Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Since anti-Semitism is fashionable on the Left again, maybe it’s time to start calling him Gyorgy Schwartz again. Get the Left to cancel one of their own.

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That's very edgy, but It's not the Jew who's destroying the country. It's the Commie. Do you think George Soros identifies as a Jew? He gives money to organizations that are trying to tear down the state of Israel. He supports BDS.

The reason that the Commies are winning is that they are ruthless and smarter than most of the people on the Right, who are still focused on fighting the last war, and looking for the nickel in the corner of a round room.

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Devon Erikson on twitter said , “ the Evil Party vs the Stupid Party”. The former plays the long game.

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Don't worry. With Mitch McConnell and Mike Johnson, we will have this all sorted out in no time. Cue the New Jersey Generals clip.

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If the point is the destruction (according to people like you or me) of the USA, why couldn't a jew with that in mind ally with a commie with the same goal?

Here in EUrope, it is very common for jewish organisations and individual jews to most vehemently argue for mass-migration from moslem nations and from Africa, despite the well-known hatred for jews among arabs and other moslems. As long as it is to european nations, not Israel. A discrepancy that is starting to cost them a lot of real influence as people become aware of it.

The swedish suit&tie-front for Antifa, EXPO, was started by swedish hard-line communists (old-school Stalinists, I kid you not) but before it got state funding, it was a jewish banker and a jewish-owned publishing house that funded EXPO and by extension AFA (swedish Antifa).

It sounds like a bad spy novel, doesn't it? Yet it is true.

Now, when jews in Sweden come under assault from moslem migrants and cannot even set foot in some areas in swedish cities, do you think the jewish organisations here oppose mass-migration? No! They clamour for it even more.

It's perverse is what it is - same as with our christian churches; they run an underground network helping illegal migrants remain in Sweden, especially criminal ones.

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Rikard, how many Jews are in Sweden, 20,000? They aren't driving the bus. Sweden is not a friendly place for Jews. You focus on this to your detriment. The people and organizations who give the most money to these hard Left causes in the United States - It's not George Soros. It's the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Sam Walton Walmart heirs, Hansyorg Wyss, the Hewlett Foundation, The Packard Foundation etc. Arabella Advisors, the dark money fountain on the Left banks billions of dollars from these people. Yes there are Jews who give money to bad causes. There are some dumb people and some bad people who are Jews. Surprise - we're just like you.

As you allude to in Sweden, here as well there are religious organizations, many Christian organizations, banking hundreds of millions of dollars as NGOs, bringing in illegal aliens, working with the cartels and the corrupt US Government to break our laws and sovereignty.

You're a smart guy. Let me ask you something. Do you think that it's an accident that the Left puts Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, and Asians in the public facing places while the old white billionaires sit in the back pulling the strings? What is going on all over the world is a corporatist fascist takeover. They want you to focus on the Jew or the White or the Black, while they steal your life. Yes Jews tend to be intelligent and outperform in certain circumstances. But if Jews ran the world, do you think that the bullshit Israel puts up with would still be going on? Israel would have turned every hostile country in the ME into an ashtray decades ago. It doesn't work like you think it does.

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In as friendly a tone as can be: calm down. I'm not the enemy here.

No. of jews in Sweden is ca 15 000 - 20 000; most of these are swedes descended from the original jews that came here ca 300ish years ago, so they are fully naturalised - they are in all aspects swedes, culturally speaking.

The group who speaks for them publicly is not: they are jews that happen to live in Sweden, but who put them being jews before anything else.

And I judge them the same way I judge arabs or somalis: they are aliens, foreigners, with no /right/ to be here. They /may/ be here on our sufferance.

I have zero problems with Israel not wanting open borders, nor have I any problems understanding why the palestinian arabs hate the israelis. I haven't a god in the fight, but on balance the iraelis aren't a threat to me - the arabs are. I have zero obligation care about jews more than others: I care about my people. They always come first, and I'm perfectly open with that.

What rankles is when jews claim we have a duty to allow mass-migration, while simultaneously claiming Israel has a right to deny migration, the arguement raised that it's the only nation the jews have.

Well, Sweden is the only nation the swedes have. Why shouldn't we be awarded the same rights to our ancestral territory as the jews?

Do you see the conflict in what is a jewish minority claiming to speak for them is saying?

(And Tanto, you should hear what I think about the palestinians in Sweden - it could get me jailed for hate-speech here.)

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Rikard, I am calm. Thank you for explaining yourself. We're going to have to perhaps agree to disagree. Put yourself in my position. I'm an American Jew. I love my country. My father came here from Colombia where his family moved before WW2, because he didn't want to be a second class citizen in a Catholic country. He came to the United States for the promise of equal opportunity. He was a US Army veteran. He voted Republican his whole life btw, which I didn't realize was unusual for Jews until I got a bit older. Now I see the country going down the tubes and circling the drain because of Commies. It disturbs me. Some of the Commies, not most, are nominally Jews. Do you think I like that? Do you think I don't want to slap them upside the head and ask them WTF is wrong with them? Morons. They have no understanding of history. They have no appreciation for the opportunity this country has given them. Just like the rest of the imbecile crowd.

Most of them are just gullible, dumb, and going along with their crowd. The people at the top( of all stripes) are evil. They don't believe the propaganda they rain down on the orcs.

I'm not an observant Jew. But I am a Jew and just as Sweden is the Swede's homeland, Israel is ours. I have Israeli family. Now Israel has a lot of diversity and has 2 million Arabs who apparently prefer to live with the Jews than fight against them in perpetuity. And I suspect that you don't mind some diversity in Sweden as long as it doesn't involve rape, bombings, violent crime, Commies,and hostile dilution of your culture. Every culture evolves. It's better if its voluntary and not via overt invasions by Genghis Khan or covert invasions by Barack Obama/Joe Biden.

So the AntiDefamation League I don't think speaks for me or other Jews. All of the sudden since October 7 they got religion, but before that for the last 15 years, they've just been shaking corporations down. I don't like that.

When I go to a synagogue from time to time and I happen to have the misfortune to hear a rabbi quoting Barack Obama, he doesn't speak for me or for his congregation. He's a clown in my estimation.

Same for whoever it is that you are talking about in Sweden. A lot of grifters and clowns claim to speak for a community. Al Sharpton for example or Louis Farrakhan in the black community. Radical racialists of all stripes claim they represent their community. They usually don't. Because most people aren't radicals.

It's a battle. Everybody advocates for their cause. You would think that history would have taught people to fear totalitarianism, to understand fascism and Communism, but we aren't there yet. You have 2 billion Muslims who have a culture that idolizes the seventh century and conquest of infidels. Big problem.

What I'm trying and failing to explain to you is this - follow the money and the power. At the top of the heap, that's who's driving the bus. It's the CCP. It's the WEF. It's the NWO. It's the transnational corporations like Pfizer and Google and Apple. The politicians and the administrative state are their handmaidens and partners. Jews as Bolsheviks in 1917 in Russia made sense.

Neo-Bolsheviks anywhere in 2024 makes no sense.

I hope Sweden pulls its head out its ass, just as I hope America pulls its head out of its ass. We are basically on the same side. But I don't take responsibility for the Commies who happen to be Jews at birth, like George Soros who funds terrorists. But if people use that affiliation as an excuse to harm Jews, then we have another battle to fight.

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I fail to see where we disagree, and that's not me trying to be funny.

We just focus on different aspects of the same thing.

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You, sir, are eloquent and clear. Thanks for this very thoughtful message.

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Case in point r.e. the global Communist effort and its manifestations in the current campus brouhaha:


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Wow... this is the most amazing pilpul I've ever seen.

Please -- write me an equivalent article about how great *some* National Socialists were. I'll be very receptive.

Not all jews... did you really need infinity paragraphs for that?

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May 1·edited May 1

You're no enemy, you speak truth but the brain washing by the zionists in the west has never been stronger.

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Communism, jewish or other all leads to Fascism. There is No left or right paradigm. As you stated it is the unaccountable corporations and their Foundations that have taken the reins of governments EVERYWHERE. The money trail always appears to have Zionist ties. Collaborations via Bilderberg, Davos, Council on Foreign Relations? Who knows for certain? But they are all anti freedom.

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Virtually every major communist including Marx was a jew. Cohencidence? I think not.

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Completely inaccurate.

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Judeo-Bolshevism is a myth created by anti-semites to rationalize their favorite people, the Nazis. Most prominent Jews in the Communist movement in Russia and the Eastern Block were killed by Stalin or Lenin. Millions of Commies to choose from and you can only see the Jews - because you have a problem.

Don't worry. The Nazis, like all the other movements that sought the destruction of the Jews are gone. The Soviet Commies are gone. Soon Hamas will be gone. You would think people would figure out that trying to wipe out the Jews isn't a good idea in the long run. But they don't.

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Yes, Stalin had to kill lots of jews in order to take over. If Bolshevism wasn't infested with them, funded largely by Jews in NYC, Stalin wouldn't have been able to purge so many.

People are figuring out it's a bad idea to fail to wipe out the jews. Jews will never figure out its a bad idea to keep fucking with people. It's in your peoples' blood and culture.

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Arguing over jews and commies are like arguing over which turd is a nicer shade of brown, or like arguing over evil vs stupid party politicians.

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You've both got it wrong. It's the zionists who parade around as jews. Jews of the Bible are not Israeli devils. The zionists are the scourge of this earth and control every country in the world via their money system. Come on..

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Tanto, I'll preface this by saying that I completely get it that you personally are not a communist.

However, I have absolutely no problem calling George Soros both a Jew and communist. He comes from a long line of Jewish "Hungarian" communists - surely you've heard of Bela Kun?

Bela Kun was the Jewish communist revolutionary who seized power in Hungary in 1919 with a bunch of other Jews, and ran a Red Terror campaign based on the Red Terror campaign being run by the other Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia.

No, not all Jews are communists, and not all communists are Jews. But there is way too much overlap between the two groups to ignore.

Karl Marx was Jewish, the Bolsheviks who staged the "Russian" Revolution were largely Jewish (not to mention the Jewish financiers who backed them, like Jacob Schiff), and there is a long list of Jews behind Mao (https://odysee.com/@I-Rabbi-T:3/Mao's-Jews--How-Jews-Helped-To-Install-Communism-In-China:0 ).

I don't pretend to have this all figured out - but I can't ignore obvious patterns.

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Not sure what you’re trying to prove. That there have been prominent Jews in the Communist movement? True. Marx hated Judaism. There are a lot of Catholics in the Communist movement, too. So? Now Jews turned China Communist? lol.

You want one simple fact that disproves your point,if I understand you correctly? It’s this: Israel is not a Communist country. Israel- It’s an innovative capitalist free market country with democratic multiparty elections. Not one party Communist rule. If Jews wanted a communism, surely they could have it in Israel. They don’t have it.

Don’t tell me about 1919. The monarchs of Eastern Europe were cruel. It was inevitable that there would be a backlash. In 2024, in affluent societies without serious problems other than imaginary ones, Communism makes no sense. It’s a scam anyway. The Hungarian fascists, the Arrow Cross party. and their friends the Nazis massacred Hungarian Jew in WWII. So if you want to compare reigns of terror, let’s go.

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Oh, I know Israel isn't a communist country. Communism is what Jews want for other peoples, not for themselves.

Yes, the Czars of Russia could be harsh rulers. But there is no comparison between their rule and that of the Bolsheviks. To try to argue otherwise is simply ridiculous.

Of course you had to bring Nazis into the equation - that is the best PR scam the Jews have going. The NSDAP was trying to prevent Jewish communists from the East from ruining Germany, but they lost the war and so they lost the narrative too.

My favourite "Hungarian" Jewish Holocaust "survivor" is Irene Zisblatt - the one who kept swallowing diamonds and then picking them out of her poo while she was in Auschwitz. Gives a whole new meaning to the saying, "You can't make this shit up."

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That didn't take long....

It's now crystal clear that you're a lunatic.

At this moment the Intergalactic High JOOOOO Command are targeting our Magic JOOOOO Lizard Space Lasers to brainwash you.

It's only a question of when, not if, the aluminum foil wrapped tightly on your head gives out.

Hamas has some openings for "freedom fighters". I would encourage you to apply. You have what it takes.

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Thank you for your forthrightness, Tanto. It's very revealing.

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Space Lasers bro. Turned up to 11

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They only hate the wrong kind of jews, those who disagree with them

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Good point.

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The left. Meh. That's such brainwashed partisan ignorant comment. I guess you're a zionist or a fundamental Christian. Ones the snake ones the sheep.

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censuring Israeli behavior is not *anti-semitism*

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For all it's lawlessness and homelessness, San Francisco sure "cleaned things up" when CCP Chairman Xi Jinping came to town. California Gov. Patrick Bateman, I mean Gavin Newsom, was so eager to kiss Xi's behind. It makes you wonder where these politicans' loyalties lie?

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There is very little need to wonder anymore. It’s obvious.

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And now all Union Square stores are closed, awaiting the Soros types swooping in and buying them on the cheap so we can all praise "the comeback of Union Square," you know, like destroying the economy (plandemic) only to be praised by idiots for "rebuilding it."

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The news stories are already coming out about investors scooping up downtown properties at 10 cents on the dollar. Every time I spot a conspiracy theory it turns out accurate about two years later. What an interesting time to be alive.

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Yes, law and order will suddenly "come back" and the prices will go up by 10x-20x. We're being grifted.

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This seems like a very predictable game.

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To the point of being boring for those that see it. Frightening that many don't see it.

One example; Coal.

They drove it down, down, down, and then the super environmentalists, Soros, and the Steyer brothers became some of the largest owners in the coal industry. Of course, it's out of sight, out of mind, so the dolts don't start thinking.

The New King of Coal, George Soros: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/17/the-new-king-coal-george-soros/?utm_content=buffere4237&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Not Beyond Coal: Despite Latest IEA Report, China and India Are Building More Coal Plants


Steyer and Indonesian Coal: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/09/22/McAuliffe-s-Green-Billionaire-Supporter-Enriched-Himself-Through-Coal-And-Oil

Indonesian Coal Mining Boom is Leaving a Trail of Destruction: http://e360.yale.edu/feature/indonesian_coal_mining_boom_is_leaving_trail_of_destruction/2941/

LA Times, If Coal is Too Dirty for the US, Why Would Oakland Build a Dock to Export it to Asia? http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-adv-oakland-coal-port-20160506-story.html

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This is a great info. Thanks for sending, Eric. I was familiar with some of these stories, but did not know about Soros buying up coal. The mere fact that China and India are ramping up coal production in light of all the "Netzero" stipulations placed on western nations, should cause any thinking person, pause.

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Bingo, and there's nothing "organic" about the demise of these great cities.

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ah the benefits of controlling the entire game.

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The benefits of being an antitichrist.

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Thanks for these links Eric. I can share them the next time I hear someone talking about how my gas stove is destroying the planet. And how selfish I am, while the democrats are trying so desperately to help us avert a climate catastrophe.

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Newsome <channeling his inner Soup KnotSee>:

"No poop for you!"

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"Patrick Bateman"

Dag, I'd never noticed the very good resemblance before.

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I'm pretty sure they worship China.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Rank-and-file voters in these deep blue areas deserve their share of the blame:

1. State laws (passed by the statehouse or in a statewide referendum) in many places (e.g. NYS, Illinois, Calif.) have largely eliminated the practice of holding street criminals pending their posting a meaningful cash bail, accelerating the revolving jailhouse door, and/or have downgraded serious theft offenses to misdemeanors. These were much bigger political lifts than $500k on some DA's race.

2. These Soros DAs rarely hide their intentions. If you listen to such a candidate's "restorative justice" "defund the police" and other progressive claptrap and still think it's a good idea to vote for him, then when your car is broken into and the perp walks free it's kind of on you.

Soros is a malignant little goblin, but he's for the most part modestly harnessing and nudging vast forces that already exist prior to his interventions.

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About fifteen years ago I worked the elimination of cash bail issue in my statehouse. Against it on behalf of bail bondsman. It was being pushed by Soros-funded DA's in mid-size purple counties; where D's were D's and R's were D-lite's. And the big blue city county DA's.

And they had a few advocates from reliably red counties who were the biggest champions for cashless bail. Including a R who went on to run for state AG (who lost in the primary).

Point is, Soros DA's aren't just D's. And aren't just in big D counties. They worked the legislature and were instrumental in the passage of no cash bail even in purple states. They had credibility with fully ignorant, trusting and/or complicit legislators who would normally have been against ending cash bail if they knew what it meant, but their good sense was blinded by the title "DA" and they'd defer to the authority the title implied. (Kind of like how the title "Dr" blinded people to wear masks and take jabs.)

When I worked the issue for bondsman we prevailed, we were able to educate enough legislators about the issue and overcome the en-titled Soros DA's. And his "conservative" legislators with ambition he had on the payroll.

But the issue came back a few years later when I wasn't doing that work anymore, D's were fully in charge and the law was changed to allow local governments to end cash bail. More Soros politicians were on the payroll by then. D's and "R's".

Point is, do your homework on who you elect. Party affiliation alone, conservative district alone isn't enough. And even if they're not bad people working for Soros too many of them are too stupid or too trusting of a title to protect our civilization. Foolishy voting our safety and freedom away. Become an educated voter who your elected officials hear from. Voting every two years for a party designee isn't enough.

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It’s no accident that gaming the DA races was like taking candy from a baby: the VAST majority of voters really don’t understand the basic principles of our legal system.

When I tried to explain why our local Soros candidate was unsuitable to a rich real estate developer (who has a lot to lose from rampant crime), he was unable to grasp why a lawyer who spent her career doing defense work might not be a good choice for prosecutor. And how many laypeople actually have a clue about technical legal terms like “diversion”? All that DEI/equity-type language has been force-fed down “the people’s” throats to the point where they think it’s “fairer” (which it is NOT).

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And those same people become legislators, and councilmen and commissioners and sit on boards and panels and nonprofits and, and, and. I know. I worked with them. They literally had no clue. And just trusted their "friend", the title of a stranger or their party leadership and donors. Then make the laws and and rules we live, and die by. Same people. No clue. We put them there because we find them likable. Or trust their titles. Or trust others. Few people bother using their brain cells to figure out more. But they'll know what Markle and Prince Harry are doing. And how many points a running back scored for their fantasy league team. Smh.

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What is fueling these vast forces?

A mass media propaganda engine?

An ideologically captured education system?

A political party duopoly effective at repelling challenges?


How would they rank?

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soros is one globalist aligned with the rest of the billionaire globalists operating a generations-long agenda. It's clear "voting" has no direct relevance to that agenda ... oh they occasionally allow it merely to give the impression of confirming the collective "consent" via the myth of "democracy." All is already orchestrated behind the scenes. The important votes rigged.

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I know a policeman who, in the process of making an arrest, was attacked with a 2x4 by the arrestee's companion. The officer raised his arm to protect his head and had his elbow destroyed by the blow. After processing the criminals and going to the hospital to have his broken elbow mended, the officer did not return home until 2 days after the incident. He learned that his assailant was released almost immediately from custody, and the the Soros DA was seeking "supervision" and not attempted manslaughter for taking a swing at the officer's head.

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Soros is a true Bond Villian... He deserves the same fate... Unfortunately, his evil spawn are younger and MUCH worse than he is so it's going to take a hellfire at the next family gathering for some peace... Where is Jack Bauer when you need him...

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The son has learned well from the father and appears to be actually worse. That said, for years, the few actual conservatives in the US have urged Americans to get themselves elected to local offices, but the irony, as Gato so frighteningly points out, is that rank, extreme fascist Soros and his spawn have done it. Please, explain to me again how we are not rushing headlong toward civil war?

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We are not rushing headlong toward civil war because it is becoming increasingly obvious that those who are opposed to the violence and horrors wrought by Soros and his minions are simply too polite to do anything about the atrocities being committed all around us.

This morning I read not one, but two separate articles on Substack regarding the latest push by the leftist Borg: nothing less than the normalization of "Human euthanasia." This trend slippery-sloped from so-called "mercy killings" of the terminally ill to what we in veterinary medicine call "convenience euthanasia" of the poor so fast that it boggles the mind. We are at a point where "they" are overtly pushing death as the best option for anyone who does not conform (eg, the so-called "mentally ill").* This is just the latest atrocity being committed in the west, and even this doesn't have people up in arms. Nothing will. We just have to hunker, keep our own nests clean, build our own communities and ride out the chaos.

*Not that this is really new; the military-industrial complex has been doing this for aeons.

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I guess the fentynol and Trank overdoses are not working fast enough.

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IMO, that's part of the death plan yes but more part of the "disrupt everything and make life a dystopian Hell" plan. They go hand in hand, you see.

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"convenience euthanasia" 🎯

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Was just thinking the same thing!!

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Soros has 5 children ranging in ages from early 60s to late 30s - they're going to be around a long time. Alex and Jonathan seem to be the most involved in unfortunate stuff. What a shame they're leaning toward the Dark Side.

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What are Soros' actual motivations? Has anything been said or written on this? Is it that he is a true believer or something more subtle?

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it's an interesting question.

my best guess is that he's wrecker. he chose "anti-incarceration" as a cause because it let's him support people who break things and to destabilize systems.

i suspect his bigger goal is to push trans national and globalist organizations, but to get there, you need to first remove the US as the world cop/global hegemon. so you break the US regime, undermine law, boost crime, and then fund protests run by a group that has bean a massive terror problem all over the world until you get the US imploding and inwardly focused on its own safety and survival to it must pull back from global ambitions.

i'm speculating and just trying to connect dots in a way that makes sense. possible i'm making stuff up. but soros is very mart, very effective, and is always working a plan by coming at it sideways. so it kind of fits.

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James Lindsay, in this super deep dive based on Soros' own book and interviews, argues that Soros thinks he is essentially a god, and & is driven to use his wealth to stamp out nationalism, etc.: https://newdiscourses.com/2024/04/the-reflexive-alchemy-of-george-soros/

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the globalists consider themselves gods. they use their wealth to control and manipulate the mere humans. as they are gods, we are here only to serve them. most of us are unnecessary in that regard. hence depopulation must proceed at pace.

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Thanks, added to my podcast playlist

Coincidentally i just saw David Icke of all people raising the jewish angle on Twitter

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There's an angle to consider, that is very uncomfortable:

There's a miniscule yet influential segment among western jews that "we" owe them a debt for "allowing" the Holocaust.

It could be that simple, when it comes to Soros: he wants revenge, and the original criminals are long gone, so in accordance with cultural-religious tradition he wreaks vengeance unto the seventh generation.

Pure speculation, of course, but more powerful people than him have done far stupider or wicked things for much less reason or cause.

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The only problem with your theory is that he hates Israel and does everything he can to destroy it.

I think that James Lindsay has provided a great deep analysis of Soros' motivations that are based on his actual writing and interviews

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Soros is the definition of a self-hating Jew. What I don’t understand is that he had a Hungarian given name and anglicized it even as his family adopted a fake Hungarian family name. (In Hungary as in much of Asia the family name comes first, so he’s SCHWARTZ Gyorgy).

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I guess that they changed it mostly to have names that are easier to write and pronounce in the West, many Eastern European Jews did the same

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It was to hide their Jewish heritage.

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What is wrong with you people? Look. Soros funds anti-israel protests. These are completely opposed by the police (the 'good guys'). Some dude (probably a jew) ends up saying 'kill all jews'. Jews use this to clamp down on non-existent 'anti-semitism'.

Oh wait. This is *already happening*. So you know *exactly* why the jews are doing this. Why not just say this?!? This is lunacy!

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Soros is a patriotic jew. He's also likely not the Big Bad, but merely another henchman. He makes billions a year as a hedge fund manager, but that means he is managing $100B+ of other peoples' money. He is just the hired help, it is the people who control the money he manages that are likely the real villains.

"When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex [Soros] told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”"

[aprox 3/4 of the way down, beneath the 'Soros on a billboard' pic]


Some are saying he hates Israel. That might be true, but that doesn't mean he is anti-jew. There are 2 basic types of Jews at the international level: zionists who think Israel is super important, and atheistic globalist banker types that see israel as just another tool to be used and discarded. Soros is the latter.

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As uncomfortable as it may be to process, perhaps consider that he is evil in the precise way that religions have always described.

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This is exactly what I have been thinking. Thank you for saying it out loud.

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He is one of the anti-christs, IMO.

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Some men just want to see the world burn.


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To make lots and lots of money. He has it all worked out. Fortunately, he at the end of life, despite him having offspring similar to him, he is one of a kind.

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true, scions are rarely as effective as the original

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We can hope.

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he's a globalist. his role in the globalist agenda is the same as the rest: manipulate and control the world's humans for the self interest of the globalists. That's it. There's nothing subtle about it.

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Sounds like George Soros has some daddy issues.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Can’t believe a foreigner can be allowed to wreak so much havoc. There has to be a lot of chickenshit compromised ‘officials’ letting this happen. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/maskless-nancy-pelosi-pictured-hanging-george-soros-son-past-weekend/

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Or consent by various government agencies and political "leaders". They are working for the same outcome. It is going to be an interesting rest of the year. (and not in a good way).

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Just quoting verbatim part of the link you have provided, "...pelosi-pictured-hanging-george-soros-son...."

And my comment on quote, Oh, we should be so lucky!

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The reason that the Commies are winning is that they don't spend their time writing funny comments and playing catch up. They spend their time in the streets and taking over the organizations that control public opinion and government. I like a good laugh as much as the next person, but this shit is not funny. People are getting damaged and killed because of these pieces of shit. George Soros is a cancer. And so are the rest of the billionaires allied with the Neo-Marxists.

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The reason that the commies are winning is because they're backed by infinite jewish 'fiat currency'.

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I think a lot these days about Soros and how early life taught him that nothing is more important than having the power and resources to control those who want to control everyone else. The bare bones of his biographical information can't tell us what it felt like to be that boy saved by cleverness and deceit from a horrible monstrous early end, but it certainly made him ruthless like many of the Jewish oligarchs in Ukraine and Russia. It's like the end line of "The Star Gypsies."

Terrible childhoods, no matter the cause, are behind so much of the mayhem done by people who've managed to live through them. The natural lessons they've learned are applied in ways very bad for society at large. And if they are smart, so much the worse for us, whether they are gang leaders or multi-billionaires who can buy everyone they want to.

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hmmm. I believe now that many of these supposed bios are just conjured narratives to suit the prearranged purpose. As Elon's certainly was:

James Corbett: Elon technocratic huckster


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Oh well. If it makes you happier to think that way...

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the masters of narrative would devise their own origin stories, don't ya think?

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It's not terribly hard to understand someone's driving motivations from their formative experiences.

But it's so much more fun to create fabulisms to explain perfectly human actions, isn't it? Enjoy yourself.

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did you watch the Elon video?

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Thank you for your service.

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> “prosecuting auto breaks ins in racist!”

in -> is

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Gotta keep your mom smiling somehow. ;)

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Just had to "wave hello"!

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Hey you.

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The police situation is interesting. They don't have to defund the police; they simply wait until no one will take the job of policing and then the police are not only defunded but defanged through lawfare, leaving only the very rich and the very poor in the same very-blue city locations. The upper middle class moves out to safer locales; the lower and middle-middle class languish and fall into poverty. The so-called doom loop is operating in many different institutions: education, policing, access to food, real estate. The ultimate result is a demand for more and more-sweeping federal programs with their attendant bureaucracies and mindless rules (show me the target and I'll tell you the violation). The ultimate goal is to diminish states' rights and create one State. To borrow the phrase--all watched over by machines of loving grace.

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And they enact strict gun control in the same areas so the citizenry can't defend themselves....

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Exactly! The better to kill you off, my dear.

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Time to call out the Minutemen.

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I have a semi high level of confidence that his purchasing of all these radio stations will just cause them to go under as there's no market for whatever he has in mind.

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Similar thoughts here. Like who listens to the radio any more?

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I'm listening to it right now.

WBAL 1090 AM in Baltimore is good talk radio.

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Alright well just be on the alert for when they start telling you bugs are actually pretty tasty and super nutritious, and actually you'd be happy if you don't own anything, and are police really needed in a civilized society? Soros might have bought your station 🤣

In all seriousness though, I actually was a daily local NPR listener as late as 2012 or so, until it started feeling like a daily struggle session designed to make me feel bad for my reactionary ideas and demographic characteristics.

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Yeah, this is kind of the anti-NPR.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Many years ago, a co-worker listened to NPR everyday. I didn't always work in the same section, but when I did my blood pressure would be sky high by the time I had finished my particular job and could leave the space. I was then upset and pissed off for the rest of the day. 😢😭

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*in Terri Gross voice to every single thing that really just isn't*

"That's very interesting."

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Well when we get blocked from the internet due to social score, then there will be some who might like to listen to local radio. But it won't be there.

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In the boonies, there's still ham radio for news and planning.

Thinking a DIY mesh wifi network could provide the news and entertainment if you get enough people involved.

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Mesh network capability on amateur radio does exist. Need to have more people licensed.

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It might be, but it'll be propaganda all day, every day.

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I'm listening as well. But for whatever reason, conservative voices are able to find an audience via radio. Nobody will listen to a lefty clown on the radio for even a minute. They've tried before, and failed.

I don't have any hypothesis why this is the case. I've just observed it.

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Talk radio stations WMAL 105.9 FM out of DC and WCBM 680 AM out of Baltimore are great American and conservative.

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There's at least 3 good Rock stations around here.

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For Soros it is never about an overt change - it will start out subtly. Then, after you get used to it, the strings will begin to be pulled. By the time anyone really starts yelling, the damage is already mostly done. My county has a Soros DA. We were doomed the moment the mindless masses elected him, and we had been warned. But those that can and will hide behind gated communities do not care a bit about the rest of the peasants, so they openly supported the nightmare to come. And come it has.

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But he seems to have infinite $$$$$ so why not.

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I wonder if this isn't part of a bigger move. Note that last week, while College Campuses were distracting us, as was the Trump show trial, the FCC reinstated so-called "Net Neutrality" which gives the Fed control of the Internet. It doesn't take much imagination to envision a series of crises (Maybe around the time of the DNC in August) and they will use these to justify pulling the plug on the internet. Then, what do we do for news and weather? Maybe we turn into "morning drive time with Geo and Alex" and suddenly the weather report says its perpetually 5 degrees hotter than it really is, and as to the news: forgedaboutit. Conservative Talk radio? No need to worry about censoring because it will be off the air already.

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A billionaire capitalist using his private property - his money - to fund persons and groups with goals which aligns with his political views, here presented as a problem.

Okay, it is a problem because most wouldn't agree with the Soros-backed DAs et cetera, I guesss (I sure don't and his people are active in my nation too), but is it illegal?

Does it violate the principles and tenets of democracy, liberalism (the real one, not the present-day rainbow-wokeism), and capitalism?

I think he and his team are clever enough to use legal counsel to ensure only legal methods are used.

And every citizen is free to engage in politics to the limit of their own ability and interest, are they not?

Perhaps the problem stems from two things:

>No-one voted for him, he therefore has no public mandate to try and effect political changes (but neither has any lobbyist group such as BLM or AIPAC).

>People with lots of money have a greater ability to affect politics than does the average worker or small business owner.

A debate, based on libertarian principles of property rights, such as how to use property (such as money) to effect and affect collective decisions re: the rules governing interactions, rights, duties, and so on would be very enlightening.

How does a society best handle asset disparity when it comes to political influence?

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Buying influence is normal and is always judged based on how one feels about the purchaser and his goals.

Of course nobody's ever seen a scale like this before. But charitable resources given to win friends and shape an institution's direction or what priorities a government may elevate is as old as "want a morsel of this hunk of meat?"

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Oh I know that, and you know that I know that I know that you know, no worries.

150ish years ago, it was even normal here that state functionnaires, ministers, and such publicly declared if they took money from foreign powers or from bankls, corporations and such - if they declared it and paid taxes on it as income, it was legal.

Don't know exactly when it became illegal, but nowadays it is.

My point, blunt it may be, was to point out the dilemma that lies in espousing universal ideals, principles et cetera - especially regarding property and fortunes - and people with said resources using them to influence a democratic system well beyond what even a legion of citizens would be able to do; if private property is something one is free to use in any legal manner, then it becomes a tad difficult to - frankly - whine and bitch about rich people buying influence.

Because the opposite is of course banning people from spending money on influencing politics/politicians, and civil servants (DAs f.e.). And that is the state interfering with how a private citizen uses his/hers private property - a stance usually Haram to libertarians.

Finding the breaking points of an ideal or idea, especially of -isms and creeds, is crucial to avoiding falling into traps of rationalisation et cetera.

The alternative of course being to be upfront about it: forces, people, groups aligned with me or that I approve of may do it, the others may not. That is at least honest and not hypocritical.

It's the same as with free speech and bodily autonomy: we're all for it until someone uses it in a way we can't tolerate.

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I'm enjoying this interesting discussion following Gato's insightful post. It does always seem that getting money out of politics would be a good thing, but then there's the free speech thing. And influence in politics is indeed the way it's been forever. Presumably, the democratic process of voting has been a check on that. And influence on both sides of a political debate is the norm. But what happens when those elected representatives, who still have to swear to uphold the Constitution, go about flaunting the existing law? What about when the influence is actually designed to SUBVERT the constitution and the existing laws? isn't THAT illegal? It's insurrection by proxy, no?

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At the risk of devolving into arguing definitions (or worse, using definitions as arguements) I'd say that intent would be the decider whether or not to call it insurrection, by proxy or not.

But it's nigh-on impossible judgement call too - where to draw the line, and who draws it? Our system, US or other, wasn't designed to handle people with more monetary resources than entire groups of nations peddling influence in the manner that has been - increasingly - the norm since the 1960s.

Direct interference such as bribes, lobbying, sinecures, nepotism and such are all old hat, ancient even, but this subverting of the foundational Gemeinschaft of a nation/society is new.

If I was to spitball a couple of ideas into the wide blue yonder it'd be this:

>Abolish the party system and vote directly for any individual registered as a legal candidate for an office. Said individual can then pick his/hers cabinet, with some checkas and balances on eligibility. It'd diffuse and defuse things, since it'd mean far too many possibles to influence, no hooks and tethers on any candidate since they'd have no actual political career to risk if bucking an oligarch/mecenat.

>Or, use a lottery for all public offices of a purely administrative function (such as president). All legal citizens of the legal age, compos mentis, not in prison, no tax debt, maybe a couple of other bars, eligible to be lotted as the position in question. One term only per office. It would mean that any parliament or eq. would represent the demography of the nation, and make influence-peddling virtually impossible, to say nothing of political clans and dynasties.

>Upon taking office, any office, an individual forfeits all their assets to the state with no redress or refunding after leaving office.

>Any donations to be treated as income and made taxable as income. Any donations given will not enable any write-offs or deductions of any kind, and any donations to anyone holding or vying for public office be it DA or president means the donor has to donate the eq. amount to the tax office of the state/nation in question.

None of that solves the underlying moral problems, but might serve to mitigate them, though not without creating a different set of problems of course.

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Tithe to the church and be saved 'n all that.

Every engine of belief--even Soros'--is in service of the quest for the controllable state of being. I think he in particular as under discussion here learned the very early lesson that one either controls or is controlled and one's survival depends on being the controller. He also learned very early that his cultured assimilated very Hungarian family wasn't considered Hungarian at all when the crunch came and that is some brutal life schooling. Another person of less ruthless temperament might have just been grateful to have survived, perhaps, and made a little less money perhaps and founded schools for teaching poor boys to become skilled tradesmen or something. But whatever seed was in him out of the ordinary was encouraged by circumstances to grow in very bad directions and he didn't attempt to cultivate it in better ones.

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Just galling.

Well written as always, Gato

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Even Hollywood coudn't have cast a better Mr. Evil a/k/a Gyorgy Schwartz fome whose visage came the 'Jabba the Hutt' character. I put my money on Tuxedo Kitty. Accountability? Witness Clarence Thomas questioning whether the Evil Jack Smith is even legally allowed to persecute the former President and what his bona fides actually are. Soon, all the DA rats will be scurrying for their dark corners, like kitchen roaches when the lightswitch is snapped on.

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