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I'm doing a dive into this for a future article, and I just can't believe how tangled these particular webs are. Obama's CFTC Commissioner Jill Sommers joined the FTX Board of Directors.


Former finance chair for Hillary is in charge of the agency doing the regulating! (Gary Gensler)


All, of course, also intimately tied up with the WEF and the Great Reset cronies as well!



And this is all stuff I'm reading simply AROUND THE EDGES of the article I'm writing about how FTX was caught up in the 'Together Trial' that 'proved' Ivermectin 'doesn't work' -- along with Gates and the rest of the covid crew.

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It's just remarkable to me how two people as tawdry as Bill and Hillary managed to get and stay this powerful, and cause, in one way or another, such pervasive and lasting damage to this country. BushWorld took ClintonWorld as its concubine and got beaten at its own game.

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Everyone is afraid of Hillary. Don't piss me off or I'll kill yourself.

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What I enjoyed most about HIllary was seeing how she dressed when she campaigned in them places that weren't NY or DC, and how she dressed on that thrilling election day when I got to see her lose. It was a graphic novel of her contempt for most American women.

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail insult: Her mother was a hamster and her father smelt of elderberries. She doesn't qualify for being a deplorable - she's too much of a lowlife.

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I just want her to be completely irrelevant for ever and ever and ever, going forward.

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Or we shall taunt her for a second time-a!

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Truly, I don't want to taunt anyone. Middle school, I never want to revisit in this or any other possible existence. I'd like her to see justice, but doubt we'll get that satisfaction. Her turning into a turnip up in Chappaqua and never leaving the grounds again, that'll do me fine.

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The Clinton Chronicles explains some of the cartel connections, and early cases of people being 'Clinton'd' ...so I can understand why people don't mess with them.

Whitney Webb has also covered a number of the "suicide" cases of folks who tangled with the Clintons, at least two of whom were ruled as suicides despite being *shot in the chest*. It's quite a feat to hang oneself from a tree and die of strangulation, and then reanimate for long enough to somehow shoot oneself in the chest!

You might need VPN as it's regionally restricted, but there is a bitchute copy here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z24nMl8zfFCM/

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The Clintons perfected the graft


SBF's mom was Hillary Clinton's Lawyer

Alameda CEO's dad was SEC Chair, Gary Gensler's, old boss

FTX's new CEO, John J. Ray, III, was the lawyer brought on to clean up Enron in '07

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And it's remarkable the extent to which all these people--no matter what pretend political label they stick on themselves--produce such idiot children.

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Real priviledge is being able to live off your parents fortune and never have to worry about finances.

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It's hard to pick a top-ten emesis-provoking moment these days, but the gathering at Bush Sr.'s funeral competes pretty hard with the gathering at McCain's funeral for pride of place.

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The Clinton’s came up through the minors to the big show and it hasn’t been the same sense.

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I think Chelsea went to Columbia’s Mailman School of public health where Linda Fried is Dean.

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Yet all the insider ties eluded presstitutes who prefer rainmaker mythology.. in fairness to corp media you do need to dig as deep as direct connections. *smirk*

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By the way, apropos of nothing, the term "tawdry" is mightily underused. ;)

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I have a few favorite words and use 'em as often as I can.

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They’re Satanists. Almost for certain this isn’t an exaggeration. They have some dark power. Which has destroyed them. Bill looks like he was an appetizer at a vampire party and Hillary looks like a giant pus ball stuffed into a vacuum cleaner bag.

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Best description of the filthy Clintons I've ever seen. Whether they worship satan directly or subconsciously, they are his creatures. May God have mercy on their souls, because they sold them.

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Don't give these people an undeserved glamour.

They're the usual ordinary pieces of shit, made more by the sycophancy of those hoping for great big fat crumbs from the table. That's all. Nothing more.

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satan owns them. Whether they sold their souls on purpose or not, they don't have them anymore. And yes, they are gigantic creepasauruses.

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FTX Head of Ventures & Commercial was Amy Wu, formerly of the Clinton Foundation.

Nishad Singh, FTX Director of Engineering, gave a further 8m to Dem candidates.

And, also a former Obama CFTC guy, Mark Wetjen, was FTX Head of Policy & Regulation.

I hope some other writers (including Gato!) will cover the next sh*tshow coming down the crypto pipe, which makes FTX look like child's play ...Tether. So far I've only seen Revolver cover this in any depth: https://www.revolver.news/2022/11/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-on-steroids-is-cryptocurrency-tether-joe-biden-crypto-bcci/

The difference is that Tether isn't just a ponzi scheme and slush fund. Tether is *meant to be backed by a fixed (USD) currency metric* ...hence, "tether". That's is it's market function. If in fact, as many have suspected for the years they've been creatively dodging audits, they're actually just creating USDT with no USD backing it, then what they have done is set up as a private manufacturer of money/currency. Like a mini FED, but in the hands of scam artists (...wait, maybe that's not so different than the actual FED, but you get my point).

They're creating a thing that is meant to be matched directly to a physical US dollar (but surprise! ...it isn't), and then pumping those into the system, then cashing them out in other assets like Bitcoins. Leaving the fake currency hanging in the marketplace. So... literally printing money. And inflating the market like crazy.

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Keep digging!! I wonder which intelligence agencies were involved.

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I'll give you a list of the ones that weren't:

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Your list is blank. A thorough list!

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I imagine it's the same ones as the forerunner BCCI (which was the deep state bank of choice pre-crypto).

And that was CIA, NSA and then the various "affiliates" from Mossad and 5-Eyes all the way to Al Qaeda. The link [among the ones from the last 20 years] seems to be In-Q-Tel, which is the venture capital fund put together by the CIA.

In-Q-Tel fund a myriad of companies, and some of those have legit business activity in their own right, but the CIA/DoD want control and 'dibs' on anything that could arise out of it that is useful; example: Oculus. Then there are In-Q-Tel companies that appear to be purely 'deep state contractors' in the sense that they serve no other functions/clients than the security state; example: Palantir.

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Totally agree.

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