policy makers of 'Crimes Against Humanity'.
10/18/2021 ACLU Strongly Backs Compelled Speech https://www.independentsentinel.com/aclu-strongly-backs-compelled-speech/
Civil Liberties Are Being Trampled by Exploiting "Insurrection" Fears. Congress's 1/6 Committee May Be the Worst Abuse Yet. https://greenwald.substack.com/p/civil-liberties-are-being-trampled-8bf
Biden FEC Claims Fraudulent Pro-Democrat Electioneering By Corrupt Big Tech Companies Is Totally Legal https://thefederalist.com/2021/09/13/biden-fec-claims-fraudulent-pro-democrat-electioneering-by-corrupt-big-tech-companies-is-totally-legal/
Psaki Admits Biden Admin Colluding With Big Tech to Flag ‘Disinformation’
The admin sent a few, um, change “requests” to social media platforms to flag supposed “disinformation.”
The people who lied about the;
Steele Dossier
General Flynn
Serfs now need a little more maintenance than in feudal times. Damned education, the faster we get rid of it the better.
Biden should just hire Bozo The Clown as PR Director.
Too late, that's his VP
She's already his press sec. She even left the red wig on.
And democrats will still believe that;
prices are going up, taxes are going up, immigrants are flooding in, containers aren't being unloaded, children are going missing, trillions of people are dying of omicron,
because of Trump, DeSantis, Rittenhouse and the unvaxxed.
esp. Rittenhouse, I think he caused the collapse of the Aztec empire too
Psaki said it plain as day a bit ago: People don't react to economic data, they react to what they see in front of them. To her, this meant that the government simply needed to point out all the awesome things they were doing -- like family leave.
Sure, your food and gas is getting more expensive, but look at the bright side! If you had kids now you would get some time off work!
Does substack present annual truth awards, similar to the Oscars or Grammys? They could be called "Snowdens" and use some metric such as: most lies exposed, best cat references, etc.
...second the idea, Meow!
Send out Jen to remind us how cheap turkeys are again
Does it hurt his face to scowl like that all the time?
Lysenko spent a lot of time with Pravda telling them about record harvests.
Just sayin’
Worst president ever. Let's go Brandon!
I wish it weren't so Eric, but you are dead on. This is a great cover story for the radicals who are purposefully dismantling our economy and our country. Make no mistake it is by design, so that globally America is a better fit in the future they have all reimagined for us.
Covid and the Great Reset is a book. The backers are Gates, WEF, Davos, Fauci, Biden and the CCP.
Read Covid 19 and the Global Predators and decide if the Author and over 1000 citations does not convince you.
The info on the Planned Pandemic and why is out there in the open.
As it must be, there can not be a world wide Conspiracy without people messing up and talking and many have.
Now when I say convince, I mean studying the Preponderance of evidence and ask yourself do you believe it? Would more jurors than not be convinced.
It would in my opinion.
...really worried that seems what bill gates talks about ends up happening... recently told us to be concerned about smallpox... janitors found vials cleaning in Merck PA lab (where shouldn’t have been) in Nov this year... coincidence?...
I think every administration does this sort of thing. Nothing unusual about Biden doing it. If it had never happened before, where on earth would a clown like Biden get the idea?
I have never believed a president's "economic policies" have much effect on the economy during his term. Government policy over the long run impacts the economy of course. But W Bush didn't "destroy the economy" in 2008, and Obama didn't save it, and Trump didn't repair it after Obama. Had Trump been reelected, the current economy is the one we would have now, and Trump would be savaged for it.
When it comes to the economy presidents are either lucky or unlucky. Smart doesn't much matter.
"I think every administration does this sort of thing. Nothing unusual about Biden doing it."...hmmm...I'm thinking it requires an extra special kind of shit show to get to this...
...but stack of executive orders he signed on day #1 including strangulation of USA energy independence... then begging opec to pump more... yes part of it is reopening demand... and historically constricted supply... oil co.’s demonized, incentivized over the past decade to decrease expensive, risky E&P ... why bother???... Econ 101: increase demand + decrease supply = $$$ price increase on steroids... guess the windmill economy wasn’t ready for prime time...
Couldnt disagree more. I wouldn't even know where to start.
yep, sorry, not this time matey
How long before the broadcast news agencies get a visit from the FCC in regards to their "unapproved" coverage of the administration? If Obama could do it with the IRS and the Tea Party, I don't see why the current resident of the White House couldn't do it with the FCC.
You will be far better served assuming all the regulatory agencies that purport to protect the public and free speech are deep in corporate pockets. There's a snowball's chance in Hell the FCC answers to anyone but the six mega-corps who control US media. They act in their own best interests regardless of who sits in the White House.
Worst government ever. Answer
Change the news.
Thought you were going to say, "having so much trouble remembering the location of the crapper." Given all the shite Biden and his sycophants are serving America, maybe that does not matter!
he wears depends!
Well I am sure glad to know it's booming because I'd hate to see what he thinks is not.
"much better shape than it was last year" haha, gotta lov'em as you string 'em up
Great primer on what has happened in the past and what is happening now. I highly recommend this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0egPTsvGC0c
Feels like there’s a technical term for this…
Do you think Tammy Bruce and Tucker Carlson were invited to those briefings?
media is as truthful about the economy as about the virus.
gasoline price surge is biden restricted crude supply in usa and a slight 5 or 6% increase in demand over the bottom of the panic-demic.
and the supply chain is more china locking down regions for every case as it is contained ports run by union non work labor.
the supply chain was fine before jan 2021!
while inflation is a product of paying people so they can buy things they do not make!
Yup. The economy is so great that they have to highlight a 2 cent drop in gasoline price that is at 7 year high and is 80% higher than the low in April.
...April 2020 during the previous administration.
I want Dr. Kory/Dr. Marik for President,
with Michael Capuzzo/Bill Nye. (the bow tie guys),
and Stephanie Seneff /Cary Gillam (the anti-Roundup women)
Or just a couple of cats. Ok. All of the above.
Bill Nye lost me a long time ago when he dissed homeschooling and went full “progressive”
yes Bill Nye should be dipped in lye
It was in the newsfeed, but only one agency reported it far as I know, was it NBC?
And these media scumbags will go right along and report this tripe. They ARE the enemy of the people.
Well that should fix the problems. The next time there is a tornado, major storm, or an earthquake just don't cover it on the news and all will be fine.
Propaganda of success...lol
The free Press.
Right? Dems said to just go after the rich. What a joke.