if you spend a lot of time online or watching the news, you’d think that covid and our impending doom therefrom is all anyone talks about.
this is, flatly, wrong.
in most of the country, no one cares anymore and outside the simmering chatrooms and righteousness rodeos of totalitarian twitter, there is almost no one who gives a rat’s buttocks. we’re over it.
yesterday, i went and got a burger for lunch in park city. the restaurant was full. there were zero masks, was zero distancing, and were zero worries.
the place was packed full of what looked to some sort of youth soccer conflagration. apparently, we’re hosting a tournament.
8 year olds in uniforms running amok and eating chicken tenders and parents gamely trying to sheepdog them into some semblance of workable order, get everyone fed, and not lose any stragglers.
key worries of the day were:
how do i get 9 kids in a minivan will all this soccer stuff?
billy got more french fries than me!!!
altogether classic americana and not a worry in the world beyond the army corps of engineers level logistics that face soccer moms everywhere. (if the 101 airbone ever needs orange wedges in a warzone, they know who to call…)
smiles and general human good cheer was the order of the day and havs been all through utah for the month i’ve been here. no one talks about covid anymore. it’s wonderful.
watching other places (including my home of puerto rico) instantly accede to the new CDC foray into made up science and made up facts has been jarringly bizarre from here in small mountain townia because it was not even talked about here.
it wasn’t all over the news or on the lips of every bar owner and bowling alley. it just wasn’t anywhere. it’s like hearing about some dance craze sweeping the KPOP bars of soeul.
90% of the mountain west is like this. texas is like this. florida, most of the south and southeast is like this.
this is more of america than not, and it’s not even close. yet all we hear is LA this and san francisco that. new york will impose X and biden and wallensky say Z all over the internet and national media.
they are not america. we are.
the whole thing is a false flag. it’s an attempt to make these imposed absurdities look like the norm and like the consensus. they are not. this is a tiny putsch trying to appear as the majority and they are lying to you to try to shape your perception of reality into accordance with the hallucinatory landscape they have conjured to manipulate you.
and it is failing. bigly.
this trick simply cannot fool anyone who has contact with objective reality.
all you have to do is walk outside and you realize there’s nothing going on. the endless propagandistic pounding of pointless policy and psyop level brainwashing relies entirely upon continuity to operate.
but all you have to do is walk outside into the sun to realize it’s not really raining.
this is why community is so powerful and why those possessed of it are so much harder to cow and convince. (it’s also why breaking is is such a key pivot for social control)
no one in utah wants to go back and the near universal take here is that none of the policies of mask up and lock down did a thing to help. the vast consensus is that it was derangement. once a people are free and the cultivated fear recedes, this is the obvious conclusion.
and finally, even the leadership is onside:
covid is not surging in any worrying fashion. it’s just casedemic. hospitals are so empty you can play handball in the ER’s an not bother anyone.
62% is “wow, how are we going to pay the rent around here?” kind of numbers.
and best of all, everyone here seems to know it. they snicker at national media reports because they are all standing outside in the sun reading reports of hurricanes.
this offends the karens of america deeply. the gleefully enjoyed freedom of others is simply too much to abide.
predictably, all the responses on the bluebird of bullpucky are “OMG! BEKKY! SO IRRESPONSIBLE!” “YAH, LIKE, I KNOW KAREN! WE SHOULD TOTALLY DENY THEM ALL HEALTCHCARE!”
it’s a nasty, dark underbelly of the human psyche.
and yet this vaporizes in the face of a whole society that is just not buying it. no one here wants that or to inflict this. we just want our lives and to live and let live because that’s what happy well adjusted people do.
it is not normal to accept this sort of wildly vacillating arbitrary diktat and intrusion into lives and livelihoods.
it’s normal to tell people who try that to go pound sand.
you’re not alone. much more of the country is open and unconcerned than closed and caterwauling. you’re just only seeing the planes that crash on the news. go watch some land safely and the spell breaks and when it does, you will not be able to believe you ever fell for it.
perhaps that’s why they are so desperate not to let the taste of freedom set in…
I live in a Seattle suburb, surrounded by the panic stricken, the Karens, virtue signalers jogging in masks. I wish the west coast governors would all disappear. They have driven the panic bus, and terrified people... My 80 yr old step mom lives in Port Angeles. We haven't seen her in 2 years because she watches tv, hears that her county is having a HUGE OUTBREAK, and is petrified of seeing family. Her county has had 1 death, and 4 hospitalizations and 106 cases in July... media is killing people faster than covid in Democrat run states. It's pure evil.
Whatever flimsy faith critical thinkers had in public health has been obliterated and will never be regained in my lifetime. We have descended into madness pure and simple. Once again, this endemic virus is not about the science, but definitely about the political science