The discussion between Joe Rogan and Alex Berenson was interesting when they spoke about how those who got the jabs were behaving. Joe explained (paraphrasing), that this was the first time in history where well educated and wealthy people lined up first to take an experimental drug. Instead of even beginning to admit they might have made a mistake, they have turned angry and now everyone has to get the jabs.
My fear was that the regulatory agencies were likewise brainwashed and would continue to green light these shots. This story from Gato gives me hope that people are reckoning that the numbers do not add up.
The FDA panel voted last time 16-2 not to approve the Pfizer booster shots to under 65s. The very long discussion covered many things that would get you booted from Twitter or YouTube; parts of it were like reading gato or Berenson. But the CDC went on to say, screw that, go ahead and take the boosters if you want. So even if the FDA does the right thing again, will it make any difference?
After this extremely negative article, the FDA committee will likely completely ban boosters, at least if they are relatively honest and read the entire report.
This booster actually enhances transmission of covid.
Approve a "vaccine" that makes people sick in 5 months, at TWICE the percentage of the entire country in 1.5 years?
they will leave pfizer in place for "over 65 and high risk" as a catch all and then let people go use them off label if they choose. no pharmacy is going to demand proof of being high risk.
but it WILL make mandating boosters very difficult in the US if they adopt this take.
Yes, perhaps it's best we let nature take its course. The only problem is that they're trying to sign the rest of us up for the award as well. Apparently, a number of the people at Jonestown also didn't want to drink the kool-aid, but they were ultimately forced by the others.
Realistically, even IF our Esteemed Leaders wanted to back out of this vaccine fiasco, how can they? No one ever admits they were wrong. Can you see any plausible way (cover story?) they can get out of the mandates?
You're assuming they actually need a plausible way out of this fiasco. They could come out tomorrow and announce that COVID has been vanquished and hardly anybody would bat an eye. Things would be back to normal within two weeks, if TBTB were so inclined. You're obviously a logical person who is trying to apply reasoning to a situation bereft of either logic or reason.
They can't enforce the mandates now. They never have. Biden's threats and insults have not translated into a single law on paper. Employers are responding to a potential or imagined future threat.
Everything else is happening at the behest of state governors and state public health departments and school boards that have become institutions of nearly entirely autocratic power.
It may be a case of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. Vaccines and other elements rejected by the ‘ignorant’ red state deplorables (I am one) proved to be just the support big pharma needed. Consider that none of the current proponents would do any of this bullying if Trump was in office and pushing the vaccine. Obviously, we just have to be wrong, right?
You make a great point here. When I argue about the dangers of (these) vaccines and against mandates, every single time my attackers frame me up as a red-hat deplorable. I'm not (I'm just politically homeless) but it makes no difference to point that out, or that the group least likely to get these vaccines are black people (a largely non-red hat group held in high ideological esteem by the American Woke). "If THOSE GUYS want X, we want anti-X!" Primal psychology and superb marketing. Edward Bernays is dancing a jig.
Berenson came across much more impressive than he did on Twitter. He should not have defended Trump, unless he's for the end of our system of government, which maybe I should be but doubt it's worth all the bloodshed. I was interested that they played the Keith Olberman bit which I had heard before. How could a reasonable man who was spot on during the election, lose his mind like that? Is it that he and so many others start their reasoning assuming that if everybody gets a couple jabs, that Covid will go away? If so, he didn't do any homework before going rabid on YouTube.
Not to worry my friend, Moderna is not Pfizer, and Pfizer has occupied the government health decision-making. With Janet Woodcock in charge at FDA, it is nothing but meeting Pfizer demands all the way down. Thanks Scott Gottlieb!
The damage that has been done to our society on so many levels is catastrophic, not the least of which is our diminishing trust in government, institutions, and physicians. I’m already considering skipping the flu shot and my yearly physical. Illogical? Not trusting people who lie to me is logical.
Just heard Alex Berenson on Joe Rohan’s podcast talking about the flu shot regarding how if you factor in the age and relative health/unhealth of the very elderly and look at their hospitalization/death outcomes in the 6 months before getting the flu shot it’s turns out to not be measurably different than their outcomes for the 6 months after getting the flu shot. So the actual efficacy of the flu shot seems like it might be much more questionable than I had previously been told and believed. And if that’s true at the upper age range and sickness level, the flu shot is almost certainly far less justifiable for everyone younger and w/o significant severe illness.
Sheryl Atkinson did a report in the mid 2000's while at CBS exposing the flu vaccine. Govt backed research showed in had no effect on the elderly in decreasing deaths.
We are now a country of educated idiots. Higher education looks a lot more like indoctrination than scholarship nowadays. Most college degrees are meaningless unless you're talking about sometime who majored in robotics from MIT or something like that.
Check out the book from Peter goetzsche. Flu shots are not helpful en large for younger folks. There’s a reason the rest of the world only recommends them to the elderly and immunocompromiswd but the USA is cray about them. But most people don’t get them. Media just loves flu shots. 🙄
I have no issues with vaccines. But they better be rather safe and efficient to be worth it.
My faith in medicine has been steadily eroding my whole life with each successive ridiculous experience of a doctor treating me like a statistic, telling me an illness is in my head, and scaring the bejesus out of me with misdiagnoses (no, bronchitis does not = a heart attack). I am healthier than ever with no thanks to mainstream medicine. Paying out of pocket for alternative non-sanctioned help is the best money I’ve spent. With the current fiasco, I have no desire to participate in mainstream medicine ever, or to vote for that matter.
Ya' know the "yearly physical" was created out of thin air - not research - back in the 80's when MBHS (Masters in Business Health Services - or some such *** not wasting time for correct term) became prominent in "managing" practices?
For those working in those places, we (includes Drs. and nurses) knew it was a scam for more money from our patients.
Many (most?) screening exams find nothing, inflict lots of mental anguish on "false" positives and missed problems.
What you all are seeing is the true nature of the sick-care business.
Am old enough that my grandparents were born before 1900. Wasn't so long ago. Our genetic structure has not changed much, if at all. Our food and environment is another story.
Humans survived and in fact thrived, without ever seeing a doctor, let alone a hospital, despite the (mis)information fed to us by our modern day propogandists.
On the subject of screening exams, look at colonoscopies. Turns out, the number of botched procedures resulting in death, equals the number of lives saved finding pre-cancerous growths.
Apparently, this is a uniquely American thing, most of the rest of the world thinks we've gone off the rails with our penchant for colonoscopies.
Highly recommend "Overdiagnosed" by H. Gilbert Welch on the topic of unnecessary screenings and medical interventions, and how so many of the ones we're "supposed to" get result in more harm overall. This really opened my eyes to the issues with American medicine, and I'm glad I read it before the vaccines came out.
...which also apparently cause more cancers than they prevent, something to do with smashing down the boobs to shoot radiation through them isn't good.
Hum, been trying to gear myself up to get my first one because everyone says how if you do no other preventative treatment, you should do a colonoscopy. Guess I'll add this to my long list of things to research.
The fact that this term isn't well known says it all. Plus the fact there are very few laws (state of federal), if any, that hold perpetrators accountable for the CRIMINAL behavior that resulted in death or injury, while they were enriched.
Oxycontin was not a one-off, hate to tell ya. Until we have CRIMINAL laws, this behavior will continue and the billions will be protected by their cronies.
The review found that screening should be recommended only for people with a 15-year risk of colon cancer of 3 percent or above. Mine came out to 1.5%.
Well YMMV. I have had many colonoscopies because I seem to have excessive polyps. So for a long period every six months and I was advised by one GI doc to have my colon removed as a prophylactic measure. I didn't do that but continued the regime. Then one day 10 years after starting they did find a rapidly growing mass. Got it early and now 10 years down the road no recurrence. So from age 50 I had them, at age 70 the colon was gone. It's not quite true that "you really don't need your colon", but you can get around the missing part.
Speaking from (very modest) expertise, no, our genetic structure has not changed in a century AT ALL.
It has arguably not changed for millennia. What has changed is our ontogeny; we are (for most parts of the world) taller, more intelligent, and longer-lived than our forebears not because of our genetic profile but because of improvements to our diet and sanitation.
Genepools have certainly changed with social selection factors over many generations, but the human genome is broadly identical to a forebear from 100,000 years ago.
Dr. Mark Changizi (also, as it happens, an ardent and well-spoken opponent of vaccine, lockdown, and mask mandates), is an evolutionary psychologist, refers to this as the jump from "Human 1.0" to "2.0"- not a biologically different lifeform, but a 1.0 permanently overlaid with the irreducible social and cultural constructs that govern our conduct. (He also discusses what 3.0 will look like).
Except, thanks to modern food our children and grandchildren are shorter, not as smart or fit, and will have a shorter lifespan.
AND what no is talking about, will be diagnosed with neurodegenerative illnesses at much earlier age. Based on the 20-30 year development and the rise in T2D (and other inflammatory diseases) that are being diagnosed in toddlers and elementary school children.
yeah, but what is really scary is the early adult, or worse yet, teenage, onset dementia flood that is heading our way.
Worked too many years in psych practices and know the full ramifications of that horrible condition.
Every T2D is a future dementia patient if they don't get that condition reversed. And yes it is reversible, but that results in drastic reduction of sick-care income.
India and China actually have higher T2D rates, especially children, than we do! Think about the possible ramifications of that fact.
There are better ways to get health care via functional nutritionists, chiropractors, and naturopathic doctors. Just avoid allopathic medicine and you'll be fine. ;-)
This booster study just confirms that healthy people on average, will have a worse time with the vaccine than they will with covid (that they will probably end up getting anyway). How is this not common knowledge by now? How are they still acting like these vaccines work, and trying to force them on people? What is the end game here? Just keep boosting until it's blatantly obvious the vaccines are making everyone sicker?
Depopulation was always the endgame, and these death jabs are perfect for that aim since majority of deaths are removed from the 14 day window which is not even purposely considered for "vaccination" status. The spike in deaths this ADE Season starting in a few weeks will be too far removed from the 2nd death injection, so will not be directly blamed, or that is the hope for the sociopaths. And then the 3-5 years out spike in mortality is even harder to pin on the death shots, or so they hope.
I have no basis for this but I think the rubber meets the road in the completely random chance of whether the jab leaves the injection site in the shoulder where it is supposed to remain vs leaking (there is that word again) out of the injection site and into the circulatory system where it cause damage and even death.
There was a study that came out shortly after the jabs were rolled out where it was shown that 3 out of 11 (not sure if that was the exact tally) had the jab leave the injection site and found the spike in the circulatory system. This would explain to me the seemingly disparate vax induced injury. Many a vax proponent often instruct to look at all the vaxxed that are seemingly fine - you would have to see people dropping like flies if there was an issue - and I think there is some merit to that (notwithstanding any longer term issues) but a random 20%~ instance of the jab leaving the injection site and then an unknown smaller % f that number causing the significant AEs that many of us have focused on makes sense to me.
Complete speculation on my part. I am trying to find that study but as I suspect many here can attest, I have read so many that it is hard to keep track. Had I known this nightmare would have lasted this long, I would have organized a catalog/referencing system.
I could show this to most people in my neighborhood and they would still go down to the hospital banging on the windows begging to be jabbed. I have never seen so many drones on auto-destruct in my life.
Also - very nice breakdown of the study. That 22% infection rate widened my eyes for a second. then it was like "yep". So sad.
Remember that's 22% under the experimental conditions here, HAVING RECEIVED A VACCINE. That's higher than under nearly all naturalistic conditions with no precautions at all.
ADE? Seems so. As a few doctors warned as a possibility. I feel sad for them right up to the point someone screams at me for not wearing a mask or won't ride with me in the car because I am unvaccinated. I cannot imagine living in a lib state right now. Condolences to those stuck there.
I respect the scientific method as much as gato so I won't make an unqualified statement of certainty without backing it up, but for my personal operating principles, yeah, ADE is real and prolific.
I've stopped feeling sad for people that don't feel sad for me, and in doing so have saved my sanity.
If only we would get down to business and figure out why some may be getting ADE (if), why some are getting myo/pericarditis, why some get clots so we could start testing them (at least before getting shots). But since they don't want to even consider natural immunity we are a long way from that turn off.
Just more evidence that the “vaccines” aren’t really about helping people; they’re about helping the drug companies. If they can get the green light to pump more and more into our veins, they will—regardless of need, efficacy, or adverse effects.
The response: So what. They're what we have and they're not COVID, so you're being resistant. Shut up and get vaxxed or die.
Knee-jerk emotional reaction aside: my gut tells me that the numbers around infection rates provided in the above are ABSOLUTELY higher than a naturalistic control. No WAY does COVID spread that consistently outside of (if I recall the past year's data correctly) first-degree passes of family members in close quarters at home.
And that's ON TOP OF vaccine side effects.
My takeaway: these are literally poisons that are labeled vaccines, and we're supposed to be happy that they're merely (most of the time) low-grade poisons. To shut up and obey and inject ourselves with a net negative that we can NEVER TAKE BACK.
I'm guessing the ppl in the Moderna booster trial were not in nursing homes or other close living facilities. So given that (the population that usually gets and spreads it are those who spend a lot of time in close quarters among other at risk ppl) the 22% is more shocking than at first glance.
I share your takeaway - and literally share it when ppl ask me WHY I won't get it. They just stand there slack jawed. Utter disbelief that I could be so stupid.
Every once in a while when I am talking about it (vax, what is resulting, etc) with the one or two others I know are not vaxxed people listen in and I think we are getting through to them. They never hear it in the news and apparently are incurious.
Dear Gato - Your analysis is spot on for most of you write here. I do note your nostalgia for the good old days of the FDA and all those very safe vaccines out there. Of note, these are (somewhat ironically) the first vaccines to ever be tested against an inert placebo. Go check out the trials for the typical childhood vaccines. The “placebo” is either another vaccine or an adjuvant in the vaccine being tested. Also of note, in spite of begging from advocacy groups and basically being told to do so by their own over site body, the FDA and CDC have failed to do any meaningful studies on childhood vaccines and autoimmunity or other chronic illness. We do seem to have rather large numbers of those these days… maybe worth investigating. But probably not.
Thank you!!! I so appreciate someone pointing out the dearth of legitimate safety data behind the 69 doses of vaccines the CDC recommends for American kids today. It’s so disheartening how few people know (or care about?) the facts. I’ve been hoping the smart science-y people being shocked by this Covid sh#tshow will pause long enough to wonder if this actually is the PHarma/FDA/CDC trifecta’s first rodeo. Does nobody wonder how these jabs came to be so quickly bestowed the very same “safe and effective” Teflon narrative that shields the ever-expanding childhood schedule from all scrutiny and critique? Are people really still happy to assume the best behavior of these players on all things vaccine-related until the moment Covid emerged?
Yep, these vaccines are starting to make people step back and wonder if similar stuff is going on with previous vaccines. I tell most people that "anti-vaxxers" share a common origin story. They were pro vax until their child experiences an adverse reaction and the medical community ignores the correlation, even for reactions mentioned in the vax literature. You could call it a red pill moment. What is happening with the COVID-19 vaccines is similar to what young woman experience with Gardisil. Doctors will run labs, everything comes back ok and suggest the child see a shrink.
I hope you're right that people are pausing to question their previous assumptions about "safe and effective." But given how many science types I see still touting how strongly they believe in vaccines, I can't help wondering about their blinders, how they can see what's happening here so clearly and yet not stop to question whether this corruption is really that new and singular to Covid. It seems illogical for all their smarts.
At our local Rite Aid you can march right in and in a loud steady voice tell the pharmacist "I want you to give me a Moderna booster". And he will. Authorized or not.
I used to think that. Then discovered the human race is full of evil surprises. But in the above case - they were doing it for the person's own good so it's OK. ; /
Does anyone know why the boosters haven’t been adapted specifically to Delta? I thought mRNA tech was so fast they could come up with a vax from scratch in just hours. If that’s the case why don’t they have a Delta-adapted booster? Not that I want an Alpha, Delta or Smelta version, just wondering…
Could some of the soulless automatons at the FDA be getting pangs of conscience for their participation in the world's biggest medical scam? And for the oceans of blood on their hands? Are they worried about angry mobs when people find out they've been getting gulled all along?
We live in a land with thousands of Lady Macbeth's waiting for their dark night of the soul to strike.
Here's the smell of the blood still:
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little
Hand. Oh, oh, oh!
The Doctor knows the score:
Foul whisperings are abroad: unnatural deeds
Do breed unnatural troubles: infected minds
To their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets:
At the risk of stating the obvious, yet adding little to your analysis, one should also understand this. At their worst, Moderna is only a mundane pretender to Pfizer. Pfizer is Voldemort. Moderna is a sentient tick on Voldemort's dog's ass with delusions of grandeur. And yet, here we are...
Ever look at photos of the faces of the proud parents of these mRNA vaccines? Stephane Bancel of Moderna appears in the pages of Time magazine wearing the psychopath's smirk. The butt ugly German Turks who came up with the Pfizer potion look like something out of a midnight horror movie on Chiller Theatre in the 60s. The peddlers and inventors of these monstrosities look as ugly as the results. A lot is shown in a face.
(andrew is a gatopal, teaches at brown med school, and is a good source of data)
struggling to find any good aggregates there or any kind of unified look at the data.
these second order effects of the vaccines are so poorly tracked (perhaps by design) that it's going to be years before full society rate data can emerge and even then i'm not sure we'll get to see it.
stands to reason there could be serious issues. the mRNA vaxx teaches cells to code for S proteins and express on cell membrane so your immune system can learn to kill it. it's clearly NOT localized. if you are pregnant, it could wind up coding for S in the cells of the fetus/child. that could cause immune activation against it.
Except they do give pregnant women vaccines. In fact TDaP and flu are both recommended as standard part of prenatal care now in spite of NOT being approved by the FDA for use in pregnancy. There was a vaccine summit of the WHO a few years back where they actually discussed how to get pregnant women more vaccines. I guess this is it - if we create enough fear it becomes easier.
I didn't know they gave pregnant women TDaP Usually women have had it when younger. Certainly no experimental vaccines and no live attenuated. And not requiring a pregnant woman to take any vaccine to work. I hope. We have never forced pregnant women to get experimentals. That is blatant medical malpractice.
Welcome to the brave new world. The way that a lot of these vaccine mandates are written it is getting harder and harder for pregnant women to get exemptions now that the CDC is pushing so hard on this demographic. Maybe just another way of pushing women out of the work force as this whole pandemic response has been great at doing.
This is especially important when you remember that 30% of our covid hospitalizations are actually pregnant women going to the hospital for pregnant woman things. If these women should not be vaccinated, OF COURSE they will come up as an 'unvaxxed' hospitalization!
Just a friendly reminder that going to the hospital for "pregnant woman things" and testing positive for COVID instantly makes us a COVID hospitalization for the stats, because apparently pulling an expensive lifeform from our hoo-ha was part of our COVID treatment.
The thought occurred some time ago that there doesn't seem to be any strict standard for what counts as an acceptable set of side effects. Without really clear and tight criteria for that, an injection of live SARS-CoV-2 itself could be considered a highly effective vaccine: just classify the resulting illness as an expected side effect and furiously deny any causal link to really serious outcomes.
Normally this never comes up. I don't recall having a bad reaction to any other vaccines I've taken. I don't know if that's just because classical vaccine tech in general doesn't trigger side effects or whether it's because the only ones that get approved/mass rolled out are optimized for it.
The discussion between Joe Rogan and Alex Berenson was interesting when they spoke about how those who got the jabs were behaving. Joe explained (paraphrasing), that this was the first time in history where well educated and wealthy people lined up first to take an experimental drug. Instead of even beginning to admit they might have made a mistake, they have turned angry and now everyone has to get the jabs.
My fear was that the regulatory agencies were likewise brainwashed and would continue to green light these shots. This story from Gato gives me hope that people are reckoning that the numbers do not add up.
The FDA panel voted last time 16-2 not to approve the Pfizer booster shots to under 65s. The very long discussion covered many things that would get you booted from Twitter or YouTube; parts of it were like reading gato or Berenson. But the CDC went on to say, screw that, go ahead and take the boosters if you want. So even if the FDA does the right thing again, will it make any difference?
After this extremely negative article, the FDA committee will likely completely ban boosters, at least if they are relatively honest and read the entire report.
This booster actually enhances transmission of covid.
Approve a "vaccine" that makes people sick in 5 months, at TWICE the percentage of the entire country in 1.5 years?
i doubt they ban them.
they will leave pfizer in place for "over 65 and high risk" as a catch all and then let people go use them off label if they choose. no pharmacy is going to demand proof of being high risk.
but it WILL make mandating boosters very difficult in the US if they adopt this take.
so that's somehting.
"...let people go use them off label if they choose."
I'm cool with that. If people want to sign up for "Darwin Award," status, have at it... I'll get some popcorn.
Yes, perhaps it's best we let nature take its course. The only problem is that they're trying to sign the rest of us up for the award as well. Apparently, a number of the people at Jonestown also didn't want to drink the kool-aid, but they were ultimately forced by the others.
Realistically, even IF our Esteemed Leaders wanted to back out of this vaccine fiasco, how can they? No one ever admits they were wrong. Can you see any plausible way (cover story?) they can get out of the mandates?
You're assuming they actually need a plausible way out of this fiasco. They could come out tomorrow and announce that COVID has been vanquished and hardly anybody would bat an eye. Things would be back to normal within two weeks, if TBTB were so inclined. You're obviously a logical person who is trying to apply reasoning to a situation bereft of either logic or reason.
Lol. Yes of course. And “we won! Hurray!!” Is the best cover. Lol. What tbtb?
If they backed off the teachers in Chicago, I have hope.
I mean Moderna booster
Maybe if the FDA doesn’t approve them, will it become harder to enforce mandates?
They can't enforce the mandates now. They never have. Biden's threats and insults have not translated into a single law on paper. Employers are responding to a potential or imagined future threat.
Everything else is happening at the behest of state governors and state public health departments and school boards that have become institutions of nearly entirely autocratic power.
I guess if they try and mandate boosters this could become an issue; but with the CDC overruling the FDA I don't think it'll make a difference.
It may be a case of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. Vaccines and other elements rejected by the ‘ignorant’ red state deplorables (I am one) proved to be just the support big pharma needed. Consider that none of the current proponents would do any of this bullying if Trump was in office and pushing the vaccine. Obviously, we just have to be wrong, right?
You make a great point here. When I argue about the dangers of (these) vaccines and against mandates, every single time my attackers frame me up as a red-hat deplorable. I'm not (I'm just politically homeless) but it makes no difference to point that out, or that the group least likely to get these vaccines are black people (a largely non-red hat group held in high ideological esteem by the American Woke). "If THOSE GUYS want X, we want anti-X!" Primal psychology and superb marketing. Edward Bernays is dancing a jig.
Berenson came across much more impressive than he did on Twitter. He should not have defended Trump, unless he's for the end of our system of government, which maybe I should be but doubt it's worth all the bloodshed. I was interested that they played the Keith Olberman bit which I had heard before. How could a reasonable man who was spot on during the election, lose his mind like that? Is it that he and so many others start their reasoning assuming that if everybody gets a couple jabs, that Covid will go away? If so, he didn't do any homework before going rabid on YouTube.
Not to worry my friend, Moderna is not Pfizer, and Pfizer has occupied the government health decision-making. With Janet Woodcock in charge at FDA, it is nothing but meeting Pfizer demands all the way down. Thanks Scott Gottlieb!
The damage that has been done to our society on so many levels is catastrophic, not the least of which is our diminishing trust in government, institutions, and physicians. I’m already considering skipping the flu shot and my yearly physical. Illogical? Not trusting people who lie to me is logical.
Just heard Alex Berenson on Joe Rohan’s podcast talking about the flu shot regarding how if you factor in the age and relative health/unhealth of the very elderly and look at their hospitalization/death outcomes in the 6 months before getting the flu shot it’s turns out to not be measurably different than their outcomes for the 6 months after getting the flu shot. So the actual efficacy of the flu shot seems like it might be much more questionable than I had previously been told and believed. And if that’s true at the upper age range and sickness level, the flu shot is almost certainly far less justifiable for everyone younger and w/o significant severe illness.
flu shots are one of the worst substantiated products in all of medicine in terms of efficacy. it's 99% marketing gimmick.
they were clearly the prototype here.
Sheryl Atkinson did a report in the mid 2000's while at CBS exposing the flu vaccine. Govt backed research showed in had no effect on the elderly in decreasing deaths.
We are now a country of educated idiots. Higher education looks a lot more like indoctrination than scholarship nowadays. Most college degrees are meaningless unless you're talking about sometime who majored in robotics from MIT or something like that.
...and even then, building better robot overlords isn't what education should be helping us do.
Check out the book from Peter goetzsche. Flu shots are not helpful en large for younger folks. There’s a reason the rest of the world only recommends them to the elderly and immunocompromiswd but the USA is cray about them. But most people don’t get them. Media just loves flu shots. 🙄
I have no issues with vaccines. But they better be rather safe and efficient to be worth it.
My faith in medicine has been steadily eroding my whole life with each successive ridiculous experience of a doctor treating me like a statistic, telling me an illness is in my head, and scaring the bejesus out of me with misdiagnoses (no, bronchitis does not = a heart attack). I am healthier than ever with no thanks to mainstream medicine. Paying out of pocket for alternative non-sanctioned help is the best money I’ve spent. With the current fiasco, I have no desire to participate in mainstream medicine ever, or to vote for that matter.
Ya' know the "yearly physical" was created out of thin air - not research - back in the 80's when MBHS (Masters in Business Health Services - or some such *** not wasting time for correct term) became prominent in "managing" practices?
For those working in those places, we (includes Drs. and nurses) knew it was a scam for more money from our patients.
Many (most?) screening exams find nothing, inflict lots of mental anguish on "false" positives and missed problems.
What you all are seeing is the true nature of the sick-care business.
Am old enough that my grandparents were born before 1900. Wasn't so long ago. Our genetic structure has not changed much, if at all. Our food and environment is another story.
Humans survived and in fact thrived, without ever seeing a doctor, let alone a hospital, despite the (mis)information fed to us by our modern day propogandists.
On the subject of screening exams, look at colonoscopies. Turns out, the number of botched procedures resulting in death, equals the number of lives saved finding pre-cancerous growths.
Apparently, this is a uniquely American thing, most of the rest of the world thinks we've gone off the rails with our penchant for colonoscopies.
I’ve been afraid to get a colonoscopy over the past 18 months because they might find Fauci and half of the CDC up there.
Thanks for the laugh! :)
👍 sorely needed these days.
Highly recommend "Overdiagnosed" by H. Gilbert Welch on the topic of unnecessary screenings and medical interventions, and how so many of the ones we're "supposed to" get result in more harm overall. This really opened my eyes to the issues with American medicine, and I'm glad I read it before the vaccines came out.
Thanks for this!! I ordered the book, and I also found some talks by Welch on YouTube.
Yes yes yes! And mammograms annually starting at 40?!?!?
...which also apparently cause more cancers than they prevent, something to do with smashing down the boobs to shoot radiation through them isn't good.
Yup. It's crazy.
Hum, been trying to gear myself up to get my first one because everyone says how if you do no other preventative treatment, you should do a colonoscopy. Guess I'll add this to my long list of things to research.
The fact that this term isn't well known says it all. Plus the fact there are very few laws (state of federal), if any, that hold perpetrators accountable for the CRIMINAL behavior that resulted in death or injury, while they were enriched.
Oxycontin was not a one-off, hate to tell ya. Until we have CRIMINAL laws, this behavior will continue and the billions will be protected by their cronies.
Re: iatrogenics, also pap smears.
billionaires not billions
You may want to check this out:
The review found that screening should be recommended only for people with a 15-year risk of colon cancer of 3 percent or above. Mine came out to 1.5%.
You can find out your risk with this site here:
Well YMMV. I have had many colonoscopies because I seem to have excessive polyps. So for a long period every six months and I was advised by one GI doc to have my colon removed as a prophylactic measure. I didn't do that but continued the regime. Then one day 10 years after starting they did find a rapidly growing mass. Got it early and now 10 years down the road no recurrence. So from age 50 I had them, at age 70 the colon was gone. It's not quite true that "you really don't need your colon", but you can get around the missing part.
Can relate.
From a Scientific American article.
Speaking from (very modest) expertise, no, our genetic structure has not changed in a century AT ALL.
It has arguably not changed for millennia. What has changed is our ontogeny; we are (for most parts of the world) taller, more intelligent, and longer-lived than our forebears not because of our genetic profile but because of improvements to our diet and sanitation.
Genepools have certainly changed with social selection factors over many generations, but the human genome is broadly identical to a forebear from 100,000 years ago.
Dr. Mark Changizi (also, as it happens, an ardent and well-spoken opponent of vaccine, lockdown, and mask mandates), is an evolutionary psychologist, refers to this as the jump from "Human 1.0" to "2.0"- not a biologically different lifeform, but a 1.0 permanently overlaid with the irreducible social and cultural constructs that govern our conduct. (He also discusses what 3.0 will look like).
Except, thanks to modern food our children and grandchildren are shorter, not as smart or fit, and will have a shorter lifespan.
AND what no is talking about, will be diagnosed with neurodegenerative illnesses at much earlier age. Based on the 20-30 year development and the rise in T2D (and other inflammatory diseases) that are being diagnosed in toddlers and elementary school children.
Not familiar with Dr. Changizi, thanks!
You're absolutely correct. We are the first generation in the developed world that will have shorter, weaker, dumber lives than our forebears.
Well, some of us, anyway. 😘
yeah, but what is really scary is the early adult, or worse yet, teenage, onset dementia flood that is heading our way.
Worked too many years in psych practices and know the full ramifications of that horrible condition.
Every T2D is a future dementia patient if they don't get that condition reversed. And yes it is reversible, but that results in drastic reduction of sick-care income.
India and China actually have higher T2D rates, especially children, than we do! Think about the possible ramifications of that fact.
Love Mark Changizi!
There are better ways to get health care via functional nutritionists, chiropractors, and naturopathic doctors. Just avoid allopathic medicine and you'll be fine. ;-)
This booster study just confirms that healthy people on average, will have a worse time with the vaccine than they will with covid (that they will probably end up getting anyway). How is this not common knowledge by now? How are they still acting like these vaccines work, and trying to force them on people? What is the end game here? Just keep boosting until it's blatantly obvious the vaccines are making everyone sicker?
Depopulation was always the endgame, and these death jabs are perfect for that aim since majority of deaths are removed from the 14 day window which is not even purposely considered for "vaccination" status. The spike in deaths this ADE Season starting in a few weeks will be too far removed from the 2nd death injection, so will not be directly blamed, or that is the hope for the sociopaths. And then the 3-5 years out spike in mortality is even harder to pin on the death shots, or so they hope.
It'll have to be a slow-acting mass death, then, because as gato has pointed out, all-cause mortality has barely been a hiccup.
Are you expecting a "time bomb" among the vaccinated leading to a mass die-off several years from now?
no. passports are the endgame.
for the survivors of death jab, yes. many will not survive past 3-5 years anyhow.
I have no basis for this but I think the rubber meets the road in the completely random chance of whether the jab leaves the injection site in the shoulder where it is supposed to remain vs leaking (there is that word again) out of the injection site and into the circulatory system where it cause damage and even death.
There was a study that came out shortly after the jabs were rolled out where it was shown that 3 out of 11 (not sure if that was the exact tally) had the jab leave the injection site and found the spike in the circulatory system. This would explain to me the seemingly disparate vax induced injury. Many a vax proponent often instruct to look at all the vaxxed that are seemingly fine - you would have to see people dropping like flies if there was an issue - and I think there is some merit to that (notwithstanding any longer term issues) but a random 20%~ instance of the jab leaving the injection site and then an unknown smaller % f that number causing the significant AEs that many of us have focused on makes sense to me.
Complete speculation on my part. I am trying to find that study but as I suspect many here can attest, I have read so many that it is hard to keep track. Had I known this nightmare would have lasted this long, I would have organized a catalog/referencing system.
This petrifies me since 2 of my sons were forced to take the shots due to the Military mandate.
My lawyer is suing the DoD right now on behalf of military who refuse the death jab. This is his website:
Have your sons take this product -- it will help reverse some of the "vax" damage the have:
I could show this to most people in my neighborhood and they would still go down to the hospital banging on the windows begging to be jabbed. I have never seen so many drones on auto-destruct in my life.
Also - very nice breakdown of the study. That 22% infection rate widened my eyes for a second. then it was like "yep". So sad.
Remember that's 22% under the experimental conditions here, HAVING RECEIVED A VACCINE. That's higher than under nearly all naturalistic conditions with no precautions at all.
ADE? Seems so. As a few doctors warned as a possibility. I feel sad for them right up to the point someone screams at me for not wearing a mask or won't ride with me in the car because I am unvaccinated. I cannot imagine living in a lib state right now. Condolences to those stuck there.
I respect the scientific method as much as gato so I won't make an unqualified statement of certainty without backing it up, but for my personal operating principles, yeah, ADE is real and prolific.
I've stopped feeling sad for people that don't feel sad for me, and in doing so have saved my sanity.
If only we would get down to business and figure out why some may be getting ADE (if), why some are getting myo/pericarditis, why some get clots so we could start testing them (at least before getting shots). But since they don't want to even consider natural immunity we are a long way from that turn off.
Wise sentiments on sanity saving.
the lipstick on that pig is not working, let's add a skirt and a wig.
Death Cultists will virtue signal straight into their graves as they sing the "safe & effective" booster songs.
The upcoming ADE Season songs will not be sung at the tombstones.
Just more evidence that the “vaccines” aren’t really about helping people; they’re about helping the drug companies. If they can get the green light to pump more and more into our veins, they will—regardless of need, efficacy, or adverse effects.
The response: So what. They're what we have and they're not COVID, so you're being resistant. Shut up and get vaxxed or die.
Knee-jerk emotional reaction aside: my gut tells me that the numbers around infection rates provided in the above are ABSOLUTELY higher than a naturalistic control. No WAY does COVID spread that consistently outside of (if I recall the past year's data correctly) first-degree passes of family members in close quarters at home.
And that's ON TOP OF vaccine side effects.
My takeaway: these are literally poisons that are labeled vaccines, and we're supposed to be happy that they're merely (most of the time) low-grade poisons. To shut up and obey and inject ourselves with a net negative that we can NEVER TAKE BACK.
Let's go Brandon.
I want Brandon to get a weekly booster shot.
If he did, it would probably be about as real as the original vaccination shot he got.
This Brandon resents that request.
I'm guessing the ppl in the Moderna booster trial were not in nursing homes or other close living facilities. So given that (the population that usually gets and spreads it are those who spend a lot of time in close quarters among other at risk ppl) the 22% is more shocking than at first glance.
I share your takeaway - and literally share it when ppl ask me WHY I won't get it. They just stand there slack jawed. Utter disbelief that I could be so stupid.
Every once in a while when I am talking about it (vax, what is resulting, etc) with the one or two others I know are not vaxxed people listen in and I think we are getting through to them. They never hear it in the news and apparently are incurious.
Dear Gato - Your analysis is spot on for most of you write here. I do note your nostalgia for the good old days of the FDA and all those very safe vaccines out there. Of note, these are (somewhat ironically) the first vaccines to ever be tested against an inert placebo. Go check out the trials for the typical childhood vaccines. The “placebo” is either another vaccine or an adjuvant in the vaccine being tested. Also of note, in spite of begging from advocacy groups and basically being told to do so by their own over site body, the FDA and CDC have failed to do any meaningful studies on childhood vaccines and autoimmunity or other chronic illness. We do seem to have rather large numbers of those these days… maybe worth investigating. But probably not.
Thank you!!! I so appreciate someone pointing out the dearth of legitimate safety data behind the 69 doses of vaccines the CDC recommends for American kids today. It’s so disheartening how few people know (or care about?) the facts. I’ve been hoping the smart science-y people being shocked by this Covid sh#tshow will pause long enough to wonder if this actually is the PHarma/FDA/CDC trifecta’s first rodeo. Does nobody wonder how these jabs came to be so quickly bestowed the very same “safe and effective” Teflon narrative that shields the ever-expanding childhood schedule from all scrutiny and critique? Are people really still happy to assume the best behavior of these players on all things vaccine-related until the moment Covid emerged?
Yep, these vaccines are starting to make people step back and wonder if similar stuff is going on with previous vaccines. I tell most people that "anti-vaxxers" share a common origin story. They were pro vax until their child experiences an adverse reaction and the medical community ignores the correlation, even for reactions mentioned in the vax literature. You could call it a red pill moment. What is happening with the COVID-19 vaccines is similar to what young woman experience with Gardisil. Doctors will run labs, everything comes back ok and suggest the child see a shrink.
I hope you're right that people are pausing to question their previous assumptions about "safe and effective." But given how many science types I see still touting how strongly they believe in vaccines, I can't help wondering about their blinders, how they can see what's happening here so clearly and yet not stop to question whether this corruption is really that new and singular to Covid. It seems illogical for all their smarts.
The propaganda on this has been building for years before COVID ever arrived.
my friend did not jab 2 month old
she saw who they really were because of covid
At our local Rite Aid you can march right in and in a loud steady voice tell the pharmacist "I want you to give me a Moderna booster". And he will. Authorized or not.
"In fact, today I'd like an Astra-Zenaca"
I'm pretty sure he'd give you whatever he had on hand.
Except Ivermectin.
Did ya see ppl go into the pharmacy asking for a dippity do flu shot and they knock them up with the gene therapy instead? Woopsy. Evil effers.
Nothing would surprise me anymore
I used to think that. Then discovered the human race is full of evil surprises. But in the above case - they were doing it for the person's own good so it's OK. ; /
Does anyone know why the boosters haven’t been adapted specifically to Delta? I thought mRNA tech was so fast they could come up with a vax from scratch in just hours. If that’s the case why don’t they have a Delta-adapted booster? Not that I want an Alpha, Delta or Smelta version, just wondering…
because that claim on speed was never true.
they generally take and have taken years.
this "oh, look, we made a covid vaccine in 2 weeks!" story has never looked terribly plausible.
Or they can make one and they did and what they saw was not pretty
It is the same as the original jabs. Same formulation. Moderna 50% less I think? Is that what it said in Gato's post?
Could some of the soulless automatons at the FDA be getting pangs of conscience for their participation in the world's biggest medical scam? And for the oceans of blood on their hands? Are they worried about angry mobs when people find out they've been getting gulled all along?
We live in a land with thousands of Lady Macbeth's waiting for their dark night of the soul to strike.
Here's the smell of the blood still:
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little
Hand. Oh, oh, oh!
The Doctor knows the score:
Foul whisperings are abroad: unnatural deeds
Do breed unnatural troubles: infected minds
To their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets:
More needs she the divine than the physician.
Look, hate to disappoint you all but this is window dressing meant ot look like they are doing their jobs.
Reminds me of our Pfizer board member ex FDA pal saying he doubts we will see mandates for kids anytime soon.
yeah right
hey, they failed to approve for under 65 with pfizer.
sure, they caved and gave them a BS cookie, but it seems to be swinging back some.
compared to what they pulled on remdesivir, this is serious progress back toward sanity.
All for show
i mean, you can always say that and there's no way to prove a negative, but i don't think so.
i think they are waking up to the data here.
today and tomorrow will be an interesting test.
there was your test. What says you?
Without boosters the need for digital passport s goes way down.hence boosters
True and fits with the J&J pause and other quality signaling that has been the exception.
At the risk of stating the obvious, yet adding little to your analysis, one should also understand this. At their worst, Moderna is only a mundane pretender to Pfizer. Pfizer is Voldemort. Moderna is a sentient tick on Voldemort's dog's ass with delusions of grandeur. And yet, here we are...
Ever look at photos of the faces of the proud parents of these mRNA vaccines? Stephane Bancel of Moderna appears in the pages of Time magazine wearing the psychopath's smirk. The butt ugly German Turks who came up with the Pfizer potion look like something out of a midnight horror movie on Chiller Theatre in the 60s. The peddlers and inventors of these monstrosities look as ugly as the results. A lot is shown in a face.
Amazing analysis, but you missed one thing.
The adverse effect was ONE pregnancy that ended in a spontaneous abortion.
That was the ONLY pregnancy in the entire trial. Is that a joke or what?
I wrote about it also:
In the review of cumulative data following the August 16, 2021 data cutoff of Moderna’s P201B
live database, a 26-year-old female in the 100 µg primary series group, and taking oral
contraception for a year prior to booster vaccination, reported a pregnancy about one month
after her booster vaccination based on a positive home pregnancy test. This participant had a
negative pregnancy test on the day of booster vaccination; the first day of her last menstrual
period was on the same day as booster vaccination. The subject reported continuation of her
oral contraception after her pregnancy test. The estimated date of conception was two days
after her booster vaccination. The subject experienced a spontaneous abortion 52 days after
vaccination at an estimated 8 weeks gestation (10 months and 11 days after the first prime dose
of 100 µg mRNA-1273 and 9 months and 12 days after the second prime dose of 100 µg
mRNA-1273). This event was not considered by the investigator or Moderna to be related to
study vaccination. This participant subsequently became pregnant again 115 days after the
booster vaccination, and this second pregnancy was reported as ongoing.
it's hard to draw too much from one data point, but there does seem to be some signal around that issue.
a lot of it sounds like point 6 here.
(andrew is a gatopal, teaches at brown med school, and is a good source of data)
struggling to find any good aggregates there or any kind of unified look at the data.
these second order effects of the vaccines are so poorly tracked (perhaps by design) that it's going to be years before full society rate data can emerge and even then i'm not sure we'll get to see it.
stands to reason there could be serious issues. the mRNA vaxx teaches cells to code for S proteins and express on cell membrane so your immune system can learn to kill it. it's clearly NOT localized. if you are pregnant, it could wind up coding for S in the cells of the fetus/child. that could cause immune activation against it.
you'd attack the baby.
Precisely why they do not give pregnant women real vaccines or experimental vaccines.
S protiens strongly expressed in newborns w mom who had covid. So...
Except they do give pregnant women vaccines. In fact TDaP and flu are both recommended as standard part of prenatal care now in spite of NOT being approved by the FDA for use in pregnancy. There was a vaccine summit of the WHO a few years back where they actually discussed how to get pregnant women more vaccines. I guess this is it - if we create enough fear it becomes easier.
I didn't know they gave pregnant women TDaP Usually women have had it when younger. Certainly no experimental vaccines and no live attenuated. And not requiring a pregnant woman to take any vaccine to work. I hope. We have never forced pregnant women to get experimentals. That is blatant medical malpractice.
Welcome to the brave new world. The way that a lot of these vaccine mandates are written it is getting harder and harder for pregnant women to get exemptions now that the CDC is pushing so hard on this demographic. Maybe just another way of pushing women out of the work force as this whole pandemic response has been great at doing.
Less than half of women do them despite the heavy pressure they put on you….
This is especially important when you remember that 30% of our covid hospitalizations are actually pregnant women going to the hospital for pregnant woman things. If these women should not be vaccinated, OF COURSE they will come up as an 'unvaxxed' hospitalization!
Just a friendly reminder that going to the hospital for "pregnant woman things" and testing positive for COVID instantly makes us a COVID hospitalization for the stats, because apparently pulling an expensive lifeform from our hoo-ha was part of our COVID treatment.
The thought occurred some time ago that there doesn't seem to be any strict standard for what counts as an acceptable set of side effects. Without really clear and tight criteria for that, an injection of live SARS-CoV-2 itself could be considered a highly effective vaccine: just classify the resulting illness as an expected side effect and furiously deny any causal link to really serious outcomes.
Normally this never comes up. I don't recall having a bad reaction to any other vaccines I've taken. I don't know if that's just because classical vaccine tech in general doesn't trigger side effects or whether it's because the only ones that get approved/mass rolled out are optimized for it.