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This is exactly what happens when the government is allowed to operate in secret without accountability to the people.

The covid chicanery is a satellite issue (an outgrowth) to the nexus of the problem. It is happening in every program, agency, operation, etc. that the state controls.

I think a major reason this goes unabated and is getting progressively more egregious is that people confuse the system of checks and balances the Founders devised vs. THE STATE.


The state has been allowed to do an end run around the checks and balances - often with the help of our elected officials because people trust that the checks and balances will eventually sort out abuses of this nature.

This is not the monster "under your bed"; it is the monster that is "in your bed" that we will continue to sleep with until we scream from the tops of the mountaintops.

Time to scream or be eaten by the monstrosity that is the state.

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There are two huge centers of unaccountable power in the modern state: intelligence and the bureaucracy. But perhaps intelligence owns the bureaucracy. Congress is nothing but a gateway for the huge money flows of the modern state, while the executive tries to consolidate all other power into itself. The judiciary is less powerful than Congress because they either rubber stamp what the powerful want, or are reduced to a nibble at the edges of the state apparatus. It’s time to get real about what kind of government we actually have.

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I agree. If there is one good thing that has come from covid; it is that it has lit a fire under my ass.

I was asleep at the wheel.

My wife and I have started getting involved at the community level and writing more letters, etc., to elected officials than I should admit.

But the real solution is right here:

Amplifying our voices in these Stacks' through coordination.

An action plan needs to be devised; or we will be stuck on the launch pad just going through mental simulations.

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Speaking of fire, if the voters put the Dems out of office in this coming election, we ALL have to hit the ground running and hold the feet of the R's to the fire. We cannot return our former state of complacency.

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Most Rs are no different than the dems. They differ only in which roles they are assigned by central casting, much like “good cop, bad cop”. They both work for the same masters.

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Great to hear! Thank you:)

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Couldn't agree more. Pointless continuing to just moan and whine about all the wrongs being committed on our tax dollars/euros/pounds etc, never forgetting we put these officials in power.

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I had my “awakening” 9 1/2 years ago. From what I have learned since then added to the glimpses I saw before, Sadly I believe this too will die on the launch pad. So many have before now.

Otherwise, I agree.

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Drummers! Beat the Long Roll!

Wish I could find a vid showing this drum call in context. Have heard in context but can not find a vid or movie clip of it. Will continue to look. In the mean time, here is the call itself.


Shoulda gone with my said instincts. Wrong navy but at least the one we descended from.



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Oct 19, 2022Edited
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Congress outsourced its responsibility to the industries it has outsourced the regulation of to the Exec, as well. Congress does not, in the main, write bills as they should. Lobbyists do.

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Hmm, ((who))) could be behind the capture of all the institutions?

McCarthy and McCarran were right, but they mislabeled the (((people))) behind the subversion.

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Yeah... but we're fighting an uphill battle.

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"Hush little baby, don't say a word

And never mind that noise you heard

It's just the beasts under your bed

In your closet, in your head"

Metallica, "Enter Sandman."

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Karl Denninger at Market Ticker is pretty much on the "it's all about $$$, no depop" train.

However... in the big picture, isn't the world losing adult taxpayers? Don't most governments WANT people to work and pay taxes? Why would they NOT stop something that was essentially killing the people that pay their salaries?

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Not about money. These people have a need to be the king of the mountain. While they would prefer to be the king of a mountain of gold, they will settle for being the king of a pile of dung as long as they are king and you and I are not. The just must be king of the hill.

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Speaking of mountains of gold and corrupt people, here's my favorite cartoonist's view; scammer gets what he deserves.

[This cartoon is "suitable for all audiences." Site's disclaimer applies if you venture anywhere else! ]


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A fair and reasonable question. I wish I knew the answer. Unless of course it's because their paymasters are not actually tax-paying citizens. Just thinking aloud ...

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"...it is the monster that is "in your bed"..."

First image popped into my head was Joe Biden licking an ice-cream cone.

Scuse me, I need to go hug my axe a bit.

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True but I would add that the time to act was several decades ago.

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Agree. Slothfulness by We The People have allowed this.

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I like this way of stating it. Not sure I agree completely with it, but I like it. Maybe it is slothfulness, but I have always thought of it as We The People believing that a rubric flies on auto pilot.

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Well said!

I agree; that is exactly what I said in my first long comment when Gato posted his article this morning.

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Sorry, missed it. Laziness, disbelief, misplaced thrust probably all played parts of this.

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Oct 19, 2022
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I've only glanced down that "rabbit hole, " but there are folks who think the problem goes back much further, at least to getting the USA into WW I and WW II. There apparently are some fascinating and also what should be troubling historical questions as to just who financed various wars including the Soviet Revolution. Who would profit? Who would lose? And these aren't just academic questions (and frankly, to ask them today would get you kicked out of academia). At least according to these whisperers, there is more than a little historical linkage to the current US/NATO aggression against Russia using Ukraine as a patsy.

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Oct 19, 2022
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It'll be interesting to see what, if any, challenges to the law occur. Of course I don't support such a law as it can only further state capture of medicine. I've little legal knowledge, but I suspect that "misinformation" is a bit vague. The law usually wants more specific definitions. States have much greater power to limit "speech" of a business than of a private citizen. But it's not clear that muzzling doctors is a good use of such power.

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Legal challenges take years to play out. Unless an injunction against the law is given for the duration of the trial, by the time of the judgement the law will have become engrained in practice regardless the outcome.

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Pliers and blowtorch's?

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That was my thought when I first heard about it. How in God's name can they dictate how your doctor treats you. I know, I know...it's California, but trying to cancel doctors because they had a different opinion on how to treat their patients is totalitarian madness. I bought some Ivermectin just to have on hand. Haven't had to use it, but I am not sure of the proper dose for a 175 pound male. Anybody here know?

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Drummers! Beat the Long Roll!

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