"You comply because you want it to end. But it never ends because you comply." -- I got that in one of El Gato's posts, printed it, and it hangs on my home office wall, behind me so viewable during meetings
I know I keep repeating this comment by Adretto, but it fits so dang perfect, I can’t help it: “You comply because you want it to end, but it never ends because you complied.”
And yes, I know that should be “perfectly,” but “it fit me so perfect” is kind of an inside joke as my husband and I often quote that line by the Kid (Sam Rockwell) in “Box of Moonlight.”
Tried to tell a friend to stop complying, be ungovernable, we must fight tyranny before our last few freedoms are taken away. He gave me with a blank stare saying rules are for the “collective good.” WTH? He’s a DOCTOR. The jab is killing their bodies and brain.
I have long posited that the jabs are causing significant brain/personality changes. The number of people I personally know who got them and almost immediately became incapable of using logic/sound reasoning, and also stopped being able to engage in civil debate (and these are people with whom I’ve engaged in previous perfectly civil discussions on issues of which we radically disagree) is well over two dozen now. I know a lot of people have joked about this, but I’ve long since lost any ability to find it funny. There is something truly going on here, and I don’t think it can simply be dismissed as every single one of these people just needing to defend the thing they chose to do.
I think it's deep, unrelenting fear and denial because if you're ight, then they allowed something horrible to be done to them and their loved ones and the thought of that possibility is terrifying.
Yep, I think most people took it thinking it was a "normal" vaccine like MMR or DPT or something they had taken in the past, so no worries. (Actually, I don't think they even gave it a second thought and the media censorship was so effective that they never heard someone warn them that the shot might be dangerous.)
But now they have already taken the jab (or two) and so it's human nature not to want to hear bad news or that some decision you have made could potentially harm you or kill you.
I’m not certain that’s always the case. I can see how the lockdowns and masking led to blind compliance and rigid defense in many people, but I know a good number who were at least somewhat resistant to both masking and lockdowns who got vaccinated and have since lost their ability to reason or discuss anything rationally. Many of these people don’t really do their own research on these issues, but utterly trust their doctors, who urged them to get the “completely safe and totally effective” jabs.
The human brain is a brilliant self-rationalising machine. If they made the choice to get vaccinated, the choice to get vaccinated was correct. It's the same reason why you can't get a realistic review from someone that just got a new car/phone/house/wife etc.
I've heard that people who have depression have a more realistic view of the world. Maybe a depressed person who just got a new vehicle will give up the ghost?
I've read of others making the same claim: that the vaxes changed them somehow.
My experience is that some people somehow manage to sniff that I am unvaxed from many metres away. One masled up mother with a 1 yo in the pram moved to walk on the road about 50 metres in front of me. And then about the same distance behind me, she returned to the footpath. Curious.
I have a friend who regretted getting vaxxed after hearing some negative stuff and said no booster for her. Slowly, she began to say things that made me see she was sliding backward. Now she’s getting her booster. Sigh.
You might be interested in presentation by James Giordano (2017) “Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield" on the weaponization of neuroscience and technology Ns/T. YouTube at Lawrence Livermore national laboratory
I’d really would like people to explain to me what they mean by “the collective good” when defending the jabs and the endless mandates. I see nothing good
I started to have a conversation with a brother in law a couple weeks ago that I hadn't seen since pre-C19. His statement "I don't believe the government or health systems would tell us anything that isn't true and for our best interests" left me with my chin on the floor. I always thought he was the smart one....I just changed the subject because I knew anything I said would fall on deaf ears.
Blind trust in *any* institution, much less the government is dangerous. How horrific for you regarding your BIL. I don't know where it came from, but it may have come from my stint in the military at a young impressionable age: I don't trust. Period. Trust is earned. And most governments and institutions (and that includes many giant corporations) either want try to entice us or force us to do things. I don't even trust the jar of mayo in the fridge without smelling it first. Why would I trust a masked minion with a syringe full of goodies? And that's just one example and it fits the narrative right now and is why I used it.
Interesting and totally off-topic yet frighteningly similar - I am reading about the Titan missile disaster and back then the Air Force told everyone there was nothing to worry about. Meanwhile a multi-gigaton warhead was about to explode in the US….. Nothing to worry about!!!!
Someone suggested that humans had developed a gene for compliance as that is what had got them through these events in the past (and there is many examples). It doesn't seem like that will work this time with the old Central Bank Digital Currency the bastards are trying to set up but maybe it has some legs from the past?
“Why are you looking around for help? Do you believe that help will come from outside? What is to come is created in you and from you. Hence look into yourself. Do not compare, do not measure. No other way is like yours. All other ways deceive and tempt you. You must fulfil the way that is in you.”
The thing is that "they" don't really want their freedom back. It's something like "they should've imposed that lockdown earlier! The virus is out there and it's so scary."
That's a good point - when they say they want "it" to end, they mean they want to return to a world without this super duper scary virus, whereas we mean we want to return to a world where we accept living with certain risks because the alternative is worse.
The monsters have definitely been playing the long game. For decades. It sounds conspiratorial, but if one really starts looking at pop-culture, movies, shows etc over the last 30 years or so with "C19 eyes" it is SHOCKING to see just how long they've been advertising everything we are going through right now. Getting everyone to accept their demise. Uncanny.
It's the destruction of imagination. The cartoons of my (long-ago) childhood worked on both the children's and adult level--lots of wordplay and double entendres and sly references to the classics. And when my kid was little, Shari Lewis returned (as Shari and Friends), and wordplay silliness was elevated to gentle genius. Now all the animation is flat and the stories are all based on angst. Joyousness is gone. Prepare to be a drone and like it.
I'm hoping to write about that. Got my first inkling into how much pop culture, etc. shaped our POVs and got us 'addicted' to various things... especially after reading David McGowan's Laurel Canyon series. All the stuff after WWII is just amazing for the level of hypnotic components in them - music, movies, TV shows, commercials... unbelievable.
There was some real talent in the mid 60s to early 70s as far as music goes. And then in the late 70s early 80s a much weaker renaissance. And since it seems to have died. But maybe they all just ran out of songs to steal from the 20s and 30s.
This is why every totalitarian system first mocks and discards the voices of experience. Forces them out of institutions; derides them as "not up on the latest [fill in here];" valorizes voices of "the young fighting for change" etc. etc. etc. Hierarchal systems are both necessary and yet appropriate to rebel against, and one needs some real, developed wisdom to understand what to value and what may also legitimately be forced to evolve in a healthy direction. Child capture at the earliest stages prevents that development of wisdom. All o' them Young Pioneer-type movements lead to a generation of morons.
Every lockdown cultist is merely a hypochondriac Dorian Grey, keeping everyone's face and life under wraps so they can keep seeing themselves reflected upon their distorted mind mirrors.
I know one who is malicious. Maybe due to peer group pressure but I have my doubts. As she's just a normal middle class type I have wondered why she's onboard with something that seems keen to enslave her.
Just had this argument with the wife. I was making the point that we can't comply our way out of this. Every time the government asks us to jump everyone just starts jumping without asking why are we jumping? So after a 2 minute breakdown of why we can't "comply our way out of tyranny" she says that she feels fine because she can at least go places as she is vaccinated and I am not. Unreal LOL
That makes me sad. In fact, I've come across this sort of comment several times over the past year and a half where one spouse "gets" it but the other doesn't. I don't know what I'd do if my husband and I were not on the same page.
Thanks. It's been like this since President Trump won. We live in CA and work in TV so it's basically my voice & 1 other mom vs all her college friends, co-workers, and everyone she is friend's with on FB. It has been a losing battle. I cannot defeat the lying MSM media because they can lie faster than I can debunk it.
that’s when my husband and I started really differing too! 2016…and the last 2-years have been especially rough! He got vaxxed and vaxxed our kids without my knowledge (although he knew what I’d say at a high level). Sounds like she will at least listen to you where-as I “get my info from mom-blogs”
OMG. I said over 6 months ago the moment that anyone even hinted at giving my kids shots i would throw them in the car and just drive. I don't know how you are surviving. I am so sorry. Luckily my wife is 100% in on not vaxxing the kids. I guess that could change if FB deems it a bad idea lol. God bless you and your children. I have no words for your husband.
Thanks and I hope so too! The vaxx indoctrination is strong though and very tough to break through because then he’ll have to admit to himself that he potentially harmed our kids - not sure he could live with himself (literally) if he believed that
I’m went on a date in NY, a vax passport city. I got him to agree to eat outdoors so it wouldn’t come up, but he mentioned he supports the passports. I actually liked him and it seemed mutual, but now I don’t know whether to see him again … I’m assuming he would think I’m a crazy anti-vaxxer. But what is kind of funny is that he told me he has a long history of dating crazy women!
I know my advice wasn't asked for, but I'm giving it anyway! LOL! We are headed for difficult times, and we're going to need to be as brave as possible to face them. For me it's a huge help knowing I have my husband's hand to hold and that we are of the same outlook on all of this. Your home and relationships should be a place of peace and respite. On the other hand, no harm in enjoying your date's company, but be aware that you've already seen his "insides".
Truth. When they're breaking up it'll be "I should've seen that red flag when he said he was okay with one of the ten steps to genocide on our first date..."
Thanks, I appreciate the advice! Unfortunately it's the norm around here; 90% simply have no clue. Yes, I don't think we are soul mates. As kitten seeking answers said above, I'm too sane for him. I did consider going all Basic Instinct and kissing him then telling him I'm unvaxxed and have Covid rofl. But he might be into that ...
I warned my wife that I'd leave her the same night she took any poison jab. And she knows that I don't kid about this sort of thing. The good news is she's now a furious anti-vaxxer. Tough love works.
I think they see it the other way around. They are actually in the clown suit with a painted on creepy smile and see the normal virtuous girl in the mirror.
"You'll be a lot less concerned with what others think of you once you realize how seldom they actually do." David Foster Wallace I was at a party recently that was populated almost entirely by Branch Covidians. It was not by choice. Listening to most of the conversations it struck me how much their Covid experience has become the entire meaning of their lives. There were discussions ad nauseum about which booster they got. Which retail establishments do the best job forcing masks on their customers. How stupid the anti-vaxxers are etc. It was little more than a gigantic, self-soothing, narcissistic bubble. I got the sense that they would have no life if their covid experience was somehow taken away. Mostly it was just one-dimensional and very boring. I don't think a lot of them are ever coming back.
I attended a small gathering, all were Covid drones like that--people who probably were once kind and interesting, now numb, soulless, and stripped of humanity. But one wasn't chiming in (nor was I), and she limped. When asked why, she sweetly said she had been injured by the Covid vax and her doctors had no idea how to help her. The others showed only minimal sympathy or interest before changing the subject to, of course, a child who got long Covid. Later they starting going on, in front of her, about how great the vaxx passports are. I was horrified and changed the subject. She was really sweet and hugged me goodbye. That hug, to me, carried a lot of meaning. This whole trip, people have been really weird about hugs, and here was this person who had lost her mobility but not her heart.
Yep. It is very true. We are all living in a subjective dream world.
Need to get out of it.
Do not say 'vaccine' because that word is not what you think it is. It is in fact the name of GOD. And it must not be uttered. If you speak the name of GOD you will be cast out into the outer darkness.
Check it out if you don't believe me. Find a believer, say 'vaccine' and watch the shutters come down, feel yourself cast out.
And do not say 'my rights' because to them you have NO rights. That's because they see themselves as having a fundamental right to tell you what to do at any time and in regard to all things.
You cannot have any rights for that would conflict directly with their own sacred right. See?
Which is why you cannot argue the seeming logic and common sense of vaccines and human rights.
So instead I suggest you/we argue the rights of the immune system.
'I would love to be at home all day with the family but it does prejudice the immune system so much doesn't it?' said blandly. with a straight face. and without emphasis.
'Isn't it nice to be at home all the time and isn't it so sad that it makes the immune system suffer so much?'
'I do love wearing masks and it is such a pity they impose such a load on the immune system'.
'I do wish granny would get happier about being cut off from us and everyone because that worry and anxiety is such a pressure on her immune system.'
' Prodding the immune system into action artificially is such a good idea it's a shame it seems to somehow distort how it works isn't it>'
'Isn't it lucky they found those things that will help the immune system fight by being specifically anti-viral? I just can't think of the names of them now.'
'Oh I do wish they would find something we could take that would help the immune system with its fight, it is so along there and so pressured.'
'I do feel sorry for immune system, artifically provoked again and again and again.'
'Isn't it wonderful how immune system are more than 99% effective already?'
Every measure governments have taken has been prejudicial to the immune system.
Every one.
Every 'benefit' claimed by the mechanical injection was a success of the immune system.
Actors, etc, say there is no such thing as bad publicity. And for them its true. And for these people the same is true. The only remedy is rob them of publicity entirely. Do not mention their name. Let it be a forbidden word.
Instead talk about the truth: the immune system. It is easy to couch everything in terms of it because truly everything is in terms of it.
Perhaps, a near accurate assessment : I am always more than what you think about me, and always less than what I think about myself. I function: self-image f(I) > I > you f (I) ( notice the build-in absolute inequality, when comparison occurs even within myself :)
Let’s look at the big picture….because what may becoming next is a psychotic Eugenist dream. The first phase of the plan worked so well, so profitable, and so disruptive to the US and World economy, that they are ready for Phase 2….KILL BILLIONS WITH RE-release of SMALLPOX. 30% of those infected will probably die based on history.
Gates is doing the exact same thing he did with the WUFLU. He openly warns us a new even more deadly Smallpox virus is coming with a smile on his face; he then spreads it, this time blaming terrorist, and has a highly profitable injection fix……Smallpox being a 10,000 times more deadly. He smiles when explains about deadly viruses as if he is getting off after watching the old movie “12 Monkeys” in his psychotic Eugenics state. He simply can’t wait to tell you of his plans to kill, like a mad scientist in a grade B movie.
Why wouldn’t Big Pharma, George Soros, and Bill Gates do it after so successfully bilking the World out of $100’s of billions with the WuFlu and making a highly contagious virus in the Wuhan Lab, which Gates actually holds the patents on. Gates personally made over $200,000,000,000 in 2021 from investing in mRNA injections. So far, they have totally gotten away with this deadly scam. Time for Phase 2 to help cover their tracks and steal even more, and going more power and control.
WALLA… as with the WuFlu in a few months they will have a new mRNA injection fix, which they had been working on for years but never able to make work before, on the market. As Fauci with the WuFlu was able to convince Trump it was safe to be released, never even been fully being tested by normal vaccine approval procedures, because of an FDA Board Membership, many of whom were heavily financially invested in or obligated to Big Pharma, for getting an emergency approval order.
They then will have Fauci again scare the shit out of everyone to put the plan into full profitable and destructive action. Use the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation, which closer to being a Mafia, they will continue to use openly to bribe the CDC, WHO, and other Government Agencies. And, to continue bribing the medical industry and hospitals with with millions of dollars in subsidies to falsely count deaths. When you are stealing hundreds of $billions paying off those with control with a few $ hundred million and tax free grants is peanuts.
Then, in addition, to make sure as large number of people as possible test positive, they again use a new highly sensitive testing method for fear and chaos to shows nearly everyone is infected. Which in itself is probably true. That’s the way viruses work. A virus infects nearly everyone eventually.
When actual deaths decline, even using their distorted math, it will again no longer be about actual deaths from natural cause, it is now about being infected. The number infected and the method of counting for scare tactics numbers. The testing is used as a tool for propaganda and fear….it worked the first time. They will then have a Pandemic with millions infected and only Fauci has one cure for Smallpox another mRNA injection. Using any other Worldwide proven preventative measures to combat infection will again be outlawed by our own Government.
Now they will have “Let’s Go Brandon” Government mandate for the new elixir ….mRNA injections or you are fired. People resist. Economy screeches to a halt. Empty grocery store shelves. Chaos, starvation, riots, and destruction. A Soros dream come true….destroy the US economy to install a One World Government.
Phase 1 went so well for them. Do it now, before it becomes obvious that mRNA protein injections are actually more deadly than simply allowing the virus to infect and run it’s course and allowing for natural immunity. It is time for Phase 2 to redirect the blame and cover their past destructive injection tracks from the last failed mRNA injections. Re-release smallpox on the World now…..before the elections.
If we can’t put the dots together after reading this and the headlines and facts below supporting it, and we stop this deadly scam…….we are ignorant sheep and deserve slaughter that is coming. Eugenics Bill is openly telling you his plan, just like he did with the WuFlu….wake up America. This is no longer about a bad case of the flu. This is mass murder by a very sick group of power hungry people. It is also about again stealing an election to remain in destructive power.
Pull the Fauci trick….”I know nothing” by paying another company to be your front man, as he did in Wuhan, to pay for illegal laboratory access to develop methods to infect with smallpox, which is illegal worldwide to even possess.
Gates Foundation to spend $120 million to speed access to generics of Merck COVID-19 pill. (Reuters) - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said on Wednesday it would spend up to $120 million to kick-start development of generic versions of Merck & Co's oral COVID-19 treatment to help ensure lower-income countries have equal access to the drug.
After Bill Gates Warned Smallpox To Be Used As A Bioweapon ...
With the Yahoo story reporting the FBI is now investigating vials labeled 'smallpox' that were recently found in a freezer at a Merck facility outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, just back on November 4th, vials that weren't supposed to be there, the Daily Mail reported none other than Bill Gates recently warned 'terrorists' will ...
Following Bill Gates' warning, smallpox vials were found ...
Bill Gates recently warned governments about the need to prepare for smallpox terrorist attacks and future pandemics by investing billions in research and development. "The FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating 'questionable vials' labeled 'smallpox' found last night in a freezer at a Merck facility ...
Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, recently warned that the next pandemic will be smallpox. In a statement to CNN, the CDC said: "There is no indication that anyone has been exposed to the small number of frozen vials." Smallpox, a highly contagious and deadly virus, was eradicated from earth in 1980.
"You comply because you want it to end. But it never ends because you comply." -- I got that in one of El Gato's posts, printed it, and it hangs on my home office wall, behind me so viewable during meetings
That's the line from Adretto I quoted below!
I've looked for that original quote and its context. Do you happen to have that? Very apropos of our time. Thank you for posting it.
I believe it was just a comment by Adretto on a random post a few weeks ago. It was so good, I immediately told her I would be using it!
Classic for all time...
I know I keep repeating this comment by Adretto, but it fits so dang perfect, I can’t help it: “You comply because you want it to end, but it never ends because you complied.”
And yes, I know that should be “perfectly,” but “it fit me so perfect” is kind of an inside joke as my husband and I often quote that line by the Kid (Sam Rockwell) in “Box of Moonlight.”
excellent quote.
Fresh baked or Freshly baked, either way, the fools will keep complying bc their brains are burnt, just the way the tyrants want them
Your hubby better continue to comply with your every wish....:)!
"Comply" is not in his vocabulary 😆
U R one loving, low-maintenance wife! :)
I see this strong,beautiful lion in you too el gate malo. Gracias! You are a blessing to the truth-seekers.
Tried to tell a friend to stop complying, be ungovernable, we must fight tyranny before our last few freedoms are taken away. He gave me with a blank stare saying rules are for the “collective good.” WTH? He’s a DOCTOR. The jab is killing their bodies and brain.
I have long posited that the jabs are causing significant brain/personality changes. The number of people I personally know who got them and almost immediately became incapable of using logic/sound reasoning, and also stopped being able to engage in civil debate (and these are people with whom I’ve engaged in previous perfectly civil discussions on issues of which we radically disagree) is well over two dozen now. I know a lot of people have joked about this, but I’ve long since lost any ability to find it funny. There is something truly going on here, and I don’t think it can simply be dismissed as every single one of these people just needing to defend the thing they chose to do.
I think it's deep, unrelenting fear and denial because if you're ight, then they allowed something horrible to be done to them and their loved ones and the thought of that possibility is terrifying.
Yep, I think most people took it thinking it was a "normal" vaccine like MMR or DPT or something they had taken in the past, so no worries. (Actually, I don't think they even gave it a second thought and the media censorship was so effective that they never heard someone warn them that the shot might be dangerous.)
But now they have already taken the jab (or two) and so it's human nature not to want to hear bad news or that some decision you have made could potentially harm you or kill you.
It happened before the jab, or they wouldn’t have gotten it. This highly contagious disease spreads primarily through the air waves …
I’m not certain that’s always the case. I can see how the lockdowns and masking led to blind compliance and rigid defense in many people, but I know a good number who were at least somewhat resistant to both masking and lockdowns who got vaccinated and have since lost their ability to reason or discuss anything rationally. Many of these people don’t really do their own research on these issues, but utterly trust their doctors, who urged them to get the “completely safe and totally effective” jabs.
True, and the vaxx-injured do frequently suffer from brain fog, so it’s entirely possible that could be a contributor along with the buy-in effect.
To be fair the Romans and Greeks did pretty well on spreading bullshit before airwaves.
Okay, just air in that case 😆
"....air waves." Nice pun!
The human brain is a brilliant self-rationalising machine. If they made the choice to get vaccinated, the choice to get vaccinated was correct. It's the same reason why you can't get a realistic review from someone that just got a new car/phone/house/wife etc.
I've heard that people who have depression have a more realistic view of the world. Maybe a depressed person who just got a new vehicle will give up the ghost?
I've read of others making the same claim: that the vaxes changed them somehow.
My experience is that some people somehow manage to sniff that I am unvaxed from many metres away. One masled up mother with a 1 yo in the pram moved to walk on the road about 50 metres in front of me. And then about the same distance behind me, she returned to the footpath. Curious.
I have a friend who regretted getting vaxxed after hearing some negative stuff and said no booster for her. Slowly, she began to say things that made me see she was sliding backward. Now she’s getting her booster. Sigh.
...have also tried to dissuade to no avail...
You might be interested in presentation by James Giordano (2017) “Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield" on the weaponization of neuroscience and technology Ns/T. YouTube at Lawrence Livermore national laboratory
...hopefully cognitive dissonance, the other possibility is too horrific to contemplate...
Neurotoxin in the vax perhaps?
I’d really would like people to explain to me what they mean by “the collective good” when defending the jabs and the endless mandates. I see nothing good
“Collective good” = “heel” when I say so...
Kittens are terrible at that "heel" thing.
The "collective good" is what you see as bad.
Collective being the key word
I started to have a conversation with a brother in law a couple weeks ago that I hadn't seen since pre-C19. His statement "I don't believe the government or health systems would tell us anything that isn't true and for our best interests" left me with my chin on the floor. I always thought he was the smart one....I just changed the subject because I knew anything I said would fall on deaf ears.
Blind trust in *any* institution, much less the government is dangerous. How horrific for you regarding your BIL. I don't know where it came from, but it may have come from my stint in the military at a young impressionable age: I don't trust. Period. Trust is earned. And most governments and institutions (and that includes many giant corporations) either want try to entice us or force us to do things. I don't even trust the jar of mayo in the fridge without smelling it first. Why would I trust a masked minion with a syringe full of goodies? And that's just one example and it fits the narrative right now and is why I used it.
Some people just never got over having to leave the womb!
It's scary to leave the womb. It feels unsafe.
... I love you Rob D “trust is earned”...
Interesting and totally off-topic yet frighteningly similar - I am reading about the Titan missile disaster and back then the Air Force told everyone there was nothing to worry about. Meanwhile a multi-gigaton warhead was about to explode in the US….. Nothing to worry about!!!!
Chernobyl, too!
Yesterday feels too long ago for him to have been born.
Someone suggested that humans had developed a gene for compliance as that is what had got them through these events in the past (and there is many examples). It doesn't seem like that will work this time with the old Central Bank Digital Currency the bastards are trying to set up but maybe it has some legs from the past?
“Why are you looking around for help? Do you believe that help will come from outside? What is to come is created in you and from you. Hence look into yourself. Do not compare, do not measure. No other way is like yours. All other ways deceive and tempt you. You must fulfil the way that is in you.”
Carl Jung, The Red Book
one of my most loved authors. That man's books saved me from going crazy.
There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph.
Joseph Goebbels
Awesome quote. What an inspirational speaker he was 😂
ne wonders what Goebbel's truth would have been.
Interesting question. He knew he was perpetrating lies, so I think he meant objective truth here.
ok second bad. I give up. That's meant to be 'one wonders'.
The thing is that "they" don't really want their freedom back. It's something like "they should've imposed that lockdown earlier! The virus is out there and it's so scary."
Bingo. They love their bondage. It makes them feel "safe". Goodness help us.
That's a good point - when they say they want "it" to end, they mean they want to return to a world without this super duper scary virus, whereas we mean we want to return to a world where we accept living with certain risks because the alternative is worse.
LOL...I needed that comedic relief. Now we just need some poetic justice. Bring it on. Together we roar.
A mere two years to wreck the whole world. Who'd a' thunk it?
The set-up took decades though. Reminds me of one of those domino knock downs that take years to design, and only a minute or less to flatten 'em all.
The monsters have definitely been playing the long game. For decades. It sounds conspiratorial, but if one really starts looking at pop-culture, movies, shows etc over the last 30 years or so with "C19 eyes" it is SHOCKING to see just how long they've been advertising everything we are going through right now. Getting everyone to accept their demise. Uncanny.
It's the destruction of imagination. The cartoons of my (long-ago) childhood worked on both the children's and adult level--lots of wordplay and double entendres and sly references to the classics. And when my kid was little, Shari Lewis returned (as Shari and Friends), and wordplay silliness was elevated to gentle genius. Now all the animation is flat and the stories are all based on angst. Joyousness is gone. Prepare to be a drone and like it.
I'm hoping to write about that. Got my first inkling into how much pop culture, etc. shaped our POVs and got us 'addicted' to various things... especially after reading David McGowan's Laurel Canyon series. All the stuff after WWII is just amazing for the level of hypnotic components in them - music, movies, TV shows, commercials... unbelievable.
There was some real talent in the mid 60s to early 70s as far as music goes. And then in the late 70s early 80s a much weaker renaissance. And since it seems to have died. But maybe they all just ran out of songs to steal from the 20s and 30s.
...yes I’ve totally been noticing this...
They've been "nudging" everyone towards this.
This is why every totalitarian system first mocks and discards the voices of experience. Forces them out of institutions; derides them as "not up on the latest [fill in here];" valorizes voices of "the young fighting for change" etc. etc. etc. Hierarchal systems are both necessary and yet appropriate to rebel against, and one needs some real, developed wisdom to understand what to value and what may also legitimately be forced to evolve in a healthy direction. Child capture at the earliest stages prevents that development of wisdom. All o' them Young Pioneer-type movements lead to a generation of morons.
They aren’t done yet.
Every lockdown cultist is merely a hypochondriac Dorian Grey, keeping everyone's face and life under wraps so they can keep seeing themselves reflected upon their distorted mind mirrors.
boy wow, I know some people....
Beautifully stated.
I know one who is malicious. Maybe due to peer group pressure but I have my doubts. As she's just a normal middle class type I have wondered why she's onboard with something that seems keen to enslave her.
I got a puzzle like that! 3 kittens watching in a puddle of water and seeing themselves as lions and jaguars and cheetahs.
aaaadorable. Now I want that puzzle.
As if I have time.... but, grandbabies!!
shop around some, I got it at Walmart for half the price
Sounds adorable! 😻
Just had this argument with the wife. I was making the point that we can't comply our way out of this. Every time the government asks us to jump everyone just starts jumping without asking why are we jumping? So after a 2 minute breakdown of why we can't "comply our way out of tyranny" she says that she feels fine because she can at least go places as she is vaccinated and I am not. Unreal LOL
That makes me sad. In fact, I've come across this sort of comment several times over the past year and a half where one spouse "gets" it but the other doesn't. I don't know what I'd do if my husband and I were not on the same page.
Thanks. It's been like this since President Trump won. We live in CA and work in TV so it's basically my voice & 1 other mom vs all her college friends, co-workers, and everyone she is friend's with on FB. It has been a losing battle. I cannot defeat the lying MSM media because they can lie faster than I can debunk it.
that’s when my husband and I started really differing too! 2016…and the last 2-years have been especially rough! He got vaxxed and vaxxed our kids without my knowledge (although he knew what I’d say at a high level). Sounds like she will at least listen to you where-as I “get my info from mom-blogs”
OMG. I said over 6 months ago the moment that anyone even hinted at giving my kids shots i would throw them in the car and just drive. I don't know how you are surviving. I am so sorry. Luckily my wife is 100% in on not vaxxing the kids. I guess that could change if FB deems it a bad idea lol. God bless you and your children. I have no words for your husband.
...sending you and your family my prayers, love & hugs...
He got the children jabbed without your knowledge? I'm speechless. 🤯
I had lots of words…yet it was 3-months after the fact so they don’t really change anything
Omigosh. Sorry for you and your kids. Hope you can keep them from getting boostered--I fear it will be twice a year, for the long term.
Thanks and I hope so too! The vaxx indoctrination is strong though and very tough to break through because then he’ll have to admit to himself that he potentially harmed our kids - not sure he could live with himself (literally) if he believed that
Wow. TDS and now Covidiocy has done quite a number on far too many people. I'm sorry, truly.
...makes me sad too, but it fits the “Divide & Conquer” playbook...
I’m went on a date in NY, a vax passport city. I got him to agree to eat outdoors so it wouldn’t come up, but he mentioned he supports the passports. I actually liked him and it seemed mutual, but now I don’t know whether to see him again … I’m assuming he would think I’m a crazy anti-vaxxer. But what is kind of funny is that he told me he has a long history of dating crazy women!
I know my advice wasn't asked for, but I'm giving it anyway! LOL! We are headed for difficult times, and we're going to need to be as brave as possible to face them. For me it's a huge help knowing I have my husband's hand to hold and that we are of the same outlook on all of this. Your home and relationships should be a place of peace and respite. On the other hand, no harm in enjoying your date's company, but be aware that you've already seen his "insides".
And his totalitarian streak.
Well, yes. LOL! I hate to be "Debbie Downer", but yeesh, she already has to negotiate a place for a meal. Doesn't bode well. ;)
Truth. When they're breaking up it'll be "I should've seen that red flag when he said he was okay with one of the ten steps to genocide on our first date..."
Thanks, I appreciate the advice! Unfortunately it's the norm around here; 90% simply have no clue. Yes, I don't think we are soul mates. As kitten seeking answers said above, I'm too sane for him. I did consider going all Basic Instinct and kissing him then telling him I'm unvaxxed and have Covid rofl. But he might be into that ...
...Someone sounds sane to me, so this is actually a departure for him💕
Run away from this one.
It's a shame that he's into tyranny. Someone, there has to be someone more worthy of you out there... Besides, he has crazy exes. Yikes!
I warned my wife that I'd leave her the same night she took any poison jab. And she knows that I don't kid about this sort of thing. The good news is she's now a furious anti-vaxxer. Tough love works.
To Thine Own Self Be True! Don't worry what others think.
I think they see it the other way around. They are actually in the clown suit with a painted on creepy smile and see the normal virtuous girl in the mirror.
"You'll be a lot less concerned with what others think of you once you realize how seldom they actually do." David Foster Wallace I was at a party recently that was populated almost entirely by Branch Covidians. It was not by choice. Listening to most of the conversations it struck me how much their Covid experience has become the entire meaning of their lives. There were discussions ad nauseum about which booster they got. Which retail establishments do the best job forcing masks on their customers. How stupid the anti-vaxxers are etc. It was little more than a gigantic, self-soothing, narcissistic bubble. I got the sense that they would have no life if their covid experience was somehow taken away. Mostly it was just one-dimensional and very boring. I don't think a lot of them are ever coming back.
I attended a small gathering, all were Covid drones like that--people who probably were once kind and interesting, now numb, soulless, and stripped of humanity. But one wasn't chiming in (nor was I), and she limped. When asked why, she sweetly said she had been injured by the Covid vax and her doctors had no idea how to help her. The others showed only minimal sympathy or interest before changing the subject to, of course, a child who got long Covid. Later they starting going on, in front of her, about how great the vaxx passports are. I was horrified and changed the subject. She was really sweet and hugged me goodbye. That hug, to me, carried a lot of meaning. This whole trip, people have been really weird about hugs, and here was this person who had lost her mobility but not her heart.
Yep. It is very true. We are all living in a subjective dream world.
Need to get out of it.
Do not say 'vaccine' because that word is not what you think it is. It is in fact the name of GOD. And it must not be uttered. If you speak the name of GOD you will be cast out into the outer darkness.
Check it out if you don't believe me. Find a believer, say 'vaccine' and watch the shutters come down, feel yourself cast out.
And do not say 'my rights' because to them you have NO rights. That's because they see themselves as having a fundamental right to tell you what to do at any time and in regard to all things.
You cannot have any rights for that would conflict directly with their own sacred right. See?
Which is why you cannot argue the seeming logic and common sense of vaccines and human rights.
So instead I suggest you/we argue the rights of the immune system.
'I would love to be at home all day with the family but it does prejudice the immune system so much doesn't it?' said blandly. with a straight face. and without emphasis.
'Isn't it nice to be at home all the time and isn't it so sad that it makes the immune system suffer so much?'
'I do love wearing masks and it is such a pity they impose such a load on the immune system'.
'I do wish granny would get happier about being cut off from us and everyone because that worry and anxiety is such a pressure on her immune system.'
' Prodding the immune system into action artificially is such a good idea it's a shame it seems to somehow distort how it works isn't it>'
'Isn't it lucky they found those things that will help the immune system fight by being specifically anti-viral? I just can't think of the names of them now.'
'Oh I do wish they would find something we could take that would help the immune system with its fight, it is so along there and so pressured.'
'I do feel sorry for immune system, artifically provoked again and again and again.'
'Isn't it wonderful how immune system are more than 99% effective already?'
Every measure governments have taken has been prejudicial to the immune system.
Every one.
Every 'benefit' claimed by the mechanical injection was a success of the immune system.
Actors, etc, say there is no such thing as bad publicity. And for them its true. And for these people the same is true. The only remedy is rob them of publicity entirely. Do not mention their name. Let it be a forbidden word.
Instead talk about the truth: the immune system. It is easy to couch everything in terms of it because truly everything is in terms of it.
"Immune system" is a dirty word to the vaxxers, they only believe in drugs.
dirty word or not it's all they're going to get from me
We do live in a cartoon world now, but it feels more like an Edgar Allen Poe story than a Disney cartoon.
I’d say Edward Gorey: https://flashbak.com/gashlycrumb-tinies-edwrd-gorey-alphabet-436196/
I don't have a twitter account... but I wonder if this would be taken down for spreading false information? https://www.foxnews.com/health/fauci-covid-hospitalizations-rising-among-vaccinated
Since it's Fox they will just say it's a lie
I know kittens haven't mastered Latin yet, but to really put the bad kitty in his place, you should use "sensoria."
The meme of gatito bueno gazing at the reflection of el gato malo beautifully captures your dual personality, el gato/gatito!
I like Delicatessen
Great film 😸
so long ago....
So the puss is now into meowing big words "our self-selected subjective solipsistic sensoriums". I know what "solipsistic" is, but not the next one.
Some of them...and they will never apologize to me and my daughter for being correct all along, on SO many things!
Perhaps, a near accurate assessment : I am always more than what you think about me, and always less than what I think about myself. I function: self-image f(I) > I > you f (I) ( notice the build-in absolute inequality, when comparison occurs even within myself :)
Here is an attempt to vaccinate a moose: https://newtube.app/user/gabichannel/digEgjb
me: not complying.
They want their acolytes to police and follow.
It is the new virtuous way to live. Egocentric and self serving for their God - the media
Their savior - The terrorist left.
See you in the camp Rosemary. We can trade MRE's. (Meals Ready to Eat). ;)
Let’s look at the big picture….because what may becoming next is a psychotic Eugenist dream. The first phase of the plan worked so well, so profitable, and so disruptive to the US and World economy, that they are ready for Phase 2….KILL BILLIONS WITH RE-release of SMALLPOX. 30% of those infected will probably die based on history.
Gates is doing the exact same thing he did with the WUFLU. He openly warns us a new even more deadly Smallpox virus is coming with a smile on his face; he then spreads it, this time blaming terrorist, and has a highly profitable injection fix……Smallpox being a 10,000 times more deadly. He smiles when explains about deadly viruses as if he is getting off after watching the old movie “12 Monkeys” in his psychotic Eugenics state. He simply can’t wait to tell you of his plans to kill, like a mad scientist in a grade B movie.
Why wouldn’t Big Pharma, George Soros, and Bill Gates do it after so successfully bilking the World out of $100’s of billions with the WuFlu and making a highly contagious virus in the Wuhan Lab, which Gates actually holds the patents on. Gates personally made over $200,000,000,000 in 2021 from investing in mRNA injections. So far, they have totally gotten away with this deadly scam. Time for Phase 2 to help cover their tracks and steal even more, and going more power and control.
WALLA… as with the WuFlu in a few months they will have a new mRNA injection fix, which they had been working on for years but never able to make work before, on the market. As Fauci with the WuFlu was able to convince Trump it was safe to be released, never even been fully being tested by normal vaccine approval procedures, because of an FDA Board Membership, many of whom were heavily financially invested in or obligated to Big Pharma, for getting an emergency approval order.
They then will have Fauci again scare the shit out of everyone to put the plan into full profitable and destructive action. Use the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation, which closer to being a Mafia, they will continue to use openly to bribe the CDC, WHO, and other Government Agencies. And, to continue bribing the medical industry and hospitals with with millions of dollars in subsidies to falsely count deaths. When you are stealing hundreds of $billions paying off those with control with a few $ hundred million and tax free grants is peanuts.
Then, in addition, to make sure as large number of people as possible test positive, they again use a new highly sensitive testing method for fear and chaos to shows nearly everyone is infected. Which in itself is probably true. That’s the way viruses work. A virus infects nearly everyone eventually.
When actual deaths decline, even using their distorted math, it will again no longer be about actual deaths from natural cause, it is now about being infected. The number infected and the method of counting for scare tactics numbers. The testing is used as a tool for propaganda and fear….it worked the first time. They will then have a Pandemic with millions infected and only Fauci has one cure for Smallpox another mRNA injection. Using any other Worldwide proven preventative measures to combat infection will again be outlawed by our own Government.
Now they will have “Let’s Go Brandon” Government mandate for the new elixir ….mRNA injections or you are fired. People resist. Economy screeches to a halt. Empty grocery store shelves. Chaos, starvation, riots, and destruction. A Soros dream come true….destroy the US economy to install a One World Government.
Phase 1 went so well for them. Do it now, before it becomes obvious that mRNA protein injections are actually more deadly than simply allowing the virus to infect and run it’s course and allowing for natural immunity. It is time for Phase 2 to redirect the blame and cover their past destructive injection tracks from the last failed mRNA injections. Re-release smallpox on the World now…..before the elections.
If we can’t put the dots together after reading this and the headlines and facts below supporting it, and we stop this deadly scam…….we are ignorant sheep and deserve slaughter that is coming. Eugenics Bill is openly telling you his plan, just like he did with the WuFlu….wake up America. This is no longer about a bad case of the flu. This is mass murder by a very sick group of power hungry people. It is also about again stealing an election to remain in destructive power.
Many of the posts below are quickly being removed or blocked.
Bill Gates making $200 billion from vaccines? Microsoft co-founder explains math behind 'returns' - The Financial Express:
Pull the Fauci trick….”I know nothing” by paying another company to be your front man, as he did in Wuhan, to pay for illegal laboratory access to develop methods to infect with smallpox, which is illegal worldwide to even possess.
https://endpts.com › bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation-backs-little-known-biotech-going-after-pfizer-merck-on-pneumococcal-vaccine
Use the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a Mafia for payola and bribery pay off to hide these transactions.
Gates Foundation to spend $120 million to speed access to generics of Merck COVID-19 pill. (Reuters) - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said on Wednesday it would spend up to $120 million to kick-start development of generic versions of Merck & Co's oral COVID-19 treatment to help ensure lower-income countries have equal access to the drug.
After Bill Gates Warned Smallpox To Be Used As A Bioweapon ...
https://thealterofdeceit.net › 2021 › 11 › 18 › after-bill-gates-warned-smallpox-to-be-used-as-a-bioweapon-vials-labeled-smallpox-found-at-philly-lab-those-coincidences-came-after-us-govt-bought-millions-in-smallpox-drugs
With the Yahoo story reporting the FBI is now investigating vials labeled 'smallpox' that were recently found in a freezer at a Merck facility outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, just back on November 4th, vials that weren't supposed to be there, the Daily Mail reported none other than Bill Gates recently warned 'terrorists' will ...
Following Bill Gates' warning, smallpox vials were found ...
https://world-signals.com › news › 2021 › 11 › 17 › following-bill-gates-warning-smallpox-vials-were-found-outside-mercks-lab
Bill Gates recently warned governments about the need to prepare for smallpox terrorist attacks and future pandemics by investing billions in research and development. "The FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating 'questionable vials' labeled 'smallpox' found last night in a freezer at a Merck facility ...
Smallpox is a bio weapon.
Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, recently warned that the next pandemic will be smallpox. In a statement to CNN, the CDC said: "There is no indication that anyone has been exposed to the small number of frozen vials." Smallpox, a highly contagious and deadly virus, was eradicated from earth in 1980.
What do "El Gator Malo" mean in English? The male puss?
Yep, about right.