As a female with a degree in math, I am beyond offended. Why I love math, is that it’s very factual and logic based. This seems to be the opposite. I don’t care that “men” came up with it.
Thank you for honesty. Indeed, from someone who has spent their life in engineering, where mathematics and statistics is a daily task, the “new math” is nothing but garbage.
Feel you. I studied physics in a french speaking small university 5 years ago in canada. No woke crap, none. The "post-modernist progressist west coast american" influence was not there yet because of the language barrier I guess. All that stuff at fancy universities is alien to me. Anyhow, I'm glad I could attended a non-brainwashed university, even if on my cv it's like 10000% less impressing than uc berkeley (or even uni of toronto).
I know plenty of good women STEM grads in all sorts of fields. There are a few great women mathematicians not a whole lot compared to men but they do exist. The big issue is that we are dealing with the tails of the math ability distribution between various groups (sex, ethnicity, etc.). Anybody that is a competent engineer, mathematician, etc. is already way out in the tail compared to the general pop. Now start counting folks that actually push the state of the art in any of those fields, those folks are way, way out in the tail of the tail. The farther out you go the more you select for men.
In my engineering classes I noted only men. Why I wondered why, I got told women simply weren't interested in 'things'. I read that infant boys are intrigued by bright flashy objects and girls appreciate faces. So perhaps many of us drift into roles defined by biology. But I have had female engineers who worked with me, rare indeed. They often had a different emotional mindset that brought a perspective to projects that was useful generally, sometimes negative. Then again not all men are interested in understanding the terms of a differential equation and translating that into a important stress term to avoid breaking something. Trying to force people into roles they aren't interested in seems futile. Perhaps this "math" course may help students appreciate the beauty in math - hope so.
And yet we might still get an occasional Emmy Noether (for example), if we don't completely lock her out of the clubhouse. Mathematics is a human endeavor, not some platonic realm of pure reason practiced by disembodied beings of pure logic. Treating people fairly and respecting their real accomplishments when they don't look like the in-group is hard enough without this pernicious affirmative activism putting its thumbs on the scales in everybody's eyes. These people genuinely have no idea the damage they're doing.
I am not a mathematician but am offended as a woman. On a mathematician, and on no other professional, should stand a gender or a colour. We are all humans and should be respected as such. That univ lost all respect
This is one of many reasons I just ran screaming from my job at a California community college. FFS, they were starting to ask the research & Planning dept to present their stats through 'the lens of diversity' - stats are stats! Enough!
They’re purposefully going after the factual sciences. And sadly they’re winning one battle after another. Timidity and niceties of most regular Americans is to blame. Everyone wants to be though of as modern and nice. These people should have been told they’re morons a few hundred more times by everyone around them.
Partly, perhaps, but I think it’s more that they want a generation of illiterate automatons who will mindlessly follow orders and who are incapable of independent thought.
I heard a few years ago that children in American schools no longer learn how to write. Just typewrite. My late friend joked that in 30 years from now, no one would be able to read our letters anymore
That is heartbreaking if true, and I have had the same worry myself. The art of letter-writing is dying, and we have lost that individualistic, human touch in our communications. I treasure the handwritten letters I have from beloved family members who are no longer with me, and seeing their personality in their written expression makes them all the more precious to me.
Agreed re: Oregon, although I would not say filled. The radicals congregate around the urban centers, which do *not* represent the rest of Oregon, although they are the most vocal and get the most media attention, obviously.
Kate's not up for reelection, she knows which side her bread is buttered on and she's going for broke. Who will take her place, though: somebody even worse?
This is what you get when you issue at least one mail-in ballot to everybody who ever walked into a DMV... for twenty years now. That's pretty systemic.
How about they actually teach real math in math class? You know China does not spend their time on this stuff, which is one reason why they are overtaking us.
UofT has been the source of the very worst academics and scientists during covid in canada. I wouldn't send my kids to that university if it was he last institution standing in this country. Over my dead body.
We still need to bring him around on the COVID narrative. His voice has been conspicuously absent in this embodiment of the tyranny every author/book he recommends admonishes against. We’re trying to arrange a conversation between him and Dr. Mike Yeadon to wake him up on this issue. He would be a powerful voice to have on our side.
I've wondered why he has been silent on this. It is a far great threat to liberty than the absurd pronoun police. Truly the fight of the century.
He is recently recovered from a grave illness and still seems a bit frail to me. And this is one hell of a fight. Perhaps that is a factor.
Regardless, I hope you and the good doctor are able to elicit his support. His audience is gigantic and it could really make a difference and we need all the help we can get.
Someone said that although JP is against mandates, he also said exasperatedly, “Just get the damn jab!”
I was giving him a grace period because of recent experiences, too, but he’s been back in the swing for a while and should of all people know better. That said, he didn’t make the best decision about his own medication last year, but given the traumatic results, you’d think he’d be even more cautious.
We have this crap because universities are tax funded. If you can take money from people by force, you can fund whatever you feel like. But if you were funded voluntarily (you know, like everyone else except government), then no one would contribute to this nonsense.
In short, taxation[1] is theft, pure and simple. The less of it, the better off we all are.
[1] inflation, too, is also theft, but just better hidden
Sadly, private colleges and universities have been just as thoroughly captured by the faction pushing woke nonsense as public universities have, with a list of exceptions you could count on one hand (Hillsdale, etc.).
This is just another example of all the diversity hires rising to their highest level of incompetence, and celebrating themselves endlessly for it. Clown shows everyday now.
I cannot take this crap! What a joke. The people in University have gone bonkers. I am glad my kids are out of school...but feel badly for them having to coexist with such morons.
I love the people on this forum. Reading your responses I wish there could be one enormous island set aside for like-minded people. Imagine the world we would create!
I have a minor in mathematics, which made me aware that I know less than zero about mathematics. Except this, whatever this is supposed to be, is beyond even imaginary numbers. Amazing times.
Just wait until they start talking to musicians. An interval of a second plus an interval of a second equals a third; therefore 2+2=3. Except that removing the label of "interval" makes the equation false. I do seem to recall my teachers making a big deal about labeling things that weren't plain numbers but needed the extra detail for clarity. I'd give these critical theory scholars a zero for incomplete work and send them back to remedial math since the clearly weren't paying attention.
I attended the 2020 Joint Mathematics Conference in Denver. There were a disturbing number of signs that Wokeness was being planted in the community over the years, but in particular I saw the precipice in that convention. A few days or weeks later, the American Mathematical Association pronounced itself Woke, in about the words you might imagine.
There is a subset of math geeks that are easier to brainwash due to not overcoming the inferiority complex and dependence ingrained through the Prussian educational system. Now they've taken control.
There are two professional societies in mathematics. The AMA is for those on a "educator" track, so they were already long since permeated with the educationist mentality and its pernicious value system. Sorry to hear they went that way, but not surprised. Education, as a profession, is already fraught with bullshit that can be outgrown or shrugged off by students.
When the MAA gets woke, then we're going to have some real problems. I don't see the actuaries, quants, industrial mathematicians etc being so easily coopted.
I'm actually interested in learning about this just for the difference of approach. I don't particularly doubt that the explanations and critiques of the present paradigm will be devoid of any serious insight. Humans tend to think that stuff we see around us happen for a reason and overrate the ability of people to design things as opposed to use things because it's just historically been useful. Aspects of computation might be so general that our current scheme is obviously one of many possible ways in which it could have developed, but to suggest that it has some direct connection to the gender, population group or personal identity of people in Mathematics is absolutely unbelievable to me. Mathematics has not been designed, rather has been adapted and repurposed for use over many millennia driven by technological needs and limitations. It's not been carefully crafted by humans, it's a population level emergent historical artifact (like Mathematical Notation and specific forms of proof writing etc, or axioms) and adherence to it bears fruit and sometimes makes imagining beyond that limited, but so does all symbolic expression of computation. I cannot understand why human endeavors have to be segregated along the same uninteresting and totally uninsightful confabulated stories.
Still I'm pro hearing stories about the world we live in, even if it may falsely give people an impression of why we are where we are.
How the hell does one "liberate mathematics"? And what the hell does gender and color have to do with it? Math just IS. Does this mean for some people that 2 + 2 does NOT equal 4? The crazies running the universities have officially jumped the shark. Its time to cancel these nuts!
Lets ban lights because they were invented by a man.
But Publius, you are an extremist for saying that. They aren't banning lights, they are just "re-imagining" lights.
Publius says: its a light. You turn it on. You can then see in the dark. What is there to "re-imagine" unless you want to stay in the dark and imagine what is in the dark room you are sitting in.
"LIBERATING MATHEMATICS " ? i have seen it all now.
I’d like to see the syllabus-curious about the reading materials. I don’t necessarily have a problem with a course like this as long as the material is approached critically and isn’t taught as dogma-or as a replacement for algebra, calculus, etc. FYI, I have an Art background.
It likely is taught as dogma, unfortunately. Same for CRT taught in schools. I don’t have a problem with it being included in the curriculum so long as it’s approached critically and in context with other perspectives. Education shouldn’t be indoctrination.
"visible minorities". This lets you know the artcile/subject is so skewed it is nearly falling over. The only minority that matters in the advancement of mathematics is the population that has an aptitude for math. Any other minority is only mentioned to push a societal agenda.
math is mean. my favorite is companies who are saying they are really focused on inclusivity and diversity and then fire people based on medical profiling. math.
When will they show us a result of "progressive math", what has changed? Are differentiable functions no longer required to be continuous? Do polynomials of order n now have k roots where k != n? Is Group Theory now the study of asymmetry?
As a female with a degree in math, I am beyond offended. Why I love math, is that it’s very factual and logic based. This seems to be the opposite. I don’t care that “men” came up with it.
Thank you for honesty. Indeed, from someone who has spent their life in engineering, where mathematics and statistics is a daily task, the “new math” is nothing but garbage.
Feel you. I studied physics in a french speaking small university 5 years ago in canada. No woke crap, none. The "post-modernist progressist west coast american" influence was not there yet because of the language barrier I guess. All that stuff at fancy universities is alien to me. Anyhow, I'm glad I could attended a non-brainwashed university, even if on my cv it's like 10000% less impressing than uc berkeley (or even uni of toronto).
I know plenty of good women STEM grads in all sorts of fields. There are a few great women mathematicians not a whole lot compared to men but they do exist. The big issue is that we are dealing with the tails of the math ability distribution between various groups (sex, ethnicity, etc.). Anybody that is a competent engineer, mathematician, etc. is already way out in the tail compared to the general pop. Now start counting folks that actually push the state of the art in any of those fields, those folks are way, way out in the tail of the tail. The farther out you go the more you select for men.
In my engineering classes I noted only men. Why I wondered why, I got told women simply weren't interested in 'things'. I read that infant boys are intrigued by bright flashy objects and girls appreciate faces. So perhaps many of us drift into roles defined by biology. But I have had female engineers who worked with me, rare indeed. They often had a different emotional mindset that brought a perspective to projects that was useful generally, sometimes negative. Then again not all men are interested in understanding the terms of a differential equation and translating that into a important stress term to avoid breaking something. Trying to force people into roles they aren't interested in seems futile. Perhaps this "math" course may help students appreciate the beauty in math - hope so.
And yet we might still get an occasional Emmy Noether (for example), if we don't completely lock her out of the clubhouse. Mathematics is a human endeavor, not some platonic realm of pure reason practiced by disembodied beings of pure logic. Treating people fairly and respecting their real accomplishments when they don't look like the in-group is hard enough without this pernicious affirmative activism putting its thumbs on the scales in everybody's eyes. These people genuinely have no idea the damage they're doing.
h/t to Jordan Peterson for this take.
I am not a mathematician but am offended as a woman. On a mathematician, and on no other professional, should stand a gender or a colour. We are all humans and should be respected as such. That univ lost all respect
I'm surprised the have a pre-requisite of high-school algebra. Isn't that racist?
This is one of many reasons I just ran screaming from my job at a California community college. FFS, they were starting to ask the research & Planning dept to present their stats through 'the lens of diversity' - stats are stats! Enough!
"There are a great many people who have a vested interest in maintaining the stupidity of the American people."
~Gore Vidal
That's my guy!
"The United States of Amnesia"
~Gore Vidal
Simply the best.
More great quotes!
Rest assured gatito, a feline-centric math curriculum is in the works for 2022. Re-imagined for cats, the course promises to solve the 9 lives riddle!
Schrödinger's cat has entered/left the forum...
You haven't opened the box yet, have you?
Or has he??
Haha. Wished I'd thought of that.
I had a cat named The Stink who lived to be 18 and was the baddest-ass five pounds of feline fur on the planet.
She would routinely back off or thrash anything that threatened - far larger cats, dogs, coons, skunks, whatever. No quarter.
I still have two labs, but I can't get another cat as I miss her too much.
Some animals are better than most humans.
The Stink sounds curiously like my brother - who, coincidentally, we also called "The Stink".
The Stink is trans-generational, trans-species, and trans-gender.
Fucking really?
Most animals are better than most humans
Ernest Hemmingway's cats had lotsa trouble with math.
They could count to 6 on one paw!
‘Math is racist and sexist’, sayeth the fanatic and idiot.
The beauty of math is that it is universal and logical. Mathematical truth is the same in Nigeria as it is in Florida or Japan.
It’s not surprising, though, that a woke progressive left that rejects rationality in general also hates mathematics.
They’re purposefully going after the factual sciences. And sadly they’re winning one battle after another. Timidity and niceties of most regular Americans is to blame. Everyone wants to be though of as modern and nice. These people should have been told they’re morons a few hundred more times by everyone around them.
And Kate Brownshirt signed a law saying high school graduates no longer need to know how to read, write, or do math 🙄
Very convenient, since the government "schools" have not taught them for some time.
Just one national disgrace among countless others.
Maybe they don't care since so many will be culled by the vaccines. Why waste the effort?
And the future for the ones that live are to be hooked up to the matrix, to play video games and live on UBI.
Partly, perhaps, but I think it’s more that they want a generation of illiterate automatons who will mindlessly follow orders and who are incapable of independent thought.
well there's that too. good point :)
All become robots through the mRNA in their veins
I heard a few years ago that children in American schools no longer learn how to write. Just typewrite. My late friend joked that in 30 years from now, no one would be able to read our letters anymore
That is heartbreaking if true, and I have had the same worry myself. The art of letter-writing is dying, and we have lost that individualistic, human touch in our communications. I treasure the handwritten letters I have from beloved family members who are no longer with me, and seeing their personality in their written expression makes them all the more precious to me.
Doing my family research I had to learn 17th century cursive. Not easy so the future is secure for those transcription workers.
I taught highschool can confirm
Giving zeroes was not allowed
Yep. Oregon is a gorgeous state physically, filled with truly nutty (and getting nuttier) wokesters extraordinaire. Kate needs to leave office.
Agreed re: Oregon, although I would not say filled. The radicals congregate around the urban centers, which do *not* represent the rest of Oregon, although they are the most vocal and get the most media attention, obviously.
Kate's not up for reelection, she knows which side her bread is buttered on and she's going for broke. Who will take her place, though: somebody even worse?
This is what you get when you issue at least one mail-in ballot to everybody who ever walked into a DMV... for twenty years now. That's pretty systemic.
How about they actually teach real math in math class? You know China does not spend their time on this stuff, which is one reason why they are overtaking us.
Limited to first year students - get ‘em in and indoctrinat ‘em early!
Note to self... when coming across a resumé for somebody with a math degree from the University of Toronto, relegate it immediately to the trash can.
I'm just waiting for the SJWs to get around to liberating us all from gravity.
I've always wanted to fly.
Yet another Orwell prediction come true: "Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals believe them."
"Don't ask me, I'm just a girl. I mean, I identify as. birthing person menstruator. Heehee, heehee"
This is a clown world.
clown world would be funny
I mean it could be pathetic and depressing too? And have men in makeup?
UofT has been the source of the very worst academics and scientists during covid in canada. I wouldn't send my kids to that university if it was he last institution standing in this country. Over my dead body.
How Jordan Petersen has preserved his sanity is almost beyond comprehension.
Good point.
We still need to bring him around on the COVID narrative. His voice has been conspicuously absent in this embodiment of the tyranny every author/book he recommends admonishes against. We’re trying to arrange a conversation between him and Dr. Mike Yeadon to wake him up on this issue. He would be a powerful voice to have on our side.
I've wondered why he has been silent on this. It is a far great threat to liberty than the absurd pronoun police. Truly the fight of the century.
He is recently recovered from a grave illness and still seems a bit frail to me. And this is one hell of a fight. Perhaps that is a factor.
Regardless, I hope you and the good doctor are able to elicit his support. His audience is gigantic and it could really make a difference and we need all the help we can get.
Cause for celebration:
If we can win in Quebec, we can win everywhere.
Let's go Brandon.
Someone said that although JP is against mandates, he also said exasperatedly, “Just get the damn jab!”
I was giving him a grace period because of recent experiences, too, but he’s been back in the swing for a while and should of all people know better. That said, he didn’t make the best decision about his own medication last year, but given the traumatic results, you’d think he’d be even more cautious.
Here is the thread where we discussed the possibility of Dr. Yeadon engaging in a discussion with JP:
That is exhilarating news about Quebec—thank you so much for sharing it! We just need to keep tipping dominos …
Lovely. Not sure how I missed this.
Good on you.
It just occurred to me that perhaps we could trigger the lunatic left even more by using "LGB" as an acronym.
I mean, given they've added like 27 letters it should be back up for grabs, right?
*lol* I did have to look twice when I saw that acronym used for the first time and thought it might cause some amusing confusion!
I remain convinced we will prevail if we do not lose our sense of humor and instead use it to maximum advantage.
The left has become truly ridiculous.
That is their weakness.
We have this crap because universities are tax funded. If you can take money from people by force, you can fund whatever you feel like. But if you were funded voluntarily (you know, like everyone else except government), then no one would contribute to this nonsense.
In short, taxation[1] is theft, pure and simple. The less of it, the better off we all are.
[1] inflation, too, is also theft, but just better hidden
Sadly, private colleges and universities have been just as thoroughly captured by the faction pushing woke nonsense as public universities have, with a list of exceptions you could count on one hand (Hillsdale, etc.).
This is just another example of all the diversity hires rising to their highest level of incompetence, and celebrating themselves endlessly for it. Clown shows everyday now.
A HA! The dunning kreuger effect. We have reached peak lunacy now.
I cannot take this crap! What a joke. The people in University have gone bonkers. I am glad my kids are out of school...but feel badly for them having to coexist with such morons.
*sigh* I can't say it enough: I hate this timeline.
I love the people on this forum. Reading your responses I wish there could be one enormous island set aside for like-minded people. Imagine the world we would create!
Holy crap. I live in Toronto. Sign me up. My tax dollars are paying for that dumpster fire. I might as well get warm!
and Toronto Uni is considered the most "conservative" university in Toronto as far as I know. I bet other unis are worse.
I can't wait to die in the airplane these people design.
I understand the CDC, FDA, NIH et al will all be recruiting heavily there.
Or have our house or car crushed when it falls out of the sky.
Start thinking about starting a river ferry business.
I hear the CRA has developed a new online form ‘reimagine your taxes due’ for non men.
I have a minor in mathematics, which made me aware that I know less than zero about mathematics. Except this, whatever this is supposed to be, is beyond even imaginary numbers. Amazing times.
lol, women mathematicians. What will they dream up next? And why not? We have a feline statistician.
Why not. They're already arguing that 2 + 2 = 5 (
Progress! LOL.
Or rather, “progressive” ;-)
Just wait until they start talking to musicians. An interval of a second plus an interval of a second equals a third; therefore 2+2=3. Except that removing the label of "interval" makes the equation false. I do seem to recall my teachers making a big deal about labeling things that weren't plain numbers but needed the extra detail for clarity. I'd give these critical theory scholars a zero for incomplete work and send them back to remedial math since the clearly weren't paying attention.
Haha, hadn't thought of that angle!
Haha, that sounds appropriately Orwellian ;-)
The mark of the beast will be digital.
I attended the 2020 Joint Mathematics Conference in Denver. There were a disturbing number of signs that Wokeness was being planted in the community over the years, but in particular I saw the precipice in that convention. A few days or weeks later, the American Mathematical Association pronounced itself Woke, in about the words you might imagine.
There is a subset of math geeks that are easier to brainwash due to not overcoming the inferiority complex and dependence ingrained through the Prussian educational system. Now they've taken control.
There are two professional societies in mathematics. The AMA is for those on a "educator" track, so they were already long since permeated with the educationist mentality and its pernicious value system. Sorry to hear they went that way, but not surprised. Education, as a profession, is already fraught with bullshit that can be outgrown or shrugged off by students.
When the MAA gets woke, then we're going to have some real problems. I don't see the actuaries, quants, industrial mathematicians etc being so easily coopted.
Math is math!!! It's not meant to be subjective, it's right or it's wrong!
This drivel will continue as long as parents and students will pay for it.
OMG humanity is doomed 🤦🏻♀️
I want to know who these invisible minority women are. What have they been up to?
Oh those pesky men with their traditional math.
I'm actually interested in learning about this just for the difference of approach. I don't particularly doubt that the explanations and critiques of the present paradigm will be devoid of any serious insight. Humans tend to think that stuff we see around us happen for a reason and overrate the ability of people to design things as opposed to use things because it's just historically been useful. Aspects of computation might be so general that our current scheme is obviously one of many possible ways in which it could have developed, but to suggest that it has some direct connection to the gender, population group or personal identity of people in Mathematics is absolutely unbelievable to me. Mathematics has not been designed, rather has been adapted and repurposed for use over many millennia driven by technological needs and limitations. It's not been carefully crafted by humans, it's a population level emergent historical artifact (like Mathematical Notation and specific forms of proof writing etc, or axioms) and adherence to it bears fruit and sometimes makes imagining beyond that limited, but so does all symbolic expression of computation. I cannot understand why human endeavors have to be segregated along the same uninteresting and totally uninsightful confabulated stories.
Still I'm pro hearing stories about the world we live in, even if it may falsely give people an impression of why we are where we are.
In liberating mathematics binary numbers will realize they have the freedom to become non-binary! Free at last!
Canada is really going off the deep end. I love that it requires "high school level algebra".
"visible minorities"?
They are totally marginalizing the invisible demons animating all of this!
"visible minorities" refers to skin color and genitalia, I suppose.
How the hell does one "liberate mathematics"? And what the hell does gender and color have to do with it? Math just IS. Does this mean for some people that 2 + 2 does NOT equal 4? The crazies running the universities have officially jumped the shark. Its time to cancel these nuts!
2 bad cats + 3 bad cats = 18 hippopotamuses minus a giraffe.
Sorry bad cat ;)
I could not believe it so I looked it up. It is real :(
And did you notice, the seats are 80% filled up already!
I am 100% certain that this class is not taught by a math professor. Perhaps someone from the women's studies department?
Lets ban lights because they were invented by a man.
But Publius, you are an extremist for saying that. They aren't banning lights, they are just "re-imagining" lights.
Publius says: its a light. You turn it on. You can then see in the dark. What is there to "re-imagine" unless you want to stay in the dark and imagine what is in the dark room you are sitting in.
"LIBERATING MATHEMATICS " ? i have seen it all now.
Only fresh persons can take this...
I’d like to see the syllabus-curious about the reading materials. I don’t necessarily have a problem with a course like this as long as the material is approached critically and isn’t taught as dogma-or as a replacement for algebra, calculus, etc. FYI, I have an Art background.
Oh yeah, that's totally possible. Totally.
It likely is taught as dogma, unfortunately. Same for CRT taught in schools. I don’t have a problem with it being included in the curriculum so long as it’s approached critically and in context with other perspectives. Education shouldn’t be indoctrination.
Uni of Toronto should be Uni of Pathetic
Universities are dead, long live online tutoring.
This is what happens when 2 +2 no longer = 4 in an educational system has failed for decades.
Imagine thinking that modern Canadia might not be a joke in every endeavor. wew
Well if everything is up for debate, then everything is up for debate. Right? Hahaha
"visible minorities". This lets you know the artcile/subject is so skewed it is nearly falling over. The only minority that matters in the advancement of mathematics is the population that has an aptitude for math. Any other minority is only mentioned to push a societal agenda.
math is mean. my favorite is companies who are saying they are really focused on inclusivity and diversity and then fire people based on medical profiling. math.
When will they show us a result of "progressive math", what has changed? Are differentiable functions no longer required to be continuous? Do polynomials of order n now have k roots where k != n? Is Group Theory now the study of asymmetry?
"Oh sorry, I took indigenous diversity math so all I can tell you is that 2+2 is racist." Excellence.