Here's a crazy idea: if the VAERS system sucks, why don't they spend some of the Biden billion$ being thrown around and create a system that accurately captures adverse events? Perhaps it is because they are not actually interested in the results?

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Ouch. Truth!

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Yes, how about improving "The Science"?

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Here’s the thing— the disingenuous downplay VAERS for all of its faults, but it’s the only system that’s available. NIH and CDC have the ability to change how this works, but don’t.

It’s easier to have a flawed system for creating poor strawmen.

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Various estimates suggest that the voluntary nature of the system--and the personal and professional incentives for doctors to NOT enter events--mean that there is large, systematic underreporting of adverse events in VAERS.

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non-reporting is likely on the order of 90-99%.


the idea that VAERS is over reporting bad outcomes looks impossible to support.

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In Australia the hospital is not required to report the adverse event, the *patient* is.

eg: https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/radio/jackie-o-reveals-ex-experienced-adverse-reaction-to-pfizer-vaccine/news-story/0a734cde4b7cf42f3717e1b96fd9ade1

She then pointed out that it was up to her ex-husband – from whom she amicably split in 2018 – to report his reaction to the vaccine as it wasn’t automatically done by the hospital.

“I wasn’t aware of that Jackie, and I’ll take that on board,” Ms Berejiklian responded.

“We find out (about these issues) because the federal authority puts out a statement if there’s any adverse reactions to the vaccine.”

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"Clearly if 6 year-olds wanted to be protected by a more robust vaccine harm monitoring system they should have built one." - science journalists

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Not to mention that in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic with a novel and strange acting coronavirus US government agencies are actively discouraging reporting on adverse vaccine events. Copied word for word directly from the OSHA website: “DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers' vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.” https://www.osha.gov/coronavirus/faqs#vaccine

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What baffles me, and I admit that is getting less and less difficult at this dumpster fire rages on, is how anyone can reasonably, honestly, question that we "have a signal" about the COVID-19 vaccinations via VAERS. (As an aside, and with all due apology for being strident, anyone who seriously believes that the numbers are inflated because of false entries into VAERS is either an idiot or has never visited the VAERS site---or both. To say it the system is not easy to use, and may be one of the best examples of a "non-intuitive" interfaces, is being nice.) And yet, here we are, with a set of vaccines exceeding all previous vaccines COMBINED in both adverse effects and deaths by between 4 and 10 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE, and the debate has been shifted to being about if VAERS provides good enough data? Damn.

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Exactly. And so many of the people who submit reports are medical professionals. If they play loosy-goosy with the facts, I'm thinking they can end up in a lot of trouble.

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I will offer one more piece of anecdotal evidence. I was on a Zoom call with a *bunch* of doctors a little while back. One of them mentioned, with some embarrassment, that he actually tried to enter an adverse event into VAERS but stopped short, because he could not figure out how to tell the system which shot--first or second--he had administered. (It is unclear if, at that time, VAERS had been set up for properly reporting the effects of a vaccination that was based upon two shots, versus the more traditional case of one-shot-and-done.) He just quit trying to report the adverse event, in frustration!

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Right, VAERS only seems to have a field for "VAXDATE" and most reports do not bother to specify both dose dates in the notes, though some do.

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...so, one has to figure out a work-around, such as using the notes, to report an adverse event for the COVID-19 vaccines in VAERS, versus having appropriate drop-downs and fields already in the tool. As a further result, the types of entries that would allow for easier--or even *any* type of--data analysis based upon field entries versus random text, is lost.

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And search seems to have broken in an update (previously, you had to manually refresh to actually get Page 2+ results to show up), though maybe it's my browser. I'm a broken record on this, but the only way to really "use" VAERS is to trawl, trawl, trawl.

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I know that Del Bigtree of The Highwire, is considered an “anti-vaxxer” the pejorative term for anyone with any question whatsoever about vaccine safety issues, but he had on Physician Assistant Deborah Conrad a few days ago and I cannot recommend that interview highly enough. Deb is credible, bright, and brave and she elucidates how very difficult reporting to VAERS really is and what she is seeing in her Buffalo, New York hospital. The VAERS system does not even save your entries… it times out and kicks you off, then you have to start all over again. Saying it’s onerous is an understatement. I hope everyone here will consider watching the Deb Conrad, PA interview on the Highwire. It was stellar. She is being fired September 27th for not caving to and towing the company line of getting vaccinated and parroting the “safe and effective” bs from our “healthcare” agencies. Watch the interview if you can. It’s that good. As a retired NP with 34 years in internal medicine, I admire this woman so much.

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If the CDC had a magic button that could eliminate things, it would set it for 1) VAERS system 2) Sweden 3) the two Martins, Kulldorff & Makary.

For starters.

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For VAERS, they do have that magic button. I'm sure someone in power is thinking right now about how to massage that database.

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And el gato. And those of us who follow.

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The CDC: https://i.redd.it/8akvefiwp8s51.png

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i wonder if the legacy media narrative would be different and these VAERS charts would be on the front page of every newspaper every single day accompanied by breathless "blood on his hands" reporting if Trump were president

but then i realize where we are and stop wondering

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We need to hit back on this hard. This is their most common defense: VAERS is worthless because anyone can submit a false report (in violation of federal law).

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On COVID death reporting and election integrity: "You need to trust the process, falsifying official data would be caught by safeguards we have in place, our system is very robust and trustworthy"

On VAERS data: "Well just assume most of this is bad data, any old person can just lie about it"

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yet they refuse to set up a more effective system that doctors are REQUIRED to report in.

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They say "anybody can report" -- but have you actually tried? Faking an incident isn't as easy as lying on Twitter.

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In addition to the potential for false reports, VAERS may well be afflicted by under-reporting, which could be greater in 2021 than other years. The CDC are basically a bunch of veterinarians, and we are the herd.

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VAERS is 100% certain to be underreporting.

it's just a question of how much. 90% is not an unreasonable estimate. it's actually quite hard to report to VAERS and falsifying a report is a federal crime.

it's intended as a tripwire to show you there is a signal to look for, not a measure of how big the signal really is.

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My neurologist mentioned on my last visit that he has been witnessing many neurological side effects post-vaccine: Bell’s palsy, stoke, TIAs, worsening Parkinson’s & MS symptoms, neuralgias and more. He said he has not reported them to VAERS because the process is so cumbersome and there are so many. He said it takes about an hour to input each report and he doesn’t have the time.

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If memory serves, CDC has published numbers related to percentage of VAERS reports coming from medical personnel and it’s approaching 70%. I believe they also scrub data over time and toss fictitious accounts.

I can’t put my hands on it, but Harvard was commissioned to study the under reporting years ago and placed it at 99%.

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Doctors see mass vaccination as a public good. They will not sully that pure ideological ointment with flies. Just recently, my primary doc convinced me, fool that I was, to get a tetanus booster. When I got home I read that the evidence supporting them is as thin as diarrhea (a common side effect). https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/do-adults-really-need-tetanus-booster-shots-2020051219786

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Wow. Thanks for posting this

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Speaking of signals, have any of you all read this?


I'm not a mathematician, but the gist seems to be they designed their formula for catching safety signals to...hide safety signals.

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it's a broken equation for PRR for sure. it will only catch single signals but will miss broad based ones (and mRNA vaxxed have extremely broad side effects that look like many other vaccines but worse)

it's particularly ill suited here.

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The author thinks this is intentional. If so, these people need to be dragged before Congress, chewed out, and then fired. Ideally prosecuted, but that's just dreaming.

I wish he had used an analogy because then this might actually be something lay people could be made aware of. But it's too difficult to grasp as is.

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You have that recent PA on the High Wire who worked at the hospital for almost 18 years and had never heard about it.

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A couple of years ago, the CDC actually stated that VAERs was very much underreported for Gardisil.

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(I'm just a lowly caveman, not a lawyer...) but I watched the FDA meeting on the boosters, and it was crystal clear that government is tracking 'claims' which are either hospital or insurance claims, and that they had numbers they trusted to show signals for certain adverse events. It is a fine case of circular logic to say: Self-report AE to VAERS but don't use VAERS for data because self reported claims are useless. Lather, rinse, repeat. After the billions we've thrown at this thing, this is yet another fail. And parents of vaccine injured kids have been screaming this issue about VAERS for decades. It is just so much security theatre.

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CDC "Quick, change the narrative and ramp up the fear."... Thinking.... Thinking... It's the unvaccinated fault! (Again.) Yes. Yes! That's what it must be...."

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We are probably now going to see VAERS data treated as disinformation by all the social media platforms- the CDC has given the go ahead with this bulletin.

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There are other systems for reporting vaccine adverse events; but, of course, they aren't public.

According the Robert Malone, the FDA chose not to require more stringent data collection and reporting of the Pharma companies. According to Peter McCullough, the FDA chose not to set up an independent safety monitoring board, which he believes is unprecedented.

Clearly, they anticipated problems and took steps to hide them before the jabs were even approved. This isn't incompetence. This is malfeasance. This was the plan. And, of course, they have many useful idiots in media and tech and the general public parroting their talking points and trashing anyone who mentions the VAERS data.

FYI, attorney Thomas Renz has filed a motion for preliminary injunction against the vaxx EUAs. He has a whistleblower who claims that there were about 45,000 deaths within 72 hours of injection in the CMS data bases as of mid-July.

You can read the plaintiff's motion here:


And Canadian Professor Jessica Rose estimates there are ~150k vaccine related deaths.


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The fraud of the FDA approval is written into the document:

"We did not refer your application to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee because our review of information submitted in your BLA, including the clinical study design and trial results, did not raise concerns or controversial issues that would have benefited from an advisory committee discussion. [...]

We have determined that an analysis of spontaneous postmarketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and ***identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.***

Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain under section 505(k)(3) of the FDCA is not sufficient to assess these serious risks."


There isn't even any need for a whistleblower.

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I agree, but most people won't see this or won't read this or will dismiss it outright. I know...I'm related to some of them. The cognitive dissonance is hard to crack. I joke that we're stuck in a sci-fi movie and about to learn that our elected "leaders" have been replaced by space alien lizards to release some of the frustration.

I hope that most of the captured...when confronted with the reality of tens of thousands of dead people...especially elderly and poor dead people...will be shaken from their stupor and wake TH up.

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i see the concern that "well, VAERS entries need followup". wouldn't followup (esp involving death) require autopsies? is anyone doing autopsies currently for either covid or vaccine related deaths?

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This argument has been used from basically the beginning of this rollout. That VAERS is unreliable; anyone can make a submission. If that’s true, then what other system are they using to aggregate adverse events, and why can’t we the public see it? In the interest of informed consent. I spent an unnecessarily long time trying to convince my spouse back in May that there’s been AT LEAST one death from the vaccine. 10/10 do not recommend. And now we’re up in the thousands. . .

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Thank you to this blogger and commenters for seeking and sharing alternative views using data! So fortunate to have found you!

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For years I’m sure the CDC relied on VAERS for information but all of a sudden now it’s not accurate or reliable.

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el gato, have you seen this? Robert Malone just posted on Twitter. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221475002100161X

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This part doesnt seem intellectually honest, imho:

"The biomarkers have not reached the threshold level for official disease diagnosis, but their abnormality reflects some degree of underlying dysfunction. The immune system response (including pre-clinical conditions) to the COVID-19 viral trigger should not be expected to be the same as the response of a healthy immune system [27]. If pre-clinical conditions had been taken into account and coupled with the false positives as well, the CDC estimate of 94 % misdiagnosis would be substantially higher."

Isn't that like saying if you get stabbed in battle, it wasn't the sword that killed you but the fact you weren't wearing tough enough armor? You can't just count COVID deaths of people with healthy immune systems. That's as much an over-correction as the CDC made in the other direction.

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Perhaps. But since life is more akin to a "battle" - survival contingent on every next breath / urination / meal - than we like to acknowledge, at a certain point the "armor" should be more than paper-thin before we use it to measurement the power of the sword.

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The covering up of adverse effects of this vaxx is another aspect of the Replication Crisis or at least sprouting from the same environment that has allowed the crisis to occur.

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Glad to know other people noticed this. You'd think the CDC would be desperate to look into it, track down these people, but they seem strangely to be running (scurrying one might even say) in the opposite direction.

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What will the 2021 bar look like if there is some kind of correction for the amount of vaccinations that have been given? In an other year the amount of given vaccinations are a lot less, I imagine?

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less effect than you might think.

flu shots alone are massive (similar in size to covid)


and the kids in the US get ~23 doses of vaccines by 15 months, then maybe another 11 by age 18.


so you're talking about A LOT of vaccination. this number is a monster outlier.

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Oh wow. I didn’t know that. Don’t know what the ratio is in Holland (where I’m from). But for sure not as high as in the US.

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Adverse effects from flu vaccines should be reported to VAERS and over 100 million doses are distributed annually: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/vaccine-supply-historical.htm

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I was told directly not to report my flu shot adverse events (body aches, fatigue, inability to work for a couple of days) to VAERS once. Not by anyone at VAERS, just someone administering the shots, but there you are. The culture already existed to downplay vaccine AEs & no doubt contributed to underreporting. (Even if I understand why & flu shots are generally well-tolerated, it was still way more severe & systemic than anything that happened to me after a flu shot before.)

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Parents of children injured by vaccines have known about the underreporting for quite some time. The manta of "vaccines are safe" means that few doctors question them.

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Most doctors seem uninterested in whether the decades-old practices and myths they learned by rote in medical school even work. To accord to the text is an end in of itself.

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I have learned over the decades that most medical doctors are not the bastion of critical thinking I had hoped. Exceptions exist, of course! But it's overall very disappointing

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Yes. The response I got the second time--I reported my first AE from the prior year to VAERS on my own without consulting anyone, and am glad I did--was "that's not an AE, it happens so often, take an NSAID and wait it out". And here I was taking the attitude toward AEs I'd been told to have for reporting drug AEs--always report even if it's a known side effect!

Synopsis of our level of medical system dysfunction going into the pandemic.

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I'm one of those parents and am very alarmed by what's going on.

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Good question. I often wonder about this too

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I heard that (1.) putting information in VAERS is extremely convoluted as their site is difficult to navigate. (2.) You have to put in so much personal information to assure you are telling the truth that most people back off and don't complete it. I believe it's horribly under-reported.

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No less trustworthy than any other nih artifact.

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Open VAERS is reporting nearly 15K deaths through 9/10/21. Why is there a discrepancy of 2X? https://openvaers.com/

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that's been a puzzle to me as well.

i have seen, but do not understand the source of the variance. (VAERSiance?)

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Maybe that was from scrubbing foreign reports?

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I believe the 23K number is deaths reported to VAERS for all time, for all vaccines.

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Is there evidence to help choose between the lesser of evils between Pfizer and moderna? Govt gun to my head, must choose

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curious: do any of the commenters here know anyone who died after a shot? I dont. I have heard of people who did...

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I don't. But my 77-year-old mother landed in the hospital for 5 days with cardiac issues after her first Moderna dose. Decided to take the 2nd shot anyway (my brother, a longtime Pfizer employee, came in hard with the "correlation is not causation" bullshit). Two more stays in the hospital until they finally cauterized part of her heart, in an attempt to restore normal rhythm.

Ask your question again after she gets a booster. I'm very afraid I'll answer "yes."

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Here's an idea....actually have an independent organization looking at safety signals of your rushed to market pushed on everyone injection? Until then, STFU!!!

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Here's a study done on the efficiency of passive reporting mechanisms in the past, including vaers... Spoiler alert: it's not good https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1615747/?page=2

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this is for early on reporting, but an interesting report study nonetheless; doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.26987.26402

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Sep 23, 2021
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That's if everyone who was brainwashed into thinking the virus is super deadly doesn't prefer to stay on the sinking ship even when the water's at their ankles. They'll keep their eyes glued to falsified, flagrant propaganda from The Atlantic etc. in the meantime.

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I know three who ended up in the hospital. And another "mysterious" death.


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