This data source would be even better if they divided the non-vaxxed into "Can't be vaccinated" and "Do not wish to be vaccinated". There is likely to be a significant cohort of people who are unable for medical reasons to take the vaccines, and at the same time are immuno-compromised. These people will die of covid at a higher rate than average, and increase the death rate in the "non-vaxxed categories".

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The fact that it would be very helpful to discern between "can't be vaxxed" and "don't want to be vaxxed" is exactly why it's not tracked. I've had concerns about the "can't be vaxxed" group screwing with vaccine efficacy data for quite some time. Given the age cohort of those most likely to experience hospitalization and death (over 65) from covid, is also the age cohort that likely includes the largest group of people too unhealthy to be vaccinated, how much excess hospitalization and death is being attributed to the unvaccinated because of this?

Now I'm not saying the vaccines aren't reducing hospitalization and death. They could be, but I just don't really know. As is everything to do with covid, there's just such a dearth of good, uncorrupted data.

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It’s weird. Almost as if there’s a dearth of uncorrupted data for a purpose. Wonder what that could be......

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I have always suspected that the last remaining benefit of the vaccines is a mirage due to the cohort of 80+ who cannot be vaccinated because they are too frail. In the UK essentially 100% of 70-79 year olds were vaccinated back in Sep. At that time only 80% of 80+. At that time it corresponded to something like 250k unvaccinated, very frail old timers who were the true source of "unvaccinated deaths". If you remove these then I suspect that there is no difference of preventing death if you are vaccinated or not. It all depends on the condition of the patient.

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In the US at least, we have really strong evidence that the unvaxxed are worse off health wise. The CDC released a study a few months ago showing the vaxxed were less likely to die of all causes, even non Covid causes. But the Pfizer and Moderna trials both showed zero effect on all cause mortality. These two were randomized controlled trials with a combined N~80k.

When an RCT shows no effect and an observational study shows a strong effect, the only conclusion you can draw is that the sample populations are very different between the two groups in the observational study. Ie, the people being vaccinated in the US are much healthier than the unvaccinated, at least on average.

Given the impact health has on Covid outcomes, not accounting for this bias is overstating the benefits of vaccination.

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Right the jabs make one a superhero! I recall that from the pfizer ad! I'd think the only way to draw such a conclusion as you are making is to group and report all cohorts: never jabbed, once jabbed, twice jabbed, thrice jabbed, etc.

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Link to study? I am unaware of any true RCT studies being done with the mRNA gene therapies. Whistleblowers are reporting data manipulation, unblinding, and we know they all did away with their control groups a few months in- I would not trust any studies from the companies themselves at this point, and anything from the CDC deserves heavy public scrutiny.

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I mean, the studies the vax manufacturers did showed zero efficacy against all cause hospitalization and death. In fact, more people in the vaccine arm of the Pfizer study showed serious events than in the placebo arm.

That’s the point – if the vaccines do nothing when the two populations are equivalent then if you see a difference when the populations are not equivalent, the only thing you can conclude is that the vaccinated were much healthier people to begin with. So showing that they are less likely to die from Covid doesn’t mean the vaccine is the reason – it could be that they started out healthier.

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Ah, that wasn't very clear in your initial post, thank you for clarifying.

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That's true with flu vaccines. Healthy, hypochondriac seniors get them while the frail elderly do not to the same extent. So this falsely leads to the assumption that flu vaccines are "effective".

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Yes - the vaxxed are so much more healthy hahahahahahaha https://openvaers.com/covid-data

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I meant they were healthier *prior to being vaccinated*. It’s important for people to recognize they started out healthier. So even if you see them mostly the same later, that represents a degradation in health after vaccination.

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Would be curious to get your thoughts on the following, not peer-reviewed, study:


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What are some plausible mechanisms by which US low socioeconomic groups were so disproportionately negatively impacted? It could be the treatment received (drugs, ventilators), the lack of care (for covid and non-covid since many use ER as primary care and that may have been largely closed off), overdoses, etc. I am most interested in understanding the dominant treatment protocols in various countries.

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In merry old England, one group that is resisting the vaccines is the West Indies communities. They are suspicious of all authorities (Police, Social Services, Councils, etc.) and thus big government turning up with their "take this vaccine" message just doesn't resonate with them. As rapper Zuby pointed out in an interview in Triggernometry, where is the preventative Vit D and Zinc program for communities with dark skin in our northern climes during winter ? The UK government has tried one thing and is all out of ideas . . .

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most people in the US are vitamin D deficient and deficient in magnesium as well. Low socioeconomic groups in particular have a higher incidence of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and pre-diabetes than the upper middle class. Upper middle class can afford supplements and higher quality food. Not difficult to understand the difference in mortality. More pre-existing conditions = higher mortality rate.

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Agree, and the hospitals available to those of us in rural areas may have inferior outcomes for various conditions, with or without COVID.

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Add to that those unvaxxed categories with natural immunity who don't need the vax.

In another point, Omicron hitting NI fairly high amount, but seems like a flu. I'm doubtful this is a real Co19 variant and just some covid flu that had been weak out there, but the vaxxed have given it a great host.

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Speaking my language. Our family had Covid back in Jan 2020 and my eldest has now had it twice (again in Dec 2021, with 2 days of a snotty nose and a week of coughing, 3 lateral flows confirmed). We don't need the vaccinations.

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I'm not a statistician but I'd be interested to know if any of the "previously infected" cohort are also jabbed and, if so, before or after having had Covid. Is getting jabbed after infection messing up a person's immune system? Does getting Covid after the jab give a person as complete natural immunity as an unjabbed recovered person or can the jab still compromise immunity? I know OhMyCron! can cause a second infection in anybody but it would be interesting to know the breakdown.

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This gets so tiring....all of these graphs and charts developed from worthless testing and assembled by biased people twisting facts for malevolent purposes. Everyone gets sucked into the lie and reports it as if they are truth to 1% accuracy. There is no truth when you start out with a lie.

Nobel Laureate, PCR Inventor Said Fauci Was a Liar, Abusing Test Data For An Agenda And Afraid To Debate – Round Table Report


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It's true that everyone gets sucked into the lie (including me!)

The only positive thing I can say is that the lie may finally be reaching the point where not only can it not be propped up any further but that it is failing on its own sleazy terms, and that's becoming obvious to (at least some) people.

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Calling Pfauci a liar is an insult to lying sacks of crap before him.

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Quebec’s data is available by age group and shows a steady decline in efficacy with no effect from omicron, because it was dipping into negative efficacy before omicron arrived


That’s not to say that omicron wouldn’t have had an effect on efficacy, if there were some efficacy left to reduce. It’s just not what happened here. This is still an un-boostered population for the most part.

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So vaccines give negative protection for infection. But they still seem to have some effect in lessening hospitalization and covid death - in the covid stats. But - euromomo.eu stats show a significant rise in all cause mortality in all age groups below 65. Biggest rise in 15-44 age group. Thanks to vaccines (maybe), they are not dying of covid. What are they dying of? The all cause mortality averege for all ages is almost the same 2020 and 2021 so there vaccines have not made a difference. But in 2021 the difference is between the age groups. Working age people are really going down. Nobody seems to notice or care. Since it is not covid nobody cares.

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The UK data is broken down by age. Looking at consecutive UK reports, things got much worse (relatively and absolutely) for the fully vaxxed in the latest report. I think this is also evidence of negative VE: https://inumero.substack.com/p/more-evidence-for-vaccine-accelerating?r=tv61s&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Man, I really what to see studies with measured spike antibodies so we can see if this is OAS or straightforward immune-escape. If anyone is interested in going down a dark road:


Bring your Xanax.

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I think even the most convinced will soon wake up. I also think that, with documents from Pfizer showing, the shots will be gone before the end of the year. They have lied to begin with, the shots were never much of a protection, and now they are in the ditch. Only fools still go for boosters. There are still quite a bit, but several have already given me hints they are getting tired of having to go for one every 6 months. If they go to 4 months I guess most Belgians and Dutch, and probably other nationalities, will give up quite quickly. Unless a few needle worshipers of course, they will take boosters into infinity

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"I think even the most convinced will soon wake up." Hope you are correct, but in all honesty, I sincerely doubt it, judging from my friends!

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I do my best to stay optimistic, but honestly, I know a few who have been jabbed for all thinkable and unthinkable diseases. I don't think they will ever question bigharma.

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Just curious. The end of the year is a long way away. With some EU countries imposing strict beyond believe restriction upon the unvaxxed, will it even matter by then?

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At the end of the year Pfizer has to show the results of the shots. This is the end of the trial period. I think they can see themselves, that the result is not good. Then the jabs will be taken off the market like the failing test. Then there are no longer any jabs to be had. Then the whole story will come tumbling down. Of course, sleepwalkers will continue sleepwalking. For some people there is just no waking up, just like with other vaccinations they will run for the next needle to show. I know a few like that. They don't even ask, is this effective, they just run...

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Too late IMHO. Two regions of Germany have allowed supermarkets there to ban unvaxxed from entering. Citi. Group is letting their unvaxxed go later this month. Far too long to go with out food or employment or both to await the publication of the shot’s results. Most by far will already have the shot, either by choice or coercion.

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The raw data can be found under the heading "Download covid-19-opgørelser". Important note: you need the Tuesday zip files, which contain extended data sets, to get all the raw data used in those graphs.: https://covid19.ssi.dk/overvagningsdata/download-fil-med-overvaagningdata

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How reliable is Omicron detected? Not so much I think. As long as we use unproven tests to see if someone has some sort of virus traces in he’s nose an we assume they “suffer” from the virus we “tested” for, this “pandemic” will never end. For me, any statistics with numbers of “cases” is meaninglessness likewise any analysis based on this kind of data. The same applies for Covid hospitalization and deaths. If tomorrow will be discovered a new “immune escape variant, with some nice photos pointing the mutations and proper media coverage, that variant will become easily dominant. It doesn’t even need specific symptoms, it can be the same as for the cold or whatever combination with any respiratory illness, and it doesn’t need a specific test. Like is precisely the case for so called omicron.


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I have ben trying to make this point elsewhere for for, what? A year and a half? Longer? All this is meaningless as the all the data is tainted in one or more ways. Dr. Birx saying how excited they were that for the first time they were able to count not only those who died OF Covid but also those who died WITH Covid and that other countries were not. Now that the admin of the US has changed hands, the second part of that seems to have lost its value as we are no longer comparing the poor response of the US under the previous admin with the superior responses of other countries like Japan where I live. The first point, counting both OF and WITH and reporting them together alone taints all the numbers coming from the US. Add the fact that the PCR “test” is not even a test but a technique to amplify organic material and can not be used as a yes or no diagnostic tool, though it is, taints the data further. Then we have who is tested. Never used to test anyone and everyone just to see if they might have have “it”, whatever “it” is.

Garbage in=garbage out. Am I wrong in saying that all we have to put in is garbage data and thus all we get out is garbage?

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I think you were right from the very beginning. Actually my impression is that were more skeptics one year ago on this issue when the talkings about the testdemic and the flawed PCR tests were more abundant. Now it seems that the validity of the tests is less contested, even by credible independent analysts. I no longer waste time reading corona analysis dealing with cases and improper diagnostic procedures. All it matters are pneumonia hospitalization & deaths (which may be Covid or not whatever the test results is, especially at high amplifications rates). Overall mortality and overall health status between vaccinated and unvaccinated is a better focus. Covid has never been a plague, but for the past two years our minds have been preoccupied with this problem, which certainly deserves less merit in our time (in terms of medical hazard, the problems are the human rights and the socio-economic and political implications which we can’t ignore).

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It’s like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube that fights back. My suspicion is that the data is being collected and or presented with a bias, possibly intentional, that slouches toward ongoing mass injection programs. Not because the vaccines work, but because they don’t, and the cost of acknowledging that reality is just too high. The vacancy light is on at the Objectivity Hotel.

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When you spend $180,000 on a Mercedes Benz, and it’s in the shop ten times in the first year, and Polk Automotive sends you a survey. Do you think you might be reluctant, to be honest in your response to the survey?

This is happening; humans hate admitting they fucked up. So why wouldn't people in the healthcare industry falsify reporting? Calling people with one shot not vaxxed rather than creating a new category is blatant proof it happens.

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"Rubik’s cube that fights back"...that is good one!

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I can’t claim it, but I heard it sometime when someone was describing an elusive solution.

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In general pushing that 25 year old to get vaxed is not going to matter for hospitalisation, so WTF are we doing anyway. That party-going 25 year old likely already had it too, so is better protected.

Even though I like our cat writer here, this statistics is all meaningless. Completely meaningless! Two years in, most people have been exposed to the virus and many have gained proper immunity. But we only tracked a subset and pCR tests also flagged people as exposed when they only had trace amounts. This is key, as omicron infects the higher airways where prior exposure works, but unvaxed, vaxed and tripple jabbed makes no difference. The virus can replicate unobstructed in the higher airways. So splitting cases up between jabbed, unjabbed, and tripple jabbed is like splitting up cases between linking vanilla ice-cream and chocolate. You are making up cohorts that one expects to have *no* effect. That is also why he seems the data jumping randomly when adjusted for testing. You are purely looking at random noise caused by prior exposure and other testing artifacts which happen to be in the data.

The only thing that matters is confirmed *symptomatic* prior infection. Not PCR tetsing positive, but having actual symptoms. But we don't have that data, so we only have one steaming pile of noise with perhaps some real signal hiding in there. But if you don't separate by actual science (as in omicron infects the airways and hence recovered is what you should look like, not vaxed or not) you are likely going to only see the steaming noise.

Now, this noise was always there, so when the government was showing these graphs to convince us how great the jabs were it was weak sause too, and hence we deserve to have some fun with them and make some graphs that "show" vaxed are more at risk. But we should silently remember that it is all b#llshit, and we are just toying with them.

Reality up to delta vaxed seem to matter in seriousness, but waned quickly in all other aspects. With omicron it matters nothing in getting and spreading it (as it is in the upper airways), and it is so mild it likely matters nothing for hospitalisation except in the very weak/old in terms of whether you are vaxed or boosted. In essence, omiron is kind of like the flu. Flu shots are pretty useless too unless you are old/weak. (As a European living in the US I never understood the obsession with flu shots in the US. In the US they give flu shots like candy, but the EU only gives it to high risk and has the same mortality. Anyway that is for another day ...)

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The answer regarding flu is here. https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/death-by-influenza_b_4661442 Surprised that this gem of an article is on this left wing site. But before corona there were some lefties (e.g. RFK jr.) who were staunchly "anti-vax".

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There is a recent preprint from Denmark which has tracked second rate infections in Danish households. Some figures from this study have unfortunately been misrepresented by the "anti-vax" side as showing that vaxxed and boosted are several times more likely to be infected than non vaccinated. What the study in fact shows is rather that vaxxed and boosted make up a much larger part of those infected by Omicron, than those infected by Delta. This is bad news for the vaccine and it does indicate immune escape - but in no way does it indicate OAS; even with Omicron, the non-vaccinated are more likely to be infected, and the boosted least likely to be so. It's just that the race has gotten tighter. What strikes me most about this study is that it seems to show that the non-vaccinated are/were several times more likely to catch Delta than the vaccinated. A bit troubling for the anti-mandate camp, but I have a hard time finding flaws in this particular study. It's to be found here: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.27.21268278v1.full

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Delta infecting more non-vax is understandable because the "waning efficacy" had not kicked in for the vaxxed. Now that it has they have to get their booster shots or be pretty much the same as the non-vaxxed. Just my SWAG. Thanks for the link.

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Sure, but I was under the impression that even with Delta there wasn't really a big difference between vaxxed and non-vaxxed in terms of transmission. This study indicates I was wrong...

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Once the 3-6 month windows of efficacy passes they are back to square one. Israel was a classic example and so is the UK. Depending where the population was in that 3-6 month window or outside it determines the outcome.

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Yes, the Danes were quite late in vaccinating. I think what Berenson calls the "happy vaccine valley" was like Jul/Aug until about November.

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“The estimates are adjusted for age and sex of the primary case, age and sex of the potential secondary case, and size of the household. The estimates are furthermore adjusted for vaccine status of the potential secondary case interacted with the household variant, and the vaccine status of the primary case.”

Sounds legit…

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The "anti-mandate camp" doesn't need data. Liberty, freedom, morals and ethics are it's pillars.

Unless you like totalitarian regimes . . .

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Don't get me wrong, I belong firmly to that camp. But (unlike you?) I want it to grow - and data saying that the non-vaccinated are more likely to catch and transmit disease doesn't work in my favor. You and I might not need that argument but there is a large part of the population that has yet to be convinced that mandates are wrong. That's my concern.

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All this (negative) data just makes me wonder why the vaccines and vaccines mandates continue to be even more strongly marketed and propagandized. (Then again, it really doesn't.) Free donuts!

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Free donuts, likely not. Are the vaccines actually bioweapons being strongly marketed to significantly reduce the global population over the next few years? For me, that is highly probable.

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It looks like the data might be here https://covid19.ssi.dk/overvagningsdata/download-fil-med-overvaagningdata - you need to download each day - and every Tuesday they have vaccinated rates.

The benefits here are the Prior Infection group which means we are getting a better context of who is truly unvaccinated. The negatives (aside from the 14 day windows you described) are the splitting of the two vaccinated cohorts - it would be nice to at least see a dashed line of the two vaccinated cohorts combined. (the stacked plots do show this, but I find them hard to read personally)

The UK data is all combined cohorts and there has definitely been an inflection point and rather large deviation from the prior smooth trend into a rather massive falloff of Vaccine Efficiency all of a sudden. (see here for graphs https://justguy.substack.com/p/wow-just-wow-new-uk-data-really-hits)

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Vax is a bioweapon m design to kill, injure, sterilise as many as possible. This Evil agenda is about destruction of the Human race and bringing about a "new order of the ages".It has been building for for centuries, and The Medical Industrial/Inquisition Complex is an important part of it. When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' - The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived

Using predictive programming they've told us the truth years in advance. Humanity is the Virus they are fighting: The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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Pump the brakes

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I should say not. She is correct.

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"a possible confound here is testing rates. according to the same data, for some reason, the boosted are being tested at much higher rates. (i have no idea how this was calculated or from what data)"

I am in the process of writing an article on TND's and one of the reasons they always overestimate vaccine effectiveness is because of just this fact. The vaccinated are much more likely to test more often, and, in fact, the boosted are probably the worst among them. It's health care seeking behavior / what we used to call hypochondriacs. There is a great case study of this of a woman that tested 6 or 7 times immediately before getting on an aircraft. All negative. She had an itch in her throat so tested herself mid-air and it was positive. An unvaccinated person likely waits for the symptoms to test. Yes, they are testing more, but does that mean the unvaccinated are not testing when sick or does that mean the vaccinated are just testing when NOT sick?

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