so, first it was “get a vaccine so you don’t get covid and you protect others.”
then it was “get a vaccine so you are protected from covid and don’t get super sick.”
now it’s “get vaccinated so you can go get covid and be protected?”
look, i’m just a good kitten and not a social theorist or anything, but are you people seriously falling for this?
because if you are, i think maybe i need to find a safer way to open cans of cat food than having humans around…
i think maybe you’re mistaking some crazy people for “experts”…
“Prepare yourself to be infected and don’t “freak out” if you do catch it when lockdowns end, they said.
“You might want to get it, you definitely want to get it. You definitely want to be vaccinated before you get it, because if you’re vaccinated your risk of death goes down,” said Prof. Collignon.
Prof. Bartlett said: “It’s immunity you want supported by the vaccine but then sort of topped up, by circulation and that’s really is what’s going to ultimately lead to make this turn this virus into basically an endemic, common cold causing virus, and that’s what you want it to be”.
I seriously think there is a smoke-filled, leather-laden room where the string-pullers are doubled-over guffawing as they watch filmstrips of people trying to eat through masks, hugging through plastic barriers, and parroting their ever-increasingly ludicrous talking points.
Undoubtedly. I mean, if I'm laughing, I'm sure they are too. That said, this is actually a form of ritual humiliation cum provocation. I have a pet-conspiracy theory (yes, it purrs) that the overall strategy is to keep piling on outrage after outrage and atrocity after atrocity until people finally snap, revolt and overthrow their governments, thereby plunging the world into anarchy from whose ashes will arise a One World Government and a New World Order. Y'know, Ordo Ad Chao, and all that jazz. Either that or I've gotten too deep into the catnip this evening.
Haha, that is a purrfectly plausible theory. They are definitely doing everything possible to sow strife and chaos—thing is, I don’t think they need to go to all that trouble when the majority so easily obeys on command. All you have to do is look at Australia to see how swiftly and effortlessly they’ve transformed a free nation into a totalitarian torture chamber.
Australia started as a prison colony and it seems like it will end as one. Yes, I agree that such schemes seem totally unnecessary considering the level of control our rulers already have over society. I always expected a slow and gradual but painful slide into the abyss, but for whatever reason somebody decide to crank the burner on the stove up to 11 and then start banging on the pot with a metal ladle. Hard to figure out whether all this is arrogance, panic, entertainment or insanity on the elites' part. Perhaps all of the above?
That said, shock and awe is the most effective way of transforming society in the blink of an eye. Worked in 1933 Germany. The Reichstag Fire was on February 28, 1933, and the next day, they passed the Reichstag Fire Decree (gee, kind of like the PATRIOT Act), instantly suspending the Constitution, restricting liberty, censoring speech, and threatening imprisonment of dissenters ( Everyone just went along because they were in a state of shock and scarcely realized what was occurring.
There you go - the people in charge have been taking notes over the years. Still, watching and desperately trying to understand where all this might be headed is like trying to comprehend the minds of madmen: "And when you stare for a long time into an abyss, the abyss stares back into you."
Well-stated, and yes, they are indeed following every well-worn trick in the propaganda and tyranny book—the patterns are totally predictable; the specifics are more elusive.
BaronD, absolutely. One of my Australian subscribers recently informed me they’re changing the laws so they can use the tiniest misdemeanor (e.g., jaywalking, not wearing a mask) as an excuse to take the few guns that do remain (I didn’t realize they had any at all, but apparently, there are some left, presumably for hunting).
I think many of us are arriving at the same theory, its quite obvious really, you make some great points, chaos and confusion are the 'stock in trade' of the mal-contented globalist elites, its perversely ironic that they bang on about 'build back better; but the reality is these folk have built nothing in their lives, if you have built something no matter how modest it becomes very difficult and almost impossible to destroy the built work of someone else, but if you ask a globalist (Barack) he will tell you, 'you didn't build that, we built it'!
It's funny that all of a sudden, there's movement on the OSHA rule right after Gov. Abbott bans employer vaccine mandates in Texas.
My theory (and I think el gato malo referred to this recently) is that the plan probably was for there never to be a rule - just give companies an excuse to do it on their own. The "rule" could not be challenged since it wasn't official.
Abbott forced the issue - now the rule has to actually be issued and will be subject to court review (where it will likely lose).
A nationwide injunction against the OSHA rule will make it much tougher for companies to justify mandating this vaccine. Abbott forcing Biden to issue this rule is a really great move.
Keep in mind this move by Abbott was only taken because of intense pressure created by primary opponent Don Huffines, who has repeatedly advocated to protect individual medical choice against predatory corporate & state mandates.
I'm sure that has something to do with it too. But he also could've just only added the issue to the special session agenda - he didn't also have to do the executive order.
You understand this is the flailing around burning sage phase of the "experts", we have reached the voodoo witchdoctor level. They know there "vaccines" are not vaccines. they don't stop infection, they don't stop transmission and they are only about 50% effective in preventing hospitalization or death and yet they have turned Australia into a fascist bio-police state for nothing and here in America we are about halfway to the Australia level of insanity. Meanwhile big pharma is cackling with glee while they make huge profits on a useless "vaccine". And the experts are not going to do a mia culpa and admit we are pretty much at the same level as cavemen hiding in a cave as the lions roar outside when it comes to a force of nature like a virus.
How much of this have we brought on ourselves? People still willingly believe in horoscopes, you know. At the coffee shop today a real group of adults were talking about their signs very seriously, nodding knowingly at all the implications of what their signs meant. This, despite two years of playing 'Science says' everyday. Apparently there is enough room in the Scientific view of the Wuhan plague of death to also allow for astrology. I'm looking forward to Chris Cuomo's horoscope segment directly after his death o meter and unvaxxed o meter segment. Or better yet, he could do it right after his daily interview with Fauci. I am being entirely serious when I tell you that I have never in my life seen someone literally blow smoke out their *** until Fauci's performances. I've always heard the metaphor, as we all have, but have never actually seen someone do it. Well now we know it is actually a thing thanks to Fauci, the carnival freak show dressed up like a doctor. Why didn't he just come on tv with that old fashioned doctor head mirror for ***** sake?
Actually, witch doctors do work. Partially. The placebo effect is a real thing. Just the same, perhaps it's my White European ancestry and respect for civilization showing, but I'll rely on proven [medical] science, rather than faith-based methods, thank you very much.
The rest of your argument is spot-on. Many of the policy actions can be explained by rent-seeking and the lust to gain or keep political power. But at bottom, it's clear that logic and science long ago took a back seat in the whole affair. It's scary how quickly a society, even one with a history of education and science, can throw it all away for an ideology. Exhibit A would be the early Soviet Union. I hope we will not stumble down a similar road to our own oblivion. 😟
The last I’ve heard (Canada) was “get vaccinated so we do not discriminate you at every turn and corner” - nothing about public or personal health any more. The masks are coming down.
How about just cut out the middle man, forget vaccines for everyone or at least for those not in the small percentage of high risk population, and take the hundreds of billions saved on vaccines, masks, plexiglass shields, useless pcr tests etc to treat people who actually become seriously ill? Sort of like the old days - treat those who are ill and leave the rest alone to live their lives. It’s a crazy radical idea, but it just might work. Oh, I forgot, how would the drug companies, mask and plexiglass makers, testers and hysteria hucksters like Fauci et al make decent livings? Never mind.
It has never been a public health issue. Remember, they created and disseminated this virus in the first place. Now they prime everyone they can with the vaxx. Next they release a real bad-ass variant that the vaxx enhances.
This is actually a stroke of genius that benefits the vaccine hucksters. What this does, effectively, is allow continued marketing of the "lessened symptoms" trope and *simultaneously* mitigate the obvious fact that the vaccines do not work as "vaccines" should be expected to work. The only downside is if this type of behavior also gets a person a pass off the booster shot merry-go-round. Pfizer would NOT want that! You probably would suggest that SARS-CoV-2 is already endemic, and I would agree, but who needs facts at a time like this!
The article assumes that the vaccinated will react to a live infection the way "normal", unvaccinated people do.
This hope may prove to be misplaced. The vaccine is known to "reprogram" the innate immune system. Normally, the immune system can respond to a novel pathogen, like my own immune system did a year ago, kill off the virus and develop a memory of it with the antibodies.
With immune systems modified by the mRNA vaccines, it is entirely possible that the only protection is the fake antibodies and not the entire depth of the immune system, with the killer cells, memory cells etc.
On the subreddit /r/COVID19Positive, I saw reports of fully vaxxed people catching Covid TWICE.
In other words, the vaxxed may never develop lasting, innate immunity to Covid even if they catch it.
I've been badgering people into catching covid for months now to 'protect the community', but it seems that Karen isn't interested in doing the ONLY thing she can to ensure she's not passing the virus on. Karen is pretty selfish, isn't she?
There is so much out-in-the-open lying among politicians, "scientists", and the media. It's mind boggling. And exhausting. And yet everyone around me laps it all up as truth and thinks I'm the dumb one.
Narrative shift. Natural immunity is showing to be very good. Booster buy is waning. They need to get ahead. Only way to not ruin the support of the vaccinated is to say they are double plus good.
The fact is we were all probably better off simply taking aspirin than these mRNA injections from the start of this politically induced pandemic used to make Bill Gates richer.
…………New research from George Washington University has determined that treating COVID patients with aspirin reduced the risk of severe illness by nearly half.
The report noted that an aspirin regimen in more than 400 COVID-19 patients in hospitals across the United States cut the need for ventilation by 44%, slashed ICU admission by 43%, and reduced overall in-hospital mortality rates by 47%.
Dr. Jonathan Chow, one of the study’s researchers, said, “As we learned about the connection between blood clots and COVID-19, we knew that aspirin — used to prevent stroke and heart attack — could be important for COVID-19 patients. Our research found an association between low-dose aspirin and decreased severity of COVID-19 and death.”
In my youth another method to prevent hangovers was to simply not stop drinking. As I aged, I stumbled upon and grudgingly accepted the best method, abstain. 😇
When I was having Covid last November (which I am VERY happy that I did to leave the worries behind), I was using Vitamin D, aspirin, Vitamin C, and zinc.
I also took my health seriously, tanned more than usual, lost some weight and exercised prior to having Covid.
I am not convinced that taking aspirin while still healthy is such a good idea.
Actually it has 2 component. Aspirin and baking soda and water. One of the components embeds itself in the intestinal lining. It is similar to a bloating disease that horses get.
Looks like vindication for what was tinfoil conspiracy theory around Event 201 and digital passports when we were hearing "two weeks to flatten the curve and spare the hospitals chaos." Even with Cuomo stacking infected patients in nursing homes NYC never did use the Central Park hospital or semi-truck morgues for anything but fear porn media reports.
Gotta call it a tie between James Corbett and Whitney Webb covering the pandemic players with the backstory. It would be remiss not to add kudos and thanks to the world of statistical analysis explained by you gatito & Matthew Crawford, y'all have been safe harbor in a storm of insanity and it's priceless! <3
Truly astounding how many times the goal posts have moved. It's hard to imagine this mindset, but it's never been more clear that these petty tyrants never want this to end. All the pain and the misery this has caused, the people at the top of the food chain couldn't be happier about all of it. Despicable.
And, in my experience, there are rabid lunatics ready to defend to their last breath each move of the posts and that it's way better than what ultimately ends up being the next move of the posts, which they then retreat to, rinse repeat.
Yikes, the whiplash. We went from "it's irresponsible to encourage deliberate infection to gain better immunity" to "you definitely want to get COVID to get better immunity" awfully fast.
Understand, of course, that this is a way to legitimize coercing the naturally immune into vaccination. If we make the requirement for the vaccinated "you have to go catch COVID after vaccination to maximize immunity," then in their twisted minds they can also say "you must get vaccinated even if you have already recovered to maximize immunity." They are gearing up to mandate not just "immunity" but the greatest possible immunity even if the gain is only marginal.
99.7 - 99.9% survival rate with the China Virus.... And then, push for a vaccine that Supposedly will keep you from getting the virus, then, never mind get your vaccine and put your mask back on, now, just put your damn Mask on,Sit down shut up and get your vaccine again ?? Typical government BS !
Any half awake veterinarian knows that vaccines stop infections, kitties with impaired immune systems cannot be vaccinated out of trouble, vaccinating for respiratory illness is notoriously ineffective and getting the disease after vaccination would be called vaccine failure.
This is such a joke. I can’t believe this is the argument they are making now.
All these people, these professionals, whom I respected, they are just shams. I feel like my view of the professions and key institutions has been destroyed forever.
What? You dare to question the knowledge of established institutions like the WHO who (implicitly) now claim that men can be pregnant ("pregnant people")??? 🤣
I saw this earlier today, but earlier this week or last week, someone on the Greg Gutfeld show was joking about how they say you should get the jab even if you've had COVID so you're double immune. He joked that if you get the jab, you should go get COVID for the same reason. And a week later, here we are.
Get Covid to protect yourself from it? Except if you've been vaxed your immune system is now hijacked and you won't generate a broad spectrum immune response to the Rona. You'll only make (useless) antibodies against the spike protein. Is there some German word for "advice that's beyond totally ignorant"? Ignoreisenadveisenschaft. There's a word now.
"your immune system is now hijacked" - Is that true? How can we know. I would assume that getting infected involves the virus has evaded the antibody response, at which point a lot of other defenses arise. Won't those defenses create new antibodies and alter B cell memory?
We can't know nothing any more, can we? How can we know?! Because of the body of scientific evidence, in plenty a many scientific articles. In the last 20 years. That's how.
Not when you listen to CNN, of course - their story changes daily now. Stop listening to them already.
Haven't watched TV news or read a "normal" newspaper or web site in decades. Need reasons why? Rolf Dobelli's "Clear Thinking" (book) or essay "Avoid the News" provide insights.
Well you made an assertion worth understanding - "your immune system is now hijacked". Given your comment about CNN which nobody reading here would ever watch, I imagined there was something behind your statement. So far I haven't found any evidence that infection post-vax does or does not mean immunity. I would want such an infection to be a way out of the nonsense of forever boosters.
Similar OAS discussion in, but that doesn't suggest that the vaccine affects the response to the virus post vaccination. It may very well mean that the new infection may or may not create effective antibody responses to subsequent variants. That data does not yet exist despite the small pre-print study cited. I imagine the statement "your immune system is now hijacked" is a bit hyperbolic.
Have you got any reference to a (preferably peer-reviewed) scientific article suggesting that a breakthrough covid infection causes a different or weaker immunity than an infection without vaccination would do?
Martin, I highly doubt such studies exist, at this point, for several reasons. One, the vaccines and then breakthrough infections are pretty new yet. Second, where on earth would you get funding for such a study? Third, findings of this nature would be so damning that vaccine manufacturers would pull out every stop to prevent the study even getting off the ground, let alone published. Still, I have seen a fair amount of worry about this. I guess we'll find out, eventually. I pray this doesn't happen.
they knew it didn't work from the start. normal natural immunity means IgG comes up first from your existing library of immunity based on the 6 other endemic coronaviruses that exist (those colds you had before) and not because of S1 subunits (unable to post links to papers at moment but you can find them or watch gigaohms videos), therefore this mRNA subunit transfection juice was broken by design. The point of vaccines pre-2020 definition is what you state above, that no longer exists. A vaccine is now defined as some mRNA subunit transfection injection with unknown consequences but immunity and protection is not one of them.
News flash: You can do that without the vaccine and it is best accomplished mingling with others without tear gas in the eye or a rubber bullet wound in the back. Dirtyrottencowardlybarstardos.
Is there proof to the assertion that the vaccinated have a milder disease response to Covid 19? Qualifying disease response was never part of the clinical trials.
it's sort of iffy. it looks, at least short term, like getting vaccinated does drop covid risk in those already recovered from covid.
HOWEVER: the start risk is already so low that the drop in risk (around 50%) is more or less meaningless and is going to be swamped by adverse events and vaccines risk in 90-99% of people.
it looks to me to be a net harm policy being pushed by only looking at the "benefits" side of the equation and there is no evidence that benefit will be durable and strong reason to suspect that it won't be.
My vaxxed cousin diagnosed with a glioblastoma. I can't help but wonder if there's a connection. Also hearing of other cancers popping up and sudden deaths from heart attack. People who are true believers won't or can't question the narrative.
Off the top of my head, I know of three celebrities* that have died during this hysteria and I was surprised that their deaths were actually attributed to cancer instead of Covid.
*In case anyone was wondering:
Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther)
Michael Nader (All My Children)
Helen McCrory (Harry Potter, Peaky Blinders, tons of British theatre roles)
No offense taken, may have retorted such myself. As it is a sign of our times.
Highly recommend Dr. Jason Fung's book The Cancer Code. He's a nephrologist in Canada and has been a big proponent of fasting (not necessarily best idea for older women). Great writer and his cancer book is not about treatments but what IS cancer, very accessible and great book for a reading club.
If more people understood WHY cancer is so untreatable, they would be much more mindful of their lifestyles.
Here's a lay persons take - it's two different "entities" tumor mast vs. metastatic cancer - the cellular structure is different and chemotherapy treatment for one sometimes promotes the other.
Starting to hear about cancers among our friends, associates.
Right now I'll say coincidental, as cancer is ubiquitous. Unfortunately, it will be a year, or two, before the numbers would show a more direct correlation.
If we look at countries with a low vaccination rate today, like bulgaria, romania and russia they have very high numbers of covid cases and deaths, which seems to imply that vaccinations reduce risk. What's your view on that?
Ignoring old testing and approval protocols has been a hallmark of most, if not all, of the products created to profit from a market monopoly without legal risk, pardon me, to fight the Covid pandemic. You don't even need to work in the industry (medicine) to know that a lot of things are likely to go wrong with a scarcely-tested technology (mRNA), against a family of virus that rarely, if ever, had a vaccine devised against it (betacoronavirus), add for a bonus, the skipping of traditional testing regimen and you get a triple play for super high risk. For a bonus, inject these products into billions of bodies and see what happens. This is going to go down as the biggest governmental/medical mistake in world history. Perhaps it'll be better if we really do end up in a tyranny; at least then we won't expect any return to the safe and sane institutions of old.
Back in the days of olden, I hear there were measles parties.
Doh, oh yeah, super spreader events, which turns out the covid vaxxed are spreading their advanced delta by way of -- getting covid anyway and their bodies are the ones that develop the variants.
My annual ballet recital unintentionally became a chicken pox party in 1991. I can't remember who had it first but I came down with it a few days after the recital and so did another 3 girls. I was so pissed because summer break had already started so I didn't even get the pleasure of missing school!
I've been taking 5-10,000 i.u. of vitamin D3 every day since the pandemic began and I haven't had anything. Not even a cold. My arm's not even sore. Am I missing something?
You are risking vitamin D toxicity. And if by the sore arm reference you are referring to a Covid-19 jab, you are risking the short and long term effects of that. Taking vitamins and supplements is wise, I am sure, but remember the old rule about too much of a good thing.
You actually have to take a lot to reach toxicity. I’m in California and outside a lot (fair skin), yet need 8000 daily to maintain a 45-50ish level. A level of over 50 is ideal. A 25d test is fairly cheap and I do it every quarter to adjust my dose. When pregnant I’m easily at 10,000 Iu daily without ever even getting over a 50 level…..
That is, sadly, a possible side effect: Covid-19 is known to cause nerve damage and the brain is not exempt ("brain fog"). Among their many side effects, the vaxxes may do organic damage too. 😒
If you don’t think this Global One World Government COVID Pandemic was not a diabolical planned event….look at the dates and players in this event. Just a coincidence……sure.
The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering. The Event 201 pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.
That's a relevant question. It's a no-brainer that illnesses and deaths will peak around January as usual. I speculate they'll be higher than last winter's, as has been the case during "summer" season cases. They will continue to blame the unvaxxed even absent any data. This is easily explained because the official goal is to jab everyone possible. In those regions most hard hit by the idiotic layoffs of already in short supply medical staff, they will, of course also blame the unvaxxed for "selfishly refusing to be vaccinated" and thus "causing" the critical personnel shortages that will by then beset hospitals.
Dude the guy from Germany who developed the PCR test for SARS-Cov2 said the same thing. (Drosten) he said he wants an infection to top up his immunity. No joke.
Assuming the vaccinations aren't damaging the immune system. In which case, being infected after vaccinations and repeating boosters might not give the same lasting immunity.
"to ultimately lead to make this turn this virus into basically an endemic, common cold causing virus, and that’s what you want it to be"
I sometimes feel that this is what it has always been (sorry for those who had complications) but the official truth was different (seriously, is there any report of death without comorbidities? What says the death was not caused by the said comorbidities?). If the official constructivists decide that the truth should be the truth rather than whatever they had in mind for the last two years, so be it, we shall live better that way.
I ain't falling for it. Healthy skepticism or downright cynicism? What befuddles me is how SO many people in my spheres have fallen for it hook, line, + sinker. And I teach at a college. What has happened to critical thinking? It shocks me.
The biological warfare pushers who created and patented coronavirus in order to get rich off their bio warfare vaccine are never going to stop manipulating the masses in their pursuit of power and wealth.
the vaccines preload you with an antibody, mayber that antibody gives you a lighter case than otherwise, given that you are low risks, higher with covid deaths this summer surge implies the reduced symptoms benefit mostly those who would have been okay anyway.
the issue that is neglected is b/t cell effects of the vaccines.
the ph 3 recipients are >12 mos enduring, the ones w/o booster should have a t cell survey by sampling theory against a control of non vaxxed natural immunity.
maybe that why they do not want the control group of natural immune.
As stupid as it sounds, it’s not wrong per se. in fact at the beginning they should have sold the vaccine as a way to cushion the blow of catching covid. Instead they falsely claimed it could prevent covid and prevent the spread. Now we are here facing vaccine mandates based on LIES.
This should have been the message from the start. Get the vaccine FOR YOURSELF and WHEN you get covid it will make it less risky to achieve natural immunity.
the problem, of course, is that if leaky vaccines are driving viral evolution from the very mild 0.1% CFR delta to 0.7% and rising by allowing perpetuation of and selection for hotter strains and breaking the evolutionary gradient to mild endemicity, then this vaccine plan took what should have been a mild run down to end state and turned it into a whole second pandemic.
leaky vaccines are very dangerous and can have dire societal effects.
mistaking mRNA vaccines for sterilizing and pushing them out to the masses only to discover that they were not and may even be spread intensifiers may well go down in history as the worst blunder in the history of public health. (and that's saying something)
Trevor Bedford, Associate Professor, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, says the variants arose before the vaxx rollout. And the mutations in the variants are focused on the S1 subunit of the spike protein while the rest of the viral genome remained stable. This is very strange. I've read the Wuhan virus spike was uniquely and historically adapted to infect human cells. There was no selective pressure. So what happened? I guess we can't rule out the trials, but I don't think they align with the appearance of all the mutants. Is it possible that tens of thousands of injections brought about the variants? If so, what does that imply for hundreds of millions of injections?
Dr Malone was interviewed by John Solomon while back and there was a short comment he made that there are some that thought it may have started during the trials.
Yeah, but so many people thought covid was FATAL because that’s how they made everyone hysterical, (long covid!!!! Omg!!!) that there could be no talk of “blow cushioning.”
I hate to say it, but what Bartlett says seems more sensible than a *lot* of the "public health" fuckery we've heard to date. I mean, if you ignore that a healthy immune system has no problems with covid-19, ignore the huge adverse effects, ignore the *negative* efficacy after the first dose, ignore the failures of the vaccine to improve all-cause mortality/mordidity in societies that implement them. Yeah, if you ignore all that, then it almost makes sense - but only as compared to the evil bullshit of the Fauci/Wen axis.
Personally, I think we should be vaccinating everybody twice *in utero*. It's the only way to be sure. 😂
I seriously think there is a smoke-filled, leather-laden room where the string-pullers are doubled-over guffawing as they watch filmstrips of people trying to eat through masks, hugging through plastic barriers, and parroting their ever-increasingly ludicrous talking points.
Undoubtedly. I mean, if I'm laughing, I'm sure they are too. That said, this is actually a form of ritual humiliation cum provocation. I have a pet-conspiracy theory (yes, it purrs) that the overall strategy is to keep piling on outrage after outrage and atrocity after atrocity until people finally snap, revolt and overthrow their governments, thereby plunging the world into anarchy from whose ashes will arise a One World Government and a New World Order. Y'know, Ordo Ad Chao, and all that jazz. Either that or I've gotten too deep into the catnip this evening.
Haha, that is a purrfectly plausible theory. They are definitely doing everything possible to sow strife and chaos—thing is, I don’t think they need to go to all that trouble when the majority so easily obeys on command. All you have to do is look at Australia to see how swiftly and effortlessly they’ve transformed a free nation into a totalitarian torture chamber.
Australia started as a prison colony and it seems like it will end as one. Yes, I agree that such schemes seem totally unnecessary considering the level of control our rulers already have over society. I always expected a slow and gradual but painful slide into the abyss, but for whatever reason somebody decide to crank the burner on the stove up to 11 and then start banging on the pot with a metal ladle. Hard to figure out whether all this is arrogance, panic, entertainment or insanity on the elites' part. Perhaps all of the above?
d) All of the above
That said, shock and awe is the most effective way of transforming society in the blink of an eye. Worked in 1933 Germany. The Reichstag Fire was on February 28, 1933, and the next day, they passed the Reichstag Fire Decree (gee, kind of like the PATRIOT Act), instantly suspending the Constitution, restricting liberty, censoring speech, and threatening imprisonment of dissenters ( Everyone just went along because they were in a state of shock and scarcely realized what was occurring.
There you go - the people in charge have been taking notes over the years. Still, watching and desperately trying to understand where all this might be headed is like trying to comprehend the minds of madmen: "And when you stare for a long time into an abyss, the abyss stares back into you."
Well-stated, and yes, they are indeed following every well-worn trick in the propaganda and tyranny book—the patterns are totally predictable; the specifics are more elusive.
The Australians gave up their guns. That significantly decreased the risk to the authorities of doing this shit.
BaronD, absolutely. One of my Australian subscribers recently informed me they’re changing the laws so they can use the tiniest misdemeanor (e.g., jaywalking, not wearing a mask) as an excuse to take the few guns that do remain (I didn’t realize they had any at all, but apparently, there are some left, presumably for hunting).
I think many of us are arriving at the same theory, its quite obvious really, you make some great points, chaos and confusion are the 'stock in trade' of the mal-contented globalist elites, its perversely ironic that they bang on about 'build back better; but the reality is these folk have built nothing in their lives, if you have built something no matter how modest it becomes very difficult and almost impossible to destroy the built work of someone else, but if you ask a globalist (Barack) he will tell you, 'you didn't build that, we built it'!
Oh, and I forgot dancing back-to-back:
100% agree.
It's funny that all of a sudden, there's movement on the OSHA rule right after Gov. Abbott bans employer vaccine mandates in Texas.
My theory (and I think el gato malo referred to this recently) is that the plan probably was for there never to be a rule - just give companies an excuse to do it on their own. The "rule" could not be challenged since it wasn't official.
Abbott forced the issue - now the rule has to actually be issued and will be subject to court review (where it will likely lose).
A nationwide injunction against the OSHA rule will make it much tougher for companies to justify mandating this vaccine. Abbott forcing Biden to issue this rule is a really great move.
Keep in mind this move by Abbott was only taken because of intense pressure created by primary opponent Don Huffines, who has repeatedly advocated to protect individual medical choice against predatory corporate & state mandates.
Also Southwest & American Airlines HQ in Texas so it was a super ballsy move
I'm sure that has something to do with it too. But he also could've just only added the issue to the special session agenda - he didn't also have to do the executive order.
You understand this is the flailing around burning sage phase of the "experts", we have reached the voodoo witchdoctor level. They know there "vaccines" are not vaccines. they don't stop infection, they don't stop transmission and they are only about 50% effective in preventing hospitalization or death and yet they have turned Australia into a fascist bio-police state for nothing and here in America we are about halfway to the Australia level of insanity. Meanwhile big pharma is cackling with glee while they make huge profits on a useless "vaccine". And the experts are not going to do a mia culpa and admit we are pretty much at the same level as cavemen hiding in a cave as the lions roar outside when it comes to a force of nature like a virus.
The fat pharma cats are sitting on their yachts laughing about wondering what the poor people are doing now…
How much of this have we brought on ourselves? People still willingly believe in horoscopes, you know. At the coffee shop today a real group of adults were talking about their signs very seriously, nodding knowingly at all the implications of what their signs meant. This, despite two years of playing 'Science says' everyday. Apparently there is enough room in the Scientific view of the Wuhan plague of death to also allow for astrology. I'm looking forward to Chris Cuomo's horoscope segment directly after his death o meter and unvaxxed o meter segment. Or better yet, he could do it right after his daily interview with Fauci. I am being entirely serious when I tell you that I have never in my life seen someone literally blow smoke out their *** until Fauci's performances. I've always heard the metaphor, as we all have, but have never actually seen someone do it. Well now we know it is actually a thing thanks to Fauci, the carnival freak show dressed up like a doctor. Why didn't he just come on tv with that old fashioned doctor head mirror for ***** sake?
Actually, witch doctors do work. Partially. The placebo effect is a real thing. Just the same, perhaps it's my White European ancestry and respect for civilization showing, but I'll rely on proven [medical] science, rather than faith-based methods, thank you very much.
The rest of your argument is spot-on. Many of the policy actions can be explained by rent-seeking and the lust to gain or keep political power. But at bottom, it's clear that logic and science long ago took a back seat in the whole affair. It's scary how quickly a society, even one with a history of education and science, can throw it all away for an ideology. Exhibit A would be the early Soviet Union. I hope we will not stumble down a similar road to our own oblivion. 😟
The real problem is that we still have no idea of the long term effects mRNA injections.
BINGO! And based on past mRNA vaccine attempts the more they’re injected the more toxic…… boosters anyone?
You’re misinformed. That’s what I am repeatedly told when I say that. However no prove of longterm safety is presented to me. 🙄
The last I’ve heard (Canada) was “get vaccinated so we do not discriminate you at every turn and corner” - nothing about public or personal health any more. The masks are coming down.
How about just cut out the middle man, forget vaccines for everyone or at least for those not in the small percentage of high risk population, and take the hundreds of billions saved on vaccines, masks, plexiglass shields, useless pcr tests etc to treat people who actually become seriously ill? Sort of like the old days - treat those who are ill and leave the rest alone to live their lives. It’s a crazy radical idea, but it just might work. Oh, I forgot, how would the drug companies, mask and plexiglass makers, testers and hysteria hucksters like Fauci et al make decent livings? Never mind.
It has never been a public health issue. Remember, they created and disseminated this virus in the first place. Now they prime everyone they can with the vaxx. Next they release a real bad-ass variant that the vaxx enhances.
Exactly, or another one that is just more deadly in general. Sweater Boy as much as said it’s coming, and they never keep secrets about such things.
This is actually a stroke of genius that benefits the vaccine hucksters. What this does, effectively, is allow continued marketing of the "lessened symptoms" trope and *simultaneously* mitigate the obvious fact that the vaccines do not work as "vaccines" should be expected to work. The only downside is if this type of behavior also gets a person a pass off the booster shot merry-go-round. Pfizer would NOT want that! You probably would suggest that SARS-CoV-2 is already endemic, and I would agree, but who needs facts at a time like this!
The article assumes that the vaccinated will react to a live infection the way "normal", unvaccinated people do.
This hope may prove to be misplaced. The vaccine is known to "reprogram" the innate immune system. Normally, the immune system can respond to a novel pathogen, like my own immune system did a year ago, kill off the virus and develop a memory of it with the antibodies.
With immune systems modified by the mRNA vaccines, it is entirely possible that the only protection is the fake antibodies and not the entire depth of the immune system, with the killer cells, memory cells etc.
On the subreddit /r/COVID19Positive, I saw reports of fully vaxxed people catching Covid TWICE.
In other words, the vaxxed may never develop lasting, innate immunity to Covid even if they catch it.
Narrative collapse. You love to see it.
I've been badgering people into catching covid for months now to 'protect the community', but it seems that Karen isn't interested in doing the ONLY thing she can to ensure she's not passing the virus on. Karen is pretty selfish, isn't she?
Nothing need be said or typed, kitty face says it all!
The COVID narrative get crazier by the day, it seems.
Never mind that even Pfizer scientists admitted that natural immunity is broader, stronger and lasts longer than from the vaccine (Project Veritas).
There is so much out-in-the-open lying among politicians, "scientists", and the media. It's mind boggling. And exhausting. And yet everyone around me laps it all up as truth and thinks I'm the dumb one.
And if you look at these people, you will see how closed minded they are. They would never look at disconfirming evidence.
I always try to look for disconfirming evidence and check out CNN every day, despite the feeling of heartburn that I get from visiting its website.
Narrative shift. Natural immunity is showing to be very good. Booster buy is waning. They need to get ahead. Only way to not ruin the support of the vaccinated is to say they are double plus good.
Hilarious! Except pathetic! And still they oppress and punish those with "solely" natural immunity.
The fact is we were all probably better off simply taking aspirin than these mRNA injections from the start of this politically induced pandemic used to make Bill Gates richer.
…………New research from George Washington University has determined that treating COVID patients with aspirin reduced the risk of severe illness by nearly half.
The report noted that an aspirin regimen in more than 400 COVID-19 patients in hospitals across the United States cut the need for ventilation by 44%, slashed ICU admission by 43%, and reduced overall in-hospital mortality rates by 47%.
Dr. Jonathan Chow, one of the study’s researchers, said, “As we learned about the connection between blood clots and COVID-19, we knew that aspirin — used to prevent stroke and heart attack — could be important for COVID-19 patients. Our research found an association between low-dose aspirin and decreased severity of COVID-19 and death.”
Isn’t interesting that now they are recommending people over 60 stop taking aspirin to prevent heart attacks? Interesting timing.
I guess that doesn't apply to me. I use it to prevent hang overs.
In my youth another method to prevent hangovers was to simply not stop drinking. As I aged, I stumbled upon and grudgingly accepted the best method, abstain. 😇
When I was having Covid last November (which I am VERY happy that I did to leave the worries behind), I was using Vitamin D, aspirin, Vitamin C, and zinc.
I also took my health seriously, tanned more than usual, lost some weight and exercised prior to having Covid.
I am not convinced that taking aspirin while still healthy is such a good idea.
Glad you got through Covid okay.
I read somewhere, forgot now. if you have been vaxxed, and over 55, you should take baby aspirin twice a day.
Makes sense, clots are no good.
Actually it has 2 component. Aspirin and baking soda and water. One of the components embeds itself in the intestinal lining. It is similar to a bloating disease that horses get.
Or... and just hear me out on this...
Count your blessings. As internet forums go, this one in my opinion is relatively well educated and behaved.
The internet is a sewer of basal human rage and stimulus-response buttons. That there are some smart people in it doesn't make it not a toilet. :)
Looks like vindication for what was tinfoil conspiracy theory around Event 201 and digital passports when we were hearing "two weeks to flatten the curve and spare the hospitals chaos." Even with Cuomo stacking infected patients in nursing homes NYC never did use the Central Park hospital or semi-truck morgues for anything but fear porn media reports.
Gotta call it a tie between James Corbett and Whitney Webb covering the pandemic players with the backstory. It would be remiss not to add kudos and thanks to the world of statistical analysis explained by you gatito & Matthew Crawford, y'all have been safe harbor in a storm of insanity and it's priceless! <3
Truly astounding how many times the goal posts have moved. It's hard to imagine this mindset, but it's never been more clear that these petty tyrants never want this to end. All the pain and the misery this has caused, the people at the top of the food chain couldn't be happier about all of it. Despicable.
And, in my experience, there are rabid lunatics ready to defend to their last breath each move of the posts and that it's way better than what ultimately ends up being the next move of the posts, which they then retreat to, rinse repeat.
Yikes, the whiplash. We went from "it's irresponsible to encourage deliberate infection to gain better immunity" to "you definitely want to get COVID to get better immunity" awfully fast.
Understand, of course, that this is a way to legitimize coercing the naturally immune into vaccination. If we make the requirement for the vaccinated "you have to go catch COVID after vaccination to maximize immunity," then in their twisted minds they can also say "you must get vaccinated even if you have already recovered to maximize immunity." They are gearing up to mandate not just "immunity" but the greatest possible immunity even if the gain is only marginal.
Like AIDS Bug Chasers.
99.7 - 99.9% survival rate with the China Virus.... And then, push for a vaccine that Supposedly will keep you from getting the virus, then, never mind get your vaccine and put your mask back on, now, just put your damn Mask on,Sit down shut up and get your vaccine again ?? Typical government BS !
Perfect picture at the end.
I wonder if this is culling the weak minded from the herd.
That vaccine is dangerous and pandora’s box.
You need to publish a book of your cat memes. The BEST.
Where's the kitty hissing fit, snarl and swish of claws? We need it to go with the picture!!!
Any half awake veterinarian knows that vaccines stop infections, kitties with impaired immune systems cannot be vaccinated out of trouble, vaccinating for respiratory illness is notoriously ineffective and getting the disease after vaccination would be called vaccine failure.
Human doctors need to go to vet school?
This is such a joke. I can’t believe this is the argument they are making now.
All these people, these professionals, whom I respected, they are just shams. I feel like my view of the professions and key institutions has been destroyed forever.
And maybe that is a good thing.
What? You dare to question the knowledge of established institutions like the WHO who (implicitly) now claim that men can be pregnant ("pregnant people")??? 🤣
I know. The cheekiness of it.
I saw this earlier today, but earlier this week or last week, someone on the Greg Gutfeld show was joking about how they say you should get the jab even if you've had COVID so you're double immune. He joked that if you get the jab, you should go get COVID for the same reason. And a week later, here we are.
Get Covid to protect yourself from it? Except if you've been vaxed your immune system is now hijacked and you won't generate a broad spectrum immune response to the Rona. You'll only make (useless) antibodies against the spike protein. Is there some German word for "advice that's beyond totally ignorant"? Ignoreisenadveisenschaft. There's a word now.
"your immune system is now hijacked" - Is that true? How can we know. I would assume that getting infected involves the virus has evaded the antibody response, at which point a lot of other defenses arise. Won't those defenses create new antibodies and alter B cell memory?
We can't know nothing any more, can we? How can we know?! Because of the body of scientific evidence, in plenty a many scientific articles. In the last 20 years. That's how.
Not when you listen to CNN, of course - their story changes daily now. Stop listening to them already.
Haven't watched TV news or read a "normal" newspaper or web site in decades. Need reasons why? Rolf Dobelli's "Clear Thinking" (book) or essay "Avoid the News" provide insights.
Well you made an assertion worth understanding - "your immune system is now hijacked". Given your comment about CNN which nobody reading here would ever watch, I imagined there was something behind your statement. So far I haven't found any evidence that infection post-vax does or does not mean immunity. I would want such an infection to be a way out of the nonsense of forever boosters.
Ever read about "Original Antigenic Sin", for example (littp://www. Or that mRNA vaccines reprogram your iimmune responses in bad ways ( )? Just to name a few. The scoop: you vaxx - you get screwed. And this says nothing about adverse reactions at all.
Similar OAS discussion in, but that doesn't suggest that the vaccine affects the response to the virus post vaccination. It may very well mean that the new infection may or may not create effective antibody responses to subsequent variants. That data does not yet exist despite the small pre-print study cited. I imagine the statement "your immune system is now hijacked" is a bit hyperbolic.
Have you got any reference to a (preferably peer-reviewed) scientific article suggesting that a breakthrough covid infection causes a different or weaker immunity than an infection without vaccination would do?
Martin, I highly doubt such studies exist, at this point, for several reasons. One, the vaccines and then breakthrough infections are pretty new yet. Second, where on earth would you get funding for such a study? Third, findings of this nature would be so damning that vaccine manufacturers would pull out every stop to prevent the study even getting off the ground, let alone published. Still, I have seen a fair amount of worry about this. I guess we'll find out, eventually. I pray this doesn't happen.
The whole point of vaxx was that IT will protect you from Covid. Now that they know that it doesn’t, you go get the virus. Come again?
they knew it didn't work from the start. normal natural immunity means IgG comes up first from your existing library of immunity based on the 6 other endemic coronaviruses that exist (those colds you had before) and not because of S1 subunits (unable to post links to papers at moment but you can find them or watch gigaohms videos), therefore this mRNA subunit transfection juice was broken by design. The point of vaccines pre-2020 definition is what you state above, that no longer exists. A vaccine is now defined as some mRNA subunit transfection injection with unknown consequences but immunity and protection is not one of them.
News flash: You can do that without the vaccine and it is best accomplished mingling with others without tear gas in the eye or a rubber bullet wound in the back. Dirtyrottencowardlybarstardos.
Also... meow.
They must think we fell off the turnip truck yesterday.
Or is that that catnip truck?
Is there proof to the assertion that the vaccinated have a milder disease response to Covid 19? Qualifying disease response was never part of the clinical trials.
it's sort of iffy. it looks, at least short term, like getting vaccinated does drop covid risk in those already recovered from covid.
HOWEVER: the start risk is already so low that the drop in risk (around 50%) is more or less meaningless and is going to be swamped by adverse events and vaccines risk in 90-99% of people.
it looks to me to be a net harm policy being pushed by only looking at the "benefits" side of the equation and there is no evidence that benefit will be durable and strong reason to suspect that it won't be.
But and this is a big BUT we don't know long-term effects of turning-off the immune system for weeks at a time, every six months.
Cancer cells are just waiting to find a landing spot, away from our immune cells, latch on and start propagating.
Think I'd rather have a nasty cold than stage 4 glioblastoma, just sayin'
My vaxxed cousin diagnosed with a glioblastoma. I can't help but wonder if there's a connection. Also hearing of other cancers popping up and sudden deaths from heart attack. People who are true believers won't or can't question the narrative.
Truly. Cancers have already been running rampant the idea of it getting worse is maddening.
I’m sure they’ll all be counted as COVID deaths ;-)
Off the top of my head, I know of three celebrities* that have died during this hysteria and I was surprised that their deaths were actually attributed to cancer instead of Covid.
*In case anyone was wondering:
Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther)
Michael Nader (All My Children)
Helen McCrory (Harry Potter, Peaky Blinders, tons of British theatre roles)
I suspect they are now more eager to report credible causes like cancer if there’s any chance someone could construe it as a spike death. If there’s no plausible explanation, they just say, “died after a short illness” (
Apologies for the flippant remark amidst these heartbreaking reports, and so sorry to hear about your guys’ relatives and friends being diagnosed :-(
No offense taken, may have retorted such myself. As it is a sign of our times.
Highly recommend Dr. Jason Fung's book The Cancer Code. He's a nephrologist in Canada and has been a big proponent of fasting (not necessarily best idea for older women). Great writer and his cancer book is not about treatments but what IS cancer, very accessible and great book for a reading club.
If more people understood WHY cancer is so untreatable, they would be much more mindful of their lifestyles.
Here's a lay persons take - it's two different "entities" tumor mast vs. metastatic cancer - the cellular structure is different and chemotherapy treatment for one sometimes promotes the other.
Friend of mine now has just that. 2 inoperable tumors.
Diagnosed post-jab?
Starting to hear about cancers among our friends, associates.
Right now I'll say coincidental, as cancer is ubiquitous. Unfortunately, it will be a year, or two, before the numbers would show a more direct correlation.
Didn't ask but pretty sure yes, based on her job & very elderly mother coming to live with her.
In the last three weeks we have heard the following:
One friends' brother - lung cancer
One friends husband - liver cancer
Husband of a former coworker - throat cancer
Neighbor - possible breast cancer
Friend of my husband- stage 4 liver cancer
Maybe it's our age (mid 60's) but this is more than we've heard in the past five years, in total.
Gets your attention.
But if vaccinated people get "real" covid they might not have to take booster shots every six months...
If we look at countries with a low vaccination rate today, like bulgaria, romania and russia they have very high numbers of covid cases and deaths, which seems to imply that vaccinations reduce risk. What's your view on that?
Ignoring old testing and approval protocols has been a hallmark of most, if not all, of the products created to profit from a market monopoly without legal risk, pardon me, to fight the Covid pandemic. You don't even need to work in the industry (medicine) to know that a lot of things are likely to go wrong with a scarcely-tested technology (mRNA), against a family of virus that rarely, if ever, had a vaccine devised against it (betacoronavirus), add for a bonus, the skipping of traditional testing regimen and you get a triple play for super high risk. For a bonus, inject these products into billions of bodies and see what happens. This is going to go down as the biggest governmental/medical mistake in world history. Perhaps it'll be better if we really do end up in a tyranny; at least then we won't expect any return to the safe and sane institutions of old.
I have spent the last 10 months reading this
Dr VandenBossche is quite impressive.
Fauci is a fraud. He really should retire, or just leave. His expiration date is long gone and he is just getting more and more rotten every day.
I think you mean him, Collins, Daszak, Shi and all the other major players at big Pharma need to be indicted, arrested, judged and jailed.
Back in the days of olden, I hear there were measles parties.
Doh, oh yeah, super spreader events, which turns out the covid vaxxed are spreading their advanced delta by way of -- getting covid anyway and their bodies are the ones that develop the variants.
My annual ballet recital unintentionally became a chicken pox party in 1991. I can't remember who had it first but I came down with it a few days after the recital and so did another 3 girls. I was so pissed because summer break had already started so I didn't even get the pleasure of missing school!
Joe Rogan floated this theory first
I've been taking 5-10,000 i.u. of vitamin D3 every day since the pandemic began and I haven't had anything. Not even a cold. My arm's not even sore. Am I missing something?
You are risking vitamin D toxicity. And if by the sore arm reference you are referring to a Covid-19 jab, you are risking the short and long term effects of that. Taking vitamins and supplements is wise, I am sure, but remember the old rule about too much of a good thing.
You actually have to take a lot to reach toxicity. I’m in California and outside a lot (fair skin), yet need 8000 daily to maintain a 45-50ish level. A level of over 50 is ideal. A 25d test is fairly cheap and I do it every quarter to adjust my dose. When pregnant I’m easily at 10,000 Iu daily without ever even getting over a 50 level…..
I wish I could say this situation is unreal, but it's all too real.
Vaccines cause retardation
That is, sadly, a possible side effect: Covid-19 is known to cause nerve damage and the brain is not exempt ("brain fog"). Among their many side effects, the vaxxes may do organic damage too. 😒
If you don’t think this Global One World Government COVID Pandemic was not a diabolical planned event….look at the dates and players in this event. Just a coincidence……sure.
The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering. The Event 201 pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.
Imagine what the narrative is going to be 6 weeks from now if the Fall/Winter wave comes?
That's a relevant question. It's a no-brainer that illnesses and deaths will peak around January as usual. I speculate they'll be higher than last winter's, as has been the case during "summer" season cases. They will continue to blame the unvaxxed even absent any data. This is easily explained because the official goal is to jab everyone possible. In those regions most hard hit by the idiotic layoffs of already in short supply medical staff, they will, of course also blame the unvaxxed for "selfishly refusing to be vaccinated" and thus "causing" the critical personnel shortages that will by then beset hospitals.
Dude the guy from Germany who developed the PCR test for SARS-Cov2 said the same thing. (Drosten) he said he wants an infection to top up his immunity. No joke.
Well, infection is the only lasting immunity.
Assuming the vaccinations aren't damaging the immune system. In which case, being infected after vaccinations and repeating boosters might not give the same lasting immunity.
Ah. Yes. We’d be lucky if it was a placebo.
"to ultimately lead to make this turn this virus into basically an endemic, common cold causing virus, and that’s what you want it to be"
I sometimes feel that this is what it has always been (sorry for those who had complications) but the official truth was different (seriously, is there any report of death without comorbidities? What says the death was not caused by the said comorbidities?). If the official constructivists decide that the truth should be the truth rather than whatever they had in mind for the last two years, so be it, we shall live better that way.
I ain't falling for it. Healthy skepticism or downright cynicism? What befuddles me is how SO many people in my spheres have fallen for it hook, line, + sinker. And I teach at a college. What has happened to critical thinking? It shocks me.
New Hampshire has refused federal funds to push vaccine!
This is video game logic.
Get a leaky vaccine, then catch a virus and get antibodies, and they ADD TOGETHER? Like, compounded?
So, by this logic, can I drink 10 15-Hour Energy shots and stay up for a full week?
Or wear 10 masks and become Mr Olympia
Can you skip the vax and go straight to catching the virus? NO, THAT'S CRAZY TALK!!!111
The biological warfare pushers who created and patented coronavirus in order to get rich off their bio warfare vaccine are never going to stop manipulating the masses in their pursuit of power and wealth.
the vaccines preload you with an antibody, mayber that antibody gives you a lighter case than otherwise, given that you are low risks, higher with covid deaths this summer surge implies the reduced symptoms benefit mostly those who would have been okay anyway.
the issue that is neglected is b/t cell effects of the vaccines.
the ph 3 recipients are >12 mos enduring, the ones w/o booster should have a t cell survey by sampling theory against a control of non vaxxed natural immunity.
maybe that why they do not want the control group of natural immune.
As stupid as it sounds, it’s not wrong per se. in fact at the beginning they should have sold the vaccine as a way to cushion the blow of catching covid. Instead they falsely claimed it could prevent covid and prevent the spread. Now we are here facing vaccine mandates based on LIES.
This should have been the message from the start. Get the vaccine FOR YOURSELF and WHEN you get covid it will make it less risky to achieve natural immunity.
the problem, of course, is that if leaky vaccines are driving viral evolution from the very mild 0.1% CFR delta to 0.7% and rising by allowing perpetuation of and selection for hotter strains and breaking the evolutionary gradient to mild endemicity, then this vaccine plan took what should have been a mild run down to end state and turned it into a whole second pandemic.
leaky vaccines are very dangerous and can have dire societal effects.
mistaking mRNA vaccines for sterilizing and pushing them out to the masses only to discover that they were not and may even be spread intensifiers may well go down in history as the worst blunder in the history of public health. (and that's saying something)
And they don’t seem to care.
I’m aware of the similar risk to Mareks in Chickens.
Arguably I would say the vaccines should have been also limited to high risk individuals.
Trevor Bedford, Associate Professor, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, says the variants arose before the vaxx rollout. And the mutations in the variants are focused on the S1 subunit of the spike protein while the rest of the viral genome remained stable. This is very strange. I've read the Wuhan virus spike was uniquely and historically adapted to infect human cells. There was no selective pressure. So what happened? I guess we can't rule out the trials, but I don't think they align with the appearance of all the mutants. Is it possible that tens of thousands of injections brought about the variants? If so, what does that imply for hundreds of millions of injections?
Dr Malone was interviewed by John Solomon while back and there was a short comment he made that there are some that thought it may have started during the trials.
But I don't think Dr. Malone does.
He just made the statement. It was couple months ago I think. Last discussion
I saw was he is agreeing with GV Bossche.
Yeah, but so many people thought covid was FATAL because that’s how they made everyone hysterical, (long covid!!!! Omg!!!) that there could be no talk of “blow cushioning.”
I hate to say it, but what Bartlett says seems more sensible than a *lot* of the "public health" fuckery we've heard to date. I mean, if you ignore that a healthy immune system has no problems with covid-19, ignore the huge adverse effects, ignore the *negative* efficacy after the first dose, ignore the failures of the vaccine to improve all-cause mortality/mordidity in societies that implement them. Yeah, if you ignore all that, then it almost makes sense - but only as compared to the evil bullshit of the Fauci/Wen axis.
Personally, I think we should be vaccinating everybody twice *in utero*. It's the only way to be sure. 😂