The ability to argue against a committed believer that this is part of a depopulation conspiracy gets harder every day.

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Yup. “Unforeseen impact”? I think not. Brought to you by people complaining there are too many useless people on the planet.

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Seems like there could be a lack of impact for the sperms intended target. Sayin'

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The worldwide coordination between governments, media, social media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, etc. to censor any info that contradicts "The $cience" has really been quite impressive. After two years of being bombarded with this propaganda, people have become mindless zombies, chanting the company mantra, "$afe and Effective", "$afe and Effective", "$afe and Effective". And if they happen to contract Covid after being vaccinated, which the vast majority do, they are programmed to say, "I am so thankful to have been vaccinated, because it would be so much worse without it." It is really quite stunning to observe. I never thought I would see anything like it in my lifetime.

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I know. I can't believe what we are living through. People I've known forever speak confidently to me about the glorious vax, and if I say, "Actually, pfizer's own trial showed..." they are like total blank zombies. It's safe and effective! Also, paxlovid is AMAZING too! (Um, if the vax is so glorious, why do you need the amazing paxlovid...)

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Paxlovid gives em a Covid rebound. Yay.

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JOE: "For the last time, I'm pretty sure what's killing the crops is this Brawndo stuff."

SEC. OF STATE: "But... Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes!"

( Excerpt from the 2006 movie, 'Idiocracy'. See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMHfBobgLSI ).


RED-PILLED 'ANTI-VAXXER': "For the last time, I'm pretty sure what's hurting all these people is this 'mRNA vaccine' stuff."

BLUE-PILLED DRONE: "But... We need the vaccine against covid. It's safe and effective!"

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The Brawndo scene is now a reality!

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True. The kicker, is that Idiocracy's (israeli) screenwriter, the very progressive Etan Cohen, once quipped on twitter: "I never expected my movie to become a documentary" — referring to the outcome of the 2016 election — as reported in a The Hill article. ...Looks like the joke's on them, now ( on correct-thinking, Trump-hating, pro-vaxx, pro-mandates, so-called "liberals", I mean ). ...It's easy to point at others' alleged uncouth stupidity ( "deplorables'" ), but not so much to admit one's own, despite mounting evidence — actual science, in this case ( as opposed to 'The' Science ).

The democidal pandemic response had at least one merit: we know who's who, now, and what they actually stand for, and/or are willing to accept ( even if most of them deny it, or are simply too enthralled by the propaganda, to realize it ).

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Yes, that "amazing" Paxlovid appears to have nearly killed Fauci, but, "if" he had not taken the chance of taking TWO regimes of it, even though ill advised to take two as it's pretty rough on the kidneys and liver, but he'd surely be dead right now if he hadn't ! So convenient, a perfect reply for everyone because it can never be proven either way ! What we CAN observe is, the more shots he got, the more boosters, and the more Paxlovid courses he took, the worse his health became. One proven scientific method taught in all basic courses is: OBSERVATION. Beginning in kindergarten, have children plant two pea plants. When the plants emerge, you water one with water from the tap, and the other with a salt water mix the teachers has the children make. Then daily the children orally report their OBSERVATIONS of EACH plant and the teacher records them on two large charts for which they review together each day as the observation continues. Bingo, it EASY to teach scientific method beginning in Kindergarten or even pre-school ! All it takes is a skilled teacher, one not burdened with social and "cultural" education agendas. After all the observation, you can call for, and make a list of "conclusions". Does salt water appear to HELP plants grow ? Which plant was the healthiest at the end of the observation experiment ? Does Covid vaccination prevent Covid infection or the spread of it ?

Even if your friends are highly educated, they are still venerable to the weaknesses of "human nature" (protection of the ego). Actually having an honest and open conversation (something often talked about and rarely happens), would mean a conversation that goes like this (when you mention "Pfizer's own studies to them": "Oh, really ? I was not aware of that. That's interesting, I would love to read those myself, might change my whole outlook concerning this vaccine. Can you tell be where to find the actual studies, not just "summaries". I KNOW a "summary" can be anything the writer prefers." NOW, people who claim to be "open minded" just don't talk like that do they ???

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There are several more chapters left in this murder-mix masterpiece, written by Satan himself.

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I agree with you Ryan. I've tried to talk about it with family members and friends but nearly everyone I know is vaccinated and boosted. This is a truly diabolical agenda and I'm afraid it's just getting started.

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Don’t waste your time preaching to those who are obviously hardened and scornful.

"They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch” (Matthew 15:14).

“Don’t try to give the gospel to people who have already rejected it.”

(Sarah, 12)

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We are fighting for ourselves and our children now. That's where I'm focusing my time.

And making it clear that folks like us will not back down and we will not go away.

That we will exert our will on the environment and we will NEVER allow this to happen again.

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Absolutely! Amen!

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So well stated. I'm a slow to accept any "facts" individual, when I read ANY "research". I am the compulsive type that must go to the actual study, look at the research design format, ask which variables were included and which "ignored" (in a effort to alter results, etc. etc. "Big Pharma", " Big Tech" KNOW (as a few of us in the "masses"know), human psychology. People hear ONLY what they want to hear. Example: A Rx medication, hawked daily on TV, to ease an uncomfortable, annoying, but not terminal "condition" (note, NOT a "disease" but a "condition"). In their desperate search to ease symptoms, people do NOT hear the part of the ad that states clearly that frequent side effects are nausea, depression, tiredness, rapid heart beat, "other side effects" they go on, include a rare but lethal brain infection, live damage, kidney damage, suicidal thoughts (with the warning to call you doctor "immediately" if you have suicidal thoughts... every tried to call a doctor lately and have ANYONE answer, let alone a doctor ? Lucky to get called back in two days ! People were/are so frightened of death, they were/are quite willing to take any "vaccination". I am stunned that the majority of the people do not realize that big industry has the money for the human psychology experts to collaborate on ad campaigns. Good grief, they lined up and actually got into physical altercations trying to be the first to get a brand new "medication" with no track record at all, from tents set up on empty lots and parking areas ! JUST THINK ABOUT THAT ? ? Of course these people are embarrassed, they have little actual education (considering that a high school graduate typically has no basic background in science, scientific method, things that USED to be basic curriculum keystones), they flew to these shots like flies to a picnic, and yes, it's a gigantic blow to the ego to realize fear concurred common sense. They feel foolish, the must save face, so they say completely outrageous things such as " yeah, I've had it twice now, the first time was not too bad, about 5 days, only 3 really bad ones, but this last round (like Fauci's second "infection") was so much worse, I'm still not up to par." So, they HAVE to say something, even so illogical you could not convince an 8 year old like; "It's bad but, I have to realize if I had NOT gotten all those shots and boosters, I'd be dead now" Dah ! You can't reason with someone who believes that, there is not path to logic because they are emotionally incapable of having a conversation based solely on logic... completely emotion free, so.... what to do ? Not much really can be done. If you ask them to closely analyze data, they have a way to absolutely reject it, or, they have no idea HOW to examine a "study" !

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Maybe there is something in them (safe and effective) designed to impaire human cognitive functioning?

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There are neurological effects which could cause cognitive impairment. Start here: https://nationalfile.com/report-pfizer-vaccine-confirmed-to-cause-neurodegenerative-diseases/ and here: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.01.442293 There is a Canadian doctor (Charles Hoffe) reporting neurological symptoms in First Nations Peoples in Lytton BC. The DOD (as reported by Thomas Renz) is reporting neurological symptoms as well. Also look at Prion disease: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56084-3_18 .

In my personal experience, it seems like many (though, oddly, not all) of the people taking the shot lose empathy, very similar to people taking SSRI's. Many of us are losing friends and family to this disaster.

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Thank you, very helpful and explains a lot.

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"Long Covid"

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Is it still a conspiracy theory when the conspirators openly brag about their plans for you?

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This is why I explicitly did not use the phrase "conspiracy theory."

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Engaging in a dot connecting exercise, and employing, for example, the Bradford Hill Criteria to the question leaves one very much on the side of this is an intentional depopulation campaign. I came to this conclusion in 2020 on the basis on several key pieces of information. Here they are listed in no order of importance. Administering a non sterilizing shot while community spread is ongoing amounts to Immunological malpractice. Everyone with training in the relevant fields associated with the jab campaign would know this, because it's basic knowledge. This strongly suggests malice. No one as ever been successful at creating a safe and effective vaccine for a respiratory virus. Quite the opposite. Too many Malthusians like the biggest bio terrorist on the planet were pushing this, and just a few months before the authorities declared a public health emergency Event 201 took place at Johns Hopkins under the auspices of, among others, The Gates Foundation. Finally. The $IMFS is a late stage terminal case and they want to crash the system and need scapegoats. Everything about the last two years has given off a terrible stench.

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No. It is a Fauci vanity project, not a conspiracy, driven by money and power. Fueled by hyped fear and the “ we have to do something” mentality.

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It’s much more than a Fauci vanity project. It’s a centuries old agenda at its culmination.

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At this point I'm honestly open to either theory.

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Fauci is just a corrupt tool.

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I really hope that is the case

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These idiots aren't smart enough to plan in depopulation. It's just a science fair project run amuck and backed by lots of money.

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You're wrong--they've planned this for many decades-haven't tried to hide it bc they control the Mainslime Media totally-- please go to CorbettReport.com he documents it all right from their mouths

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Sorry I don't think they have that power. This mRNA technology seemed like a good idea and a real moneymaker, a way to go down in history. It was poorly conceived and thought through. These nerds don't know enough to plan to reduce sperm count with this garbage. Anyway, it's a poor farmer that kills his cattle.

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Just FYI, farmers do kill some of their cattle, that's the point. What we've got here with Big Harma's needles and mandates is a selective culling machine. If they implement the electronic vax passport system effectively then this is exactly like a cattle rancher culling his herd.

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Happy Father’s Day!

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If I didn't know any better, I'd be inclined to think, the mischievous Cat, posted this, as a set-up for your perfect reply...and a wiley recognition of Father's Day!

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I could not possibly comment on such accusations.

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You could as one of those ubiquitous "Someone's"...;]

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I was much more focused on this paragraph:

"when you rush vaccines to market, especially vaccines using an entirely new and poorly understood modality that has never before been approved or even used in humans, you’re going to get all manner of nasty surprises..."

which neatly explains vaccine hesitancy and refusal, certainly mine.

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Well this is what I said from day 1 when my workplace was pushing the jabs on us. I used to work in preclinical pharmaceutical research and I know what goes into bringing products to market. One analogy I liked to use on my coworkers was that if you took your pet to the vet for a rabies shot and the vet said "well, this shot won't prevent your animal getting rabies (or distemper or whatever) and it won't prevent them from giving it to others but it will make the disease less severe", would you go along with this or not, and if not, why? They all said, no, we would not, it's a waste of time and money because the purpose of getting your animal vaccinated against these things is so that it won't get them in the first place. Then I said, listen carefully about what the authorities themselves are saying about the Covid vaccines, then make up your own mind. Well I am retired now, so that is behind me (hopefully).

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Everyone in my circle pushing the shots is perfectly fine with taking them to reduce severity of disease. They say "Yeah, you'll still get it, but at least you won't go to the hospital". It seems to be a very powerful argument because they see it constantly getting validated - everyone who gets Covid, even repeatedly, and doesn't die proves they were right about the positive impact.

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Everyone I know is in the exact same place. "Won't get c0vid" was transformed into "won't get it as bad." And they are totally OK with that.

I suspect it's all about fear of death. They have been guaranteed that now, c0vid won't kill them. They are safe again. They can live freely and not be afraid.

In the meantime, our nephew died suddenly of a heart attack 5 days after the vaxx, my elderly godfather's memory loss has greatly accelerated, my sister in law is now having weird health problems, and a friend is having constant afib issues. None of them link it to the vaxx and never will. Sad.

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Oh my lord. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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The worst part, is that these people that are so afraid of death ( typically boomers, in their last decade, like my parents ), are the greatest proponents of forcing the "vaccine" on everyone else, regardless of their risk-benefit ratio, effectively using younger cohorts — now, even babies — as human shields. Worse, with the loss of fertility side-effect, we're now talking about unborn cohorts, here, too ( and a tremendous shortfall of joy and meaning in the lives of those who could have borne them ).

Jeopardizing the health of the young, and the existence of those yet to be born, to supposedly protect — somewhat — seniors, is shockingly immoral. Evil, actually. To me, this is yet another example of the rampant narcissism of the aptly-named 'Me Generation', famously descried by Christopher Lasch, in the late 70s.

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i hear that all the time too - “Take the shot!! - you’ll get COVID and transmit COVID but you won’t die from COVID”. To me that’s a funny argument because statistically, they would not have died from COVID anyway (COVID has a 99.9% survival rate in almost all age groups). But what you WILL get is a shot of mRNA that will produce toxic spike protein in your brain, heart, pancreas, ovaries, prostate and blood vessel walls. So you will develop autoimmune disease, cancer, clots (that are not made of red blood cells) stroke, cardiac amyloid, myocarditis, infertility (low sperm count, ovarian dysfunction) and death (to list only a few of the thousands of known documents side effects). Anyone still lining up for a booster is absolutely crazy. Anyone taking their baby in for the shot should be thrown in jail for child abuse. Any pediatrician or pharmacist who preordered the mRNA shot for babies is a criminal and their participation in the reckless endangerment of children makes them complicit in infant manslaughter.

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Amen. Preach it...in your community

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Until either the effects of the injections kills them or the never ending series of Covid infections themselves do.

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I have a friend who manages clinical drug trials. Her take on rushed vaxxines is: "You have to rush it to save lives. If you don't, people will die, plus the side effects are negligible compared to certain death in the case of c0vid."

yes, I know. I had c0vid. Didn't die. Not vaxxed. Didn't even see a doctor. "brainwashed friend."

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I didn't even make the connection, but it really is the perfect post along with the perfect response for this day..

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Yes, and complete with a Dad joke. I see you, gato. 😸

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Bahahaha! Outstanding

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How many father’s or mothers in the future? Very sad. My life would have been so dreary to me without my daughter. I wanted more, but it wasn’t to be. Now I have the joy of granddaughters. They are wonderful too. Do sad for young people. At least my daughter doesn’t want to jab. My SIL thought it was wonderful, but we’re working on him.

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I see that too. Not only will younger, "vaccinated" cohorts experience all manners of ill-health side-effects, in coming years, but for many, a tremendous shortfall of joy and life purpose, as well, for failing to bear offspring. This whole experimental injection campaign is evil. There is no other word.

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From phizer no less!

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To get it published, say one thing but the results say something else for those who know how to read them. Seeing more and more of this. Likely, the authors really know what’s going on but can’t say it, so they send out morse code.

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This has been happening for decades with climate “science”

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Smoke signals. Where there's smoke there's fire...

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-.-. --- .-- .- .-. -..

That spells out "coward". And that is what these scared scientist are, cowards.

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Speaking the truth could result in the paper getting rejected. Maybe they are afraid, or not, I'm not sure, but getting papers like this out provides data/ammunition for those who are advocating against the injections.

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Not disagreeing. But at least, unlike Pfizer, they're presenting real data.

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Speak it!

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Right! SOS… but whoever would have thought the last S wasn’t gonna be nautical… 🚹🚼⬇️🚨

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The should just put question marks after every sentence? See what I did?

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The issue here is that Pfizer DID know this would happen. mRNA have been studied in animals for a decade and this was already very well known. If this happens in ferrets, rats and humanized mice it will certainly happen in humans.

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do you have links to any data showing these issues in animal models?

because that would be quite interesting to see.


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I’ll have a look. Flemingmethod.com might have them.

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Ditto. Would love to see such data.

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Here is one from 2017 showing the bio distribution of mRNA flu vaccines. I'm still looking.


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Open your eyes!!! Courtesy of Robert F Kennedy Jr.....


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i'll be charging exorbitant fees for my unmolested sperm!

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Only "bullet" proof business plan I've ever heard of

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Pure blood. $$$ --- Will it matter that the sperm is good, if the "female" is sterile?

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No. Women are the bottleneck of reproduction.

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Freeze them and hopefully they'll be a small market, but at least you'll have a monopoly.

Then they'll be no questions who the father is...

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Can't give that sperm away for nothing1 LOL!

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Anyone else find the discussion section really weird? All that emphasis on misinformation. It doesn't really belong in a paper like this. It's so over the top it is almost sarcastic - like they're saying "we are going to tell you this all looks OK to get it published, but just look, look at the data, all of it".

Also, does anyone know what the most important correlates for fertility are: measures per tables 2, 3 or 4?

As an aside, I heard from someone struggling to get pregnant the otherday that she had been told that her husband's sperm had low motility and she was being recommended to go for ICSI, and she remarked "the funny thing is that 4 of my friends have been told the same thing".

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I beleive its total motility count, but have not done more than a cursory look

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I'm actually trying to work out the methodology for the tables.

To me it looks like table 2 they aggregate all data for all samples on a per subject and per period basis and report the changes (mean?)

They describe is thus: "The first analysis included repetitive measurements to evaluate the post vaccination change compared to using T0 as reference."

The table legend says : Table 2: Percentage and absolute change 1 compared to T0 as reference measured by repeated measures analysis (total samples).

Still not sure what they've really done but it seems to include all the data.

But tables 3 and 4 - I am not sure what they have done.

Table 3 description is this: "The second analysis focused on median differences between T1, T2 and T3vs.T0 according to the first semen sample of each donor on each time frame. "

So is this the median out of all the subject's first samples? That's nuts (sorry). Can't see that it's median of each subject's samples as they say it's the first sample...you can't have a median of one.

Table 4: "Last and similarly, median differences between T1, T2 and T3 vs.T0 according to sample's mean ofeach donor were investigated."

This looks like they take the mean values for each donor and then the median value of all of those?

This looks ridiculous - they have surely lost nearly all the data in tables 3 and 4 - the relevant data seems to be table 2, glossed over in the text.

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You used a capital letter!!!! :-D

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“… the funny thing is that 4 of my friends have been told the same thing"

About her husband’s sperm? That is certainly suspicious. I’d be asking some searching questions if I was her.

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My DIL and son are trying to conceive, both unvaccinated, in their early 30’s. Sons side of the family are unvaccinated, her side is vaccinated and boosted. Could it be the shedding? We’ve discussed this but haven’t come to a conclusion. Makes me nervous to have my 4yo granddaughter around her side of the family, she may be an only child.

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Wonder if they can trust the ICSI docs? More trans-humanists!?

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They make $$$$ on ICSI. Sort of like they make $$$$ on "transitioning genders."

It's all about the $$$$.

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Jun 19, 2022
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I suspect what you went through was a type of vaxx shedding. My guess/hope is that your immune system handled it really, really quickly.

Or not. IDK.

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Jun 19, 2022
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My wife reacts the same way to the Vaxxed.

The hopeful thing is that you do "smell" or sense the spikes, so you are getting the pathogen where your nasal mucosa and IgA can deal with it, instead of having it injected.

Without a research lab available it is hard to know if you are sensing spikes or mRNA residues. Another possibility is exosomes, cell fragments which are not supposed to be able to replicate, but otherwise are structurally similar to viruses.

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Being injected and being around people who are injected is not the same thing.

Like rjt explains below, we're getting it the 'normal' way so we can make it go away soon enough, hopefully with no long-term effects (or so it seems).

There's a lot of anecdotal evidence out there with stories like yours (I also suffer around the jabbed) but no good studies yet. Perhaps in time we'll be able to make some sense out of it all, instead of wading through this mess!

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I think people get this wrong. It was tested alright. It's been in testing for decades. Testing to ensure it made us sick and kill us while reducing sperm counts to REDUCE THE WORLD POPULATION. While creating the big wealth transfer of all time whilst pushing the USA and world further into debt by the central banks of the world. Who are òwned by the richest in the world, not on any Forbes list. IF YOU DO INDEED BELIEVE THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE DOING YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THIS JAB DIDN'T JUST FALL OUT OF THE SKY!!

Whose awake????

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It's child sacrifice. Satanic. Evil.

And not the vague oh, that's "evil," but the "many of those in power in the world are high ranking masonic Luciferians that worship Satan and are doing his work on earth" kind of evil.

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It's hard to believe anything else is true. What does God expect us to do? Personally I'd like to hunt them down and cut their throats. But I'm not so sure that's the answer.

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It’s the only answer

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It’s a start.

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At attention. As the say in baseball; "look alive"

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Both my kids play. 👍

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"By reducing fertility, we're reducing the size of the next generation. And that means fewer covid cases in the future."

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So basically this also becomes a methodology for decreasing population. So give it to the babies…

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Ooh. That's dark and foreboding

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People have historically trusted vaccines not only because of their long testing period, but also because of their relatively simple technology. It's straight-forward, a dead or attenuated pathogen combined with an adjuvant. Easy-peasy.

Things have been going off the rails for the past two decades with conjugate vaccines designed to break immunological tolerance, subunit vaccines, and novel adjuvants. As more and more of these were piled onto the childhood schedule resistance has built over time but hadn't quite reached mainstream awareness. The tech was still trusted in general by the population though a sizable percentage were wary.

Pfizer and Moderna completed abused that trust by sneaking through their genetic therapy under the guise of the vaccine umbrella. If people had been told that it tricks your cells into producing the most toxic part of the virus, that the tech was brand new and not the same as traditional vaccines, that neither Moderna nor BioNTech had ever ever brought a product to market before, *and* the testing was shortcut then what would people have thought? Instead, people were outright misled by federal agencies and their own "trusted" physicians, who were too lazy or corrupt to look into this themselves.

The only good to come out of this disaster is that a huge percentage of the population will never trust the medical establishment again. They lied in the cause of the greater good (in their own minds) and it blew up in their face. That's why we don't lie to people when we desire their trust as sooner or later the lies will be exposed and credibility lost for decades.

It amazes me that people don't understand basic human nature after 5000 years of recorded history.

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Nah, vaccines have been a scam since their inception.

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Agreed, mass vaccination is one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated in the name of "science".

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Drive by comment that is irrelevant to anything I said.

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"People have historically trusted vaccines not only because of their long testing period, but also because of their relatively simple technology. It's straight-forward, a dead or attenuated pathogen combined with an adjuvant. Easy-peasy."

I simply responded directly to your comment. The "vaccine" industry has been a scam from the beginning. The more people realize this and stop believing the propaganda, the better off we'll be.

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I think they key to understanding the situation is to realize it isn’t a vaccine. The mRNA platform is a novel biomedical technology. The hope in the industry was that its use as vaccine was just the tip of the iceberg. mRNA was the cure to cancer. We don’t need conspiracy theories about depopulation to understand why the pharmaceutical companies and medical establishment would throw all caution to the wind yo get these “vaccines” approved. If the general public could be made to understand the situation regarding the mRNA platform, it would be far easier to get them to question whether they are safe.

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Agree 100%., Covid was used as a pretense to roll out this technology as the next big thing. It was a solution in search of a problem. The plan was to gain maximum uptake by calling it a vaccine (trusted tech), then they could later point back to the tech's success for future roll outs. They weren't counting on all the adverse effects and it's blatant failure to actually work. Plus they underestimated the army of citizen researchers and reach of the FOIA laws. They also weren't counting on one-quarter of the population rejecting it outright thus ensuring a sizable control group.

No conspiracy theories needed to explain it (though they are always fun).

The general public are getting it I think based on the dwindling number of people taking boosters and increasing numbers of mRNA doses being tossed in the trash.

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Using the vaccine label also allowed any skeptics to be labeled as antivaxxers, which brings to mind quacks who believe vaccines cause autism and other issues. It made arguments against the technology easy to dismiss. The irony is that people who never really had a reason to question traditional vaccines are now taking a more scrutinizing look at them. The aforementioned quacks may have not been quacks at all, and I foresee more push back from parents over childhood vaccines.

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There is a video of Fauci and some of his pals discussing at the end of 2019 how they could get people to accept mRNA "vaccines" to replace the standard ones; they suggested the need for a massive "disruption" which would change peoples' attitudes.

The CEO of Bayer also made a speech recently in which he said that a few years ago, no one would have accepted a genetic therapy, and now that has changed (to his benefit.)

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Vaccines as we’ve come to understand them are nothing more than toxic cocktail witches brews. Everyone of them.

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I lost most of my trust in the medical profession a few years ago when they didn't resist the "transgender" agenda of surgical and hormonal mutilation of healthy reproductive systems in the name of a very dubious psychological theory. The whole COVID business, beginning with the lockdowns and masks and then culminating with this insane and deceptive gene-therapy experiment really put me over the edge. I'll go to a doctor if I need to, but "trust" is just not an option any more.

Unfortunately, one of the people (who is not part of the medical biz) who lost at least some of my trust was Pres. Donald Trump, who seems to still be bragging about his role in short-circuiting so many of the safety mechanisms in place to prevent this sort of thing.

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I agree... the "affirmation only" approach enforced by nearly all of the professional medical/health associations may be a nice, obvious window into the cowardice and corruption of our health authorities for anyone with common sense who cares to take a glance.

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I disagree that the medical establishment "lied in the cause of the greater good (in their own minds) and it blew up in their face."

I think many are, sadly, true believers (not deep thinkers), and others are cowards who know they're putting their own well being above their patients/the public. They don't want to risk losing their license, societal standing... house.

I'm not sure very many both know they're lying and believe it's the right thing to do for "the greater good." Perhaps the cowards try to convince themselves that this is what they're doing, but I doubt they have much success.

All institutions are failing and will need an overhaul. The time will come. Welcome to the end of the Fourth Turning, I guess.

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Maybe the middle tier doctors -- people who are smart, but not as smart as the top tier doctors and medical professors -- simply ignored their own doubts about these jabs and deferred to the "really smart" top tier doctors and professors, who said these jabs are safe. and why did the top tier doctors say the jabs are safe? because of peer pressure, fear of blacklisting, and monetary incentives. (the top tier are really smart, but that does not necessarily mean they're brave, principled, maverick thinkers. on the contrary, they're excellent at perfectly following an authority figure.)

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You're right, it's possible some doctors suspected there could be harm but didn't speak out because they were convinced they must be missing something.

Seems like the same process at work that Malcolm Gladwell (I think) wrote about when he described a plane plowing into a mountain because the copilots were sure it was *they* who must be missing something, not the esteemed pilot, and were hesitant to fully voice their concerns until it was too late.

I was under the impression that we now recognized this danger as a society and had instituted ways to encourage dissenting voices, but apparently the medical profession missed that memo.

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The prescription opioid epidemic was a test run on how easily compliant those in the medical profession could be. Doctors and pharmacists are a bunch of go along yes men (and women) just like most everyone else.

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Yes, that was a preview, and the past 2+ years have certainly given us a window into how corruption permeates absolutely everything at this stage.

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Jun 19, 2022
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I have faith in God, not in men and mens creations. Faith isn’t for science. Science requires proof.

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Jun 19, 2022
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How many lives will actually be saved, though, and suffering reduced when people begin questioning those things they just took as a matter of "medical faith" before? Healthier living could replace "a pill for every ill," and people may look more critically at the suggestion that the best way to regain their health is always by adding another prescription.

We are entering an awakening of sorts where institutions/authority/corruption are concerned, and people are becoming aware of the incentives at play (and that they have been the "playthings"). Isn't it possible that, by and large, the "suffering and death" you mention will be reduced?

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No doubt you’re correct. It most definitely will not be boring to see what comes.

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Democrats are hell bent on removing their children from the gene pool with experimental jabs and chemical castration. Dem Rep Sean Casten just lost his 17 year old activist daughter to "sudden death". You cannot reason with a demoralized person...

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Exactly. And the man has zero faith. I'm not saying u have to be a Bible banger but he didn't say anything about God, hope, or thanks for the prayers. Empty Vessel. I wasn't so Christian until the last 3 years. Now evil is clear and present to me. I completely believe in God because I've seen evil face to face.

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When I heard Representative Casten's tragic story and his unwillingness to speak out, I knew, once again, that US congressional reps are merely servants of Big Pharma, the CIA/FBI/NSA, and other corporations. The US Congress is a joke. Where's their power?

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It is not that unknown. Several years ago, someone in the EU had a daughter who was, if I recall correctly, raped and murdered by a muslim immigrant. He said nothing bad about the man who raped and murdered his daughter, and even continued to encourage mass migration.

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The girl's name was Maria Ladenburger. Her father is a high-ranking EU bureaucrat. For the funeral, the family asked that any donations for flowers should rather be donated to help refugees.

Her murderer was an Afghan refugee, who was previously sentenced to 12 years in jail in Greece because he raped and severely injured a woman there, by throwing her over a cliff. He was in jail for only one year, when he somehow appeared in Germany in the wake of the million refugee wave.

There was a rumor going round at the time, that countries were emptying their jails, on the condition that the inmates would extricate themselves to Germany...

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And we all just sit and watch. Swell

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What am I not surprised?

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Satanic. Only Satan. His own daughter. Opposite of good and virtuous.

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I echo that same sentiment: you cannot reason with a demoralized person!!!

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The less the better.

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Jun 19, 2022
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I’m sure they all know/knew they’d be making personal sacrifices “for the greater good” of their agenda.

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Jun 19, 2022
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It’s my understanding the Chinese are largely indoctrinated to such a degree they’re perfect order followers, so I suspect they’re the perfect candidates to be left alive when the dust settles. They’ll do whatever the globalists order them to do and make ideal servants, slaves and breeding stock.

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My big issue is with the logic here---(not the cat's, the "controller's!")

If, as it appears virtually impossible to avoid, you come to the conclusion that this a total population control agenda, being run on some level by the U.S., why would the nations most heavily hit be the U.S. and all our allies?

This tech disables as well as sterilizes, and now Israel, Europe, Canada, New Zealand and Australia have all shot themselves up with it, on our instructions and following our lead.

While China and Russia stay mRNA and LNP free, if I understand correctly.

And we are baiting the Russian Bear to the point of instigating WW lll, while we wreck our own economy and break the world's supply chains, which we need also!

Who does this sequence of events benefit?

My only possible answer is China. Can anyone else figure out who wins here?

It surely isn't the West. Nor any of our allies.

Not Russia. Fighting wars always creates horrible consequences. Debt, destruction, and social upheaval.

Yes there are post war economic booms, but really? Is this what everyone running this insane Animal Farm is thinking? I cannot buy it.

Is there a "Fifth Column" out there somewhere that is goading us to destroy ourselves?

Off planet? Demonic? Just flat out clinically insane? Or it's just China, ready to conquer all of Earth?

Best guesses, anyone? I'd love to have the feline tribe to run possible scenarios in a brainstorming session with "no holds barred!"

PS-an immediate campaign to get the lunatics out of the White House seems critical to me, as well as a through cleaning of the State Department and Congress.

The People must wake up while there is still a country to save, IMO.

Ditto across the world........

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1) The people owning the land, the assets, the resources, the banks and so on have no loyalty to anything but profit in the name of profit.

2) A nation that's been wrecked needs rebuilding; profit.

3) A nation in crisis can be made to indebt and mortgage itself to private investors, letting them idestep that whole trouble called democracy.

4) State capitalism is awesome if you're part of the ruling caste.

And worst of all, they think their possessions and their position in the world is due to some kind of natural order, not luck and ruthless deals and status quo. They do not understand the power of India, China, Africa and the Middle East - power from their peoples. If they cannot expand their Lebensraum with force, as the moslems tried for more than thousand years, invading Europe again and again, they will do it via migration. If they cannot topple our democracies by appearing or making themselves better, they will do it by corrupting our leader-caste and our businesses, since the only values held for real are power and profit.

And finally, these people care not for anyone's life than their own. To them, you and me are nameless numbers in various clusters of data, we only exist as statistics to them, and none of us hold individual value or worth in their eyes. Do you mourn a burnt-out fuse? That's how they function.

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I had a favourite fuse once, a fine 5A fuse she was. Sadly she burned out. RIP.

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You've elegantly described Disaster Capitalism:

Crisis > Profit > Crisis > Profit

Bit like Halliburton getting the weapons contracts to destroy Iraq, and then the construction contracts to rebuild it.

One more thought to throw in the mix, which is rather scary, is to what extent that system of ruthless [amoral] profit seeking has entered the automated phase? ...See this excellent short video (link below) on the Aladdin system, which has taken asset stripping and wealth consolidation to a level of efficiency where it could plunder and destroy the entire world, and eventually it's creators. Such a scary thought :/


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If I reflect on my time working in govt, I met a lot of stupid and very little evil.

If I reflect on my time in tech, I met a lot of 'I have the perfect solution that will fix all your problems !' and 'opps I didn't think to test it using that scenario '.

Combine those three and you have your explanation. Smart people don't work in govt, and humans are prone to thinking they can outsmart a complex problem with their respective shiny new tools.

It's not China or Russia. It's ourselves, through sheer stupidly and hubris.

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Jun 19, 2022
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The massive pre-planning (decades' worth) required to pull off the synchronized global response we have seen precludes incompetence and stupidity on the part of the Machers. It's been quite a highly-refined operation.

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Jun 20, 2022
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That they employ/utilize hordes of semi-ignorant kws is a given. I studied at a high-end college where (only thinking back) I could trace most of the funding to DARPA/USG.

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Yeah, I agree, it's very confusing.

I do know that China is more involved in fomenting anarchy and collapse from within our societies than most people realise, and an excellent book on that is War Without Rules by Gen. Robert Spalding. China have a doctrine of "unrestricted warfare" that the west still don't appear to fully grasp. A great explainer on this (quicker than reading either of his 2 excellent books) would be the 2 part interview he did for the American Thought Leaders series — https://www.theepochtimes.com/part-1-gen-robert-spalding-inside-the-chinese-regimes-strategy-to-dominate-the-world-without-firing-a-single-shot_4432573.html

But then there are the maniacs like Soros, Gates, Schwab and the many other power brokers who run the WEF/Club of Rome/Bilderberg/Trilateral Comm. etc. These people are a collection of folks who seem to believe first and foremost in their own genius and superiority (God complexes?), and many of whom are likely to be sociopaths (statistically speaking it would be surprising if sociopaths *weren't* overrepresented in these groups).

And some of them [Soros, for example] seem to get kicks from setting things on fire and creating total anarchy; perhaps they see themselves as Gods on earth. They enjoy upending things and playing with society and people like they are toys; this ideology is embodied not just by individuals but also by corrupted institutions like the CIA, who arrogantly rampage around the globe overthrowing governments and triggering mayhem and mass death far and wide.

Others in this power layer seem to care only for utilitarian accumulation of raw power and assets, and have a completely technocratic world view, devoid of empathy, or any loyalty to nation or fellow man.

So if one group of the 'power players' destabilise and destroy things for fun, and the majority of the others have the view that the system is unstable as currently architected [and must be destroyed/controlled implosion, in order to 'reboot' it digitally under their control] then I can see how we'd get to the current situation with those two sets of interests driving and coordinating it from *above* the level of nation states and their respective governments.

It is very curious though. There is definitely some natural chaos in the mix, as well as some richly funded and well-organised subversion, and then finally there are moves that appear globally coordinated from the supra-national power layer and look a lot like controlled demolition. So that last one would suggest that those laying the dynamite are very confident they'll be the ones to control the 'reboot'... which is exactly the kind of narcissistic God-delusion that an empowered sociopath would exhibit.

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I would only add that Soros/Gates/Schwab are on a lower rung of the hierarchy. The real owners of the agenda are the families behind the central banks. IMO.

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Yes, I agree with you - the highly visible ones are not the top rung

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Yep, I've been coming to that conclusion myself. The ones on the MSM are not the ones behind it all. They're in there, sure, but they're nowhere near Top Dog.

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I'm going to go with "demonic"

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Given the internet and the ability to open source feedback, what is the point of peer review? It seems to have outlived its purpose and mainly now acts as a narrative enforcing mechanism.

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On the Dark Horse podcast they've mentioned the distinction between "peer review" and "review by peers." The general public assumes they mean the same thing, but it's pretty much as you describe.

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Part two IS the point.

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Considering that the primary developers and loudest cheerleaders behind this mRNA treatment were also talking about global overpopulation just prior to this, I suspect this is more feature than bug.

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I wonder if wording the abstract to distort the actual implications of the research is done to manipulate internet search engine results.

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i doubt it.

i suspect it's to pass peer review and get published.

it erects a sort of two tier system where public gets one impression from reading the abstract/conclusion and the initiates get the real data because they bother to read it.

though yes, it does make it hard to find the data later.

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You said erects 😆

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these puns are nuts, right?

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And that it makes it hard.

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You two kill me

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They've been stroking the data. This is just the climax.

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you're shooting blanks on that one.

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Yup. Shooting blanks. Fun haters.

On fire today G.

Right up your alley

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Sunday morning belly laugh! Thank you.

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Creating a two-tier system is what I had in mind.

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I'm never going to see grandkids, am I.

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I feel that way, too. 😥

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I also.

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