why does US data for deaths and hospitalization for the vaccinated look so different from everyone else's?
because we're created a system of incentives that encourages misclassification
in the US, system after system keeps saying “the unvaccinated are filling hospitals.”
but a quick look at places that (unlike the US) do real data reporting (such as the UK or israel) shows this to be very much the opposite there. (DATA)
only 32% if UK covid hospitalizations are unvaxxed.
there is simply no way that the US claims of 70-90% of hospitalizations are unvaxxed is even remotely plausible. it matches NO other data.
so why the big variance? is it some vast US plot?
i doubt it. it looks to me like the simple emergent outcome of a truly awful set of incentives.
let’s look:
i posted HERE about the perverse incentives in the US to maximize calling things covid and to minimize reporting adverse events from covid vaccines.
so stop and consider how this all fits together:
any hospitalization/death from covid comes with buckets of free money
any hospitalization/death from covid vaccine AE’s comes with nothing but miles of red tape
no death or hospitalization is “vaccinated” until 2 weeks after the second dose.
but most adverse events occur in that 2 week period (or after dose 1)
now plot the revenue maximization strategy for hospitals and the cost minimization strategy for individuals if they have some sort of bad vaccine reaction or get sick during the increased risk window right after vaccination.
yup, you got it:
pretty much every stakeholder wins from doing this.
hospitals get more and better guaranteed money.
states get more aid.
patients get free/subsidized federal coverage for care and for funerals.
insurance companies shift cost to the feds.
and federal agencies who have pushed vaccines so hard are thrilled to look the other way as it stops any bad outcomes they may have created from being apparent.
the incentives are incredible and near universal for misreporting and misclassification. so guess what we get?
you do not need vast conspiracies when you have widespread bad incentives. this is WHY incentives matter so much and why letting then be established with near universal reach by people seeking to serve personal and political ends is so dangerous.
there is no recruiting needed for these bad plans. the order emerges from the incentives.
no free market would ever have created a structure like that because any free market would have ah actual incentives and true prices faced and paid by those whose outcomes are affected by the choices made.
when looking at a system of trade offs and inceptives that was created by fiat, not generated by free transactions, you always need to presume the signals, data, and outcomes will be distorted.
it’s worth remembering to ask: “why and to who’s benefit?”
"you do not need vast conspiracies when you have widespread bad incentives. this is WHY incentives matter so much and why letting then be established with near universal reach by people seeking to serve personal and political ends is so dangerous.
there is no recruiting needed for these bad plans. the order emerges from the incentives."
Valuable truth, follow the money, there is no need for conspiracy planning when greed alone delivers predictable results.
>> you do not need vast conspiracies when you have widespread bad incentives.
No, but you DO need the willingness to do wrong. While this is a good post, absolutely none of the information is new: we've known exactly what the incentives are for over a year and anyone who knows anyone in institutional healthcare is up to their elbows in anecdotes of blatantly false and heavily-massaged reporting of admitting conditions, diagnostic coding, and so on.
This isn't a revelation at all.
Fine if you don't want to believe a cabal of globalist sociopaths aren't using the COVID phantom menace to bring about an unprecedented consolidation of power and collapse of privacy, liberty, property rights, and independent state authorities.
It still mean huge numbers of people in everyday positions of authority chose to lie. Chose to cheat. Chose to steal. And chose to DOUBLE AND TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE AND QUINTUPLE DOWN on their lies and denials of guilt to the point that, aided and abetted by the media, the very meaning of 'true' or 'real' or 'scientific' has become lost.
It doesn't have to be a conspiracy. Can we settle for judging it as plain old immoral and criminal behavior?
They're not agnostic incentives. They're incentives to do WRONG. Poor law enforcement increases the incentive to commit crime, as the risk assessment changes. That doesn't mean it stops being crime, or more "understandable" or "forgivable."
Watch the videos of brazen pieces of shit strolling through drug stores filling garbage bags with valuables and walking out the door unaccosted that have become viral now. Does anyone here think that's awesome? Does anyone love that businesses close in their towns and prices go up because there is literally no cost to committing crime?
The people chasing perverse incentives have destroyed your economy, your democracy, and your mental health so they personally can make more money and oppress you to conceal their guilt. They're not rats pressing a button to get cocaine. They're humans exercising the free will to defraud their countrymen and punish others to avoid punishment themselves.