I have the misfortune of living near DC. Anecdotally, the Vaxxed I know are getting covid like crazy. Not problematic, because they are young and healthy, but definitely out of season. And of course, they blame it on relaxing mask mandates in the area. It’s always the “unmasked” fault. It’s rampant on the neighborhood email lists. How would one concisely point out how idiotic this is without getting angry? Because I have a very hard time not getting incensed when I read this bullshit.
I live in the DC suburbs too (Loudoun, Va) and the people I know getting the virus are then rushing out quickly to get their booster. hahahahahahaha hahahahaha
My brother in law had his 4th jab (in the UK) last month and seemed very pleased. When I said "oh, so the other 3 haven't worked then?" he didn't look quite so pleased. He's had persistent headaches since (and of course doesn't know why!). Not good when you're 80 yo.
My Uncle is 96 and had 4th jab even though he is a retired farmer with a rocking immune system as a result. Seems he's okay though and still has more "marbles" than me at 65!
We are in year 3 of this "pandemic". When was the last multi-year flu pandemic?
Last year I was wondering how long it takes of doing the same things and not getting the desired result before even the true followers start to wonder.
Well, I know it's more than 3 years :-(
Doing what you've already done while expecting different results. This is a working definition of insane.
Now the WHO is going to make the use of NPI'S their 1st response to any "pandemic" and override sovereign states. At a moment's notice they can close down whole countries.
I overheard a woman telling her friends, "I just recovered from Covid. Fortunately I'm vaccinated so it was just a flu for me, but it really was my fault because I'm overdue for my fourth shot."
Yes, Mark. Here in Loudoun County many are still wearing masks, N 95s outside alone even. Nutty. I am never wearing a mask again. ever. I made a few two years ago out of some silly fabric with sheep on them. I wore those for a few times to make people happy, but they are, as all are, worthless.
But, are the masked staring condescendingly down upon the unmasked?
That's the scene here in CA. Unless you're sitting at a table in a restaurant which, apparently, stops the virus in it's tracks. But if you're sitting next to the same person in car, on a plane, or in line at the market, the virus jumps like a toad on methamphetamine! That's SCIENCE!
Odd! I don't know if it applies to the Covid-19 "vaccines," but I seem to recall that with traditional inoculations, one of the specific questions is to inquire if one has had a fever or infection some days earlier. If so, the shot is postponed. I fear for the Covidians, at least for their health. Anyone trusting these biologics, a year and a half into their use, is probably going to pay a high price in their future. ☹
Heart issues were already the number one killer, this is increasing those numbers.
The spike protein is said to be inflammatory which could cause a number of different conditions, depending on the concentrations in various parts of the body.
I too live among the vaxxhards. I’ve sort of been approaching it as an anthropologist and observing their strange customs. other times I just hang out all unvaxxed and not hospitalized or dead. it’s not a perfect strategy but it is working for me.
dems are booing him ... but who cares what they think. trump saved millions with mRNA vaxx that would have never been approved without his strong leadership.
dr. fauci smartly did not attend that event. smart guy, good to have him in charge, wonder though for how long given his age, fast approaching 90s. only hope the gov. is making it worthwhile to stay in public service, when he can get plenty of taka in private sector.
Highest paid fed (payroll). Add his patent royalty $$$$, and he is not hurting. He gets to wield his little man syndrome easily while employed. Won't get that as much in the civilian world. He loves the adulation and power.
I know! When I pushed back to one of these people on a neighborhood listserv and asked what her explanation is for the current rise when masks were dropped last May as well, I was told it is because it is more contagious now, and all the scientists agree that masks work. Really? ALL? Wow. Well, you can guess, that shut me right up and put me in my place. *eye roll*
same here in Oregon. So sad. Clearly, they are only buying the NYT, OPB, CDC narrative. I have a 19 y.o. that has taken all my energy to convince to not get jabbed. She'll vote DEM, nevertheless because that's what most 19 y.o. believe it's the "right" path. Today at my son's high school track meet, I saw an athlete warming up with his mask on!! I just wanted to scream. UGH!! Parents are not only allowing this but their silence is misleading our young people.
Oddly, here in Montgomery County -- hitherto the darkest heart of Faucistan -- nobody seems to be talking about Covid anymore. Even the "get jabbed/boosted" notices on social media become very perfunctory.
The County Exec still does a weekly briefly, makes occasional noises about maybe bringing back masks at some point, etc. -- but I suspect he's just paying lip service to lock down the Covid hysteric vote in the upcoming primary. Nobody's actually doing anything or investing any political capital in it.
Yes, I am surprised too. My sister lives there. What a crazy county. Once it was the Snazziest County in MD, and now it is infiltrated with illegals and immigrants just tossed in for good measure from our good government.
Your Governor made some speech in CA today. I found it rather insulting
I grew up in Montgomery Co. It used to be a wonderful place to live....and I’m not exaggerating. Now it’s a dump. Sure there are still nice spots but overall local government policies have wrecked it. Seems like the rich and their servants are all that are left.
I grew up right across the Potomac. I concur. I still have one remaining relative further north. But most of the family is long dead or moved away (to California, but what do you expect from lifelong Democrats???) Of course many cities could vie for the prize, but it's really disappointing to watch once gorgeous regions go to shit, over a period of many decades. And by reports, things were changing even before my time. I would not piss on Washington DC [area] if it were on fire. Good riddance.
Idiotic? What amazes me is the mental gymnastics required to remain loyal to the narrative.
"The unmasking is the reason I got sick!"
"Are you vaccinated?"
"Of course, because I believe in SCIENCE!"
"So how does someone else's mask choice affect you, you're protected by the vaccine"
"NO! Those evil unmakers are more powerful than any vaccine! But I didn't DIE because I'm vaccinated. It's SCIENCE"
"But that's not how vaccines work. They immunize the person who took the vaccine"
"MISINFORMATION! Vaccines don't keep you from getting sick,. That's a right-wint trumpian poluted lie.
"Wait..if vaccines don't immunize, then what is the point of the vaccine?"
"they're SCIENCE! You must beleive in the SCIENCE and SCIENCE says vaccines work! It's the only way we can stop this deadly virus!"
"But you just said vaccines don't work to stop infection, so how can they stop the spread of a virus they don't immunize you against?"
"DEMON ANTI VAXER, BE GONE! I invoke the name of the great and powerful SCIENCE to banish you and your impure thoughts!"
"So this is really about faith and belief, like religion, then"
"Religion is BAD, it brainwashes people into believing things that don't make sense!"
"So blindly following what CNN has told you is SCIENCE while ignoring decades of research and recent data, shutting down any line if inquiry that questions your belief, and declaring anything that doesn't fit what you have decided to believe 'misinformation' is nothing like blindly following a religious doctrine and declaring anyone who doesn't a witch and burning them?"
"Not the same thing. Denier! Misinformation spreader! In the name of the GREATER GOOD be GONE!"
So, I'll give you the Big Pharma take from a kind of friend who manages mRNA clinical trials. She is not a stupid person, but she is in mass formation psychosis, aka brainwashing. I suspect many others in the lower levels of Big Pharma are as well.
A week ago, I texted her a study from Dr. McCullough about the innate immune system being destroyed by the vaxxines and asked her opinion. First, she said it doesn't matter, because C0VID has killed millions and there are NO OTHER medical solutions outside of vaxxines. NONE. The only solution are injections. She believes C0VID is fatal, even though my husband and I both had version 1.0 before the injections were available. I didn't even go to the doctor and cured it myself. She also claimed that they were publishing just to get attention, and that the study funding was likely compromised.
BTW... she is currently working on mRNA for flu, shingles and pneumonia. That's the next plan. More gene therapy for the proles. Her mid 20's son is having major cognitive issues; she blames "long C0VID." I suspect he is vaxxine damaged. But.. she won't/can't accept that, so I haven't told her. She is what some would call a lost cause.
I had a friend who is a researcher for a pharma company, we had a little chat at a BBQ a couple of weeks ago (lots of masks outside?!?!) about why the FDA-Pfizer needed 75 years to release a study. He said it was because Trumpers would not believe the science, so the FDA was protecting the vaccinated. When I reminded him Trump was responsible for Warp Speed, I could see his brain explode inside his skull. Ironically, he unfriendly me on FB, agter a huge tirade abiut how I was spreading misinformation. He didn't name me, but went into great detail about the discussion, I just wish I had seen it before his wife made him take it down.
A while back I sent my friend a substack on the unblinding of test subjects. She had an easy answer for that: "We had to give the unvaxxinated a vaxxination because if we didn't, they would die." You see, covid is fatal in her world. We're still friends... for now. Or maybe we're not and I just haven't figured it out.
The tragedy of this is how brain washed the average person in us/Europe is regarding the severity of the illness as well as the hopeless state created by vehement opposition to any intervention other than vents, remdesivir and dexamethasone - all imposed at late stage hospitalization with relatively little effect. Imagine if we treated pneumonia, flu or other respiratory infectious process in the same manner. With invermectin dismissed a horse paste and hydroxychloroquine similarly scourged - parents, elders and adolescents have been instilled with a primal fear that covid=death or severe, long term impairment.
Right! And doctors are going through a harsh environment too. If they do acknowledge vaccine side effects or if they want to treat differently, their license is threatened. I would hope they would be more courageous than they are tho.
While I haven't read the substack, that gets into questions of what is "ethical." The main problem with ethics (morals, law, etc.) is that it's completely arbitrary. Yes, standards exist, but they are subject to change. To use an extreme example, look at some of the gruesome scientific experiments the Nazis conducted on human subjects. (Yes, some of them were "scientific" in the sense that it was scientists testing a hypothesis and collecting data.) Problem: many of these experiments were cruel and unusual. Only evil Nazis do such? Oh, but I beg to differ. Here in the West, research was done decades ago that would by no means be permitted today. LSD given to unsuspecting victims? Tuskegee Experiment? Live biological agents and hard radiation expose to soldiers and even civilians?
Now back to the slightly more tame case of randomized controlled trials. When, if ever, is it "moral" to unblind the control group? I'm sure many arguments could be made, but it seems to me here are some obvious ones:
IF it were true that the control group were really at risk of serious injury or death, then yes, probably give them the drug or whatever potion is under test. This I believe, was exactly the case when Penicillin was first discovered and being trialed. The results were so positive, it was decided to treat the controls, because to refuse that would have condemned many patients to deaths by infection.
However, with a case like Covid-19, the case is much weaker. Even at its worst, the disease has (maybe) a 0.16% fatality rate (of population; this is my reference). Abandoning the control group is inexcusable in such a trial, and should have immediately called into question the ethics and the motivations of those conducting the trials. If the expected fatality rate had been 50% or even 10%, a far stronger case could have been made.
Problem: it's not just the control group that was blinded, it was the entire system of science/medicine ethics and objective research that has been blinded. Remember how I said that ethics is a rubber standard?
It is so challenging for covidians to take in any alternate information. It is HUGE cognitive dissonance to them, so uncomfortable. So they defend, defend, defend.
"we had a little chat at a BBQ a couple of weeks ago (lots of masks outside?!?!"
Their reason is probably not the same as mine, but I'm going to keep wearing a mask during allergy season. If you don't have severe allergies, then you don't know how good you have it. I didn't know how bad I had it until my allergies went away once I started masking up.
Check out pollen.com. It will show the pollen counts in your specific area, and you can mask or not mask, depending on the pollens and/or counts in your area. I live in a wooded area and masked up the other day when I was working in the yard and my allergens were very high.
Thanks, my area is in the high zone today, though the cars being covered in green makes it pretty obvious, haha. Yeah, I'm always in a mask when doing yard work now. Not exactly fun on 90+ degree days, and I'm sure I look like a fool to passersby, but it spares me days of sinus misery.
I suspect it's worse than that. She doesn't understand a thing because her ego couldn't take accepting the fact of what stupid choices she's made and how she contributed to her son's problems.
This describes the entire field of virology and vaccinology. Quackcination is toxic and of no benefit to anyone. It may appear to benefit by suppressing symptoms and/or halting the healing process, but that is temporary as is becoming more and more obvious.
This is yet another example of you being (in my opinion) too dogmatic.
[Quick lesson in Critical Thinking: Any time you see what appears to be a categorical statement, be especially wary. There are very, very few absolutes in life. When someone is being categorical, they are probably being dogmatic, and thus an extra burden of proof should be required.]
Unless I misunderstand you, you are condemning all vaccines, as well as the science that led to them. All vaccines through history are "bad"? All of them without exception have more risk than benefit? I find that rather hard to believe. Now, I'll be the first to admit that there have been horrible vaccines, as well as other medications, that had disastrous, sometimes fatal side effects. And beyond all doubt, the "warp speed" roll-out of the Covid-19 "vaccines" broke a lot of rules and to no one's surprise (here at least) they are at best a disappointment, at worst a looming public health disaster, perhaps the worst of all time. But there's a very important point: they broke the rules, long-established standards of scientific proof, to show safety or even efficacy.
There will always be a bad apple or two. But isn't it a bit extreme to swear off all apples just because a few are rotten? Wouldn't a more reasonable approach be to carefully examine each apple before one consumes it?
You can call it dogmatic if you like, but when I see the following:
>>Incidence of disease had already fallen significantly before the associated quackcines were introduced
>>ingredients are toxic
>>Inadequate testing for approval in comparison to drugs
>>No liability on the part of the manufacturers
>>A database exists to track injury and death resulting from injection
>>A court was created to assess cases of injury and death
>>Billions of dollars have been paid out in claims
>>According to RFK's book the incidence of children in America that are suffering from chronic disease has risen since Fauci took his position
>>Scores of books written on quackcine harm
>>Many organizations exists to call attention to the harm from quackcines including RFK's Children's Health Defense
>>If the science were definitive and the benefits clearly visible, people would not have to be coerced to submit to injection
>>the product would almost certainly fail in the marketplace if it were not forced by the authorities
Robert Kennedy Jr: "Reagan actually said to the companies, 'Why don't you just make the vaccines safe?' And Wyeth (previously known as Pfizer) said, 'Because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,' and that phrase, 'unavoidably unsafe,' is in the preamble to the Vaccine Act."
So yes, I feel comfortable stating all quackcines are toxic and are of no benefit, until someone can provide evidence for one that is of benefit.
All of this is to protect against what is thought to be a non living particle that is said to be transmissible and to causes disease with no proof of any of the aforementioned.
Alex Beresen recently published Flu data showing that as flu vaccine intake has increased massively in the last few decades overall flu cases have not been reduced.
Well apart from since 2020 of course where the flu has all but disappeared.
The more you pull back from the official narratives pumped out by mega corporations who make billions upon billions every year pushing their drugs the easier it is to doubt so much about what we are told.
I don't know the truth however I know for a fact that the vaccine pushers lied about their covid vaccines being effective. Their own data showed they did nothing to stop moderate to severe infection which was exposed very early on by Dr Richard Fleming.
If they were willing to lie about their covid vaccine then everything else they push is suspect.
Sad, but she has bought into the technocrat vision of science being able to come up with tech to solve problems that cannot be solved with a magic shot. Quackcines are toxic, those who do not realize this will suffer if their body cannot detox effectively.
Your points are valid. I would expand them to say the problem is not so much that a certain approach isn't working well (e.g. mRNA acting as a vaccine) rather the issue is the "sunk cost fallacy." Billions have been spent on research funding, salaries, campaign contributions, and so forth. It's very hard for an individual, much less thousands of professionals, billionaires, corporations, agencies, etc. to admit they were wrong. Of course, a lot of the mal-investment could have been avoided if traditional testing had been done, but there was a purported emergency, and easy money to be made. There is much else wrong too, but that is enough lecturing for the present.
You would be insulting her to suggest the kid is vax damaged - I betcha she'd get super angry and never speak to you again... how dare you!!! These injections are SAFE! (and effective)
Just got it, it was like a mild cold, one day of chills and that was it. Since the vaxnuts always attribute their mild symptoms to the vaccine, I will go ahead and attribute mine to months of prophylactic Vit C, Vit D, Zinc + Quercetin and horse paste (the human version).
I was also on the Vitamins --but no Ivermectin -- when I got Alpha in 2021. I was symptomatic for 2 days, and I am in a high-risk group due to my advanced age. Vitamin D saves lives, it is terrible that our public health departments do not instruct people to take it.
Same here. Mild case January 2021. Runny nose and evening fever. I’m 74 this year. I began up regulating my immune system immediately in march 2020. Plus turned every MSM source off. Listening only to my alternative health blogs which started putting 2 + 2 together that first summer. I knew the mRNA jabs were not for me that summer so I could keep my eyes open for more info.
We did the same thing. We've not been "safe" since the summer of 2020 and have been exposed and contact traced many times. It's annoying when that happens because it limits my activity for a week because I really would feel terrible if I were a typhoid mary.
Robert, I appreciate your comment, but I believe your thought illustrates one of the fundamental problems with COVID. People have been led to believe that they can become "Thyphoid Marys". That is not the mechanism of spread with respiratory viruses. We never in the past had been concerned of becoming "Thyphoid Marys" for flu or common cold. "Asymptomatic Transmission" is BS. Thyphoid Mary was a completely different matter; different disease. She was a CHRONIC carrier of a bacterium that she would spread by handling food. Please, if you get sick, stay at home. If you feel well, don't worry about Mary.
Thank you for saying that. I was getting ready to go on a rant. Lol. Asymptomatic spread of "covid" or any other related respiratory virus is nearly impossible. I can't believe people don't know that if they are not coughing and gurgling and hacking they will not "spread 'covid'". And since when in human history have most of us ever even left the house when we were sick enough to spread an illness? I can't believe there are still people that don't know this.
I agree that asymptomatic transmission is BS. Where is the study that proves that respiratory viruses are spread? If virology refuses to isolate a virus when they have the technological capability to do so, why should we believe them? Who benefits from the virus fable that we are being told?
I hear ya. But, we're all a bit superstitious at times. You know, step on a crack, break your mothers back and all that. I'm less in the germ theory camp and more in the terrain theory. Like 20% germ and the balance terrain. Given that, if I wander around mildly- nearly imperceptibly symptomatic because my terrain is like salted earth, but I spread the seed to some poor bastard who is fertile to the infection then I would regret that interaction. And we're often times mildly symptomatic during the spring. Pollen! Peace!
I would too so I’m very cognizant of my health in groups. I had a funny throat and tired once before a party of olds like me. I stayed home. But the olds got Covid from that party from each other anyway. Jabbed and boosted.
Not to worry, there is no proof that anyone carries a virus. First they have to prove that viruses exist. Then they have to prove contagion. Then they have to prove pathogenicity. Scorecard so far is they are batting 0.
You can get your antibodies tested at LabCorp for $10 without a doctor's order. That might be worth it for you to know that you already had a mild or asymptomatic case -- and that your body is now a COVID killing machine. That way you would not have to quarantine every time you were exposed.
I take "reasonable" amounts, one of my 4 daily vitamin/mineral pills. It's worth mentioning that D is an example of a substance that must be taken over a long period of time. You can't just take a handful suddenly when you take the notion into your head. This is probably true of the other fat soluble vitamins like A and ...? It's not just the vitamin/drug/etc. that's important -- it's also knowing the proper dosing. I like the extremely valid example of oral antibiotics. If the doctor prescribes one pill daily for ten days, that is what you should do. Taking all the pills at once will probably produce unhappy results for you. Stopping the pills after three days because you "feel better" will probably go badly for you too, although it will make the bacteria very happy...
Not to be contrary but a few millenia back, before covid, my as yet un- fully brainwashed medical resident gave me what he called a "bolus" of D, 50,000 units to be taken weekly for 6 weeks. You can get the bolus over the counter or by prescription. We are all deficient even in summer unless we are at certain latitudes. (My brother, who drives a convertible in Petaluma CA, can't get his levels up naturally.) There's even an app now to measure your levels for you. https://vitamindforall.org/letter.html Just saying as it can mean the difference between dying and not.
" We now have an entire urgent care staff – including 2 MDs – who are all COVID positive. I am not just swamped – I am torpedoed.
Cases in my practice last week were up again – 88 in total. Not a single unvaxxed patient, 48 double vaxxed, 22 with one booster, and 18 with 2 booster. No vaxxed, No J&J, and no partial vaxxed.
Thankfully, no admissions. Just like last year, long phase of very mild illness.
One theory I have heard and made me think – is maybe all the unvaxxed vulnerable have died and all the unvaxxed we have left are young and healthy. I do not think so – still seeing lots of unvaxxed with risk factors in the office every day.
I have now gone two months without seeing a single unvaxxed patient. In an attempt to see if somehow this was just me, I contacted family practice docs in each of our surrounding counties with much lower VAX rates – on the order of 30-40%. Both had the same story – the absolute number of cases was WAY higher than this time last year……but in one county he had seen only 1 unvaxxed patient since MAR 1, the other county doc had seen only 7.
Something is very very wrong. Again, cases are way higher than last year and virtually all are among the VAXXED. I learned this week that in the official reporting, all of the double vaxxed only patients are being sent in as UNVAXXED – so it appears our unvaxxed rate is about 50%. But as I have explained above, that is completely misleading. The truly UNVAXXED are not the problem here. Furthermore, the numbers being reported are doing good to being 1/6 of the total. Almost all are on home or rapid tests. But unfortunately, as of this weekend, on the Drudge Report running 7 day counter – we are now seeing higher official numbers than last year. You just have to multiply by 6 on this years’s number to get close to accurate – so we are in a whole new world.
Now, I have attached an article from the paper over this weekend [contains anecdotes of many getting Covid and isolating]. Please note – this is in stark contrast to last year. I tracked down the first article of the year last year of an “unexpected surge” – which was published the week after JULY 4 – so we are two months ahead. The cases were MUCH lower last year – and we were still in the “vaccines have solved everything” mode.
All I can say is that quite a few of early vaccine publicity materials such as ones that said HCWs would become “bulletproof” did not age well – and would be considered misinformation today. These people are never going to be able to take back this stain on the reputation of public health. “Vaccination is like a superpower”…..and the nurse explaining that she was doing the VAX to get to visit her mom.
Again, in the attached article – one year later, the NH [nursing home] is in lockdown – and has been since March. Multiple patients from there with COVID in and out of the ER and hospital. All quadruple vaxxed.
Now, the scary part. The doctor’s meeting this last week was on FRI – everyone is noticing this too. Almost universally, the positive patients are vaxxed/boosted. And at my medical conference, this same pattern is being noted everywhere. The medical conference speaker had a long talk about Original Antigenic Sin and how this may be playing a role. There was also an open discussion about withholding the 4th shot until June – because JUL and AUG historically have been the bad months – and the shots are doing well to last a month. Also – a big discussion ensued as to whether the truly unvaxxed were safer in their current status. Still no resolution there – lots of arguments back and forth.
This I can tell you. We already have entire countries, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, abandoning their VAX programs – clearly largely because of what we are seeing. But there is something all of a sudden missing from press articles – that has been there for.a year – look at this attached one from small town America – not a word about getting vaccinated or boosted – not a peep. Not a peep about the advantage of vaccination, etc. I think the lack of mention is the first step.
Just look at these three random large articles. For a year now – every article would be stuffed with either entreaties to be vaccinated or jeremiads against the losers who were not. All of a sudden the past few weeks – NOTHING OF THE SORT.
I may be cynical from years of Big Pharma PsyOps. But something is up. I think there is growing realization of a big problem.
I had to stop reading nakedcapitalism over a year ago because they all thought they were so smart and doing such great analysis yet they were completely bought into the official narrative and wouldn't hear anything besides. even the doc whose post you copy/pasted is soooooo slow to catch on. even now.
Just got an email. High school in my very blue northeastern NJ town now has a spike of positives so they are bringing back a mask mandate for at least a week. Oy and vey.
I have the misfortune of living near DC. Anecdotally, the Vaxxed I know are getting covid like crazy. Not problematic, because they are young and healthy, but definitely out of season. And of course, they blame it on relaxing mask mandates in the area. It’s always the “unmasked” fault. It’s rampant on the neighborhood email lists. How would one concisely point out how idiotic this is without getting angry? Because I have a very hard time not getting incensed when I read this bullshit.
I live in the DC suburbs too (Loudoun, Va) and the people I know getting the virus are then rushing out quickly to get their booster. hahahahahahaha hahahahaha
Haha, yes! It never ceases to amaze me how they don’t ever think to themselves, “Maybe this isn’t working…?”
Honestly, it is SAD. Very very sad.
Stay strong and happy, Wyatt
You too, Rosemary!
My brother in law had his 4th jab (in the UK) last month and seemed very pleased. When I said "oh, so the other 3 haven't worked then?" he didn't look quite so pleased. He's had persistent headaches since (and of course doesn't know why!). Not good when you're 80 yo.
oh myyyy. and 80! Too bad. My daddy is 98 and has had all 4 jabs now. Just got the 4th yesterday. He complains of brain fog.
My Uncle is 96 and had 4th jab even though he is a retired farmer with a rocking immune system as a result. Seems he's okay though and still has more "marbles" than me at 65!
We are in year 3 of this "pandemic". When was the last multi-year flu pandemic?
Last year I was wondering how long it takes of doing the same things and not getting the desired result before even the true followers start to wonder.
Well, I know it's more than 3 years :-(
Doing what you've already done while expecting different results. This is a working definition of insane.
Now the WHO is going to make the use of NPI'S their 1st response to any "pandemic" and override sovereign states. At a moment's notice they can close down whole countries.
I overheard a woman telling her friends, "I just recovered from Covid. Fortunately I'm vaccinated so it was just a flu for me, but it really was my fault because I'm overdue for my fourth shot."
I drove to the airport yesterday. I saw dozens of people, alone in their cars, wearing masks.
there is a website that tracks idiots like this https://patriots.win/p/15HbbQFDqY/my-vaccine-posts--part-4/
I think the guy that posts all these should make a book out of them. they are very interesting reading....
OMG these are priceless. Does he have a back up site I hope?
Montgomery County, Md. here....you go to the grocery store and at least half are still wearing masks......
Yes, Mark. Here in Loudoun County many are still wearing masks, N 95s outside alone even. Nutty. I am never wearing a mask again. ever. I made a few two years ago out of some silly fabric with sheep on them. I wore those for a few times to make people happy, but they are, as all are, worthless.
Ooooh! 💕💜💗💖💞 the idea! Note to self: buy sheep 🐑 🐑🐑 print fabric and make me some masks!!!
Don't undersell your efforts. You can probably repurpose the fabric :-)
But, are the masked staring condescendingly down upon the unmasked?
That's the scene here in CA. Unless you're sitting at a table in a restaurant which, apparently, stops the virus in it's tracks. But if you're sitting next to the same person in car, on a plane, or in line at the market, the virus jumps like a toad on methamphetamine! That's SCIENCE!
Odd! I don't know if it applies to the Covid-19 "vaccines," but I seem to recall that with traditional inoculations, one of the specific questions is to inquire if one has had a fever or infection some days earlier. If so, the shot is postponed. I fear for the Covidians, at least for their health. Anyone trusting these biologics, a year and a half into their use, is probably going to pay a high price in their future. ☹
They're poisoned, not vaxxed, and what they have is immune disorder, not covid19.
agree. It is not a vaccine in any sense of the word. It is a ... a shot of poison. Agree
At the very least quackcines are toxic.
For some it could be enough to push them over the edge into chronic illness or death.
For some it could reduce fertility or outright sterilize.
See this post: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-as-the-aschen-agenda?s=r
Heart issues were already the number one killer, this is increasing those numbers.
The spike protein is said to be inflammatory which could cause a number of different conditions, depending on the concentrations in various parts of the body.
I too live among the vaxxhards. I’ve sort of been approaching it as an anthropologist and observing their strange customs. other times I just hang out all unvaxxed and not hospitalized or dead. it’s not a perfect strategy but it is working for me.
trump got boosted and his is fine ... so what ...
And you know that, how?
dems are booing him ... but who cares what they think. trump saved millions with mRNA vaxx that would have never been approved without his strong leadership.
That doesn't prove anything. He can say he got it, but unless I can personally verify it was actually an mRNA shot, it means nothing.
I likee… 👍🏽…
It never ceases to amaze me how healthy people can suddenly infect the vaccinated with a disease they don't even have.
Particularly since the magic mRNA ju-ju medicine is supposed to stop them getting infected.
Apparently half the Washington press corps infected each other with Covid at the dumb press gala. So you can at least have a laugh at that.
Also, Covid might be mild once, or twice, but continually getting reinfected is still likely to be bad news. Igor Chudov often presses this point.
dr. fauci smartly did not attend that event. smart guy, good to have him in charge, wonder though for how long given his age, fast approaching 90s. only hope the gov. is making it worthwhile to stay in public service, when he can get plenty of taka in private sector.
Highest paid fed (payroll). Add his patent royalty $$$$, and he is not hurting. He gets to wield his little man syndrome easily while employed. Won't get that as much in the civilian world. He loves the adulation and power.
And the amount of young people wearing their masks everywhere.
I know! When I pushed back to one of these people on a neighborhood listserv and asked what her explanation is for the current rise when masks were dropped last May as well, I was told it is because it is more contagious now, and all the scientists agree that masks work. Really? ALL? Wow. Well, you can guess, that shut me right up and put me in my place. *eye roll*
😂🤣😂🤣 Thank-you for the laugh! The "*eye roll*" is perfect!
same here in Oregon. So sad. Clearly, they are only buying the NYT, OPB, CDC narrative. I have a 19 y.o. that has taken all my energy to convince to not get jabbed. She'll vote DEM, nevertheless because that's what most 19 y.o. believe it's the "right" path. Today at my son's high school track meet, I saw an athlete warming up with his mask on!! I just wanted to scream. UGH!! Parents are not only allowing this but their silence is misleading our young people.
Oddly, here in Montgomery County -- hitherto the darkest heart of Faucistan -- nobody seems to be talking about Covid anymore. Even the "get jabbed/boosted" notices on social media become very perfunctory.
The County Exec still does a weekly briefly, makes occasional noises about maybe bringing back masks at some point, etc. -- but I suspect he's just paying lip service to lock down the Covid hysteric vote in the upcoming primary. Nobody's actually doing anything or investing any political capital in it.
That surprises me in Montgomery! But is encouraging!
Wait until the elections are over.
Yes, I am surprised too. My sister lives there. What a crazy county. Once it was the Snazziest County in MD, and now it is infiltrated with illegals and immigrants just tossed in for good measure from our good government.
Your Governor made some speech in CA today. I found it rather insulting
I grew up in Montgomery Co. It used to be a wonderful place to live....and I’m not exaggerating. Now it’s a dump. Sure there are still nice spots but overall local government policies have wrecked it. Seems like the rich and their servants are all that are left.
I grew up right across the Potomac. I concur. I still have one remaining relative further north. But most of the family is long dead or moved away (to California, but what do you expect from lifelong Democrats???) Of course many cities could vie for the prize, but it's really disappointing to watch once gorgeous regions go to shit, over a period of many decades. And by reports, things were changing even before my time. I would not piss on Washington DC [area] if it were on fire. Good riddance.
Idiotic? What amazes me is the mental gymnastics required to remain loyal to the narrative.
"The unmasking is the reason I got sick!"
"Are you vaccinated?"
"Of course, because I believe in SCIENCE!"
"So how does someone else's mask choice affect you, you're protected by the vaccine"
"NO! Those evil unmakers are more powerful than any vaccine! But I didn't DIE because I'm vaccinated. It's SCIENCE"
"But that's not how vaccines work. They immunize the person who took the vaccine"
"MISINFORMATION! Vaccines don't keep you from getting sick,. That's a right-wint trumpian poluted lie.
"Wait..if vaccines don't immunize, then what is the point of the vaccine?"
"they're SCIENCE! You must beleive in the SCIENCE and SCIENCE says vaccines work! It's the only way we can stop this deadly virus!"
"But you just said vaccines don't work to stop infection, so how can they stop the spread of a virus they don't immunize you against?"
"DEMON ANTI VAXER, BE GONE! I invoke the name of the great and powerful SCIENCE to banish you and your impure thoughts!"
"So this is really about faith and belief, like religion, then"
"Religion is BAD, it brainwashes people into believing things that don't make sense!"
"So blindly following what CNN has told you is SCIENCE while ignoring decades of research and recent data, shutting down any line if inquiry that questions your belief, and declaring anything that doesn't fit what you have decided to believe 'misinformation' is nothing like blindly following a religious doctrine and declaring anyone who doesn't a witch and burning them?"
"Not the same thing. Denier! Misinformation spreader! In the name of the GREATER GOOD be GONE!"
"Ok thanks for the clarification...."
Spot on. Mad isn’t it?
The greater evil is done in the name of the greater good to mitigate the evil and protect the evil-doer from being punished.
There are none so blind as those who cannot see. You can explain for them but you cannot understand for them.
So, I'll give you the Big Pharma take from a kind of friend who manages mRNA clinical trials. She is not a stupid person, but she is in mass formation psychosis, aka brainwashing. I suspect many others in the lower levels of Big Pharma are as well.
A week ago, I texted her a study from Dr. McCullough about the innate immune system being destroyed by the vaxxines and asked her opinion. First, she said it doesn't matter, because C0VID has killed millions and there are NO OTHER medical solutions outside of vaxxines. NONE. The only solution are injections. She believes C0VID is fatal, even though my husband and I both had version 1.0 before the injections were available. I didn't even go to the doctor and cured it myself. She also claimed that they were publishing just to get attention, and that the study funding was likely compromised.
BTW... she is currently working on mRNA for flu, shingles and pneumonia. That's the next plan. More gene therapy for the proles. Her mid 20's son is having major cognitive issues; she blames "long C0VID." I suspect he is vaxxine damaged. But.. she won't/can't accept that, so I haven't told her. She is what some would call a lost cause.
"...the study funding was likely compromised..."
Hahaha, pot meets kettle.
I had a friend who is a researcher for a pharma company, we had a little chat at a BBQ a couple of weeks ago (lots of masks outside?!?!) about why the FDA-Pfizer needed 75 years to release a study. He said it was because Trumpers would not believe the science, so the FDA was protecting the vaccinated. When I reminded him Trump was responsible for Warp Speed, I could see his brain explode inside his skull. Ironically, he unfriendly me on FB, agter a huge tirade abiut how I was spreading misinformation. He didn't name me, but went into great detail about the discussion, I just wish I had seen it before his wife made him take it down.
What a world.
A while back I sent my friend a substack on the unblinding of test subjects. She had an easy answer for that: "We had to give the unvaxxinated a vaxxination because if we didn't, they would die." You see, covid is fatal in her world. We're still friends... for now. Or maybe we're not and I just haven't figured it out.
I know a woman who has never let her 1.5 year-old go outside without a mask. The insane live amongst us.
Poor baby… child abuse…
That poor child. 😔
child abuse .... poor unlucky child. the sad part is that she does not even know what damage she is causing to her child's immune system.
The tragedy of this is how brain washed the average person in us/Europe is regarding the severity of the illness as well as the hopeless state created by vehement opposition to any intervention other than vents, remdesivir and dexamethasone - all imposed at late stage hospitalization with relatively little effect. Imagine if we treated pneumonia, flu or other respiratory infectious process in the same manner. With invermectin dismissed a horse paste and hydroxychloroquine similarly scourged - parents, elders and adolescents have been instilled with a primal fear that covid=death or severe, long term impairment.
Right! And doctors are going through a harsh environment too. If they do acknowledge vaccine side effects or if they want to treat differently, their license is threatened. I would hope they would be more courageous than they are tho.
These are not friends and you loose nothing if they are not around...
Better to have 1 good one than 100 mediocre ones.
While I haven't read the substack, that gets into questions of what is "ethical." The main problem with ethics (morals, law, etc.) is that it's completely arbitrary. Yes, standards exist, but they are subject to change. To use an extreme example, look at some of the gruesome scientific experiments the Nazis conducted on human subjects. (Yes, some of them were "scientific" in the sense that it was scientists testing a hypothesis and collecting data.) Problem: many of these experiments were cruel and unusual. Only evil Nazis do such? Oh, but I beg to differ. Here in the West, research was done decades ago that would by no means be permitted today. LSD given to unsuspecting victims? Tuskegee Experiment? Live biological agents and hard radiation expose to soldiers and even civilians?
Now back to the slightly more tame case of randomized controlled trials. When, if ever, is it "moral" to unblind the control group? I'm sure many arguments could be made, but it seems to me here are some obvious ones:
IF it were true that the control group were really at risk of serious injury or death, then yes, probably give them the drug or whatever potion is under test. This I believe, was exactly the case when Penicillin was first discovered and being trialed. The results were so positive, it was decided to treat the controls, because to refuse that would have condemned many patients to deaths by infection.
However, with a case like Covid-19, the case is much weaker. Even at its worst, the disease has (maybe) a 0.16% fatality rate (of population; this is my reference). Abandoning the control group is inexcusable in such a trial, and should have immediately called into question the ethics and the motivations of those conducting the trials. If the expected fatality rate had been 50% or even 10%, a far stronger case could have been made.
Problem: it's not just the control group that was blinded, it was the entire system of science/medicine ethics and objective research that has been blinded. Remember how I said that ethics is a rubber standard?
It is so challenging for covidians to take in any alternate information. It is HUGE cognitive dissonance to them, so uncomfortable. So they defend, defend, defend.
"we had a little chat at a BBQ a couple of weeks ago (lots of masks outside?!?!"
Their reason is probably not the same as mine, but I'm going to keep wearing a mask during allergy season. If you don't have severe allergies, then you don't know how good you have it. I didn't know how bad I had it until my allergies went away once I started masking up.
Check out pollen.com. It will show the pollen counts in your specific area, and you can mask or not mask, depending on the pollens and/or counts in your area. I live in a wooded area and masked up the other day when I was working in the yard and my allergens were very high.
Thanks, my area is in the high zone today, though the cars being covered in green makes it pretty obvious, haha. Yeah, I'm always in a mask when doing yard work now. Not exactly fun on 90+ degree days, and I'm sure I look like a fool to passersby, but it spares me days of sinus misery.
Sounds like a case of being motivated not to understand a thing because her livelihood depends on her not understanding it.
I suspect it's worse than that. She doesn't understand a thing because her ego couldn't take accepting the fact of what stupid choices she's made and how she contributed to her son's problems.
This describes the entire field of virology and vaccinology. Quackcination is toxic and of no benefit to anyone. It may appear to benefit by suppressing symptoms and/or halting the healing process, but that is temporary as is becoming more and more obvious.
This is yet another example of you being (in my opinion) too dogmatic.
[Quick lesson in Critical Thinking: Any time you see what appears to be a categorical statement, be especially wary. There are very, very few absolutes in life. When someone is being categorical, they are probably being dogmatic, and thus an extra burden of proof should be required.]
Unless I misunderstand you, you are condemning all vaccines, as well as the science that led to them. All vaccines through history are "bad"? All of them without exception have more risk than benefit? I find that rather hard to believe. Now, I'll be the first to admit that there have been horrible vaccines, as well as other medications, that had disastrous, sometimes fatal side effects. And beyond all doubt, the "warp speed" roll-out of the Covid-19 "vaccines" broke a lot of rules and to no one's surprise (here at least) they are at best a disappointment, at worst a looming public health disaster, perhaps the worst of all time. But there's a very important point: they broke the rules, long-established standards of scientific proof, to show safety or even efficacy.
There will always be a bad apple or two. But isn't it a bit extreme to swear off all apples just because a few are rotten? Wouldn't a more reasonable approach be to carefully examine each apple before one consumes it?
You can call it dogmatic if you like, but when I see the following:
>>Incidence of disease had already fallen significantly before the associated quackcines were introduced
>>ingredients are toxic
>>Inadequate testing for approval in comparison to drugs
>>No liability on the part of the manufacturers
>>A database exists to track injury and death resulting from injection
>>A court was created to assess cases of injury and death
>>Billions of dollars have been paid out in claims
>>According to RFK's book the incidence of children in America that are suffering from chronic disease has risen since Fauci took his position
>>Scores of books written on quackcine harm
>>Many organizations exists to call attention to the harm from quackcines including RFK's Children's Health Defense
>>If the science were definitive and the benefits clearly visible, people would not have to be coerced to submit to injection
>>the product would almost certainly fail in the marketplace if it were not forced by the authorities
Robert Kennedy Jr: "Reagan actually said to the companies, 'Why don't you just make the vaccines safe?' And Wyeth (previously known as Pfizer) said, 'Because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,' and that phrase, 'unavoidably unsafe,' is in the preamble to the Vaccine Act."
So yes, I feel comfortable stating all quackcines are toxic and are of no benefit, until someone can provide evidence for one that is of benefit.
All of this is to protect against what is thought to be a non living particle that is said to be transmissible and to causes disease with no proof of any of the aforementioned.
Alex Beresen recently published Flu data showing that as flu vaccine intake has increased massively in the last few decades overall flu cases have not been reduced.
Well apart from since 2020 of course where the flu has all but disappeared.
The more you pull back from the official narratives pumped out by mega corporations who make billions upon billions every year pushing their drugs the easier it is to doubt so much about what we are told.
I don't know the truth however I know for a fact that the vaccine pushers lied about their covid vaccines being effective. Their own data showed they did nothing to stop moderate to severe infection which was exposed very early on by Dr Richard Fleming.
If they were willing to lie about their covid vaccine then everything else they push is suspect.
Infuriating. She is a deficient human being now. Brain damaged. Avoid her.
Sad, but she has bought into the technocrat vision of science being able to come up with tech to solve problems that cannot be solved with a magic shot. Quackcines are toxic, those who do not realize this will suffer if their body cannot detox effectively.
Your points are valid. I would expand them to say the problem is not so much that a certain approach isn't working well (e.g. mRNA acting as a vaccine) rather the issue is the "sunk cost fallacy." Billions have been spent on research funding, salaries, campaign contributions, and so forth. It's very hard for an individual, much less thousands of professionals, billionaires, corporations, agencies, etc. to admit they were wrong. Of course, a lot of the mal-investment could have been avoided if traditional testing had been done, but there was a purported emergency, and easy money to be made. There is much else wrong too, but that is enough lecturing for the present.
You would be insulting her to suggest the kid is vax damaged - I betcha she'd get super angry and never speak to you again... how dare you!!! These injections are SAFE! (and effective)
and profitable, and immune to prosecution. Too bad they do nothing for the immune system but ruin it ☹😢
Wow, just wow. They're brainwashed.
Book smart can still be stupid. And, she is stupid.
Thou Shalt Have NO OTHER GODS Before Me!!
money ... the root of all evil ... not worth compared to the soul
Actually "...the LOVE of money..." And in fairness, not of ALL evils, but certainly a large percentage of them.
Please, please. please continue with your Vitamin D, Zinc and Quercetin. Get your vaxxed family members to also continue.
Just got it, it was like a mild cold, one day of chills and that was it. Since the vaxnuts always attribute their mild symptoms to the vaccine, I will go ahead and attribute mine to months of prophylactic Vit C, Vit D, Zinc + Quercetin and horse paste (the human version).
I was also on the Vitamins --but no Ivermectin -- when I got Alpha in 2021. I was symptomatic for 2 days, and I am in a high-risk group due to my advanced age. Vitamin D saves lives, it is terrible that our public health departments do not instruct people to take it.
Same here. Mild case January 2021. Runny nose and evening fever. I’m 74 this year. I began up regulating my immune system immediately in march 2020. Plus turned every MSM source off. Listening only to my alternative health blogs which started putting 2 + 2 together that first summer. I knew the mRNA jabs were not for me that summer so I could keep my eyes open for more info.
We did the same thing. We've not been "safe" since the summer of 2020 and have been exposed and contact traced many times. It's annoying when that happens because it limits my activity for a week because I really would feel terrible if I were a typhoid mary.
Robert, I appreciate your comment, but I believe your thought illustrates one of the fundamental problems with COVID. People have been led to believe that they can become "Thyphoid Marys". That is not the mechanism of spread with respiratory viruses. We never in the past had been concerned of becoming "Thyphoid Marys" for flu or common cold. "Asymptomatic Transmission" is BS. Thyphoid Mary was a completely different matter; different disease. She was a CHRONIC carrier of a bacterium that she would spread by handling food. Please, if you get sick, stay at home. If you feel well, don't worry about Mary.
Thank you for saying that. I was getting ready to go on a rant. Lol. Asymptomatic spread of "covid" or any other related respiratory virus is nearly impossible. I can't believe people don't know that if they are not coughing and gurgling and hacking they will not "spread 'covid'". And since when in human history have most of us ever even left the house when we were sick enough to spread an illness? I can't believe there are still people that don't know this.
I agree that asymptomatic transmission is BS. Where is the study that proves that respiratory viruses are spread? If virology refuses to isolate a virus when they have the technological capability to do so, why should we believe them? Who benefits from the virus fable that we are being told?
I hear ya. But, we're all a bit superstitious at times. You know, step on a crack, break your mothers back and all that. I'm less in the germ theory camp and more in the terrain theory. Like 20% germ and the balance terrain. Given that, if I wander around mildly- nearly imperceptibly symptomatic because my terrain is like salted earth, but I spread the seed to some poor bastard who is fertile to the infection then I would regret that interaction. And we're often times mildly symptomatic during the spring. Pollen! Peace!
I would too so I’m very cognizant of my health in groups. I had a funny throat and tired once before a party of olds like me. I stayed home. But the olds got Covid from that party from each other anyway. Jabbed and boosted.
That's how bugs work!
Not to worry, there is no proof that anyone carries a virus. First they have to prove that viruses exist. Then they have to prove contagion. Then they have to prove pathogenicity. Scorecard so far is they are batting 0.
You can get your antibodies tested at LabCorp for $10 without a doctor's order. That might be worth it for you to know that you already had a mild or asymptomatic case -- and that your body is now a COVID killing machine. That way you would not have to quarantine every time you were exposed.
I take "reasonable" amounts, one of my 4 daily vitamin/mineral pills. It's worth mentioning that D is an example of a substance that must be taken over a long period of time. You can't just take a handful suddenly when you take the notion into your head. This is probably true of the other fat soluble vitamins like A and ...? It's not just the vitamin/drug/etc. that's important -- it's also knowing the proper dosing. I like the extremely valid example of oral antibiotics. If the doctor prescribes one pill daily for ten days, that is what you should do. Taking all the pills at once will probably produce unhappy results for you. Stopping the pills after three days because you "feel better" will probably go badly for you too, although it will make the bacteria very happy...
Not to be contrary but a few millenia back, before covid, my as yet un- fully brainwashed medical resident gave me what he called a "bolus" of D, 50,000 units to be taken weekly for 6 weeks. You can get the bolus over the counter or by prescription. We are all deficient even in summer unless we are at certain latitudes. (My brother, who drives a convertible in Petaluma CA, can't get his levels up naturally.) There's even an app now to measure your levels for you. https://vitamindforall.org/letter.html Just saying as it can mean the difference between dying and not.
Congrats. Your fabulous natural immune system kicked in.
A billion years of biology beats Big Pharma's balance sheet billions
I know someone that had chills and stomach upset but didn’t know if it could be COVID or just regular virus. I thought omicron more sore throat…
That’s basically what I had, could be Covid
Thanks. It was my elderly mom-who didn't want to be tested-but now feels fine.
My wife took nothing -- she attributes her mild flu-like symptom to it being similar to a mild flu.
Humaworm Parasite Cleanse
Also keep HCQ or Ivermectin on hand, just in case.
Now that at least 2 states have made ivm otc, I wonder if its time for a little road trip?
I looked at what they’re charging for it and I think I paid much less from India.
What other state besides Tennessee? Might save me another road trip to Mexico!
"IM Doc" reporting at nakedcapitalism.com yesterday from a hospital in I believe is in a southern state. OAS now being discussed between Doctors...
" We now have an entire urgent care staff – including 2 MDs – who are all COVID positive. I am not just swamped – I am torpedoed.
Cases in my practice last week were up again – 88 in total. Not a single unvaxxed patient, 48 double vaxxed, 22 with one booster, and 18 with 2 booster. No vaxxed, No J&J, and no partial vaxxed.
Thankfully, no admissions. Just like last year, long phase of very mild illness.
One theory I have heard and made me think – is maybe all the unvaxxed vulnerable have died and all the unvaxxed we have left are young and healthy. I do not think so – still seeing lots of unvaxxed with risk factors in the office every day.
I have now gone two months without seeing a single unvaxxed patient. In an attempt to see if somehow this was just me, I contacted family practice docs in each of our surrounding counties with much lower VAX rates – on the order of 30-40%. Both had the same story – the absolute number of cases was WAY higher than this time last year……but in one county he had seen only 1 unvaxxed patient since MAR 1, the other county doc had seen only 7.
Something is very very wrong. Again, cases are way higher than last year and virtually all are among the VAXXED. I learned this week that in the official reporting, all of the double vaxxed only patients are being sent in as UNVAXXED – so it appears our unvaxxed rate is about 50%. But as I have explained above, that is completely misleading. The truly UNVAXXED are not the problem here. Furthermore, the numbers being reported are doing good to being 1/6 of the total. Almost all are on home or rapid tests. But unfortunately, as of this weekend, on the Drudge Report running 7 day counter – we are now seeing higher official numbers than last year. You just have to multiply by 6 on this years’s number to get close to accurate – so we are in a whole new world.
Now, I have attached an article from the paper over this weekend [contains anecdotes of many getting Covid and isolating]. Please note – this is in stark contrast to last year. I tracked down the first article of the year last year of an “unexpected surge” – which was published the week after JULY 4 – so we are two months ahead. The cases were MUCH lower last year – and we were still in the “vaccines have solved everything” mode.
All I can say is that quite a few of early vaccine publicity materials such as ones that said HCWs would become “bulletproof” did not age well – and would be considered misinformation today. These people are never going to be able to take back this stain on the reputation of public health. “Vaccination is like a superpower”…..and the nurse explaining that she was doing the VAX to get to visit her mom.
Again, in the attached article – one year later, the NH [nursing home] is in lockdown – and has been since March. Multiple patients from there with COVID in and out of the ER and hospital. All quadruple vaxxed.
Now, the scary part. The doctor’s meeting this last week was on FRI – everyone is noticing this too. Almost universally, the positive patients are vaxxed/boosted. And at my medical conference, this same pattern is being noted everywhere. The medical conference speaker had a long talk about Original Antigenic Sin and how this may be playing a role. There was also an open discussion about withholding the 4th shot until June – because JUL and AUG historically have been the bad months – and the shots are doing well to last a month. Also – a big discussion ensued as to whether the truly unvaxxed were safer in their current status. Still no resolution there – lots of arguments back and forth.
This I can tell you. We already have entire countries, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, abandoning their VAX programs – clearly largely because of what we are seeing. But there is something all of a sudden missing from press articles – that has been there for.a year – look at this attached one from small town America – not a word about getting vaccinated or boosted – not a peep. Not a peep about the advantage of vaccination, etc. I think the lack of mention is the first step.
Just look at these three random large articles. For a year now – every article would be stuffed with either entreaties to be vaccinated or jeremiads against the losers who were not. All of a sudden the past few weeks – NOTHING OF THE SORT.
I may be cynical from years of Big Pharma PsyOps. But something is up. I think there is growing realization of a big problem.
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I had to stop reading nakedcapitalism over a year ago because they all thought they were so smart and doing such great analysis yet they were completely bought into the official narrative and wouldn't hear anything besides. even the doc whose post you copy/pasted is soooooo slow to catch on. even now.
I doubt doctors in the Bay Area would even entertain such thoughts. They’re like zombies. Safe and effective…
The will be absolutely the last. Their practice will have to be dropping dead.
Are the physician's recommending Vit D to their patients?
Just got an email. High school in my very blue northeastern NJ town now has a spike of positives so they are bringing back a mask mandate for at least a week. Oy and vey.
Do not comply.
I personally wouldn’t. Convincing my 18 yo twins to disobey is a harder challenge
Are you kidding? 18 year olds that won't disobey? Wow!
That’s how we know the indoctrination is complete