"you do not need vast conspiracies when you have widespread bad incentives. this is WHY incentives matter so much and why letting then be established with near universal reach by people seeking to serve personal and political ends is so dangerous.

there is no recruiting needed for these bad plans. the order emerges from the incentives."

Valuable truth, follow the money, there is no need for conspiracy planning when greed alone delivers predictable results.

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true, but various cover-ups, aka "conspiracies", do result, confusing cause and effect.

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Eh, to me they seem to be the same self serving motives for misinforming or promoting an agenda. My first boss in Washington had a rule of thumb for confusing or unfounded positions, things where behavior defies common sense and reality. The answer to why someone stood by the untenable was either profound stupidity or personal gain, maybe both.

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I guess I'm soft-shoeing around the fact that "conspiracy theory" is such a useful straw-man for avoidance of rational debate, and that so many of those connect-the-dot ideas themselves originate in the bowels of Langley and are spewed by the Mighty Wurlitzer into public opinion for the sole intent of muddying-the-waters and disrupting said rational debate. You didn't think MK-Ultra went away did you? We can hope that personal liability attaches this time around.

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"so many of those connect-the-dot ideas themselves originate in the bowels of Langley and are spewed by the Mighty Wurlitzer into public opinion for the sole intent of muddying-the-waters and disrupting said rational debate."

What beautiful phrasing and spot on description!

"You didn't think MK-Ultra went away did you?"

Nope, never have entertained the fantasy and with good reason. My first real boss was Hon Otis Pike who chaired House counterpart to Church Committee. Unlike Church findings that were largely included in the final report, Pike's findings remain largely classified. The notable exception is parts leaked to Village Voice in 1976. Biggest lesson from that is secrets only protect their keepers, genuine NatSec is a rare exception. :~)

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Thanks. I was reading The Fifth Estate and Ramparts a few years prior, and then we had quite a slew of books and zines in the 80's retailed at the original Borders Books, dancing around these subjects. Those were heady-days when we thought something beyond sex-drugs-rock 'n roll was possible. Your last bit is interesting; "secrets only protect their keepers..." I've often wondered about the '...genuine NatSec ..." part of the equation. Still do. I imagine the inclination to back-away from the rot is strong. How many of any capacity or agency are old enough to really know the history and still willing to wrestle the beast? I saw more dangerous BS in the military-security part of my career than I ever did on the industrial or medical manufacturing side. The lumps they swept under the rug would make for a good mountain-bike course is the way I used to put it. The domestic side of that is almost hilarious. The DHS-funded 911-system in our neck of the woods using tiered Motorola comm-gear was already hacked, with the code online before the system was even rolled-out. And Motorola knew it. So, I'd imagine it was known all the way up the chain of command. Campfire stories at this point.

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If you like conspiracy theories, I highly recommend unz.com. Much of what you'll read there are of high quality, sometimes even by relatively famous (washed-up?) names; save reader comments, which are all but uncensored. 🤣. Of course, he's not the only "conspiracy" web site available... One curious point to ponder is why a US-born, Harvard-educated, wealthy Jew hosts a popular web site that (among other topics) hosts many "Holocaust Denial" articles. I've never worked intelligence, but if you wanted a honeypot to collect data on people of a certain ideological persuasion, I cannot think of a better set-up. Of course, given the US's so-called "privacy" laws, one could obtain much of that by simply buying data from ISP or other providers, likely without even breaking any laws. Relevant to this thread, there's plenty about CIA or other government cover-ups. I read him for recreation, they have song since "collected" me, so I have nothing to lose.

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Kudos for your involvement and work on that, btw.

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No kudos for me there, just a stroke of luck to do menial tasks in support of an amazing team & left to Become a Beltway Bandit so any accidental good karma was more than offset before seeing I had become part of the problem. Doing penance using my dark gifts from the belly of the beast against them now. *smirk*

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Agreed, but I take Pamela's meaning as there is no need for deliberate conspiracy, malice a forethought. In any system, even a simple one, various behaviors will emerge. Some are chaotic and unpredictable, some probabilistic but many are predictable, sometimes to a high degree of accuracy. It's all too easy to suspect premeditation, and of course it's possible, but many times what seems like aberrant behavior is simple opportunism. There is a world of difference between me robbing you of your wallet at gunpoint and you dropping $100 on the sidewalk and me scooping it up.

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Nov 9, 2021
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Same spam here and RTE thread both as replies to me & my same reply. Compressed links w cheap lure in hacker terms ->> malware honeypot.

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>> you do not need vast conspiracies when you have widespread bad incentives.

No, but you DO need the willingness to do wrong. While this is a good post, absolutely none of the information is new: we've known exactly what the incentives are for over a year and anyone who knows anyone in institutional healthcare is up to their elbows in anecdotes of blatantly false and heavily-massaged reporting of admitting conditions, diagnostic coding, and so on.

This isn't a revelation at all.

Fine if you don't want to believe a cabal of globalist sociopaths aren't using the COVID phantom menace to bring about an unprecedented consolidation of power and collapse of privacy, liberty, property rights, and independent state authorities.

It still mean huge numbers of people in everyday positions of authority chose to lie. Chose to cheat. Chose to steal. And chose to DOUBLE AND TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE AND QUINTUPLE DOWN on their lies and denials of guilt to the point that, aided and abetted by the media, the very meaning of 'true' or 'real' or 'scientific' has become lost.

It doesn't have to be a conspiracy. Can we settle for judging it as plain old immoral and criminal behavior?

They're not agnostic incentives. They're incentives to do WRONG. Poor law enforcement increases the incentive to commit crime, as the risk assessment changes. That doesn't mean it stops being crime, or more "understandable" or "forgivable."

Watch the videos of brazen pieces of shit strolling through drug stores filling garbage bags with valuables and walking out the door unaccosted that have become viral now. Does anyone here think that's awesome? Does anyone love that businesses close in their towns and prices go up because there is literally no cost to committing crime?

The people chasing perverse incentives have destroyed your economy, your democracy, and your mental health so they personally can make more money and oppress you to conceal their guilt. They're not rats pressing a button to get cocaine. They're humans exercising the free will to defraud their countrymen and punish others to avoid punishment themselves.

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you seem to be missing most of the point of the post.

the point is that you do not need a vast conspiracy to achieve terrible outcomes.

you simply need to create top down incentive structures that drive emergent behavior from the bottom up.

no one has to tell a hospital to inflate covid. you never have to co-opt the admins or the patients or the docs.

you just need to have a few folks that set policy do so in a fashion that gets the results they want.

this actually means that small numbers of actors can be MUCH more effective in terms of pushing some sort of plan that they could be if they needed a conspiracy.

it only take a few of them at strategic points twisting price signals and incentive structures.

the rest takes care of itself.

you have this nearly 180 degrees backwards.

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I think you’re both right :-) el gato precisely articulates what Hannah Arendt called the “banality of evil” and how bureaucratic incentives create what Christopher Browning describes as “desk murderers” in “Ordinary Men”:

“Many scholars of the Holocaust, especially Raul Hilberg, have emphasized the bureaucratic and administrative aspects of the destruction process. This approach emphasizes the degree to which modern bureaucratic life fosters a functional and physical distancing in the same way that war and negative racial stereotyping promote a psychological distancing between perpetrator and victim. Indeed, many of the perpetrators of the Holocaust were so-called desk murderers whose role in the mass extermination was greatly facilitated by the bureaucratic nature of their participation. Their jobs frequently consisted of tiny steps in the overall killing process, and they performed them in a routine manner, never seeing the victims their actions affected. Segmented, routinized, and depersonalized, the job of the bureaucrat or specialist—whether it involved confiscating property, scheduling trains, drafting legislation, sending telegrams, or compiling lists—could be performed without confronting the reality of mass murder. Such a luxury, of course, was not enjoyed by the men of Reserve Police Battalion 101, who were quite literally saturated in the blood of victims shot at point-blank range.”

In “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45,” Milton Mayer describes the hierarchy of collusion that is required to enforce the authoritarian policies:

“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like ‘people’ and means ‘riffraff,’ to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson to the effort which probably employed more Germans in inhumanity than any other in Nazi history, the standing of ‘sentry’ in front of Jewish shops and offices in the boycott of April, 1933.”

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i think this is way past arendt.

this is the actual and deliberate weaponization of behavioral economics.

it's not about the MLM pyramid anymore. that's old tech. this is FAR more insidious as it actually seeds the bottom and grows from there.

it does not require middle management.

that makes it a VERY different kind of beast.

i think you're still thinking of this like it's the last war.

it's not. this is altogether more sophisticated and does not require the vast apparatus to operate.

it also leaves it with some new vulnerabilities. it instantly collapses when you cut the head of the snake because it's all responsive emergent process from one set of input salients.

former structures did not.

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Oh believe me, I wholeheartedly agree this is a level of insidiousness never previously seen and executed at such a strategically ingenious and widespread scale. I’m with CJ Hopkins that this is a new form of totalitarianism similar to (hence the value of studying past experiences and patterns) but ultimately divergent from the old totalitarianism. We are dealing with a different beast that will demand new mechanisms to defeat.

I do find your metaphor of decapitating the snake encouraging—let’s just hope it’s not a Medusa.

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Just have to carry a mirror and go for the neck :-)

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That's the question exactly. Where is the head of the snake?

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Since you bring it up, there is a lot more to WW II history than is taught in schools. Winners (re-)write history. There are certain groups that profit from a certain narrative. Did you know that to question the Holocaust is a crime punishable by prison in many supposedly "free" nations? To an impartial observer, that seems a very odd favor to confer upon certain groups. Particularly so for what in sane times would have been mere academic historical questions. Doesn't it seem odd if a scholar risks jail for (say) disputing details about Auschwitz, yet runs no such risk writing about Soviet gulags in the 1930s, or American treatment of prisoners during its Civil War? Even using official histories, there are flaws in the narrative. For example, if the Nazis were so intent on exterminating the Jews, why then were so many left alive (granted, in deplorable state) in the camps during the war? Anne Frank, poster child of the Holocaust, died in early 1945 in a camp hospital (probably) of typhus, not in a gas chamber or firing squad. None of this is to deny that the Nazis were inhuman in many ways. Merely sending civilians to concentration camps was bad enough, although America did the same, albeit in lesser numbers. Please don't call me a "denier." I am nothing of the sort. But I am a skeptic. There are holes in the official story. Plenty of them. Merely to ask "why" invites attack. Why?

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Per our previous exchange on this at my last post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier), I am absolutely against infringement of free speech in any form and stand with people like Gad Saad on this matter. There was a time when the ACLU felt so strongly about the importance of defending free speech that they filed a lawsuit on behalf of the KKK (https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-em-defends-kkks-right-free-speech). That was in 2012—less than a decade ago! And now look where we are 🤦‍♀️

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See my response below. I do not believe that there is a "vast" conspiracy. I think there is absolutely an active conspiracy by a few very powerful actors, but this has nothing to do with the mundane evil of lying and stealing.

I'm saying the mundane evil of lying and stealing is the far bigger problem and it's dangerous to say "well, if you create perverse incentives, people behave badly" and leave it at that. Lots and lots of people made bad choices and lots of people suffered for it.

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The key is the word "vast". But is there a small, effective conspiracy that created the incentives?

This is like the 2020 elections. I don't think there was "widespread" fraud. But perhaps there was there carefully targeted fraud that flipped the election.

What's misleading about the post is that this possibility, of a small-but-effective conspiracy, is not discussed.

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Sing it Guttermouth. They are diabolical colluders, plain and simple, and this atrocity could not have been pulled off without their complicity: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling

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I read this when you first posted. It's a good article, though I felt it was mainly preaching to the converted.

Anyone knowingly lying and dissembling at this point fears the consequences of their actions in a statutory sense more than the guilt of societal harm or immorality. They've already helped their mobster friend bury the dead hooker in the Meadowlands. They've had weeks to turn themselves in but are hoping she'll eventually be rotted beyond recognition so they won't have to.

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*lol* Point taken, although my primary goal was to reach those who haven’t yet committed outright murder but who are being pressured to do so and may have an inkling of a conscience left and just need to be nudged into an act of bravery. Or those who have but are so wracked with guilt, they may be prompted to confess as an act of contrition. Aside from that, it is a handy tool to wield at colluders in the twitterverse and the like so they are identified as the sociopathic pariahs they are.

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It's one of those things I would deeply love to know but almost certainly never will: does anyone actually read such a thing, however well-written, and think "oh my god, I must change immediately?"

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Would that I knew! All I can hope is it at least plants a seed and pricks their conscience to act at at time when it matters …

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Hi Margaret! I can't find the reply you sent me yesterday (re: my 19 y.o. and spike shedding) but wanted to THANK YOU for it. - Maria

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I hope it helps, and LMK if you need the info again!

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Don't forget the hundreds of thousands that have died as a result of their negligence and lies. So many could have been saved...

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And they still won't face justice, in the end. Our society cannot survive the consequence of having as many as a million or more people whose collusion in the pandemic lies led to death and the destruction of lives. The scale of harm is too vast for every deserving party to be punished.

And that makes me SO goddamn angry.

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it's making you unhinged. you're also wrong.

most of this was created by a VERY small group that understood how to structure incentives. the rest was just reaction and self interest.

you're looking for a vast conspiracy that does not exist because you want someone nearby to blame. but the actual conspiracy is quite small, they just want you to believe it's huge so it seems harder to fight.

this comes down to a very few tactical control points, not rounding up millions.

you'll be fighting the wrong fight until you realize that.

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I don't believe there's a "vast" conspiracy. I believe there's a huge number of people that took the $20 bill sitting on the table with the note saying "honor system :)," and I'm saying that's WORSE than a vast conspiracy because it points to a society that has become fundamentally sick.

What I'm saying is that what you're referring to as "reaction and self-interest" is worth taking more seriously and being recognized for what it is. You can be self-interested without being dishonest and criminal. Healthy free markets and democracies depend on the ability of humans to, in general, behave well.

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Our medical system has been bad for our health for a long time now. Essentially all modern drugs are poisons, or surgery solves a problem by cutting out or replacing a body part. Neither of these address root causes. As Chris Rock says, "the money's in the come back"

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So much this. And it's connected as well: they had to weaken and demoralize society for quite a while, in many different ways, to make this level of passive collusion possible.

This didn't happen overnight. Regulatory capture in the financial and healthcare systems is decades old. The takeover of the government and school systems and media even older. We are indeed at war.

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It was a combination, IMO, of destroying existing social supports (shared cultural values) and quickly offering decadence to assuage the inevitable horror and pain created by those gaps.

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I agree our society is "sick" or deteriorated as I'd say. I'm old enough to remember (as a child) when news stands had the "honor box" system. Nothing stopped anyone from taking one (or all) papers unpaid. But, the point is, that the system worked, at least up to a certain time. Of course, that system is long gone. Fast forward thirty years. That's the 1990s. I used to take a daily newspaper (this was the days just before the internet.) In two separate apartment complexes, I had such a problem with others stealing my morning paper that I had to cancel my subscription. And this was not a slum; it was middle to upper middle class area. There you are, a capsule lesson in how America has gone to shit over the years. 😠

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Smoke, mirrors, and marionettes ...

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I'm pretty angry myself, but I'd settle for some long-term and widespread shame and humility. But first, some public trials and real consequences at the top, and a whole lot of Truth and Reconciliation hearings on down the line. Many should, at least, be rendered no longer fit for public office.

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Whew, this comment gave me life!

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Unfortunately it seems to have made the gato mad. :(

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Stick with it Guttermouth, I think you're right on the money. I would also add that in addition to the "huge numbers of people in everyday positions of authority chose to lie ... cheat ... steal ... AND QUINTUPLE DOWN on their lies" --> the doctors and nurses in that batch of people also have to break their morality and their Hippocratic oaths. The whole thing is a break down of the moral fiber of our society. Yes. Our society has become sick and I don't refer to covid.

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Well we can't agree all the time. 😕

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It still hurts to be called "unhinged" by someone you deeply respect, though.

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I understand. 😔

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Yes it does. *Especially* by someone you deeply respect.

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Fact Check: TRUE

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I saw a headline that the State of Illinois is "urging boosters" because over 50% of Covid hospitalizations are now breakthrough cases. So some states may break from the national incentives and present real data. At which point we'll have the state and national media telling two opposite stories.

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fantastic news in my way of thinking; not the "urging boosters" part but the "opposite story" one.

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They only start presenting the real data to push for more vaccinations.

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We’re getting lots of commercials here in Illinois to take the booster. I hadn’t heard that about breakthrough hospitalizations here.

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I brought this up at a recent eugyppius post, but the classification of the “unvaxxed” is highly dubious in the US. Not only may it exclude single-shotters and those not past the 14-day window post-injection, but I learned from nurses at our local hospital that anyone vaxxed outside the hospital’s computer system is tallied as unvaxxed. So all those zillions getting shot up at drugstores don’t count. The data is so manipulated as to be meaningless, just like all those numbers of people who died “with” COVID.

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" but I learned from nurses at our local hospital that anyone vaxxed outside the hospital’s computer system is tallied as unvaxxed. So all those zillions getting shot up at drugstores don’t count."

that's a very interesting datapoint. any way to validate on any sort of systemic scale?

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Really good question, and I wish I knew the answer. I learned this from nurses who were facing (and ultimately were) terminated for refusing to comply with the mandate. They said anyone who got injected outside the Asante system and didn’t show up in MyChart was automatically tabulated as unvaccinated. This was during the height of the Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated™ propaganda ramp-up, and local news was pumping out scary numbers about the unvaxxed filling ICU beds, which the nurses said was highly deceptive.

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a gatopal™ tells me this is standard practice in PA.


no vaxx card, you're unvaxxed.

some places seems to have central databases.

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NYC has (a central database), since vaccine rollout there. PA, at least recently, does not consistently. Depts. of Health in cities like Philly and Pittsburgh likely have a long-standing "immunization registry" as NYC has had for decades. Local hospitals and rural govs do not seem to consistently do so.

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I would love to see a state report adjusted vaxx status (down) to account for people not getting second shot or booster. When percentage of vaccinated just goes up that should be a red flag. Clearly the definition of vacation is changing every day.

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not sure the hospitals can access that for everyone

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In NYC and some other cities, they definitely can (direct experience). In many places, they cannot.

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However, if the hospital than refuses treatment, or provides limited treatment due the erroneous vaccination record, that could open them up to malpractice. Especially if the family/patient provided documentation that was (purposefully) not included in the record.

Again, this is where they EMR / MyChart will work against them, people need to update their own record and not rely on anyone else documenting this data correctly.

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Good points, Holly. My understanding is this pertained solely to the data being provided publicly on a weekly basis and wasn’t being used to influence treatment, but who knows these days.

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Well, think about the kidney transplant that didn't happed due to the unvaxxed donor.

I've worked in this system, the people at the front have big hearts but are generally very rigid in their interpretation of the rules. Managed more than a few, bad things are happening, can guarantee it.

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Aha, great find!

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What's interesting is hospital-based physicians have access to patients prescription record (such as SCPNP South Carolina Prescription Monitoring Program).

Need a pharmacy-based pharmacist to chime in on how the data is being captured for jabs and how that correlates to PNP records viewable by MD's.

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Yes, but if the patient/family have access to the MyChart record, the vaccination data can be added. Once it's there, they can't ignore it.

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You will be surprised at what can be ignored if you coerce someone enough.

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Except in this instance (know how EMR's work) they can't. That's why they are purposefully not ADDING the data.

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The incentives were *deliberately* set up in this way. Fauci did the same thing with AIDS: (1) hogged the credit, (2) denigrated treatments in pursuit of a vaccine (costing lives as a result), (3) pursued a vaccine and (4) obfuscated and outright lied to get his way. The Public Health bureaucracy is, at best, untrustworthy.

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and at worst, the last refuge of medical scoundrels and incompetent statisticians

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A few typos in need of correction, IMO. I share the hell out of these posts, and it's helpful for them to have as few typos as possible, for credibility's sake.

because we're [we've] created a system...

only 32% if [of] UK covid hospitalizations are unvaxxed

and why letting then [them] be established

because any free market would have ah [ah?] actual incentives

when looking at a system of trade offs and inceptives [incentives]

“why and to who’s [whose] benefit?”

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Yet another example of how centralization fails. The 'experts' don't have the knowledge possible to create the best rules for 350 million people, so instead they simply create the best rules for themselves.

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The "pandemic of the unvaccinated" articles were mostly during summer e.g. your snip is from July 16. My read is they've stopped this line of propaganda because they can't even pretend it's true anymore. I haven't seen it much lately - is that narrative still out there and I've been looking past it?

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That narrative is still being used throughout each Canadian province, but for slightly different reasons. Canada has a government health care system, that is one of the most expensive in the world, but one of the worst performing by the way. It works GREAT for everyone working in it, as long as one accepts that the patient comes last!

Anyways, the narrative remains, because the average Canadian is an obedient little person, that goes along to get along. Lemmings. Sheep.

The strategy has largely worked, but like all good tyrannies, coercion must be used sooner or later, because, well, MANIA. The country is over 80% vaxxed, BC is 86%. There’s a maniacal drive to hit 100%, and yes, those of us Purebloods are being banished from restaurants, travel, sports events, gatherings, and now some ski hills. Our daughter is sending us indirect hints to get jabbed, and friends want us to fly overseas with them in March. She’s a nurse and doesn’t understand why we don’t get jabbed. We won’t argue the point, they are friends, and friends are precious in these times, and they know our position, though we have not gone into details, it’s none of their business.

Yes, in BC, our health system is heading straight into the exact same problems happening in Germany, Israel, the UK and elsewhere, too many jabbed suffering the effects of a waning immune system, and double down on the problem, with boosters.

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Also in BC. Exactly as you say although I feel that some sheeple are starting to wake up a little. I’m “in the minority” when it comes to the adoption of certain new health “procedures” but I feel there are growing numbers of ppl starting to question why they were early adopters. The upcoming season will, I think, make things a little more interesting. Buckle up!

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Al, in my experience, our society doesn’t use critical thinking to make change. Disasters change societies. No matter the warnings, no one believes until the disaster actually happens. Human nature, except, when scary scenarios are presented. Think Climate Change Disaster and 2 Million dead, as 2 wildly publicized, but completely inaccurate estimates of disaster.

I don’t have much hope for enlightening anyone, they think we are crazy, stupid, nuts, flat earthers, yadda, yadda.

If the population maintains its health with no ill effects for another 2 or 3 years, I might take the plunge, but, I have no faith in government bureaucrats or their minions (doctors) reading from their script. The people to pay attention to are those with no skin in the game, GVB, Malone, Cole, Yeadon, etc, etc. who seems to have been far more accurate in how this has rolled out, as this has been their career, vaccines and mRNA technology. They know the failures of trying this.

Unlike Bonnie Henry, career bureaucrat, and now, politician, a doctor in name only.

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You mention in passing an aspect of the vaxxes debate, or indeed nearly any controversey: that people fail to consider hidden motivated, vested interests and so on. Classic fact-finding questions like "Who benefits?" (say in Latin to appear sophisticated 😛 ) or "Follow the money." These are not infallible of course. Nothing is. But asking these will go far in approaching truth. Also, this is one of the few times "ad hominem" is valid: to inquire into what a person's motivations may be. A common example is the paid witness. He may, indeed be a world-class expert in his field, and acknowledged as such by both defense and prosecution. But if he's being paid for his testimony, isn't that a conflict of interest? Of course it is. Now, to swing this back to the virus/vaxxes controversy: virtually any public official or outfit making a claim has easily inferred hidden motives to spin narrative one way or another. Money and power are the usual suspects. Even "our side" should not be immune to skepticism. For example, Berenson is a journalist for a living.

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Also in Germany. 70% vax rate and the narrative it’s the fault of the dirty non vaxxed. Yet vaccine failures (refuse to call it breakthrough - it’s an outright failure of something touted 95% effective) left and right…

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Does Germany include adverse vax reactions admitted to hospital, as “unvaxxed with Covid”?

That’s what both Canada and the US are doing. It is incorrect, deceptive, and frankly, EVIL.

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To my knowledge adverse reactions are as ignored as they are in the USA. Everything else caused someone’s condition but never ever the vax. It’s holy water of prefect efficacy and safety 😒

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This just adds fuel to the fire of “conspiracy theories” doesn’t it? Deception and dishonesty. Governments double down on it. Their alternative? If they started being honest, there would be a complete and open revolt and revolution!

So, sociopaths continue to tell lies to defend lies and incompetence. The truth eventually finds daylight, but, how much damage will be done at that point? What will the casualties look like? Acceptable collateral damage by nefarious governments?


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It might I have to dig deeper. Hospitals get incentives for Covid patients so I wouldn’t be surprised.

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...with possible chronic health debilities and early death thrown in as a bonus 🤕

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Those stats were juked in the first place, they deliberately stretched the timeline back to from before anyone could even get vaccinated.

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True - as of July 2021, all cases from Feb 2020 - July 2021 were mostly unvaxxed. Those dirty unwashed masses..

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It seems June and July would be within the window of the vaccines still showing some limited efficacy. Now...not so much.

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Here's a quote from a large Swedish study looking into efficacy: "The effectiveness against severe illness seems to remain high through 9 months, although not for men, older frail individuals, and individuals with comorbidities."

So, it works great in summer months, but only for those who don't need it.

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Exactly. Plus, what was the US vax rate in May& June before all these articles were being written wasn't above 50% yet.

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"pretty much every stakeholder wins from doing this."

Except 90% people of the people who get treated with high-pressure ventilators, they gonna be dead.

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they aren't holding those stakes, they're getting them pounded in

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It matches Canadian data but there are serious and concerning problems with the way Canadian data is collected. Actually there are serious concerns with UK data too. But the incentives have certainly showed up in the US in strange ways... One thing I noticed early on in the US is the distribution of ages dying in the US does not match up and excess deaths were higher than anywhere else.

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Canadian and US case data is biased because only symptomatic people are tested. In the UK everyone is tested. If vaccines reduce symptoms, it goes to reason a significant amount of asymptomatic spread is undiagnosed. Travel testing data (non public) supposedly confirms that vaccinated and unvaccinated have similar case rates in Canada.

Now, how are hospitalizations defined? Definitely a different question and hard to answer. New hospitalizations (rather that total) would be the best data set.

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With Margaret Anna Alice's comment below as a lead off, I don't think the financial incentives described in this essay explain the data conclusions being promulgated by "authorities". Where exactly is the financial incentive that makes the hospitals classify the vaccinated as unvaccinated? As described, the hospitals have an incentive to classify an in-patient illness as COVID, regardless of vaccination status, right? So the question as the patient is admitted is this- "Are you vaccinated or not?" I beginning to think that the hospitals are simply refusing to take the patients' word for this declaration, and if it isn't in their system already, they go with unvaccinated. The incentive isn't financial, but is coercion from above in the government to downplay the loss of vaccine efficacy by pretending to not know stuff.

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Just like most doctors/medical professionals are refusing to believe and document adverse effects, so are they intentionally obfuscating the unvaxxed numbers to serve a narrative. This is about far more than money. This is about pressure to conform to an illusion and the numbers needed to feed the propaganda wood chipper. Watch these two vitally important videos in my last post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) to find out how this works on the bureaucratic end as well as with the physicians denying the evidence of their senses: Highwire interview with Hospitalist Physician’s Assistant Deborah Conrad and Dr. John Campbell’s interview with Kyle Warner.

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I'm outside looking in, but it seems to me that medical professionals run the risk of dismissal, loss of license, or other retribution for "failure to follow procedures" or any manner of trumped-up charge. Sadly, the risk of career loss is a powerful incentive to tow a line, even one you may not agree with. Go along to get along, peer pressure, whatever you want to call it, is a powerful social conditioning force. In some cases it has "survival value." All else equal, soldiers in battle need to act as a group, not in their own best interest. On the other hand, how many German civilians actually spoke out when the government rounded up neighbor Jews, Communists, or whatever was on the list that week?

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SD, 100% agree—fear of losing one’s career, reputation, and income are *huge* motivators, even more so than direct bribery (although the latter is exceptionally effective at the institutional level, as el gato demonstrates in this post). That’s what makes the whisteblowers and scientists like Dr. Michael Yeadon and Dr. Robert Malone among the bravest voices in this apocalyptic battle.

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"...to serve a narrative...to conform to an illusion and the numbers needed to feed the propaganda wood chipper" ~ precisely.

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It’s not going to work on us holdouts, the critical thinkers. I’ve done the research and continue to do so. Zelenko protocol. IVM also on hand, plus NAC. Too much history to list, but suffice to say, my wife isn’t losing her job, because “the earth is flat” (eye roll). We know that Covid is not the Black Plague, and is very beatable with preparation, good health and supplementation. We are not “anti vaccine”, we have all previous real vaxxes plus Twinrix, Mumps and Tetanus. We just will not succumb to the mRNA, Novavax, Sinovax, Sputnikvax, or any other synthetic concoction!

She probably had the Vid 2 weeks ago. 39+ fever, aches, wiped out, sore throat. Already on Z protocol, added NAC on Day 1, she was 90% better in 2 days, no fever. I didn’t get sick, I take more D than her, also took NAC. IVM still tucked away for emergency use.

Needless to say, I do not trust the nefarious, lying governments of this country, nor the lying, awful Main Street media and news orgs. They have outrageously lied and distorted throughout these times. I can wait longer than they can!

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I can't remember exactly where I heard / read this, but some nurse said if there was no record of patient vaccination (because it happened at Walmart, for example), she'd just update the hospital record if the patient said they were vaccinated (might have had to show a vaccination card, I don't remember).

So, riffing on Yancey's thought (that they don't take the patient's word for it), I'd presume some do and some don't. Hell, is there consistency anywhere in this pandemic? It means US data is irreparably unreliable and meaningless. Another reason not to trust it.

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Again, you don't need a tinfoil hat. You just need a solid understanding of the motivating forces. Once you have that, the people who are naive enough to believe the government and the invested entities are the ones who need a supply of tinfoil.

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I remain a committed Gatofan. But I will kindly quibble this: Whether a conspiracy to undermine a nation such that unrestrained widespread chaos and fear convinces people to grab on tight to the status quo they know or knew....which enables ruling-class operatives to further cement their permanent power (electronic and mail-in balloting forever, border rush forever, medical tyranny forever, money-printing forever, gas prices forever, no cops forever)....OR it is a CONSPIRACY to set INCENTIVES to do the same, is a thin distinction my friend. Anorexic thin. They know what they were after when they got a hold of overt nominal Executive authority, and they ran with it.

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Who predicted a pandemic in 2015, and is heavily invested in the vaccine business? Who benefits most from the lockdowns? Who used it to eliminate a POTUS who was producing record good results? Follow the money - and the politics - and you will find the conspirators.

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"We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter measures such as a pan corona vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process" Peter Daszak

Moderna and mRNA gene therapy technology originate from DARPA. The most *optimistic* case scenario is that they are pursuing an "Immunity as a subscription service" model.

There's a disappointing irony to people exposing the COVID fraud while denying the notion that powerful people work together for unsavory purposes.

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Or to put it more accurately, it's baffling how people draw the line as to what constitutes a conspiracy. They openly accept the raft of perverse incentives, but refuse to attribute to them nefarious intent. How do they delineate one malicious intent from another? How is one evil 'less evil' than another? If they'll incentivize killing people with ventilators and midazolam, why wouldn't they be willing to kill people directly with an mRNA injection (as an alleged remedy for a benign disease)?

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Whoever controls the money printer, controls the incentive structure. Bitcoin's "rules, not rulers" system fixes this.

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