It's time for wealth redistribution....

And I mean real wealth redistribution....from these plandemic parasites.... back to the tax payers that they siphoned money from through the conduit of corrupt bureaucrats.

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please include all the multi billions in university endowments as well as congresscritters ill-gotten gains using insider trading in the stock market.

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Yes. The way these crooks run up their net worth while in office is so blatantly crooked it should be obvious to all. There's just no possible way that it is legitimate, not in any case.

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Not just Congress. Upward News published today that 50 governmental agencies are also "in on it."

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See WSJ article yesterday. The paper compiled its own database of senior executives (both political appointees and permanent government employees) as the Federal departments and agencies DO NOT track stock ownership, purchases, and sales, although they do require annual disclosure. Fed employees make the Congress look like normal investors. Ah, the new normal!!! Now I get it!

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Thanks. I'll try, but usually WSJ has a paywall.

The workaround to most paywalls is, save it at Archive.ph - it'll take a bit, depending on what number one is in their queue - but after saving the article, it's readable. The other good part - if you fear a right-leaning or common sense article is at risk of deletion - this saves it for bookmarking.

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Definitely has a paywall. Thanks for the info to get around them - I occasionally want to read a NYT article.

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It usually works, even for "stubborn" sites like the Epoch Times, WSJ. Good luck, share the info! We need to save as many articles as we can!

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There's also 12ft.io - that gets around most of the 'Big Boys' paywalls.

I'm not actually sure that it works on WSJ (or WaPo or NYT) because there is literally no chance that I would ever be interested in anything they ever produced.

It would be like reading a bad version of Pravda, circa 1985 - and I've got better things to do with my time (e.g., cleaning in between my toes - that little-toe gap gets gross for those who don't stay on top of it... or alternatively cleaning out the matted hair in the bathroom basin U-bend).

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Sometimes it's important to see what they're saying though, as almost everyone else takes this info as gospel.

You can also get a good idea of what they're really trying to hide, as they won't touch certain issues.

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I normally do not read left-leaning sites, but they ARE useful in posting replies to lefties who whine online. The left truly knows very little. If a post from "their side" shows them, points out their lie - all the better.

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Thanks - I knew about that one, but hadn't tried it yet! Archive.ph does work on NYT and WSJ - I have archived articles from both on Archive.

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That fact that we have 50 federal agencies is reason enough to put a stop to this. In fact, there are far more than just 50 agencies. These are just the ones that have some kind of connection to the companies they regulate or the nations they monitor.

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Agree and the article indicated 50, but I should have added the fact that there are way more.

Here's another danger. In CA, former Gov. Brown gave unions collective bargaining in the 1970s. That was the start of the "pay it forward" I believe, with unions always being in bed with D's. Union shops do all political and governmental printing, too, but the point I am making is that I consider Unions to be part of the Deep State now. Look at SEIU for example - they are colluding with Los Angeles City Councilmembers to form Districts in favor of one "minority" over another! That is just plain wrong.

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Unions have long been in bed with Ds. Long before the 70s in Cali..

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Yes, I know. Their collusion and corruption installed Presidents, also.

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Forgot to mention that Upward News was formerly "Unwoke Narrative."

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Like the formerly known as name much better.

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I do too, but I suppose it shields them from some liberal trolls when you share articles.

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No joke!! Dead correct. Outrage and full accountability are both 100% required, now, imho.

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I second that. It also needs to be pointed out that the vaccine was never actually tested to stop transmission. The fact that no one corrected the story and actually doubled down means lots of people should be held accountable. Start with Fauci. Ask him to point out in the FDA study/report how it was effective in stoping transmission.

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I truly believe they didn't test for transmission because they knew what the answer would be.

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Yes, they knew the answer…C-H-A —C-H-I-N-G!!!!


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But, but, Speed of Science™!

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Science moves at the speed of money (aka the market), apparently.

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"She blinded me with science"

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As fast as a zelensky hologram!

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Ok so it's been clearly established that the pharma co's and the drug regulators knew that stopping transmission was never in the cards.

So, why push the shots so hard? Couldn't have been just greed.

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Bill Gates knows well that government provides the best 'customers', because government can mandate use of your product. See: Microsoft products in schools.

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True, but there's got to be more than that. People lost their jobs and way too much misery was pushed on everyone over what were known lies. I would be extremely surprised if the only motivator was greed, votes or stupidity. I think there's something much more nefarious afoot, i.e., controlling the general population in ways that nightmares are made of.

In Canada, our federal gov spent about 54 million $$$ on the horrid ArriveCan app that never worked right and should have had an exponentially lower development cost.

It's come to light that Canada 'invested' 100 million with the WEF over their digital ID program.


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No doubt that there were many controllers who were just waiting for their chance to push crap like this. If it wasn't covid, it would be the climate. Eventually they want a digi-pass for everyone that they can just 'turn red' to shut you off.


Last April, Chinese banks unexpectedly froze the accounts of numerous customers without a plausible explanation. Recently, would-be protestors trying to get their money back found their digital covid health apps ‘red’, meaning they lose access to nearly all public services.

This is a perfect real-world example of the tyranny of covid health passes. Obviously these protestors don’t actually have covid. They aren’t a public health threat in the slightest. They are a POLITICAL nuisance — so the ruling class simply turns them off.

And don’t worry, this is coming soon to an area near you. After all, it’s so unseemly to physically confront protestors — much better off to unperson them from a safe distance.

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In Ukraine, if you are fleeing war, you can get financial help only through an app that also serves as a vaccine passport.

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Also, see Microsoft products in....every.....single....government agency

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Yep. Quid pro quo.

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I am also wondering why they pushed shots so hard. Perhaps, getting us accustomed to regular injections and to being tracked and traced. But why did they push vaccines that cause injuries? To kill us?

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I also read the Spartacus substack. In addition, there has been testimony in court where a Canadian public health official admitted that this was all a big experiment. Putting the 2 together makes me believe biodefense/warfare is a big part of this, perhaps the sole purpose. Population control is a possibility and who knows what else. I'm not sure the injuries were intentional; I'm 50/50 maybe yes, maybe no.

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That is indeed the question of the century.

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His answer would be something along the lines of, “You know Dave, it is very nuanced, with many seemingly contradictory factors………

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I'm talking full asset forfeiture and indentured servitude.

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Sounds exactly right. Let's see if a few judges who wake up and realize they GMOed their family agree.

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I like the cut of your jib.

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Take all these "foundations" and their $ could pay off public debt. The amount of taxes they do not pay for their corrupt "philanthropy" is beyond the pale.

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Philanthropaths! Those foundations are all part of the Rothschild-Rockefeller cabal. Take their money along with university endowments, etc. etc.

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What percentage of people do you think are awake enough and angry enough to enact this right now? Most of the people I know are pretending that the covid scam never happened, and many make a point of not letting me talk about it.

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That's the BIG question. It's not a majority, yet. Still low numbers that really understand.

But there are some huge rumblings of a giant sea change happening.

Witness Florida step by step, recommending AGAINST the vax.

When they finally tackle reproductive harms to women I will CHEER!

The success shutting down a vax center in Britain, Dr. Drew's about face, ditto Dr. Assem Malhotra's, and the heavy questioning by MEPs of Pfizer...and biggest of all perhaps, is the VAX Tracker information acquired by ICAN!

That's huge! Also Naomi Wolf and Steve Bannon just won't quit. Gotta love them. Tucker gets it, Joe Rogan too.

I would say 10% really get it. Another 20% are very close.

Frankly many Republicans are completely red pilled.

If we hit 30% FURIOUS, (and active!) we are home free, I think. Read Covid and Coffee, (on Substack.)

Jeff is good at judging the sea change. He says we've crossed the "event horizon " and accountability is coming.


I so pray he is right!

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Coffee and Covid is the actual name of Jeff's substack (for anyone looking it up). A phenomenal daily read!

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Far too few and most who will keep lying to themselves that it didn’t happen. They will never admit that they were fooled and instead of getting angry at those who lied to them, they will attack any who insist on forcing them to see the truth.

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Yes, there is that. They can't admit what they may have done to themselves and their children by taking the jabs. After my cousin proudly posted a pic of her nth booster band-aid on FB, proclaiming she did it to protect her grandbabies, I tried to gently tell that her getting the shot wasn't actually protecting anyone else. It's so sad - she and her friends are truly brainwashed and think we would have had herd immunity but for the "anti-vaxxers."

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Yep, they will always blame the antivaxxers and antimaskers.

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I could not have put it better than Rob Schneider on Twitter who said:

"On behalf of the American Taxpayers, give us ALL our F#CKING MONEY BACK you CRIMINAL PIECE OF SH#T!"

Archived for posterity here:


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🙌 Amen! --- What a beautiful sentiment, put so succinctly. 🤗

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I want my WEF reparations!

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I agree!

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You a funny, funny person. 😂🤣😂🤣

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The corruption is so overwhelming and so in our faces, I simply cannot understand why people are not angrier tgat they were lied to.

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Exactly! This is where I am. I’m incensed but those around me would just rather move on, get their lives back.


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Except "just moving on" pretty much guarantees we won't get our lives back. This isn't over.

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Because they are embarrassed to have bought the expensive lie. Getting angry requires an admission one was duped when others were not. Too much for some to endure.

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A huge part of it is cognitive dissonance. They are completely unable to see the truth when it's right in their faces because the truth is so painful they are forced to turn away from it. Imagine fully realizing that the last heart attack you had was 100% your own fault for trusting someone like Bourla and Fauci? Imagine your child's heart attack is your fault because you believed Bourla et. al.?

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It is easier to con someone that it is to convince them they have been conned.

People don't want to admit that they've been conned and made a stupid decision, so they either continue to double down on stupid or just blow it off. "it doesn't matter, I'm fine."

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This is the reaction I see from 90% of the people I know.

Even when you point out data, they just say that's your data (as if it doesn't matter). Only Propaganda Media data is relevant.

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Sadly, you're right.

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I know so many people who simply couldn't care less. And quickly get angry if you press them to the consequences of that.

Much more self-reliance, self-protection, distance from people as things will get much worse I fear.

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Have multiple friends who have now had blood clots. Can't connect the dots and are just excited to get the Omicron "booster".

I'm done trying with these people. The chips will fall as they may now.

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That's tragic... and terrifying.

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One of the goals of this entire charade was the further division of society; vaxxed/unvaxxed, democrat/republican, etc. I hope we can all unite with each other and seek justice for the grievous wrongs that have been perpetuated on the entire world population.

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Unity is damn near impossible in today's climate. What is happening is that Dems are slowly coming around -- "I didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me!" -- Reagan, ca. 1962, and many since him

Latest 'big name' is former 'future of the Democrat party' Tulsi Gabbard. She won't join the GOP (don't blame her) but refuses to go along with the Dems. Joe Manchin would have left long ago but he can't stand Mitch McConnell and won't go until McConnell is no longer GOP Senate Leader. And many more, less famous are abandoning the Dems -- Latino voters, 65% swing from Dems to GOP preference. It's happening, but it takes time.

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I think it is like the rat hope experiment. People have been given the idea that "things are going back to normal, finally" and even tho they are NOT back to normal (and imho never will be), people are so exhausted from the initial struggle that they are saying "well this is normal ENOUGH for me, for now." All they can do is shrug at news like this. Given a little bit of respite, they will now struggle on gamely with whatever mandated, barely-disguised insanity comes next down the pike, struggle forever, until they drop dead.

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Because they heard all they needed to know the first time Dr Faustus told them the jabs are “safe and effective”. They haven’t needed to learn more. I have had some truly moronic conversations with true believers. Moronic on their side, that is.

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Not many like admitting they were wrong. There were lots of us saying this stuff and most of those who have an issue with being duped were the loudest voices about how awful the anti vaccination campaign was.

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I don't know anyone who has admitted they are wrong.

Almost ALL are still on the vaxx train.

A few have had things happen and have stopped. I can count them on one hand.

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They’ll get mad on their soon to be death beds.

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"A person who has been demoralized is unable to accept true information; the facts tell nothing to him." - The namesake of my Substack in 1984

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Based Yuri-fag.

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based 4chan-fag.

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'Inflation is transitory' is the new 'Vaccines stops transmission'

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Inflation always is transitory... just a question of how long the transit time. Good news! The recent inflation had a relatively short transit time, and is now just a recession - which also will be transitory.

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But will inflation and this recession move at the speed of science?

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Remember that the 'speed of science' is asymmetric... moves much faster in the direction of 'repression' than in the direction of 'freedom' -- if it moves that way at all.

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I note she said at the speed of science.

What does that mean? Science always (well used to) verifies results. Take the time needed there was/is always natural immunity. I couldn't watch the whole thing.

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I took the speed of science to mean as fast as they can rewrite established knowledge and accepted theory to support whatever lies they are telling.

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Hi John,

It seems to me that is propaganda not science. Science takes the time it needs to have other people verify the results. Consequently the method of testing and arriving at results needs to be transparent. When that time is not taken, or the methods are obscured, it is no longer science it is fraud.

I think we are saying the same things. I'm a bit more blunt. No necessarily a good thing.

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As someone put it, it’s policy based science not science based policy. During the CoVid fiasco, UK scientific advisors actually admitted that they asked Govt what message do you want to send, then they provided the ‘science’ and computer model predictions to back it up.

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Excellent list thanks

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And: saying there is a pandemic (which means spread through the population) but we have to lockdown and wear masks to stop it spreading throughout the population, until we have stopped it spreading throughout the population until we get a vaccine to stop it spreading throughout the population which requires a repeat dose every three months to stop it spreading throughout the population. CoVid is the eternal raging forest fire.

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Maybe you could write a book titled, "How To Be An Anti-Scientist." That could lead to more, like, "The Anti-Scientist Baby" and "Train Your Dog To Be An Anti-Scientist." Seems like a formula that works for "X. Ibrahm Kendi" only yours could actually help people!

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Inflation is “safe and effective”

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But requires regular boosters.

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Hyperinflation will be even more transitory.

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Now match that with Biden claiming that the recession we are entering will be "mild". The international agencies are not in agreement but warn of a serious recession worldwide. The lesser nations quite harmed by greater nations shutting down for the pandemic will see even more poverty and starvation. A generation of progress eliminated in a fairly short period.

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If this guy's bullshit maimed or killed your loved ones, what are you waiting for? Is everyone a worthless coward? Are you waiting for justice? It's disturbing this man walks the earth. He's a madman.

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I say we test him, if he didn't get at least 3 shots, guillotine.

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Works for me. As long as at the end the word guillotine exists. Cause these people will end up...at the end

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sacrificing your children to the WEF gods, &/or the pharma gods is no problem to the wicked debased political leaders holding desperately to the reins of leadership lest they be exposed for their crimes against humanity & lose their social standing & suffer the consequences of a nation scorned.

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Yeah. Not talking about them. But a million others should be chasing him, fauci and the others to a guillotine.

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Questionable if he is truly a man. Meaning is he human?

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Judging by the videos of Bourla puffing his neck like a reptile, the answer seems to be: "it's complicated."

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Do you include yourself in your questioning? How do you respond to your own questions?

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The most telling bit is that the 'journalists' whom Bourla was lying to in those interviews are not now interested in investigating the lie.

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Bill Gates should be in this group that goes to trial as he was out there pushing them also. And again I feel any actor or whoever that was paid money to go out and encourage people to take the vaccine should be fined or do jail time also.

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Actors get paid to act.

Any govt agency that paid money to go out and encourage people to take the vaccine should be fined or do jail time also.

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Well when they are pushing an experimental medication I think they should do the research before they jump on board with that. If they risk some penalty they may not just do it willy-nilly!

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Bill Gates led the ‘race for the coronavirus vaccine’.

See his GatesNotes: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine, 30 April 2020:


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"One of the questions I get asked the most these days is when the world will be able to go back to the way things were in December before the coronavirus pandemic. My answer is always the same: when we have an almost perfect drug to treat COVID-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus."

Remember how Gates, in particular, held your previous life over your head as incentive to take his poison? What a d*ck.

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Check out the antibody treatment TAU-1109, TAU-2310 which have been proven effective against all variants to date. Better than the vaccine is claimed.

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Fabulous reference link tyvm!

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"Buy the ticket, take the ride....and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well....maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion.... - Hunter S. Thompson

Whether you took the jab or not....you bought a ticket for the ride....let's hope we all had our consciousness raised by the lying and obfuscation of the ne'er do wells and semi-unemployables. Looking at you Bourla and Van der Leyen.

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Liked just for you Hunter S. quote

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Although at the start of the clip Boula was extremely careful not to say specifically that the 'vaccines' prevent transmission, he said "there is 'a' protection against transmission" which isn't the same. Was he lucky in his choice of words or was it all intentional? The elephant in the room for him is the secret deal to provide 4.5 billion doses of his 'vaccine' to the EU (ie. 10 per man woman and child!), we certainly haven't heard the last of that

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His body language screams LYING.

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ursula von doom ROFL!

Several MEPs now calling her highness out.

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Such a nest of serpents.

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EU is in its death throes now anyway. After the upcoming 'WW3 scare' and 'cold winter,' the world a year from now will look very different than it does today.

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It seems dire, yes. We could hope that freezing and starving this winter might motivate some of them to pay attention. Maybe not. The leftist death cult is like Jim Jones. Gimme more Kool Aid.

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Some will always be hopeless. We can't fix 'em, eventually they will fall in line once all the dust settles. They won't ever understand what happened, even though they went through it.

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I wonder what the solution to coprorations being the size of states could be?

Treat them and their action as foreign states perhaps.

Now, how would you treat a foreign state which acts the way Pfizer et al isand has been doing?

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A Foreign stste with malign actors.

Just what would you do to foreign actors who maliciously harmed the physical health and economic health of your country...hmmm?

Well, I mean if you cared and weren't actually in on it.

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There are words for people who aid and abet foreign nations attacking the home nation and its people.

And hopefully, consequences.

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The only hope my nation ( USA) ever has of holding anyone responsible lays in elections slated for Nov 8th.

That many within govt collude with these people...makes me cynical that Justice will prevail.

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It's just like the old movie, When a Stranger Calls, with a twist:

"They're in our government."

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God Bless you Gato for making me laugh!!

"Porsche adjustable seats with fewer positions than that!"

Love to watch the worms squirm.


But in all seriousness, real accountability is what I'm personally after. Seeking Justice.

Check out the Remdesivir Lawsuits on CHD TV. If that doesn't make your engine run, I don't know what will.

These machinations of men, (and a few women,) have literally killed millions, disabled millions more, and contaminated the DNA of humanity, if that crap reverse transcribe into our DNA, as it appears it does....

Nuremburg 2.0 is what we need. I pray we get there. Public Outrage Still Needs High Octane Growth Formula, in my humble opinion.

Porsches for ALLES?!!

; )))

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I would love to see true justice for every single person who pushed this covid bioweapons war. But for Nuremberg Trials II to work, we must first dissolve all governments as they were the ones waging this war on us. Unfortunately it'll never happen.

Nuremberg Trials II


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This war is about much, much more than C19. And, things are happening, in various places, that herald changes of unseen and perhaps unimaginable scale. As in changes of governments, some and perhaps most or even all. An interesting post that just came in:


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Russians are cranking up for trials on 'crimes against humanity' in Mariupol... it could be coming.

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Don't believe your lying eyes.

Weird how the only people around me that got the "virus" and continue to get the "virus" are all jabbed.

That must mean it's working!

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My unjabbed friends also got Omikron. Same symptoms as we had after our three jabs. Useless junk.

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This "scandal" is just the MEPs trying to look like they were never behind mass vaccination with these nearly worthless vaccines.

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The jerseys, they are a changin'. Here in the U.S. at every level of gov't as well.

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Few of them, but just few, they weren't. Actually they started this "scandal" which is a little something.

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Is the Speed of Science the b side to the Sound of Silence?

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Wonderful remake of Sounds of Silence by The Adverse Events Spike Girls

Silenced Science https://visceraladventure.substack.com/p/the-sound-of-silenced-science

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I’m not so surprised so many people went along with and still going along the official narrative. Friend’s social narratives have mimicked the official statements over and over. Some I know have went so far as saying, “if people get sick and die from the shot, what do you care? You didn’t take it. People can get sick and die from aspirin or any drug.” So this accepted as “what it is” attitude is horrible. Even though the official narrative changed most did not care because it didn’t affect them (I hope it stays that way.)

If I choose to drink my local water I’m dosed with fluoride. Billions of people drink fluorinated water does that mean it’s good with no long term effects?

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I see this too and it's sort of disturbingly interesting--I have seen this with many lib (former) colleagues as well--people who formerly supported alphabet agencies that allegedly 'protected' the public like the EPA, FDA, etc. Rah rah protect the little guy from the big bad corps spewing toxins into rivers and air. But now they are weirdly cynical, like, "what, you expect any gov't agency is free of corruption and can be held accountable? You sweet summer child, you." And yet THEY took their health direction FROM these same agencies. WTF?

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