Thank you for doing this. This is exactly the type of detailed analysis I was looking for. I've been tracking the birth numbers in Scotland. Their picture is not yet quite as clear.
I've written an open letter to Gov. DeSantis, asking that he mine his statewide vaccine registry to compare health outcomes in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. He could compare birth rates, too. The feds have all this data but will continue to bury it. Meanwhile, all it takes is one courageous governor to blow this thing wide open.
DeSantis is careful with taking on the Vax. He has been heads above other governors but one man and his close knit team can only do so much as he focuses on winning a second term in four months. Rand Paul (my senator) needs to step up, stop playing defense & unite with Senators Johnson, possibly Lee (Cruz is a lost cause) and god willing a few others since there’s safety & recognition in numbers and take this on! I’ve reached out imploring Rand to recognize mRNA vax injuries & related issues. At best he’s Captain Obvious. The mass formation of Pharma interests is so powerful in DC. It’s like pulling teeth with anything Covid & the GOP establishment.
I concur. Climate change is here to stay. After all - its been around for 5 billion years! There's a high degree of probability that reality will catch up to covid. We, the world, will acknowledge that the dread virus has "run it's course". (Any way to get out of it without admitting that the "experts" have been wrong!) There will, of course be more, possibly many more, "public health crisis". Witness moneypox.
But climate change has been monetized to the extent that to get out of will probably require complete economic, (and social?), collapse. Most of the industrialized world has adopted climate change as a key driver of all political, economic, industrial, and social policy. And besides which - "any public health crisis" can eventually be measured against factual data. Like covid. Climate change can not - not in time spans meaningful to mere humans.
We create leaky vaxxines. That creates more cases. More cases mean more boosters with leaky vaxxines. Those leaky vaxxines/boosters create more cases. More cases mean more boosters with leaky vaxxines.
Dr. Paul Alexander (I think, beg pardon if he was not the source) has
shown that covid should have died out
in two any other pandemic. BUT because we vaccinated into a pandemic, with a leaky vaccine, we have turned covid into
a continuous presence in the vaccinated until it gets so bad we all are
at risk. He says we
are gonna have 100 Years of Covid. Personally, I believe him, Geert Vanden Bosche, and a lot of other smart thinkers are trending to the same conclusion.
I proved we reached herd immunity for the wild type on January 11, 2021 without a single person fully-vaccinated. (Recall that this was when the experts were saying we needed 60-70%, then 90%, then 98% (biden) to reach herd immunity. My video lasted about 5 minutes before YouTube took it down. I'm writing a book now you'll read about it. It was over in less than a year if left to its own devices, not 2 years.
Isnt Corono like the influenza virus? Mutates? so eventually you lose your immunity as the virus evolves? Though I don't doubt in the least that most of the population reached immunity when you makes absolute sense to me. I am sorry about your youtube video, but would love to read about it. Unfortunately, I still have people around me jabbed coming down with covid (my cleaning lady last week)...She'll probably add to the variants or whatever, and it will keep going around and around...sigh.
Really? We've had 200,000 years of influenza & the common cold, and humans appear to be still around. I'll rely on biological immunity and forget it. Covid, now completely tedious.
Yes, it's been around for 5 billion years but we also just created it through our evil SUVs and styrofoam cups. We're so evil, so very evil. We should definitely repond with the creation of authoritarian gov't. Being evil, it's only sensible for us to concentrate power as much as possible.
I shudder every time they use that disingenuous phrase "climate change". The 2015 Paris Climate Accord says that we must limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid Climate Change. And now they (UN and EU and WEF) are arguing about whether it should be allowed to go up to 2.0 degrees.
The Liberals should be told to use the proper term for their brainchild, GLOBAL WARMING.
But then it wouldn’t include when the temperature goes down, you see? They have to be able to keep their fist tight around your neck whether the temperatures go up OR down.
the left are such egomaniacs they've convinced themselves they can control the climate with policy. Its complete lunacy. Carbon offsets and other pyramid schemes will not change a thing except the size of these con artists bank accounts. The education system has pumped out so many narcissists, by design that they fall for this crap. They think as long as they signal there virtue enough that it means they are very important, and care deeply about things. And if everyone was just as enlightened as them we would live in utopia.
There are already memes for college kids. Something about how they’re going to be very responsible and not have many kids or any kids because of climate change.
His shirtless pics galloping through shallow riverbeds is so virile it's dropped the rest of the world's testosterone levels? He knew thst would happen!! That rascal !!
Child making is effected by optimism. How many people do not want to bring kids into a world raging with disease and problems with financial outcomes like none seen in any of our lives?
If the optimism argument was correct, I think 2021 would have fallen vs. 2020. That didn't happen.
The early-2022 fall basically coincides with the vaxx rollout nine-ish months earlier.
The only conceivable way we could luck out of this is if we learn that many of those who got vaxxed collectively decided to not try to be parents during the month or so after they got jabbed, but started trying again after that. That seems like the longest of (excuse the pun) long shots.
Climate change excuse of course is laughable. They love playing with us.
But famine will be a believable excuse for reduced birthrate and therefore food scarcity is a necessary step in their plan to cover any reduced fertility rate. .
You are on to something! They will continue to gaslight all the harms we are doing to humanity. Here's a recent study that demonstrated no reduction in sperm count or motility after having COVID.
They will blame both Long Covid and Climate Change along with a number of other even more absurd sources for this. They are already making claims that things like gardening can cause death in young healthy people (so as to avoid the vaccine connection)
There are other NEW confounding variables for stealth population control:
1. Stealth attacks through microwaves and ultrasound from our own phones (not antennas). You can measure them yourself with free apps. I teach you for free: f.nazar at gmail
2. Stealth attacks with huge microwaving from satellites. Use ElectroSmart and Satellite Finder apps
3. Climate Change was natural until they started geoengineering on a massive scale: graphene, aluminum, stroncium, etc. Now it's really anthropogenic but has NOTHING to do with man CO2, and all with microwaves and sky-seeding :
Does a theory exist for the elastic clots in the dead. If grapheme then morticians would have witnessed this phenomenon before unless the grapheme amount has been increased. From the description I imagine a filiamentous elastic fiber what would it be composed of immunoglobins?
Graphene tends to go to the front of the head or heart. It is a very low quantity (a shot is less than 0.5 ml) but with high electro-magnetic impact (some hang their phones!). Clotting seems more related to the weaponized spike protein (follow David E. Martin). We are more worried about graphene poisoning in food and beverages and the stealth attacks through sats and phones (a hacker just cracked the Android module spying on biometrics and whereabouts of the chipped through haccination.
I think the mRNa is coding for random proteins in some people and not others. Lets say it gets translated wrong in the ribosome and cells produce spike along with weird proteins that clot in the circulatory system.
So far, NZ birth rate for the 1Q 2022 is perfectly normal, maybe a little bit higher in fact but 4Q 2021 was a bit lower so it may balance out. NZ wasnt vaccinating then either. So it makes for a great control group - if lockdowns or pandemic fear or any other cause for the drop in birth rates we are seeing around the world then NZ should have done it too. But it didnt. That's because NZ didnt start vaccinating adults of child bearing age until late Sept through Dec 2021. So if there is a precipitous drop in NZ births come July-Sept this year, there can be only one cause.
Wow! Yes. I was just about to note that births often go down in natural disasters and economic downturns, so not yet necessarily proof of anything.
NZ was a great case study in vaccine harm, too. There was virtually no covid when the vaccines were rolling out, and virtually no other winter respiratory illnesses. Yet there were 2000 excess deaths, similar to the winter of 2018 which was a bad flu year there.
My daughter and her husband refused the jabs, as did her father and I, and she is pregnant with her 2nd child. She sees the evil (whether incompetence or malfeasance) in the medical profession and refuses to take part. Same with the schools. I'm very proud of her!
The data is undeniable that the jabs are affecting women's menstrual cycles. I'm no biologist but last I checked menstrual cycles are a key component in a woman's fertility.
There are more numbers that one could consider, though maybe they're difficult to obtain. Are there more visits to fertility clinics? More IVF, more adoptions, more sales of fertility drugs, more complementary medicine (such as acupuncture) visits for this purpose? More/same/less birth control being used? More appeals for egg donation and surrogacy?
Easier to find--more and larger online groups of women discussing trying to get pregnant, and what are they saying? More meetup and local groups for this?
Ivf clinics keep very good records and report them annually as they compete with each other based on success rates. They also practice evidence based medicine in improving their practices. If there is one group that can give really clean data and insights it is the ivf clinics.
I recall reading an article in the last year that fertility clinics were seeing more inadequate sperm counts in the donated semen. I'm sorry I can't be more specific.
They had a de facto lockdown, from what I've read, even if it wasn't forced on them, they did it voluntarily. But my point was, are more people seeking out IVF because they can't get pregnant--are there more people suffering from infertility.
IVF is so rare here, the Statistics agency stopped keeping tabs on it in 2008. Instead it's down to regional hospital administration and the oversight agency for the healthcare sector.
I did find data for Finland, since they often use both swedish and finnish in official sources. Preliminary data for 2021 is 14 600 IVF-treatments with an expected rate of 20% being carried to term. Which apparently is normal, according to the page. Here's a link to the english version of the page I looked at, can't vouch for the quality of the translation since like most swedes all I know of finnish is swear words, pick up lines and how to order drinks.
I see the results for 2020, however I’m not seeing any preliminary estimates for 2021 success rates. Can you point out where in the report the preliminary data lies? If 1st trimester is the most adversely affected by transfers then we would expect the preliminary 2021 data to reflect this. No need to wait for dec 21 (or really even the h2) births to go full term to see a signal in the preliminary data. It would be an enormous relief if there is no signal in the preliminary 2021 ivf data.
Even if it is a tiny effect it could be used as a measure of how many more / less couples are having trouble conceiving. A XX% rise in business for IVF clinics would be an indicator that more couples wanting to conceive can't?
Women are doing a lot of online talking about disrupted cycles. Someone here mentioned having a partner who was required to be vaccinated for work while she remained unvaccinated and she was having some menstrual oddities. I would not be surprised if those groups spawn into fertility discussion boards. If someone is curious...
Well, the Vaccinerated do shed spike proteins for some time after the jab. Close proximity to those people do effect others. There is nothing more intimate than sex.
Came here to wonder the same thing. Every now and then I see something about intercourse rates among young adults in Japan - no idea how that’s accurately tracked, but what if the global and aggressive fear campaign lowered libido? I realize Sweden was “sane”, relatively-speaking, but the entire globe collectively losing its mind may have taken the lead out, so to speak.
As you mention, birth control usage rates also need to be in the mix. It would make sense for interest in family planning to sky rocket in the face of the ‘apocalypse’. Of course, timing coinciding with the vaxx campaign is compelling, especially since the ‘fear’ was present prior to this without an apparent effect.
Sweden ramped up the fear rather than panicking at the outset, though. People keep praising Sweden as a bastion of freedom, but they only held out until the end of 2020 before they got inline with the rest of Europe.
Agreed. A possible sociological explanation would be panic fatigue and it’s effects on libido at the one year mark, but I don’t know how panicked the avg Swede was. Of course, the goal is to steel man this hypo, esp as NY threatens to add the vaxx to the childhood schedule.
Herbivore men. Celibacy syndrome. It is a thing there. Their wires are fried and they packed up their gonads and served them to their fluffy pomeranian puppies.
9 months after the world's strictest lockdown (which was only for 7 weeks), NZ saw a drop off in births but then it immediately rebounded the two quarters thereafter, with the biggest number of children in many years being born in the 3Q of 2021 (followed by a drop off again in the 4Q). Then another large amount of births in 1Q 2022. So living through a pandemic has not made people decide to not have kids.
Yup. If I was making a prediction for lockdowners, I’d expect an immediate rise 9 months hence with a below average birth rate to follow as the lockdowns dragged on (front loading pregnancy for current couples + reduction in new ones). Also, since Sweden didn’t lockdown, not surprised there was no such boom - that’s why they’re a good subject here.
Great Courses has a fascinating series on the Black Death that covered social responses to the Plague. The reactions are multitudinous - many communities went hog wild. (Incidentally, watching this in April 2020 was an amazing prep for the behavior to come - many stark parallels at all levels of society.)
Still, moderns are probably, on the balance, more risk averse than prior gens (to put it mildly), so I can see pregnancy prevention being a priority in the face of hard times.
Fair questions I suppose. Still, I think it was William of Ockham who said, “If it walks like a car and purrs like a cat, it must be a cat.” Or, something like that.
Aren't the men of Japan mentally castrated... they have positioned themselves as cartoon characters of the modern world - and we all know the shape of things for cartoon characters. I don't know that Swedish men lack the ability and will. Of course that is just my fanciful conjecture. It is 3:35pm aka smack dab in the center of conjecture hour.
regarding fear affecting ovulation and fertility -- this is a thing!
I was tracking my cycles for about a year before 9-11 using the fertility awareness method (complex, using daily temperatures and other body signs) and so I was VERY well acquainted with the 28-day regular cycles that were normal for me.... what happened was that I was several days from ovulation when 9-11 happened, which was a tremendous shock, and my eggs just went back in and hid for about 40 days. I did not have ovulation and thus I had a delayed period. After about 40 days, I then started again to exhibit the normal signs, ovulated, then 2 weeks later had my normal but delayed period.
What I'm saying is that if fertile women are freaked out, it will affect their ovulation. This makes biological sense to me as why on earth would we want to bring children into the world (or be in a vulnerable, pregnant state) during times of danger?
On the other hand, I do not know what extended, heightened fear will do to women's fertility. I don't know if the eggs will hide for a longer period, and if that is possible -- is it then hard to get started up again?
People don't go to IVF the first moment they didn't make a baby. Three or four years from now they would, but the gato will be out of the bolsa by then anyway.
You would think those questions would sample over the last 25 years, i.e., with the exception of a few, I think all these potential confounders have been happening in earnest since the early 90's.
Just thinking out loud. Unfortunately i had the experience of going through these options
I’m a woman in the middle of my childbearing years and I’ve never heard of meetups for trying to conceive. Online I know of but it’s a horrible place/epitome of Reddit you know they are vaxxed to the max
We have data stretching back much further than just 25 years but most of it is still in ledgers (it goes back to the mid 1750s at least), and while this latest one surely is cause for concern, especially given the timefrae regarding the mRNA-incjetions, I'd caution anyone betting the farm on it (yet). If the trend holds however, well, then it's different.
Sorry, but the page is in swedish only. If you scroll down slightly, you'll see a graph headlined: "Födda, döda, invandringar och utvandringar per år från år 2000" meaning "Born, dead, immigrants and migrants per year from the year 2000". Hover over the lines to see numbers. As you'll se, births are up 15 000/year for 2021 compared to 2000.
Scroll down to a graph headlined "Spädbarnsdödlighet efter kön och per 1000 födda, per år från år 1966", it's for infant mortality by gender, per 1000 births, yarly from 1966.
Also, the Wikipedia (yeah I know but they use the same datasources) page for Sweden's population numbers throughout history has graphs that may be relevant as comparisons:
The third graph from the top on the right hand side of the page is for nativity and mortality since 1750, blue being births and orange being deaths.
Hope this helps, because while it is starting to look alarming, we know mainstream media pundits trawl the Stacks for material (witness Eugyppius recent posts being re-written by german magazine Bild without crediting him at all) and a doomsaying panic over birth rates is precisely what they could use to further neutralise valid fears and criticisms.
After what we know now, No. But especially children and young adults, im immune Suppressed a transplant recipient I read everything I could find on mRNA technology and decided I wasn't going to get it. People like me were exempt from the clinical trials and without a single bit of data the AST American society of transplant recommended it. Because Covid had a 30% fatality in peopleike me. I said no. My Nephrologist was livid with me. I knew then I was on my own if I got it I had to treat it myself hospitals were a death sentence. I got Ivermectin and Z-stack protocol.
Good move Nancy. Autoimmunity is a bitch especially if you’re already trying to compensate for rejection. I have a couple of friends with RA and they were told by there rheumatologists to avoid this product.
Autoimmunity and immune Suppression are completely different. But both groups were excluded from the clinical trials, funny how the RA doctor recommended against it and my Nephrologist did a full court press on me to get it. My Nephrologist was about 40 yrs old im 65 I chalked it up to age he just isn't as experienced in not believing everything the government tells you. I worked for the Feds I know they lie.
I learned a long time ago doctors are human and make mistakes. Medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. We are individuals and should be treated as such. This one size fits all approach to Medicine doesn't work for everyone we're not pantyhose.
Congrats Nancy. I did the same except my alarms were ringing in March 2020, so "after what we know now, No" was well known by those unheard experts from the get-go if you were looking in the right places.
I've had a mix of consultants since my H/L tx in 1991, and generally go for "less is more".
I recently got invited to a UK government survey on antibodies in tx patients, and as soon as I ticked "unvaccinated" I was excluded.
I actually got Delta in August '21, felt shaky and grotty for a good week and got the antibody test 8/mmol, my same aged wife 30/mmol, my 19year old son 200mmol. One thing this age-strata showed me was the extreme reaction young people would get from the jabs compared to anyone middle-aged or elderly. They're the most robust, but have taken the most damage.
In the BS institutions called hospitals many nurses and staff are brow-beaten in our names, it's sad. BTW my outpatients said nobody had died of covid after the first year. I have heard since. Just think your 30% figure seems extremely high?!
It isnt my figure 30% it is what my Nephrologist tried to scare me with into getting the vaccine. That number came from my doctor. I said 30%? Huh? How many of those people had comorbities? Obesity? Diabetes? Congestive Heart failure? None of which I have. He wouldn't answer me just got angry and said "I'm not talking to you about the vaccine anymore " he disassociated with me as a patient at that point. And I realized if I got sick it was up to me to treat myself. Going to a hospital was a death sentence Remdesvir causes kidney failure. I have a supply of Ivermectin and Z-stack protocol.
This should give you monthly births by year. It is easier to download men stats after pivoting the data to get it all on one screen. Then download women stats the same way.
2) as always, data for births and deaths very close to current month are 99% delayed. Please bookmark this topic and revisit in 6 months. The birth numbers for Jan-April will have changed.
Gato — I’m always gob-smacked at how you can distill all of these numbers down into a few compelling pictures and a "story" that is almost always easily comprehensible. I read other authors/analysts who do commendable work, but I find myself working much harder, with finger on screen, tracing the charts in order to follow their explanation. You have a true gift in your ability to paint a clear picture while not withholding pertinent data.
I am also grateful for your level-headedness and balance in your assessments. The last thing we need these days is more histrionics. I don’t think it’s possible for a human to be completely unbiased, so perhaps it is your feline genome that contributes to your extra -human ability to provide as balanced of a picture as you seem able to do.
Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. You are one of the standouts of calm and sober voices that have helped to lead us through this "pandemic" minefield enabling us to make better informed decisions for ourselves and our loved ones. Words can not adequately express my gratitude 🙏
No doubt there'll be those who rationalize this as, "well, there are too many people on the planet anyway, so this is a side benefit."
Just as with the vax mandates, the underlying attitude is: "Your body, OUR choice." Interesting that just about the only issue (abortion) where they invoke "bodily autonomy" involves the killing of another human being.
Thank you for doing this. This is exactly the type of detailed analysis I was looking for. I've been tracking the birth numbers in Scotland. Their picture is not yet quite as clear.
I've written an open letter to Gov. DeSantis, asking that he mine his statewide vaccine registry to compare health outcomes in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. He could compare birth rates, too. The feds have all this data but will continue to bury it. Meanwhile, all it takes is one courageous governor to blow this thing wide open.
My letter is here:
DeSantis is careful with taking on the Vax. He has been heads above other governors but one man and his close knit team can only do so much as he focuses on winning a second term in four months. Rand Paul (my senator) needs to step up, stop playing defense & unite with Senators Johnson, possibly Lee (Cruz is a lost cause) and god willing a few others since there’s safety & recognition in numbers and take this on! I’ve reached out imploring Rand to recognize mRNA vax injuries & related issues. At best he’s Captain Obvious. The mass formation of Pharma interests is so powerful in DC. It’s like pulling teeth with anything Covid & the GOP establishment.
Darby you are so devoted to the children...thank you for
everything you are doing and have done for the littles.
Superbly written! Thank you for stepping up to do that.
I'm putting $20 on stories within the next 6-9 months about how covid or "long covid" are negatively affecting birth rates.
my money is on climate change
My money is on "Putin's fault." Side bet hedge on "Trump's fault."
I've sneaky feeling that the unvaxxed have not had their full quota of public pillorying just yet. (But would be happy to be proved wrong.)
I concur. Climate change is here to stay. After all - its been around for 5 billion years! There's a high degree of probability that reality will catch up to covid. We, the world, will acknowledge that the dread virus has "run it's course". (Any way to get out of it without admitting that the "experts" have been wrong!) There will, of course be more, possibly many more, "public health crisis". Witness moneypox.
But climate change has been monetized to the extent that to get out of will probably require complete economic, (and social?), collapse. Most of the industrialized world has adopted climate change as a key driver of all political, economic, industrial, and social policy. And besides which - "any public health crisis" can eventually be measured against factual data. Like covid. Climate change can not - not in time spans meaningful to mere humans.
But we have the Greenland ice core data...and they show predictable
cycles...I would love to see the climate change fear driven porn propoganda smashed
to smithereens.
Tony Heller is one of the better voices in the wilderness.
thanks for sharing that!
Will covid run it's course? IDK.
We create leaky vaxxines. That creates more cases. More cases mean more boosters with leaky vaxxines. Those leaky vaxxines/boosters create more cases. More cases mean more boosters with leaky vaxxines.
And so on, and so on.
It's not going to stop.
Dr. Paul Alexander (I think, beg pardon if he was not the source) has
shown that covid should have died out
in two any other pandemic. BUT because we vaccinated into a pandemic, with a leaky vaccine, we have turned covid into
a continuous presence in the vaccinated until it gets so bad we all are
at risk. He says we
are gonna have 100 Years of Covid. Personally, I believe him, Geert Vanden Bosche, and a lot of other smart thinkers are trending to the same conclusion.
I proved we reached herd immunity for the wild type on January 11, 2021 without a single person fully-vaccinated. (Recall that this was when the experts were saying we needed 60-70%, then 90%, then 98% (biden) to reach herd immunity. My video lasted about 5 minutes before YouTube took it down. I'm writing a book now you'll read about it. It was over in less than a year if left to its own devices, not 2 years.
Isnt Corono like the influenza virus? Mutates? so eventually you lose your immunity as the virus evolves? Though I don't doubt in the least that most of the population reached immunity when you makes absolute sense to me. I am sorry about your youtube video, but would love to read about it. Unfortunately, I still have people around me jabbed coming down with covid (my cleaning lady last week)...She'll probably add to the variants or whatever, and it will keep going around and around...sigh.
"He says we are gonna have 100 Years of Covid. "
Really? We've had 200,000 years of influenza & the common cold, and humans appear to be still around. I'll rely on biological immunity and forget it. Covid, now completely tedious.
Unless, like Marek's disease, it mutates to more infectious and more virulent...then we are gonna have a problem...
It's how you maximize shareholder return
Yes, it's been around for 5 billion years but we also just created it through our evil SUVs and styrofoam cups. We're so evil, so very evil. We should definitely repond with the creation of authoritarian gov't. Being evil, it's only sensible for us to concentrate power as much as possible.
I shudder every time they use that disingenuous phrase "climate change". The 2015 Paris Climate Accord says that we must limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid Climate Change. And now they (UN and EU and WEF) are arguing about whether it should be allowed to go up to 2.0 degrees.
The Liberals should be told to use the proper term for their brainchild, GLOBAL WARMING.
But then it wouldn’t include when the temperature goes down, you see? They have to be able to keep their fist tight around your neck whether the temperatures go up OR down.
The proper term is CAGW.
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming.
That is the failed theory. ( actually a hypothesis at best )
the left are such egomaniacs they've convinced themselves they can control the climate with policy. Its complete lunacy. Carbon offsets and other pyramid schemes will not change a thing except the size of these con artists bank accounts. The education system has pumped out so many narcissists, by design that they fall for this crap. They think as long as they signal there virtue enough that it means they are very important, and care deeply about things. And if everyone was just as enlightened as them we would live in utopia.
Greenhouse gaslighting
My money is on all the Pregnant men who went to a blue state for an abortion. 😁
John wins the innerweb today...
He is now a gay Lesbian.
There are already memes for college kids. Something about how they’re going to be very responsible and not have many kids or any kids because of climate change.
Putin! Putin is making everyone sterile!
His shirtless pics galloping through shallow riverbeds is so virile it's dropped the rest of the world's testosterone levels? He knew thst would happen!! That rascal !!
Child making is effected by optimism. How many people do not want to bring kids into a world raging with disease and problems with financial outcomes like none seen in any of our lives?
If the optimism argument was correct, I think 2021 would have fallen vs. 2020. That didn't happen.
The early-2022 fall basically coincides with the vaxx rollout nine-ish months earlier.
The only conceivable way we could luck out of this is if we learn that many of those who got vaxxed collectively decided to not try to be parents during the month or so after they got jabbed, but started trying again after that. That seems like the longest of (excuse the pun) long shots.
Birth rates in largely non-vaxecuted countries have not taken such a dive though
Non-injected countries also did not live on a fear porn diet. It will take a couple of years to sort this out.
I was thinking that myself
Or it’s Putin‘s fault… Or Trump’s fault… 😱🙄🙄🙄🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
Summer vagina.
Too warm to smooch?
Beat me to it.
I was thinking that, or maybe Roe v Wade (plot twist!! -- the court decision was paid for by big pharma ;-)
Putin and winter/summer vagene are to blame...
Why not combine it?
Blame "Putin vagina"!
Climate change excuse of course is laughable. They love playing with us.
But famine will be a believable excuse for reduced birthrate and therefore food scarcity is a necessary step in their plan to cover any reduced fertility rate. .
You are on to something! They will continue to gaslight all the harms we are doing to humanity. Here's a recent study that demonstrated no reduction in sperm count or motility after having COVID.
They will blame both Long Covid and Climate Change along with a number of other even more absurd sources for this. They are already making claims that things like gardening can cause death in young healthy people (so as to avoid the vaccine connection)
only $20?
There are other NEW confounding variables for stealth population control:
1. Stealth attacks through microwaves and ultrasound from our own phones (not antennas). You can measure them yourself with free apps. I teach you for free: f.nazar at gmail
2. Stealth attacks with huge microwaving from satellites. Use ElectroSmart and Satellite Finder apps
3. Climate Change was natural until they started geoengineering on a massive scale: graphene, aluminum, stroncium, etc. Now it's really anthropogenic but has NOTHING to do with man CO2, and all with microwaves and sky-seeding :
You cover 2000 papers in 9 min at 2x:
( based on 2000 papers: )
If you understand Spanish, check last chapters of CEVICAS in YouTube: it will blow your mind!
More on Climate:
I forgot to mention: since 2019 they have started adding graphene in all vaccines (not only COVID) and some foods and bevs in Europe.
Does a theory exist for the elastic clots in the dead. If grapheme then morticians would have witnessed this phenomenon before unless the grapheme amount has been increased. From the description I imagine a filiamentous elastic fiber what would it be composed of immunoglobins?
Graphene tends to go to the front of the head or heart. It is a very low quantity (a shot is less than 0.5 ml) but with high electro-magnetic impact (some hang their phones!). Clotting seems more related to the weaponized spike protein (follow David E. Martin). We are more worried about graphene poisoning in food and beverages and the stealth attacks through sats and phones (a hacker just cracked the Android module spying on biometrics and whereabouts of the chipped through haccination.
( based on 2000 papers: )
Someone should make a sci-fi movie about our sci-reality!
I think the mRNa is coding for random proteins in some people and not others. Lets say it gets translated wrong in the ribosome and cells produce spike along with weird proteins that clot in the circulatory system.
So far, NZ birth rate for the 1Q 2022 is perfectly normal, maybe a little bit higher in fact but 4Q 2021 was a bit lower so it may balance out. NZ wasnt vaccinating then either. So it makes for a great control group - if lockdowns or pandemic fear or any other cause for the drop in birth rates we are seeing around the world then NZ should have done it too. But it didnt. That's because NZ didnt start vaccinating adults of child bearing age until late Sept through Dec 2021. So if there is a precipitous drop in NZ births come July-Sept this year, there can be only one cause.
Wow! Yes. I was just about to note that births often go down in natural disasters and economic downturns, so not yet necessarily proof of anything.
NZ was a great case study in vaccine harm, too. There was virtually no covid when the vaccines were rolling out, and virtually no other winter respiratory illnesses. Yet there were 2000 excess deaths, similar to the winter of 2018 which was a bad flu year there.
It seems like a better data set would break the population into vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated age cohorts.
An awful lot of would-be grandmas will have a lot of unfilled baby booties and tiny cardigans. Aching for all, and hope I'm not gonna be one.
My daughter and her husband refused the jabs, as did her father and I, and she is pregnant with her 2nd child. She sees the evil (whether incompetence or malfeasance) in the medical profession and refuses to take part. Same with the schools. I'm very proud of her!
Wishing every joy to your family!
Nobody of child bearing age should have gotten this Vaccine.
I would amend that to: "Nobody should have gotten this Vaccine".
The data is undeniable that the jabs are affecting women's menstrual cycles. I'm no biologist but last I checked menstrual cycles are a key component in a woman's fertility.
You must be a biologist because you seem to know what a woman is.
Matt Walsh’s new movie- What is a Woman? … is a must see
it is so good!
Too funny.
There are more numbers that one could consider, though maybe they're difficult to obtain. Are there more visits to fertility clinics? More IVF, more adoptions, more sales of fertility drugs, more complementary medicine (such as acupuncture) visits for this purpose? More/same/less birth control being used? More appeals for egg donation and surrogacy?
Easier to find--more and larger online groups of women discussing trying to get pregnant, and what are they saying? More meetup and local groups for this?
ivf is a tiny effect. also, why would that effect be so temporally localized in a country that did not lock down?
Ivf clinics keep very good records and report them annually as they compete with each other based on success rates. They also practice evidence based medicine in improving their practices. If there is one group that can give really clean data and insights it is the ivf clinics.
I recall reading an article in the last year that fertility clinics were seeing more inadequate sperm counts in the donated semen. I'm sorry I can't be more specific.
And more miscarraiges but they weren't so anxious to find out just why.
So that's why Hungarian government kicked them out?
They had a de facto lockdown, from what I've read, even if it wasn't forced on them, they did it voluntarily. But my point was, are more people seeking out IVF because they can't get pregnant--are there more people suffering from infertility.
IVF is so rare here, the Statistics agency stopped keeping tabs on it in 2008. Instead it's down to regional hospital administration and the oversight agency for the healthcare sector.
I did find data for Finland, since they often use both swedish and finnish in official sources. Preliminary data for 2021 is 14 600 IVF-treatments with an expected rate of 20% being carried to term. Which apparently is normal, according to the page. Here's a link to the english version of the page I looked at, can't vouch for the quality of the translation since like most swedes all I know of finnish is swear words, pick up lines and how to order drinks.
Strange, must have fumbled the link?
I see the results for 2020, however I’m not seeing any preliminary estimates for 2021 success rates. Can you point out where in the report the preliminary data lies? If 1st trimester is the most adversely affected by transfers then we would expect the preliminary 2021 data to reflect this. No need to wait for dec 21 (or really even the h2) births to go full term to see a signal in the preliminary data. It would be an enormous relief if there is no signal in the preliminary 2021 ivf data.
Even if it is a tiny effect it could be used as a measure of how many more / less couples are having trouble conceiving. A XX% rise in business for IVF clinics would be an indicator that more couples wanting to conceive can't?
Women are doing a lot of online talking about disrupted cycles. Someone here mentioned having a partner who was required to be vaccinated for work while she remained unvaccinated and she was having some menstrual oddities. I would not be surprised if those groups spawn into fertility discussion boards. If someone is curious...
Well, the Vaccinerated do shed spike proteins for some time after the jab. Close proximity to those people do effect others. There is nothing more intimate than sex.
Love "vaccinerated"!
Came here to wonder the same thing. Every now and then I see something about intercourse rates among young adults in Japan - no idea how that’s accurately tracked, but what if the global and aggressive fear campaign lowered libido? I realize Sweden was “sane”, relatively-speaking, but the entire globe collectively losing its mind may have taken the lead out, so to speak.
As you mention, birth control usage rates also need to be in the mix. It would make sense for interest in family planning to sky rocket in the face of the ‘apocalypse’. Of course, timing coinciding with the vaxx campaign is compelling, especially since the ‘fear’ was present prior to this without an apparent effect.
I think the peak fear of 2020 would have given us this signal twelve months ago, if that had been the cause.
Sweden ramped up the fear rather than panicking at the outset, though. People keep praising Sweden as a bastion of freedom, but they only held out until the end of 2020 before they got inline with the rest of Europe.
Agreed. A possible sociological explanation would be panic fatigue and it’s effects on libido at the one year mark, but I don’t know how panicked the avg Swede was. Of course, the goal is to steel man this hypo, esp as NY threatens to add the vaxx to the childhood schedule.
If you think the world is coming to an end are you going to suddenly put a bag on it? That’s not how we’re wired.
Herbivore men. Celibacy syndrome. It is a thing there. Their wires are fried and they packed up their gonads and served them to their fluffy pomeranian puppies.
Actually, some caged animals refuse to breed at all.
9 months after the world's strictest lockdown (which was only for 7 weeks), NZ saw a drop off in births but then it immediately rebounded the two quarters thereafter, with the biggest number of children in many years being born in the 3Q of 2021 (followed by a drop off again in the 4Q). Then another large amount of births in 1Q 2022. So living through a pandemic has not made people decide to not have kids.
Yup. If I was making a prediction for lockdowners, I’d expect an immediate rise 9 months hence with a below average birth rate to follow as the lockdowns dragged on (front loading pregnancy for current couples + reduction in new ones). Also, since Sweden didn’t lockdown, not surprised there was no such boom - that’s why they’re a good subject here.
Great Courses has a fascinating series on the Black Death that covered social responses to the Plague. The reactions are multitudinous - many communities went hog wild. (Incidentally, watching this in April 2020 was an amazing prep for the behavior to come - many stark parallels at all levels of society.)
Still, moderns are probably, on the balance, more risk averse than prior gens (to put it mildly), so I can see pregnancy prevention being a priority in the face of hard times.
Is it with Darcy Armstrong?
That’s the one
Fair questions I suppose. Still, I think it was William of Ockham who said, “If it walks like a car and purrs like a cat, it must be a cat.” Or, something like that.
a car?
Aren't the men of Japan mentally castrated... they have positioned themselves as cartoon characters of the modern world - and we all know the shape of things for cartoon characters. I don't know that Swedish men lack the ability and will. Of course that is just my fanciful conjecture. It is 3:35pm aka smack dab in the center of conjecture hour.
I mention more as a general observation that intercourse rates are tracked. As this is where babies come from, fertility analysis must control for it.
You know, if intercourse rates were tracked with a system beyond contributor control, I'll just bet you rates would go up...
regarding fear affecting ovulation and fertility -- this is a thing!
I was tracking my cycles for about a year before 9-11 using the fertility awareness method (complex, using daily temperatures and other body signs) and so I was VERY well acquainted with the 28-day regular cycles that were normal for me.... what happened was that I was several days from ovulation when 9-11 happened, which was a tremendous shock, and my eggs just went back in and hid for about 40 days. I did not have ovulation and thus I had a delayed period. After about 40 days, I then started again to exhibit the normal signs, ovulated, then 2 weeks later had my normal but delayed period.
What I'm saying is that if fertile women are freaked out, it will affect their ovulation. This makes biological sense to me as why on earth would we want to bring children into the world (or be in a vulnerable, pregnant state) during times of danger?
On the other hand, I do not know what extended, heightened fear will do to women's fertility. I don't know if the eggs will hide for a longer period, and if that is possible -- is it then hard to get started up again?
People don't go to IVF the first moment they didn't make a baby. Three or four years from now they would, but the gato will be out of the bolsa by then anyway.
You would think those questions would sample over the last 25 years, i.e., with the exception of a few, I think all these potential confounders have been happening in earnest since the early 90's.
Just thinking out loud. Unfortunately i had the experience of going through these options
I’m a woman in the middle of my childbearing years and I’ve never heard of meetups for trying to conceive. Online I know of but it’s a horrible place/epitome of Reddit you know they are vaxxed to the max has trying to conceive groups. As well as groups for a myriad of other parenting things. 🤡
Wow I hadn’t looked at the mothering forum in a long time, did they change their look ? Is it more active now?
I've heard of groups for women trying to conceive. Meetup is one place to start or find one.
Wonder if Reddit bans people who say they think the vax affected their fertility ... probably.
Great post!
We have data stretching back much further than just 25 years but most of it is still in ledgers (it goes back to the mid 1750s at least), and while this latest one surely is cause for concern, especially given the timefrae regarding the mRNA-incjetions, I'd caution anyone betting the farm on it (yet). If the trend holds however, well, then it's different.
Sorry, but the page is in swedish only. If you scroll down slightly, you'll see a graph headlined: "Födda, döda, invandringar och utvandringar per år från år 2000" meaning "Born, dead, immigrants and migrants per year from the year 2000". Hover over the lines to see numbers. As you'll se, births are up 15 000/year for 2021 compared to 2000.
You can also look at this page:
Scroll down to a graph headlined "Spädbarnsdödlighet efter kön och per 1000 födda, per år från år 1966", it's for infant mortality by gender, per 1000 births, yarly from 1966.
Also, the Wikipedia (yeah I know but they use the same datasources) page for Sweden's population numbers throughout history has graphs that may be relevant as comparisons:
The third graph from the top on the right hand side of the page is for nativity and mortality since 1750, blue being births and orange being deaths.
Hope this helps, because while it is starting to look alarming, we know mainstream media pundits trawl the Stacks for material (witness Eugyppius recent posts being re-written by german magazine Bild without crediting him at all) and a doomsaying panic over birth rates is precisely what they could use to further neutralise valid fears and criticisms.
We know the real writers and thinkers are here.
After what we know now, No. But especially children and young adults, im immune Suppressed a transplant recipient I read everything I could find on mRNA technology and decided I wasn't going to get it. People like me were exempt from the clinical trials and without a single bit of data the AST American society of transplant recommended it. Because Covid had a 30% fatality in peopleike me. I said no. My Nephrologist was livid with me. I knew then I was on my own if I got it I had to treat it myself hospitals were a death sentence. I got Ivermectin and Z-stack protocol.
Good move Nancy. Autoimmunity is a bitch especially if you’re already trying to compensate for rejection. I have a couple of friends with RA and they were told by there rheumatologists to avoid this product.
Autoimmunity and immune Suppression are completely different. But both groups were excluded from the clinical trials, funny how the RA doctor recommended against it and my Nephrologist did a full court press on me to get it. My Nephrologist was about 40 yrs old im 65 I chalked it up to age he just isn't as experienced in not believing everything the government tells you. I worked for the Feds I know they lie.
I have psoriatic arthritis and polymyalgia rheumatica and my rheumatologist was totally gung ho for me to get the jab. I ignored her, needless to say.
I learned a long time ago doctors are human and make mistakes. Medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. We are individuals and should be treated as such. This one size fits all approach to Medicine doesn't work for everyone we're not pantyhose.
Congrats Nancy. I did the same except my alarms were ringing in March 2020, so "after what we know now, No" was well known by those unheard experts from the get-go if you were looking in the right places.
I've had a mix of consultants since my H/L tx in 1991, and generally go for "less is more".
I recently got invited to a UK government survey on antibodies in tx patients, and as soon as I ticked "unvaccinated" I was excluded.
I actually got Delta in August '21, felt shaky and grotty for a good week and got the antibody test 8/mmol, my same aged wife 30/mmol, my 19year old son 200mmol. One thing this age-strata showed me was the extreme reaction young people would get from the jabs compared to anyone middle-aged or elderly. They're the most robust, but have taken the most damage.
In the BS institutions called hospitals many nurses and staff are brow-beaten in our names, it's sad. BTW my outpatients said nobody had died of covid after the first year. I have heard since. Just think your 30% figure seems extremely high?!
It isnt my figure 30% it is what my Nephrologist tried to scare me with into getting the vaccine. That number came from my doctor. I said 30%? Huh? How many of those people had comorbities? Obesity? Diabetes? Congestive Heart failure? None of which I have. He wouldn't answer me just got angry and said "I'm not talking to you about the vaccine anymore " he disassociated with me as a patient at that point. And I realized if I got sick it was up to me to treat myself. Going to a hospital was a death sentence Remdesvir causes kidney failure. I have a supply of Ivermectin and Z-stack protocol.
Couple of items:
1) Try
This should give you monthly births by year. It is easier to download men stats after pivoting the data to get it all on one screen. Then download women stats the same way.
2) as always, data for births and deaths very close to current month are 99% delayed. Please bookmark this topic and revisit in 6 months. The birth numbers for Jan-April will have changed.
good link.
Gato — I’m always gob-smacked at how you can distill all of these numbers down into a few compelling pictures and a "story" that is almost always easily comprehensible. I read other authors/analysts who do commendable work, but I find myself working much harder, with finger on screen, tracing the charts in order to follow their explanation. You have a true gift in your ability to paint a clear picture while not withholding pertinent data.
I am also grateful for your level-headedness and balance in your assessments. The last thing we need these days is more histrionics. I don’t think it’s possible for a human to be completely unbiased, so perhaps it is your feline genome that contributes to your extra -human ability to provide as balanced of a picture as you seem able to do.
Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. You are one of the standouts of calm and sober voices that have helped to lead us through this "pandemic" minefield enabling us to make better informed decisions for ourselves and our loved ones. Words can not adequately express my gratitude 🙏
the last thing panic needs is more panic.
we all need to learn to assess complex data, compare competing hypotheses, and seek understanding not sensationalism.
I've grown accustomed to The Cat's very bad hypothesis becoming more and more likely as data emerges.
He was right about the vaxxed superspreaders (although just a hypothesis) and he is gonna be proved right about some recent column hypothesis too.
I am starting to realize why the ancients worshipped cats.
No doubt there'll be those who rationalize this as, "well, there are too many people on the planet anyway, so this is a side benefit."
Just as with the vax mandates, the underlying attitude is: "Your body, OUR choice." Interesting that just about the only issue (abortion) where they invoke "bodily autonomy" involves the killing of another human being.
Yeah I can see Kill Gates rubbing his hands in glee over this sh!t.
Of course. He helped plan it....had plenty of practice in Africa.
While Bourlla shrugs and simply moves on ☹️
"You took it voluntarily. We have no liability."
no refunds
I wish they would let US see OUR data here in the new communist states of America… 🇺🇸 🔥🔥🔥
Does anyone have this data?
County health data...
You can find the month by month stats pre-2019 here: