Aug 13, 2021Liked by el gato malo

That is a bill being proposed by a NY rep. I spent fifteen minutes on the phone with his aide giving her an earful. She didn’t know what to do with the facts I was giving her, but she kept assuring me that the bill had just been proposed, had not passed any approvals, and that the details for exemptions due to medical issues and the like were to be considered in the future. Everyone needs to flood his office with phone calls: (718) 503-9610

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This makes me ill. Is there a vaccine for illness caused by stupidity of government?

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What a stupid time to be alive

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Hasn’t been about a virus for many, many months. All about power and removal of freedoms. Those that have bought this from the beginning are dogmatic than ever and the propaganda makes them feel like they are actually helping society. I am more interested in seeing how the mandates fly with the military, with significant BIPOC representation. Saw a stat from NYC recently that only 25% of black residents are jabbed. Walls are closing in but it ain’t over yet. I am expecting a mandate from my employer and like the US, Canada is not recognizing prior infection and the presence of antibodies so I will likely be forced to resign

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They’ll always need to make exceptions for people with medical conditions. Religious accommodations are not looking so hot though, something about a court denying review in a case to reconsider TWA v Hardison (which I just read about today but was published in April).

I’m going to quote my mom’s wisdom on whether this is likely to pass:

It’s gonna get worse before it gets worse. But don’t worry because the worst is yet to come!

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Where ARE all the attorneys ???

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Canada has, just today, announced the exact same thing. Co-ordinated? Who knows? Though, for 18 months in Canada, masks alone have been sufficient on airplanes.

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And still no consideration of natural immunity from prior infection

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Seems unlikely to pass. Not enough votes between Republicans and moderate Dems. It’s a vote that would cost some seats in the mid-terms. I could be wrong. Stranger things have happened but mostly I don’t think the core Dems (AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, et al) care enough about this. Talking it up to hard left constituents will sound good but they won’t push it in DC.

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The "delta" scariant has proven there's no such thing as fully vaccinated against the Fauci virus. So are they seriously going to shut down all commercial air travel? What about private?

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JUST IN - Canada to require all federal public servants as well as all air travelers, passengers on interprovincial trains, and large marine vessels to be vaccinated against #COVID19 soon (CBC/AP)

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How can this or some basic form of this pass? Pelosi can jam it through the House even with her tiny majority. Fear still sells and, sadly, it's getting worse not better as MSM and Social Media try to cripple us with Variant Fear. There are also enough mind numbed Romneyite undead GOP Senators potentially to go along. Then the leftists who run the government right now will wake Joe up, shove some paper in front of him and say "sign this, we'll tell you what to say later."

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Will this include all the undocumented folks the feds are flying domestically into the country?

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I've been anticipating this since last year. March of last year.

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Before Covid I was concerned about becoming a second class citizen due to my pale complexion and my XY chromosomes.

Now, under the guise of public health I am facing becoming a pariah. So we are to choose between becoming outcasts or slaves to a medical technocracy?

“Just get the shot.”

What recourse do we have? The courts which have been the last resort either won’t touch this stuff or they cheer it along.

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“And for other purposes “ that’s very sinister

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zero chance. Republicans made this their issue now. This would never pass a majority in the Senate, for example.

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Oh no :-( Our last hope was being able to flee to Florida, South Dakota, Texas or another state with a govenor that isn't insane - even if it means losing everything we have in the UK & never going back home - which it would.

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No clue. Only serious lawsuits will do.

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Guess we need to write our reps.

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just say no...

easy for me since i won't take my shoes off to fly to any place in usa or overseas. retired and boycotting. my passport expires in about 3 years it will not be used..... and not be extended.

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They forgot to mention if this exempts bor-dr xers who are + w CV from being flown and bussed all over the country.

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