Tay-lo tested positive for retard. MSM is the superspreader of retard-19 mind virus. It is a terminal disease, you cannot reason with a demoralized person.
No need to lump Jeff Landry in with Meemaw, David. Meemaw was "installed" by You Don't Need To Know Who, but Zuckbucks and Soroscash sure buy a lot for your dollar.
I think "Helter' Stelter would go on national TV wearing red lipstick and underwear on his head, saying, "I am a big fat bald potato head and I am obtuse." For a certain price. Dude will say anything for a buck. Always for sale.
She did not even hear or acknowledge his excellent point regarding the 2008 housing crisis. Instead, she was so eager to make her point (and frame it as a question or concern).
Like a Bird on a wire...more proof that bodies can walk and talk, even though it is clear there is no brain. Probably not even a ganglion. New Science!!!
PCR testing = retarded. You are 110% correct. The birdy flew is another fakeout pandemic and if cows had birdy flew, they could fly. Notice any running theme with all this? Murdering chickens and cows, fewer eggs and less meat. Starvation is the end goal or the NWO of veggies and fruits sprayed with ungodly toxins. Be assured, your McCricket sandwich will be 100% real crickets.
It’s just limited hangout because they are scared for when RFK comes. Daily Mail has been a fascinating place to watch the food industry vomit out admissions in a hurry in the last 8 weeks lol.
OMG. Is Taylor really that dumb that she didn't once stop to think "Gee, this guy looks like he was barely in kindergarten when Enron went under. I had better do some due diligence before interviewing him."
I work for a law firm & for some upcoming depositions, plaintiff’s counsel advised that at the request of some physician deponents, for any lawyers appearing in person, “social distancing” & masks will be required, “given that they are actively involved in medical care for individuals of all ages & the rise of various viruses across the U.S.”. So the scam & stupidity are revived & by mental midgets in the “medical community”, no less.
Your 1st paragraph: "the “old media” mavens like to preen and strut and talk about how “only they can do real journalism” and “you need to be trained, need to be credentialed” and ask pompous questions like “how can social media check facts?”" Tell that to journalists like Studs Terkel and Edward R. Murrow. There were no mass media degrees in colleges in their day.
PCR tests for Bird flu? At 45 cycles rocks would test positive.
Birds sitting on power lines to charge. Big grin. But, I bet that just gave the government dronesters an idea. And that gave me an idea. Instead of charging stations for electric vehicles, take out the batteries and put a third rail or overhead cables in all the roads. It worked subways and for street cars. A new movie remake: "A Tesla Named Desire" coming to a theater near you.
For a very brief moment in the covid period, our lab reported the number of cycles with the result. This stopped when we could not discharge patients to nursing homes to enable the next wave of admissions.
PCR test inventor Kary Mullis is on video discussing why the test does not diagnose anything, and there is the issue of the cycle count as mentioned by Mullis. No one of prominence has ever discussed this publicly. Around various Substacks and other alternative places, everyone knows about this, of course. But most people and virtually all the MSM appear to have no idea, or were ordered not to talk about it. My daughter (nurse) had to get the damn test weekly. More than once she tested positive, then got a repeat test that was negative. Yep...pandemic of testing for sure. The testing drove the narrative.
It"evolved". Initially we had to have 3 negatives in a row to discharge a patient. As you may have guessed each day was a different answer. Money being lost on new admits meant rule changes and changing from PCR to the quick testing method. Save with sick staff. Initially stay off duty for 10 days, then no fever for 3 days then heck, if you feel ok come in.
"Tell that to journalists like Studs Terkel and Edward R. Murrow. There were no mass media degrees in colleges in their day." The end of legitimate journalism and the beginning of the propaganda machine in US media can be traced directly to when journalism stopped being a blue collar job without prestige and became instead a elite university graduate career.
I agree. Then image over reporting becames the game. Pretty bubble headed news anchors (both female and male) whose best talents was reading what was put before them. Reporting on the street where all you saw was the reporter on camera, mic in hand, standing across the street from some building where they never got in and interview anyone.
Just keep in mind that PCR is NOT a test. Please remember that its inventor, Kary Mullis, said that it can’t test for anything. It is an amplification process at a molecular level to give you much more of the tiny amount of whatever you’re studying, so that your research into it can be easier. Abusing the process by running it at over 35 cycles - as was routinely done in covid - will only enable you to find ANYTHING in ANYBODY...
This was on local news last night, complete with veterinarian from the University saying raw milk is killing cats. And also don’t let cats sniff dead birds. I have hundreds of birds at my feeders daily and have yet to find one keeled over. At this point, news is another awful sitcom.
And that answers my standard questions for every media crisis of the day (or week, month, year, decades)…
1. why are they telling me this?
2. why now?
3. who benefits?
4. what is not being said?
Not necessarily in that order. #3 usually reveals the answers to the rest. I’m grateful for your perspective.
I knew in November to prepare for an escalating series of chaos, disasters, attacks, false flags, all of the above—whatever causes the most disruption in the moment—to occur. I haven’t been disappointed. JB isn’t in charge, but the perfect beard for the 3-letter crowd. “They” are saving his craziest acts for the last days and hours, which will serve as the distraction for whatever is really going on. If we make it past J20 without incident, then the real war starts… with the enemy from within, who’ve also been burying land mines for months. Bird flu is a warm up act, just like the drones.
This is 100 percent why it's an issue. Those of us with functioning brains can see through the psy-op and refuse to comply, but if TPTB can euthanize livestock and compensate the owners with our tax dollars to create shortages, it will drive up consumer costs regardless.
They will say, "Look! It's cross-species transmission! Next it might mutate to be transmissible to humans and between humans!" even though the humans who "had it" just got pink eye. I really saw a "news report" that said it's scary because we haven't yet seen what it could do to a "vulnerable" person who catches it. Plus, it could mutate within that person to become transmissible from person to person.
Humans having sex with cattle has always caused problems, for example. prevalence of the practice caused cowpox to crossover into Humans, which led to smallpox.
I beg to disagree. Fooling everyone to allow/cheer on the destruction of food supplies like meat and eggs and dairy seems at least close to an emergency
Eggs here have doubled in price in the last week. It is supposedly because they destroyed whole flocks of chickens because of PCR testing positive for bird flu.
The only eggs at Walmart 18 count for just under $10. So you can drink pasteurize milk not raw milk but we cannot have the pasteurized eggs. I wish I could get raw milk as easily as we did in Iowa, mom would skim off the cream from the top to use for various things.
During the “scamdemic” my friend’s 80 year old father broke his neck mountains biking (he was pretty fit), while in the hospital my friend was informed his father tested positive for Covid. When he unfortunately succumbed to his injury the hospital wanted to list the cause of death as “Covid-19”. My friend refused to allow it despite the administrators protests. Evidently, there was a financial incentive to categorize as many Covid patients as possible. This is purely anecdotal, but it happened.
And widespread. Close to 50% of reported covid deaths were "with covid", not from covid, as your friends father's death attests to. All of course to gain more tax dollars for " treating covid patients"...
Yes, I had noticed the “with” v. “from” distinction, or lack thereof, during active days/months of the psyop.
With a super sticky contagious respiratory pathogen that more often than not caused no symptoms or very mild symptoms, combined with ubiquitous super sensitive PCR testing, any hospital administrator worth his/her salary could easily manufacture a very lucrative cash flow increase given the incentives. Which, of course, had the double benefit of producing super scary case/fatality numbers to be endlessly and mindlessly repeated by the shills at ABC/MSNBC/CNN, etc. I am so disgusted. But, maybe more so by the acquiescence of so many of my fellow Americans than by the snakes behind the scam.
While Taylor Lorenz is certainly low hanging fruit, only inches above her are the tools and fools on Fox News. After three weeks of never ending “drones over New Jersey” stories, they’ve now pivoted to .01% reporting on/99.9% speculating on the NOLA and Vegas attacks. Why update us on anything in Gaza or Syria when they can roll out “retired Lt. Gen. Richard Head” to spout uninformed guesses (or CIA authored talking points) about the motives behind the attacks and why we should all be afraid while simultaneously being ready to send our teenagers off to the sandbox because IRAN.
Last straw for me in watching Fox News was seeing them settle w/Dominion instead of fighting, combined with how they canned Tucker. I don't miss it at all. Try it and see what I mean.
I am still laughing...as old as I am and as much as I try to read I have never heard of Peter McIndoe but I have to say I love it. Why are birds sitting on electrical lines? They are charging of course....still laughing.....and if I did not come here I would never know of these "journalists" that sound so.....ridiculous. I do NOT watch CNN,MSNBC,FOX.....NONE of it.
the interview was not, in fact, peter mckindoe. it was connor gaydos, peter's partner at birds are not real.
i think this is how they fooled taylor.
post has been edited to reflect this.
What an absolute twit she is. I haven't checked, just joined actually. Had that 'interview' been posted to Ta Lo's 'X' account, assuming she has one.
It probably didn’t take much to fool that fool, she looked ripe for the fooling
Haha where did you find this??
Tay-lo tested positive for retard. MSM is the superspreader of retard-19 mind virus. It is a terminal disease, you cannot reason with a demoralized person.
"MSM is the superspreader of retard-19 mind virus. It is a terminal disease ..."
Quote of the day.
Bot, don’t click on that
So “Sara” has become “Mary”. There is “Tara” as well.
It’s crazy that substack can’t block that when the text is identical every time.
There are many versions of this bot! I ban them when they show up in my Stack—
Epic...is there a dumber person in media than Tay-lo?
brian "helter" stelter?
the news potato is a pretty dim bulb.
Rochelle Walensky, although not a journalist, might be the dumbest person I've ever heard.
There's a pretty overloaded field of competition TBH
Thats why this age is mostly beyond parody...
Except the New Orleans police chief and the governor of Louisiana.
Chief Meemaw?
No need to lump Jeff Landry in with Meemaw, David. Meemaw was "installed" by You Don't Need To Know Who, but Zuckbucks and Soroscash sure buy a lot for your dollar.
Lolol. Exactly!
I think "Helter' Stelter would go on national TV wearing red lipstick and underwear on his head, saying, "I am a big fat bald potato head and I am obtuse." For a certain price. Dude will say anything for a buck. Always for sale.
Anyone not fired from MSM is either dumb or a coward
But the people who could do the firing are the problem, because they hire instead.
MSM stands for Mainstream Morons. Every employee has sub-par intelligence levels.
Don’t forget Don LayMon: Malaysian flight 370 got sucked up by a black hole!
You’re right. I don’t know how he is hanging on.
IDK…Toobin pulling his pud on a Zoom call gets my vote
He just got caught explicitly doing what most of MSM is doing any way.
Ummmm.....the potato's bulb has completely burned out.
He’s the gift that keeps on giving!
The grift that keeps on giving. ☺️
The grift that keeps on grifting. 🤣
Perhaps her employer and/or anybody buying her content
She did not even hear or acknowledge his excellent point regarding the 2008 housing crisis. Instead, she was so eager to make her point (and frame it as a question or concern).
Uh, just pick one, any one in the MSM sphere. Then it's a run off.
"you cannot reason with a demoralized person"
"Brainwashed" is a more accurate description. People are so deep in echo chamber closed loops of perception that they can't even comprehend reality.
Like a Bird on a wire...more proof that bodies can walk and talk, even though it is clear there is no brain. Probably not even a ganglion. New Science!!!
PCR testing = retarded. You are 110% correct. The birdy flew is another fakeout pandemic and if cows had birdy flew, they could fly. Notice any running theme with all this? Murdering chickens and cows, fewer eggs and less meat. Starvation is the end goal or the NWO of veggies and fruits sprayed with ungodly toxins. Be assured, your McCricket sandwich will be 100% real crickets.
And conveniently, the USDA just came out and said eggs are GOOD…and so is red meat🤦♀️.
It’s just limited hangout because they are scared for when RFK comes. Daily Mail has been a fascinating place to watch the food industry vomit out admissions in a hurry in the last 8 weeks lol.
That's what I was thinking when I heard about the black plastic cooking utensils.
Indeed…it makes me giggle…
And banning raw milk.
OMG. Is Taylor really that dumb that she didn't once stop to think "Gee, this guy looks like he was barely in kindergarten when Enron went under. I had better do some due diligence before interviewing him."
I reject your premise…you presuppose that she can THINK.
LOL. I have no rejoinder to that one!
I thought the sane thing. I looked at him, then the picture in the article. I knew he looked familiar. The last line in the clip was golden.
I wondered the same thing. And, also, when did she do this “interview”?
In the past week or so.
Apparently the years of COVID insanity wasn’t enough. Why anyone would listen to the people screaming about bird flu is beyond me.
I work for a law firm & for some upcoming depositions, plaintiff’s counsel advised that at the request of some physician deponents, for any lawyers appearing in person, “social distancing” & masks will be required, “given that they are actively involved in medical care for individuals of all ages & the rise of various viruses across the U.S.”. So the scam & stupidity are revived & by mental midgets in the “medical community”, no less.
I’m sure there will be a bunch in my dumb neighborhood
Who doesn’t have a dumb neighbourhood these days…?
Your 1st paragraph: "the “old media” mavens like to preen and strut and talk about how “only they can do real journalism” and “you need to be trained, need to be credentialed” and ask pompous questions like “how can social media check facts?”" Tell that to journalists like Studs Terkel and Edward R. Murrow. There were no mass media degrees in colleges in their day.
PCR tests for Bird flu? At 45 cycles rocks would test positive.
Birds sitting on power lines to charge. Big grin. But, I bet that just gave the government dronesters an idea. And that gave me an idea. Instead of charging stations for electric vehicles, take out the batteries and put a third rail or overhead cables in all the roads. It worked subways and for street cars. A new movie remake: "A Tesla Named Desire" coming to a theater near you.
You are correct about the PCR cycles.
Back in 2020, I did the math longhand (calculators don't have enough character space).
Early testing for Covid was pegged at about 35 cycles.
That, evidently was dialled back to 28, for obvious reasons.
45 would arguably indicate that Everything was infected...
Like rocks, or yams.
Careful. That kind of personal research and scientific truth will unalive you
Well, yams are pretty nasty, so I am now going to assume that they can kill me with the flu. 😉
I douse them with sugar and butter. That will kill any flu that might be sticking to them.
Butter?? well, look at Mr Money Bags!!!
Try a bit of maple syrup
For a very brief moment in the covid period, our lab reported the number of cycles with the result. This stopped when we could not discharge patients to nursing homes to enable the next wave of admissions.
Yes. It was always a pandemic of testing. It really is that straightforward.
PCR test inventor Kary Mullis is on video discussing why the test does not diagnose anything, and there is the issue of the cycle count as mentioned by Mullis. No one of prominence has ever discussed this publicly. Around various Substacks and other alternative places, everyone knows about this, of course. But most people and virtually all the MSM appear to have no idea, or were ordered not to talk about it. My daughter (nurse) had to get the damn test weekly. More than once she tested positive, then got a repeat test that was negative. Yep...pandemic of testing for sure. The testing drove the narrative.
It"evolved". Initially we had to have 3 negatives in a row to discharge a patient. As you may have guessed each day was a different answer. Money being lost on new admits meant rule changes and changing from PCR to the quick testing method. Save with sick staff. Initially stay off duty for 10 days, then no fever for 3 days then heck, if you feel ok come in.
To clarify, PCR just amplifies the amount of "testable" virus. Testing without amplification resulted in more"negatives".
I'm convinced!
"Tell that to journalists like Studs Terkel and Edward R. Murrow. There were no mass media degrees in colleges in their day." The end of legitimate journalism and the beginning of the propaganda machine in US media can be traced directly to when journalism stopped being a blue collar job without prestige and became instead a elite university graduate career.
I agree. Then image over reporting becames the game. Pretty bubble headed news anchors (both female and male) whose best talents was reading what was put before them. Reporting on the street where all you saw was the reporter on camera, mic in hand, standing across the street from some building where they never got in and interview anyone.
Nicely done!! It made me think about the Sunday morning offerings.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The government again trying to brainwash us. DO NOT SUCCUMB!
Or shame on the entire state of CA..and my home state, CO. They’ll believe ANYTHING!
If only the government had a brain...I'd wash it in arsenic.
Just keep in mind that PCR is NOT a test. Please remember that its inventor, Kary Mullis, said that it can’t test for anything. It is an amplification process at a molecular level to give you much more of the tiny amount of whatever you’re studying, so that your research into it can be easier. Abusing the process by running it at over 35 cycles - as was routinely done in covid - will only enable you to find ANYTHING in ANYBODY...
I must be missing something. I don’t understand why bird flu in a cow is a problem.
they are using it as pretext to attack raw milk producers by claiming it spreads in unpasteurized milk and is killing cats. (yes, really)
So it’s bird flu killing the cats not the Haitians? Only kidding, I’m not sure why my mind went there. Maybe bird flu?
Ha ha my mind went there too. I could even hear a few of the tunes...
Thank you for the laugh!!!
This was on local news last night, complete with veterinarian from the University saying raw milk is killing cats. And also don’t let cats sniff dead birds. I have hundreds of birds at my feeders daily and have yet to find one keeled over. At this point, news is another awful sitcom.
And that answers my standard questions for every media crisis of the day (or week, month, year, decades)…
1. why are they telling me this?
2. why now?
3. who benefits?
4. what is not being said?
Not necessarily in that order. #3 usually reveals the answers to the rest. I’m grateful for your perspective.
I knew in November to prepare for an escalating series of chaos, disasters, attacks, false flags, all of the above—whatever causes the most disruption in the moment—to occur. I haven’t been disappointed. JB isn’t in charge, but the perfect beard for the 3-letter crowd. “They” are saving his craziest acts for the last days and hours, which will serve as the distraction for whatever is really going on. If we make it past J20 without incident, then the real war starts… with the enemy from within, who’ve also been burying land mines for months. Bird flu is a warm up act, just like the drones.
This is 100 percent why it's an issue. Those of us with functioning brains can see through the psy-op and refuse to comply, but if TPTB can euthanize livestock and compensate the owners with our tax dollars to create shortages, it will drive up consumer costs regardless.
…giving The Babylon Bee a run for the money!! 🤣
I never knew cows were birds.
Well, if Buffaloes have wings …?
They will say, "Look! It's cross-species transmission! Next it might mutate to be transmissible to humans and between humans!" even though the humans who "had it" just got pink eye. I really saw a "news report" that said it's scary because we haven't yet seen what it could do to a "vulnerable" person who catches it. Plus, it could mutate within that person to become transmissible from person to person.
Maybe someone is considering french-kissing a cow. Stranger things have happened in Clown World.
Humans having sex with cattle has always caused problems, for example. prevalence of the practice caused cowpox to crossover into Humans, which led to smallpox.
Some Texas cowboys have been embarrassed when accused of "hosing cattle". Yikes.
What the absolute f***!
But what about cow-flu in a bird…?
Birds as vibrators
For the cows
It's similar to bat flu in a pangolin and pangolin flu in raccoon dogs.🤣🤣🤣
Bird flu is barely a problem in birds, to be honest.
"There is no emergency here"
I beg to disagree. Fooling everyone to allow/cheer on the destruction of food supplies like meat and eggs and dairy seems at least close to an emergency
Eggs here have doubled in price in the last week. It is supposedly because they destroyed whole flocks of chickens because of PCR testing positive for bird flu.
Same went from$3 to $9 and change overnight.
The only eggs at Walmart 18 count for just under $10. So you can drink pasteurize milk not raw milk but we cannot have the pasteurized eggs. I wish I could get raw milk as easily as we did in Iowa, mom would skim off the cream from the top to use for various things.
all the while we are being told inflation is going down. But egg prices ripple through the entire food industry. Baked goods and breads in particular.
The heroes in the Legacy Media deserve to be hanged like any other bunch of traitors.
They've done more damage to America than Ted Kennedy and Obama combined.
During the “scamdemic” my friend’s 80 year old father broke his neck mountains biking (he was pretty fit), while in the hospital my friend was informed his father tested positive for Covid. When he unfortunately succumbed to his injury the hospital wanted to list the cause of death as “Covid-19”. My friend refused to allow it despite the administrators protests. Evidently, there was a financial incentive to categorize as many Covid patients as possible. This is purely anecdotal, but it happened.
And widespread. Close to 50% of reported covid deaths were "with covid", not from covid, as your friends father's death attests to. All of course to gain more tax dollars for " treating covid patients"...
Yes, I had noticed the “with” v. “from” distinction, or lack thereof, during active days/months of the psyop.
With a super sticky contagious respiratory pathogen that more often than not caused no symptoms or very mild symptoms, combined with ubiquitous super sensitive PCR testing, any hospital administrator worth his/her salary could easily manufacture a very lucrative cash flow increase given the incentives. Which, of course, had the double benefit of producing super scary case/fatality numbers to be endlessly and mindlessly repeated by the shills at ABC/MSNBC/CNN, etc. I am so disgusted. But, maybe more so by the acquiescence of so many of my fellow Americans than by the snakes behind the scam.
Why does she sound like a 17 year old Valley Girl? Oh. Wait....
While Taylor Lorenz is certainly low hanging fruit, only inches above her are the tools and fools on Fox News. After three weeks of never ending “drones over New Jersey” stories, they’ve now pivoted to .01% reporting on/99.9% speculating on the NOLA and Vegas attacks. Why update us on anything in Gaza or Syria when they can roll out “retired Lt. Gen. Richard Head” to spout uninformed guesses (or CIA authored talking points) about the motives behind the attacks and why we should all be afraid while simultaneously being ready to send our teenagers off to the sandbox because IRAN.
Last straw for me in watching Fox News was seeing them settle w/Dominion instead of fighting, combined with how they canned Tucker. I don't miss it at all. Try it and see what I mean.
I am still laughing...as old as I am and as much as I try to read I have never heard of Peter McIndoe but I have to say I love it. Why are birds sitting on electrical lines? They are charging of course....still laughing.....and if I did not come here I would never know of these "journalists" that sound so.....ridiculous. I do NOT watch CNN,MSNBC,FOX.....NONE of it.
Yeah that goes right up there with "If masks didn't stop the transmission of viruses, why do surgeons wear them while operating?"
You do know that "why DO surgeons wear them?" is a live question, right?
Not sure I know what you mean by "live" question.
They call it the idiot box for a reason ;)
Truly I'm baffled. The guy's age--alone--didn't tip her off?
If she wasn't a creature entirely devoid of humor I'd think she was in on the joke:
As Miss Clavel said--something is not right.