Damned right. A buddy of mine posted on Telegram the other day, "Stop calling it 'vaccine hesitancy' because that implies that eventually I might say 'yes' and that is never going to happen."

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While we're at, it let's stop even calling it a vaccine, because it's not.

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While we're at it, let's start admitting we're scared of the spike protein, and it's not delusional or irrational fear either.

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I had full-on covid in August and actually feel better than ever now. Zero fear here.

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Then cave and be one with the terrorists. Or protest. Otherwise prepare your body with health, supplements, sun and know what you will do if you get that spikey. That is NOT the point. Totalitarianism is the point.

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Forget about "hesitancy". Saw a tweet today about vax INSISTENCE. Time to start shunning the vax INSISTENT. Because any INSISTENT person has decided that they have a right to decide what's right for you, and if you don't agree you should be punished. Because VAX INISISTENT is just a euphemism for junior authoritarian. Because the real epidemic is an epidemic of self-appointed DECIDERS. That's what we we need immunization against.

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I might argue with "junior" as most of these losers seem to have been waiting for a chance to let their inner Karen come out for air!

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The parallels between this dumpster fire and grammar school are getting closer and closer together. Think of the dweeb who was never picked for sports games suddenly getting a chance to run things. Bill Gates anyone? Ha!

Time for one of my favorite quotes, that I Tweeted a few days back...

"[Force] is contrary to the nature of the intellect... If he who employs coercion against me could mold me to his purposes by argument, no doubt, he would. He pretends to punish me because his argument is strong; but he really punishes me because he is weak." ~ William Godwin

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This is brilliant! My brother-in-law is punishing me and my husband for not getting vaxxed by not seeing us. He wants an argument, but we just said we’re fine with not seeing you or the rest of the family. Enjoy your lives! Boy, did that piss him off! He wanted us to argue, fight, and allow him to be the dweeb with power that he’s become…but we didn’t take the bait.

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Silence speaks volumes when used correctly!

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My sister also! We had a big party for my mom turning 95. She assumes I am not vaccinated (I actually got the j&j back in April) but she never asked, so I am having fun just letting her think I am not. Daughter (30s) is NOT- and I am supporting that fully. She doesn't need to be. Sister would NOT come near us at the party, wore her mask and when we got within a few feet of her, her eyes would get really big and she would bak up. SO much theater. Yes, she wanted us to engage, but she was too chicken shit to start the conversation. I am ok not talking to her. She has not liked me since middle school. As an adult I have tried to be a good sister by doing "sisterly" things for and with her. Never reciprocated. This virus crap brought out the real her. It's fun to watch them slowly be wrong about everything she thinks she is/was "right" about.

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Tell him to prove to you that this is the same type of vaccine that we've been using for centuries since 1796...otherwise, it's a fake vaccine.

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Okay, I have to share one story. Prolly a decade or so back, I was in a record store, browsing the "cut-out" bin. (That's where the CDs that no one wanted are sold for ultra cheap, in case that is unclear.) There was a stack of CDs with Gates on the front cover. The title was something like, "The Shape of the Future" or some such. There were a TON of them, regularly-priced at $25+, being sold for maybe $2, IIRC. They were not hot sellers, apparently! Fast forward, and this guy is now chatting with Pfauci about vaccine policy and helping advise (my own recently-deposed) Emperor Cuomo on policy for re-opening NY. Delusions of grandeur coming to full flower, at our expense.

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I love the throwback "dweeb". So very 80's. High five lady. Who knew it was going to be so easy to get out of family obligation? I guess you got the good brother. I did too.

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We had a window washing company in Colorado refuse to wash our windows on the inside because we weren’t vaxxed. We hired a different company. People are completely brainwashed.

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Yep. I'm not hesitant or reluctant...I flat out refuse.

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Your friend believes it is a vaccine in the traditional sense, tested and administered for years and years. This is not a vaccine. Just keep telling him...not a vaccine. See if he can prove you wrong.

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It's not. you're correct. At the slightest it might be called a "treatment".

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And when he points to the online dictionary that now has a changed definition, ask why that change happened and for whom? Prepare yourself for nausea. They changed it from being about IMMUNITY to this crap, basically saying "stimulate body's immune response". Quite different things actually

Here's the current MWD https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vaccine

But if you go back just a little bit, this from Feb 2006 to at least Nov 5 2020, is how it was at MWD dot com:


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Biderman’s Chart of Coercion (1957) = Blueprint for the COVID Terror Campaign


1) Isolation – social distancing, physical distancing, quarantines at home and in other facilities, semi-isolation from elderly family members, lack of physical contact with loved ones, lack of ability to attend funerals and weddings.

2) Monopolization of Perception – general restriction of all movement, prevent social gatherings including church, meetings, sporting events, concerts, complete control of the mainstream media and its coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic.

3) Induced Debilitation/Exhaustion – stay-at-home orders, exercising and socializing is banned, exposed to 24 hour a day, 7 day a week negative media coverage.

4) Threats – threats of fines and or imprisonment for breached emergency order laws, threaten to close businesses, threaten shuttering of all travel, threaten mandatory vaccines, heavy-handed use of police to enforce laws created under Emergency Orders.

5) Occasional Indulgences – some intermittent reopening of stores and restaurants under strict rules including social distancing/capacities, increase the number of people that are allowed to meet in homes, churches, long-term care centres, allow small weddings and funerals.

6) Demonstrating "Omnipotence" and "Omniscience" – force dependency on government handouts because of massive unemployment levels related to shuttering of the economy, develop surveillance techniques to ensure that social distancing and quarantining rules are being adhered to, float trial balloons about the need for a government-mandated Universal Basic Income, use of social media to ensure that only the pro-vaccine narrative receives coverage while all other theories are considered "fake news".

7) Degradation – humiliate people who refuse to wear masks, social distance or accept vaccination, force people to walk in a certain direction in public places and stand in certain places when eating in line, force people to wait in line to access goods and services.

8) Enforcing Trivial Demands – family members must not be in close contact with each other, suggestions like wearing a mask or using glory holes while having sex, force people to wear masks while in their own home while at the same time government officials don't obey their own proclamations.

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Note: I copied the above COVIDified version of Biderman's Chart from some source for a future article and stupidly forgot to save the link, and I now I'm having trouble finding the original source, d'oh. Still, good stuff!

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"You comply because you want it to end, but it never ends because you comply." Sounds like battered wife syndrome.

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Yep. I've been going to the protests in New Zealand with my family. I am really scared before each one - but I always feel so damned sure I did the right thing afterwards. They have been tame so far. I don't know how brave I can be when push comes to shove. I'm worried I won't be as brave as I want/need to be. But I guess I am going to at least try and find out.

I used to really, really like our Prime Minister. Now I am afraid of her, and I feel the need to protect my child from her. I think she would pretty much murder my child in her sleep to achieve an international magazine cover story. What the hell has happened?

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The Great Reset, that's what. https://www.stopworldcontrol.com

When you see how bad it really is, it gets easier to be brave.

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Forewarned is forearmed.

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You already said it, hell has happened. Keep protesting and doing what you can. You are so brave to do that. Anything you do helps. No judgement if you stopped...do what you must do. You are appreciated by so many for your courage.

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That's really kind and motivating. Heading out again on Saturday. Have rounded up a few more people to come along. Thanks Laura.

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You are leading by example to show your child how to lead a peaceful revolution to ensure there will be a world for him/her that is free and democratic. It is for your child that you are paving the way, remember that when you feel scared. If you don't, who will? For your child and other children; it is for future generations that we are willing to make sacrifices now. We have to save the world for them, or at least try. They deserve to have happy childhoods in a free society....hold onto those words. Keep on keeping on...the journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step.

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This is one of my favorite stories about how courage is contagious and ordinary people save ourselves not government w its 'defense' spending. There's an admitted bias as a NYer with 9-11 heroes but leaning into the untold stories.

The comment at the end is true of all people.. We all have a little hero inside and it will come out when it needs to. Tom Hanks narrates it's 11 min & hopefully inspiring! :~)


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That was beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing it, Pamela.

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It’s true NYC and the country came together, and New York around Manhattan became a crew.

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You should have been able to see what she was from the start! Did you even look into her history? Where did she come from? Whose daughter is she? Where did she study? Who did she work for? What groups picked her up and elevated her to where she is? All that info has been available from the start. Nothing is random in this sort of shit.

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I didn't look into her to that extent, because I never voted for her - I didn't like her policies. I voted for a different political party whose policies I thought were more sensible. My comment on the PM was to do with her character rather than her political abilities. I thought she seemed like a really nice person. Clearly I was mistaken. She isn't nice.

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yeah, sorry if I came off a bit snooty, but people who move high in politics are not nice, nor good. (and she seems particularly monstrous to me)

Think about how a nice person could get to be leader of a political party. Not going to happen.

I'm not in NZ and don't know who else there was.

What party seemed sensible? Is there one?

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That's cool. It took me a while to really wake up to what was going on. I didn't really want to believe what I was seeing. Got there in the end. I think we have a small handful politicians here who are fairly genuine people - but they all seem to have lost the ability to think rationally. I voted for an obscure party run by a really angry guy that most people hated. He had this crazy idea that politics should all be about evidence-based policy, rather than personalities. He carefully laid out data to back up his policies. Made a nice change. Most people hated him because he once suggested that we had too many cats running around killing our native birds, and we should therefore cull stray cats if we wish to preserve our native fauna. That was enough for the newspapers to turn on him, and most people to hate him. Evidence clearly means nothing, as it turns out. Not a single party here is standing up to what our government is doing. At least Australia has some decent opposition calling out the insanity. We have no one.

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"so drop the federal contracts. it’s what, 3% of your revenue?"

Right. And if he stood up for his employees and for freedom, he would make it up and much more with passengers who would be happy to support Southwest with their business...

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Gary.kelly@swa.com bounced. The other one has not.

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So let’s tell him that. Gotta be an email address somewhere.

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Don't know if you've seen this letter from an ICU physician about vaccine related injuries. But this is probably a good place to post a link


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Wow, that is a powerful letter. Everyone should read. I've heard similar accounts from a family member that is an ICU nurse. Unfortunately, no one at her hospital wants to connect the dots to the vaccine, even going so far as to scrub the vax history from the chart.

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See thats the thing, they know whats going on and do connect the dots but they are in so deep, they refuse to admit or reverse. That is why they are scrubbing. Unless you are dirty, there is no need to scrub.

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This is utter horror. I was in tears while reading this. How is it possible that human beings can allow this to happen when all it takes is to stop the vaccines and reassess. Crimes against humanity all bc scientists had to crawl into bat caves, torture bats and other animals in the name of gain of function science and unleash this plague on the earth. They should cower in fear for what awaits them.

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Yes and we must also be single issue voters. The ONLY issue that matters now is vaccine mandates-passports. I am pro choice, but I will enthusiastically vote Republican in all elections. I did so in 2020. And I will only vote for a candidate who can beat the democrat. No third party or write in candidates.

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YES!! This is exactly how I feel. Voted Democrat my whole adult life but now I'm voting to save this country for my teenagers (17 & 19) who are being pushed against the proverbial wall. We used to love going to the theater as a family (i.e. Hamilton, In the Heights, Phantom of the Opera, etc.). No more because every single venue in Portland, Oregon requires vax passport or pcr tests. I'm done with these a-holes.

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Become an Independent!

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I am.

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I did! Waiting for my card....for the second time. Do we still get a card, even though no one asks for it anymore!?

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Nancy I am pro choice as well, but it's important to remember that regardless of what happens in SCOTUS, individual states will continue to make and enforce laws regarding abortion for their own citizens. Abortion is a states' rights issue, and of course highly personal.

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Every. Word. I like to think I "fought" for my "rights" no matter how small they seem- writing letters to the "powers that be" regarding closing out fitness facilities, making suggestions, getting our "band" back together (ukuleles) much to some protesting and still fearful. I hope I have led my example by never wearing a mask, being yelled at for not wearing a mask early on, and showing up at my mom's 95th birthday party, unmasked, with my unvaccinated daughter two weeks ago to spend time with her. Hey, she's still kicking, much to my sister's chagrin. She really hoped we would "kill G'ma" so she could continue the drama. Being retired I can't push the "no masks on kids" at my workplace, but I can thank moms in the stores for letting me see their kid's smiles. Doing what I can with my small platform.

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vote and run for school board. subtract the tax e score from your mortgage...

i do no business where mask or vac are imposed

start a ghost economy

home s chool....1

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The region near Sydney in which I live (pop ~300k) is at 93% first dose. How does one rise against this? I feel I'm completely surrounded by the enemy.

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I can sympathize - I'm in California - we have really high vax rates in my city. I'm the only one at my office that hasn't received it. The compliance by the population is what disappoints me the most about this whole nightmare.

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I'm in Adelaide, which is ridiculously untouched by covid, yet the state's under lock and key, and I know of 2 families besides my own that are not vxd or not planning to. It feels very much like The Walking Dead episode, where they are surrounded...Oh wait that's EVERY episode!

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1/1000 is sufficient.

That was the ratio in Iraq, Ireland back in the day.

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And the American revolution.

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Yes, Washington had at peak 40,000 soldiers.

There is potential tremendous support, but only if a serious challenge arises. People will not gamble on the trifling.

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Canada. Same.

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you are in hell but remember who you are and the legacy you want to leave-to thine own self be true....

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I am so glad to have a community of people around that world that I can relate to on these sites. I am an American and I have lost respect for most of the people I know. They have thrown away their educations, ability to think for themselves and their own individual sovereignty. Saddest thing I've witnessed in my 60 years.

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“It would be foolish to disguise the gravity of the hour. It would be still more foolish to lose heart and courage.”

"...never give in, never give in, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." Winston Churchill,

But then, I repeat myself…

Let’s Go Brandon!

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From kitten to lion. Bout time

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Does anyone out there notice who the non compliant are? The ones not at all brainwashed. The only ones not utterly zombified, but actually read and listen to all things about the vaccine and about the virus, think about it, toss out BS (and wooo there is some BS out there on both sides).

I even recognize them when I am out and about. I like to recall the defiant faced man who walked around Harmons (A grocery store) without a mask about 5 months into the insanity. He had an "I dare you" look. Gave me courage to wave the figurative middle finger from that point forward.

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That was probably my husband! 😃(Or could have been at least, depending on which Harmons you were in.)

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Haha! Hope so. I am down in the Southern part of the state.

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No, we’re in the SL valley. But still, people like you and him have made a difference.

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Mao tse tung method of brainwashing:

Convince people that they are sick and that they’re not going to make it in the world, and that they’re going to be helped by government.

Apply this in a group setting where people such as the media and peers work on you to help you see the light.

Easy peasy.

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I volunteer daily at a small nonprofit. Several of the employees (younger women: 20s-30s) had mild cases of COVID recently. To them, and indeed any who will listen, I basically tell them that if they've had the disease, they've now got better immunity than the jab would give. If they've already had the jab and they still got sick, well, it doesn't work very well, does it? And finally, if they haven't gotten the jab or are considering a booster, avoid it because of the risk of side effects. It's not much, but I also notice that no one has told me to mind my own business yet, either.

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welcome to the infinite loop everyone

convince people they're heros for masking and the unmasked appear as villains

then do vaccines

How are all the unvaccinated not dead yet? 😜

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