No no no. You are out of date. It should be, “THE FAUCING MASKS!” Most are still wearing them here in Japan. More and more retail stores are requiring them of customers.
BAA! I am Faucing certified in respirators and they do not give a flying fauci. There is a body of research into their effectiveness that is a century long, yet they and the vast majority of humanity do not give a Fauci. The do as they are told, like good little sheep.
The maskies here love to point out how Asian countries wear masks (the only evidence I have seen of this is the occasional Asian girl wearing a mask in an airport - to which I would muster up the nastiest sounding cough I could when walking by them)
While a noticeable number more are going maskless outdoors and even on the train, we are still at statistical 100% mask usage in the Tokyo area despite the government recommending that masks NOT be worn out doors and now even indoors if not talking.
Two and a half years of this Faucing madness. Getting to the point where I am hoping to go mad so as to keep my blood pressure down.
Add masks and we can then say ask, “or all the above?”
THE FUCKING MASKS!..............
No no no. You are out of date. It should be, “THE FAUCING MASKS!” Most are still wearing them here in Japan. More and more retail stores are requiring them of customers.
Just like in Thailand. I get furious when I see people (especially children) in masks. At least they’ve stopped requiring it in most public places.
My wife and our child are among those who loudly yell at me to wear a mask. I do not. Rarely even have one on me.
There are good lists of many dozens of good studies showing they don't work. Any chance you could get your family to look at them?
BAA! I am Faucing certified in respirators and they do not give a flying fauci. There is a body of research into their effectiveness that is a century long, yet they and the vast majority of humanity do not give a Fauci. The do as they are told, like good little sheep.
Yes, I AM furious…but not at you.
The maskies here love to point out how Asian countries wear masks (the only evidence I have seen of this is the occasional Asian girl wearing a mask in an airport - to which I would muster up the nastiest sounding cough I could when walking by them)
As them why they don't wear burkhas - heavy cloth on top of the mask must protect even more, right?
While a noticeable number more are going maskless outdoors and even on the train, we are still at statistical 100% mask usage in the Tokyo area despite the government recommending that masks NOT be worn out doors and now even indoors if not talking.
Two and a half years of this Faucing madness. Getting to the point where I am hoping to go mad so as to keep my blood pressure down.
I love you!
The fucking mask !!!!!
That's what the crowd were wearing in some of the racy scenes in the very disturbing movie "Eyes Wide Shut."
They come in handy for lootathons too.