I wished I'd cross sooner my Good Buddy an Aries he has always had this opinion...It took me some 65 years to get to. Late bloomer but now going to put into 5th gear
Liberating actually nuthn to prove and I want to know what makes people tick?
Age has many advantages,...vanity becomes secondary.
Born in 1955 came to counter bill gates born same year.....Guess I best get busy .....
I wished I'd cross sooner my Good Buddy an Aries he has always had this opinion...It took me some 65 years to get to. Late bloomer but now going to put into 5th gear
Liberating actually nuthn to prove and I want to know what makes people tick?
Age has many advantages,...vanity becomes secondary.
Born in 1955 came to counter bill gates born same year.....Guess I best get busy .....
You bet vanity becomes secondary! Since the CONvid bs and being forced to retire early, I haven’t worn makeup for over a year! If you told me I’d ever do that, I’d say you’re nuts-LOL! It’s so liberating…it’s a “girl” thing. Lol!
That made me LOL laugh out loud lol :-) yeah I gave up make up after KISS ....not really
glad no make up, no high heels, no monthly events, no other bitches to fight, Men have it so much easier.... but the fact is Men get pushed out of the womb and spend all their waking moments trying to get back in ....as Wayne Dyer said..."life long curse"
LMAO! Great point! So right you are! If I had any sense at a few hours old, I would have signed a contract when I popped out, knowing the “details” of life (I saw KISS in 1978-lol!).
LMAO too.....OK sorry but full disclosure...lol read my PI package insert. Ha . prepuberty life was grand...then it got confusing. Anyway oh yeah Nooo KISS in 1978 hmmmmm 1978 I was most likely
listening to Outlaws, Allman Brothers, Doobie Brothers, I was well of course I am a music snob and
grew up with Cream, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, CSNY, The Doors,.....so I looked down on KISS
no offense. But in later years learned of Gene Simmons 1st he was on the Trump show the Apprentice...and had a face to face disagreement with Trump....he said " No Don, you're wrong"
he just acted like he was Don's equal and not taking any shit from him. Well I liked that. And one more crazy item then i'll go KISS sold more records than the Beatles. Heard on a NPR when i listened to them...this fact. I could not name one KISS song....but I am all about the Gene Simmons
attitude "take no Prisoners and back down from no one"
James, I was 14 in 1978! I listen to ALL the same bands as you and I have seen so many live. Growing up in SF, I was exposed to so much great music (The Fillmore, etc.) I had a crush on a 15 year old that liked KISS and he’d draw me pics of the band members-lol!
I wished I'd cross sooner my Good Buddy an Aries he has always had this opinion...It took me some 65 years to get to. Late bloomer but now going to put into 5th gear
Liberating actually nuthn to prove and I want to know what makes people tick?
Age has many advantages,...vanity becomes secondary.
Born in 1955 came to counter bill gates born same year.....Guess I best get busy .....
You bet vanity becomes secondary! Since the CONvid bs and being forced to retire early, I haven’t worn makeup for over a year! If you told me I’d ever do that, I’d say you’re nuts-LOL! It’s so liberating…it’s a “girl” thing. Lol!
That made me LOL laugh out loud lol :-) yeah I gave up make up after KISS ....not really
glad no make up, no high heels, no monthly events, no other bitches to fight, Men have it so much easier.... but the fact is Men get pushed out of the womb and spend all their waking moments trying to get back in ....as Wayne Dyer said..."life long curse"
LMAO! Great point! So right you are! If I had any sense at a few hours old, I would have signed a contract when I popped out, knowing the “details” of life (I saw KISS in 1978-lol!).
LMAO too.....OK sorry but full disclosure...lol read my PI package insert. Ha . prepuberty life was grand...then it got confusing. Anyway oh yeah Nooo KISS in 1978 hmmmmm 1978 I was most likely
listening to Outlaws, Allman Brothers, Doobie Brothers, I was well of course I am a music snob and
grew up with Cream, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, CSNY, The Doors,.....so I looked down on KISS
no offense. But in later years learned of Gene Simmons 1st he was on the Trump show the Apprentice...and had a face to face disagreement with Trump....he said " No Don, you're wrong"
he just acted like he was Don's equal and not taking any shit from him. Well I liked that. And one more crazy item then i'll go KISS sold more records than the Beatles. Heard on a NPR when i listened to them...this fact. I could not name one KISS song....but I am all about the Gene Simmons
attitude "take no Prisoners and back down from no one"
James, I was 14 in 1978! I listen to ALL the same bands as you and I have seen so many live. Growing up in SF, I was exposed to so much great music (The Fillmore, etc.) I had a crush on a 15 year old that liked KISS and he’d draw me pics of the band members-lol!
So ? IF your not Nursing, then and now what? My best soul mate bro's wife retired early bc she refused the shot.
1978 I am lets see math 23 lol :-) ha well ya can't go wrong living in SF with all that great music and a crush on an older boy ....
at 23 KISS and the make up and those shoes.....Good Lord.
But hey every 5 years a Generation has their own Rock Idols.
I grew up well aged In Portland. Not quite as sophisticated as SF.
"I am a God loving soul having a human experience"
That's me too....I am sitting in the house when its like over 100 108 yesterday spent day on the river....today ...idk yet playing here.
"I am a God loving soul having a human experience."